beauty030923 · 4 months
Hey everyone 👋 I just signed up for Findmate, join me here: https://join.filipina.app/@Beauty9
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jimmy-ds-trees · 5 years
Magnolia macrophylla
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Big Leaf Magnolia
Magnolia macrophylla
Family: Magnoliaceae Native Range: Caribbean, Mexico, southeastern United States Zone: 5 to 8 Height: 30-40 feet Spread: 30-40 feet Bloom Time: May Bloom Description: White with purple petal bases Sun: Full sun to part shade Water: Medium Maintenance: Low
This tree surprised us all with not only its giant leaves, but giant buds as well. Its even in the name, Macro, meaning large, and phylla, meaning leaves. This tree had lost the majority if not all of its leaves already, but we found the massive 2 foot long leaves scattered throughout the area, and left us all wondering where it was coming from. The bud size makes sense for a leaf of this size, the big leaf magnolia gets a 4 out of 4 for its leaves. For its bark, its dotted lightly, almost pimply bark, gets a 2 out of 3. The bark is smooth on its youngest pieces, but as it ages it forms these pock marks that run up and down the main trunk. For landscape uniqueness, this tree gets a 3 out of 3 for its placement. The leaves are huge, it blooms well in the spring, and isn’t a huge tree, so it earns a combined score of 9 out of 10. 
Bark: (1-3) 2
Leaves: (1-4) 4
Landscape uniqueness: (1-3) 3
Total: 9
As for a building material, this tree has very little information available online about its lumber. It is an understory tree that doesn’t grow rather high or straight, making this tree not a viable option for dimensional lumber. Through research of similar magnolia trees, the hardness can range from 400-1,200lbs on the janka hardness scale, depending on the type. This tree is grown and cultivated more for ornament rather than for its wood, so it will get only a 2 out of 10. The only points going for it is that the wood is hard but rather weak and light, close-grained, and has very limited commercial use. 
1. https://www.uky.edu/hort/Bigleaf-Magnolia
2. http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=a884
3. https://www.thespruce.com/bigleaf-magnolia-growing-profile-3269302
4. https://plantfacts.osu.edu/pdf/0247-717.pdf
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isgrow · 6 years
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Night Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin
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being published on http://mybecause.com/night-skin-care-routine-for-dry-skin/
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soft-sad-boy · 7 years
Tagged by @severelyspoopybread
Nicknames: Ziv, Fox, Ankle (don't ask)
Gender: dude i guess
Sign: Aires
Height: 5'4" ish
Time: 8:24
Birthday: 16/04
Favourite Band: Say Anything
Favourite Solo Artist: Joji
Song Stuck in my head: Sott'er Celo de Roma (On an Evening in Roma)
Last Movie I Saw: The Last Jedi
Last TV Show I Watched: Black Mirror
When did I create this blog: Late 2016
What do I post: Simplistic art and angsty stuff?
Last thing I googled: porn
Do I have any other blogs: oh boy let me tell you
Nude men: @andrewindrag Nude women: @feminine-beauty9 witchy stuff: @good-vibes-and-dogs (I have more but don't use them as much)
Do I get asks: nope
Why did I chose this url: its accurate
Following: 311
Followers: 210
Average hours of sleep: 8 (I take sleep meds)
Lucky Number: 9, 12
Instrument: cello, piano, and ukulele
What am I wearing: sweatshirt and ripped jeans
Dream Trip: Egypt or Korea
Dream Job: photographer for National Geographic
Favourite Food: sashimi
Nationality: United States
Favourite Song: ah geez....yes? Is yes an answer?
Last book i read: idk probably something by John Steinbeck (he's my favourite author)
Top 3 fictional universes Id like to join: Lord of the Rings, Batman, and idk
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devlibrary · 3 years
Class 12 English Chapter 9 A Roadside Stand
Class 12 English Chapter 9 A Roadside Stand
Class 12 English Chapter 9 A Roadside Stand The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters Assam Board Class 12th English Chapter 8 A Thing of Beauty9 A Roadside Stand and select needs one. Class 12 English Chapter 9 A Roadside Stand Also, you can read the SCERT book online in these sections Solutions by Expert Teachers as per SCERT…
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genijj09 · 4 years
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wildlycasualheart · 5 years
Kem Dưỡng Chống Thâm Vùng Mắt Naris Wrinkle Plus Alpha Eye Zone Bright
Đôi mắt thâm quầng kém long lanh là một trong những nỗi lo lắng của rất nhiều chị em phụ nữ chúng ta do rất nhiều yếu tốt và là nguyên nhân chính khiến cho đôi mắt ” cửa sổ tâm hồn” của con người trở nên thiếu sức sống, mệt mỏi và kém tươi tắn, nhất là đối với các bạn nữ do bận rộn với công việc hay thức khuya làm việc giờ ngủ ít dần làm cho chị em phụ nữ tự ti trong công việc cũng như trong giao tiếp.
