#beach boyzz rants
beach-boyzz · 2 years
Gonna post said rant^^ :D
Heads up that this contains spoilers for Nana and I’ve only read the manga, So if things are different in the anime I am not aware of them.
A lot of people see Nana as like this cool, reserved girl who doesn’t care about anything, but I personally believe it’s actually the complete opposite. She cares too much.
To start, Nana was born and abandoned by her own mother, She was raised by her grandma and was raised very strictly to not turn out like her mother. (a prostitute) Nana admits that before she met Nobu, She hated everyone and was constantly alone/thought about negatively. She had no hope in ever getting to experience that joy/or trusting others for most of her life.
Anyways, timeskip n stuff, She gets with Ren theyre like head over heels or whatever. Their love is super passionate they start a band together with all their closest friends and stuff. Then BOOM. Trapnest forms and Ren moves away to Tokyo and their band has to disband. Nana and Ren break up while she stays in her place and yes it was for her pride but in a way. She still felt like she was left by one of the only people she had deeply loved at the time.
More timeskipping and well, She meets Hachi. Again, One of the only other few people she would genuinely love/care about again. But then, Hachi ends up with Takumi.
This rubs salt into the wound, because not only does she feel like Hachi is being taken away from her. It’s by trapnest, the same band that took Ren away from her. To make matters worse it comes true, after that, Hachi moves out to live with Takumi very far away.
Nana ends up freaking out horribly, and accidentally breaks one of the strawberry glasses Hachi had bought for them to match sets with. Panicking because they were not a set anymore, Nana smashes the other strawberry glass and later drowns her phone under water.
I don’t know if Nana realized that Takumi was manipulating and controlling Hachi, and it made sense her to feel abandoned but if she did know that he was manipulating her then it did feel very ☹️ to see her act like Hachiko chose this/Shift some blame on her.
I do think that in some ways with this scene also showed how manipulative Takumi really was. Isolating Hachi even more and even driving her against her own friends to really make it seem like she had nobody else and had to stick with him.
So again, Nana doesn’t talk to Hachiko for months(?) because of other circumstances with Hachiko’s new life and the awkward situation between them. Hachi even feeling like a traitor to them.
Once they are able to talk again, multiple situations happen where Hachi tells Nana that she would spend time with her but ends up leaving/going back to Takumi multiple times which just makes Nana feel even more betrayed. Repeatedly.
Soon after, She also loses one of the only other people she had too. Yasu. Nana had felt guilty for how many times she would cry or let her guard down around him but didn’t feel like she did enough for him. So she tells him this and Yasu tells her not to come to him for help/cry infront of him anymore.
So now the only person she felt like she had was Ren, Her boyfriend. Stuff between them was already complicated and they soon get into an argument. Before they can make up and actually while Ren was on the way to apologize, He ends up dying in a car crash.
After realizing this, Nana completely shuts herself off. Acting like she doesn’t care about Ren’s death at all. Though, She ends up having a fit where she could not breathe and Hachi needed to resuscitate her.
Nana has had fits like these repeatedly soon after Hachi had left to live with Takumi. They happened due to stress, and despite that cool girl appearance she tried to hold she’s constantly under pain and fear when she finally lets herself trust somebody.
If I read the manga right, it’s said that after the story Nana runs away and moves to England with nobody knowing what had happened to her. Her friends even assuming she was dead.
It’s a common and reasonable theory to assume these reasons above were the reasons why, As she felt like she had nobody to rely on anymore.
Even though people think shes this cool girl, it’s very obvious that Nana actually cares very deeply about the people she loves. Probably caring a little bit too much too. However, She pushes everyone away/doesn’t trust easy to avoid being seen as insecure or to get hurt/abandoned again. People view Nana as numb to things, which I do believe in someways but I also believe she is constantly hurting. The only reason she doesn’t feel hurt is because she rarely allows herself to be in those situations in the first place and when she does? She’s devastated.
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beach-boyzz · 2 years
Guys like this post if I should go to europe just to beat up my bestfriends boyfriend (I dont like him [dislike is an understatement i hate this man and his guts])
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beach-boyzz · 11 months
sobbing when my poor little meow meows are popular and I just want to see posts about them and hcs and discussions and memes but everyone keeps talking about sex
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beach-boyzz · 2 years
I hope who ever tagged a milk and mocha bear image/gif as bdsm and ddlg fucking DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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