illumwriting · 2 years
going off-script
yogtober day 2!! stone.
ridgedog/bebopvox, mention of VerbalProcessing. bebopdog aka ridgevox. ideas for off screen events leading into canon, canon-compliant. use of canon dialogue. ridgedog tells bebop he's been on the moon and that his crown is a space helmet when he shows up for modded madness: how much of that was true?
((an exploration of a demigod and his robot who plays along so well, and ridgedog's own bad habits.))
SFW! 2,078 words. now on A03! Preview: "Well you need these to breathe on the moon! Look at- Look at my uh, oxi-packs." Ridge turns around to show off the nothing on his back and Bebop wants to absolutely punch this guy. In the mouth. With his mouth.
The moon had loved him.
Ridgedog had built himself three bases on the moon by now, having taken off from his home several years ago, entrusting his coat and watch to Bebop until his return. To his delight, the moon had been inhabited, and Ridgedog, with his bevvy of supplies and other-worldly knowledge was quickly well known to them all.
They were no more than moon villagers, really. Denizens that could be traded with, used for various magics, and even produced their own line of interesting goodies.
It wasn't until months later that Ridgedog realized the creatures had actually been observing him in any form of intelligent manner, and months more until he had found notes on himself in the local language.
They considered him lots of things that all fell on the side of /good/. A staple of trade that could only be found in specific locations was the prevailing opinion, which was the truth. However, Ridgedog also found that there was a small sect that considered him a word that he could not read, but that spoke of him in tones of respect and used alongside other terms that referred to guidance.
That interested him. He paid visits to these authors, who all received him with lavish gifts of polished moonstones made into jewelry and gave him a note- We will back you.
He knew their concepts of royalty and religion were weak, at best. But Ridgedog was an intelligent being, and understood that he could bring those concepts to them with simple nudges in the right direction. Their clear want to make him some sort of leader was amusing.
After all, he was almost done up here anyways. The resources beneath the ground being funneled into his bases, the novelty of the place wearing off as he had nothing left to work on.
And Ridgedog //did// love to play.
It was so easy to take over the various towns and villages. Easier still to amass that power to the single source of himself, to teach the creatures the ideas of true fealty and worship. It was like playing with a set of dolls that were semi-intelligent.
He had them all charmed, to the point where they made him a crown of his choice. Golden, and inlaid with a large moonstone in the front.
What Ridgedog did not plan for, nor care to worry about, was the effect of him stripping the moon of materials. The residents did not notice until it was far too late to stop him, and he had taught them well that bargaining with him was a one-sided affair.
So they lashed out. Ridgedog found his bases vandalized at first, then broken into. He took measures each time, aggressive and deadly. Then they came from below the surface of the moon itself, through the veins drained by- and unintentionally turned into perfect pathways back to- him.
He spent months fighting a war on his own, but the things here were useless to make anything like a bomb, and he had used up his overworld supplies long ago. It was not worth using his powers for this place, and the creatures had all but stripped him of his wealth and control over them.
So, with his pockets (not quite) empty, his stashed rocket, some bread he had absolutely stolen on his way out through a village, and the civilization behind him descending into chaos- he goes home. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Ridgedog crash lands several miles out, not too far from where he wanted to be. A small way to fly, and he could see his next stage waiting. Bebopvox and his ideas. A robot with more life, spunk, and heart than any human (or moon creature). He lowers himself straight down onto the ground just before the lip of the hill, so he can at least pretend to walk up to it. He makes it to the edge of the dropdown into Bebop's home- //their home// and stands there for a moment, to survey it.
Bebop's voice floats up.
"Wha's that?? Who is that? Hellooo~!"
Ridge perks up, turning into a big goofball immediately. Waves his arm at Bebop and dances back and forth for a moment, and he can see Bebop's visor light up with laughter as he speaks to his ever-rapt audience. He knows to wait until Bebop has turned his back to hop off the edge and fly down- lands just close enough to Bebop's fancy pool for plausible deniability.
