#because a lot of young teenagers are lost and full of vitriol and they will make this your problem. but most adults know how to practice
box16 · 1 year
louis wain was right. i am happy because everyone loves me
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wolfhednn · 5 years
— character chart pt. 1
dredged this up from the depths of my old leif blog. thought it’d be a good exercise for me to bring back for myself so i can cement things for felix, who’s the strongest fe muse i’ve had in a while. this questionnaire is multi-part and super long, so as before i’m going to do it in installments when i get the time. let’s see if i finish it this time.
FULL NAME felix hugo fraldarius
REASON / MEANING OF NAME rather than naming children after ancestors ( though this sometimes does still happen; i headcanon that ‘glenn’ is a traditional fraldarius name ), most of the modern naming practice in the area comes from combining name meanings. glenn was the first child, and even though i headcanon he never inherited a crest, he was unique in fodlan nobility in that he was still in line to inherit the household. expectation and greatness were placed on his shoulders; by contrast, with his second son, rodrigue wanted most of all for him to find his own way in life — notably, in pursuit of a mental state that is happy or at peace. thus, felix ( happy ) hugo ( mind ).
BIRTH DATE 20th of the pegasus moon. ( feb. 20 ) he’s a cute sensitive pisces.
AGE 17-18 ( part 1 ), 22-23 ( part 2 )
HOW OLD DO THEY APPEAR? felix tends to give the impression of being older than he is, and it’s really mostly the way he carries himself and his perpetual frown. looking serious all the time gives him age, and he moves and conducts himself with self-assurance that isn’t found in most teenagers or young adults. there’s no uncertainty in anything he does. despite the fact that he’s not very tall, it’s sort of easy to forget that because his demeanor makes up for not being very physically imposing.
HEIGHT 5′8″ and he’s stayin’ there.
BODY BUILD felix is slender but wiry, compact without being bulky. he’s not as slim as dimitri, but he’s not brawny like dedue either. felix is built like a panther: not large, but every inch of compact muscle. genetically, i think he actually leans toward being more bony; you can kind of it see in his face shape. if he didn’t train so much, he would lean towards being all angles, and i headcanon this is actually more what glenn looked like. putting on muscle mass is actually fairly difficult for his family. felix takes after his father more in that they get a little bit stockier, but glenn takes after their mother’s side of the family more in physical traits, and was pretty skinny even after years of being a celebrated knight.
SHAPE OF FACE felix actually has an oblong heart-shaped face, though he’ll kill you if you try to call it that. he looks like his dad in pretty much everything except his eyes.
EYE COLOR whiskey brown is the best descriptor i’ve been able to find for it
SKIN TONE he’s pale. fraldarius territory is usually cloudy or overcast due to the being a subpolar coastal climate region and an area of frequent storms due to the abundance of stormy westerlies coming in to fill in the low pressure air. as a result, there isn’t a whole lot of open sunshine. glenn was actually slightly darker skinned than felix and rodrigue, and gets this genetically from their mother’s side.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS none really. like most soldiers, felix’s body is riddled with scars of varying sizes both from training and actual combat, but nothing out of the ordinary or debilitating.
HAIR COLOR indigo blue
TYPE OF HAIR despite it not being particularly thick, felix’s hair has about a billion layers to it and a mind of its own. what’s a consistent part? he’s not sure. he just puts it up so that it stays out of his way and otherwise lets it do whatever it wants. other than cutting it periodically so that it stays short and therefore less of a hassle, he doesn’t pay much attention to it. his hair is quite fine though, so even his best attempts to keep it under wraps in a tight bun don’t completely work out. flyaways ahoy. unlike glenn and his father though, felix inherited much straighter hair that doesn’t have much shape to it.
HAIRSTYLE see above. “whatever keeps it out of my way” tbh. intsys give me felix with his hair down or give me death.
VOICE gestures at lucien dodge. there’s not much to say here since the game is fully voiced. a worthwhile note though is that a lot of felix’s personality comes through in the delivery of his lines rather than the lines themselves. despite marketing himself constantly as a stoic, serious guy, he’s actually quite expressive, both in facial expression, body language, and tone. his intonation says a lot about the meaning behind his words. and, importantly, the lack of intonation as well. a lot of his lines that are the most abrasive are delivered without particular vitriol. an essay for another day.
