#because I’m a 👏🏻broke👏🏻bitch👏🏻
manneatcr · 9 months
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skzdarlings · 6 months
Hi Darling <3
It is over. I am empty. I am relieved. I am filled with so much emotion. Holy shit. Where do I start🙃
I have been SO looking forward to this chapter and (as always) you delivered EVERYTHING!!!!
Little Fun fact: As I read your latest two questions, I remembered I myself had been extremely anxious about how the story will end for a long time. I am from Germany and when I first started reading this fic, I mistranslated „eventual happy ending“ in my head because „eventuell“ is a german word very similar to „eventually“ and it basically means „possibly“. I mixed those two words up in my head. So I spent the first few weeks thinking you said „possibly a happy ending, maybe not“ and it drove me NUTS until I looked at the word again and let me tell you the RELIEF when I realized I had mistranslated it was INSANE lol. So for a long time, I really didn’t know there’d be a happy ending. But still, even after realizing my mistake, I was very nervous about this chapter.
 I am very torn between crying because the story is over and crying because it ended in the most beautiful, exciting, satisfying way possible. I really mean it, you couldn’t have done it any better. 
Hyunjin’s appearance was SO heartbreaking. At first I was glad that he reappeared after such a long time, but his miserable state broke my heart and then he even had to get this confession out of Y/N 😭😭😭 THE PAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN and then you even made us think that he was killed?!?!?!!??! Excuse me?!?!?!?!?!🤬 I think I was actually close to dying at that point. 
The father freaking out completely and losing his sanity more and more throughout the chapter was both terrifying and satisfying as hell. I also loved seeing at least a tiny glimpse of him as an actual person (like when he was reminded of his own father) instead of him only being this one-dimensional super-villain without any layers. Bravo! Felix finally standing up to him made me so happy, I’d say it was about damn time! And when that BITCH ASS CUNT WAS MOWED DOWN OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! My highlight oft he year!!! Yeeaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! I LOVE the fact that his death was so quick and undignified. And who could’ve been the better person for this job than…... HAN FUCKING JISUNG 😭😭😭😩😩😩👏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻 
YAAAASSSSS!!!!!!! When Y/N sent her goodbye message, I just KNEW that he was gonna have to react in some way. And when The Bitch got ran over, my heart started beating a bit faster and I thought „that HAS to be him, that can’t be anyone else“… The PAYOFF after missing him for so many chapters was….. immense. I cried. Uglily. No shame. 👍🏻 It’s sad that we didn’t get to see Seungmin and Jeongin again, but reuniting with both Jisung and Hyunjin definitely made up for it. Although I would’ve loved to know what happened to our university boys. 🥲
And the most important thing…. Felix and Y/N. They are finally free, after everything. They are fictional characters, but I feel a strong sense of inner peace when I think about it, be it rational or not. They finally broke from their shells and made sure the father knew what they truly think of him before he died, which was so deserved for both of them. And of course they‘d catch a bullet for each other😭 The confirmation that Chris is in fact dead was utterly heartbreaking, but I expected it tbh. I’m just so sorry for Felix. Him sitting in the garden, crying about his friend with his fair finally back to it’s natural shade got me in my feelings 🥲💔 But I really couldn’t be happier with this ending. Finally peace and calm and room for love. They are together and will always have each other. And Jisung.
I really don’t know how everything will continue for me now that the story is over lol. I created this account specifically to tell you my thoughts about the fic. But I will definitely not stop checking out your account. I wish you nothing but the best, and I thank you so much for inspiring me in a broader sense than you can probably imagine. Thank you so much for this project, for your discipline to bring such a huge story to life and share with others. Thank you for all your effort and reminding me of why I first started reading as a little girl. All love. ❤️
-Viktoria ❤️
oh my goshhh 🥺♥️♥️ your reviews always make my day thank you so so much.
first of all oh my goodness at the translation confusion 😂 what a relief in the end hahahaha
and ahhh those were all the big moments i love reading reactions to 🤭 i have had this ending planned out from the second jisung appeared on the page and through all the missing him had been so excited to finally share the ending hahahaha i am so glad you enjoyed it all!!
and thank you so so much for such a heartfelt note. i appreciate it so much. writing is so much more wonderful and fun with amazing readers like you. it’s a joy to share it with you!! thank you for all your messages and i wish you all the best 😊♥️
also very random but i love your name hahaha that’s one of my favourite names i think it’s so beautiful 😊
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