koushirouizumi · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure 02 ~ O.C.s Fanfiction, featuring once-known as "FDD", "Fictional Digidestined & Digimon", or Fictional Chosen Children (using Japanese original terms) ~ "COF:TFF" ({Chosen} of Faith): The Fan Fic +Daisuke is visiting my 02 O.C. Hikaru, (NOT Hikari) {who Daisuke may have (mutual?!) starting crushes with} except meets a 'surprise visitor?' {"Shane!"} instead. {Exact cap of the file on my old C.D.} which has all the pages I could save before webpurges except site images + font colors won't display until I re-create the ENTIRE SITE again.
In the old story Young Me accidentally spelled Michael (American Chosen Child) wrong so it's 'corrected' here, lol. (I was also using "Willis" but since am correcting it to Japanese original canon!"Wallace".) Thus the implication here is Shane apparently 'knows' (of) Michael & Wallace But is it The Case Shane knows them WELL? Dun-dun-dun... "Meanwhile with Daisuke (+Shane)" Mini-Chatstyle Series: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 13 / 14 / 14.5 {Lightly PG-15} / 15 / 16 / 17* (A.U. Spin-off {Digimon x Pokemon Crossover!}) (A.K.A., "The Fate of Four Worlds"/TFOFWVerse) 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31* / 32 {+O.C. Hikaru}: 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40* Psuedo-{+Epilogue} ({*} Marked parts are ongoing/incomplete plotlines!!) ["To Be Continued" Someday, mAYBE...] (It's mostly crack {humor} A.U. spin-offs, 02 Chosen+KouTai also show briefly in-between, Ken->Daisuke<-Hikaru as open relationships (Mains), Ken->DaisukexHikari<-Hikaru is also strongly implied; Takeru/Miyako happened previously in my past fics, but currently mutually unrequited, as they "split" on good terms. (However, Miyako still has "some" feelings to handle re both Takeru and Ken...) {More might come later!} + Kou+Tai in background; are all main featured 'ship's here, but as for KouTai, mostly in the background for now. Hikaru still exists in this too, though, +does appear!)
{More details under the '
Shane did mention another given name here; however, I might pick a different one this time {unsure}
The precursor to the "REPEAT?_Verse" and "The Past World" (Royalty/Clones-verse A.U. timeline spinoffs!) (Hikaru cameos in Chapters 4 + 6 of 'The Past World', it also shows a later section of what would have eventually been part of Koushiro's 'ARC' in my old story, in my later fanfiction 'Infalliable', featuring Daisuke and Koushiro friendship during 'Chosen of Faith'!)
by Young Me circa Pre-2k10 (to eventually be re-written in Full) Or, in which Young Me casually uses foreshadowing to conceal that my O.C. is very much a Very (Mostly) Dead One. {i.e. SHANE answering the door instead of owner of the home}
... Except this may or may not have been on the site. I honesly can't remember, but if SOMEONE remembers seeing this, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING let me know!
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT re-produce under ANY Circumstances!}
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{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (DO NOT re-produce anything on this post under ANY Circumstances)
^ YES, this is my original banner I used on the site back then, in all its badly-edited, badly-autoconverted-to-H.D. graphics glory.
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zoetekohana · 7 years
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@digiotpweek​ ♦ free choice ⤿ Once upon a time there was....
( from All The Lies I Never Told You, by @piedrpiper )
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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DIGI-ADVS 02 ~ "Chosen Child of Faith" {the precursor to the "REPEAT?_verse}
Hikaru's personality + Characteristics (C) ME / @koushirouizumi {Epilogue!Hikari inspired Look + Outfit by Toei} Hikaru's overall personality was intended slightly more expressive. [Hikaru is in (Junior) High school in "COF"]
"DemiSilVmon" & "DemiGoldVmon" were ideas I had when I was Young Me.
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT Edit} {DO NOT re-produce under ANY Circumstances}
Oh and this is Hikaru's Crest since before 2010 by the way...: {Art by Skye G.} (Yeah, it was also B.S.S.M Inspired) (It was the only Crest with this type of design at time too others did use similar themes but rarely the actual image.)
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The "V" sign is swapped with primary colors intentionally ("red" for SilV = a 'hidden' passionate + fiery side; "blue" for GoldV = a 'hidden' sensitive, compassionate side; SilV is originally overall portrayed as "calm, quiet, sweet" while GoldV is originally portrayed as "outgoing, lively, jokes a lot" but both had 'hidden' sides of them too that would be revealed in time. GoldV's 'Adult'-level form is "GoldVdramon" from the T.C.G.) Silver and Gold V-mon designs in this combination did NOT exist prior to me requesting these arts from people I knew of the time. I know that for a fact because I heavily researched existing 02 sites that existed in the Western fan base during this time-frame. {My site was among the very first 02 O.C.s sites. No one else {almost no one} at time paired their O.C. with Daisuke specifically as a (major) lead} 02 had finished airing. There was at least one other person involving Daisuke in an "FDD" {Fictional Digi-Destined and Dgmn} fic but Daisuke was definitely not the lead, they were more like a "side pairing" {02!Takeru was often heavily the "lead" chara + ship-involved; in old O.C. F.D.D sites.}
SilV's eyes were originally blue; GoldV's green; but lately I've been considering swapping them both to Brown [GoldV was originally meant to parallel GoldV-dramon overall] but I didn't like the bright red eyes that GoldV had in the OG T.C.G back then which was why I chose the same red for SilV's "V" instead. (The vividness of the "red" often was/is a kind that hurts my eyes if I stare at it too hard or long and GoldV-dramon's look was "focused".) Since then a newer one has GoldV-dramon looking more tolerable to me there as the vividness of the eyes isn't as intense as the old art. (SilV meanwhile was meant to show differences to GoldV) {Mainly in personality but also with a different color design!} But GoldVdramon has a new art or two lately I can edit?... SilV's evo line is also different; may or may not have an alt "SilV-dramon" form which doesn't exist officially, but also has an evo line concept {still in development to this day} inspired by {J E W I S H} interpretations of spirits, "angels" and such.)
