#because I would not watch Death to Smoochie for just anyone
someinstant · 1 year
Suddenly overcome with deep nostalgia and longing for video rental places. Not Blockbusters or anything-- my favorite was an independent joint in the town where I went to college. Vision Video. It was in a building that had formerly been a laundromat and a dry cleaners, so there were multiple rooms with mismatched tile, and they almost assuredly didn't have whatever the big teen movie was-- but if you were into, like, South Korean horror or the entire back catalog of Nic Cage or German expressionist silent films or Ernest Goes to Camp or carefully labeled erotica (porn. it was just porn, but this was the American South many decades ago)-- if you were the sort of person who fell hard for a particular genre or director or actor, it was heaven.
Just wandering the store at eleven at night on a Thursday with your roommate, stacks of movies in your arms, Of Montreal's latest EP coming over the speakers, the big weird quiet guy at the counter watching a very violent anime on the TV, occasionally suggesting you watch a Danish action flick, and handing you a flyer for the local student film festival when you checked out an hour or two later.
And then you'd go home to your crappy off-campus apartment after stopping at a convenience store for snacks, flop down on the futon, and start marathoning whatever your current obsession was (my roomie: anything Edward Norton had ever done. me: basically all of Mexican Nuevo Cine), and wake up when the afternoon sun slapped you in the face, the DVD menu in playing in an endless loop in the background.
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stevethehairington · 2 years
i was tagged by: @senoritablack @stargyles @henrystars @stevesbipanic @toburnup and @thefreakandthehair; thank youuuu friends!! 💕
the rules: list the titles all of your wips are saved as, and if anyone wants to know more about one (or get a little snippet), they can shoot you an ask with the title in question.
i'm going to focus on just my stranger things wips because i'm in my st era and that's probably what most people are here for lol, but hooo boy do i have a shit ton of wips from a shit ton of fandoms. i have quite a few for st too, in just about every stage of wip you can think of — some that are just plans, some that are just the vaguest of ~ vibes, some that actually have a good chunk written, etcetera etcetera. and here they are:
eddie watches steve swim
the most ridiculous graduation requirement
he's a bit of a fixer upper
smoochy smoochy mistletoe fic
r i n g s
the ultimate holiday hallmark au
steve harrington and hunger
thanksgiving fic
thee scoops fic
we're going on a camping trip
eddie munson vs the big giant flying metal death trap
good walls all around*
rfi fic*
(the last two with the * by it are ones that i am not actually sure if i'm allowed to talk about yet, but i still wanted to add them to the list so there they are! just with a little warning by them! you can ask about them but idk how much i'll be able to tell!)
i feel like so many people i would normally tag have been tagged in this already but i also cannot keep track of it all so if you've already done this and i tag you feel free to ignore it lol and even if you haven't done it don't feel obligated to do it if you don't want to!
tagging: @santasteve @starorbs @aidaronan @hexmionegranger @withacapitalp @komiraidon @eddieunbanished @maxinemaxmayfield @ruthofrhythm
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luchinosgf · 4 years
🦷 Some sleepy Aesop headcanons with the ‘man in dream’ outfit?
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Literally bless everyone in The Manor discord server. Y’all spammed me with AUs that I’m so excited to write for,, Y’all are all so cute 🥺
Man In Dream
Close your eyes and make a guess. Will this be a nap or an eternal sleep.
I like to think Aesop actually can fall asleep anywhere given that he’s comfortable and his set of nice pijamas just makes that infinitely easier for him.
He’s a very reserved man, so I like to think that’d really only be your rooms. Although he does fall asleep much faster by your side.
Every night when he goes to sleep he wonders if it’s his or your last. He’s grotesquely obsessed with death as a concept and how it would feel.
A part of him, however, always wishes for death to come later. He wants to have every moment with you he can.
He falls asleep thinking about you, thinking about all things you two can do together.
He’s not the best at conveying his emotions, and he is extremely sensitive to touch, but you bring him comfort and everyday he opens up more and more around you. He tries his best for you.
Trickster (COA III AU)
The Trickster tried his best to protect the Surveyors mind from being eroded, just so they could continue with their journey on the road of darkness with the Abyss' creation in their hands. Yet, his playful miscommunication finally took its toll on the Puppeteer.
This mans is wild. Fluff is sparse because of how much he values his work and his duties.
Everyday he worries more and more about the Netherwalker catching up to them, ruining them with the power the Vile Blossom carried. The creatures of the Abyss scared him shitless and the last thing he wanted to do was have them hurt you in any way just by connection.
He knew of the Investigation Bureau’s corrption and planned to keep you as far away from it as possible.
But behind closed doors..
He longs for your love, your kisses and smoochies, feeling your hands run through his hair.
He’s in love with you, no debating that. He tries his best to convey it with words and whispers, notes sent in secret, affections away from the eye of the Bureau.
He absolutely loves watching you sleep, as creepy as it sounds. It’s like time has stood still. No impending corruption, no dangers.
It makes him think of a world where you two could marry, have a life together on some countryside far away from anyone who wanted to take it away.
If only he could have that freedom. Sometimes he’ll stay by your side in the mornings longer than he usually does, just so that he can talk to you and kiss you goodbye before he goes to work, even if he can’t do it too often.
He loves you more than life itself; He’d do anything for you.
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
hiii can i request hcs for the the sdgr2 girls with a chubby fem s/o pls 👉👈
SDR2 girls with chubby fem S/O
Kisses!! :D definitely xx
-Mod Souda
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Hiyoko Saionji
Hugs you like a pillow all the time.
Too often, literally cannot separate from you sometimes.
If you have a sugar tooth, the two of you will debate your favorite candies together.
She gets heated in the argument.
Eventually, you’ll just agree to disagree, which doesn’t satisfy her too much.
Forces you to try to eat all her favorites foods. Will cry if you don’t.
Will cry if you don’t.
Also forces you to come to all of her dances. Not that you mind about that though, as you would have went anyways.
But the idea of you caring for her enough to go on your own free will scares her.
You don’t get made fun of often, because being apart of the class means being a friend to everyone, but Teruteru is the one to always make flirting comments because of your weight.
Hiyoko bops him on the head each time, scolding him to death.
Sometimes, when she thinks you’re sleeping at night, she’ll cry sympathetic tears for you. 
“I’m sorry I can’t stop him,” she whispers, holding you tight. 
Sonia Nevermind
Ironically her pet-name for you is princess.
She’s very cautious about things that can offend you, if anything.
Has a killer death stare when people say insensitive things.
Her favorite thing is having you too match clothes, and she has her own tailor to make you both clothes.
May or may not convince you to wear gothic clothes.
You have to deal with her rants about serial killers, too.
Sometimes she’ll wake you up in the middle of the night like, “I still don’t understand how he got away with it for so long.”
Dangerously in love with you. She’ll surprise you with kisses all the time.
“Surprise smooch!” She calls out, jumping on your back and making you fall over.
Kisses you softly. She’s never aggressive about it. 
For showing off in public, her only issue is if you can learn the dozen of mandatory languages in such short time.
Since you need to be on her intelligence level to be with her, of course!
Almost forgets that you think you’re different from everyone else.
But you’re not! And no one in her kingdom really cares about the way you look, just the way you hold yourself and your devotion to making her happy.
Akane Owari
Worships you in every way.
Holds onto you while she tells you how much she loves you.
Will definitely die for you in every sense of the phrase.
Takes cooking classes with you! She was definitely a mother figure with her siblings, and so cooking with her is the moment you can see her settle down and be stern.
She gets serious about food.
But she’ll eat whatever you make, even if it isn’t too good. 
Defends your honor against people who laugh at you!
And in turn you get to bandage her wounds.
Especially when she butts heads with Nidai.
Which happens a lot.
She’s a hard person to try and wrestle down to give her kisses. She will literally just try and make you chase her.
“Come on! I know you can do it!” She laughs as she literally climbs a building.
Peko Pekoyama
A little nervous about Kuzuryuu finding out she is together with a girl.
But he knows her better than anyone, so she knows that he already knows. 
Especially when he gets you gifts, specifically giving Peko the gifts to give to you.
Like a treaty.
When you both finally meet he pretends like he has never done such a thing.
Peko tries to keep you away from him, though. It’s a dangerous world and she doesn’t want you to be involved in it.
You don’t see her all the often either. But when you do, it’s when she sneaks into your house.
You’ll go downstairs to her reading silently on your couch. 
You’ve literally just gotten used to it.
She steals some of your clothes, too, since they are more comfortable than anything she owns. 
And in summer time, that’s her opportunity to take all of your long sleeves when you won’t wear them. 
Since your clothes are bigger than hers, too, she usually wears them as pajamas. But if her duty is to blend in, then she will 100% wear your clothes.
Mahiru Koizumi
Makes you model for her all the time.
It’s a bit embarrassing for you, since you don’t consider yourself the most qualified.
But she wouldn’t photograph anyone else.
She’s definitely someone who will try and get any immature male to leave your sight!
Especially Kazuichi for some reason.
When she asked you out, you thought it was a joke at first!
Something that embarrasses you is how she brags about dating you.
She’s no ashamed of who she is, or who you are.
Has a thing for giving gifts wrapped up. She would die to reason something with a ribbon on top.
So you’ll give her little lip glosses and bracelets, putting them in a small box and covering them in glitter for her.
It’s in inner joke between you two for you to get down on one knee when you give her these trinkets.
Because you know if it was an actual proposal the box wouldn’t have Sanrio stickers all over it.
Ibuki Mioda
She’s a very sweet person, very sensitive to your emotions, which you didn’t expect when you asked her out.
She also calls you bubblegum all the time!
And cares about your opinion on anything.
Even though she cares a lot, she has absolutely no idea what to say when you are down.
Likes your body a lot ^ it’s easy to huge. 
If you ever say something negative about yourself she’ll just stand there like |
“What are you talking about? I don’t get it?”
Anyways luv she is your number one hype man.
And you hype her up all the time in return, though no matter how much you do, it never feels like enough.
Mikan Tsumiki
She’s a kissy, smoochy, huggy, cuddly person.
Wants to hold your hand every second of the day.
And it’s fun dating a nurse because she always knows what to do.
“You need more sleep, and maybe less stress!”
Even though she knows it’s bad for both of you, she likes hanging out with you in the morning, drinking her coffee, and eating sweets for breakfast.
Her favorite type of date is one where the two of you watch horror movies together!
