#I am cringing as I type these tags
walnuttsrandomshiz · 2 years
Yan!Harvey x reader hcs!
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Note: Hi yeah this is my first time writing hcs in general so please be easy on me. Contains soft yandere ofc so if you’re not into that please block the yandere tag I’m gonna put on this! These were quick hcs that have been on my mind so if it’s all over the place I apologize. Now enjoy the hcs while I forget this exists :]!
-First time Harvey met y/n was when he was on break. Y/n walking up to him with a warm smile and a cup of coffee, introducing themselves as the new farmer as they handed him the coffee. A strange introduction, but one that for some reason stuck with Harvey. How did they know he liked coffee, why did they have such a warm look in their eyes, and why did it make his heart beat a bit faster?
-At first Harvey didn't know what was happening. Every time y/n came to talk to him, he would feel his face getting warm and his hands get clammy. He didn't want to believe it, but he might have a crush on the farmer. Harvey couldn't wrap his head around how his feelings developed so fast, but love at first sight is a thing.
-Harvey started looking forward to y/n's visits, thinking of the different things they might talk about. Would they have another cup of coffee for him? Maybe tell him about their day? He enjoyed listening to them talk about their farm work, but them talking about their work in the mines made him worry. The sparkle in their eyes as they talked and asked but his day washed away any worry though, replacing it with an overwhelming feeling of love which made his face go red.
-That feeling would suddenly turn ice cold when he saw y/n talking to anyone else. Sure they had to go out and meet others, but was that really necessary? He's sure they could have only a few good friends and be fine, they could even just be friends with him! He makes good company!
-(Sam getting caught off guard when he glances behind y/n, seeing the doctor giving him a harsh glare. The hell’s up with him?)
-The more he gets to know y/n, the more they occupy his mind. First thing in the morning, when he's treating patients, organizing files, and when going to bed. The only thing on Harvey's mind is how excited he is about seeing y/n again.
-(Maru has on many occasions caught him staring off into space in the middle of a task. It was concerning to her and she'd ask if he's ok, to which he'd go red with embarrassment-)
-This has also led to Harvey being much more clumsy than usual. The sight of y/n taking up all his attention to the point he drops things and trips much more often. He curses himself for being like this in front of them, but he can't help it. When they help pick up anything he's dropped or rush to help him up, it just gives him more reason to love them.
-Something that others have noticed is wherever y/n is, Harvey just so happens to be close by, popping up randomly when they’re around someone else. If y/n is hanging out with Sebastian in his room Robin will come down to say that Harvey was looking for them. If they were hanging out with Shane at the saloon their conversation would be interrupted by the doctor clearly trying to join in. Y/n can’t help but let Harvey stick around, thinking that hanging out with someone familiar will help him talk to others. (Harvey takes this as a sign that they want him around. Maybe they’re even developing feelings for him? He sure hopes so.) -Y/n doesn’t know why Harvey’s been calling them in for a lot of check ups. Maru is starting to get suspicious. (Maru giving y/n a confused look as they wait in a chair. “Didn’t you have a check up last week?” y/n just shrugged. Before Maru could ask anything else the door beside her opened, a cheerful looking Harvey greeting y/n and walking them inside.) -Maru would confront Harvey on this, but would be taken aback by the stoney eyed look that he gave. From then on she keeps track of how many times they’ve come in. (She’s been trying to feel out the situation by asking how they feel around Harvey and how he's been acting, but it’s not easy when said man is always around-) -Y/n is top priority when it comes to treating injuries. Harvey doesn’t care if someone’s been waiting longer or is in much worse condition, he doesn’t want his sweetheart to be in pain! Always rushing y/n in for the simplest things like a scraped knee, or a broken arm. Every time, Harvey will have them stay longer than needed so he can watch over them. 
-(He enjoys the alone time. Finally no one butting into your conversations and taking your attention away! Though, that's recently been interrupted by Maru pulling Harvey aside to demand he let y/n go. A problem he'll deal with once y/n's gone.)
-Harvey isn't one to be violent or confront people. But even if he won't be the one causing the pain, he will prolong it. He isn't above withholding medicine from certain people he's seen getting too comfortable around his love. Even suggesting that they might just have a low pain tolerance and that they don't need medicine. 
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ac-art-and-stuff · 2 months
Gideon Coal is the hearth, the warmth within the home, the steady heat to cook wonderful meals, the beating heart to warm the chill of a soul, the stocked woodshed, the ray of sun through a window. A protector. A guardian. A friend.