OVERALL ATTRACTIVENESS felix definitely doesn’t give a moment’s thought as to whether or not he looks attractive on any given day haha. attractiveness is subjective but of course in my eyes he’s a 12/10 ;u;
USUAL FASHION OF DRESS outside of the officers academy uniform, of course. the outfit we see him in in part 2 of the game is an accurate representation of his usual dress. coming from fraldarius, he dresses warmly: layers, thick tunics, fur-lined sleeves, hoods, etc. and thick gloves, because there’s nothing that’ll kill you faster than losing feeling in your hands as a swordsman. he isn’t comfortable with showing skin, so even if he’s not dressed for fighting in the snow, he’s probably not ever going to be seen sleeveless or anything. unfortunately for the rest of us because he has nice arms.
JEWELRY OR ACCESSORIES unsurprisingly for a pragmatist like felix, accessories are seen as a general encumbrance. they get in the way, give enemies openings to grab onto you, and are easily lost in the chaos of battle.
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lvcindahs · 6 years
hi hi everyone!! i’m jane & i’m rly excited to meet y’all! i’m twenty-two as of mid-december eeeee, living in nzt ( currently gmt + 13 ) & i really like colourful make up lmao
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lucinda talkalot is NEUTRAL in the war, even though her official job is as CAERPHILLY CATAPULTS’ KEEPER. the TWENTY YEAR OLD HALFBLOOD is known to beDRIVEN and ASTUTE but also SELF-INTERESTED and RETICENT. some might label her as THE STRATEGIST.
domestic abuse, child abuse tw //
hi friends!!! okay so lucinda has a full bio here ( which i would defs read if you want to know about her history and stuff ) but i’ll do some quick points about her here now anyway!!
born jan 4, 1959 — a year above the marauders
succeeded steve laughalot for slytherin captaincy in 1975 ( her sixth year ) and was captain for two years, the second of which slytherin won the quidditch cup ( sixth year probably went to gryffindor?? idk — edit: i just changed these dates to reflect the change i made to her age; it’s a year off from canon, bc jinx and i basically decided to fuck around w canon lmao )
steve was a nightmare and she thought he was terrible and incompetent and wrote to emma vanity, steve’s predecessor, to vent and occasionally consider staging a coup. emma showed lucinda what a captain should be far more than steve ever did
a slytherin prefect but honestly that was probably because she was competent and showed leadership skill in her quidditch life, and didn’t break rules ( mostly bc she felt no need to ), not because she was especially keen to be responsible for anybody else
scouted by several teams, she went to caerphilly catapults, initially as a reserve but now as starting keeper
she’s quite strategic and observant so keeper suited her well; not only was she a last line of defence, but it kept her removed from the chaos of the pitch and able to observe and analyse what was going on around her ( and sometimes calling out plays and advice to her players )
welsh-puerto rican; fluent in english, spanish, welsh and is pretty good at german ( and good at latin though it’s not something she’d say she… speaks… )
very patient when it comes to long-term planning and dedicated enough to see something through; absolutely not patient when it comes to people she thinks are wasting her time
genuinely liable to just not have people on her radar, like — she takes note of people she thinks are relevant, and she probably knows who more than that are, she just doesn’t care
[ domestic abuse tw, child abuse tw, implied infidelity tw ] her uncle ( possible father; her familial situation’s a fucking mess ) is an absolute dick and rich but he’s a squib and Did Not Take Well to magic, even when it’s accidental, and he was older, and larger, and angrier, and she never forgot the way anger could feel when it coursed through something so much larger on its way to making its impact on you. It wasn’t frequent, exactly, but it was varied, and took several forms, but even the threat of it could overwhelm once you knew it was a possibility
she hated fear, and that drove her anger
she learned composure and control from a young age — not young enough to be able to tamp down on accidental magic immediately, but young enough to have control a fair bit before hogwarts. she also learned to control her reactions
