#because I do believe that /Marc/ believes that he’s trying to avoid a horrible fate even if he hates the means he stoops to
age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“Age of Khonshu: Part 1 - Moon Knight vs. The Avengers,” The Avengers (Vol. 8/2018), #33.
Writer: Jason Aaron; Penciler and Inker: Javier Garrón; Colorist: Jason Keith; Letterer: Cory Petit
6 notes · View notes
Title: Going Through Motions{7}
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Title: Going Through Motions {7}***
Steve Rogers X Reader OFC Korral “Korri” Evans
Warning: Plot, Cursing, Angst, SMUTTY SMUT SMUT, NSFW
Word Count: 5.5K
Summary: You and Steve had a hot, passionate, and wild romance seven years ago when you worked with the Avengers. It was the best year of your life; you’d never felt the things you’d felt in all your life. Then out of nowhere, Steve just ended things—in a letter. A heartbreaking letter, then the world deemed him a criminal, and he disappeared. Now, you’ve moved on and have gotten engaged to rich man Marc Spector. Tony brings you back to work with the newly rebuilt Avengers that is still led by Captain America who is definitely done asking for permission and not looking for forgiveness. Or is he?
Note: So, for this fic, we are going to alter the MCU timeline a bit. This takes place after Civil War, but Infinity War has not happened yet. Steve is off the grid for seven years before he comes back. {I know that’s a long time, but let me rock please} Also, I’m going to be introing/adding in Moon Knight (Marc Spector) in just because I feel like it and I want to start exploring other Marvel characters and of course I will twist him to serve my purposes.
**Loosely Edited/Proofread
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  “It’s hyrolomed.” Everyone in the room looked at one another as you began your brief.
   “Hydrolomed? The virus we found in Zemo’s lab?” You nodded. “One in the same.”
   “What would she want with it?” You got up and walked to the cannister and stood behind it taking care not to touch it. while in the cannister, it was harmless but you didn’t want to risk it. This stuff was nasty.
   “According to Zemo’s research, this is a deadly geno modified virus he weaponized that has the potential to be a catastrophic world ender. His notes say he never got to the testing stages in anything but primates in an enclosed environment. Subject A became a carrier but not infected until one hundred and forty-four hours, otherwise six days. After six days subject A began became a host carrier. Upon skin contact, the virus was transmitted. The virus spread within the primates to full infection within hours. Subject A died on day seven, and the others seven days from their infection.”
   The room was quiet as everyone absorbed what you’d just said. “It’s a good thing we got it back before she got away with it,” Marc said.
 “Makes me angry she got away,” Wanda expressed. “Well that doesn’t matter, thanks to the shackles it was easy to get some blood, and we ran it through every database. We now know who she is,” Tony informed. Images filled the screens.
   “Her name is Tilda Johnson, aka Nightshade. She used to be a genius scientist but has always had a quite iffy relationship with right and wrong. She created a werewolf formula, her nifty little melt through you gloves among other little toxins. She went straight for a little while before going back to her old ways. Now she’s a mercenary for hire.”
   “Who hired her? Steve’s voice spoke up. You fought to remain aloof. “That we still don’t know.”
   Tony walked toward you and took the tablet. “We have to find out who she works for before she comes back with some friends to try to get this again. I’ve told Ross that I can keep it safer than they ever could so it will be here, and we will be watching and waiting. They will come.”
  Everyone began filing out the room. Marc walked to you and took your hand. “Are you okay?” You smiled and nodded. “Just tired.” He kissed your cheek, and you tried not to shudder. Since the night with Steve in the shower, it had become increasingly difficult to let Marc touch you. Every time he kissed you, you got flashes of your impromptu tryst when he touched your body you saw Steve’s hands when he took you to bed and rocked between your legs you relived the night with Steve. It was torture. You felt horrible. Marc didn’t deserve what you’d done to him, he was a good man, and he’d been nothing but good to you.
   “I have to fly out to Washington tonight; I have meetings for the next few days. Want to come with me?” You sighed, you wanted to say yes, but you didn’t know if you could keep things straight within yourself. You worried every time thinking you’d let something slip, either calling him Steve’s name when he brought you to your climax or imagine Steve while he was on top of you. You didn’t think you could trust yourself.  “I can’t. Unfortunately, I’m needed here. I wish I could.” Marc nodded and laced his fingers with yours. You stared at your entwined hands. It was strange two months ago all you saw was him. Two months ago you’d resigned yourself to a life with him; he was a good choice. Looking back into his face you forced yourself to not think about the part of you that had always haunted you, the part that hadn’t fully commit.