Kremy Lecroux is the stew pot, the silverware, the favorite spoon, the homemade bone broth, the smell of spices, the foundation, the walls, keeping his family safe however the wind howls. Keeping his family fed. Keeping his family.
Morning Frost is the books, the smell of sugars breaking down, the turning of dog-eared pages, the little spaces in the margins of recipes where someone has made their little touches, keeping the knowledge for those who come after, for those who are willing to learn, for those who crave to know
Gricko and Hootsie Grimgrin are the music of the home, the soft hoot beyond the window at night, the familiar creak of the floorboards, the hushed lullabies of rain on the roof, the absence of loneliness, always welcoming, always comforting, always soothing, always soft.
Torbek is the devourer, the one who consumes, the one who can appreciate the wholeness of the warmth of a hearth, the taste of a good meal, the pages he knows by heart, the knowing that he isn't alone, even when sometimes he feels himself a stranger in this house. Torbek is home with Carnival Lecroux. Torbek is home.
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mizzyislost · 24 days
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crocodile tears
croc free version because i also like it
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you can't destigmatize mental illness by playing into respectability politics
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beevean · 6 months
Some other thoughts, because I cannot and will not shut up.
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This is Hector and Isaac's very second scene in the show. Hector ends up staring at Dracula's fireplace: he reminisces of his abusive parents, and how he set his house on fire with them inside. This immediately tells us, along with Dracula's speeches, what kind of person Hector is: despite his apparent softness that we'll see later on, he can be ruthless enough to kill, or at the very least punish, those who have wronged him.
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Much later, Hector has been brought to the lowest point of his life. He's listening as the woman he has given his heart to is gleefully humiliating him in front of her sisters, describing in detail how he's going to be treated as a tool, as a dildo, as a pet, and only because he trusted the wrong person. Multiple times, in fact. He has been hurt by one too many people.
And by the time Hector's fate is sealed, the fireplace acts as the framing.
Basic cinematic symbolism indicates that Hector's backstory would be become relevant in the next season. As a child, he killed his abusers. And now he's in the clutches of two other people who abused his trust and good nature and stripped him of all freedom and dignity.
So, was Hector meant to set the entire castle on fire, and kill Carmilla and Lenore for what they did to him? And then it was changed to make the season artificially happier? Would it have been the narratively more sensible course of action?
Well, not necessarily. As fun as it is to imagine Hector taking revenge on those two pieces of shit, subversion of expectations can still be done well. And, to be fair, while Hector did kill his parents and is certainly not above murder in general, he seems to not be inherently violent in nature, even against someone who hurt him:
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Carmilla has lied to him, insulted him, and coerced him into indirectly killing his master. He still speaks to her very candidly.
From what was shown until S3, Hector needs to be pushed to his absolute limit before he starts considering violence, but once he does, he has no mercy. The most obvious proof is his disastrous attempt to threaten Lenore:
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Yeah, as ill thought as this was, I don't blame him for being this desperate, after the torture he was recently put through. From a certain perspective, it would have been nice to see a recreation of this scene, but with a Hector acting smarter, having learned from his mistakes.
However, to be honest, I don't think that seeing such a gentle character being brought to horrific violence would have been cathartic. It would have been tragic. It would have been actually a bad thing, a reason to be scared and to pity him. And it still wouldn't have addressed his utter apathy when it comes to keeping humans in a cage: hell, that act would have made him as bad as Isaac in S3.
With that being said, I will never, ever, accept how he was written after that scene.
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I'm going to use an excellently written show to talk about the difference between taking the high road, and forgiveness.
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Our good horseman here has been abused since infancy by his utter monster of a mother, who delighted in making him feel guilty for daring to be alive. Long story short, she is now old, weak, and senile to the point where she can't recognize him anymore. Bojack is planning to finally vent all of his anger for all she did to him, as soon as she's lucid enough - and who could blame him? By this point, no one would shed a tear for a woman who did her very best to ruin her son's life. Hell, some might have cheered when he more or less bullied her by "killing" her doll. No mercy for an abuser, right?
However, in a brilliant display of foreshadowing, the audience is made to suspect that Bojack won't actually get to tell his mother off. He already wasted the seasonal F-bomb here! And there are no freebies. So what's going to happen? Will Bojack simply be prevented from finally facing the woman who ruined his life, deprived by outside circumstances of the catharsis he needs?
No. He does it himself.
