#be digioriginal dont steal
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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DIGI-ADVS 02 ~ "Chosen Child of Faith" {the precursor to the "REPEAT?_verse}
Hikaru's personality + Characteristics (C) ME / @koushirouizumi {Epilogue!Hikari inspired Look + Outfit by Toei} Hikaru's overall personality was intended slightly more expressive. [Hikaru is in (Junior) High school in "COF"]
"DemiSilVmon" & "DemiGoldVmon" were ideas I had when I was Young Me.
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT Edit} {DO NOT re-produce under ANY Circumstances}
Oh and this is Hikaru's Crest since before 2010 by the way...: {Art by Skye G.} (Yeah, it was also B.S.S.M Inspired) (It was the only Crest with this type of design at time too others did use similar themes but rarely the actual image.)
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The "V" sign is swapped with primary colors intentionally ("red" for SilV = a 'hidden' passionate + fiery side; "blue" for GoldV = a 'hidden' sensitive, compassionate side; SilV is originally overall portrayed as "calm, quiet, sweet" while GoldV is originally portrayed as "outgoing, lively, jokes a lot" but both had 'hidden' sides of them too that would be revealed in time. GoldV's 'Adult'-level form is "GoldVdramon" from the T.C.G.) Silver and Gold V-mon designs in this combination did NOT exist prior to me requesting these arts from people I knew of the time. I know that for a fact because I heavily researched existing 02 sites that existed in the Western fan base during this time-frame. {My site was among the very first 02 O.C.s sites. No one else {almost no one} at time paired their O.C. with Daisuke specifically as a (major) lead} 02 had finished airing. There was at least one other person involving Daisuke in an "FDD" {Fictional Digi-Destined and Dgmn} fic but Daisuke was definitely not the lead, they were more like a "side pairing" {02!Takeru was often heavily the "lead" chara + ship-involved; in old O.C. F.D.D sites.}
SilV's eyes were originally blue; GoldV's green; but lately I've been considering swapping them both to Brown [GoldV was originally meant to parallel GoldV-dramon overall] but I didn't like the bright red eyes that GoldV had in the OG T.C.G back then which was why I chose the same red for SilV's "V" instead. (The vividness of the "red" often was/is a kind that hurts my eyes if I stare at it too hard or long and GoldV-dramon's look was "focused".) Since then a newer one has GoldV-dramon looking more tolerable to me there as the vividness of the eyes isn't as intense as the old art. (SilV meanwhile was meant to show differences to GoldV) {Mainly in personality but also with a different color design!} But GoldVdramon has a new art or two lately I can edit?... SilV's evo line is also different; may or may not have an alt "SilV-dramon" form which doesn't exist officially, but also has an evo line concept {still in development to this day} inspired by {J E W I S H} interpretations of spirits, "angels" and such.)
Hikaru "looks like" Hikari for reasons, but NOT the reasons you're thinking, most likely... (In reality, they do have very obvious differences more up close, which Daisuke will come to recognize over time too.) A notable difference is Hikaru's hair is meant to be overall more obviously curlier and a darker shade, or more like simply Black, than Toei portrayed Hikari as (Since y'know Hikaru is partly based of MeTM and I have such hair...) Back then when I made requests however I wasn't as specific as I should have been, and people I requested from maybe took "looks like Hikari" a bit too literally (not their fault!)
BlackTail icons were edited by ME. (Based on "B.S.S.M" {Luna}) {DO NOT COPY} {DO NOT re-post} Back then I was originally under the impression these Face-blinking icons were free for anyone to use or edit since many J.P.N fan-sites + web-rings of the era did the same with them, but since then I only use things + icons I specifically requested back then.
For example:
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{Spirit Evolution!} I requested this from someone on "With the Will" forum but since then lost their name... This icon is ALSO NOT TO BE USED or re-produced! It was more meant as just a visible representation; GoldV isn't necessarily a "slide" evo of SilV lol. (I was still working on SilV's evolution line concepts!!)