   “I understand. Promise me you’ll get some rest, and I mean actually get some rest.”  You smiled. “I promise.” Marc kissed you softly then moaned. “I’m going to miss you.” His words only made you feel worse.
   You were a cheating, lying slut. You’d betrayed him in the worst possible way, and you’d done it with him. In the early stages of your relationship, Marc had asked you about your last relationship. You hadn’t told him it was with Captain America himself. Instead, you gave him the gist of things and eluded it ended amicably. What a crock of shit. It hadn’t ended amicably. You’d cried, and hurt for months, years. Hell, when you met Marc, you were still hurting, and perhaps he helped distract you from that hurt, but before you moved in together you’d often wake from dreams with tears streaming down your face.
   “Walk me down?” You nodded and left your hand in his as you walked out of the room. As the elevator took its trip down to the lobby you saw Steve going down. You watched his stride, even that had changed, but only slightly. He was slightly bow-legged, and every step he took his toes pointed to the side, it was the sexiest thing. You felt your stomach flutter, and you took a breath trying to calm your rising anxieties. “Does that sound good?” Your head snapped to Marc. You hadn’t heard a thing he said. “Uh, let’s see, yeah.” He walked out before you and took your hand as you walked out the front door. Steve stopped at the glass but didn’t walk outside. “Take it easy, Captain,” Marc said with a smile. Steve nodded once but kept the sternness in his jaw and features.
   Once outside, Marc turned to you, clasped his hands on your cheeks and kissed you, pulling you against his body. You felt his hand snake down to your backside before he squeezed. Your moan caught you off guard and just as his hand did. Marc quickly took control and intensified the kiss. He moaned on your lips; he held you so tightly. You knew Steve was standing there most likely watching. Pulling your lips from his you took a breath. “Oh my god, Marc--.” He smiled and kissed you again then dropped his lips to your neck, the same spot Steve kissed.  “I’m sorry, I’m going to miss you. I literally want to sneak you back inside.” He lifted your leg and wrapped it around his back. You moaned and allowed him to kiss you once more before he pulled back.
   “Can’t believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you. you’re amazing.” You felt like a world-class asshole, but you had to keep yourself in check. His car pulled up, and he kissed you again, then your forehead. “Five days,” Marc said. You nodded. “Five days, be safe.” Marc smiled and got into the car. As he drove off you watched his car disappear. You knew you should go back inside, but you knew the minute you turned around he would be right there. You couldn’t do this right now. You walked back inside and avoided his eyes like the plague.
   “Korral.” Ignoring him, you scurried to the elevator and pressed the call button. As if sensing the need to fuck with you, it took forever. “Come on!” Somehow you knew he was coming closer. “Korral.” Finally, the elevator doors opened, and you rushed onto it. Just when you thought you were home free, Steve stepped onto the elevator just as the doors closed, sealing your fate. “Really, so you ignore and avoid me for a week then you try to run. Korri.” Steve took a step to you, and you backed up. “Steve, stop.” As if hitting a glass wall, he automatically stopped and dropped his hands to his side. “Let’s talk.” You shook your head and stared at the indicator watching the numbers increase. “There is nothing to talk about.” Taking another step to you, you staggered to the other side of the elevator. You didn’t trust yourself being in such close proximity to him. You could smell him, and just that was wreaking havoc on your emotions.
   You’d thought you were over all of this. You thought you’d move on and that you were way past this being possible. Somehow you thought that even if he did come home that you’d be able to look at him and feel nothing, speak to him and not remember anything and be close to him and remain in control. What a big fucking joke, you thought. That lasted literally weeks, weeks and you’d busted it down already. “What do you mean there’s nothing to talk about? We have a lot to talk about. Let me explain. We have to talk about that--.” You cleared your throat in an obnoxious way, intentionally overriding his voice. “Shh, be quiet. We can’t talk about this here. Are you kidding!”
  Steve took a deep breath and leaned his back against the glass of the elevator. “We have to talk though Korri.” Every time he said your name, it gave you chills and flashbacks of all the times he’d said it. Every intimate moment sped through your mind, and with it came the feelings. The elevator doors opened, and you wasted no time rushing off it and down the hall. When you turned the corner, you looked back and saw him glaring at you. You had no idea what you were going to do.
