#beaujolais nouveau
fidjiefidjie · 10 months
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Le beaujolais nouveau est arrivé 🍷😉🔥🍷
"Les hommes sont comme les vins : avec le temps, les bons s'améliorent et les mauvais s'aigrissent."
Gif Prettypoun
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rotor25 · 10 months
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oldmtnbear · 10 months
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Chicken and ham chocolate mole on black bean tostadas paired with this season's Beaujolais nouveau. It goes very well with spicy food, and I am glad we picked up a bottle.
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wildelotus · 2 years
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🍷 🍷 🍷 Beaujolais Nouveau Day 🍷 🍷 🍷
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wine-porn · 5 months
Give it a Few Months
My favorite part of printemps is when all the bojo novo goes on clearance because no one bought it because it tastes like ASS. Oh sure, we all raise a glass on Third Thursday and cheer some fake-news through gritted teeth of likablility. But let’s face it: No one likes this wine on release. It’s green, acrid swill. Influencer will go on and on about harbingers to the burgeoning vintage and the…
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buzznolimit · 10 months
Buzz No Limit aborde tous les sujets à la une
Grâce à la diversité des sujets abordés sur Buzz No Limit, tous ses membres peuvent se procurer des contenus audiovisuels qui correspondent à leur préférence. Pour en profiter, il faut avant tout souscrire un abonnement au site. Ce n’est qu’en utilisant le code d’activation qui sera envoyé par SMS que vous serez en mesure de vous connecter à son interface. Ensuite, vous n’aurez plus qu’à faire…
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frdaejeon · 10 months
2023 보졸레 누보 와인이 한국에 도착했습니다! / Le Beaujolais Nouveau 2023 est arrivé !
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전통적으로 프랑스에서는 11월 3째주 목요일 보졸레 누보 와인이 출시됩니다. 이 와인은 리옹 북쪽에서 생산되는 햇 와인입니다. C’est une tradition en France : le troisième jeudi du mois de novembre, c’est l’arrivée du beaujolais nouveau, un vin de primeur produit dans le nord de Lyon.
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Le millésime 2014 serait “solaire, poivré avec des arômes de fruits rouges”. Et comme d'habitude, il sera fruité et gouleyant mais sans goût de banane.
신선한 햇 와인이기 때문에 그 맛은 깊진 않지만 프랑스 사람들에게는 또 하나의 축제를 할  수 있는 기쁜 날입니다. Même si ce vin n’est pas le meilleur, c’est souvent une bonne occasion de faire la fête et de trinquer.
잊지마세요. 과음은 건강을 해칩니다. N'oubliez pas que l'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé.
보졸레 누보 / Le Beaujolais Nouveau
보졸레누보가 널리 알려지기 시작한 것은 1951년 11월 13일 처음으로 보졸레누보 축제를 개최하면서부터이다. 보졸레 지역에서는 그해에 갓생산된 포도주를 포도주통에서 바로 부어 마시는 전통이 있었는데, 1951년 이러한 전통을 지역 축제로 승화시키면서 프랑스 전역의 축제로 확대되었고, 1970년대 이후에는 세계적인 포도주 축제로 자리잡았다. 특히 1985년 프랑스 정부에서 매년 11월 셋째 주 목요일 자정을 보졸레누보 판매 개시일로 규정한 이래, 매년 이 날을 기다려 세계 각지의 수입업자들이 보졸레로 몰려든다. 6개월 이상 숙성시키는 일반 와인과 달리 보관하지 않고 빨리 마셔 버리는 와인으로, 발효 즉시 내놓은 신선한 맛이 생명이기 때문에 보통 출시된 지 2~3주 만에 바닥이 난다. 이 때문에 프랑스 정부에서는 이 와인들을 항공기·모터사이클·풍선기구·제트비행기 등 가리지 않고 가장 빠른 운송 수단을 이용해 세계 각지로 배송·판매하도록 하고 있다. 포도를 압축하고 3일만 지나면 일반적인 레드와인에서 발견되는 타닌과 페놀 성분의 신맛이 없어져 아주 쉽게 마실 수 있고, 또 과일 맛이 풍부해 레드와인이면서도 화이트와인과 거의 비슷한 맛을 낸다. 섭씨 10~14℃에서 가장 좋은 맛을 내며, 한 모금씩 마시기보다는 벌컥 벌컥 들이키며 마시는 와인으로 유명하다. 흔히 보르도에서 생산되는 와인을 ‘와인의 여왕'이라고 한다면, 보졸레누보는 '와인의 왕'으로 일컬어진다.
