#because Crayak thought ti would be funny to use the Chee as his new army
Try and find a serious topic to focus the story and that might help? I think. Just spitballing, so I have no idea.
Oh I have several. My problem is I keep biting off more than I can chew. For example, the main story I want to work on involves arisths on a training mission to the Taxxon homeworld some 20 years later discovering the Time Matrix had been there once, and a race to find it starts after they realize the training mission was just a ruse so the Apex Level could find the darn thing. Also Alloran is there.
But then my brain goes "The Apex Level ruse was a plot by a resurgent New Yeerk Empire, who have infiltrated Andalite society and want to use the Time Matrix to make sure they never lost the war. But they're being manipulated by their new 'god', The-One-Who-Is-Many, who is actually a giant spaceship holding millions of victims in an off-brand Matrix because TOWIM's ultimate goal is to keep everybody safe from danger because they were initially a Chee that was reprogrammed at the end of the Pemalite-Howler War and if they had the Time Matrix then they could fulfill that mission programming. Also, the Animorphs survived ramming the Blade Ship, but they're all in animated suspension inside TOWIM."
And that's the SHORT version I've reached after years of trying to make it simple! For reference, my rough drafts and notes and abandoned scraps and snippets currently total at 1.4 million words. And I have nothing to show for it. ;_;
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