#because he only ever prepared to defend himself against a 14 year old child and a woman who stopped waiting to forgive him a long time ago
hollenka99 · 3 years
A Mislabeled Hourglass
Summary: Fundy grows up faster than Wilbur was expecting but he is going to make the most of his son’s shorter childhood regardless.
Warnings: Mentions of hunting animals, implied character death
Wilbur is no stranger to growing up faster than most. In the midst of learning survival skills as a child, he was still able to play to his heart's content. His mum, and later Phil, never cared too much if he got dirty. Kids will be kids. Despite that, his first experience with grief is at 6, he causes an animal's death sooner than most would and he dies himself for the first time at the age of only 9 (stupid accident, he should have watched his step). He is perhaps 8 when Phil gives him his first taste of independence. At 11, Tommy enters their life and makes him a big brother. Phil's day trips gradually get more frequent, sometimes stretching out for longer durations too. Whenever it's just him and Tommy, he has to be responsible, has to play a more adult role despite being in his early teens when it becomes a noticeable habit. Then Technoblade shows up. You could argue that from around 17 or 18, Wilbur is practically becomes a young carer on a full time basis. However, this accelerated maturation was all mental. The earth had gone around the sun once when he spoke his first word, five times when he began deciphering sequences of letters as words, ten times when Phil told him what to expect over the next several years and it had completed its 19th revolution shortly before Fundy came into the world. Fundy was... different. First of all, he was a shapeshifter so right off the bat, he was never going to look fully human. Sally had fins and naturally red hair. Fundy was born with a substantial amount of ginger hair and ears that seemed slightly more pointed than they should be. When his son gets older, it will become apparent that his senses are stronger than Wilbur's too. Speaking of Fundy getting older... Wilbur has a hunch that something isn't quite right when his baby rapidly outgrows clothes meant for his age group. He initially dismisses it as Fundy likely inheriting his ridiculously tall genes. Because what else could it be, right? Then he is crawling at 2 months old. Wilbur's far from a baby expert but he's sure infants don't become that mobile that soon. A month or so later, Fundy takes his first clumsy steps towards him. Now that? Yeah, that undoubtedly raises alarm bells. He knows for a fact that that milestone was for those around 12 months old. Okay yep, something was definitely up. The books say Fundy should have been introduced to solid foods by now. He guesses that puts him in the Bad Dad category, along with temporarily using cows to feed him when he first got Fundy. He'd defend himself by pointing out he didn't have formula on hand the moment he became a father and was yet to learn non-human milk wasn't actually good for the baby but those excuses don't seem credible. He knows he's been going about this blinder than he would liked since day 1 but the accelerated aging might end up screwing him over even more. Ha, imagine having time to settle into parenting a baby before they graduate into toddlerhood. It's fine, he swears it's fine. It just means he gets to start having comprehensible, reciprocated conversations sooner than most, not to mention going through less nappies. There are stumbles for the first week or two after Fundy learns to walk but his son soon gets the hang of it. Only days after his first steps comes his first word. Noisy pattering paired with cries of "Daddy!" get more common. He could certainly get used to this. A one year old's way of running is potentially one of the silliest things he's ever witnessed. But look at his little champion go! When Fundy learns to crouch, Wilbur is crouching right beside him. Tommy comments that he looks and sounds like an idiot whenever he plays with Fundy. Wilbur pays him no heed because his brother is an absolute hypocrite. He has to say, Tommy is doing a great job for someone who was thrown in at the deep end just as much as he was and his brother doesn't even have the responsibility of having to care for a kid. He's always been a bit... rough and ready when it comes to playing with others. But with Fundy, he makes sure to be gentle around the toddler. Wilbur isn't entirely sure whether hanging upside down from someone's grip on a near daily basis is healthy for a little kid but Fundy's eruption of giggles each time suggest otherwise. When Tommy turned 11, he was not yet an uncle. The following April, he has a two year old nephew who complains he wants to help blow out the candles, nearly fighting for his right to do it instead of the actual birthday boy. It somehow leads to a pillow fight between them. So all in all, Tommy is taking it in his stride. By Fundy's second Christmas, Wilbur is able to start calculating. A 14 month old kid is supposed to be getting the hang of being bipedal, not receiving books that will help them learn how to read. Given that his son was walking at 3 months old, his best guess is that Fundy's development rate was four times that of other children. It seems consistent too since Fundy is approximately the equivalent of a 4 or 5 year old boy now. He recalls Sally once joking about how shapeshifters tended to live fast and die 'young'. He thinks he gets what she means now. Quadruple speed for Fundy though? Fuck. If he's got the maths right, they will be the same physical age when Wilbur is 25. The gap will only grow more and more from then on. At 30, he will have a child who is roughly 40. And when Wilbur himself is 40... he'd rather not dwell on the heartache his early 40s are set to bring. He has been given a 60 second hourglass that's been labelled as a 4 minute one. He's begun to comprehend this with 2 seconds' worth of sand already piling at the bottom. What is he even supposed to do? Does he bake a birthday cake every January, April, July and October 10th or just that last date? He guesses that will be for Fundy to decide in the future. Tommy has made a 'reverse leap day kid' joke before but it really is based in truth. While still a small child, one of Fundy's favourite places to rest is against his father's chest. There have been plenty of nights where the little boy has fallen asleep in his father's arms while being read a story. He's rapidly getting bigger and Wilbur frequently has to adapt how he holds him to accommodate. In the quietest of moments, his eyes will notice a tiny mischievous smile directed at him that will make his day or his ears will catch the softest of snores coming from beside him. As much as he tries to enjoy those occasions, peace often leads to a chance for overthinking to take place. When that happens, it all turns bittersweet with the desperate wish he could get several years of this, not feel lucky if he gets more than 2 or 3 of them. Of course, every time Fundy is resting against his chest is not necessarily positive. There are obviously the typical 'toddler having a breakdown because they scraped their knee' type stuff. Those are fine, all he has to do is soothe him and distract from what is usually an overthought 'injury'. But then there are the times where Fundy's fingers ache from the ordeal of slowly developing claws, Wilbur lets him dig his nails into his jumpers as hard as he feels the need to. The same happens whenever there is any significant growth with his ears too. The older Fundy gets, the more used to the flat of a small head pressing into his chest he becomes. He would do anything to alleviate his pain and discomfort if he could. And no, he definitely hasn't shed a tear or two when nobody is watching in regards to the matter. From here on in, it feels like he's on home soil. He's helped raise a kid from the age of 4 before. The only difference now is that this kid is his own flesh and blood. And a shapeshifter, which Tommy never was. They've begun entering the "Dad, look what I can do!" phase of Fundy's life, now that he is getting more capable with age. The first major instance is when he comes home from a hunt. Tommy has a smug look on his face and Fundy seems seconds from exploding with excitement. His son is let loose on him as soon as he's freshened up, dragging him to a chair where he is made to listen to the most drawn out reading session he has ever experienced. But Wilbur can't help but beam every time Fundy successfully gets through a word. The day he believes Fundy is old enough to start learn how to use a bow can't come soon enough. He knows fuck all about hybrids or shapeshifters other than the very basics. He can't tell you how to construct the most impressive of architectural structures. But this, archery and hunting? Now that he can impart wisdom on. He passes down second hand stories about Fundy's grandma and anecdotes about his trips with Phil when he was a young boy himself. As far as he can tell, Fundy laps it all up. Swordplay is soon added to the mix of training activities. The wooden sword he crafted for his son is slightly too big but eh, the kid will quickly grow into (then inevitably out of) it sooner than later. They gradually work up from technique and stance to improving accuracy and striking moving targets. Every bit of progress he makes, his dad is there cheering him on. Fundy only grows reluctant when it begins to get 'real'. That is to say, when Wilbur tries to take him on an actual hunt or attempts to introduce him to the subject of turning a kill into a meal. And yeah, he gets it. He wasn't the biggest fan of it either when he was being taught himself. Plus, he's aware Fundy's nose is more sensitive than his or Tommy's so yep, preparing a body's going to be even less pleasant for him. It's unfortunately a part of this sort of life. There's... well, there's always the option of heading down to the butcher's in town. Just keep in mind who got his first girlfriend indirectly due to the fact her dad would always give him money for helping supply produce. You've been doing great though. The important part is you're learning how to survive on your own if need be, not to mention how to defend yourself in case of an attack. Another part of Fundy's development to make him gush with pride is when he starts to really hone his shapeshifter nature. It's small at first, a furrier hand transforming into a paw here, a lump of a half formed tail spotted underneath a dressing gown there. He can't really describe how happy it makes him to see a child with a fox's head greet him one morning when Fundy jumps out from behind a door. There are features the young shapeshifter will keep in his human form obviously. Yet it's thrilling to have him keep coming over to show off a new shifting-related ability. The first time Fundy manages to morph fully into a fox, during the spring after his 2nd birthday, Wilbur promises the three of them can have an 'anything Fundy says, goes' type thing the following day in celebration. There are times where Fundy may, for instance, forget to include his tail as an animal or he'll walk around as his usual self, albeit with accidental fox eyes. It's simply a matter of practise, Wilbur believes. One of the best parts of Fundy gradually improving his shapeshifting is the fact he loves to curl up on his dad's lap while in fox form. Wilbur cherishes it. Fundy's getting older now (taller too, this kid is undoubtedly going to be at least 6 foot one day) but he'll always be smaller as a fox than as a human. Forgive a father with limited time to enjoy carrying his son around for wanting to prolong the inevitable. Fundy is 3 when he physically catches up with Tommy, age wise. It's not until he is the equivalent of maybe 15 that he passes his uncle's height. Tommy complains about it incessantly, especially whenever Fundy teases him about how much taller he's getting. It's all fun and games but Wilbur was an unusually large teenager once (only a few years ago really, though let's not dwell on that) so he understands what it's like. Going through growth spurts is hardly the most enjoyable thing out there and he can't imagine how it must feel to keep getting hit by them with even less time to settle into your new height. Not to mention growing pains. During a quiet evening, he checks in on his