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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////À votre santé
• 건배하다 / Trinquer 프랑스에서는 건배를 할 때 상대의 눈을 쳐다보는 행위가 매우 중요합니다. En France, il est important de regarder les personnes dans les yeux et de dire :
à votre santé  (à la vôtre)
à ta santé  (à la tienne)
tchin tchin
En Corée, on dira plutôt 건배 (geonbae) d’origine chinoise et qui veut dire “boire (cul-sec)”.
건배 (geonbae)
위하여 (wihayeo)
축배 (chukbae)
짠 (chan)
Le beaujolais nouveau est arrivé !
Et oui comme chaque 3e jeudi de novembre le beaujolais nouveau, ce vin français issu du nord du département du Rhône et de quelques communes de Saône et Loire, a été accueilli par plusieurs milliers de personnes juste après minuit, ici à Beaujeu.
J'ai goûté le beaujolais. Il est très bon vraiment un petit goût comme on dit de banane comme chaque année. Mais vraiment, il est très bon cette année.
Environ 40 % des beaujolais nouveaux qui produit des rouges et des rosés à cépage gamay sont exportés le Japon demeure de loin le principal client.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pour aller plus loin
Beaujolais nouveau: la cuvée 2023 est déjà arrivée https://rmc.bfmtv.com/actualites/economie/conso/beaujolais-nouveau-la-cuvee-2023-est-deja-arrivee_AV-202311160478.html
Le beaujolais nouveau 2023 est solaire, poivré, avec des arômes de fruits rouges https://www.europe1.fr/societe/le-beaujolais-nouveau-2023-est-solaire-poivre-avec-des-aromes-de-fruits-rouges-4214723
Le beaujolais nouveau séduit toujours, la preuve en 5 chiffres https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/conso-distribution/le-beaujolais-nouveau-seduit-toujours-la-preuve-en-5-chiffres-2029353
Le Beaujolais nouveau est arrivé : que vaut la cuvée 2023 ? https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/economie-social/le-beaujolais-nouveau-est-arrive-que-vaut-la-cuvee-2023-8367379
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diabeates · 10 months
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katayamaehime · 10 months
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maviedeneuneu · 2 years
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Ce soir j'ai été invitée, dans le cadre de mon taf, à la soirée beaujolais nouveau organisée par une agence immobilière de ma ville
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curatorsday · 2 years
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Monday, November 14 - Friday, November 18, 2022
I began the week by agonizing over a major career decision. I’m still feeling a tiny bit of regret but I’m coming to peace with my choice. Then I got mobbed by waterfowl in Eldridge Park. I also finally got around to putting my garden to bed for the winter. I wanted to get it done before the snow came and I succeeded with just a few hours to spare. The snow stuck around just long enough for me to enjoy all the wonderful tracks left by wildlife on the trails at Tanglewood. I did a little crafting by converting a tacky pair of earrings into a fabulous necklace, I celebrated Beaujolais Day 2022, and I fell in love with a elephant teapot while having lunch with a friend. I finished up my week’s walking at Sperr Park (7.65 miles for the week; 461 miles for the year). The wind was frigid, the sun was warm, and a bald eagle soared over the pond.
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fidjiefidjie · 10 months
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Quelques dessins 😁 .... 😏
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Dessins de presse de Placide, Kak, Chaunu, Gros, Goubelle, Man.
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Bel après-midi 👋
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rotor25 · 10 months
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sauolasa · 2 years
Francia, è l'ora del Beaujolais Nouveau 2022
Le prime bottiglie di questo giovane vino fruttato sono state stappate, come da tradizione, poco dopo la mezzanotte del terzo giovedì di novembre
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tagayasu · 2 years
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来た~! #秋祭り #収穫感謝祭 #nouveau #beaujolais (Beaujolais, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClDH8uWy23DDDGtbfT03TP8NkciUjcKBluXXP40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rukia-writes · 9 months
hi rukia.
can you do Rangiku kind of reader as Hades and Poseidon s/o, separately of course.
the other is up to you
T/N: Let’s see what I can cook up. 🧑‍🍳 I love Rangiku a lot. Top 3 BLEACH characters
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Tyrant of ocean.
The Most Fearsome God.
Poseidon was that and much more.
A complex individual with his own principles and beliefs.
Poseidon also wasn’t much of a talker, he spoke only when necessity or when something was out of line.
However, not many people knew it but he did like talking. Rather, with someone. (Name), his beloved who was the opposite of him in every way and yet somehow the two clicked.
(Name) could be lazy, Poseidon had his days but he liked doing stuff.
Poseidon liked modesty, (Name) was a beauty with loved showing her body and curves getting the attention of other gods.
(Name) has an easy-going and free-spirited personality, Posieodn was the exact opposite.