Comforting you if you get jump scared, no matter how small, makes her feel better about herself.
She prefers old horror movies over newer ones. Some are so cryptid you haven't even heard of them.
Forces you to watch them sometimes.
She just loves experiencing horror movies with you.
Chiaki Nanami
One of the first times you saw her giggle was when she saw how nervous you got when you asked her out.
Your hands were shaking so she held them to calm you down.
She’s always been the calm one. A good listener, too!
Sleeps on your shoulder almost every day. Even in public. It’s hard to wake her up.
You get to listen to her talk about games for hours. 
If you’re ever insecure, she’ll share with you her favorite character designs of characters that are shaped like you.
She can sense whenever you get uncomfortable in front of other people, too.
Somehow she developed that sense. Like a psychic.
And if you’re standing next to her during that situation, she’ll walk in front of you and just continue walking. The sign is to follow her and dip.
An easy way to get out of that situation.
Will not tolerate you talking bad about yourself, no matter if it’s passive-aggressive or not. 
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yamayamawrites · 4 years
Switched - Part 2
A/N: Hi everyone! I’m so thankful for the wonderful reception to the first part of my fic, Switched! I released part 2 on AO3 (find it here) a few days ago, and I’ve been meaning to upload it here, so here’s part 2! Once again, @amit-crabcrab is wholly responsible for the amazing concept and even better fanart that inspired this fic. Hope you enjoy!!
Waking up in Tsukkishima’s body was no less jarring than it was the day before. Kageyama had been hoping, praying that maybe the entire thing was a nightmare, but when he woke up and couldn’t see five feet in front of him, a scowl formed on his face and he nearly slammed his hands onto the glasses on the bedside table.
He grabbed for Tsukki’s phone and sent a quick text to Tsukkageyama only to be startled half to death when not even a minute later Tsukkageyama pushed the bedroom door open. “My—I mean, your—mom let me in,” he said with a shrug, dropping a bag at the door and closing the door behind him.
“Do you remember that shrine visit?” Kageyama blurted. Tsukkageyama raised an eyebrow at him.
“That was over a month ago. I thought of that, too,” Tsukkageyama admitted. “But I don’t think it’s that.”
“Well that’s the only thing that makes any sense in my mind,” Kageyama replied with a defeated shrug. “But whatever.”
“Can you please put some actual clothes on?” Tsukkageyama said in a mock-disgusted tone. “I’m sitting here looking at myself shirtless and it’s kind of uncomfortable.”
Kageyama stuck out his tongue, but he obliged, throwing his legs off the side of the bed and standing. He still wasn’t used to this new lanky height and found himself stumbling a bit with his first few steps. I probably look like a toddler, he thought with a grimace, but Tsukkageyama didn’t comment. He threw on some clothes for the day, somehow not even minding that Tsukkageyama was watching, because after all it was his body, not Kageyama’s.
“So, you and Hinata,” Tsukkageyama whistled as Kageyama flopped back down onto the bed. “Can’t say I didn’t see it coming.”
“Shut up,” Kageyama growled back. “You and Yamaguchi are together too.”
“We have been for almost a year,” Tsukkageyama responded, idly picking at Kageyama’s pristine fingernails. “Pretty much everyone knows.”
“Is that why you freaked out so much when I said that last night on the phone?” Kageyama sneered, watching himself—Tsukkageyama—become flustered once again. Even though Tsukki wasn’t in his own body, it still felt strange to see him this nervous and jumpy. Kageyama thought that despite the cool demeanor Tsukkageyama wore, he really was terrified of their current situation.
“Okay, so maybe not everyone knows. I’d like you to keep it a secret,” Tsukkageyama refused to look over at Kageyama as he spoke.
“Ditto,” Kageyama replied. “Hinata and I haven’t really decided what we are yet, and we wanted to wait until we did to tell anyone…” Kageyama felt backed into a corner. The last person he ever wanted to figure out about his and Hinata’s relationship was, in fact, Tsukkishima, but now he couldn’t help but tell Tsukkageyama the details of their relationship in order for Tsukkageyama to not screw it up.
This whole situation was a hot mess, and Kageyama honestly had no idea how to deal with it. Based on the furrowed brows and scowl on Tsukkageyama’s face, he also had no idea how to deal with the fact that they had switched bodies. After all, this wasn’t really something one could Google and find a WikiHow article on how to reverse a body-switch.
“Where are we going today?” Kageyama asked finally, breaking the tense silence that had fallen between them.
“Well, I told Yamaguchi it would be a surprise,” Tsukkageyama replied with all the vigor of Tsukki. “We could go anywhere.”
“How about a movie?”
“Yamaguchi doesn’t like movie dates. He likes to talk.”
Kageyama scowled. Hinata also didn’t like movie dates because he’d gotten kicked out of so many theaters for making sound effects where he thought they should be in movies. Kageyama had to remind the boy multiple times that when characters kiss, it doesn’t make the “SMOOCHY” sound that Hinata always emphasized.
“Dinner?” Tsukkageyama suggested. “I mean, it’s not ideal, but—”
Kageyama’s phone rang. Tsukkageyama picked it up and immediately groaned. “It’s Shrimpy,” he grumbled.
“Well, answer it!”
“He calls you too damn much.”
“Answer the phone!”
Somehow Kageyama didn’t even have to ask for Tsukkageyama to put the phone on speaker mode. He really just wanted to hear Hinata’s voice, the way he talked to him and only him. It sounded sappy, but that was because it was, and Kageyama didn’t mind being sappy when it came to that little ball of sunshine.
“Ka-ge-ya-ma!” Hinata sang into the phone. “Are we hanging out today?”
“Yes,” Tsukkageyama groaned. Kageyama sent him a warning glare.
“Okay, because there’s this super cool festival happening right now! It’s kind of small but there’s food carts and a few games and stuff—”
“That’s not a real word.”
Kageyama sent Tsukkageyama a warning kick to the side. Both of them flinched.
“I’m on my way to your house now!”
“Wait – Hinata,” Tsukkageyama suddenly had a look of panic on his face.
“I’ll…meet you there. I’m not home right now.”
“Where could Kageyama be at such an early hour?” Hinata hummed on the other side of the phone, and Kageyama really wanted to grab the phone from Tsukkageyama’s hand and tell him everything, tell him how they switched bodies and how much he missed Hinata—but Tsukkageyama had just mumbled a “you’ll see” into the phone and hung up.
“Here’s the plan,” Tsukkageyama spoke sternly to Kageyama now. “We’re going to go shopping. You’re going to tell me what Shrimpy likes, and I’m going to tell you what Yamaguchi likes. We’re going to suck it up and play good boyfriends, and after that we’ll deal with…this situation.” He gestured between the two of them.
“Right.” Kageyama wasn’t used to Tsukkageyama taking charge like this. The only time Tsukki had ever taken charge like this was during a match, when he was timing out blocks, and even then he simply said “ready, and”. There was never an explicit plan laid out like he’d just done. He watched Tsukkageyama fidget – something that Kageyama had never seen Tsukki do – and knew that Yamaguchi must be special to him, for him to be this worried about everything.
That’s not to say Kageyama wasn’t worried, because he was. But his and Hinata’s relationship was new, and while Kageyama would love to have kissed Hinata the night before and not Yamaguchi, he knew that Tsukki and Yamaguchi were practically inseparable, and that this must be hell for Tsukkageyama.
Did he actually feel bad for that asshole?
He didn’t have long to dwell on whether or not the feeling in his chest was frustration that he couldn’t see Hinata or frustration that Tsukkageyama couldn’t spend time with Yamaguchi. Tsukkageyama pushed himself up off the bed and grabbed his bag. “Let’s go,” he said without looking back at Kageyama.
Shopping with Tsukkageyama, as much as Kageyama hated to admit it, was kind of fun. Tsukkageyama had a habit of mumbling comments about other shoppers, saying things like “she really wore that out in public?” and “he looks like he doesn’t know how to use a hairbrush.” Kageyama would snicker behind his hand, admittedly practicing to play the role of Tsukkishima later during their double date.
As they idly walked around the store, looking for things to get each other’s boyfriends, they devised a plan. Kageyama had to pick Yamaguchi up, so Kageyama would text Tsukkageyama when they were on their way to the festival. Tsukkageyama and Hinata would buy lunch at a nearby stand and sit at a table in clear sight from the direction that Kageyama and Yamaguchi would be coming from. Once Hinata spotted Kageyama (Tsukkishima) and Yamaguchi, there was not doubt in either of their minds that Hinata would wave them over, and the group would – like magic – be on a double date.
That was the hope, anyways, as Kageyama picked out a small crow stuffed animal and gave it to Tsukkageyama. “Hinata loves stuffed animals,” he mumbled, cheeks turning somewhat pink. He hated the feeling of not getting the stuffed animal for Hinata himself; even since before they were dating, Kageyama treated Hinata to stuffed animals for special occasions. One time, he even found a calico cat plushie to commemorate a training camp with Nekoma.
Tsukkageyama didn’t say anything about Kageyama’s blushing. Instead, he led Kageyama to the flowers aisle. “Yamaguchi really likes flowers and gardening, so, um…just pick some.” Tsukkageyama wore the same frustrated blush Kageyama did as Kageyama tried to decide between two bouquets. Finally, he settled for one with orange and white lilies. The two paid for their respective gifts, and Tsukkageyama gave Kageyama directions to Yamaguchi’s house.
When they parted ways, Kageyama felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. This was really happening, and so much could go wrong in the span of a single day that he felt like his heart might beat out of his chest. He followed Tsukkageyama’s directions carefully (he’d sent them in a text while making fun of Kageyama’s short-term memory) and made it to Yamaguchi’s house much faster than he’d made it home the night before with Tsukkageyama’s directions. He wondered vaguely if Tsukkageyama had been messing with him the night before. Probably, he concluded.
He sent Tsukkageyama a text that he’d made it to Yamaguchi’s house. Just before Kageyama called to say he was outside, Yamaguchi swung open the door, smiling sweetly. “Hey, Tsukki,” he chirped, then looked down and saw the bouquet Kageyama had so carefully carried all the way here. “Oh! Are those for me?”
“Who else would they be for?” Kageyama asked in the most Tsukki tone he could muster; it must have worked, because Yamaguchi giggled and grabbed the bouquet, then planted a kiss on his cheek.