Hikaru "looks like" Hikari for reasons, but NOT the reasons you're thinking, most likely... (In reality, they do have very obvious differences more up close, which Daisuke will come to recognize over time too.) A notable difference is Hikaru's hair is meant to be overall more obviously curlier and a darker shade, or more like simply Black, than Toei portrayed Hikari as (Since y'know Hikaru is partly based of MeTM and I have such hair...) Back then when I made requests however I wasn't as specific as I should have been, and people I requested from maybe took "looks like Hikari" a bit too literally (not their fault!)
BlackTail icons were edited by ME. (Based on "B.S.S.M" {Luna}) {DO NOT COPY} {DO NOT re-post} Back then I was originally under the impression these Face-blinking icons were free for anyone to use or edit since many J.P.N fan-sites + web-rings of the era did the same with them, but since then I only use things + icons I specifically requested back then.
For example:
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{Spirit Evolution!} I requested this from someone on "With the Will" forum but since then lost their name... This icon is ALSO NOT TO BE USED or re-produced! It was more meant as just a visible representation; GoldV isn't necessarily a "slide" evo of SilV lol. (I was still working on SilV's evolution line concepts!!)
The one of Hikaru with Jounouchi ("Joey") was requested towards the end of my old site being removed during a web-purge, and someone who did art had their requests open. At the time I was also super into Y.G.O D.M. still and thus requested O.C. with my Y.G.O D.M. Fav, also because "COF"'s anniversary was basically Jounouchi's bday. (Jan. 25th circa pre 2010 02 fan-base era)
This is marked 'no rb' for now, but I might make it re-bloggable in the future.
At the time I heavily paired O.C. with eventual Epilogue!Daisuke. Things here with them both were meant as mainly, Friendship and both having mutual starting crushes on each other. (Top left is my edit attempt of 4th img; I was using it for a page to store these requests.) Since the fic takes place jumping around their later high school years, by the middle and end of the wider story, the Epilogue is starting to come into play, but a wider plot is also happening.
This is the fic that spun off my never-ending love for Koushiro (Koushiro's arc was right in the middle of everyone else's; and the development of ideas was IMMENSE from there.) {02 Fan-base has Always Existed!} 2nd by: Tiara 3rd by: Kari A. 5th & 6th by: Alana D. 7th by: Jenn M. 8th by: Liliy
The story has long since been offline; (I might have also lost a final draft of the last chapter... but I do have an original finished draft and thus) 'Parts' of the original plan are being slowly inserted into my Kou+Tai A.U. "The Past World".
ALSO, at some point, I was then diagnosed "A U T I S T I C" and Hikaru TOO was eventually going to be portrayed AS SUCH; but my site got deleted via web-purges and was barely hanging on by threads in my later Angelfire imgs archive :') :')
Sometime after I finished some later schooling I made the "One Week" A.M.V. KouTai + Koushiro in general came back around to TAKE OVER and Koushiro now has starring role too {Koushiro just mainly appears by Koushiro's middle arc!!} (There was buildup in the early arcs for KouTai's story though!)
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{The original design for the Crest by Young!Me.} (You can tell it was by Young!Me because I used M.S. Paint.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 days
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02
Inter-national Chosen Shane: ... Daisuke: .... Both: ...... Shane: ...Well, this is it. Daisuke & Shane, facing a coffin: Shane: I asked my former local rabbi to prepare it 'all' beforehand. Even though I hadn't been their student for over ten years... they remembered me and agreed. So it was prepared "without question" from anyone in the "real" world questioning my origins. Daisuke: ... Shane: Once I cross a certain distance, I'm gone for good, so I won't be a bother to you (or Ken) anymore. Daisuke: But, (referring to Inter-national Chosen, Shane's friend and Daisuke's current partner) Hikaru--- Shane: We already discussed the potential outcomes. Hikaru's upset too, I know... but Hikaru said Hikaru would support me no matter what. ... (You know that too, Yes?) Daisuke, Did Know if Vaguely: (Frustrated Internal Sigh) Shane: So, when I walk over around that kind of distance, (waves hand vaguely) I'll likely just vanish in a blip. Because I'm not "going to the other side". Shane: I'm "returning to the ground". Daisuke: I know... I get it... Just.... Shane: ..You brought the stones, right?? Daisuke, Showing a couple: Yeah... Hikaru picked one out- SHANE: Shane: ...Tell Hikaru "thanks" again for me too. Daisuke: I Will. Shane: ...(Slow lop-sided smirk)-- Shane: And... "Thanks" for being a Host that was worth ""haunting"" for a while. (It wasn't actual 'haunting' but) DAISUKE: Daisuke: ...Y-You know, you don't REALLY have to go? We still have room, and Ken's perfectly fine with cooking for you too if you stay physical, and-- Shane: But that's the point, we don't KNOW if I'll be able to stay physical much longer... Daisuke: I KNOW but-- Shane: ... Before that happens, I think it'd be nicer to choose for myself "how". Daisuke: ... ... ... Daisuke, Slowly: ...It was fun. Being ""haunted"". Even if that wasn't "really it" in... (your culture). Shane: Yeah. Shane: ... So, here goes, then... (Remember to place the stones after). DAISUKE, HAD THEM rEADY BUT: (W-wAIT--) SHANE, Already Floating Closer at a Steadily Increasing Pace if Carefully: .... ... ... sHANE, SUDDENLY PULLING BACK: !!!!!! DAISUKE: (?????) SHANE, WHIPPING AROUND: (You CAN'T be serious.) dAISUKE: {GENUINELY SURPRISED} (WHAT????) SHANE: (It wasn't exactly a "zap", but I froze in place temporarily...) It's... blocking me. DAISUKE: ..... (But... you were close to--??!) S H A N E: {STARING HARD NEAR DAISUKE'S DIRECTION} DAISUKE: (...ARE YOU KIDDING?????)