   That night as you laid in your bed staring at the ceiling, you had no idea why you didn’t just go back to the city. No matter what Tony said about it being smarter for everyone to stay at the compound in case of an attack because the cannister was there. His priority was the virus canister. You knew that was the only priority, but you were going through a crisis. You couldn’t sleep, truth be told you were afraid to sleep, afraid you’d have salacious dreams. The catch was you didn’t know who you’d dream about or who you wanted to dream about.
   Everyone had dinner together, everyone but you. You took your food back to your office and tried to get some work done. You didn’t know if anyone suspected anything and part of you didn’t care. After you ate you took a turn in the gym hoping to burn off the anxious energy that was bouncing around in your body. After nearly two hours of going to the max, you were still wired. You then stared at your shower for almost thirty minutes before you swallowed the nerves and used it. It was the quickest shower of your life. Now you were still awake at nearly two in the morning.
   Groaning you sat up and stared out the window. You took up your robe and wrapped it around yourself as you walked to your balcony. The property around the compound was private and quiet and you loved the contrast to the noisy city. Usually, when you slept here you got the best sleep of your life, but tonight you were shit out of luck.
   “What the hell did you do Korral?” You sat there quietly for several long minutes just enjoying the sound of nature and the silence of the night. Though it was dead silent, you almost missed the barely-there knock at your door. Piquing your ears, you listened closer and there it was again, tap-tap, pause, tap-tap-tap-tap. Your breath caught, you knew this knock, you’d heard it every night for a year. Frozen still you sat there just staring at the door, again the knock came. tap--tap, pause, tap-tap-tap-tap. Slowly you walked into the room and across to the door. You didn’t speak; you just listened pressing your ear to the cold door. You couldn’t deny the part of yourself that wanted to fling open the door. Nor could you ignore the part of you that wanted to throw yourself in his arms, but what came next. There was no going back. It was impossible, too much time had passed, too much had happened. He knocked again this time the softest of all; tap--tap, pause, tap-tap-tap-tap. You could hear the hesitation in it, normally he came off smug so self-assured but this knock screamed vulnerability.
   Your hands moved of their own accord, turning the knob and opening the door. As you did you saw him taking steps away from your door back down the hall. Steve paused and glanced over his shoulder back to you. Leaning your head against the jamb you felt the colossal mistake you were making, but it was as if you were watching a movie play out completely unable to push stop. Shit, you didn’t know if you even really wanted to. Neither of you spoke, you just stared. The war within you raged on, and he waited. After a few minutes, you took a few steps back into your room leaving the door open. Steve slowly walked to you until he crossed the threshold and closed the door behind him.
   All of a sudden, it was the two of you alone in the room you’d practically lived in together, and it felt entirely too small. Pressing your back to the cool glass doors of your balcony you watched him as he walked toward the bookshelf. He perused the books there absentmindedly, then turned to lean against it and again stared at you. The only light in the room was that of the glow of the moon. Your eyes roamed over his figure, his white men’s tank that showcased his incredible shoulders and arms, the lite colored sweatpants that hugged his powerful thighs and teased his thick manhood straining and begging for your attention, then down to his bare feet. God, you couldn’t believe you were wet. With that thought, Steve slowly stalked toward you; every step he took you only got wetter. You wanted him. You should have felt shame, but you couldn’t muster it.
   Once he stopped in front of you, his eyes scanned every detail of your face before they dropped to the gape of your robe and down your body. Hesitantly, he took the final steps closing the space between your bodies; his hand gripped your hip pulling you into his body. Releasing a breathy gasp, you instinctively grabbed his triceps. Steve softly touched your cheek tipping your chin higher, so you looked into his eyes. You saw pain, sadness, shame and something else that you didn’t dare think about. “I’m sorry,” Steve began. Shaking your head, you clasped your hand over his mouth to silence him.
   “Don’t—just don’t say them.” He kissed your palm and moved his head to trail kisses around your wrist then over each finger. “Then what do you want me to say Korri?” You watched his lips move across your hand then grazed your fingers against his beard covered jaw. It was soft and full and absolutely sexy. Your fingers led to his lips and traced them, remembering the feel of them. “Nothing, don’t say anything.” You felt his hand trail from your hip, over your stomach to the knot of the robe. Your breath caught, and you should have felt panic, but you didn’t. His hand paused there as his eyes searched yours. You should have pulled away and told him to get out, and you should have said no this is wrong, but you didn’t.
