delightfullydanisworld ยท 8 months
The beauty of prayer
At around age 8-10, I have learned that a human being is composed of what I used to call layers...like the cake I once received on my birthday.
We are made up of our physical body, spirit, and soul.
That is quite the reason why there is a mixture of diverse needs within us that require to be quenched.
Sometimes these need of ours battle against one another of who should dominate and get "satisfied" first.
Some people tend to dwell more on their fleshly desires while others are more spiritual.
But we cannot deny the truth that the needs of these 3 parts are present but it's just a matter of how we suppress it and allow one part of our self to be prioritized over the other.
Like we cannot deny the fact that regardless if we are religious or not, we all crave for worldly pleasures but some are just more vigilant in guarding their urges.
It's also factual that our spiritual selves are present and is manifested in the reality that we are constantly in search of someone or something greater than us or larger than our lives.
Me being more of a spiritual person, always yearns for this divine connection with God especially when I am in between crossroads of difficulties and sorrows.
The more I comprehend my spirituality, the more I have appreciated the value of prayer as a deeper way of connecting with Him.
Prayer is just beautiful in a way that it calms my heart even if there is a hurricane that is about to sweep me away.
It reminds me that I may not know what lies within that hurricane, rest assured someone GREATER than me is in control of it and of every little thing that is yet to come.
Tonight, around 9pm, I started noticing my chest pains and chest tightening again which has worried me for months now.
But trying to apply what my mom taught me which is to stop panicking and googling any symptoms and to just utter prayers, I decided to search for online websites wherein I can submit my prayer requests/concerns.
I sent my prayers to about 5 different online sites and have received replies in a form of a prayer and declaration of healing.
Not only have I reconnected with God, I also got a hold of my peace again in exchange of my worry.
I also get to build spiritual connections with people online through prayer.
To know that God cares in the form of the people he sent (that I do not even know personally) to pray for me, is such a fascinating experience.
Prayer bridges us all into an intricate yet wonderfully knitted connection in God's Kingdom.
That we have a place.
That we are significant.
That we are cared for.
But most of all, I believe prayer changes our heart and our attitude towards the situation we are currently in.
P.S - My chest pains began to fade also after I smiled upon reading the prayer replies I received.
Always delightful,
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