son and approaches the subject. It leads to him allowing Fundy to rant about the worst parts of growing up. Orange fur recedes on his arms to show a few stretch marks. Ah, he was wondering if the extra hair was deliberate or simply puberty taking hold. He assures Fundy stretch marks aren't something to be ashamed of. He got a bunch of them himself at his age. Although, they've pretty much all faded by now. It's fine, you don't need to stress about it. Besides, Tommy's going through the same kind of shit. The main problem with Fundy and Tommy being similar ages now is that they are arguably closer than ever. Which, no, isn't a bad thing. In fact, he's glad that for a few months they're able to hang out on more equal footing. The issue lies in the fact that Fundy takes after his uncle when it comes to causing mischief. The little rascal is turning into a bit of a prankster. And yeah, maybe Wilbur himself likes channelling hints of chaos into his life but you'll never hear the designated responsible adult admit to that in the others' presence. At one point, Fundy is a six year old gleefully explaining how Tommy helped him up so he could place that water bucket. Only a year later, there's an 11 year old revealing that yes, he was the one to make their chickens, cows and sheep switch enclosures during the night. He only gets more ambitious from there. God knows where he got all that dye from when he's in his mid-teens. Fundy is much like himself as a teenager. Both clearly love their respective fathers but both grow to varying degrees of resentment regarding the level of independence they are given. Wilbur always had too much. It was his job to take care of Tommy whenever Phil left on short trips until the avian hybrid pretty much said 'well, you're an adult now, you can take care of things all by yourself' before heading off with Technoblade for months on end. It's why Wilbur knows kids want a safety net, for an adult to be there to help them out if they need it (no matter how mature or independent they feel). Has he taken it further than he should have? Maybe. Fundy is the only one who can be the true judge of that. He just wants his little boy to be safe and happy. He didn't want him to grow up so quickly. However, even if this was happening in 15 years, he would have grown up too soon. It doesn't surprise him too much when Tommy and Fundy make the choice to go off on their own. He only allows it because they promise they will stick together throughout the journey. He supposes it was time. Phil snuck off to do the same around their age and his mum was roughly 18 when she set off to be a nomadic traveller. The thought to live a similar style life has crossed Wilbur's mind. His duty to the two boys under his care has always made him reconsider. But Tommy is 16 now and not as much of a child as Wilbur likes to say he is. As for Fundy, he's probably around the equivalent of 18 or 19 by this point. He hates to admit it but they've both grown up. Where the hell did the time go? So although it pains him to do so, he nevertheless sends them off with a smile. If they find anywhere nice in their adventures, they'll be sure to tell him. He might even join them if they choose to stick around in one area. He turns back into the house after they leave and fuck, has it always been this empty? He gets a letter in early July, telling him all about this place called the Dream SMP and their time there. He arrives and things seem to snowball as soon as he begins the 'drug business' bullshit. Suddenly, he's a general with his brother and son as soldiers, along with some new friends. They are at a disadvantage in this fight against tyranny but it's okay, Eret says she has a secret weapon. They might just pull through. Or... they might instead be brutally betrayed by a former friend and lose so much more than their possessions. He loses track of his battalion in the chaos. All he knows is screaming for everyone to flee. Then the agony a sword through his stomach. Tubbo's dead, as is Tommy. Where's Fundy? He can't see him anywhere. God, please say he managed to get the fuck out of here. Please let it be that he turned into a fox and scarpered away, something like that. Never mind his dad. If Fundy's alright, he'll be alright too. He loves his son, has done all he was able to ensure his little boy has never had reason to doubt this fact. Over the past few years, that love has been repaid in mischievous grins, unrestrained giggles and drowsy cuddles, among other quieter moments. It gets repaid once again as a boy playing a soldier struggles to join the side of his pretend general of a father in order to loosely grasp hands. It barely registers. Neither does the tiny pained smile or ginger hair that go largely missed by eyes preoccupied with the vain effort to keep them open. They all celebrate the independence they'd fought so hard for the next night. The bittersweet nature of this victory goes ignored. With all the cheerful chatter and singing declaring their land to be one of freedom from tyranny drifting in the evening air from the campfire, it feels like the good mood will never end. It feels like the only thing that may tear the father and son apart is Wilbur's desperation for just a bit more time with Fundy as his little boy, despite how painfully obvious he was already grown up into a man in less than 5 years. Arm slung around him as a toast is made, they are not yet a debilitatingly stressed president, increasingly suicidal exilee or secretly loyal spy. For tonight, they are still a relatively happy, loving pair. For tonight, there is hypothetically still so much time for them to stay like that.
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Theories (14S). Fourth Theory (Special Theory) - Sika Madu’s deceased son and the Michaela trait (Long Theory)
Hello everyone, this theory wasn’t planned for these days, but since there are some doubts out there, I’d like to give my point of view within this issue. Let’s begin!
In the latest chapter, it was revealed that Sika Madu held a deep grudge against God and the world he created for the death of his son, hence why he stated he’d create a dark sun.
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Many have stated that the son of Sika Madu is Mikaela Hyakuya and the main reason is because it’s been stated in the manga itself but before we proceed to talk about it, let’s talk about another issue which is the Michaela trait.
I’ve read some fans in the spanish fandom talking about it, asking about how the trait ended up dwelling in the kids and perhaps that was the reason why Mika had the Michaela trait for being Sika Madu’s child. But, there’s one issue in this, what do I mean?
First of all, the first hint of the trait appearing in the world was when Ashera was able to transform into a vampire thanks to Yu’s blood instead of dying by it. Such event happened in chapter 79 after Ashera was called to meet up with the First Progenitor.
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After such events, Sika Madu became interested on the results Ashera gave since he’s been having guinea pigs for 600 years. But then, what does this imply?
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It means that it’s highly possible that the Michaela trait started to appear thanks to something humanity made or perhaps God himself made as a punishment against Sika Madu for tainting what it was holy and forbidden. Which would actually explain why Shikama kept on performing for 600 years, a lot of experiments with guinea pigs; what does that mean?
He was aware that, within humanity, there was a low percentage he’d be able to get such trait, but for what reason? What did he tried to achieve?
He was aiming to bring his lost son back, for that, there will be a better explanation of his taboo in another theory...
Returning to the main point of the theory, Shikama was aware that the Michaela trait would end up appearing with its own respective time; he was aware that the trait itself wasn’t related on seeing unique humans but rather, with a peculiar DNA, hence why he became intrigued with Ashera being able to survive after drinking Yu’s blood; but now, there’s something rather curious within this, what do I mean?
If many might recall back in old chapters, it was seen Ashera going with him to the Land of the Rising Sun, what does this have to do with such trait?
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It’s quite possible that the current demons from the black demon series were compatible with such trait but, despite the results, it ended up with how Noya stated long ago, they failed to become Michaela. But why?
It is well known that once a soul is gone forever, it cannot be returned as it’s original form, even if Shikama kept performing his experiments, all were doomed the very moment his spawn or his beloved child died; thus he started to create his own world slumbering within the dark sun.
But then, what was the point on creating demons? What was the point on bringind down all the events?
It could be said his wrath along the demons he created from vampires reflect all the negative emotions he once felt in the past, which is why he aimed to create an army he could control for his own, a world that would oppose directly its real Creator.
Another topic I’d love to talk about is: Mikaela, is he the son of Shikama or cloned son?
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Now, many have stated that Mikaela Hyakuya is heavily the son of Sika Madu but, there’s an issue to this, what do I mean?
Sika Madu is displayed as an arrogant, prideful and powerful being that sees time as a trivial matter due to his inmortality, Shikama has always been able to dictaminate which religions and empires would fall and rise, he was aware that Rigr was pulling some strings to weaken the Hiragi family along creating the Hyakuya Sect.
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Hence, it can be said that he was aware that Rigr was tracking down the kids with the Seraph trait and Michaela trait to use them agains him, which actually would explain why the Hyakuya orphanage kids including Mika and Yu had difficult lives, they never were  happy with their respective families.
But now, there’s one sole issue as to why I believe Mika Hyakuya is not Sika Madu’s child, what do I mean?
When Shikama has something peculiar to keep, he defends it, how can I state that if Shikama doesn’t care about humanity in general?
If Mika was Shikama’s reincarnated child, he’d have moved all the things he wished in order to keep him safe; he’d have made the Hiragi Family track him down before Rigr did in order to awaken his past self or the son he once lost. Then, where exactly is the key he’s desperately searching?
Something curious within the story is that Shikama has been focused on one sole thing, what do I refer or likely who?
Correct, I refer to Shinoa Hiragi, but why? It is well known that Shikama has always been trying to possess her which is something he succeded to do in previous chapters but, there’s an issue to the whole possession thing, what could it be?
That Shikama in fact, was testing his vessel, not possessing or keeping the body for himself, he was testing the stress Shinoa’s body could handle with his power, as if he was making preparations for something else.
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Furthermore, there’s one thing in common with Shikama’s deceased son and Shinoa, what do I mean?
Both were kept in secret, both were kept in order no one could track them down, even  Rigr wasn’t aware that Mahiru was protecting her little half sister from both parties, the JIDA and the Hyakuya Sect.
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Furthermore, in recent chapters, it was clear that despite Shikama possessing the Hiragi family for years, he always aimed to possess Shinoa as a definite goal in mind; but, within this, there’s something else to add, what could it be?
Despite that Shikama has tried his best to possess his current vessel, there was one curious thing he always stated before he changed his strategy:
“If you lower your walls, you’ll get to see few of my memories”
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By this, I’m not saying Shinoa is the child he’s sought but rather, her heart might hold certain key he’s been aiming to find ever since the experiments began. How can I state this?