   Steve loosened the knot and slid his hand inside the material to graze the back of his hand against the skin of your hip. You clenched your bottom lip between your teeth and felt the goosebumps prickle your skin. He pushed the robe aside, revealing you to his eyes. Steve groaned as his greedy eyes drank every inch of you up. You always loved the way he looked at you, always loved the way your belly always did somersaults whenever he was close. Now it felt like torture, the best torture, torture that felt good. “Korri you are so beautiful. There was not a day that went by that I didn’t dream of touching you, of being here like this with you.” They sounded like beautiful lies, the lies of a man who broke your heart, lies of a man your body still yearned for. Closing your eyes for a moment you shook off his empty words, words he couldn’t mean, words you wanted to believe more than anything. “Korri--.” You slapped your hand over his mouth again, this time more forcefully. “No talking.” His eyes darkened, and before you knew it his lips were against yours. God, a simple kiss should not elicit so much desire in you, especially a kiss from a man who was not your fiancée.
   Steve moaned on you and pressed your back more forcefully into the glass door. You could feel his hardness pressing against your stomach. Steve dipped down, grabbed your thigh, and lifted you into his arms. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you sunk your fingers into his hair and moaned while he expertly kissed you. You’d been his first all those years ago. In the 40s when he began his journey as Captain America he’d been a scrawny thing, one that women quickly looked over then came his deep freeze and reentry into a modern world. At the time you couldn’t believe he’d never had the opportunity. He’d told you he had plenty of opportunities but didn’t want to, he didn’t see a need, until you.
   Seven years later, he was not an amateur. He kissed like a man; held you like a man. When his lips left yours to trail to your neck your desires betrayed you in the sign of an audible moan. Your head swung back granting him more access to your neck, access to fully take advantage of by sinking his teeth into the nape of your neck. The pressure was everything you needed, but you needed more. Rocking against him for any friction Chris lifted you high then sucked your nipple into his mouth. “Fuck!” as he licked, sucked and flicked the hardened peak his body held you firmly against the glass surface while his free hand kneaded your other breast. When he squeezed your flesh tightly your groan echoed in the room.
   Soon his head was traveling lower while he lifted you higher. Before you knew what was happening, Steve’s head was between your legs with you hoisted several feet into the air. He held you where the back of your thigh met your ass and spread your legs wider so he could delve into your folds with more freedom. “Aaah!” His mouth against your sex felt so good—too good. You planted your heels onto his shoulders and began bucking your hips, riding his face. Steve moaned and picked up the speed and urgency of his mouth. There was no method to his claiming of you, no sequence, no repetition that you could get used to so you’d expect, it was pure chaos and desperation and that in itself was a method, it was a technique one that drove you crazy in a matter of minutes. Gripping his head more tightly you pressed his head onto your sex and panted while your orgasm ripped through you. “Aaaa, yes, yes, Steve!”
   The sound that came from his mouth was one you’d never heard before, one that sounded more animal than man. He walked to the bed and dropped you onto it before he hovered over your body kissing you, allowing you to taste yourself. You moaned into his mouth and clawed at the shirt across his back. Without pulling his lips from yours, Steve peeled his shirt over his head. Your feet anxiously pushed at the waistband of his sweats as your fingers relished the feel of his toned back. You didn’t even realize when he’d peeled off the material until you felt his hardened flesh bob against your thigh. Your core clenched already anxious to feel him. Steve finally tore his lips from yours then thrust into you in one full, forceful snap of his hips. You released a strangled gasp arching your back off the bed completely as your body convulsed and clenched around him.
   He didn’t thrust again; he rotated his hips so his thick, member touched every wall inside you. When he grazed the tight bundle of nerves within you, your nails found sunk into his back. Steve hissed then slammed into you again. “Holy Shit!” The way he took you then was gentle but passionate, he always seemed in control, but now there was no gentleness or hesitation. The way he claimed control of your body spoke of experience, authority, and power. Every time his hips stroked forward the fire in you blazed hotter and hotter until you felt the burn all over your body. Steve grunted and moaned not caring who heard, shit you didn’t care either. Touching his bearded cheek again your eyes met. He kissed the palm of your hand again before he pushed your arms back to the bed, holding them down by the wrist with one of his large hands. Hoisting your backside off the bed with the other, he held you suspended in the air and drilled into you.