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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{C.O.F.T.F.F.} ("Chosen of Faith") ~ Page 40 -> Page 47 + Taichi (+Bonus COFTFF!Koushiro/my older Koushiro writing) & O.C. Hikaru - Hikari's Arc
to SAVE Hikari and DAISUKE, ALL RIGHT?" - TAICHI, to Hikaru
{Originally written: pre 2k11~}
{Fic I was writing back before I understood more about my own A u t i s m}
#fdd#fictional digidestined#hikaru and silvmon#chosen of faith: the fan fic#coftffverse#coftff taichi#coftff koushiro#coftff daisuke#daikaru#daisuke x hikaru#coftff taichi and hikari#taichi and hikaru#koushiro and hikaru#gold and silver d3#(Takeru is calling Ken 'Ken-kun' here because Miyakos friendship had progressed with both Ken and Takerus in general)#(thus Ken is kind of adjacent to Takeru because of their relationships with Miyako)#({Miyakeru are also still psuedodating Here})#(but iirc Takeru isnt using this for Ken even by The Beginning but I also have to listen to it AGAIN)#(This was my SUPER EARLY KOUSHIRO WRITING Y E L L S I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS COMING FOR ME)#(I had Koushiro be Cool and offer to Hikaru to go through the P.C. because Koushiro being Fellow @utistic KNOWS its Difficult Getting Home)#(and Koushiro was also aware enough to know Hikaru would probably be too nervous to go home alone when it was so late)#(because Hikaru would be walking on foot and NOT D r i v i n g)#(ANYWAY YOUNG MEs CHARACTERIZATION OF TAICHI WAS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CORRECT THANKYOU B Y E)#({I still really like this section and might keep it as is if adding in a few or handful of lines in a potential rewrite})#coftff spoilers#repeatverse spoilers#(are both tags Id be using for this series though its technically 'COF{TFF}-Verse' made LONG before Repeatverse stuff)#({'Healing Wand' is a parody of BSSMs Moon Stick aka Crescent Moon Wand aka Moon Healing Escalation ability in Digi-form})#(Essentially it basically 'reformats' Virus type Digimon and any Dark form Digimon in the series IF they can get into positions to USE IT)#(So even tho it was called 'Healing' its more like REFORMATTING em back into Data or Vaccine types but some RESIST&Good At Heart Still)
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs {+02} O.C.s
SHANE, FINALLY... Reaching Hikaru's home: (At night) Shane, properly standing outside Hikaru's home: Shane: S h a n e: (*quiet but firm knocking, enough that it won't wake Hikaru's whole family up, but likely Hikaru will hear, because*) SHANE: (*KNOWS Hikaru is a Night Owl*)--- Hikaru, Right on Cue: (*Opening... Door*) ... SHANE: ... HIKARU: ... Hikaru: O-Oh! You're here... Shane: ... Yeah. Hikaru, Concerned: ...Is something happening? Shane: ... Kind of. It'll take way too long to explain, but... Shane: ... I wanted to let you know first. Hikaru: ... Hikaru: OK. Do you want to come insid--- Shane, Unnerved at thought: Just here is fine. Hikaru: We can sit here, then. (*sits on steps*) Shane, following, Sitting Next To: ... Hikaru: I heard a little of what was happening before, but as for "now"... Shane: I know. Shane: ... I... have to go away for a bit again. Hikaru: ... Hikaru: "A bit"? (Not A Short Time?) Shane: ... Yeah. (Not A Short Time.) Hikaru, letting out a small breath: ... I see. Shane: ... You deserve to know. Before I... leave again. I'm sorry I... couldn't tell you before. Hikaru: HIKARU: I don't like that. Shane: ... Uh?? (*sTARTLE, BLINK*)-- H I K A R U: YOU'RE the one who died. HIKARU: You didn't deserve any of that!! It's not your fault that happened to you...!! ! Hikaru: ... Shane: ... Shane: Y-Yeah. Hikaru: I kept waiting. A long time... all through the end of elementary and middle school... waiting to see if you'd reach out online again. And when you didn't... Hikaru: I assumed "something" must have happened to you. Hikaru: So I researched. A lot. I kept up with coding, even if I wasn't sure it'd be completely helpful in locating you. But I realized... Hikaru: I actually grew to enjoy it on my own, too. So I kept pursuing it for myself. Shane: ...Yeah. You had a lot of fun with that site. HIKARU: AND talking to you!! SHANE: ... Hikaru: It was really fun. I think it was some of the most fun of my life so far... and, you "mean" something to me, too. In a unique but "different" way... but "different" from what a lot may perceive that as... does that make sense?? Shane: ... Yeah. (*Nodding*) It does. Shane: And... I'm kind of grateful, too. Hikaru: ... ??? Shane: The "bond" I have with you is important to me too... and I don't want to lose you... Because... I don't think I could stand to lose someone important (again). Hikaru, Never completely learnt about Shane's past relations: ... Shane: But... if you ever have to go somewhere someday... its fine. (I'll be ok. WE'LL Be OK.) Hikaru, smiling: ... The same for you. SHANE: ... Hikaru: ..But you know which e-mail address YOU can reach me at. Shane: (... -- Hikaru still has it.) Hikaru: It never got deleted in all those purges. (*Light laughter*) We saved yours, too... in case you needed it again. SHANE: ... I do. Need. That. Hikaru: For what you're about to do? Shane: YEAH... Hikaru: Let's reinstate it, then. But... you'll have something tying you to "this world" again. SHANE: It's ok. Do it. Please. Hikaru: You don't even need to ask! Shane: (I wanted to.) {Watching as Hikaru sets Shane's old address back up} Hikaru: So.... "Skateboard"... and the numbers. SHANE, GROANING INTERNALLY: I'm sorry it was so standard. (I can't even skateboard now. And it's not like I was really great at it before.) Hikaru: It's ok. I liked typing it out! SHANE: ... (This is why it was nice talking to Hikaru.) (Among... elsewise) SHANE: ... If it's done... Yeah... I have to go. Hikaru: I know. Shane: ... This will probably always be happening to me in some way, but... I'll always try to come back. Hikaru: I know! Hikaru: See you ... next year? Shane: I'll try. For "next year". And... Hikaru: ??? Shane, fading out: Tell DAISUKE and Ken I still need to finish playing against them in their "game"! SHANE, HOLDING UP DIGIVICE: AND I'LL WIN "THIS ONE"! SHANE, In OTHER hAND, Holding TAICHI+DAISUKEs GOGGLES: (*one-handed PUTS ON*) HIKARU, LAUGHING, HOLDING UP D3 IN SILVER, GOLD AND PINK, & PHONE DIGIVICE TOO: I WILL!! SHANE (+HIKARU, IN MIND): "DIGITAL GATE, OPEN!!!"