“I’ll go put these in water, then we can go. Where are we going, anyways?”
“You’ll see.”
Somehow, Kageyama felt much more relaxed on their walk to the festival than he had felt the day before. This time he listened to Yamaguchi rattle on, and maybe had he listened the day before he could have gathered just how much Yamaguchi loved to garden; he talked endlessly about the status of a few vegetable plants he was growing, as well as some sunflowers that he said reminded him of Hinata, then laughed. Kageyama smiled at this, thinking once again of Hinata as they turned a corner and headed toward the festival.
“Oh, Tsukki, you said you didn’t like festivals!” Yamaguchi’s face lit up.
“It’s not always about me,” Kageyama responded. He found it easy to act like Tsukki when it was just him and Yamaguchi; he didn’t have a grumpy face that made things like this sound cranky when he said  them to Hinata. He decided maybe the best idea for the night was to act like Yamaguchi was Hinata—
But that wouldn’t be happening, he decided, when they saw Hinata and Tsukkageyama sitting together. Hinata had the crow plushie stuffed under his arm, and he wore the absolute cutest summer outfit. Nothing could top the real Hinata, he decided quickly.
As if on cue, Hinata stood and waved the second he saw Yamaguchi and Kageyama (Tsukki). Tsukkageyama turned around and – was that a smile? Yamaguchi waved to the two with a shy smile, then looked up at Kageyama. “Tsukki, did you know they’d be here?”
“N-no,” Kageyama replied. Maybe he wasn’t entirely used to acting like Tsukkishima.
“Yamaguchi, Tsukkishima! Over here!”
When they sat, Yamaguchi let his knees bump against Kageyama’s under the table. Kageyama wondered if this was similar to the nervous tick Hinata had; whenever Hinata was unsure of himself, he would tap his fingers in a certain pattern on Kageyama’s shoulder, palm, whatever was closest. And, if Kageyama was able, he’d get Hinata out of that situation. Again, something they’d been doing long before they started dating.
“What are you guys doing here?” Tsukkageyama asked, trying his best to sound like actual Kageyama.
“Tsukki brought me here,” Yamaguchi replied with a smile over at Kageyama. “We’re on a—”
“Friend date!” Hinata piped up quickly, his cheeks and ears red with embarrassment. “Yup, us too! Right, Kageyama?”
“Oh, um, yeah,” Tsukkageyama nodded. His eyes were trained on Kageyama with a look of subtle horror in his eyes as both of them came to the realization that either they would have to admit they were dating, or they would continue in this unsettling atmosphere.
“How’s your face?” Hinata asked Kageyama, sneering a bit. “Kageyama got you good, didn’t he?”
“Oh—um, it’s fine,” Kageyama struggled, being put under the spotlight far too quickly. “I deserved it.”
That shocked everyone at the table, including Tsukkageyama, who made a quick sputtering noise and shook his head. “No, I’m sorry I did that,” he said finally, and it sounded much too sincere to be coming from either Tsukki or Kageyama.
Kageyama waved it off after the momentary shock and the group instead shifted to discussing some television show that Hinata and Yamaguchi both enjoyed. Hinata was trying to explain the plot to Tsukkageyama while Yamaguchi argued about how the two main characters were obviously in love to Kageyama. Both of them looked at each other from the corners of their eyes, completely confused because neither one of them had seen a single episode of the show.
It became harder and harder for Kageyama to watch Hinata mindlessly drum his fingers on Tsukkageyama’s hand. That should be me, he thought stubbornly, and he didn’t even notice how hard he was glaring until Yamaguchi nudged him with his knee under the table. “Is something wrong?” Yamaguchi asked in a hushed tone, moving his face a bit closer to Kageyama’s.
“N-no, it’s nothing,” Kageyama flushed a bit and felt somewhat guilty. No matter how much he despised Tsukkishima, he’d never want to do something to jeopardize his relationship with Yamaguchi.
“Well, you look angrier than usual. We can go do something else, if you want—”
“Yamaguchi and I are going to go play some games,” Kageyama announced in as bored of a tone as he could muster. Hinata and Tsukkageyama looked over at him, almost quizzically, but soon Kageyama and Yamaguchi were on their feet and heading towards the game stalls.
“I want to play something too, Ka-ge-ya-ma!” Hinata sang in that same way he’d done multiple times already. Tsukkageyama wondered what it would sound like if Yamaguchi said his name in a singsong way like that. He concluded after a moment that it would sound terrible; he liked the nickname Tsukki all too much.
“Bet I can beat you at the ring toss,” Tsukkageyama decided the most Kageyama-like thing to do would be to induce competition.
“Oh, you’re on!” Hinata laughed, a bright and sunny laugh that reminded him of the way Yamaguchi laughed when it was just the two of them. He sighed and glanced around, catching sight of Yamaguchi playing some sort of rubber duck fishing game with Kageyama, their shoulders bumping. Both of them wore wide smiles.
Tsukkageyama had never taken Yamaguchi to a festival, despite knowing just how much his boyfriend enjoyed the people and the food and the sights. He’d never wanted to put himself willingly into that close of proximity with people for fear that they’d somehow read Tsukki’s mind and know that he was gay, and that he was dating his childhood friend. He wasn’t ashamed of Yamaguchi; he was afraid of admitting to anyone (himself, mostly) that he liked men. He loved Yamaguchi with all of his heart, and he wanted to protect Yamaguchi with his life, but still he found it exceedingly difficult to take Yamaguchi on dates where someone else might figure that out.
Hinata and Tsukkageyama bounded towards the ring toss stall, which was just a few stalls down from where Kageyama and Yamaguchi were. Kageyama stood close to Yamaguchi, and every once in a while Yamaguchi would lean up against him and smile up at him like he was the only person there. Tsukkageyama’s heart clutched and he forced himself to look away. He had gotten used to that look being special, being just for him; but he supposed that meant Kageyama was doing a good job playing the part of him, and that should be a good thing, right? Why did he feel so hurt?
“Hey, Kageyama,” Hinata tugged on Tsukkageyama’s sleeve. Some of his mannerisms secretly made Tsukkageyama wonder if maybe Kageyama was just into petite girls and he couldn’t get a girlfriend with his scary face, so he settled for the next best thing.
“What?” Tsukkageyama snapped back, but judging by the look on Hinata’s face, Kageyama didn’t bark at him like that when they were alone. “Sorry,” he added.
“It’s fine. You just seem a little tenser than usual. Did you not want to spend time with Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi? Because I’m sorry, I spoke without thinking—”
“It’s alright,” Tsukkageyama said quickly.
“Do you think they’re dating?” Hinata followed up in a genuinely thoughtful tone. “I mean, they’re always so close. And Yamaguchi told me one time that Tsukkishima comes and spends the night a lot.”
“That doesn’t automatically mean they’re dating,” Tsukkageyama responded, trying to hide the fear and frustration in his tone.
“Well, yeah, but…” Hinata smiled up at him. “That’s how we got together, isn’t it?”
“I-I guess?” It was genuinely a question; Tsukkageyama had no idea how they got together.
Hinata laughed at the look of confusion on his face and turned his attention to the ring toss game. “Either way, they look happy together. I hope they’re happy.”
That sent Tsukkageyama’s head swirling. What did Hinata mean? Was that supposed to be some sort of joke? Tsukkishima had never taken the time to care about the Shrimp’s happiness before all of this, and up until this point, he hadn’t been planning on caring about it after. How come Hinata cared if he was happy or not? He never paid any attention to Hinata’s happiness, and he was sure Hinata had to know that.
Tsukkageyama must have zoned out, because he was brought back into reality with a swift kick to the back. He winced, and just a few stalls down he saw Kageyama wince, too, then scowl over at Tsukkageyama as if he was the one who had just kicked them in the back. “Earth to Kageyama,” Hinata giggled. “What’s up?”
“It’s nothing,” Tsukkageyama plastered a frown onto his face that he hoped looked similar to Kageyama’s. It must not have been quite right, because Hinata giggled even more.
“Are you sure? You look constipated.”
“Why do you care about m—Tsukkishima’s happiness?” he finally spat. He had to know.
“Oh,” Hinata shrugged. “He’s my teammate. He may be mean and all, but I still care about him. Because if he’s happy he plays volleyball better!” Hinata accentuated this with a pump of his fist to the air. “Besides, if he plays volleyball better, then it’s a real competition of who’s the best middle blocker!”
Tsukkageyama wasn’t sure what he expected, but it wasn’t that. He laughed, then, something he rarely did in his own body. Hinata watched him with a look of confusion. “Why’s that funny?”
“Because it all comes down to volleyball, like always,” Tsukkageyama sighed after he calmed down.
“Well, volleyball is my favorite thing. And that means you’re also my favorite thing by extension,” Hinata nudged into Tsukkageyama playfully, and Tsukkageyama’s face flushed. Yamaguchi said things like this to him, but they were rare and always followed up by a million apologies. However, Hinata was unapologetic and smiling, and he kind of liked that. Tsukkageyama didn’t know how Kageyama responded to these types of things, though, so he just smiled and tossed the rest of his rings at the bottles, missing every single one.
The four of them gathered again at a table for dinner. Yamaguchi carried a large chibi flower stuffed animal under his arm that Kageyama must have won for him, and Hinata and Tsukkageyama both had a variety of small, cheap plushies. The conversation flowed much better than it had earlier that day, and Kageyama hated to admit it, but Yamaguchi and Tsukki (inside Kageyama’s body or not) were quite fun to spend time with. He knew Hinata must have been having the same thoughts, because as Tsukkageyama and Hinata parted ways, Hinata exclaimed that “We should do this again soon!” as they walked away.
Once they were gone, Yamaguchi sidled up closer to Kageyama. “I think they’re dating,” he said finally.
“Yeah,” Kageyama mumbled, not entirely processing that wait, Yamaguchi had figured it out. His face flushed when he did have that realization.
“Well, it makes sense,” Yamaguchi shrugged. “They spend like, all their free time together.”
“I guess it does make some sense.” Kageyama inwardly panicked. Were they really that obvious? Did the whole team already know? He had to remind himself how surprised Tsukkageyama had been when he found out, despite having already guessed it.
“Do you want to spend the night? My parents aren’t home.”
Now, Kageyama would do a lot of things to keep them from getting found out—kissing, cuddling, hugging…but he would not lose his virginity to Yamaguchi. “S-sorry, I’ve got some homework to do. Maybe later this week?” He hoped in his suggestion that their bodies would switch back later that week.