The biggest contrast between the two that people noticed was that (Name) liked wearing human clothing and Poseidon always found that the hardest to tolerate about her as he considered human nothing but filth.
Yet, the two clicked.
“Human clothes again? You should take that filth off.”
“But I like it, the fashion those are developing is slick and stylish. If you want me to take off these clothes you’ll have to do it yourself.”
No shyness or shame.
Poseidon sighed in response while she enjoying teasing Poseidon smiled as the other gods found their conversation “entertaining” as the cleared their throats changing the subject.
Zeus called the two the weirdest soulmates ever.
Before the two became an item (Name) was arguably the most beautiful goddess in Valhalla. Hades had a saying about her,” A voluptuous beauty with an adult charm in Valhalla. With her broad-minded personality, the chances of men in Valhalla who say no to her... simply do not exist."
Even Poseidon.
(Name) had a habit of whenever she felt like drinking, she would find free people and then invite them to come out with her, and then has them treat her to drinks, so that she wouldn't have to spend any money. Drinking buddies were many but she enjoyed Hades and Poseidon as drinking buddies.
Why Poseidon? People didn’t know.
Poseidon didn’t know. Unlike his brother, Poseidon wouldn’t talk much.
So, Poseidon came to the conclusion that (Name) was using for free drinks and while this could have been true…he didn’t care if it was.
Because he liked her company and he had more than enough money that he didn’t seem to mind.
That’s how it started.
From drinking buddies to lovers.
“Please, don’t tell me you brought that human shit.”
“Listen, listen. This is really good, top notch.”
“You said that last time. It was disappointing to say the least.”
“No, no. Not this one. Here, here. Just close your eyes, tip it back and swallow. It’s really good…See! That’s good right?!”
(Name) gracefully got the tyrant of the seas to drink the alcohol from the human world, only for Poseidon to say it was worse than the last one. Which made the two go back and forth that they had “bad taste” in alcohol.
Although, the next day (Name) was in for a real treat when Proteus invited her to Poseidon’s palace. In the dining room was a small bottle of wine, two wine glasses with Poseidon already at the table.
“Sit. I have somethings I wanted to discuss.”
Poseidon didn’t have to repeat himself as (Name) sat infront of him with a happy smile on her face while Proteus opened the wine bottle.
The two discussed politics and seemingly family problems.
Seemed like Poseidon when he had a few drinks would talk about family a bit.
(Name) mentioned that the wine was exceptionally great and took the bottle wanting to know where Poseidon got it from. Sure, (Name) had a few drinks but the wine wasn’t necessarily strong that she couldn’t recall what wine was what.
“What is this, Poseidon?”
“Wine from those humans. It’s called “Beaujolais nouveau” apparently.”
“…You like human wine-oh my god.”
Smiling in a teasing manner while Poseidon simply shrugged his shoulders, simply saying, “It’s not bad.”
“Not bad you say, and yet you took it. Why?”
“…You enjoy teasing me don’t you?”
“I’m just wondering why we are enjoying human wine, since you called it gross yesterday.”
Cold blue eyes saw how much his visitor was liking this situation, of course she was. A quick sigh and Poseidon poured her another drink and then himself.
“Shut up and drink.”
The two clinked their glasses together and enjoyed a night of drinking and talking.
Poseidon loved those moments.
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“That’s my seat.”
The unknown god that was seated next to his drinking buddy quickly got up from the seat as the king Helheim, not only being one the most respected gods but also feared wanted his seat beside (Name).
The gods were having a party, a reason didn’t have to be, and Hades managed to arrive just in time knowing (Name) was already partaking in the wine with a few unknown gods wanting her attention.
Something Hades didn’t like.
“Why is it whenever I leave you alone there’s always a no name god wanting your affection?”
“I honestly, didn’t notice him there. I think you scared him.”
Hades sat down beside (Name) and like any gentleman poured her a drink and then himself, sighing in a tired smile.
“Oh no, how dare I?”
“Protective. Now drink and tell me about why you’re visiting the human world for clothes.”
Hades didn’t have big disdain for humans like his brother Poseidon, (Name)’s other drinking buddy. While she had many drinking buddies Hades and Poseidon seemed to be her favorite.
(Name) also had a habit of going to the human world for clothes, sometimes the clothes were modest and sometimes they were a bit revealing.
Hades didn’t mind either.
(Name) was a rather beautiful goddess arguably the most beautiful goddess in Valhalla. She wasn’t above using her charms to get what she wanted which could be drinks, so she didn’t have to pay, or getting support on anything she wanted.
“They are comfortable. The humans aren’t all bad, great fashion sense. However, your brother thinks otherwise.”