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 O.C.s [& Shane], featuring Daisuke & ... ??
{O.C.} GoldVmon: So, HOW do we "get out of here", then? (*referring to "The Void" GoldVmon & Co. are stuck in*) Inter-national O.C. Chosen Shane: Back when I "got out" the first time... (Frowning in Contemplation) Shane's Mon: It is perhaps a bit like "wishing"-- GoldVmon: Oh, I know how to do that!! Like when I wish for more chocolate and Hikaru's family's cooking!! Shane, rather avoids Rich sweetness (but also just kind of Awkward Responding): Shane's Mon: Shane's Mon: ...Or perhaps a bit more like "communing". For example, if you express your feelings in such a way as to "convey" them to--- Shane: (Convey my feelings?? WhyThisTM) GoldVmon: Oh! I can do that too!! LIKE, "I WANT TO SEE HIKARU, I WANT TO SEE HIKARU, I WANT TO SEE HIKARU, I WANT TO SEE HIKARU!" Something like 'that', right?!?? SHANE: Shane's Mon: Shane's Mon, hinting to Shane: If you perhaps have trouble expressing yourself verbally, you could also relate your feelings along the lines of emotiona-- SHANE, tAKING DEEP Breath: (I want to see Hikaru.) SHANE'S MON: S H A N E *IN MIND*: (I want to see Hikaru. I want to see Hikaru. I want to see Hikaru. I WANT TO SEE HIKARU IWANTTOSEEHIKARU I WWWWANTTOSEE HIKARU) GoldVmon, JOINING in, chanting along with Shane's 'thoughts' even if GoldVmon cant hear it But Maybe Has An Idea: "I want to see Hikaru I want to see Hikaru I want to see Hikaru I WANT TO SEE HIKARU /I WANT TO SEE/" SHANE & GOLDVMON: ("HIKARU"!!!) A CRACK in The Void: (*OPENING*) SHANE, SHANE'S MON & GOLDVMON: ???!!?! DAISUKE: WHOA, what is all this?!?? HIKARU, clinging to Daisuke's arm as an immense whirlwind instantly kicked up around them all: Daisuke, we HAVE to get back--!! SHANE & GOLDVMON: SHANE: HEY, DAISUKE, HIKARU - grab on--!! Daisuke: HUH?!? Who are -- oh, it's you - I met you way back then--!! (Struggling to speak among wind) SHANE: That doesn't matter right now, just grab on, or you'll get flung into "The Void"!! Hurry!! GoldVmon: HIKARU!!! DAISUKE!! (*Holding out Hand*) Hikaru: ?!!??! (*in pure SHOCK*) Hikaru: GoldVmon?! How?!!... (*the sudden kick of realization as Shane is in view*) - SHANE?!??-- Daisuke: Hikaru, they're helping, let's do it--! Hikaru: Hikaru: ...OK! (*grabs Shane's hand, holding onto Daisuke with other*) DAISUKE: Great, thanks!! (*grabs GoldVmon's other hand*) So what's going on here?!! Shane, yelling over wind: This place is "The Void", it's like "Limbo" but worse!! You're here because something harmed you while you were Digitized, so we've got to get you back out before it's too late-!! Hikaru, Looking at Daisuke: ...Daisuke, I don't really remember what was happening just before, but, you activated the Digimental of Miracles...- SHANE'S MON: DAISUKE: The enemy's attack was headed for us, we were falling, we had no choice!! If we kept falling we'd be destroyed already!! (I Didn't Want to Use it But I HAD TO!!) Hikaru: But you don't have your Crest yet--!! Daisuke: I know, but Shane was your friend, maybe these people can help us get out from here, then--!! SHANE: SHANE'S MON: ... SHANE'S MON: (I suppose it's time to reveal my true form.) SHANE, Noticing Something's Up: ...?!! Shane: (What's wron--) SHANE'S MON, SHIFTING: ALL: ?!???!?