“Oh. Yeah,” Yamaguchi plastered a smile on his face. Kageyama could immediately tell he’d upset the boy; he knew the look of a fake-smile all too well from the many times Hinata tried not to act offended when Kageyama said he had to go home after hours of after-school practice.
“I really am sorry,” Kageyama insisted. “Can I walk you home?”
“Yeah, sure.”
It had been a few days now that Kageyama and Tsukkishima were trapped in each other’s bodies. The two were getting antsy to find a solution, but so far their only lead they had was the shrine visit from over a month ago. After some feverish Googling, Kageyama and Tsukkageyama found the American film Freaky Friday, which may have been of some help if the two had gone to a cheap Chinese restaurant and gotten strange fortune cookies.
Kageyama had to quadruple check with Tsukkageyama that that didn’t happen. Each time, Tsukkageyama had to remind Kageyama that they didn’t go out to eat with each other. Like, ever.
Their acting slowly improved during volleyball practices to the point that they were acting mostly like themselves again on the court. Tsukkageyama even attempted a freak quick pass, which went well for the most part, except Hinata had to hit it with his left hand. Everyone in the club seemed to be off their trail.
Except for Suga.
Suga waited in the clubroom until Tsukkageyama and Kageyama were the last ones, idly fumbling with his gym bag. Before they could leave, he cleared his throat and put a smile on his face. “Hey, you two,” he chirped, “how about you take a seat?”
The two glanced at each other and swallowed thickly. Neither one of them had the guts to dash out the door and run forever from Suga, so they accepted their defeat and sat on the bench together, heads hung. “Now,” Suga began, “I might not be the smartest person on the team, but there’s a reason I’m called the most observant.”
Shit, Kageyama thought.
“You two are playing some sort of weird game,” Suga still wore his intimidating smile. “You’re acting like each other. Why?”
He doesn’t know, Tsukkageyama thought.
“We switched bodies—”
“We’re practicing for a play—”
The two spoke at the same time, then looked at each other in confusion. Suga shook his head. “I can’t understand you with both of you talking at once. One at a time, please.”
“We’re…practicing for a play?”
“Right! A play!”
Suga laughed out loud at this. “Yeah, right. You don’t have time for that,” he waved his hand dismissively. “What was that other thing?”
Kageyama looked at Tsukkageyama nervously. Both of them looked up finally, completely defeated. “We switched bodies,” they said together.
Suga laughed even harder at this – that is, until he noticed that neither of the boys in front of him were laughing. His laughter slowly died. “You…you are joking, right?”
“Sadly, no,” Tsukkageyama replied. “It’s been like this since last Friday.”
“Is that why—”
“Tsukkishima punched me in the face,” Kageyama replied, and Suga was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Tsukkishima had just referred to himself in the third person – no, that was Kageyama, not Tsukkishima.
“Jesus,” he sighed. “I thought you were just playing some stupid prank or something…”
“I wish,” they responded at the same time.
“Quit doing that!” Suga cried. “You’re freaking me out now.”
“Do you know how to help?” Kageyama asked desperately.
Suga tapped his chin in thought. “Have you seen the movie Freaky Friday?” he asked finally.
“We didn’t eat any Chinese food,” Tsukkageyama replied bluntly.
“Well, that’s not exactly what I mean. In the movie, the mom and the daughter don’t switch back until they do something nice for each other and see each other’s points of view. Have you tried that?”
“I’d rather smack our heads together,” Tsukkageyama droned.
“They do that in the movie too,” Kageyama noted. The two seemed all too eager to do that, and Suga had to throw himself between them to keep them from throwing their heads together.
“Bad plan,” Suga huffed as he separated the two. “Okay, we’ll keep this our little secret. Let’s have lunch together again today and we can try to figure it out.”
“Hinata will be upset if I bail again,” Tsukkageyama replied. Kageyama glanced over at him, shocked; some time after their visit to the festival, Tsukkageyama had started caring more about Hinata. He even stopped referring to him as Shrimpy to Kageyama.
“Well then maybe we can try after practice. Tsukki—Kageyama, is that okay with you?” Suga asked.
“I usually walk Yamaguchi home,” he replied, rubbing his neck. Suga groaned.
“This might be a little harder than we thought.”
They ended up settling for meeting at Suga’s apartment later that evening. Neither Tsukkageyama nor Kageyama commented on the fact that Suga lived alone; they both supposed they knew next to nothing about their upperclassman. By the time Kageyama arrived after walking Yamaguchi home, Tsukkageyama was already sitting on the floor across from Suga, drinking tea from a colorful mug.
Suga greeted Kageyama with a warm smile and a cup of tea for himself. “Tsukkishima and I were just trying to think of some things that might work,” he said as he led Kageyama into the apartment.
Despite how uncomfortable the atmosphere should have felt, the group spent a great deal of time laughing and joking with each other. It was especially strange when Suga heard Tsukkishima full on laugh the first time; of course, that voice had come from Kageyama, but Tsukkageyama was laughing, too.
They brainstormed for a good, long while, not even bothering about the time despite it being a school night. The best option they could come up with was to see one another’s point of view, like they did in that movie Freaky Friday, but slamming heads together was kept as a back-up option.
The group was startled from their brainstorming session when there was another knock at the door. “Shit,” Suga breathed, still wearing a smile as he pushed himself up and walked to the door. Kageyama and Tsukkageyama heard a muffled noise, then a yelp, then a door slam. “Wrong address!” Suga said quickly as he came back into the room, but neither of them bought it.
A little bit later, they said their good-byes and thanked Suga for everything. He waved them away, saying how he always enjoyed extra company. Tsukkageyama and Kageyama passed by Daichi in the hallway, who was seemingly trying to hide behind a fake plant. It only dawned on Kageyama as he was walking to Tsukkishima’s house what Daichi had been there for, but he tried to shake the thought away and imagined that maybe Daichi was just there to…study. Yeah, study. At around midnight on a school night. Of course.
That evening left him much to think about besides Daichi and Suga’s…study session. He wondered what it meant to see things from Tsukkishima’s point of view. He supposed seeing out of Tsukkishima’s eyes was the ultimate view of his point of view, but obviously that wasn’t the answer. Plus, he was getting antsy. Not being able to set to Hinata was eating away at him, and he felt like he might explode in a heap of jealousy soon if he watched Tsukkageyama set even one more poorly-received toss to Hinata.
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
“Blood in the Snow”: Ivar the Boneless Imagine
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Ivar the Boneless Imagine Ivar the Boneless x  : Plus Size Reader, er, well I guess it's more of a character now. I got so involved in figuring her out that she became a character, lol. OFC/Reader: Still a reader concept since I'm not actually naming her, I guess. Tattooed, pierced, plus size and mixed, short haired.  
Imagine Ivar being very taken with you and you are outside of the 'norm'....
The moment she stepped into Kattegat...she had a target on her back.
And her face.
And her curves.
And the rest of her.
The people had not seen someone like her before.
Someone so strange and different.
Her frame was unlike anything they'd ever see before.
Wide, broad, tall...just large.
Thick rippling muscles and endless bountiful soft flesh covered in warm, brown skin and deep, dark markings.
She was alluring, exotic and damn near irresistable to most who looked upon her.
And Ivar?
He was no different.
But for him, what really set him off was her power.
Many a men tried to woo her.
Of course, she was uninterested.
Bored with them really.
However, as usual with this lot, someone decided to grab her.
They lost the hand that day.
Later, unbeknownst to her...that same person lost their life.
Because Ivar killed him.
His passionate nature got the best of him and his jealously consumed him.
It quickly spread amongst Kattegat that not only was she not to be messed with ...but that if you lived to tell the tale....your moments would be numbered soon after.
Ivar became absolutely obsessed and sought to gain her attention at every possible moment.
Even going as far to start fights for no reason and to become increasingly violent in a desperate attempt to display some sort of show of dominance.
She paid him no mind.
She had no time for childish games and with what she'd seen....he just acted like a boy.
If she was to have anyone she'd either have a woman or a man.
She was not interested in young sprouts and while many a young men finally plucked up the courage to pursue her....they're interests were quickly thwarted.
She demanded that whoever sought her....had to fight her.
If they survived, they'd earned the right to pursue.
The other was fairly obvious.
It thinned the heard quite a bit but one was determined.
Ivar had started by running his mouth.
As usual.
"I don't want to mar your pretty face."  he said, taunting nature flaring his luminous eyes.
"You'd have to get closer for that and I fear you might not have the spunk for it." she clipped back at him.
Ivar inhaled sharply.
A mixture of desperation, irritation and pure satisfaction.
She was quick witted and silver tongue.
An intoxicatingly poisonous combination that he was sure to loose his mind on.
"Are you challenging me?" he asked. "I am your King."
"I have no King, Ivar." she laughed. "I am a drifter and I suspect that I will drift from here rather soon as I always do.  People do not always take to my ways and only want my flesh.   I grow tired of it rather quickly."
Her words sobered him.
He did not want her to leave.
He tried to play his cards the right way.
Ivar, while a passionate man, did not always do well with showing any vulnerability.
"No one here up to your standards, your highness?" he teased her.
"The one that is won't put his foolishness aside long enough to see." she said, her back still to him as she sharpened her knife.
"And who is this worthy one?" Ivar demanded.  "Who is it that's so stupid as to not see what's right in front of him?"
She thanked herself for keeping her back to him as she nearly choked to death on her own laughter.
"Oh, you know, he's a great brute of a man." she said.   "Terrible temper.   Arrogant little shit.  Always running off at the mouth."
"Sounds like a dog who's too coward to actually do anything." Ivar pouted angrily.
She nearly died from holding back her amusement.
"Yes, yes." she agreed. "I supposed it's a royal complex and all.  The crown tends to go to their heads.  All men are the same that way."
By now she'd turned around and leaned against her small outdoor table and Ivar halted in his irate shaking of the head to look at her.
He always did when she was around.
She was dangerous in that way.  
She watched as he narrowed those haunting eyes in on her.
"Have you be toying with me, temptress?"
The smirk of those lush lips told him everything he needed to know.
He threw at ax at her.
It stuck in the wood about a food from her as he glowered at her.
"That's a fair throw." she commented.  "Nice arm. "
"I could've killed you." he seethed.