It is well stated that Shinoa and Mahiru were created by experiments, but only Mahiru’s mother was able to live for few years until Tenri killed her; in Shinoa’s case, it’s even unknown who her mother was, it is only stated that her mother was a demon possessed woman but, is that the truth?
There’s a small part that might be a lie within this, and this is mainly because Shikama and Shinoa share some physical characteristics, despite Tenri having a small role on how she was created, Shikama played a huge role for Shinoa’s creation as well. Along this, Shikama’s main goal was that Shinoa lowered the walls of her heart but not with the common purpose of a demon, but rather, to find something that lies within such heart.
As a small hint for this, in the LNs, more specifically in Catastrophe at 16′s last volume, Shikama stated that if it weren’t for Shinoa, no one else would have been able to have demons.
To conclude, it can be said that Mika Hyakuya is not Shikama’s cloned son nor reincarnated son due to the fate Mika’s been targetted with; within this, the Michaela trait itself might actually be something Shikama was punished with as a reminder of the sin or taboo he performed and  lastly, Shinoa plays a huge role on whatever resides within her heart since Shikama’s goal was not exactly to possess her but rather unlock something hidden within it.
What do you think guys?
Let me know!
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gif belongs to hpeymchope
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afandomroom · 4 years
Sage Storyline + Fact File
Note- This file contains her canon, RP, and future story information. I will mostly be talking about her canon storyline, however anything that differs in the rp storyline I will be writing at the end of the file. 
Warning- Brief mentions of parent death, abandonment, and bullying. Nothing descriptive or angsty, this isn’t a story just a fact file, but I’m adding warnings anyway. Also, it's really long
Full Name- Sage Celia Brooks Birthday- August 15th Age: Canon- 18 Search History (rp) - 21 Future- 26 Hometown- Eyton, Northern Ninjago (Blood) Family- Aster Brooks (deceased), Lily Brooks (deceased) (Found) Family- Asher Woodman (older brother figure), Marion Nettle (younger brother figure) (Future) Family- Willow Woodman (Niece), Cedar Woodman (Niece), Katlyn Woodman (Sister in law) Hair- Black, down her back, ponytail braid or side braid Eyes- Silver Height- 5’3
Canon Story- Sage grew up in a village known as Eyton. It’s a very traditional and old fashioned village, and they aren't fond of outsiders, typically viewing them as trouble unless they were invited by a higher member of the village. The Brooks had moved there a year before Sage was born. They, of course, had permission from the village leader to live in Eyton. However, most of the village still stuck up their noses. While Lily and Aster were aware of the village 's bias, things didn't go down hill until someone died on a fishing boat Aster was working on. A couple of weeks later, someone almost died from an allergic reaction to one of Lily's pastries. 
Rumors started spiraling that the Brooks were omens of death, and  bad luck.  When Sage was 7, an illness ran through the town, killing many. The Brooks were the last family to catch it, Sage was the only family member to survive. The village had a new leader by then,and he decided that the village needn't waste resources on the child of two "bad/death omens". So she was cast out of the village. She spent years blaming every bad thing that happened around her on herself, because as a child she was told she was bad luck.  After two years of wandering, she came to a village with a stone wolf statue in the center. A group of town kids cornered her, and were pushing her around. At least until a white haired boy stepped in, fighting off the bullies. He didn’t turn to check on Sage or introduce himself, he just walked off. Sage didn’t think she would see him again. That night, a skeleton horde attacked the village. Hiding under an elevated porch, Sage spotted the white haired boy from earlier getting chased by some skeletons. Thinking quickly, she yanked him under the porch before the Skeletons could find him again. He introduced himself as Asher, and they both spent the night under that porch, hiding from the horde. The next day, Asher offered to teach Sage how to live on the streets. They would be partners, relying on each other to survive. They traveled from village to village; pick pocketing and stealing from stall owners. When Sage was 11, Asher got them a job. A thief named Ronin was willing to hire them for their help on a job (Note: not rp canon). Sage was reluctant at first, but didn’t want Asher to be alone on the job. So, she agreed to take the job. This started Sage’s long life of crime. Ronin (Not rp canon) hired them for a couple more jobs and passed their name onto some clients and fellow thieves. They made quite the name for themselves, well known in the underground as the “Partners in Crime”. Kind of cheesy and cliché, but eh, what you going to do. Years later, at age 16(around 19 in rp universe), Sage decided to turn a bit of a new leaf. A temporary turn around. She helped defend citizens against the SOG, even helping some of Ultra Violet’s targets get to hiding. This of course placed her on UV’s wanted list. During one of her rescues, Sage encountered Mr. E (not rp canon). Remarkably, she managed to escape, and it didn’t seem like the incident was ever reported. One day, Sage was wandering along some rooftops when she spotted a group of SOG members bothering an older woman. She was preparing to fire a few arrows at the members, when a kid threw rotting tomatoes at them, taunting them. The members gave chase, running after the kid until they had him cornered in an alley. Sage shot the members down and brought the kid to the apartment she shared with Asher. The kid introduced himself as Marion, and unbeknownst to him, he was an EM. In the years that followed, Sage did her best to help Marion master his abilities. She wasn’t able to help him that much, but the fact that she believed in him gave Marion a boost in confidence. (This next part isn’t Rp canon) Three years later, Sage ended up helping a young man with a green hair streak hide from a group of muggers. She invited him to hide at their home for a while, and he ended up joining the group. He introduced himself as Morro. Morro never took on any thieving jobs, choosing to freelance with lifting and loading jobs instead. He also helped mentor Marion on his element and taught him to be a ninja. Sage’s future- When she turns 23, Sage officially leaves the crime life. Her parents taught her good morals and she honestly couldn’t handle the guilt of everything she had done. However, she didn’t turn herself into the cops because she didn’t want to leave her brothers. Instead, she helps run a branch location of a tea shop some close friends ran. She continues to be a supportive figure for her brothers. She often provides advice and a listening ear for Marion’s trainees, Calvin’s niece and nephews, and Asher’s daughters.
Rp storyline changes: - Ronin isn’t the thief that introduces Sage and Asher to the life of crime. A thief named Seth did. - Sage leaves the life of crime at the age of 21 to provide Marion with a more normal life. There was also some encouragement from Lloyd. - Sage has yet to meet Morro and he does not join the Partners in Crime - Sage did not face Mr. E during the SOG takeover - This hasn’t been brought up yet, but she and Asher did not help kidnap Zane in rp universe - The SOG never attempted to hire them in RP universe - They never stole Borg tech in the RP universe - I…think that’s it?
Season by Season: Season 1- Sage meets Asher
- Sage and Asher were in a village that was attacked by the Skeleton Horde - She was in Jamanakai with Asher when Lloyd first attempted to raid the place for candy. - She was going to offer to help him snag some candy, but got scared off when the ninja arrived.
 Season 2- Sage and Asher continue their partnership, their loyalty and trust has grown quite a bit.
Season 3- Sage and Asher begin their lives in crime
-One of the jobs Ronin hired them for was keeping an eye out while he grabbed Zane. Season 4- Somewhere between 3 and 4, Ronin recommended Sage and Asher to Chen
- Clouse was the one who offered the job to the partners. - Sage convinced Asher to not take the job - Later, they were in one of the towns ransacked by the cultists Season 5- Sage and Asher begin to consider themselves siblings
- They were in Styx when the ninja attempted to steal from Ronin. Sage saw them leaping across the roofs. Season 6- With the ninja’s rise in fame, stealing becomes both harder and easier. On one hand, they’re too busy to come after them. On the other, cops were alerting them to every crime. Sage and Asher end up laying low.
Season 7- When Borg disappears; Sage and Asher are given the job of stealing his tech.
Season 8- The SOG gives Sage and Asher a job offer. Steal an Oni mask. 
- Sage talks Asher out of it - The SOG doesn’t like them 
Season 9 – Sage starts fighting off the SOG
- She never joins the resistance…..haven’t figured out why yet - Sage was targeted by UV and placed on the wanted list - Sage fights Mr. E - Sage saves Marion and brings him to her place - Spotted Lloyd and his resistance multiple times Season 10- Sage, Asher, and Marion hide in an underground bunker during the oni attack
Season 11- Sage, Asher, and Marion were not in the city during Aspheera’s attack. Rather, they were trying to remove Marion’s vengestone cuffs. They spent the rest of the season try to help Marion with his abilities. 
Season 12- The minute Sage hears about the video game linked disappearances, she drags the boys away from the city and to a rural village. Girl isn’t taking any chances. Later that year, Sage meets Morro
Facts: - Her father taught her the archery basics; she taught herself how to shoot years later from these teachings. - She taught Marion, Calvin’s niece and Nephews, Asher’s daughters, and the trainees how to shoot a bow. - She makes her own arrows - Can throw knives like a boss. - She does know a few things about fighting, but it’s not her strong suit and she prefers long range and dodging to melee and hand to hand combat. - Her favorite tea is Passion flower, and her favorite food is puffy pot stickers(or just pot stickers in general) - Her kill count is 24…..she doesn’t like talking about it - She can pick locks, including handcuff locks and jail cell locks - Has never been in a jail, interrogation room, or holding cell for more than an hour (*cough* she breaks out *cough*) - Every year since she was 14, she visits Eyton to update her parents on her life and apologize for the life she is living. - Learned to drive a car and ride a motorcycle at 15. A fellow thief for hire taught Asher and Sage. - Uses fake names on jobs, gives cops fake names, and goes under a fake name for things like her driver’s license, id, and other such things. Currently her “name” is Mei Baker. - “Mei Baker” has a completely clean slate and no jail records. - Built/repurposed her motorcycle, Asher’s motorcycle, and their pickup by herself. - Her motorcycle is her baby and if you break it she will break you. Taught herself mechanics and medical stuff - Got all of her education from libraries, everything she knows about math, history, etc. is self taught - Loves Harry Potter books: She’s a Gryffindor if you must know - She was 17 when she got her tattoos. - The chain tattoo represents how she feels trapped by her past and regrets - The raven tattoo represents a death omen, the hyacinth the raven is carrying represents an apology 
- She picked up roof running to help with jobs, it became a hobby later on
- ……She used to pretend she was a ninja while roof running. It was a small phase when she was a kid, lasted half a month. She’s very embarrassed by it. -Tried to teach herself guitar, but they moved around too much for her to focus on it. - Ill end this here its getting waaayyyy to long lol
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mostfacinorous · 5 years
Whumptober 26th
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]
Whumptober 26th: Abandoned
Heaven-- or God-- it was difficult to tell which, with all the bureaucracy-- liked to test those who served them. Of course, with God that was well known, what with the flood and the savior and the various choices placed before people-- humans, that was. But Angels… they were meant not to have choices, or opinions. Meant to be perfectly obedient. And Aziraphale was. At least… sort of. To the letter, if not the holy spirit of the thing.