The one of Hikaru with Jounouchi ("Joey") was requested towards the end of my old site being removed during a web-purge, and someone who did art had their requests open. At the time I was also super into Y.G.O D.M. still and thus requested O.C. with my Y.G.O D.M. Fav, also because "COF"'s anniversary was basically Jounouchi's bday. (Jan. 25th circa pre 2010 02 fan-base era)
This is marked 'no rb' for now, but I might make it re-bloggable in the future.
At the time I heavily paired O.C. with eventual Epilogue!Daisuke. Things here with them both were meant as mainly, Friendship and both having mutual starting crushes on each other. (Top left is my edit attempt of 4th img; I was using it for a page to store these requests.) Since the fic takes place jumping around their later high school years, by the middle and end of the wider story, the Epilogue is starting to come into play, but a wider plot is also happening.
This is the fic that spun off my never-ending love for Koushiro (Koushiro's arc was right in the middle of everyone else's; and the development of ideas was IMMENSE from there.) {02 Fan-base has Always Existed!} 2nd by: Tiara 3rd by: Kari A. 5th & 6th by: Alana D. 7th by: Jenn M. 8th by: Liliy
The story has long since been offline; (I might have also lost a final draft of the last chapter... but I do have an original finished draft and thus) 'Parts' of the original plan are being slowly inserted into my Kou+Tai A.U. "The Past World".
ALSO, at some point, I was then diagnosed "A U T I S T I C" and Hikaru TOO was eventually going to be portrayed AS SUCH; but my site got deleted via web-purges and was barely hanging on by threads in my later Angelfire imgs archive :') :')
Sometime after I finished some later schooling I made the "One Week" A.M.V. KouTai + Koushiro in general came back around to TAKE OVER and Koushiro now has starring role too {Koushiro just mainly appears by Koushiro's middle arc!!} (There was buildup in the early arcs for KouTai's story though!)
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{The original design for the Crest by Young!Me.} (You can tell it was by Young!Me because I used M.S. Paint.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{Sighs in Deleted-not-by-Choice 02 O.C.s Site}
(Because 02 Fan-base Existed Before This Site or Twit----)
#koushirouizumi personal#koushirouizumi 02#koushirouizumi own#koushirouizumi oc#coftff#be digioriginal dont steal#digifdds#oc: akuma#oc: angel#oc: goldvmon#oc: silvmon#02 fandom history#koushirouizumi no rb#(It Was Me. I Was There)#(I made probably one of the 1st 02 O.C. Sites I WAS!!! T h e r e)#(I think a few of the ONLY people who beat me to it were one girl shipping their O.C. with post 02!Takeru since 02 had already ended)#(and another who seemed to involve Daisuke in a fic but he definitely wasn't the main 'choice' for a ship and I was like 'EFF THAT')#(Yeah this is the site where both Hikaru and O.C. Shane both originate from and Shane irl was my oldest and very first rp partner)#(If it weren't for Shane existing I honestly wonder if I'd have continued with DigiAdvs as long as I did ..... M a y b e)#(or at least it wouldn't have continued in *the same* ways)#(Like *sometimes I wonder if I dreAMT* existing in 02 fan spaces on LJ but then I remember I *didn't* Dream It)#(THAT'S how *bad* *wider fan base erasure of our fan base's history has gotten* and *I HATE IT SO MUCH*)#(Fun fact : the royalty A.U. KouTai{s} were a spinoff of this site's 'verse{s} Too *because I never finished Koushiros plotline*)#(Anyway eventually I had very kind mutuals who helped remake my icons with much better animations and it's where)#(DemiSilv's on the sidebar of this blog comes from)#(That icon was for ME. It was not for ANYONE else)#(Back then I was under the impression these types of icons were open for use by everyone because I also saw many)#(J.P.N fan web rings using these for their own O.C. edits but now I'm not totally sure so YEAH no rb post for now sorry)#(The BlackTail icons are BSSM inspired and always were and I edited these MYSELF so if you 'want' them I have a piece of advice)#('DON'T')
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