She rolled her eyes, "Come now, Ivar.  We both know you can throw an ax like no one's business and your aim is never off.  If you wanted to split my skull, you'd have thrown more to the left."
He continued to pout, like a child who'd been scolded for dipping a hand into the pot before supper.
She made her way over to him where he stood leaning against the fence.
His cane by his side and his leg braces locked into place holding him upright.
She drank his features in for a moment before pressing her soft but strong body against his.
His eyes involuntarily rolled back and his head dipped as she melted into him.
"This isn't really fair." he pointed out, really pleased to be in such close proximity to her.
She shrugged lightly, "I'm not really known to play fair, Ivar.  You know this.  I beat your brothers senseless all the time.  Just for fun."
Ivar chuckled and shook his head.
"You are so devious." he said.
She winked at him, "Then I'm just your type."
He smirked but frowned once she pulled away.
"Now, come on." she said.
He lifted a brow at her.
"What are you on about now?"
"Excuse me, King." she said with her hands on her luscious hips.  "Any man or woman who seeks to court me must either best me in battle or at the very least hold their own."
"You're serious?" he questioned.
She grinned and lunged for him, easily taking him down into the snow but he didn't really fight her either.
He laid flat of his back with the goddess straddling him.
"Come on, Ivar!" she teased, socking him in the chest.  "You've got to at least try!"
He chuckled deviously before flipping them over and placing all his wait onto her.
The two of them squabbled for a few moments before he eventually got her arms above her.
While she was a hell of a fighter and stout as an ox....Ivar had her at a disadvantage in this position.
He'd spent most of his life crawling around like this and had the upper body strength of a damn gorilla.  
"I didn't exactly think this position through." she admitted. "Shit."
"I win." he grinned.
"Well, this is your strong point!" she argued with a laugh, struggling to get him off her.
Ivar was a rather solid man and when he purposefully just started putting all his weight on him...she sank.  
"I'm not moving until you agree to be at my side at the feast tonight." he smirked.
"Will there be mead?"
"More than you can drink in three lifetimes."
"I'm not wearing a dress."
"I assumed you wouldn't."
"And I'm not playing nice to anyone in particular."
"I wouldn't dream of it, my little demon."
"Alright, I'll join you." she said.
Ivar moved to pull himself back up again when her arms wound around his neck.
His luminous eyes moved towards hers and they seemed locked in a trance.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, bringing him even further into the softness of her.
She brushed her lips across his for just a second...and then she bit him.
He growled but refused to break the kiss...until something cold and wet hit him right in the side of the face.
She used the distraction to roll them over again and she sat directly on top of him.
"Ha!" she cheered.  "Bested by your own lust!"
Ivar reached out and pinched her leg for spite and wiped the snow tinged with just a bit of red from his face.
"You actually made me bleed, you devil." he laughed, sitting up and supporting himself on his hands.
"Blood in the snow..." she said wistfully.  "That's absolutely romantic."
"Or demented." he supplied.
She hopped to her feet and extended a hand.
"Come now, King of the Heathens." she said. "I need warmth in my bed and you're going to give it to me."
For once, Ivar really didn't worry about it.
He just took her hand and let the stout woman pull him up.
They made their way inside her home, stripped away the clothes wet from snow and hid away in her bed of fur by the fireplace.
Ivar wasn't concerned with all those unimportant things in that moment.
She accepted him as an equal and as a possible suitable mate....and that had him soaring like riding the highs of victory in battle.
Blood in the snow just might have been a romantic concept after all.
Heeeeeey, smoochies!Merry Smoochmas! I hope you're enjoy this year's wintery themed imagines!  If you did please be sure to let me know in the comments! If you want to read more of my content, check out my masterlist on my profile! Happy Reading!
Love, Mama Kennysaurus
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
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@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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douxreviews · 5 years
Lucifer - ‘Somebody's Been Reading Dante's Inferno’ Review
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"Nobody is what they seem around here."
This was a big one.
It feels like we've been waiting forever for Chloe to discover that Lucifer is only vulnerable to harm when she is around. I'm only mildly a Deckerstar shipper, but I thought that scene in the penthouse, as well as the one where Lucifer nearly took an ax in the chest to save her, were the most deeply romantic scenes so far in the series. And there weren't even any smoochies. There didn't need to be.
It felt at first as if Chloe was on her way to betraying Lucifer. Of course, it made sense that Chloe would throw herself into investigating him, but it's so obvious to anyone who knows him that Lucifer isn't anything like his rep. He was forced into his role in Hell, he's the exact opposite of the Prince of Lies, and he's only killed one person – Cain. The Chicago Fire? Nazi Germany? Come on. The Lucifer we know isn't evil at all.
Does Father Kinley know this, though? He's the one that approached Chloe. What is his real agenda?
While betrayal was out of character, Chloe's deep confusion was believable. Really, what do you do when you realize that you're becoming romantically involved with the Devil? Chloe was actually about to arrest the wrong person at "The Cabin" while Lucifer was the voice of reason, the opposite of their usual dynamic. In fact, Lucifer was serious during most of this episode, very intent on Chloe, testing her with tantalizing bon mots, trying to suss her out. Much less sarcastic than usual.
And his preparation to take Chloe on the perfect date was so sweet. So was his willingness to give his opera tickets to Ella when Chloe said she wasn't ready. Not to mention jumping in front of an ax for her.
I don't have a lot to say about "The Cabin," the reality show that has run for 27 seasons. As usual for Lucifer, the case-of-the-week was used to illustrate what was really going on with our characters. Like, no one is who you think they are, villains aren't really villains, and being the fake villain usually means that you win.
But there was fun stuff going on with our supporting characters, even though there wasn't much of it. Linda is pregnant? Amenadiel has admitted that he loves Earth, loves people, but he's at loose ends and needs a project. Linda certainly just gave him one.
And now that Chloe knows the score, it seems weirder somehow that Ella and Dan don't. Both of them were still trying to cope with Charlotte's death, though. Ella was looking for new interests (a bathtub chicken?) since she is no longer attending church. It's like she's Team Lucifer and doesn't realize it. Meanwhile, back at the precinct, Dan moved his desk as far away from Lucifer as he could get. He's also lost all interest in improv. Too bad. I don't want Dan to be on the outs with Lucifer. They have such a fun relationship.
— I love the title of this episode so very much. Of course, it was Lucifer that said it.
— Practically everyone in the cast is seeing Linda professionally: the supernatural beings because they have to deal with humans, and vice versa. Chloe should probably go get her head shrunk, too.
— An Honest Fangirl and I wrote an article comparing Lucifer and Supernatural characters that have the same name. Interestingly, the last couple of seasons on Supernatural featured Lucifer's son, a nephilim. Is that what Linda is carrying?
— I had heard Tom Ellis has been working out more in preparation for nudity in season four. Wow. You think?
— Father Kinley works for the International Association of Exorcists. Okay. I don't really understand how he thought he could exorcise Lucifer, though. Do they think he's possessing someone's body? Does Kinley know about Amenadiel?
— Lucifer's cell has Chloe listed as "The Detective." That's so cute.
— I didn't recognize that lighthouse. Google is my friend. It's in Long Beach, which is a long way from Los Angeles, by the way.
—- The scene where Chloe learned that Lucifer was vulnerable may have been Lauren German's best performance in the series. So far, anyway.
— In those key scenes at the end, Lucifer and Chloe were both wearing plain brown. When two characters are wearing the same color, it's often a visual cue that they're sympatico.
— Did you notice that there were a lot of vampire references in this episode? I'm not quite sure why. Ella's tee shirt, blood-sucking mosquitoes, Lucifer saying he preferred food to blood.
— The cliffhanger, with Father Kinley visiting Lucifer's penthouse to tell him something about Chloe, made me want to immediately watch the next episode. I hope you guys appreciate the sacrifice I made, stopping to write this review first.
Chloe: "He's the villain. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it probably murders like a duck." Lucifer: "Oh, good idea. Duck. Have you ever been to the Mistal? They do a wonderful duck a l'orange."
Chloe: "No one's who they seem." Lucifer: "Isn't that the point of these programs, Detective? To show that there's no such thing as stereotypes? That in real life a Mary Ann might be hiding inside the body of a Ginger? Or vice versa, which is my personal preference, actually."
Chloe: "So you don't bite the heads off of children?" Lucifer: "No, of course not. I detest the little creatures, and I'd certainly never put one in my mouth."
Ella: "That's so romantic, Lucifer! It's just like Indecent Proposal." Lucifer: "Well, I was thinking more like Pretty Woman, but yes." Helicopter at sunset? La Traviata? Pretty darned romantic. But neither of those movies were about an innocent date, were they?
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Chloe: "You walked right through. You're fine. You're completely fine." Lucifer: "Well, it's one of the perks of living in a fiery pit of despair most of my life."
I thought this was an excellent episode. Would that make it four out of four Teflon Totems?
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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seonfhwa · 5 years
you said no one asks you about your biases so klj;alkdjfs here I am because also love when people talk about their biases!!! name your top five biases luna and why they are your biases
oh my god mini you’re enabling me ehrbjhgbek okay here we go look away folks this is gonna get annoying
edit: so i went back and slapped everything under the cut because oh my god i kept talking im so annoying
1. cha hakyeon/n of vixx
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this man hits everything i love about a human being. he’s very motherly and very open about such things, he’s a true sassy diva who always wants the attention on him (i don’t blame him), he has a really big heart and always does things like donating to charity and the like, he has seen SO MANY ups and downs since vixx debuted in 2011 and honestly?? he deserves the world. he’s a really hard working leader who goes to all of his members solo activities to cheer them on and make sure they know he’s there supporting them. i have never seen anyone as beautiful and ethereal as cha hakyeon in my entire life. he’d be a wonderful dad, a perfect husband, and a caring friend. he’s loving, kind, and affectionate, and he’s the sweetest bean. though he gets bullied the most by everyone else. honestly, too, i know we don’t really know most idols’ sexuality but cha hakyeon imo is one of the strongest icons in terms of exploring sexuality and shattering gender expectations and i can’t wait for him to slay some more when he gets out of the military. also?? dancing king?? like pls stomp on me i love you. literally he’s just… his duality… he’s so soft and gentle as hakyeon but as n, he’s a fiery demon ready to go. either way he’s my number one and he will always be my number one and nothing will ever change that.