      Da xung quanh vùng mắt rất nhạy cảm nên cần các sản phẩm có công thức chuyên biệt. Vì lý do đó nhằm đem đến sự tươi trẻ cho phái đẹp Beauty9 Storexin giới thiệu kem chống thâm vùng mắt Wrinkle Plus Alpha Eye Zone Bright nằm trong bộ sản phẩm dưỡng da Wrinkle Plus Alpha của thương hiệu mỹ phẩm Naris uy tín tại Nhật Bản. Một thương hiệu uy tín chuyên chăm sóc dành riêng chăm sóc cho làn da phụ nữ Châu Á.
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trdizifilm · 6 years
Coiffure for Medium Hair (Hindi)
Coiffure for Medium Hair (Hindi)
Checkout quite a lot of different hairstyles for medium hair on this Hindi educational video from Misbah, for India for Beauty9.in
-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Watch My Contemporary Video: http://bit.ly/b9-latest -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
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Skin Care for Acne Prone Skin (Hindi)
Learn these tips for skin care of acne pron skin from Misbah in this Hindi tips tutorial from India, for Indian skin type. #beauty9 #makeup #acneskincare #misbah … source Best Skin Care Tips
Skin Care for Acne Prone Skin (Hindi) was originally published on skin-care-tips.uk.nf
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jimmy-ds-trees · 5 years
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Oxydendrum Arboreum
Botanical name: Oxydendrum arboreum All Common Names: Sourwood Tree or Plant Type: Tree Foliage: Deciduous (seasonally loses leaves) Native Locale: Chicago area, Illinois, North America Landscape Uses: Parkway/street, Shade tree, Specimen Size Range: Large tree (more than 40 feet) Mature Height: 20-30 feet Mature Width: 20 feet Light Exposure: Full sun (6 hrs direct light daily) Hardiness Zones:  Zone 5 (Chicago), Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9
I really enjoy this tree’s bark. Just take a look for yourself, the veined structure looks like wooden snakes crawling up this tree. This tree is happy in zones 5-9, so it thrives perfectly in our climate. It can grow up to 30 feet in height, and covers around the same, from 20-30 feet across. This tree can live up to 200 years if in the rigth location, they do like full sun, and prefer acidic soils, with low moisture content. They do okay in droughts as well, as they aren’t completely water hungry. 
This tree is deciduous, and turns a brilliant red/purple in the fall before it loses its leaves. This tree belongs to the plant community Old hickory forest, and is native to the North American Forest. The natives used this tree for many things, and to some sense is how it got its name, from the bitter tasting tea that can be made from the leaves. 
In the spring, it has delicate white flowers that bloom in the late spring, that look like lilies of the valley, They are extremely fragrant, and bees make a delicious honey from their pollen, which is highly sought after.
For my theme, in terms of beauty this tree gets a 9 out of 10. I am just floored by the tree’s bark and how it flowers in the spring, and how it changes in the fall. This just may be my new favorite tree due to its qualities, not even counting its allegedly delicious honey
Bark: (1-3) 3
Leaves: (1-4) 3
Landscape uniqueness: (1-3) 3
Total: 9
For its building characteristics, the Sourwood is generally a gnarly tree, meaning there isn’t much straight lumber, but if you can find a straight piece, the wood is a sturdy building material if need be. The only reasoning behind not milling this tree would be that the honey production is far more valuable than the wood would bring. The burls in the wood may make for great decorative pieces possibly, this one gets a 3 out of 10.
1. https://www.arborday.org/trees/treeguide/TreeDetail.cfm?ItemID=921
2. https://www.wood-database.com/sourwood/
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How to Apply Lipstick Perfectly - 3 Ways (Hindi) - http://healthandbeautology.org/how-to-apply-lipstick-perfectly-3-ways-hindi/
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meitukong · 7 years
寶寶們,手頭的日系開架彩妝是不是有點用膩了呢?最近被聖誕限量彩妝迷的不要不要的,然鵝,我是如此的貧窮,限量什麼的過過眼癮就好啦 ~
最近挖掘了一大票好用又不貴的小眾開架彩妝,有的竟然不到100 塊就能買一套?你們一定覺得這麼便宜一定質量一般吧,錯!我敢保證,看完你們絕對會情不自禁的下單去,哈哈!
Tanya Burr
Sweet Lip Cream 唇釉聖誕套裝
Tanya Burr 甜蜜水果味唇釉聖誕套裝,顏色分別是玫調紅和樹莓色,帶輕微的閃,是那種很滋潤的啞光質地,不用打底都可以直接塗抹。
INS 博主超級愛這套唇釉哦,唇紋深、唇部愛起皮的寶寶都是可以使用滴,比一般的啞光唇釉好用太多,味道很清新沒有濃鬱的香料味,持久度超棒不易拔幹。
sephora x colourpop
一直是美國開架 colourpop 的忠實粉絲,價格不貴質量優,最重要的是,這次和絲芙蘭的聯名款,簡直不要太好看,不僅有彩妝盤、眼影套裝、唇膏套裝還有非常值得買的唇部定妝組合哦!實用又新穎。
12 色眼影盤精致又華麗,顏色也很實用,一年四季都可以用,價格合理。它家每一季的眼影盤必定會入,眼影真的在開架彩妝里的佼佼者。
8 色眼影盤的顏值,不多說,一定會森森吸引寶寶們的目光滴,珠光色系高調又華麗。
六色罐裝眼影禮盒,送自己送閨蜜都是不錯的選擇哦,這是 colourpop 的經典款眼影,基本喜歡眼影的寶寶絕對有一罐吧,小小一個,軟糯土豆泥質地,絕對不會飛粉,易上色。
沒有用過 colourpop 眼影的寶寶,可以選擇聯名款的單色眼影試試水,用一次絕對會停不下剁手喲!