He thwarted wiles, in that they never came to fruition, and he performed minor miracles-- things to ease burdens and make life easier for those around him, as well as himself, of course.
All in all, he was a positive force on Earth, and he was keeping Crowley’s mischief to the minimum, which was pretty much the entirety of his job description these days.
And yet. 
And yet he came home from lunch one day to discover a note on his desk, a rolled bit of parchment, tied round with a blue and gold ribbon. A Message from Upstairs. His heart sank, and he told himself firmly that hearing from Heaven should not evoke dread, or a guilty conscience. Though of course, it did both.
To compensate for that, he did what he did best and pulled the scroll open, reading avidly.
It was… not so rude as it might have been, he supposed. He’d been expecting it for a while, ever since the Virtues had appeared. He was surprised it had appeared so soon, though; Heaven was not known for its timeliness, as a whole. Then again, there was a reason Gabriel had been the one sent to tell Mary about the child she bore, just as there was a reason his was the signature on this scroll.
He just delighted in being the bearer of bad news.
No, that was ungracious; Gabriel was good at explaining things.
Which was why, Aziraphale reasoned, collapsing back into his seat, he felt so weak now. His misuse, or overuse, of miracles had been noted. He’d been warned. And he had begun abusing them again, and so Heaven was relieving him of the ability. They had made the decision to make him... Human.
It was, he supposed, the best he could have hoped for. Better than capital F Falling.
But that meant… he was, suddenly, dying. And there was nothing he could do. Better than growing an animal on his head, better than a lake of fire and Satan and… oh, Crowley.
Bad enough that heaven was abandoning Aziraphale like this. But the thought that he would, in turn, abandon Crowley… and sometime not too far off from now. How old was this body? Not in reality, but… if he were given the years commensurate to his corporation’s appearance… he had what? Twenty years left? Thirty? He should have paid more attention to how long humans lived these days.
He pinched his fingers and pulled down towards the ancient computer, intending to look it up, but, of course, nothing. No reaction. He’d been cut off.
He swallowed and stood unsteadily. He should… tell Crowley. Surely he deserved to know, deserved to have as much time to prepare himself as-- oh, but it was so cruel, that Aziraphale’s bad behavior would affect him too. Aziraphale didn’t think he was flattering himself when he thought they’d become… well, close. Friendlier, of late. Friends, even, though he’d deny it if pressed, specifically to avoid taking Crowley down with him if-- when-- he was caught.
Only, he hadn’t been, had he?
He paused, hand resting on his phone, and bit his lip. If they knew, surely this would be more painful, more of an immediate execution, rather than a drawn out… what was this? Forced retirement?
And if he called Crowley now-- were they watching?
Did he have to spend what little of his life was left, avoiding the person who mattered most, to protect him?
That seemed… oh, it was incredibly cruel. Exactly the sort of thing that Gabriel would have delighted in, if he were here, if he were watching, if there was even the slightest chance that he knew. But he couldn’t possibly. And so Aziraphale would have to keep it that way.
And he might very well have succeeded, had Crowley not simply decided to pop by.
“Hey Angel,” he greeted, all fashionably tight clothes and loose limbs.
“The demon Crowley.” Aziraphale hastened to say, almost certain he was being watched. If any day was the day for it, it would be this one. “Come to gloat then, have you?”
Crowley, for his part, drew up short, his posture going more on edge, his words coming out more cautiously. “You know me. Gloating’s part of the game. So? What’m I gloating over this time?”
Aziraphale’s breathing hitched and he restrained the noise that wanted to come out of his throat, but only barely. He handed the scroll to Crowley silently, then flicked his gaze towards the ceiling, hoping that it communicated what he intended it to. “It seems… you’ve won. At least until they send someone else to thwart you.” He paused for effect, before adding, “If you’re going to kill me, old enemy, I hope you’ll make it quick.”
Crowley’s head snapped up at that and he looked horrified.
“Does this make you one of us then?” He asked, eyes very obviously searching Aziraphale for any sign of distress. “Bad form, taking out someone on your own side.” It was, obviously, both a criticism of heaven and a very real concern that he had.
Aziraphale shook his head. “We are not on the same side. I am no creature of hell.”
Crowley relaxed a little at that, and handed the scroll back over.
“Aziraphale, I--” He cut himself off as Aziraphale rolled his eyes skyward and tilted his chin in that direction as well, just to really drive home the point. “Poor Angel.” Crowley said instead, putting on his big scary demon voice. “Abandoned by heaven and all alone. What’s to become of you? Perhaps I should make you come with me, let you witness what will happen to the world now you aren’t able to stop me.”
By which, Aziraphale reasoned, Crowley likely meant, would you like some lunch?
“No.” He said firmly, and then, remembering the pretense, added, “Please, if I am no longer an angel, if I am no longer a threat to you… perhaps you should just leave.” He hoped his face said enough.
Crowley needed to be safe, needed to begin planning for what he’d do when Aziraphale’s replacement arrived, and they cared more about smiting him than lunches and wines and any hope of an Arrangement was dashed.
“What a shame. I have so many plans that would have been a delight to struggle against you for, but…” Crowley shrugged, and Aziraphale blanched. “I suppose they’ll just be wildly successful now. All those valuable souls to Satan, just because you-- what, used a miracle to tie your shoes or something?”
Aziraphale felt himself flushing, felt the shame welling up, and his eyes following suit. “Crowley, please…” He began, but was stopped, startled, when a beam of heavenly light appeared, and a new scroll manifested itself on his desk.
Crowley snatched it up, ripped it open, gave it a quick read, and then, in a performance worthy of the melodramas, clapped a hand to his brow as he passed it to Aziraphale. “Oh no, I’ve spoken too soon. I’ve doomed all of my hard work, my natural enemy is returned to me.”
Numbly, Aziraphale took the letter and read it, eyes widening as he understood what Crowley had done.
He had been given his miracles back, his status as an angel and the defender of Earth restored… but Aziraphale wouldn’t forget how close he came to having been abandoned. He had been, in fact, and there was a part of his chest that remained cold and numb, because of it.
Crowley, however, left the shop, still lamenting the untimely loss of his good work, then popped up behind the glass window of the closed door, and flashed Aziraphale a double thumbs up.
Aziraphale looked up at heaven to give his thanks, but he hoped Crowley knew it was really for him.
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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The Prophetic Saint Who Foretold What the End of the World Will Be Like
When the pope used the term “Angel of the Apocalypse” in the Middle Ages, people knew he was talking about St. Vincent Ferrer
St. Vincent Ferrer earned the title preaching the Gospel powerfully and persuasively, often on the Final Judgment and the coming of the Antichrist. Even Pius II’s Bull of Canonization called St. Vincent Ferrer “the Angel of the Apocalypse, flying through the heavens to announce the day of the Last Judgment, to evangelize the inhabitants of the earth.”
This year marks the 600th anniversary of St. Vincent Ferrer’s death on April 5, 1419, yet his words remain as powerful and necessary as ever. Before looking at his preaching on the Last Judgment, the Antichrist and the End of the World, let’s understand how powerful a preacher he was all over Europe, beginning in his native Spain, by looking at a mere speck of who he reached and the miracles he performed.
As a Dominican priest, Vincent Ferrer preached in his own native language or Latin, yet wherever he went, everyone miraculously understood his every word as if he were preaching in their language. Sinners by the thousands, even the most hardened, repented. When the curious Moorish king sent for him, after Vincent Ferrer gave just three sermons, 8,000 Moors converted and wanted to be baptized. Modest estimates put his conversion of Jews in city after city in Spain at 25,000.
At one major Church conference, Vincent’s preaching saw 14 of 16 rabbis converted on the spot. In Toledo as Jews became Christians they turned their synagogue into a church under the Blessed Mother.
Like Jesus raising the widow of Naim’s son, thorough the power of Christ St. Vincent stopped a funeral procession and commanded the corpse to rise, restoring the dead man to life. In all, he restored 28 dead people back to life. Even after he died, two dead people placed on his tomb came back to life.
He cured countless physical infirmities, working wonders through the name of Jesus and the Sign of the Cross. In one, he restored the use of the limbs of an incurably crippled boy who eventually became the Bishop of Barcelona.
In confession, he could read souls. He shared heavenly previews of future events, such as telling a mother her little son would become pope and canonize him — which happened as the boy became Callixtus III. (At the canonization Vincent Ferrer’s body was found incorrupt.) Earlier, during a Barcelona famine, he announced two ships were coming loaded with corn. Nobody believed. That same day, as predicted, the ships arrived.
Highly devoted to the Blessed Mother, he preached and demonstrated the power of the Rosary through immediate conversion obtained through praying it.
Preaching the Last Judgement
Jesus will come not like his first coming in humility and poverty, but “in such majesty and power that the whole world will tremble,” began Angel of the Apocalypse in a sermon. When he powerfully detailed the glory and the horror of separating the sheep and goats described in Matthew 25, record has it sinners were frightened and cried. He wanted them to do so because he himself was fearful of that day and fearful for all those he preached to.