Right when he has Beatrice where he wants, in a terrible retirement home and finally lucid enough to recognize her son... right after she has committed her last unforgivable act and secretly poisoned Hollyhock with appetite suppressants until she overdosed... Bojack chooses to not hurt her.
He could have. She would have listened to him. The viewers would have understood. But instead, the last moment Bojack could talk with his mother is used to soothe her confusion and fear, and give her a comforting vision where she can feel loved and like everything is alright.
Bojack is not one to do selfless acts without getting anything in return, and he doesn't know anything about her terrible past that we viewers have witnessed through the episode that explain why she was so bitter towards her son: so this act of pity towards the person he hates the most in his life speaks wonders of his character and growth.
But he did not forgive her. The entirety of Free Churro is dedicated to Bojack's painful eulogy of Beatrice, where he makes clear that he still resents her, and the only reason he's sorry for her death is that now he knows that he has lost the chance to have a good relationship with the one who was supposed to care about him.
Beatrice was shown wanting to reconnect with Bojack, almost as an apology. But even if her personality didn't got in the way of a proper reconcilement, nothing she could have done would have made up for the pain she caused Bojack, and he's right in still remembering her as a cruel person. But still, we remember that one moment of kindness he gave her as one of the most powerful scenes in a powerful story, for the build-up and for the significance it has for both characters.
Bojack Horseman did a wonderful job in exploring the complicated feelings that arise from being a victim of abuse. It's not just hatred and desire for revenge: there is a deeper connection, and care despite everything, and regret, and longing, and wishful thinking, and all sorts of uncomfortable feelings that are hard to explain to someone on the outside.
Needless to say that Netflixvania only wishes it could have reached the heights of Bojack Horseman, and Hector is not conflicted about Lenore. He's not anything. He shows no tension when he talks with her as if they were friends (it's the very first scene we see with them after Hector cried over being made a slave in S3); he shows no resentment when he talks about the ring that she forced on him to make him a useful tool, as he was a mere "problem to be solved"; his one attempt to address what Lenore did to him is brushed off as a sick joke that he takes in stride; he shows no confusion in his attempts to reconcile the Lenore who talks to him like someone worthy of respect with the Lenore who sadistically took advantage of his vulnerability to trap him. And needless to say, Lenore doesn't exactly get a good justification as to why she thought to resort to rape by deception to get her way, leaving fans to scramble to find one that still leaves her sympathetic enough.
It's only when Isaac storms the castle that Hector finally shows the slightest twinge of resignation when he cages Lenore to allow him to do his thing, but also to protect the woman who apparently protected him as well. Only now there is emotion in his voice, care and regret at the same time. Once more, much like Alucard killing Dracula, it's a big emotional payoff to nothing - worse than nothing, even.
Hector leaving Lenore alive, even protecting her from Isaac, could have been him taking the high road. Instead of going on a rampage like subtly implied by the framing, he could have shown her pity, for understanding that for all her cruelty and manipulation, she too was just a pawn in Carmilla's insane scheme (admittedly the parallel intended by the narrative, but not addressed enough). It would have fit with the general idea that revenge is for children (the development that was given to Isaac), and perhaps, in a way, we can consider it the fitting punishment for Lenore: being precisely being forced to live and see what exactly she has become. If written well, the subversion of the revenge ending could have been brilliant, and poignant.
But there's nothing there, except some shallow banter wasted on Carmilla and dick jokes and some flat voice acting. There is no inner turmoil. Hector just likes Lenore for no proper reason, which, if we pretend the writing was not a rushed mess, implies that he forgave her off screen and now everything is all peachy between them. As if what Lenore did was that easy to forgive. And if it was that easy, regardless of whether it was forgivable or not, then why should I be impressed?
It doesn't speak of Hector's supposed good nature. It's not an admirable act of strength. The choice to let go was not pondered, because it was apparently never a choice. We are eventually left with a nothing narrative, one that doesn't address the events of the previous season except in the form of a joke, one that doesn't allow the characters to grow but rather to regress (because remember, Hector's big badass moment of trapping Lenore and cutting his finger is in the context of him wanting to bring back Dracula and letting himself be killed by Isaac), one that doesn't explore the complicated relationship between a kind mistress and her well-treated pet that was deceived into imprisonment, and one that offers no catharsis whatsoever when it comes to the end, where Lenore kills herself out of nowhere and Hector lets her go after at most one second of hesitation (I have my idea on how that scene should have went - oh look, another comparison with BH :P). And we're left with accidental but vile apologism, instead of the nuanced tale about abuse that we could have had. It would have been so easy, even with the time restraints.