   You screamed at the new angle, unable to control your eyes rolling to the back of your head. his moans became gruffer as you lied there and took all of him. Steve let your wrist go and held on to your hips as he directed you onto his need. “Aaah, Korri!” Hearing your name on his lips brought out a fresh wave of desire. You gripped him behind his neck and used it as leverage to pull your body from the bed locking your legs around his back. Steve groaned and sunk back remaining on his knees. You straddled him and took control, rocking your hips back and forth then into half circles. Every rotation your hips made he squeezed tighter as if trying to hold you in place.
   When you began bouncing on his lap, you started slow, but after a few moments, Steve was thrusting his hips up meeting each of your dips. After the first few connections, you allowed yourself to fully feel your need for him, allowed yourself to fully be present and when you gave yourself that permission your body rewarded you. Every time your breasts bounced Steve bit down onto your nipple then released it and every time he released it he thrust harder into your heat. In a matter of minutes, you were a panting, moaning and shaking mess. “Look at me, Korri.” It wasn’t a request; it was an order spoken in the voice of Captain America. Your eyes peered into his, and your heart lurched. His mouth was open, and you could hear the shallow pants escaping him.
   Steve squeezed your waist, slowing your circling hips to a near tortoise pace. He grounded his hips along with yours. Your body wanted more, but when you tried to speed up his easily stopped you with his strength. Every second you stared into his eyes the closer and closer you came to saying something you knew you’d regret. He lifted you to a few inches off his lap then rose to his knees and plowed into you with a quickness that pulled another orgasm from you. You screeched with the force of the pleasure whipping through you as Steve’s hips show you just how your body needed to be claimed, how it has always should have been claimed. When he grunted louder you knew he’d reached his point of no return. You felt his release coat your walls, and even that felt incredible. You held on to his body afraid if you let go he’d disappear, and you’d wake up to find it was a dream, and he was gone. Slowly your back came down onto the mattress, but you didn’t release him. Steve kissed your ear, along your jaw, your cheek, neck, and shoulders and held just as tightly to you.
   “Korri, I’m sorry.”
   With those words, reality came crashing down on you once again. It brought everything back including the pain. You groaned and untangled your fingers from his hair and put your hand between your bodies and began pushing him away. Steve didn’t budge, so you pushed more forcefully. “Stop, get off.” He didn’t, and it made you angrier, making you rebel more. No matter how hard you pushed him or tried to separate yourself from him he wouldn’t move, he just held you closer. “Stop darlin’; just stop. Let me explain.” There was nothing to explain, nothing to talk about. You pushed him again and grunted when he didn’t move back. “Steve, get off me! I don’t want to listen. I don’t need your explanations or any more of your lies. Just get off of me!”
   “I did lie to you. I told you the worst lie I’ve ever told, and I am so sorry darlin.” You stopped resisting and lied still. “What? What’re you talking about!?” You felt wetness against your neck and heard him sniffle. Was he crying? You pushed at his body again, and he pulled back. You felt a drop land on your breast—a tear. Steve pulled away from you and slid to the foot of the bed before he rubbed his face, then raked his fingers through his hair to the back of his neck. In the moonlit room, you saw a haunted look on his face. Curiosity filled you. What was he talking about? Why was he crying? Was he about to tell you that your entire relationship was a lie? Was he about to tell you once and for all he’d lied about loving you?
  “What’re you talking about Steve?” His eyes landed on you, and he looked as if he were struggling. He bolted from the bed and paced the space at the foot of your bed. Your eyes couldn’t help but roam his perfect, lean body. The thought of the power he held in him was enough to make you want him again. You groaned and grabbed the sheet beside you to cover yourself. When you looked back to him he was engulfed in darkness. “I lied to you.” rolling your eyes you sighed out. “No shit, you lied to me for an entire year every time you told me you loved me!”
   Steve lunged toward the foot of the bed out of the darkness into the light of the moon. “I have never lied about that, Korri!” The intensity in his eyes was bright; he sauntered over to you and sat before you filling his palm with your cheek. “That is the one thing I meant with everything in me.” his forehead pressed to yours and then his nose nuzzled yours before his lips claimed yours in another scorching kiss. The passion you felt clouded your head and made you forget for a few moments. You pulled away. “You’re a liar! Your letter said--.” He kissed you again. “Lies Korri. How could they have been anything but. You can’t fake what we have; you can’t fake any of this. I loved you more than I’ve ever loved anything.”