Vincent told the throngs:
People will say ‘to the mountains and the rocks: Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of him who sits upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb’ (Revelation 6:16). Yet Jesus said, ‘But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads,’ ‘because your redemption is at hand’ (Luke 21:28).The Blessed Mother shall sit with him. Jesus will separate the peoples of the nations as a shepherd separates sheep from goats.
St. Vincent cautioned, “On that day it will be better to be a sheep of Jesus Christ that to have been a pope, or king, or emperor.”
Vincent powerfully detailed five virtues revealed in Scripture that distinguishes the sheep: “simple innocence, ample mercy, steadfast patience, true obedience, and worthy penance.”
First, simple innocence is when a person “lives simply, nor hurts anyone in his heart, by hating, nor by defaming in speech, nor striking with hands, nor by stealing. Such a life “is called simple innocence, which makes a man a sheep of Christ.”
In each case, St. Vincent next colorfully details reasons why. A sheep doesn’t attack with horns like a bull...
...nor bite with its teeth like a wolf, nor strike with hooves like a horse… if you wish to be a sheep of Christ, you should strike no one with horns of knowledge or of power, for lawyers strike by the horns of knowledge, jurists, advocates, or men who have great knowledge. Merchants by deceiving others. Lords and bullies strike with the horns of power, plundering or injuring, and extorting, using calumnies and threats, and the like. Listen to what the Lord says by the mouth of David: ‘And I will break all the horns of sinners: but the horns of the just shall be exalted’ (Psalm 74:11).
“Biting” is to defame your neighbor’s reputation, and devour by saying “nothing good praising someone, but only the bad,” so “defamers are not the sheep of Christ, but wolves of hell.”
Kicking like horses means to despise. Therefore, he warns, “children, do not hate your parents; nor parents, children; nor young people, old folks; nor the healthy, the sick; nor rich, the poor; nor masters, their servants; nor prelates, their clergy; and vice versa. It is clear what is simple innocence.”
Second, ample mercy means distributing your God-given temporal and spiritual gifts to the needy. “Because,” Vincent illustrates, “among all the animals a sheep is the most beneficial of animals.  For the sheep by growing wool, shows us mercy and benefits of mercy, because how many poor people does a sheep clothe?” Sheep give milk and food to eat to. We imitate and give love this way: our wool is “external and temporal goods, bread and wine, money and clothes and the like.” The milk is “interior and spiritual goods, by giving good teaching to the ignorant… If you have the milk of knowledge, of devotion, or of eloquence, you should give to those not having them.” Vincent reminds of Jesus telling the sheep, “For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink... naked, and you covered me” (Matthew 25:35-36).
Third, steadfast patience takes different forms, such as when someone “suffering from injuries inflicted or spoken to him does not want to concern himself with taking revenge. Rather he loves everyone in general, and prays for them all.” The analogy? The “sheep is a most patient animal, for if harassed while eating, or if struck, it does not defend itself, but goes elsewhere, nor does it avenge itself like a dog or a goat would do, but humbly yields.  O blessed is the person, man or woman, who has such patience, and takes no vengeance for injuries, but forgives, as God forgives him.”
Fourth, true obedience means ordering all thoughts, words and actions according to God’s will, not ours, just as sheep are so obedient that a child with a staff easily “can easily guide 30 or 40 sheep.” Remember Psalm 23? Remember Jesus illustrating the shepherd was able to leave 99 safely alone as he searched for the lost sheep?
Vincent Ferrer’s simple summary for the shepherd’s commands includes these: “First that we live humbly” because Jesus said “learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29). Those with pride aren’t Christ’s sheep but the devil’s goat. Second, give with mercy and generosity. Who “disobediently goes by the way of avarice by committing usury, robbery, theft, etc., is not a sheep of Christ, but a goat of the devil.” Next, we must “walk by the way of cleanness, of chastity, etc.” Matthew 19:12). “Whoever therefore goes by the way of uncleanness and the filthiness of lust and carnality, such is not a sheep of Christ but a goat of the devil.”
Fifth, worthy penance must be performed for sins we’ve committed. The Angel of the Apocalypse emphasizes no one is exempt from sin, As Ecclesiastes (7:21) noted, “For there is no just man upon earth that does good, and sins not.”
“Therefore worthy penance is necessary, by sorrowing for sins and proposing not to relapse, confessing, and making satisfaction. And in this way penance makes a man a sheep of Christ.” To make the analogy, he explains in detail how a sheep is modest, but concludes a goat reflects “the notoriously shameless person, because everyone knows his wicked life and sins, like wicked clergy, and other notorious cohabiters, nor do they wish to cover it up with the tail of penitence; they are impenitent.”
The End of World and the Antichrist
St. Vincent Ferrer not only preached about these in detail but explained them in a letter to Pope Benedict XIII in 1412. Because his sermon is very long, encompassing explanations that focus on Luke 21:25-28, we’ll touch only on the highlights.
Jesus “warns us of the great evils and tribulations which are to come at the end of the world, and tells us of the signs which will precede His coming in judgment,” the Angel of the Apocalypse begins. He knew the Bible by heart and connected everything to Scripture.
God doesn’t leave us clueless. In his mercy, he often sends signs, “so that people forewarned of impending tribulation by means of these signs, through prayer and good works, may obtain in the tribunal of mercy a reversal of the sentence passed against them by God the judge in the heavenly courts; or at least by penance and amendment of life, may prepare themselves against the impending affliction.” Remember Noah, and Jonah?
Three of the “greatest and most terrible” afflictions will be “Antichrist, a man but a diabolical one; second, the destruction by fire of the terrestrial world; third, the universal judgment. And with these tribulations the world will come to an end.” Providence will give us warning signs in the heavens — sun, moon and stars.
The first is “Antichrist, a diabolical man, who will bring distress on the whole world.” He will deceive Christians in four ways.
First, in the sign of the sun (Luke 21:25).Vincent Ferrer explains, “In Holy Scripture Christ is called the Sun… Taking the word etymologically, we have: S-O-L (Super omnia lucens) – ‘Shining above all things’… God the Father sent Him into the world, saying: ‘But unto you who fear my name the Sun of justice shall arise’ (Malachi 4:2).” So what’s the sign given by the sun for arrival of the enemy?
St. Vincent reveals St. Matthew gives it precisely: “The sun will not give its light.” How’s that? Vincent explains the sun will and cannot be darkened in itself, but only when clouds obscure it:
In the same way, in the time of Antichrist, the Sun of justice will be obscured by the interposition of temporal goods and the wealth which Antichrist will bestow on the world, inasmuch as the brightness of faith in Jesus Christ and the glow of good lives will no longer shine among Christians. For, lest they should lose their dominion, temporal rulers, kings and princes will range themselves on the side of Antichrist. In like manner, prelates for fear of losing their dignities, and religious and priests to gain honors and riches, will forsake the Faith of Christ and adhere to Antichrist. Now he will be a veritable man, but so proud that, not only will he desire to have universal dominion in the whole world, but will even demand to be called a god, and will insist on receiving divine worship.
The evil one will be able to accomplish because Daniel (11:43) prophesies — ‘He shall control the riches of gold and silver and all the treasures of Egypt.’ “With this wealth he will gather together in arms all the nations of the world, to fight against those who oppose him — (Revelation 20:7)” and “seduce the nations” and “peoples, that is, with gold and silver and honors.”
St. Vincent continues, “There will indeed be signs in the Sun of justice, for then it will be obscured in the hearts of Christians, since from those hearts it will not give forth the light of Faith; all preaching of a better life will cease, owing to the interposition of… clouds of temporal goods.”
Materialism takes over.
St. Vincent tells us in every case why God all-powerful would permit this error the answer is the same — Wisdom 11:17: “By what things a man sinneth, by the same also is he tormented.”
“If therefore you do not wish to be deceived, now with all your hearts contemn and despise all earthly goods, and long for those of heaven, considering that the goods of this world are transitory and empty, while heavenly and celestial goods are eternal. In this way you will be strong.”
Next, signs in the moon. “In the Holy Scripture the moon signifies our holy Mother the Universal Church, which implies the worldwide union of Christians.” Reflecting the moon’s phases, the Church in the last phase “no longer in the state in which Christ founded it,” but “turned round to pride, pomp and vanity... mercy and liberality are changed into simony, usury and rapine; chastity becomes licentiousness, uncleanness and corruption; the brightness of virtue is changed into envy and malignity; temperance has become gluttony and voracity; patience has given place to anger, war and divisions among the peoples; diligence is superseded by negligence.”
Christ warned us: “There will arise false christs and false prophets. And they will show great signs and wonders in so much to deceive, if possible, even the elect” Matthew (24:24). Fooled with false “miracles.” “Since the people of the world sin against God by having recourse to the works of the devil, such as divination and fortunetelling… instead of laying their needs before the omnipotent God.” Think of all the occult around today.
Don’t be deceived but “place the whole of your faith and confidence in the name of Jesus Christ., and refuse to acknowledge any miracle unless it is worked in that same name; and so you will be strong against seduction.”
Third, “Stars shall fall from heaven,” Christ said (Matthew 24:29). Looking to Daniel (12:3), Vincent proves that refers to the masters, doctors, and licentiates in theology, some of whom “will fall from heaven, that is from the heights of the Faith (Daniel 11:36). Christ also permits this “because of the scandalous and wicked lives and the many sins” of some.
Christ warns us (24:21): “For there shall then be great tribulation such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be. And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened.”