"-this convenient staircase here-" comes Bebop's voice as he waits for Ridge patiently. The guy knew how to set a good Verbal (hah!) bait himself.
"I landed in your pool." Ridge says, lacing his voice with the hint of an innuendo.
Bebop spins around, and he is //delighted//. "Oh HEYYYYYY, RIDGEDOG!" He hollers, and peeks over at the pool for extra effect as he giggles. Any other time he would have tackled the demi-god, but right now, they were on camera. Acting.
"It was one hell of a jump," Ridge adds on, glancing back at the pool, judging the distance. He spots a zombie, and lures it in.
"Where the /hell/ did you come from?" Bebop says, looking up at the moon, blackened and ringed with a strange glow- "HELP ME. HELP! I don't know what's happening-" Ridge is yelping and running for cover behind him all of a sudden, and Bebop grins, leaping from the staircase to defend his partner.
"Oh- I /guess/ I should." The audience is left to question whether Bebop's dry and amused tone is because of Bebop's sword through the zombie, or if it’s an answer to Ridge. His chuckles squeak up as he catches sight of Ridge and the thing on his head again.
"I've been in cryostasis on the moon for a few months, and I just got back! And everything is Different."
Bebop looks up at the moon again. /You think, Ridgedog? Jeez!/ He wants to say- but Ridge legitimately has nothing on him except the glowy… crown. Oh boy.
"Ohhh. Well-" Bebop tries not to start into another laughing fit. He knew -exactly- what Ridgedog had gotten himself into, a silly demi-god who couldn't resist starting shenanigans with the local population. A nearly fatal flaw, were it not for the convenient immortality. "It- it is." He’s gotta mention it. Ridge HAS to know he still has the damn thing on- has to be teasing Bebop with it at this point. "That's a f-" shit. He almost says fancy crown, almost hits on Ridge. Catches himself. "I like that hat. They have those on the moon."
//Oh my /god/,// Bebop thinks fondly, //he really did forget he had it on.//
It vanishes quickly from sight while Ridgedog stammers out a way to explain it. "Oh, this is a golden helmet under, uh, a moon hat. Yeah."
"Now I wanna go to the moon! Just for that hat." Bebop's not going to let this go anytime soon, and Ridge knows that.
"Well you need these to breathe on the moon! Look at- Look at my uh, oxi-packs." Ridge turns around to show off the nothing on his back and Bebop wants to absolutely punch this guy. In the mouth. With his mouth.
"I had to get back cause m-" Ridge is yapping now, forced to have to watch his own words as Bebop circles him- "-cause everything was destroyed! The only thing I had left was a rocket in my inventory. and some bread. A coupla tools, but that's it~."
Sure, Ridgedog. Bebop knows for sure now Ridgedog had brought him back something /fun/. For later.
Bebop clears his vocal box, tapping the side of his head. "Actually, /I/ don't see any of your stuff."
Ridge blinks at him with all the thought ability of a large lapdog. "What?" He looks away, and Bebop knows he is rifling through the last few sentences in his perfect memory to see what he said that might have ruined it-
"I don't see any of it." Bebop repeats, to help him, hearing Ridge start to stammer again out of embarrassment. Bebop quickly cuts him off. "I think-" he says, still sees Ridge's lips moving and speaks louder. "I think-" He's STILL going. "I THINK I need to relog." He laughs at the flush on Ridge's face, looks at the ground quickly to avoid letting anyone see, and cuts his screen out briefly.
It's only a few minutes of privacy, but Bebop finally crushes Ridge into a fond hug as Ridge is stood there, still flustered from earlier. "I can't believe you forgot you had it on!" Bebop teases, and Ridgedog makes a whining sound as he returns the hug and buries his face against Bebop's shoulder. "Shut up, Bebop." He mutters.