( it’s only happened once since she was a kid, when she was “in the way” of him punching a wall, but she’s never learned to swallow the taste of hate in her mouth. she thinks he regrets the last time — when she was a kid, she couldn’t fight back in any way. last time, she was a teenager, and she spewed vitriol at him and she thinks that made it real. she thinks that made him ashamed. she does not care for his shame. it does not change the fury affixed in her veins. ) [ end abuse tw ]
that’s part of why she loves quidditch so much ??? it’s something she’s good at and it was her ticket out of relying on her uncle like her parents did ( her dad was a wizard, which gave the two brothers a bit of a rivalry, but it meant he never worked for anything particularly ?? he lacked common sense and he knew how great his life was compared to his brother’s, but then his brother actually worked and was successful so when lucinda’s ostensible father showed back up in wales with a new wife, it wasn’t long until he had lost all his money and they had to move in with her uncle, who gave her father a job. meanwhile, lucinda’s mother has always been more attracted to drive, so… lucinda is very unsure which is her father, but she thinks they’re both terrible in different ways, so neither is a particularly good option ) [ end infidelity tw ]
and also, on a base level, the very first time she flew on a broom, it was the first time she felt a sense of power. no matter how much bigger or stronger you were, how much angrier or the size of your fists, you couldn’t catch her on the broom. no matter how old she gets, or if her limbs fail, quidditch will never be anything less than it is: graceful and beautiful and analytical, where you can feel the wind rushing through your hair as you move faster on a broom, so fast that nobody can catch you.
but yeah!! she’s not very patient with people and she will always look out for herself bc her whole childhood was learning that nobody else would do that for you and she hates dependence ( and also subjugation — she hates the idea of house elf ownership, because living creatures deserve agency ), but there is a small circle of people she is dedicated to, and she’d go to bat for them any day
she’s very blunt and doesn’t pull punches and honestly like ??? can absolutely be awful but she has a lot of reasons for the way she is and she doesn’t actively try to hurt people — she just simply doesn’t care enough to pull punches for most of them
she’s also neutral bc she’s a halfblood — if not, she’d probably support death eaters but, having been at a physical disadvantage her entire life against her main opponent, she’s never been one to settle for anything that puts her at an inherent disadvantage, let alone support something that does
she has no interest in fighting for the order, though, bc she doesn’t feel any need to stick herself out on the line for the fight, let alone total strangers. she fights for herself and her very small circle. there aren’t ideals, in her opinion, worth laying down her life for
anyway my girl’s a bit Much sometimes but !! if anyone wants to plot or thread w her plssss lmk <333 i’d especially love to talk to anyone who played quidditch at school when she did, especially those in her year or in the slytherin team, mostly bc i loooove quidditch dynamics + if anyone still plays quidditch or is a commentator, reporter or fan, i’d love to plot with you!! also people who were prefects with her… and i’d love to plat with everyone anyway haha bc all of these characters are great and i’m living for them tbh ( i am so unhelpful but i loooove them all ok )
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lucindatalk · 7 years
wow wow wow yesterday was way busier than i thought! anyhow, this is lucinda — i’ll chuck up a quick run down then get into replying to starters and sending ims and stuff bc eeeee i’m so excited !!
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╰ °✧  ( MIND — WILLAMETTE STONE ) comes on as soon as ( LUCINDA TALKALOT ) comes into the room. she is ( 21 ) and was formally in ( SLYTHERIN ) and are rumored to be sided with the ( NEUTRALS ). some people say they look particularly look like ( VICTORIA JUSTICE ) and would describe theirselves as ( DRIVEN ), but also ( SELF-INTERESTED ).
