#because I already have aoe account so why not write it sgshhs
ikemengoessbrrrrr · 1 year
Urusei Yatsura 'One Step' the Squad characters design
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They're not really "wow" design, not really that much change except they wearing different clothes and Lum is human sgsgs
I scatered this squad. We can see Lum isn't in same school with the others. While Ataru actually join online school but he always skip it lmao, he thinks Why he need to study anyway? And yea this man is lazy.
Why only Ataru and Lum have game persona? Because Shinobu doesn't play it again while Mendou never touch any game because how busy he is with his family stuff and all so yea. Kinda sacrifice the adventure with them together for the plot 😔
I do planned to draw more of the characters that have yet appear in this au. Maybe. Probably.
So for now I guess I give you little info about them:
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Ataru and Lum
Well ofc they're main protagonist, we already know their summary and roles in this au. The story still early so its more focused on their game persona and some bit with their real self in prolog.
They both even though already shared IDs and play game together, they never meet each others. This is one of plot that will be important later for the story.
The disease that Ataru suffers from is a disease that is difficult to cure and he has suffered since childhood, idk because its fiction should I name the disease. Just to be clear he is sick.
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Shinobu and Mendou
Mendou has yet appear in this au, he did get mentioned and don't worry he will join the squad.
Shinobu always visit Ataru for time to time, fun fact she date Ataru for a week back then and they broke up because it doesn't work and stay as friends again. There's also Kosuke who always visit Ataru too, he will appear before Mendou later.
Shinobu and Mendou are dance partners after Ataru doesn't active again so Shinobu need to change partner.
If you care, the next chapter still in progress, no guys I won't abandoned it I HOPE I'm not. I'm just a slow writer sgsgsh
Already have plot and ending so yea all I need is to write it down which is suck cause man... Wdym I need to make them real.
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