#because I'm more about art kajshdkja
walnuttsrandomshiz · 2 years
Yan!Harvey x reader hcs!
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Note: Hi yeah this is my first time writing hcs in general so please be easy on me. Contains soft yandere ofc so if you’re not into that please block the yandere tag I’m gonna put on this! These were quick hcs that have been on my mind so if it’s all over the place I apologize. Now enjoy the hcs while I forget this exists :]!
-First time Harvey met y/n was when he was on break. Y/n walking up to him with a warm smile and a cup of coffee, introducing themselves as the new farmer as they handed him the coffee. A strange introduction, but one that for some reason stuck with Harvey. How did they know he liked coffee, why did they have such a warm look in their eyes, and why did it make his heart beat a bit faster?
-At first Harvey didn't know what was happening. Every time y/n came to talk to him, he would feel his face getting warm and his hands get clammy. He didn't want to believe it, but he might have a crush on the farmer. Harvey couldn't wrap his head around how his feelings developed so fast, but love at first sight is a thing.
-Harvey started looking forward to y/n's visits, thinking of the different things they might talk about. Would they have another cup of coffee for him? Maybe tell him about their day? He enjoyed listening to them talk about their farm work, but them talking about their work in the mines made him worry. The sparkle in their eyes as they talked and asked but his day washed away any worry though, replacing it with an overwhelming feeling of love which made his face go red.
-That feeling would suddenly turn ice cold when he saw y/n talking to anyone else. Sure they had to go out and meet others, but was that really necessary? He's sure they could have only a few good friends and be fine, they could even just be friends with him! He makes good company!
-(Sam getting caught off guard when he glances behind y/n, seeing the doctor giving him a harsh glare. The hell’s up with him?)
-The more he gets to know y/n, the more they occupy his mind. First thing in the morning, when he's treating patients, organizing files, and when going to bed. The only thing on Harvey's mind is how excited he is about seeing y/n again.
-(Maru has on many occasions caught him staring off into space in the middle of a task. It was concerning to her and she'd ask if he's ok, to which he'd go red with embarrassment-)
-This has also led to Harvey being much more clumsy than usual. The sight of y/n taking up all his attention to the point he drops things and trips much more often. He curses himself for being like this in front of them, but he can't help it. When they help pick up anything he's dropped or rush to help him up, it just gives him more reason to love them.
-Something that others have noticed is wherever y/n is, Harvey just so happens to be close by, popping up randomly when they’re around someone else. If y/n is hanging out with Sebastian in his room Robin will come down to say that Harvey was looking for them. If they were hanging out with Shane at the saloon their conversation would be interrupted by the doctor clearly trying to join in. Y/n can’t help but let Harvey stick around, thinking that hanging out with someone familiar will help him talk to others. (Harvey takes this as a sign that they want him around. Maybe they’re even developing feelings for him? He sure hopes so.) -Y/n doesn’t know why Harvey’s been calling them in for a lot of check ups. Maru is starting to get suspicious. (Maru giving y/n a confused look as they wait in a chair. “Didn’t you have a check up last week?” y/n just shrugged. Before Maru could ask anything else the door beside her opened, a cheerful looking Harvey greeting y/n and walking them inside.) -Maru would confront Harvey on this, but would be taken aback by the stoney eyed look that he gave. From then on she keeps track of how many times they’ve come in. (She’s been trying to feel out the situation by asking how they feel around Harvey and how he's been acting, but it’s not easy when said man is always around-) -Y/n is top priority when it comes to treating injuries. Harvey doesn’t care if someone’s been waiting longer or is in much worse condition, he doesn’t want his sweetheart to be in pain! Always rushing y/n in for the simplest things like a scraped knee, or a broken arm. Every time, Harvey will have them stay longer than needed so he can watch over them. 
-(He enjoys the alone time. Finally no one butting into your conversations and taking your attention away! Though, that's recently been interrupted by Maru pulling Harvey aside to demand he let y/n go. A problem he'll deal with once y/n's gone.)
-Harvey isn't one to be violent or confront people. But even if he won't be the one causing the pain, he will prolong it. He isn't above withholding medicine from certain people he's seen getting too comfortable around his love. Even suggesting that they might just have a low pain tolerance and that they don't need medicine. 
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