“Of course he does. Especially, since you gave him that wine from the human world.”
“It was great! You had to admit it was great!”
(Name) seemed to already be a bit tipsy as she gently shook Hades shoulder trying to get Hades agree with her. Drinking from his wine glass, Hades eyes quickly, very quickly, glanced at down her shirt to admire those beautiful breasts.
Hades didn’t have to quickly look in honesty as (Name) and himself were close and (Name) liked it when he gave her compliments on her body or how she dressed.
“Whatever you say. I’m not arguing with you.”
“Good! I was hoping you would let me see your Bident.”
Hades kindly chocked on the wine he was drinking as a easy going and kindly flirty (Name) patted the top of his head with a teasing smile. A smile, Hades came to love just as much as the smile that was charming.
“You can’t see my bident. Are you insane?”
“Aw, come on! Just for a little while~”
Slightly giving Hades a peek down the split shirt, which Hades already took a quick peek at, but Hades quickly played coy. Saying that he couldn’t be swayed. Even when, (Name) tried again Hades still said no. As the night went on and the two talked, as though the two were the only ones there, and had some more drinks for the night.
“I don’t like cold men, Hades.”
“Then why are you friends with Thor?”
“He has good company! Just because he doesn’t talk to you doesn’t mean he doesn’t talk. Don’t laugh! It isn’t funny.”
Hades had to laugh.
Imagining the indifferent and cold Norse talking and keeping good company seemed a bit out there to think about. While laughing (Name) kindly shook him trying get Hades to take her seriously, it didn’t work.
But that was Hades way of flirting; teasing.
The two liked to tease each other whether the two were together personally or on the phone.
“You’re still on that?”
Days later, Hades was sitting on his chair in his king’s chambers reading a book while on the phone with his favorite drinking buddy; beautiful drinking buddy.
“If you won’t let me see your bident. At least name an attack after me. Shows that you love me~”
“What makes you think I love you?”
Hades had a smile on his face as he awaited (Name)’s answer, on the other end (Name) was back in the human world. Shopping no doubt.
“Poseidon told me.”
“Are you calling your brother a liar? Shame on you~”
Smirking Hades found (Name)’s teasing and charming, that’s what he loved about her. That and how he could just be himself around her.
“I’m not calling my brother a liar. Just my favorite drinking buddy.”
“I’m hurt! Just for that you and I are no longer friends.”
Playing hurt (Name) knew Hades would reply back with something just as sly or funny and he did as he clutched his hand over his heart and pretended to be hurt.
“Oh no! Whatever will I do? My one and only friend is gone. I enjoyed placing my head on your lap. Looks like I’ll to find another place for my head to rest.”
“It’s not too late to apologize.”
“Good night, (Name). I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Hades.”
The two said good bye and ended their call, Hades had to admit he must have had it bad if he found her saying bye to him was sexy.
(Name) was truly beautiful goddess inside and out.
Hades had a saying about her;
“A voluptuous beauty with an adult charm in Valhalla. With her broad-minded personality, the chances of men in Valhalla who say no to her... simply do not exist."
Her beauty alone was what made gods trip over their own feet, except for Hades. Hades didn’t seem to let her beauty rule his desire, it was in truth that her personality that he loved.
Her teasing.
The way he could talk to her about anything, as he laid his head on his lap and she gave him sound advice. The way she waved and smiled at him would make him a liar if he said he didn’t feel his heart skip a beat.
Jealous? Protective? Hades wasn’t sure.
All he knew was he didn’t like certain gods coming around, not everyone has a warm agenda. Hades had to keep an eye out for her.
As the years passed, it wasn’t a secret that Hades and (Name) were close. A few gods and goddess became jealous of the two good looking, close friends, but it didn’t matter to them as the two just became closer and closer.
“Where are you two going?”
“Where does it look like we’re going?”
Poseidon caught his brother and (Name) at the gate that went to the world of the living both were dressed for the beach. Hades was carrying all the equipment, no doubt (Name) asked him to do so.
“You have a domain to run, you know.”
“Yeah, but if he stay cooped up in Helheim all the time he’s going to age faster than Zeus.”
“Helheim can’t be left unattended.”
“Beelzebub is taking command.”
Poseidon heard (Name)’s stance on taking Hades with her to the beach and while he hoped he could get some sense into Hades it was too late, (Name) already had her claws in him. Gently grabbing Poseidon’s well toned arm (Name) tried to convince Poseidon to join them.
(Name) was the only one in Valhalla who could hug Poseidon’s arm and get away with it.
Poseidon declined to go and instead told his brother not to be gone too long. Hades promised he would be gone two hours tops…
Hades and (Name) were gone the entire day.
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