The Antichrist will reign for three and a half years, 1,290 days. When he is slain “by lightning on Mount Olivet and his death has been made widely known throughout the world, this our earth will exist for 45 more days; I do not say years, but days” (Daniel 12:11-12). The Doctors said “these 45 days will be given by God for the conversion of those who have been seduced by Antichrist, but Antichrist will have left behind him so great riches and pleasure that hardly any of the nations will be converted to the Faith of Christ. For there is no savior but Christ, and yet they will not be converted.” In Luke 17 Christ warns us it will be like in the days of Noah and Lot when people went about as usual.
Then “a certain dreadful expectation of the judgment and the rage of a fire shall consume the adversaries” (Hebrews 10:27). As David says (Psalm 96:3): “A fire shall go before him and shall burn his enemies round about. His lightnings have shone forth to the world; the earth saw and trembled. The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the Lord; at the presence of the Lord of all the earth.”
“Therefore,” Vincent Ferrer warns, “do penance now, forgive injuries, make restitution of any ill-gotten goods, live up to and confess your religion; If it were certain that in a short time this town was going to be destroyed by fire, would you not exchange all your immovable goods for something that you could take away with you?”
Only the treasure piled up already in heaven.
By: Joseph Pronechen
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sparkleywonderful · 6 years
The Prince of Ice: Ch.21
Part 21 of The Prince of Ice series, a retelling of Heir of Fire from Rowan’s point of view.
The Prince of Ice: Parts [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 14.5 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ]  [ 17 ] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] [ 20 ]
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He sat at his work table monitoring Aelin. His instincts to protect had battled for hours against his demons. He had never fussed over his mate, the same way he was fussing over Aelin. If he had, maybe… He froze that thought deep into the dark abyss that had become his soul. If there was one lesson that was deeply ingrained, it was that he could never go back.
He looked over at Aelin, noticing she looked peaceful. At this moment he could easily see the Ashryver lineage in the gold of her skin and hair. He remembered decades ago when Rhoe had fallen in love with one of the fair princesses on a trip to Wendlyn. He had given up his right of succession to marry Evalin. The royal court in Terrasen had feared that she would would stay young as he continued to age. With no heir possible from King Orlon, it was determined that their child would be the heir to the throne.
He had a feeling it was a concession on the part of the nobles. Rhoe and Orlon were the last of Brannon’s line. He recalled the lessons that he and Edna sat through, the lessons to mold them into the heads of House Whitethorn. He recalled his uncle mentioning that Terrasen had a great distrust of Maeve and in some ways Wendlyn. Terrasen would never kneel to a princess of Wendlyn.
His eyes dropped to the scared hands and wrists that rested on her abdomen. Instead of being groomed for the crown, she had spent the past ten years being trained to kill. Instead of attending balls and royal functions, she had spent a year as a slave. She was much stronger than he had initially given her credit for. The spoiled brat facade was just that, a mark she wore to face her world.
The scent of two familiar demi-fae pulled him from his thoughts. He had always enjoyed the company of the old man and Luca was starting to grow on him, much in the same way Fenrys had. Even now in her current condition neither male were a true threat to her well being. So the growl that erupted from his throat took all of them by surprise.
Emrys flashed a knowing smile, “Well Elentiya, it seems you are in competent hands, we’ll come back in a few days.”
He appreciated the old man, but that knowing smile ruffled him. He needed to bury the thoughts that blossomed from that smile. The guilt to move forward and live while is mate has died could consume him if he let it.
He continued to study the map marking the location of the found bodies. There was not an easily seen pattern, except that the locations made little sense. He could not remember a time where he had stared so intently at a map hoping it would give him the answers he was looking for, while providing the escape of not facing the current situation in his room.
Aelin pulled him from his thoughts, “You know, I highly doubt anyone is going to attack me now, if they’ve already put up with my nonsense for this long.”
“This isn’t negotiable.”  And it was not negotiable. He could hardly explain the strength in his desire to protect her.
“So you mean to tell me that whenever someone comes close to burnout, she not only goes through all this misery, but if she’s female, the males around her go this berserk?”
He set down his pen and twisted to examine her. Was this berserk? No. Berserk would have been barring the doors, eating only meals prepared by himself. Berserk would be incapacitating every demi-fae in this fortress until she was healed. No, he was fighting against berserk.
“This is hardly berserk. At least you can defend yourself by physical means when your magic is useless. For other Fae, even if they’ve had weapons and defense training, if they can’t touch their magic, they’re vulnerable, especially when they’re drained and in pain. That makes people—usually males, yes—somewhat edgy. Others have been known to kill without thought any perceived threat, real or otherwise.”
He pulled her mug from her, seeing that it was drained he refilled it.
“What sort of threat? Maeve’s lands are peaceful.”
“Threats from anywhere—males, females, creatures … You can’t reason against it. Even if it wasn’t in our culture, there would still be an instinct to protect the defenseless, regardless of whether they’re female or male, young or old.”
She was looking a little peeky. He reached for a slice of bread and a bowl of beef broth. “Eat this.”
“It pains me to say this, but one more bite and I’ll be sick all over the place.”
Ignoring her, he dipped the bread into the broth and held them out to her. Before she had a chance to argue with him, “You need to keep up your energy. You probably came so close to burnout because you didn’t have enough food in your stomach.”
He should have been closely monitoring, before he asked her to keep three fires alight, he should have ensured she had a full meal, something more than an apple. It was his job to instruct her and even though they had already determined he was the worst teacher in the world, he never recalled telling her that her fae body requires more food than her human form.
While she ate, he fussed around the room before grabbing the now empty bowl from her, returning to the worktable trying to ignore the pain that was written between her brows.
“So when the magic runs out,” she said, “that’s it—either you stop or you burn out?”
The fact that he suspected they shared a carranam bond, her question allowed him to ease into a conversation he had been avoiding the last few hours. He knew her training on her fae nature was limited, would have been limited even if the last ten years had not occurred. Demi-fae rarely were powerful enough to have experienced the carranam bond.
Rowan leaned back in his chair. “Well, there’s the carranam.”
“It’s hard to explain, I’ve only ever seen it used a handful of times on killing fields. When you’re drained, your carranam can yield their power to you, as long as you’re compatible and actively sharing a blood connection.”
She tilted her head to the side. “If we were carranam, and I gave you my power, would you still only be using wind and ice—not my fire?”
He nodded his response.
“How do you know if you’re compatible with someone?”
He thought for a moment, “There’s no way of telling until you try. And the bond is so rare that the majority of Fae never meet someone who is compatible, or whom they trust enough to test it out. There’s always a threat that they could take too much—and if they’re unskilled, they could shatter your mind. Or you could both burn out completely.”
He felt the guilt he had been hoarding over the deep need to care for Aelin in ways that he did not Lyria fade completely. While the mating bond was sacred, to experience it did not leave you completely defenseless. To share a carranam bond with another soul, to allow yourself to open completely to another soul, to trust them enough not to harm you, that was an entirely different matter. To trust another soul that deeply explained the strength of his need to protect her.
“Could you ever just steal magic from someone?”
“Less savory Fae once attempted to do so—to win battles and add to their own power—but it never worked. And if it did, it was because the person they held hostage was coincidentally compatible. Maeve outlawed any forced bonds long before I was born, but … I’ve been sent a few times to hunt down corrupt Fae who keep their carranam as slaves. Usually, the slaves are so broken there’s no way to rehabilitate them. Putting them down is the only mercy I can offer.”
The memories of those times threatened to overtake him. The only reason he survived those deaths was because he often prayed for the same mercy he granted to those broken souls.
“Doing that must be harder than all the wars and sieges you’ve ever waged.”
It was those times that he had prayed to the gods, begged to them for a better world, a world without monsters.
“Immortality is not as much of a gift as mortals would believe. It can breed monsters that even you would be sick to learn about. Imagine the sadists you’ve encountered—and then imagine them with millennia to hone their craft and warped desires.”
He watched Aelin shudder at the thought. She had also seen and known the monsters that plagued their world, but only from the human aspect. “This conversation’s become too awful to have after eating,”
“Tell me which one of your little cadre is the handsomest, and if he would fancy me.”
He could not hold back the choke that left his throat.  The thought of her and Fenrys made his blood boil, it was amazing how the boyo could annoy him even in a general conversation. But her with the others caused him to feel a strong dread in the pit of his stomach.
“The thought of you with any of my companions makes my blood run cold.”
“They’re that awful? Your kitty-cat friend looked decent enough.”
It took all of his being not to choke out a laugh. Kitty-cat?
“I don’t think my kitty-cat friend would know what to do with you—nor would any of the others. It would likely end in bloodshed.”
He crossed his arms at the grin that alight her face. While there was a part of him that wanted to see her smile, the other part did not want her to smile at the thought of being with one of his companions. He needed to end this conversation before it morphed into another line of questioning.
“They would likely have very little interest in you, as you’ll be old and decrepit soon enough and thus not worth the effort it would take to win you.”
He almost smiled when she rolled her eyes, “Killjoy.”
When he looked over her again, his eyes caught on her wrists, the proof that she had once worn shackles.
“A skilled healer could probably get rid of those scars—definitely the ones on your wrist, and most on your back.”
He was not sure why he offered the fleeting thought, her scars told a story that should not be erased.
“There were cells in the bowels of the mines that they used to punish slaves. Cells so dark you would wake up in them and think you’d been blinded. They locked me in there sometimes—once for three weeks straight. And the only thing that got me through it was reminding myself of my name, over and over and over—I am Celaena Sardothien.”
It took all of his two centuries of being Maeve’s blood sworn to lock down the rage that was boiling inside him. He sat listening to a girl of eighteen tell him about her hell.
“When they would let me out, so much of my mind had shut down in the darkness that the only thing I could remember was that my name was Celaena. Celaena Sardothien, arrogant and brave and skilled, Celaena who did not know fear or despair, Celaena who was a weapon honed by Death.”
“I don’t usually let myself think about that part of Endovier, after I got out, there were nights when I would wake up and think I was back in those cells, and I would have to light every candle in my room to prove I wasn’t. They don’t just kill you in the mines��they break you.
