#beatles cartoon lore
concerned-artist · 2 years
i don't trust your beatles cartoon reboot john lennon at all but i also really wanna hug him, he looks so cuddly. hnhh. corrupted little man. what story and accompanying visuals shall you scare me with today huh. you and your beautifully-drawn self. on a serious note i am so interested in your beatles cartoon reboot idea, i'd love to know more about it!!
Thank you wonderful anon, I think I really needed this today. Essentially I’m working on this murder mystery/ psychological horror spinoff of the Beatles cartoon that’s loosely based off the lost beatles cartoon creepypasta.
Everything is still in the works but I promise that more content is brewing for the future.
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eaternoid · 6 months
I am epic now
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psychic-john · 2 years
What a nice nap
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spookycryptidgeorge · 10 months
It's a shame that I didn't have a tumblr account when this fandom was at it's peak. I would love to interact with other people who still like talking about this cartoon.
honestly this blog simply exists as an archive of a lot of stuff since there were several deactivations after the end of 2017 when the lore fizzled out. I don't actually know if that's accurate, I barely remember 2017. I'm personally not the best to talk to outside of vague recollections and discord screenshots but I guess I'll use this post as a meeting point for anyone else who wants to talk more in-depth?
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
little Sam & caregiver Dean headcanons
it was only a matter of time til I posted this tbh [moodboard for them]
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it’s beneficial for both boys, Sam uses regression to cope/de-stress and Dean finds the same in watching over little Sam
Sam stays in the kiddo range of things but occasionally will slip younger
he loves to run around in the woods so chances are there’s rocks, pine cones, pretty leaves, etc. set out on whatever motel they’re staying at window sills
Dean gets a tad overprotective when Sam’s regressed but Sam honestly doesn’t mind, he finds comfort in having his brother there to look out for him
if Sam is having trouble sleeping Dean will allow him to crawl into his bed, it ends with Sam sprawled out over Dean every time
as much as Sam will complain about Deans music taste when he’s big, little him loves it
he grew up on the songs and will gladly belt them out as Dean drives
he also enjoys fogging the windows of the Impala up then drawing on them with his fingers
Dean used to tell him not to because it left fingerprints but Sam flashed the puppy dog eyes and now Dean just keeps an extra bottle of windex in the cars back seat
Sam isn’t that loud or energetic of a kid but if Dean asks him he’ll happily ramble over lore (even if a kid probably shouldn’t be talking about the topics)
if Sam regresses while they’re on a hunt Dean will make him stay in the motel room
he usually ends up coloring or watching cartoons, he never complains if Dean has to go out to get some work done
Dean makes sure to ruffle Sam’s hair & kiss his forehead before he leaves, Mary used to do it to Dean when he was a kid
He’ll also sing ‘Hey Jude’ by The Beatles if Sam can’t fall asleep, just like Mary did
occasionally Sam won’t really remember Dean singing to him but he’ll wake up with the song stuck in his head
if someone says something particularly hurtful to Sam chances are it’ll trigger his regression, he lets Dean go off on the person before pulling on his sleeve and asking to leave
he holds Deans hand a lot when little
even in the motel room, he’ll sit on the floor coloring with a hand reached to hold Deans while Dean reads over lore
if Sam regresses on the young side Dean won’t let him out of his sight, he gets too worried something will happen if he’s not around
young regressed Sam especially loves physical content, he’d lay on Deans chest all day if he could
he also enjoys chewing on things so Dean keeps a few teethers & pacifiers in the side pocket of his duffle bag
Dean catches Sam sucking his thumb sometimes when they’re on a long drive and it’s about the only thing that’ll upset little Sam
if Dean asks him to stop or recommends a pacifier in place, Sam tears up instantly
any time he’s upset/crying he’ll always blame himself and apologize profusely, it breaks Deans heart
Dean tends to go into ‘fix-it’ mode afterwards and will do anything to cheer Sam up
this includes telling elaborate stories or scream-singing songs, it always makes Sam smile
Dean loves to use different nicknames on Sam when he’s regressed, sweetheart is his favorite
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theresawritesstuff · 9 months
tag 9 people you want to get to know better. Tagged by the wonderful @markwatneyandenesemble ❤️
currently reading: Baking Yesteryear by B. Dylan Hollis (haven't tried anything from it yet but the blurbs are delightful and there's definitely some that I want to make) and whatever picture books my kiddo has selected over the course of the day.
last song: Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles
currently watching: Only Murders in the Building 
current fic: Juggling back and forth between working on Guess Who's Coming to Yom Kippur, Saving Lenny Bruce, and Ms Holloway at the Gaslight. Also drafting ideas for a Steiner set sequel to Guess Who's Coming to Yom Kippur. 
Very much enjoying reading Make You Feel My Love, Trip and Fall, and Five Husbands of Miriam Maisel ❤️
next on my watchlist: we've been watching Ahsoka which has been enjoyable. I never watched the cartoon so I'm just kind of along for the ride as a casual watch.
I keep seeing ads for the D&D movie. Probably check that out at some point for the Chris Pine antics 
current obsession: just trying to finish an update to my writing lol. Working on figuring out what Abe's mother's name was, discovering what Weissman family lore I can get out of them etc
Unrelated to writing, I had some "carrot cake jam" this morning on my toast. Perfect fall flavors for a rainy morning.
Tagging @simplyshelbs16xoxo and @weaving-in-words and whoever else wants to jump in ❤️
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slimegirlwarlock · 2 years
people being mad about gorillaz moving away from the more rock sound they used to have are so funny to me like. you Clearly don't understand gorillaz lore. i mean even as a base concept gorillaz are "what if the beatles made music in the modern music scene and were also cartoons?" and within the lore murdock sold his soul to make the most popular band in the world. you think they're going to be the most popular by clinging to a genre that's on its way out of the cultural zeitgeist? no, they're going to change their sound to keep up with the culture to stay relevant
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I'm going to make shitty power point presentations for all known cryptids and all of their found information someday
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concerned-artist · 2 years
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Some fun stuff :^P
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eaternoid · 2 years
I hate being at the house alone and being unfused. I have no idea where Psyon and Clone are
please help
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beebleborps · 3 years
I think that Glitch John listens to harsh noise
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stolencryingsouls · 3 years
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nize size for comic pages?
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c1oaks · 3 years
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“Ringo you tart you ate all of our LSD!”
I like the Beatles lmao
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Anyone miss me?
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lenshitposting · 4 years
Glitch John is still my son i think i was the reason he was birthed here is a shitpost i did in mspaint in honor of his 3rd bday
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dangerishisbusiness · 4 years
I feel like we can blame the Trump administration for Beatles Cartoon Lore. I don't think a bunch of mentally ill teenagers would have created a pantheon of lovecraftian creatures based on the Beatles cartoon if they didn't have to face the return of far-right authoritarianism during their youth.
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