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
O.C. Shane, sitting in the kitchen of Daisuke & Kens place: ... Ken, noticing Shane's up: Ken: What's wrong? (You didn't sleep again.) Shane: Can't sleep. Sorry. Shane: I don't need a bed tonight, I'll just sleep on the couch. (Again) Ken: ... Ken: Wait here a minute. (Comes back holding a cup of warm milk) Daisuke said you like this. Shane: ... Shane: Thanks. (Takes cup) (Waiting for it to cool off because its still way too hot, but secretly grateful.) ... Ken, Knowingly: Do you want to talk about something? Shane: Not really. But... Shane: Daisuke and Hikaru... they're not... Ken: Married, no. (*Sits down across from Shane*) Hikaru-san wanted to wait and think about it, and Daisuke doesn't mind at all. Shane: ... Ken: Daisuke's {now} the type who will respect Hikaru-san's decision no matter what Hikaru-san chooses. Because Daisuke is never the type to actually pressure someone into something they don't want to do. Shane: I know that. Ken: .. That includes you, you know. Shane, sipping milk: Ken: Shane: I know Daisuke's - and you both - are giving me space. .. Thanks. Ken: It's no problem at all. Ken: Daisuke - and Hikaru-san - gave me a lot of space too. (So I want to pay the same kind of respect forward.) Shane, picking up on Hidden conext without actually in depth Context: ... Shane, has watched Ken converse with Hikaru (and Daisuke) from the Void past a certain point: ... Shane: You've been really cool to Hikaru. ..Thanks. Ken: Ken: (Well, Hikaru was good to me, but even if Hikaru wasn't...) Shane: ... You don't live in 'that' other area anymore, right? (Is it ok for me to ask...) Ken, affirmative: No. I came here to be closer to the rest of the team, (...and Daisuke) so I didn't always have to be travelling. (Every single time new enemies showed up...) Shane: ... What if you had to leave suddenly? K E N: Ken: We'd find our ways. Koushiro-san, Takeru-san, and ... Miyako-... are great at keeping us informed through The Network, and the blog. It's much easier now to stay in touch than it was around 2002, or even 2005. SHANE: ... Shane: (It didn't completely answer my question, but...) Yeah, I Know about The Network. (I used it during its "primitive" time.) But would you stay here--? KEN: Yes. SHANE: Ken: There's really no need for us to be so separated anymore, when messaging has advanced, and all of our homes are open to each other as needed, especially during emergencies. Shane: ... (But would you stay here)-- KEN: Daisuke said the the same to me. SHANE: Ken: I thank you for your concern, but I'll be fine. Shane: No, it's good... (*stands up*) I'm done with the drink, thanks. KEN: ... Again - all of our homes are open to you. SHANE: I know. KEN: And you have all of our numbers. SHANE: I know. KEN: (Shane's vulnerable without Shane's partner, and there's no telling what the Void will do to Shane's mind at any given moment when Shane's alone.) I know you like to do things on your own... but if no one else can help, call me. SHANE: Shane: (... They really mean it, huh.) Yeah, fine. (It may not be that easy, but...) Well, I'm going to (try to) sleep. (*Makes a half-show of getting ready to lie down on couch.*) KEN: (Hopefully Shane can actually get some SLEEP now. ... I hope Shane's there when we're up...)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
O.C. Hikaru, laughing gently with Daisuke as Hikaru's walking up, only to suddenly freeze in place when seeing: O.C. Shane, raising hand: ...Hey. ... Hikaru, Blinking: Hikaru, Slowly: You ... look older! SHANE: Shane, murmuring just loud enough: The Void and I really seemed to be in agreement that "mental age" as a concept doesn't have much worth to me... Daisuke & Ken, Exchanging Glances: Shane, Taking In Hikaru's Appearance: ... Shane: (It's summer, and its hot, so it makes sense when one would want to wear kimono or more specifically yukata instead, but...) Shane: ... You're wearing a-- Hikaru: Hmm, this? Well... DAISUKE, (+EXPRESSION) FREEZING IN PLACE: Ken, Casually Looking Off To The Side: Hikaru: It was from a local maker, so I bought it... Shane: ... It looks... Nice. DAISUKE: ... Shane: -- I mean it, it does. Hikaru: Hikaru, laughing: You're wearing yours, too. SHANE: (It's one I've had ever since back then...) Shane: Patrick went to pick it up for me, but had to leave for work again before it got dark, so... Hikaru: Oh... (Patrick's not here..) in that case.. HIKARU, GRASPING SHANE'S HAND: SHANE, DAISUKE, KEN: HIKARU, lowering voice so only the group can hear: ... When we get a chance, maybe we can duck into one of the arcades? I know the event is ongoing right now, but... Hikaru: ... I really missed our "challenges". Daisuke, Looking At Ken: (C-Challen--) SHANE: ... I don't mind if they don't mind waiting up for me. Hikaru, laughing: I'm with Daisuke for now, so it's fine!! DAISUKE: (h IKARUUUU----) Hikaru, leaning forward a bit, murmuring just more so Shane can hear: Seriously... Hikaru: I'm really happy you're here right now. Shane: Hikaru, FIRMLY: ... So let's make sure to go back together before it's too late, ok? Shane: . . . Yeah. SHANE'S MON: (Well, it took you around 10 or some years, but you finally managed it...? ??) SHANE: (Aren't you going to say "hi" too?? ?) SHANE'S MON: (Now might not be the time.) {Fades} Hikaru: Anyhow... let's get going!! Shane, Daisuke, & Ken: (This Will Be A Night.