2. no minwoo of boyfriend
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so honestly, boyfriend really is my #1 group ever, but with the lack of content for the past year or so (after star they disappeared again into japan) it’s been really hard :(( so lack of content causes me to ult different groups during hard times but!! yeah. minwoo is my tsundere baby, my maknae on top, my bratty baby boy. he’s the quiet one of boyfriend who kinda just wants to kill everyone and he’s donghyun’s Baby and no one (not even jeongmin) can touch him hejhegbre he’s honestly one of my biggest sources of sunshine. he’s honestly where my type started (dancer rapper) and i love him!! so much. he’s a talented little bean, who’s super great with what’s given to him and his dancing is no joke!! i hope he can capitalize on that one day. also!! he’s a part of 95 line (jo twins, him, ricky of teen top, sungjae of btob, hyuk of vixx, and i think a couple others idk) and i literally love that friend group so much ;;;; minwoo is honestly the #1 prettiest baby boy ever, he’s got so much love pent up inside of him but being the bratty tsun introvert he is, he doesn’t know how to show it so he just hbjehbrgj suffers. but that’s why he has mama donghyun to take care of him, idk man starship is just shitting on the talent they have, pls let boyfriend out of the korean basement.
3. song mingi of ateez (duh) putting my own gif of mingi bc its my fave gif
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and here she goes, gonna rant and rave forever. okay so mingi, right? you all probably already know this but he’s literally the biggest and best source of sunshine and happiness in the whole wide world. literally when i first got into ateez i was like hongjoong!! he’s my bias!! and then idk what happened i accidentally floated around for so long and it wasn’t long after say my name that i was officially attacked by mingi and i claimed him, he is my sunshine and my everything. i really thought seonghwa would end up my bias if not hongjoong but then mingi came around with his full-body laugh. i honestly figured out mingi was my bias when i was making my original blog and i was like?? softmingis?? that works!! rather than any other url (though idk i did try a couple of san urls). ever since i solidified mingi as my bias, i’ve found countless things about him that i love. his seal claps when he tosses his whole body as he laughs, his deep af voice, how th*cc he is, the way he interacts with all of the members– honestly i love this whole big baby boy with every fiber of my being. one day i wanna hold his hand and see his smile and (it wont happen ever but) give him just a lil smoochie on the cheek. honestly, he’s just ;;; so perfect. he may be a year younger than me but idc he’s the most lovely human bean i’ve ever seen ;;;; i wanna give him the world.
4. kim hosung/lou of vav
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listen it took me a while to get here and it’s a struggle to stay here as a lou biased bean (yes ace i’m looking at you) but honestly ;;; i’m kinda sorta maybe in l*ve with this man. he’s a whole softie even though normally i’d look at someone like him and go “wow he looks really intimidating” but like?? he’s a big softie! like he’s all tall and deep voiced but he’s (another) introverted bubs. he’s all mysterious tbh like he’s so boring he wears all black and white and gray clothing if he’s not in stage outfits ekrhbejgh but he’s like!! a cutie. he loves his girl group dances and he can be super quiet at times and really grumpy but like?? he’s so handsome. he’s a confident chaotic gay and we love our very own confident gays. idk man he’s literally so gorgeous just look at that gif up there– okay not to mention he’s such a salty guy like never tell him someone else is your bias he’ll be all pouty pouty grumble grumble. really he needs to be babied but he’s probably the best boyfriend material he’d be so sweet ;;;; idk man like?? i honestly think about him every night he deserves the world and he may not be the most loud and obnoxious person in vav (that’s ziu) but he’s the most charming and i love him to death ;;;
5. kim jaejoong of jyj
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other than gd of big bang, i think?? jaejoong is my longest-running bias. he’s had my heart and soul for so long. other than being the king of japan while sm still has him under dumb laws, he’s done so much for me as a human being. he’s really shaped how i look at the world, truly. i remember there was a fansign he had where a blind girl came to him and said that she loved him, not for his looks (although he is gorgeous) but for his music, his lyrics, and his voice. and honestly watching him go through so much over the years, watching him be shaped by all good and bad things, has made me so happy. he’s grown as a person, he’s learned from mistakes and he’s had to walk down rough roads to get to where he is now. honestly someone asked me recently who my role model is and i think?? after some honest thinking? i’d have to say it’s him. i look up to him. i admire him, everything he’s done for everyone in his life and for himself. he’s a strong man. i love him, and i want to give him everything i can, even though i can hardly even provide for myself. he can be a grumpy old man at times but i think that’s just the relatable shit, you know? he’s a grumpy old man while a heart of gold and i owe him my life, especially because 5 or 6 years ago i was in a really bad slump and it was him, his music, that pulled me out of it.
okay so now that i’ve talked so much and took so long to answer this… the end! literally there are so many more people i could ramble about but those were the top 5 that came to mind who are always super prominent in my head like… aLWAYS 
also if you read all of this… you guys are insane idk how you did it.
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senritsunotats · 6 years
Guess who didn’t even finish the kinktober prompts and decided to join another challenge???? That’s right, yours truly! 
Welcome to BNHA rarepair month! I have no idea what I’m doing! heh
Also, I’m so lost, I don’t even know what’s the collection this is supposed to be put under. ANYWAY!
#1 Kissing (BakuMomo)
Also on ao3.
It’d been Mina’s idea with the excuse that they wouldn’t really be living the real dorms experience if they didn’t have game nights with these sort of games and they all agreed to it, sort of, mostly to make her shut up. Mostly. To be fair, most of them wouldn’t mind breaking the ice either — and perhaps even pairing some people together, the bottle never failed anyone.
So yes, the twenty of them — even Iida! — sat in a circle and took turns spinning the bottle, boy-on-boy and girl-on-girl allowed as long as they both agreed to it, and seven minutes in heaven if the bottle landed on the same couple three times.
When it was time for Momo to spin the bottle, she’d already seen some awkward and/or funny smoochies going around for the oddest pairs (Aoyama and Toru, Mina and Midoriya, Iida and Kyoka to name a few), and she felt all the eyes on her as she reached for the bottle and twisted her wrist making it spin really fast. There were two, maybe three people she was kind of hoping it would land on, but she tried her best to keep a poker face on.
Eyes on the slowing bottle, Momo didn’t even realize that she was holding her breath until it stopped and she looked at who it was pointing to.
A couple of people to her left, Bakugo was checking his phone bored, unaware of the bottle pointing at him, and Momo swallowed. Okay, that wasn’t in her plans at all, and she wasn’t sure he would want to kiss her. She opened her mouth to say something, but Kirishima elbowed him before she could.
“Dude,” Kiri said catching his attention and Bakugo looked up from his phone.
“What?” he asked, and the other boy pointed at the bottle. He frowned at it, and then looked around. “Who was it?”
Timidly, Momo cleaned her throat and raised her hand, and Bakugo raised his eyebrows tilting his head. To her surprise, he smirked.
“That why I’m getting death stares from that midget?” he wondered pointing in Mineta’s direction and she shrugged. She realized then that Bakugo would go with it just to spite their colleague, and that was a good enough reason, she guessed. He shrugged too. “What the hell.”
“Okay,” Momo said taking a deep breath, and she crawled to kneel in front of him.
He was watching her every move, and it made her hyperaware, but on the other hand, he wasn’t eating her with his eyes, which was something. Bakugo looked into her eyes and Momo swallowed, unsure of what to expect. She looked from his eyes to his lips, and back at his eyes again, and she couldn’t read him at all, which was insane, because everyone knew what to expect of Bakugo all the time, except for now.
“Okay,” she said again and leaned forward.
He met her halfway, his hand going to her cheek, and something fluttered in Momo’s stomach when their lips touched. It was just a smooch, but the softness of his lips surprised her all the same and she closed her eyes leaning on the feeling.
They were supposed to part quickly, but when Bakugo mentioned to stop, Momo’s hand grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to stay where he was. Their lips parted to catch their breaths at the same time and she felt his tongue on her bottom lip before it entered in her mouth warm and gentle.
A chorus of Oooooooohhh echoed in the room as they continued, their classmates teasing increasing in volume until they both agreed that maybe they should stop it at once, and Momo leaned back on her heels looking at him wide-eyed.
Some of her lip gloss had transferred to his lips, and he smirked, thumbing cleaning it up. Momo’s jaw dropped a bit with how sexy he looked, and how different it was when he smiled like that.
“Are you trying to drop some panties here, Bakugo?” Mina asked nonchalantly and he looked at her, raised an eyebrow. “Cause you’re this close.”
Momo hurried back to her place, face burning with what just happened and the implication of Mina’s words. As soon as she settled, Toru poked her shoulder.
“Was it as hot as it looked?” she asked in a hush, and Momo nodded, two fingers on her lips, still warm, still fuzzy.
“Okay, next,” she said, trying to avert the attention from her.
To her left, Shoji reached for the bottle, and she dared to look at Bakugo again. He was looking at her and they shared a smile that turned into a chuckle on her side and Bakugo looked away.
Some turn of events, that game.
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taesbetch · 7 years
To Own A Hybrid P.7
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff (eventual smut) Hybrid!AU Cat!AU
Summary: The hybrid world was one y/n never really involved herself in; however, after certain events, she is tossed into a world of uncertainty in the company of a particularly rude hybrid.
Word Count: 2.6K +
A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short but its kinda just an introduction to the next chapter coming up and the shit that's about to unfold, I mean what who said that...:)
WARNING: Mentions of abuse, emotional torment, and prostitution
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
“do you need to pee?”
You stopped your wriggling as Jungkook’s raspy voice blessed your ears.
Your eyes were still stinging from the sudden light, but you were determined to start the day early.
“no, but we’ve got stuff to do and people to see” you answered as you continued your wriggling.
Jungkook hissed before rolling over and pulling you on top of him.
“just stay here for a minute” he mumbled as he wrapped his other arm around you and parted his legs so yours could fit in-between them.
You let out an estranged noise before resting your head on his chest enjoying the comfortable silence; Jungkook’s extra warmth quickly spread through your body as Jungkook slowly ran his hand up and down your back.
You took in the feeling of his firm body underneath yours before closing your eyes and letting the sound of his heart beat relax you. the gentle touch of his hand running up and down your back sent shivers down you-
*ring ring*
your eyes shot open before both you and Jungkook groaned in frustration.
The phone was gripped so tightly in your hand as you pressed the accept button, the urge to just let it ring and ignore it was so strong.
“Namjoon?” you asked grungily, your body half of a needy Jungkook.
