#bcuz I actually want ppl to respond 🥲
I was talking to my manager and he says I need to stop watching “old” horror movies, and start watching modern ones because they are better and “let you show more stuff”. He didn’t elaborate on what that stuff was or what counts as a modern horror movie 💀 but I’m still curious on what others think
[to make it simple I think I’d classify old horror as 1999 and under, then modern horror as 2000 and up 🤷🏿] of course if you have ur own classifications let me know :)
I’m not good at making polls sorry 😅
Idk how to word my opinion, for old movies I know if it was banned and a shop was still selling it they would get raided etc etc. Modern movies I feel like it gets stopped before it even gets made “oh no we can’t put this in, but what about the shareholders the profits!!!”
Also it’s prlly more in depth then this uh so many reasons
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