   Your head was spinning. You didn’t know if you could believe him, didn’t understand at all. “You said you didn’t love me; you said it had always been Peggy.” You didn’t realize you were crying until his thumbs wiped at your cheeks. “No. I was so obsessed with her then. I loved her, yes, but Korri with you I’ve never loved like this.” Gaping at him you couldn’t believe your ears. Nothing made sense.  
   “You’re lying! God, stop lying, Steve!” Pushing him away, you moved from him scurrying to the opposite side of the bed. Once there you stood and glared at him. “I’m not lying darlin’. That letter was bullshit.” Your jaw dropped, and so did a new wave of tears. He made up his face and tried to cross over to you, but you evaded him and rushed to the bookshelf. “What does that mean? What the fuck does that mean!?”
   “I had to write it Korri. I knew that if I left and you knew I didn’t want to, and that I would love you for the rest of my life you’d have followed me. You would have dropped everything and gone with me. You would have lived the life I lived with the danger, the blood, the pain, the darkness. I knew you’d never accept anything else.” Your heart froze as a plethora of thoughts raced through your mind. You remained silent for longer than you intended. “What’re you saying, Steve?”
   He raked his fingers through his hair again and approached you slowly and cautiously like you were a skittish gazelle. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, it meant nothing. I didn’t feel that way. None of it was true.” Your breath hitched again, and your heart sank. Try as you did you couldn’t catch a breath. All that kept coming to your mind was that he lied, he lied to you though he swore he never would. Steve touched your hand softly. You swatted it away and moved again.
   “You lied to me? You fucking lied to me, Steve? How—how could—do you know what—oh my god! You son of a bitch!” Again, he tried to touch you and yet again you hit his hand away. “What the fuck Steve! You didn’t know that. You didn’t know what I would have done!” Turning your back to him you looked out the door to the trees. “Come on Korri, I know. You know. What we felt then—there was no walking away, there was no way.” Lashing out, you turned to him and pushed him back with all the rage bubbling in you. “Yet you walked away and never looked back! You did that shit, Steve! God!” You didn’t know what to think you could barely breathe. The last seven years of your life was built on a lie. Everything that happened was because of him and his letter, his lies. Your head jumped to Marc, and you looked to the bed you’d just willingly given yourself in, to another man.
   “Oh my god, Marc.” You met him heartbroken, you kept him at arm’s length because you were broken. At times you thought you stayed with him because he was safe and because he loved you so much, a love you thought no one had felt for you before. Now standing here everything was being questioned. You got with Marc on a lie. “What about him?” Steve didn’t sound remorseful at all, looking at him you scanned his features. “What? He’s my fiancée, and here I am—oh, god.” You walked away keeping your back to him. “You can’t be serious Korri, not after last week, not after tonight.” You could feel him coming up behind you. He touched your back bringing his hand down to your waist and turned you to face him.
   “Not after what I just said. I love you Korri, I’ve never stopped loving you. I needed to protect you. Being on the run was no life for you; you didn’t deserve that.” Steve pressed his forehead to yours again, crowding you much more than physically. You couldn’t think, all you could do was feel everything he did to you, every effect he had on you. “I’m sorry darlin’.
   You groaned, but his lips swallowed the sound. You kissed him back with just as much heat and need as he kissed you. When his hand snaked down your back to your backside his growing length pressed urgently against you. Steve then bent and lifted you before sliding into your needy canal.
   Reason and thought were gone, you were going with what felt good, what felt right even though it also felt wrong, but it didn’t feel wrong for the reasons it should have. Steve slowly rocked in and out of you creating a delicious friction that stroked the kindles he’d reignited. You held him close and relished in how good he felt, and how good it felt being in his arms after so long. So many nights you’d cried thinking the one man you loved more than air itself didn’t love you, didn’t want you. Now you were faced with the truth, or the truth, according to Steve. He could have been lying yet again. It was clear he was not the same man you knew. He was different.
   The way he controlled your body shook you from your thoughts. He possessively held you and kissed you where he knew you loved. Every rock, moan, grunt, and grind hazed your mind even further and made your body comply with every single command. It had never been like this with Marc. You’d never felt half the things with him that you felt with Steve and that realization shook you.
   Once the heat of the moment passed, the two of you laid entangled across your bed. Steve’s chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath with a hand possessively draped across your backside. You sat up on him forcing a hiss from him. Avoiding his eyes, you pulled away getting off the bed. “Get out.” You walked toward the bathroom when you heard him mutter your name. “Go. I can’t do this.” Walking away from him you closed the bathroom door fearing this would not be the last time.
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