And it wasn't even intentional. It's just sloppy writing hailed as something deeper than it actually is.
(I keep reading in the comment people who gush about Hector showing compassion to Lenore, instead of comparing Carmilla lying to her to Lenore lying to him. I get the parallel and I get the superficial sweetness. This story should not have happened after petty rape by deception: remove that, and all the bonding suddenly makes sense. I want to fix it so badly.)
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muppetbyers · 2 years
drives me insane that so much about ‘growing up’ in the context of wills arc is about conforming to heteronormative ideas and being heterosexual and because will isn’t, he is seen as immature and childish and it drives me even more insane that this isn’t just something that happens in universe but amongst the audience too!!! and like s3 really shoved it in his face with dnd and all his friends ditching him But s4 is actually So Much Worse (?) in a way because he literally doesn’t play dnd anymore but mike and dustin do and They never get told they need to ‘grow up’ for the very simple fact that they both have girlfriends and so then everyone is like “ah yes okay they passed the test congratulations for being mature and grown up heterosexuals” when they spend the entire first episode running around trying to convince people to play dnd with them. and yet with will (who has one dnd related scene (which is Heavily tied to his queerness hmmmmm) and literally gave his set up in the last ep of s3, like he Literally moved on) its like “awww hes still growing! look at the boy hes still so childish he likes dnd!” like. oh my god. am i insane i feel insane. is it not maybe, Just Maybe that ‘growing up’ in a heteronormative environment means that queer people will never be seen to have ‘grown up’ because they simply cannot conform to those expectations. and in trying to do so they have to give up intrinsic parts of themselves (like their interests and even their (very gay) feelings), which is a Bad Thing. and the only time this ever gets challenged at all is by jonathan!!! who tells him its okay to be a freak and like whatever nerdy shit he’s into and that no matter what he will always love him. and how the audience sees that as jonathan being a good ally (which yeah it was, great work btw jonathan) and then completely ignores the Looming Spectre of conformity and heteronormativity over the whole thing. like they can let will be gay but god forbid his experiences growing up gay dont align with those of heterosexuals and so he is different to them. NOT TO MENTION THE SUPERNATURAL HORRORS HE HAS BEEN THROUGH (which is Also intrinsically tied to all of this and if anything reinforces that forced conformity, is in fact, killing the kids)
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katsigian · 5 months
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riverside-lavender · 10 months
please talk to me about my au. i have so many thoughts but so little energy to translate them into fics. anyone in the overlap of one piece and pjo i would LOVE to be friends. talk to me please.
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femmefae2005 · 7 months
the amount of draft posts i've made today should be illegal
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I hope you guys know I look like this. Even if you're consistently nice to me I will react like this
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reimeichan · 1 year
weeeee been fronting most of today and it's actually kinda weird! you'd think I'd be used to it being one of the former hosts and the one who's been host the longest, but it's been so long since I regularly fronted that honestly it's a little bit strange to realize I've been out and about for most of the day! p sure Crimsy is exhausted and depressed out of his mind and Cyan is tired from dealing with the whole Ginger/Cardinal/Green fiasco.
(also I haaaaaate not being able to use our Actual Names and use my nickname for Crimsy online, but it is what it isssss)
also p sure our body is now too Old to handle my hyperactive forever 12 ADHD energy which SUCKS ughhhh whyyyyyyy I just wanna do things and hang out with people and talk to people but noooooo I'm "tired" and my friends and partners are all "busy" or "asleep" or "getting ready for bed" >:( HMPH maybe yall just cant handle my fabulosity *hairflips*
and also maybe maybe MAYBE the others in my brain are telling me to also go to bed and stop bothering people fjajfbsnghd
NO I will be AWAKE and HYPER and do my own shit YOU CANT STOP ME MUAHAHAHAHAHA
*forcefully dragged away from tumblr by an exasperated Green* D: #rude #howdareyou
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mazojo · 1 year
I think we, as a society, collectively, should ban kids movies from making fart jokes
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teffiyx · 1 year
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yoink this image from hourkazuha on twitter and doodled my self insert genshin oc✌️
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slav-every-day · 2 years
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nthee · 1 year
pspspspsps friends i need friends (or moots)
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noxtivagus · 1 year
i've been using my priv twt a lot lately & i've been rambling sm abt ffxiv n other stuff but i think Soon i will get back to tumblr
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