When the camera flicks back on, Ridge is center frame. There's clearly still no "oxi-packs" on Ridge's back as he faces away from Bebop and spins ‘round in a funny circle, checking every side of him, straining his neck to try to look behind him. "Uh, I had it because I used to be able to see better with it, but it doesn't appear to do anything different-" he's saying, and Bebop pokes him in the shoulder to get him to focus.
"So you -literally- just came out of cryostasis, ended up here now, annnd uhhhh- you have-" Bebop breathes a short laugh. "-absolutely nothing."
"Well, I've got a couple of items," Ridge starts in on his mentally practiced line, starts to stammer again and Bebop looks away, back up at the moon. "I've got a tag-" He gets out.
Bebop lets that sit for a moment, then looks back at Ridge, who is avoiding eye contact. "A tag?" He invades Ridge's space with a single step, treating the audience to a glimpse down Ridge's shirt as he leans over his shoulder to look at the mob tag that Ridge is holding. "That's not gonna help you."
Ridge shrugs him off and Bebop smirks as Ridge tries to sidestep Bebop getting back in his personal space. "Was that your dog tag?" Bebop mocks, watches Ridge try to hide another rise of color to his cheeks and giggles. "When they kicked you out of cryostasis?"
"NO!" Ridge protests, bapping Bebop over the head lightly and chuckling as Bebop desperately tries to keep Ridge from derailing his own origin story again. "I just helio-dropped, right." Ridge says clearly over Bebop's mumbled "That they put you in."
"I have a singular torch," Ridge continues, as Bebop dances backwards out of reach of another bap and Ridge follows. "I have a hoe,"
Bebop predictably snickers, and Ridge tosses it out for Bebop to grab. "Hahah, what?" Bebop questions, confirming that it literally was just a stone hoe, of all things. "You don't need those on the /moon/!" He teases, jumping up on his front stairs again out of Ridge's reach as he laughs.
"Yeah you do!" Ridge takes a threatening step towards Bebop, his eyes glinting playfully. "You can do crops on the moon. Crawps!"
"This is so, so f-" Bebop almost says ‘fucked’, remembers he can't swear just yet, and readjusts, "So- it's a fancy moon base you were at apparently." He will keep this narrative on track. "Well, it was Moonquest, which was like, a hundred bajilion episodes-" Bebop continues, referencing a completely different moon, a different world Ridgedog had administrated.
"I was doin' alright for myself up there-" Ridgedog pulls out the stolen bread. Eating while he talked always helped him focus, kept his tall tales with the hints of truth straight. "But then everything changed. I went to sleep one night, woke up, and it was all gone."
He swallows, seeing Bebop giving him a look of disgust and frustration before throwing the double-dropped zombie's brains from earlier at him.
"Ohhh, wow-" Ridgedog snarks, having to quickly swap the bread away to catch both of them in his hands, looking at them with half real interest.
"I'll give you brains." Bebop successfully riles Ridge up, as Ridge looks at him out of the corner of his eye and goes "You-" --------------------------------------------------------------
The moon had loved him, but Bebop was the only one who was an unmovable stone in Ridge's life. His pillar of support to fall back on when everything else might not go as planned. It was a relief to be back on solid ground with someone who didn't just love him, but kept him in check.