“There are thousands of slaves in Endovier, and a good number are from Terrasen. Regardless of what I do with my birthright, I’m going to find a way to free them someday. I will free them. Them, and all the slaves in Calaculla, too. So my scars serve as a reminder of that.”
The name whispered on the wind all those weeks ago came forward. Fireheart.
What other pain was she caring close to her heart? Before he could stop himself, “What happened ten years ago, Aelin?”
“I’m not going to talk about that.”
“If you took up your crown, you could free Endovier far more easily than—”
“I can’t talk about it.”
This is when he knew that she blamed herself in some part for the events that occurred ten years ago.
“There is this … rage, this despair and hatred and rage that lives and breathes inside me. There is no sanity to it, no gentleness. It is a monster dwelling under my skin. For the past ten years, I have worked every day, every hour, to keep that monster locked up. And the moment I talk about those two days, and what happened before and after, that monster is going to break loose, and there will be no accounting for what I do.”
And there it was. He had worked through that rage when he slowly killed the Fae that had murdered his wife and child. He was able to settle the rage knowing that those responsible were dead. He could not imagine what it would have been like to have to bottle up that rage because he was helpless to seek vengeance.
“That is how I was able to stand before the King of Adarlan, how I was able to befriend his son and his captain, how I was able to live in that palace. Because I did not give that rage, those memories, one inch. And right now I am looking for the tools that might destroy my enemy, and I cannot let out the monster, because it will make me use those tools against the king, not put them back as I should—and I might very well destroy the world for spite. So that is why I must be Celaena, not Aelin—because being Aelin means facing those things, and unleashing that monster. Do you understand?”
He did, more than she realized.
“For whatever it’s worth, I don’t think you would destroy the world from spite. But I also think you like to suffer. You collect scars because you want proof that you are paying for whatever sins you’ve committed. And I know this because I’ve been doing the same damn thing for two hundred years. Tell me, do you think you will go to some blessed Afterworld, or do you expect a burning hell? You’re hoping for hell—because how could you face them in the After-world? Better to suffer, to be damned for eternity and—”
“That’s enough,” she whispered.
What a pair they were. He continued to sit at his work table, knowing that if laid next to her in this very moment he would pull her into him. That was a line he could not cross. It was bad enough that he did not request a cot, sharing a living space would blur the lines, sharing a bed would blur then even farther.
He also knew that he should not get attached, that in a short matter of time that he would have to leave. That this chapter of their lives would end and at that time they would have to part ways.
For tonight and for the days to come he would live in the moment, take the small reprieve from the darkness that she had to offer.
Together. He knew that the together they spoke of did not end here. With that thought, he laid beside her allowing her scent of jasmine, lemon verbena and embers caress over his battered soul, before he spoke,  “At least if you’re going to hell, then we’ll be there together.”
Tired of fighting the urge to touch her, he brushed a large hand down her hair, hiding the smirk when she flatly stated, “I feel bad for the dark god already.”
“When I’m back to normal, can I assume you’re going to yell at me about almost burning out?”
He let out a soft laugh but continued stroking her hair. “You have no idea.”
In that moment he decided that the day she decided to free the slaves from the labor camps, that he would be beside her. Even if Maeve whipped him within a millimeter of his life, it would be worth the pain to see a single wish of hers to come true. “I have no doubt that you’ll be able to free the slaves from the labor camps some day. No matter what name you use.”
When he felt her hand against his chest, and she whispered “thank you for looking after me,” he grunted to fight the urge to pull her closer. Boundaries. She was off-limits for a thousand reasons, not to mention that even if he could open his heart in that way again, he was sworn to Maeve.
@awesomebooksuniverse @loppymooney @queen-elain @inrealliampain @namjoonseuphoria
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mrlnsfrt · 5 years
The Hero of Your Story
A more accurate title would have been, “The Protagonist of Your Story,” but it did not have quite as nice a ring to it. The story we are about to read is full of unanswered questions and mysteries, not to mention some terrible and unfair situations. I believe many of us would agree that Joseph is the hero of the story, at least on a human level (since on a universal level God is ultimately the hero). However, Joseph seems to spend the whole chapter (Genesis 37) at the mercy of his brothers. Joseph seems helpless and defenseless.
Do you ever feel that way?
Like you are powerless to defend yourself against those who wish to harm you? You probably don’t feel like a hero, but allow me to challenge you to view yourself under a different light. Imagine yourself as the hero of your story. By hero I mean the protagonist, the main character, the story is all about you. Now, how will you react?
If your child was to tell your grandchild your story, you are the main character, the story is all about you, imagine they are going to make a movie about your story. Now, how will you react when life is unfair? How will you face challenges? When generations will be reading or watching your story, telling your story to their kids, what kind of story will it be? What kind of decisions are you making as a follower of God? Will your story inspire others?
What if one day we were to read your story like we are reading Joseph’s, what would your story look like? Do you give up, do you cheat, do you rebel against God?
If you would like a refresher you can check out my post Returning to God where I explore Genesis 35.
I am skipping Genesis 36 for now because it is essentially made up of genealogies geographical details pertaining to Esau and the Edomites (descendants of Esau). There is value to this chapter but it is not directly relevant to the study of the narratives we are currently looking at so I’ll skip it for now.
Now we are ready to dive into Genesis 37 and the story of Jacob!
Now Jacob dwelt in the land where his father was a stranger, in the land of Canaan. - Genesis 37:1 NKJV
Jacob is the first patriarch to actually dwell in the land of Canaan. While Abraham and Isaac traveled and camped around the land of Canaan, Jacob has settled and now dwells there. This points to the fulfillment of God’s promise to give this land to Abraham’s descendants (Genesis 12:7).
Chronicles of a teenage boy.
This is the history of Jacob.
Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brothers. And the lad was with the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives; and Joseph brought a bad report of them to his father. - Genesis 37:2 NKJV
I find it fascinating how verse two introduces and the history of Jacob and jumps right into telling the story of Joseph! I agree that the story is really about Jacob and his sons, but there is no denying that this could easily be described as the story of Joseph, so I will be referencing this as the beginning of the Joseph narrative.
Joseph is 17 years old and I find this meaningful because it helps me relate to Joseph not only as a historical figure or Bible hero but also as a human being, a teenager, and this grounds his experiences emotionally for me. Knowing that he is 17 as he is facing what he faces guides my emotional response to the narrative. Another benefit is that it facilitates the creation of a timeline of the events in the life of Joseph.
Joseph is described as hanging out with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah and some interpret this as Joseph possibly getting along with them better than with the sons of Leah. It is also interesting to note that both women are described as being wives of Jacob.
The first mystery of this passage is related to Joseph bringing a bad report to his father. You can read different English translations of Genesis 37:2 here. The mystery revolves around the reason for this. Was Joseph being a tattletale? And just running to his father to say what his brothers were doing wrong? Did his father ask him to check on his brothers? Because in that case, it would make Joseph an obedient son. Clearly, Joseph was not involved in whatever “bad” things his brothers were doing. Yet there is no mention in the narrative of Joseph’s brothers being upset with him over this.
Favoritism strikes again!
Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors. Genesis 37:3 NKJV
Here we have the problem. Jacob/Israel loves Joseph more than all his children. By making it obvious that he loved Joseph more than all his children Jacob had doomed his family to go through a similar heartache that he had to go through growing up. Isaac’s preference for Esau leads to all kinds of problems (more details on the following posts Everything Will Be Okay, How Much for That?, and Thy Will Be Done?).
It is worth noting how similar sins from the parents are repeated on the children. Abraham lied about his wife (Genesis 12:10-20, post Called by God, Genesis 20 post But God Came) and later Isaac lies about his wife (Genesis 26, post Faithful Still). Isaac had a favorite son, Esau, and Jacob has a favorite son Joseph. We will notice more of this later on.
Another interesting point is the only other mention of a tunic of many colors came from 2 Samuel 13:18 referring to royalty. Imagine Joseph’s brothers watching Joseph walking around dressed like a prince. This is what causes the brothers to hate Joseph.
Hate is such a strong word.
But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him. - Genesis 37:4 NKJV
Up to now, Joseph has given his dad a bad report (which does not seem to have angered his brothers, at least not enough to earn a mention in the story.) and he is the object of His father’s favoritism, which does make his brothers angry. So I would argue that Joseph is not to blame for his brothers being angry with him since it is not his fault that he is the favorite. But I believe that Joseph should have noticed and tried to avoid further angering his brothers.
Dream on.
Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more. So he said to them, “Please hear this dream which I have dreamed: There we were, binding sheaves in the field. Then behold, my sheaf arose and also stood upright; and indeed your sheaves stood all around and bowed down to my sheaf.”
And his brothers said to him, “Shall you indeed reign over us? Or shall you indeed have dominion over us?” So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words. - Genesis 37:5-8 NKJV
Of course, why not make matters worse by sharing with your brothers, the ones who already hate you for being the favorite, a dream about your superiority. This is another mystery for me. Why would Joseph feel the need to share his dream with his brothers? If I had 10 older brothers who hate me I don’t think I would share a dream like that with them. Simply out of an interest in self-preservation I would do all that I could to keep my older and bigger brothers from being angry with me.
However, Joseph, perhaps innocently, shares his dream with his brothers, who of course now hate him even more for his dreams and his words. Earlier they only hated him because o their father, now Joseph has given his brothers more reasons to hate him. This is 100% his fault, she is the one who decided to share the dream.
You would expect Joseph to take a hint and stop making matters worse for himself but instead, he seems oblivious to how much his brothers hate him.
Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, “Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.”