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, sitting off to the side inside a ramen stall during the Obon festival: (...) That Voice at The Back of Shane's Mind, Which Is Totally Not Shane's Mon speaking from The Void, eventually, Speaking Up: (You're sulking.) SHANE: Shane: (I Am Not.) Shane's Mon: (You're scared at the thought of meeting Hikaru again, even when all the conditions are, in actuality, quite good. Aside from the possible return of your earlier "Issue"...) SHANE: Shane: (I think I'm more scared at the thought of seeing Hikaru NOT wearing pants. Or at least, what we looked like while we were stuck in the Digital World together for what felt like *years*.) Shane's Mon: SHANE'S MON: (You're worried your relationship will change because so much time has passed, and Hikaru will abandon you despite the close partnership from before.) SHANE: Shane's Mon: (Why do you believe Hikaru would abandon you, when Hikaru never showed any such ill feelings towards you before? You two saved the worlds together, even "back then". Hikaru is not one to throw that kind of partnership away so easily.) Shane: ... {I Don't Want To Say They're Right But} DAISUKE, BURSTING IN: SHANE: (Sits) (Doesn't Budge An Inch) DAISUKE: OI, YOU--- SHANE: (Turning, Casually/lazily) What. DAISUKE: Daisuke: ... Listen, you, we were going to invite you anyway! HIKARU'S (EMPHASIZED) meeting up with us tonight and-! KEN, Casually: We brought you an extra yukata, if you want one for tonight. SHANE: Shane: My kimono's at .. home. Patrick can pick it up for me before it gets late. (Goes back to meal) DAISUKE & KEN, EXCHANGING GLANCES: Ken: (Nods; "Shane's telling the truth") Daisuke: ... Well, uh, then, HIKARU will be here tonight, and Hikari-chan's coming later too, and when that happens, we're all going back TOGETHER. Yeah, that's DEFINITELY what's going to happen!! DAISUKE, TAKING A SEAT RIGHT NEXT TO SHANE: Ken: ... (Sits next to Shane on opposite end.) SHANE: Shane's Mon: (They're worried about you wandering around alone during Obon after you ran off earlier.) SHANE: (I KNOW.) Shane's Mon: (At least Ken's not as upset anymore.) SHANE: (INTERNAL GROAN) Shane's Mon: (Now you just have to survive meeting Hikaru without accidentally causing the ends of the worlds again.) SHANE: (STOP REMINDING ME!!!!) SHANE'S MON: (Well, it's a bit quiet in the Void without you...) S H A N E: (YOU could come out from the Void once in a while.) SHANE'S MON: Shane's Mon: (It is not possible at this time.) Shane's Mon: {Voice Slowly Fades} SHANE: Shane: (Sighs) (I'll figure out what I can do for it Later.) Shane: (For now, I have to get through a whole night of Obon fesitival, and... These Two.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
(My O.C. Hikaru, Silver Chibimon, & Gold Chibimon's profiles are up!) {These are re-done profile pages for a revival of my 02 web-shrine!}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 & O.C.s
DemiGoldVmon: D'you think Hikaru will like Daisuke's present?? (Fretting a Bit) DemiSilVmon, Not Quite Getting It Yet But: Sure she will, they're really close after all!!! DemiSilVmon: Besides, the present is (actually) cute! {can tell it's Hikaru relevant} DemiGoldVmon: I hope it'll be all right.. (Chibimon's worried too but is hanging with the rest...) DemiSilVmon: Let's just watch over her for now! DemiGoldVmon: .. Yeah, I'm kind of pooped after that battle! (Tired Whines but Then) It was cool at the end when "that boy" Hikaru knew and that other one showed up! What was its name again?? Something like "P"... "Pii-ka"?? DemiSilVmon: I was already Evolved so I was kind of really busy fighting!... But yeah, they helped! They made a really good team with Daisuke and Vmon too!! Especially when they Evolved! DemiGoldVmon, Nodding: Yeah, I want to thank those guys later!! It helped me out by the time I was joining in too, since I can't Evolve yet and there were so many Adult levels around!! DemiSilVmon, musing: Come to think of it, though, I didn't see them hanging around back with everyone else at the house. Maybe they went back home?... DemiGoldVmon, deflating: Maybe... O.C. Shane, Sighing as GoldVmon later joins Shane in Floating Endlessly in a Digital Void: (He had no idea Pika*** was camouflaging itself.) Shane: (And apparently I was not just "part Digital" but "DEAD" and when I "disappeared" {at the end} I was being dragged back into the Void {Death} again) Shane: (But I didn't KNOW IT At the Time) Shane: (I DID get to mess with Daisuke one more time at least by the end but I didn't get to See Hikaru...) Shane's Mon: (So, whoever did "this" to you essentially "killed you" for "some reason". Almost as if to "prevent" you from "being around"... {Hikaru}??) SHANE: (And now GoldVmon {Hikaru's 2nd 'Mon} is here.) Shane's Mon: (What are you going to Do?) SHANE: ... Shane: (In retrospect I'm not completely sure what I CAN do.) Shane's Mon: (Well, you Got Out of Here Before...) SHANE: Shane: (Are you Implying something?) Shane's Mon: (...You could try the same Again.) S H A N E:
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02's Daisuke+Co. & KouTai [and some O.C.s]