domestic abuse tw
okay so unlike dorcas, lucinda has a full bio here ( it’s... not short ) but i’ll do some quick points about her here now
born jan 4, 1960 — same year group as the marauders
succeeded emma vanity for slytherin captaincy in 1976 ( her sixth year ) and was captain for two years, the second of which slytherin won the quidditch cup ( sixth year went to gryffindor )
a slytherin prefect but honestly that was probably because she was competent and showed leadership skill in her quidditch life, and didn’t break rules ( mostly bc she felt no need to ), not because she was especially keen to be responsible for anybody else
scouted by several teams, she went to caerphilly catapults, initially as a reserve but now as a starting keeper
she’s quite strategic and observant so keeper suited her well; not only was she a last line of defence, but it kept her removed from the chaos of the pitch and able to observe and analyse what was going on around her ( and sometimes calling out plays and advice to her players )
welsh-puerto rican; fluent in english, spanish, welsh and is pretty good at german ( and good at latin though it’s not something she’d say she... speaks...)
very patient when it comes to long-term planning and dedicated enough to see something through; absolutely not patient when it comes to people she thinks are wasting her time
genuinely liable to just not have people on her radar, like — she takes note of people she thinks it’s relevant to, and she probably knows who more than that are, she just doesn’t care
her uncle ( possible father; her familial situation’s a fucking mess ) is an absolute dick and rich but he’s a squib and Did Not Take Well to magic, even when it’s accidental, and he was older, and larger, and angrier, and she never forgot the way anger could feel when it coursed through something so much larger on its way to making its impact on you. It wasn’t frequent, exactly, but it was varied, and took several forms, but even the threat of it could overwhelm once you knew it was a possibility
she hated fear, and that drove her anger
she learned composure and control from a young age — not young enough to be able to tamp down on accidental magic immediately, but young enough to have control a fair bit before hogwarts. she also learned to control her reactions
( it’s only happened once since she was a kid, when she was “in the way” of him punching a wall, but she’s never learned to swallow the taste of hate in her mouth. she thinks he regrets the last time — when she was a kid, she couldn’t fight back in any way. last time, she was a teenager, and she spewed vitriol at him and she thinks that made it real. she thinks that made him ashamed. she does not care for his shame. it does not change the fury affixed in her veins. )
that’s part of why she loves quidditch so much ??? it’s something she’s good at and it was her ticket out of relying on her uncle like her parents did ( her dad was a wizard, which gave the two brothers a bit of a rivalry, but it meant he never worked for anything particularly ?? he lacked common sense and he knew how great his life was compared to his brother’s, but then his brother actually worked and was successful so when lucinda’s ostensible father showed back up in wales with a new wife, it wasn’t long until he had lost all his money and they had to move in with her uncle, who gave her father a job. meanwhile, lucinda’s mother has always been more attracted to drive, so... lucinda is very unsure which is her father, but she thinks they’re both terrible in different ways, so neither is a particularly good option )
and also, on a base level, the very first time she flew on a broom, it was the first time she felt a sense of power. no matter how much bigger or stronger you were, how much angrier or the size of your fists, you couldn’t catch her on the broom. no matter how old she gets, or if her limbs fail, quidditch will never be anything less than it is: graceful and beautiful and analytical, where you can feel the wind rushing through your hair as you move faster on a broom, so fast that nobody can catch you.
but yeah!! she’s not very patient with people and she will always look out for herself bc her whole childhood was learning that nobody else would do that for you and she hates dependence ( and also subjugation — she hates the idea of house elf ownership, because living creatures deserve agency ), but there is a small circle of people she is dedicated to, and she’d go to bat for them any day
she’s very blunt and doesn’t pull punches and honestly like ??? can absolutely be awful but she has a lot of reasons for the way she is and she doesn’t actively try to hurt people — she just simply doesn’t care enough to pull punches for most of them
she’s also neutral bc she’s a halfblood — if not, she’d probably support death eaters but, having been at a physical disadvantage her entire life against her main opponent, she’s never been one to settle for anything that puts her at an inherent disadvantage, let alone support something that does
she has no interest in fighting for the order, though, bc she doesn’t feel any need to stick herself out on the line for the fight, let alone total strangers. she fights for herself and her very small circle. there aren’t ideals, in her opinion, worth laying down her life for
anyway my girl’s a bit Much sometimes but !! if anyone wants to plot or thread w her plssss lmk
 edit: dorcas’ can be found HERE
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