As you detached yourself and sat up in order to talk to him properly Jungkook whimpered and tried in vain to grab at you again.
“hey! sorry but did you have plans today?” Namjoon asked nervously.
“just a few…but why?” you asked curiously.
“I was wondering if you and Jungkook would like to come around- ya know for the hybrids, like for them too bond and…all that stuff” Namjoon stated in a rush.
It took you a minute to process before you understood what he was saying.
Ignoring Jungkook’s shouts of protest you agreed to Namjoons’ proposal before ending the call.
Slowly, you turned to your now angered hybrid before shooting him an apologetic grin.
“I’m not going” he stated coldly before grabbing the sheets and chucking it over his head.
You groaned before throwing your body over his too start the pleading and begging.
“kookie! I can’t say no to Namjoon! And taehyung and Yoongi are sweet, you’ll like them eventually! Come on, please! Try? For me?” you pleaded as you managed to pull the covers off him enough to see his face.
He stared at you for a second as you pouted you lips and continued silently pleading.
“an hour. Max” he grunted before rolling his eyes and pulling the covers back over his head.
You squealed in joy before having a brief fight for the blanket to be removed again so you could plant a kiss on his forehead.
“you made it!” Namjoon rejoiced as he opened the door.
“we weren’t sure if we were supposed to bring anything” you stated as the two of you made your way through the familiar space.
“that’s okay! I just figured it would be good for Jungkook to be around other hybrids, ya know, keep him…hybrid..ee” Namjoon stumbled trying to find the right words.
You and Jungkook looked at each in confusion before projecting the feeling onto Namjoon. Almost on cue, your body was attacked with warmth and love.
You let out a shout of surprise before returning the hug to the overjoyed hybrid.
“y/n! I missed you so much! Come see my collection of butterflies!” he chirped excitedly causing you to laugh at his incredible energy.
Jungkook’s obvious objection to this whole visit was weighing on your shoulders as you tried to enjoy the company of your friend and his hybrids; You gave him a small nudge with you elbow as taehyung pleaded him to follow.
“y/n, I’d actually like to talk to you about something” Namjoon whispered before tilting his head in the direction of his hybrid haters fighting room…or his office, that would be a better name for it.
“what’s up?” you whispered as followed him inside.
“it’s about the S.T.M we think we’ve found the home base. We just need Mr. So’s laptop” he stated strongly as you both sat down. Startled by the attack of information you quickly tried to process what he was saying.
You panicked for a moment before remembering that you still had Mr. So’s laptop…and jimin’s information and evidence of him helping Mr.So is most probably still on said Laptop.
“did I not give it to you?” you asked slowly as your eyes narrowed.
Namjoons mouth gaped in confusion as his eyes narrowed back at you.
“I don’t think you did?” he questioned. You nodded your head before clearing your throat awkwardly “well I’ll just check when I get home” you answered.
“anyway, so you think you’ve found the Homebase?” you asked curiously as you started swaying in your chair.
“not just the Homebase, the leader as well” Namjoon said seriously as he typed away on his computer.
“what the fuck” you blurted out as a picture of a beautiful woman popped up on your screen. She was thick and have curves to slay the gods, her hair was as dark as night and her cheek bones were strong and carved.
“yep. That’s her…we don’t know her name though, just have a face” he sighed sadly.
“do you know others? Like who else is she working with?” you asked as he flicked through computer files.
“we have put together a list of suspects from big companies such as apple and Samsung who we think might be in on it…but there are so many of them..it’s hard to tell. We managed to get pieces of information from Mr. So. Shes apparently competitive, is an only child so she isn’t fond of sharing and is thirsty for money…so…not much information” Namjoon stated.
“but…I don’t get it. What do they get out of this?” you asked softly as you stared at all the cases involving hybrid harm.
“the hybrid industry is straight cash. It’s disgusting but it sells” he explained as he turned towards you.
“Namjoon…how the hell did you even get into this?” you asked curiously.
His eyes bored into yours sending you a signal that it’s a very long story, one you probably don’t want to get into.
He shrugged nonchalantly before turning his head back to his computer “you really don’t want to know” he whispered before printing off a picture of the ring leader and handing it to you.
“Namjoon…come on please?” you pleaded gently trying not to force him into telling you his story but asking enough so he knows you’re interested in it.
“er..okay, but promise you won’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you. not even my hybrids know this” he whispered as he pulled his chair closer to yours.
Your eyes peaked with interest as he took several deep breaths.
“my…mother was half hybrid” he stated.
You almost screamed a ‘no fucking way’ in his face as the words he had stated were something no human would usually hear.
Half hybrids were not common. Not common at all. The genetics of a human mixed in with a hybrid wouldn’t work as a hybrid is already half human, therefore the human side would almost always. It’s said ‘almost always’ because there are rare cases of hybrids being born from a human and a hybrid; but the child would either be fully hybrid of fully human. Never half hybrid.
“I watched her battle for hybrid rights for years. She became a symbol of hope for those who had none…and she became a target for those who revelled in hatred and death” he explained calmly.
“now she’s gone…and it’s my turn” he continued a fire of determination burning in his eyes.
“ya know, when you sat at the back of the library even after you had graduated I never thought this was what your future would be like” you admitted with a small smile on your face.
Namjoon laughed whole-heartedly before placing his hand on your head.
“and when you stumbled into our office with a box full of stickers I didn’t expect this to be your future either” he retorted making you smile widely.
“hey, those stickers were useful okay!” you defended as he removed his hand from your head.
“I’m proud of you, Jungkook seems to have opened up to you rather quickly” he stated as his dimple revealed itself.
“I think were a lot a like me and him. Obviously very different. But still alike” you shrugged.
“I guess people are just more likely to open up to people who remind them of themselves” Namjoon said thoughtlessly.
You nodded along in agreement as your train of thoughts wondered elsewhere…
People are more likely to open up to people who remind them of themselves
“should we go check on the hybrids?”
“mmm probably”
Jungkook wanted to die. He just didn’t want to be alive anymore.
Taehyung had Jungkook sitting right against the arm of a couch as he showed him all sorts of butterflies in jars.
Yoongi watched in joy as jungkook’s face twitched with annoyance.
“I call this one smoochi- Y/n!” taehyung called as you and Namjoon entered the frame.
Jungkook jumped up with the speed of a god at the sound of you name leaving taehyung lips.
A look a relief and anger crossed his face as he started walking towards you.
“oh, wait you cant leave just yet! I made lunch!” Namjoon chirped excitedly.
“you, made lunch?” you asked in utter shock, ignoring jungkook’s tugging at your shirt.
“what is that supposed to mean?” He asked offended as jungkook’s tugging got more aggressive.
“it sounds great…but we really have to go” you said apologetically.
A sound of relief released from Jungkook before he started dragging you to the door with no hesitation.
“wait! Please don’t go just yet!” Namjoon pleaded as taehyung passed him the tray of lasagne he had just made.
“look!” he said proudly as he showcased the beautifully cooked lasagne.
You let out a whine before gathering all the pleading you could into a single look towards Jungkook.
His eyes were cold and even though the smell of the lasagne was clearly getting to him.
“I can’t believe we stayed for lasagne”
You sighed in pure happiness as the taste of homemade food floated around your mouth.
“so, you and Namjoon found the leader of S.T.M?” Jungkook asked as you decided to take a short cut under the bridge instead of through the highway.
“yer! Hang on I have a picture of her somewhere” you said as your hand slipped into your pocket and you silently thanked god that no one ever takes this route.
As the car exited the bridge and back into sunlight a sudden shout from Jungkook caused you to stop it abruptly.
“what the fuck!” you shouted as Jungkook exited the car angrily.
“Jungkook!” you called as you joined him outside.
“That’s her! Kim soojung! That’s the bitch I was telling you about!” Jungkook yelled. Worry and panic swirling in his eyes.
Your eyes widened with shock before your body was filled with more fuel to bring the bitch down.
“Jungkook! This means you can get justice! It’s like killing to birds with one stone!” you chirped
“no! Y/n you don’t understand! She’s a phycho bitch!” he yelled frustratingly as the wind picked up with his temper.
“That’s why we need to bring her down Jungkook, if she’s doing what she did too you-“you started but he cut in, not letting you finish your sentence.
“don’t start with that bullshit! You suddenly start hanging out with that cocky shit and suddenly your Orpah!” he yelled angrily.
“Don’t talk about Namjoon like that! And no! I don’t think I’m Orpah I just think that if I can help I should! What’s wrong with that!” you yelled back, starting to get angry too.
“JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN FOR ONCE! YOU. WILL. DIE! SHES NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING OR ANYONE! GOD! CAN’T YOU GET THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD!” he shouted before ripping up the picture and taking off quickly through the weeds towards the pathway along the lake.
“jung-ugh!” you shouted before taking off running after him.
“YOU CAN RUN BUT ILL JUST KEEP RUNNING AFTER YOU!” you shouted as the distance between the two of you grew. Jungkook turned around in shock as he watched you catch up to him.
The calmness of the lake and warm gleam of the sun was a perfect contrast to the current situation you were in.
“what are you doing?” he asked, his breathing fine as if he didn’t just sprint kilometres.
“what the fuck…does it look…like, Jesus, that was a lot” you huffed as you tried to calm your racing heart and ragged breathing.
“you…chased me?” he asked is surprise as he watched you carefully a hint of worry that you might drop dead.
“what did you expect me to do?! Watch you run off into the distance dramatically and wait for you to come home by yourself because you need time? Bullshit. This isn’t a movie” you explained harshly.
“well, what the fuck do you want me to say?!” he blurted in frustration.
“talk to me! What’s the problem?!” you asked, annoyance and tiredness dripping from your voice.
“I just…I finally have someone. You’re annoying and you’re loud and you think your funny but you’re actually just not-“ He started.
“wow thanks”
“but…I don’t know, your mine. I don’t know how to explain it but its just nice. I like waiting for you to come home, I like it when we just watch movies or when you wake me up because you need to fucking pee. Don’t ruin this for me y/n! I have someone who actually cares about me…and if you’re not here, then there’s no one! I have no one without you!” he exclaimed.
Standing opposite him you watched as tears rushed down his face, the light from the sun making them sparkle with life and emotion. His eyes were filled with so many unsaid words and such vulnerability that your knees shook at the mere sight.  
“jungkook..” you whispered as you approached him slowly.