Koushiro: I could try cleaning up the picture a bit, but it might prove "difficult". It's pretty small, and... "low quality." (Showing others Again) Koushiro: We may not get as much "detail" as we hope. But based on this alone, we can "see" some obvious details already. Koushiro: They have dark (Black) hair, dark (Brown) eyes... The hair is a little "spiky" at the ends, but not overly so. (*Pointed Blinking*) It's just how it naturally falls. They're short... and small of build. Maybe somewhat wider shoulder width than {mine} the average person we'd know... Taichi: (I wonder if they played sports at all?) Daisuke, muttering to Taichi: (They said they weren't very "sporty". I think they might have ONCE though, but it's probably not "just because" of that... not like your training) Koushiro: ...And they wear all black. (*Showing*) Chosen not Koushiro: (Like a 'goth'.) Hikaru, Staring: Hikaru: It's true Shane wore black often back then, but sometimes wore blue jeans and the like too... Miyako: That's still very ("goth") like that, though!! Iori: They might stick out in a crowd in Odaiba... it'd look out of place at my residence and the dōjō too, if my family didn't "know" you all already. Daisuke: Yeah, but this was in the U.S. Hikaru: I did live there when I was younger, but we moved by the time I entered high school... that's when I met you. My old friends and some family are still there but... (*trails off*) Daisuke: (Hikaru doesn't understand why someone looking like Hikaru's long time childhood *online* 'mutual' Shane would still be tied "there" instead of "here". Hikaru might still not believe it's them...) SHANE: ... Shane: (/I'm close enough I can touch Hikaru./) Shane: (I saw Hikaru "in-between" but even now Hikaru looks a bit different...) Shane, carefully reaching a hand out, trying to gently touch at the ends of Hikaru's curly hair... suddenly half-Physical: SHANE: (!!!) (*FADES*) HIKARU: !! I Felt something?? (Just... now?) Hikari: What happened?? Hikaru: From the back, I felt "something"... TAICHI, Looking at Daisuke: DAISUKE, LOOKING BACK: (I don't think Hikaru would mind if Shane "revealed" themself now, but Hikaru might get emotional...) SHANE, Digitally floating back and higher, "out of sight": (I'm Not Going To) Wormmon, nudging Ken, noticing Tailmon staring INTENTLY at said spot: KEN: ... Ken, Looking at Daisuke: You said you actually "saw" or encountered someone like this person? Daisuke, Nervous Laughing: It's A Long Story But Hikaru: But Shane disappeared over 10 years ago... Koushiro: Do you remember any other specific details? Hikaru: Shane suddenly stopped coming to the local synagogue's services, which was suspicious even for Shane... once people there and Shane's family realized Shane was truly missing and not just "off on Shane's own", they put out a notice. But not even Shane's few family members left there could find Shane after, and the room was "spotless". I didn't find out until the news showed the report... Ken, Quiet: ...Like when I... left. Hikaru, still doesn't know Everything from when Ken was the Kaiser but had Ideas since they had some private Talks: Maybe... but there were no signs of struggle, and not even a message left... just that the computer chair was pushed back a little, and the screen was "on". But all it even showed was part of the desktop. And the Internet browser was open, but not on any page. Just the default. Like Shane was only just logging in and hadn't actually started using it yet. (We e-mailed back and forth a lot...) Koushiro: There's still a chance something to do with the Digital World happened, but... Daisuke, Didn't Tell them Shane Has A Partner: KEN, Looking at Daisuke: (We Need To Talk.) DAISUKE: (Later!!) SHANE: (...) (Oh, so that's Daisuke's other Queer-platonic Life partner.) (I recognize them now.) (They had a cool Partner 'Mon and helped Daisuke out a lot as support back then. But they're... kind of Stiff.) SHANE: (I'm {probably} going to have to keep this up for a while...)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02's Daisuke+Co. [and some O.C.s]
O.C. 'Mon, in clear Hebrew: "BE NOT AFRAID", I AM--- International O.C. Chosen Shane, Floating, ALSO in clear Hebrew: Cut out the theatrics, I KNOW I'M "Like That" right now--- O.C. 'Mon, Who Might Also Just Be Messing With Partner Because: (I don't "always" say it.) Shane: (I Know) (even if others don't) Shane: (but Come On) My head feels like it's splitting already... O.C. 'Mon, Following: You're in "The Void" again. (I'm surprised you can even "feel" anything right now.) Shane: I KNOW. I'm trying to GET OUT Again. ("Look, Its probably A Sensory Thing. Maybe its Digital Stimuli, who knows, but I Sure Don--") O.C. 'Mon: While I could help you, it would require- Shane: The possible destruction of the Worlds if Hashem actually gets involved. I Know. LOOK I'll Just (*FLOATS*) (*Floats More*)-- (*Floaaats*) Shane: This is ridiculous... O.C. 'Mon: May I ask "what happened" This Time? Shane, Exhausted Floating backwards: I pushed "someone" out of the way of a moving truck. O.C. 'Mon: "Someone". ("Not {O.C.} Hikaru"?) Shane: (I still can't reach Hikaru, So) O.C. 'Mon: You'd need that "Someone", if not someone Else, to establish a connection that could "bring you back" to your connection to your specific "Earth" from the Digital realm. Perhaps, by--- DAISUKE, SHOUTING: DIGITAL GATE OPEN!! DAISUKE: DIGITAL GATE OPEN DAISUKE: *DIGITAL GATE OPEN!!!!* Daisuke: Why won't it worK--- SHANE: Shane: (I guess I should have expected this but---) O.C. 'Mon: There is the "connection" you need. If I am not of need, I will see you "later". Shane: right. Later-- (*Digital form getting pulled through the Void*) (*EXPLETIVES---*) DAISUKE: (WHOA) Shane, "Digitally" laid out across Daisuke's lap as if Shane would be normally, in Japanese: Do you always "panic" like that when these things Happen??? Shane, in Mind: (It saved my "life" just now that Daisuke Tried, though.) Shane, Tiredly: What if you hadn't been able to establish the connection and "something ELSE" happe- DAISUKE, Who Totally Didn't Try The Exact Same Thing When Hikari Went Missing Back Then: LOOK you're here *NOW* SO--- (Wait, you knew Japanese??!?