#because Tara finds the idea addictive and Willow basically has the 'oh shit here we go again' reaction
lightdancer1 · 4 months
One of the fun bits of In the Company of Witches and Slayers as an AU:
The show essentially sets up that much of Sunnydale's coverups of obviously supernatural shenanigans was a Mayoral conspiracy and then the immortal with the demon pacts who kept all that together dies and this seemingly has no impact on Sunnydale's awareness of supernatural events. Well here, starting with Willow's brief first Dark Willow moment of summoning a category 5 stormcloud over Sunnydale and on through this the censorship field wavers and finally disintegrates in Sunnydale, though its overall factor as a price of the Shadowmen's original spell makes it to Season 7.
This means that just in time for the Initiative and Adam to finally move to center stage in the 2001 timeframe (and as they've been background villains for a while the reign of terror is actually fairly short and ends well before the start of 2002) that Sunnydale's capacity to see and sense the supernatural suddenly and abruptly changes and it realizes it's got vampires, demons, werewolves, witches, and Slayers running around.
And then becomes Metropolis from DC comics but vampires.
"What the fuck, man! That tiny blonde was kicking the shit out of some Andre the Giant with horns!"
"Oh it's just the blonde Slayer. You should see what the brunette does. If it wasn't for the idea that vampires would kill me I'd support a vampire rights thing."
"Wait, I thought witches needed broomsticks to fly."
"Evidently not."
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