As you got closer jungkooks arms hesitantly reached out to grab you, his bottom lip quivering from the need of contact.
“Im not going anywhere” you whispered gently as you wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your head against his chest.
Almost instantly Jungkook wrapped his arms around you, bringing you closer to his body “y/n, she’s pure evil…please, promise me you won’t go near her” he pleaded as he buried his head into your neck.
You whined as you nuzzled your head into his shoulder.
“fine…I won’t” you sighed.
Jungkook hummed in content as he held you even tighter.
“aww you’re such a softie” you teased as you brought you hand towards his ears, giving them a good scratch.
“shut u-uhhh- shut up” he struggled as he purred in delight.
“ I guess we really are kinda sort not really alike” you chuckled as you pulled away from him.
You gasped before playfully slapping jungkook’s arm “OH MY GOD!” you shouted as your mind was processing its current mind blow.
“people open up to people who are like themselves, people trust people who are like themselves, people work with people who remind them of.them.selves” you stated excitedly.
“that’s it! That’s how Namjoon has to narrow down his list! Jungkook! We can help and still be not involved but really involved at the same time!” you chirped excitedly.
Jungkook looked at you with complete confusion.
“Namjoon said he was only able to get information about what she’s kinda like and…with you, he could get even more information. Then he just has to compare each personality of those he suspects and boom! There’s his main suspects” you explained excitedly.
“okay…okay that one we can do…but we’ll be very far from the actual thing when it goes down. Very very very very far! Okay?” Jungkook stated.
“yes, very far, now come on! We got shit to do and thoughts to spill!” you exclaimed grabbing his hand and skipping your way back to the car.
ANOTHER A/N: I just want to thank everyone for all the sweet messages and comments on these chapters!!! it makes me feel so loved and it makes me so happy that you guys are enjoying this as much as i enjoy writing it. sometimes it gets hard to continue writing cause im a self counsious betch and thinks no one will read my mess that i call a fanfiction so honestly, thank you xx 
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Avengers Infinity War-First Time Watching Reaction Play-by-Play (Pt. 1)
I’m about to cry... Loki... please no...
Thanks you wrinkly purple nut sack
“We have a hulk.” I’m gonna cry
“I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again.” AGHHHHH
How on earth is Thanos able to beat up the hulk with only one infinity stone but when he has all of them, the hulk is able to put up a fight?
Oh bye hulk.
Neat trick Heimdall. How come you couldn’t do that with Thor and Loki?
No ones had the ability to wield two infinity stones at once? Lmao. Well, in the first avengers, Loki had the scepter AND the tesseract soooo
And the TVA laughs at you Thanos.
I’m crying
Loki is dead now
Fortunately the existence of the show is helping to alleviate the pain, but we will never see THIS Loki again...
Thor has lost everything. I feel so bad for him. He’s lost his mom, his dad, his friends, his home and people, and his brother.
Good thing Heimdall knew to send Hulk directly into the sanctum. Poor Bruce.
Thanos, I will take great pleasure in your suffering in death. Know this. There is no quadrant in space that you can flee to where you can avoid my wrath. “You think you know pain?” I’ll make you beg “for something as sweet as pain.”
Is Tony like, able to predict the future or something? Morgan Stark?
No more surprises ever Stark? About that...
Science bros hug
Ben and Jerry’s product placement. Nice
Course Vision made himself go offline. Smoochie time with Wanda.
Would shoving the time stone down a garbage disposal even do anything lol? Like, I feel like it would destroy the whole building lol.
Call your boy Steve, Tony!
Suck up your pride.
Poor Bruce. Always getting filled in on all the details last minute.
Bruce has it probably one of the worst. Dudes getting chucked around the universe into places he has no ideas what’s going on in.
Flip phone time
Oh no
Ah cripes
Quick make a call on the run
Multitasking is a lifesaver Tony
Poor New York. Why would anyone want to live there in this universe?
Earth’s closed
Go away
Spider man, spider man,
Ned is my favorite avenger.
How did no one see Peter lmao
lmao Tony ain’t gonna be happy
Work it Stephen. Do your interpretive dance moves.
HEY—my life isn’t that meaningless...
Savage, ratchet
He exhausts us too
Banner having performance issues.
Hulk is on hiatus apparently
Dude you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.
heck yea, CGI time
Ebony Maw got no chill.
Hey maybe don’t turn your back on the enemy
Stephen, you almost crushed Bruce under a taxi.
Eh I’ve fought this guy in Marvel Champions... he’s not that tough
Hey Peter
Bye Peter
Tony, master of summaries.
Hulk is in his feels.
It’s a simple spell but quite unbreakable
Meme time
Cmon Stephen you’re supposed to be powerful
Sleepy strange
Capey to the rescue!
I love how Peter doesn’t even question the existence of wizards.
Wong really just sent that beast to attack poor Inuits huh?
Wong is invited to the wedding
“I can breathe.” *exposes face to space*
Okay that was pretty sick. I don’t particularly like the iron suit as it feels kinda lame since I loved that Peter made his own, but it works here.
Poor pepper
You just had to leave the phone tony
At least Bruce somehow found it
Hell yea it’s my favorite space group, the Guardians of the galaxy. Featuring dance daddy, sleeping invisible man, dance mom, sleepy rabbit, and angst plant.
Now I’m hungry for cheddar
Poor Gamora lmao
Oh and I can’t forget mantis
Mantis you got a killer mean face
Angsty teen plant
Huh they learned Grootish
Uh oh
Gamora knows something up
Oh hi thor
He is not a dude. This is a man.
Poor Peter quill lmao
Heyyyyy Chris Pratt worked out hard to get into shape for this role lmao
Poor Thor...
He literally lost EVERYTHING
Peter is jellyyyy
Drax has a man crush
Thanos isn’t that smart. Just like, double the resources.
Oh thank you thor for being sympathetic
Peter, stop it. It’s not a competition of who has the worst life.
Gosh I love Chris Pratt so friggin much. He’s a national treasure lmaoo. I love him so much.
Peter grow up
Both of you
Oh there’s an actual place called Knowhere
Oh yea Tivan the collector. Didn’t he die?
Half of the Asgardians? I didn’t see them
Kevin bacon is an avenger
Oh Gamora... how did she know where the soul stone is?
Nidavellir? Axe time
Lmao I love the rabbit
Thor and rocket rabbit are my favorite duo now
I love rocket so much lmao
I like this thor much better than the one we saw in Ragnarök. (Again, I love that movie as just a movie, but not as a Thor movie)
Good bye morons
Oh hey Paul Bettany
Love you guys
Wanda vision
Don’t get too attached tho
“I just feel you” oh no... I know where that line comes back around
Promises to go back? To who? For what?
Robot lover
Robosexuality (futurama anyone)
Poor Vision lol
Convenient TV News exposition is convenient
Go with him wanda
You just messed up
Poor vision
No more phasing? Oh no.
Cmon Wanda MESS EM UP
No more phasing? Vision should be friends with ghost
It sure is lucky that no one seems to be out and about in Scotland huh?
IMAGINE if Wanda had the powers she had at the end of wandavision right here. Thanos and everyone else would be no match
You aliens are no match
I wanna kill them
Gosh Nat is such a badass
Wow Steve looks great with a beard
Digging the suit too, more subtle
Poor Gamora oh my gosh
I wonder why Thanos chose to keep Gamora? She didn’t really display a fighting spirit here
I’m confused. Gamora was described as the last of her kind but the flashback showed only half of them being killed which is more accurate to what Thanos wanted?
Cmon quill, take things seriously...
Oh dear
Quill, be serious...
Swear it
Dangit drax
Lmao poor drax
I got a bad feeling about Knowhere
I thought Tivan died? Like in the explosion of the power stone?
Drax don’t
Drax be patient
Drax you couldn’t even take on Ronan... don’t do it ya lovable dummy
Gosh poor Drax
Poor Peter quill
Nice hits Gamora!!!
Just kill him
If someone shot him in the head right here it’d all be over
Oh my gosh I feel so bad for Gamora
Phenomenal acting from Zoe Saldana
He’s not dead... sooooo what’s his play?
Copy cat for Loki
Oh my
Oh so he planned this
OP bastard
Already has the reality stone
Soooo Tivan is dead then?
Oh my that’s horrifying
Grimace lmao
The emotion
I hate you Thanos
I really do
Thanos you BASTARD
Copying Loki’s move set
Poor quill
This is the last time they see each other huh?
Wait wait wait wait wait, I remember that another Gamora from another timeline comes in and helps. How come she isn’t arrested by the TVA? She’s a variant just like Loki???
You tell em Rhodes
They have nothing to be forgiven
Hell yea baddie Steve
Oh do they think Tony is dead?
Love you Rhodes
Get Steve looks great
Awkward tensionnnnn
Quick kiss before it’s too late
Lmao poor Sam and his crush on Nat
Lmao Ant-Man and Spider-Man
How long is vision unable to phase?
Poor Wanda... if only they could get it out in Wakanda (I hate how much I know about this without watching).
Isn’t white vision with this visions memories now? Like, can him and Wanda get back together?
Rest In Peace KING T’CHALLA, Chadwick Boseman! Wakanda forever!
White wolf baby. Lesssgettttittttt
Poor baby, one fight to another. His only calm in wakanda...
Precarious needle positioning is precarious
Oh peter
Love peter. Perfect awkward teen
“You can’t be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there’s no neighborhood.” That worked out perfectly.
Omg peter you’re making even me feel old asking about the “old” movie Aliens.
Soooo is ebony maw dead now? He didn’t last long
Cmon you cocky cuckoos
“I’m peter by the way.” “Doctor strange.” “Oh we’re using our made up names... um-I’m spider man then.” Gosh I love peter so much lmao
Yayyyyy PTSD we love that. Poor Tony. He needs therapy. They all do, really.
Man I know how this ends...
Harsh strange... harsh. You’ll learn that the universe also depends on these guys.
Peter is an avenger. Lmao he’s so perfect at being awkward.
Oh no. Poor Gamora. Quick, kill him with the soup.
Thanos, just DOUBLE THE RESOURCES. For cripes sake man. You don’t gotta be a genocidal maniac.
Gamora is only in here 20s? Or I guess maybe 30s now.
Thanos, you don’t understand. Wanna know why you can still see people in poverty happy? Because they see the hope. They value family. You could have given them resources. Not killed them.
Part 2
0 notes