--) (I spoke English the WHOLE time except at the start--) Shane: (Wait until Daisuke realizes I AND my Partner 'Mon also know Hebrew.) Shane: (Ugh) (I Am) ... (How do I 'sit up'.) DAISUKE: Uh, so (*shifts... away*) Maybe I can?-- (*holds out hand???*) Shane: (I'm supposed to be Digital---) (*reaches*) DAISUKE+SHANE: SHANE, SEMI-PHYSICAL: (WHAT...) DAISUKE: WAIT, I should-- (*TAKES OUT DIGIVICE*) SHANE, AUTOMATICALLY: It won't WOrK--- DAISUKE: (*SNAPS on Cell-Digivice*) But I gotta get this to Koushiro and Ken!!-- {AND "Hikaru-chan"} SHANE, GLITCHING WorSE: (*SIGH*) Daisuke: ... Its blurry. Daisuke: But you're half-here in frONT OF Me--- Shane: That's the best you'll get at this-- (*wobbles in and out Digitally while half-falling*) SHANE: (*EXPLETIVES---*) Shane: Is that really the first thing you do?!?? Daisuke: (But they'll NEED IT---) VMON: DAISUKE SHANE: (*Fades*) VMON, Distressed for being Late to help: DAISUKE, WHAT HAPPEN--- DAISUKE: (I HAVEN'T TOLD VMON) Um, well-- Vmon: Who were you talking to?!??! Daisuke: UM (*shows... pic*) Pic: (*is low quality 90s-esque .jpg AF*) VMON: ... (*Suspicious Looks @ Daisuke*) Why is it so blurry?!?? DAISUKE: Listen, Vmon, I'm OK, Its a Long Story, we HAVE to get this to Koushiro--- (*SENDS*) SHANE, Trying Very Hard To Not Phase In Physically or make self Obvious to nearby Humans: (Why.) {To Be Continued, Maybe}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meawhile with DigiAdvs 02's Daisuke+Co. [and some O.C.s]
Inter-national Chosen Shane, Chinhanding @ Daisuke, Literally (in Digital-esque Form): So, tell me about your - Shane, Pausing: Well, only if you want -- Shane: Your Queer-platonic Poly-cule. DAISUKE: (*SIGH*) Shane: I was genuinely curious, but-- Daisuke: No, it's fine, Just Daisuke, Thinking: ...Well, Ken happened "later". A bit "later". Shane: right. Daisuke: But we weren't "in" this... "partnership" yet. Daisuke: Things didn't actually *start* happening more until high school. But right before, I was on-again, off-again with... Shane: It wasn't {Mutual O.C.} Hikaru, right? Daisuke: No, but, Hikari-chan. SHANE, Eyebrows raising: "Hikari"-chan. Shane: (Wait, now that I recall, I do think Hikaru said the name "Hikari" some times too. So they're the one who looked close to Hikaru... or Hikaru looked close to them. But Hikaru's very different too.) Daisuke: Yeah. Taichi's little sibling. But we're in the same grade and always sat by each other early on so... Shane: You genuinely "fell" for Hikari. Daisuke: Yeah. (Wait) You're not giving Hikari an honorific, either?!? Shane, Casually moving on: So you fell for Hikari and then also met Ken? DAISUKE: HEY, you *should* be using -chan for-- Shane: Koushiro doesn't. Technically (Koushiro uses -san even for Hikari.) Daisuke: *Koushiro* is *Koushiro*!! YOU-- (You're not even using -san!!!) Shane: When I meet Hikari I'll give what we feel is appropriate. (Maybe) Shane, Casually moving on: I "saw" a small bit involving "Ken" but it wasn't a lot. Just that "Ken" often looked pretty shell-shocked back there when things got "bad". But you also mentioned Ken was "doing better lately". Daisuke: Ye ahhh. Ken . Improved. A Lot Shane: "Improved"-- Daisuke: It's Ken's business, Ken's taking care of it. Anyway, Ken joined about halfway through the year '02 later on. By about the end of summer. And we, well, a lot of Things Happened and now our partners can "Jogress Evolution". Shane: I never heard of that... it didn't exist when I *was* a Chosen. Daisuke: Daisuke: (Yeah, it really didn't. {"Technically?"} Taichi and the rest had heard of it, but only very recently before Ken and I did.) It's when two 'Mons combine because their partners' hearts become one-- Shane: Shane: ... (Quiet) Shane: I don't like that. Daisuke, SHOCK MOMENT: Huh? Shane, Digitally floating backwards: I don't need to "combine" my "heart" with another person's to "Evolve". I'm fine as "we" (implying partner) Are. Daisuke: ...But if you don't want to... there has to be other ways to Evolve, right? Koushiro's been researching some other -- "methods" lately, too. They've just been harder to "reach", for us, but. Shane: If it was another "method" I wouldn't mind. I just like being "Like This". Daisuke: ... Even if "Hikaru" was your partner? Shane: Shane, snorting: Hikaru has all Hikaru's friends to Jogress with. If Hikaru wanted. (...And *you* if there can be more than one.) We were "close", but... I hadn't seen Hikaru in years. Since you all graduated University, even longer. Daisuke: ... (I don't think Hikaru would mind... and *I wouldn't*--?? but. Wait did I just think tha-) So, you mean it when you say you're fine "like this". Shane: Yeah.(*floats*) I seem to be having trouble fixing "this" as it is. Daisuke: We're going to fix that, you know-- Shane: Yeah, now that *I* contacted Koushiro (via Ken) for you. Daisuke: I mean I am, too!! Shane: But even if I WAS "human" again-- Daisuke: OK, OK, I believe you. You're... Daisuke: But, well... Hikaru was also more "recently". I didn't even meet Hikaru until the middle of high school, and that was in *winter*. Well, aside from when I 'first' met Hikaru *way* back when, but that was *different*, I didn't *know* then-- Shane: We can talk more about *that* later. Daisuke: Shane: So you're in a poly-cule with Ken, Hikaru, and Hikari? Daisuke: Uh, well, "it's complicated"-- Shane: (Genuinely did not Predict) There's more?? DAISUKE: (When do I tell Shane about Miyako also having on-again, off-again flings with both Takeru and Ken???) Ummmm Its A Long Story Shane: I'm here all night.
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