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morphlingunderscore · 10 years
You know, I can just imagine a scenario once the Burlesque house in Modded Madness is finished... Robots Included Summary: They were building a Burlesque house, and damn if Bebop wasn't taking the chance to abuse the fact that robots were included. Warnings: None really. Mild cussing. Authors note: This was a spur of the moment fanfiction, and I didn't bother to count the words, because I'm on mobile. It's probably really bad. But I felt I'd post it here for fun! Enjoy! The Modded Madness intro plays, and the screen fades to black. Bebop is crouching behind blackout curtains in the Burlesque house, letting out the occasional nervous giggle as Ridge and Verbal try to find him. As soon as he sees their name plates enter the Burlesque house, he goes past the blackout curtains. Ridgedog is silent in shock while Verbal laughs hysterically, his eyes locked onto his robotic friend, who is wearing a frilly little dress. Bebop does his best to mimic seduction, his little form floating a foot or two in the air as he tries his hardest at a sexy dance. Ridge feels his face heating up, and covers it up with awkward laughter. "Oh my god, Bebop, what are you wearing?" He asks with a wheeze, noticing vaguely that Verbal is literally rolling on the floor, laughing. Bebop stops swaying his metal hips and pouts, crossing his arms. "I thought you'd like it!" He protests. Ridge knew that if he could, he'd be grinning from ear to ear as his face turned redder than a farm-fresh tomato. The cheeky bastard. Bebop couldn't help but snicker as he watched his friend fumble for a reply, the little whimper slipping out as if he was trying to think of a comeback. When all he did was cover his face, the short robot shrugged and started up the whirl once more, ignoring the lack of a pole and simply swaying back and forth, doing many moves a robot should not be able to do. When he finished, a new idea popped in his head. Oh, if only he could smirk. Ridge snapped out of his trance as the dance stopped, blinking in surprise and almost disappointment as Bebop receded behind the black curtains again. Verbal stood up, leaning on Ridgedog for support as he wiped his eyes. "Jesus, that was amazing. Listen, I have to go now. Don't let that little bastard drag you in more than he already has, okay." Ridge gawked and frowned, about to protest before Verbal cut him off with a laugh. "Don't deny it. Dude, you were fucking lapping that up." He ends his sentence with a smirk and a clap to the back and disappears out of thin air, disconnected. Ridge turns back to the stage, considering escaping. Bebop had changed into some dark jeans without a shirt- like the grey, shining panel on his chest was hiding anything- turning off his rocket boots for once and learning a new way to dance. Thanks to his ability to search the Internet with just a thought, and having an incredible download speed, he is pretty sure he's mastered a way to dance in a sexy man's way. This type makes him a little unsure, mainly because he doesn't know if it can embarrass Ridge properly, or if it will just make things incredibly awkward. He'll have to take that chance. Taking a deep breath, he steps through the blackout curtains once more-- --and Ridgedog's eyes bulged. His mouth hung open in more shock than seeing the more than clearly male oriented robot in very feminine clothing. A tingle drifts down his body as he shivers, waiting in a mix of anticipation and excitement to see how his robotic friend would dance. It doesn't even cross his mind to question when he started wanting to see Bebop half 'naked' and doing some hot dancing. Ridge watches as Bebop sets down a phone, playing it. A few second pass before a few taps filter in. Put some lipstick on! Perfume your neck and slip your high heels on!" The phone was playing a YouTube video, and Bebop was replicating the man's actions. And even without a face to give the 'seductive gazes' the guy did, damn are those moves sexy. Ridge couldn't stop the flood of red onto his face as the robot somehow managed to move in so many ways so fluidly, his arms reaching up to drag down his neck and his hips swaying in such a way it was absolutely hypnotic. Ridge found himself biting his lip and sweating as his bodily chemicals kicked into overdrive, watching the seductive swoops of a man who wasn't a man, who isn't a man, who shouldn't be able to move like some fucking magical beast of a man. Bebop knew he won. He could see the arousal in his friend's eyes, could see the blood dripping from the lip he was biting, could see the quite noticeable bulge in his pants. He finally reached the part he was waiting for and stepped off the stage, grabbing Ridgedog'a collar and dragging him downwards and closer to his own face, the song ending. He absolutely loves the way the redhead's pupils dilate, and how his cheeks become such a bright red he may as well be Rudolph. Bebop made a triumphant noise as he tapped his face to Ridgdog's and blasted out the door, snickering as he flew off. "I hope you enjoyed the show!" Ridgedog tried his best to comrehend what just happened through the fog in his head. His friend, a robot just seduced him into a kiss, with dances that he should not be able to do. Then it hit him; "He KISSED me." Ridge groaned and dragged a hand down his face, feeling frustrated and defeated and too, too aroused. He walked outside and leaned on the doorway, knowing Bebop was somewhere on the glass. "Goddammit Bebop."
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