吶!壓軸好物來啦,唇部定妝組,定妝 + 唇部高光液已經南瓜色唇膏,有沒有很心動呢?
arctic holiday 北極假日冰川聖誕限量
平價戰鬥機 KIKO,不用過多介紹吧,很多寶寶的心頭好,這次的聖誕限量超級的夢幻,冰雪銀外殼加獨特造型超級的有質感,特別是這次異形閃片唇膏,顏值相當的大牌了,高級感十足。
三色烘焙眼影盤,一貫的 KIKO 好口碑質地,不飛粉易上色。
還有鑽光切面單色對功能限量眼影,鑽光十足做工精美,感覺買回來都舍不得用,KIKO 每年的聖誕都是圈粉無數啊,我感覺這次更是要妥妥的斷貨節奏。
Go Nude Or Make A Statement
油皮愛長痘痘的寶寶一定用過它的24 小時養膚粉底液吧,還有礦物控油散粉,細膩又好用還不會堵塞毛孔,這次新上市的 8 支 MINI 唇膏套裝很是讓我心動啊。
8 支 MINI 黑金外包裝,雖說不是金屬質感,但是不到兩百塊就可以擁有 8 支唇膏還是非常開燻的。
Huda Beauty
新 9 色眼影盤
作為一枚鐵桿的唇膏粉,居然對 Huda Beauty9 色眼影愛到無法自拔,特別是今年秋冬的新色 mauve 和 warm brown 更是喜歡的不得了,配色無任何雞肋色,全部是今年秋冬的流行色,粉質細膩厚重顏色濃鬱好上色,超級好看。
暖調秋葉色,已經美瞎我的眼,粉質是那種易上色不會飛粉的軟糯質地,特別好上色,新手寶寶使用一定要下手輕一些哈,不然很容易畫成妖艷 jian 貨。
warm brown
就問寶寶們美不美,ZOEVA 新品 OFFLINE 薄荷綠系列好看到爆炸,它家的南瓜盤已經火爆了全球,這次的薄荷綠系列估計又是斷貨買不到的節奏。
12 色眼影盤與南瓜盤是同系列,包裝清新又迷離,顏色清爽又大氣,從薄荷綠到裸粉色、楓葉棕色已經酒紅色,包含了一年四季的顏色,非常的實用。
猴咯猴咯。不能再安利下去了,不光是你們的錢包要破產,我的也要陣亡了。上面這些小眾開架彩妝好用程度一點都不比大牌差喲,況且顏值一個比一個高,好想把它們全部抱走 !還有很多好用的品牌我就不安利了,快來和我說說你們在愛小眾品牌是什麼吧!
– 買買聽你說 –
用過什麼超好用的開架彩妝 ?
快分享給大家夥 ~
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mariohampel · 7 years
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anastasiasteelee · 8 years
Whats your bra size beauty9
None of ur business :)
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camiloco13 · 8 years
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Unpolished beauty
The name is derived from the ancient Greek “adámas”, that means “unbreakable” I come from the deepest of earth, where no one has come to explore. I have endured extreme conditions, conditions that made me be what i am now. Even so, I come from the simplest, but that over time, i’ve become something tougher and beautiful.
I am a rough diamond that has been polishing by itself. I’m a 3000 carat diamond, Beautiful to some, useless to others a rough diamond that has been ignored by those who cant ditinguish unpolished beauty9*/ I don’t shine yet, but i will, not beacuse of anybody, but because of me. -Camilo Olivas
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wildlycasualheart · 5 years
Kem dưỡng chống thâm vùng mắt Naris Wrinkle Plus Alpha Eye Zone Bright
Da xung quanh vùng mắt rất nhạy cảm nên cần các sản phẩm có công thức chuyên biệt. Vì lý do đó nhằm đem đến sự tươi trẻ cho phái đẹp Beauty9 Storexin giới thiệu kem chống thâm vùng mắt Wrinkle Plus Alpha Eye Zone Bright nằm trong bộ sản phẩm dưỡng da Wrinkle Plus Alpha của thương hiệu mỹ phẩm Naris uy tín tại Nhật Bản. Một thương hiệu uy tín chuyên chăm sóc dành riêng chăm sóc cho làn da phụ nữ Châu Á.
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