So he told it to his father and his brothers; and his father rebuked him and said to him, “What is this dream that you have dreamed? Shall your mother and I and your brothers indeed come to bow down to the earth before you?” And his brothers envied him, but his father kept the matter in mind. - Genesis 37:9-11 NKJV
Joseph shares a second dream, this time with not only his brothers but also with his father. Jacob rebukes Joseph but this seems to be mostly for show because he kept this matters in mind, meaning that he expected these to come true. Also, the fact that the dreams are repeated prepares the way for what will take place in the future when Pharaoh has repeated dreams (Genesis 41:1-32).
Speaking of Shechem…
Then his brothers went to feed their father’s flock in Shechem. And Israel said to Joseph, “Are not your brothers feeding the flock in Shechem? Come, I will send you to them.”
So he said to him, “Here I am.”
Then he said to him, “Please go and see if it is well with your brothers and well with the flocks, and bring back word to me.” So he sent him out of the Valley of Hebron, and he went to Shechem. - Genesis 37:12-14 NKJV (bold mine)
Israel/Jacob sends Joseph to check on his brothers who are tending the sheep. This makes me think that the bad report Joseph brought to his father back in verse 2 might have been under similar circumstances. But what really ought to catch your attention is how many times the word Shechem is mentioned. Why would the storyteller mention Shechem three times? Especially when it turns out that the brothers are not even there. The storyteller already knows that the brothers are in Dothan, so why the repeated mention of Shechem? This should remind the audience of the story mentioned in Genesis 34 (blog post When God is Absent) when the sons of Jacob kill an entire town. The repeated mention of Shechem ought to remind us of what Joseph’s brothers are capable of. If this was a movie, this is when you yell at the screen, “don’t go there!”
The mysterious man.
Now a certain man found him, and there he was, wandering in the field. And the man asked him, saying, “What are you seeking?”
So he said, “I am seeking my brothers. Please tell me where they are feeding their flocks.”
And the man said, “They have departed from here, for I heard them say, ‘Let us go to Dothan.’ ” So Joseph went after his brothers and found them in Dothan. - Genesis 37:15-17 NKJV
How lucky of Joseph that “a certain man” found him, and that this man happened to know exactly where Joseph’s brothers were. I believe it is plausible that this “certain man” could be similar to a man who showed up in Genesis 32:24 and wrestled with Jacob (blog post Wrestling with God). I do not think it is beyond the realm of possibility that God guided Joseph to find his brothers. After all, Joesph was only able to find his brothers because this man found him.
The conspiracy.
Now when they saw him afar off, even before he came near them, they conspired against him to kill him. Then they said to one another, “Look, this dreamer is coming! Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!”
But Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands, and said, “Let us not kill him.” And Reuben said to them, “Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit which is in the wilderness, and do not lay a hand on him”—that he might deliver him out of their hands, and bring him back to his father. - Genesis 37:18-22 NKJV (bold mine)
As we expected from hearing the mention of Shechem, Joseph’s brothers plan to kill him. Interestingly, his brothers call him a dreamer or literally “a master of dreams,” which he will be known as in Egypt in a few years.
Also worth noting is how Joseph’s brothers’ behavior, their attitude of “let us” now frustrate God’s plan. If they understood the dream to come from God, then they should have understood that to go against it was to go against God’s will. The attitude of Joseph’s brothers mirrors that of the builders of the tower of Babel (Genesis 11, post United For All The Wrong Reasons) who said “tet us make a name for ourselves” (Genesis 11:4b)
Interestingly it is Ruben who delivers Joseph out of the hands of his brothers. Ruben is the oldest brother (Genesis 35:23) and he is the one who should have felt the most threatened by Joseph since the firstborn usually received the special treatment that Jacob was giving Joseph. Jacob seems to plan to give the birthright to Joseph instead of Ruben. Perhaps Joseph wanted to undo the consequences of his uncle’s trickery (blog post Rules of Engagement) which caused him to mary Leah which was never his desire.
It is also interesting to note that Ruben was not included in the discussion but rather he heard their plan and intervened.
So it came to pass, when Joseph had come to his brothers, that they stripped Joseph of his tunic, the tunic of many colors that was on him. Then they took him and cast him into a pit. And the pit was empty; there was no water in it. - Genesis 37:23-24 NKJV
Joseph arrives and his brothers strip him of his tunic that caused them so much anger. Joseph was no longer dressed as a prince, and he was now essentially in prison. Pay attention to this because this order will be reversed int he future. Also, notice that the placing or removal of Joseph’s clothing often indicate a change coming regarding his position/authority.
And they sat down to eat a meal. Then they lifted their eyes and looked, and there was a company of Ishmaelites, coming from Gilead with their camels, bearing spices, balm, and myrrh, on their way to carry them down to Egypt. So Judah said to his brothers, “What profit is there if we kill our brother and conceal his blood? Come and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother and our flesh.” And his brothers listened. Then Midianite traders passed by; so the brothers pulled Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. And they took Joseph to Egypt. - Genesis 37:25-28 NKJV
“They lifted their eyes and looked” is a phrase we have seen before. In Genesis 22:13 Abraham “lifted his eyes and looked” and saw the ram that God provided for him to sacrifice in the place of his son Isaac ( for more details on this story read Akedah). In Genesis 18:2 Abraham “lifted his eyes and looked” and he saw three men one of which was the LORD, and the other two angels. So at this point in Genesis, we might expect God to be acting. Judah, Leah’s son (Genesis 29:35 post He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not) speaks to his brothers and they listen to him. It is not clear in this story if Judah was trying to save Joseph like Ruben had been trying earlier, or whether he was just trying to make some money and get rid of a “problem.” Later on, this event is interpreted as something meant for evil (Genesis 50:20) and based on that I believe it is safe to assume that Judah was not trying to help his brother. His argument for selling Joseph is so good, right? He points out to his brothers that there is no profit in killing their brother and hiding his blood, after all, he is their brother and their flesh. It’s like saying “C’mon guys, brothers should not kill brothers. That would be bad. Now, selling our brother, our own flesh and blood, as a slave, that would be perfectly fine!” He does not say it in those words, but in my head, that is how I hear his argument. And his brothers listen to him. I imagine them stroking their beards and nodding thoughtfully.
Judah and his brothers agreed to sell Joseph and the Ishmaelites got him at a bargain price, twenty shekels. Exodus 21:32 values a male servant at thirty shekels of silver. Perhaps the Ishmaelites noticed that something shady was taking place and took advantage of the brothers who were in a hurry to get rid of Joseph. Also interesting how God is using the Ishmaelites to help save Joseph and fulfill God’s plan for him.
Now what?
Then Reuben returned to the pit, and indeed Joseph was not in the pit; and he tore his clothes. And he returned to his brothers and said, “The lad is no more; and I, where shall I go?”
So they took Joseph’s tunic, killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the tunic in the blood. Then they sent the tunic of many colors, and they brought it to their father and said, “We have found this. Do you know whether it is your son’s tunic or not?” - Genesis 37:29-32 NKJV
Once again, Ruben is left out of the conversation. He is shocked to find Joseph is not in the pit. Ruben clearly and openly disapproves of his brother’s actions. They do not answer his question with words but rather with actions. They kill a kif of the goats and dip Joseph’s tunic in the blood. This is not the first time that a kid is used to help deceive someone. Genesis 27:16,23 record Jacob’s use of the skins of the kids of the goats on his arms and neck to fool his father Isaac into believing that Jacob was in fact his older brother Esau (more details on Thy Will Be Done?).
Also, take note that this will not be the last time that Joseph’s clothing is used to tell a lie (see Genesis 39:15-18).
Notice how the brothers try to avoid speaking a lie by sending Joseph’s tunic of many colors to their father and asking him whether he recognizes it. Perhaps they tried to quiet their own conscience by saying they didn’t tell their father that Joseph was killed by a wild beast, they simply asked if the tunic belonged to his son. Deception is deception, directly or indirectly, they intentionally deceived their father with a question and the help of the blook of a kid and Joseph’s tunic. Notice also how the brothers distance themselves from Joseph by referring to him as the son of Jacob as opposed to their brother.
And he recognized it and said, “It is my son’s tunic. A wild beast has devoured him. Without doubt Joseph is torn to pieces.” Then Jacob tore his clothes, put sackcloth on his waist, and mourned for his son many days. And all his sons and all his daughters arose to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted, and he said, “For I shall go down into the grave to my son in mourning.” Thus his father wept for him. - Genesis 37:33-35 NKJV
“Father, do you recognize this?”
“Yes, it is my son’s tunic!”
Jacob was indeed fooled. He believed that Joseph had been torn to pieces. There was no doubt in Jacob’s mind that Joseph was dead. Jacob grieved Joseph’s death so severely that he thought he was going to die. I believe that as the brothers witnessed their father mourning the death of their brother they regretted their actions. It seems like it’s all over. Joseph is gone, good as dead, and Jacob almost died of a broken heart.
However, there is one more verse in Genesis 37!
Now the Midianites had sold him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh and captain of the guard. - Genesis 37:36 NKJV
Joseph is alive! He is in Egypt, living in the house of an officer of Pharaoh, an important and influential man. As long as Joseph is alive, there is hope!
As long as you’re alive there is hope! Maybe people have plotted against you and hurt you. Maybe you were attacked by those closest to you. Things that are beyond our control happen in life. But I would like for you to think of yourself as the hero of your story, you are the main character. How will you handle the situation you find yourself in? Will you trust in God to provide for you or will you take matters into your own hands and rebel against God? When others tell your story, what will they say, did you remain faithful, did you trust? As long as you have breath in your nose, there is hope. Trust in God’s plan. Trust in Him to save and provide for you.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah 29:11NKJV
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though its waters roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah - Psalm 46:1-3 NKJV
I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? 2 My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. - Psalm 212:1-2 NKJV
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Golovkin hits out at Joshua and Saunders ahead of showdown with Rolls in New York
& # 39; Grow up & # 39 ;, says
Gennady Gennadyevich Golovkin takes a vague picture of Billy Joe Saunders. ] GGG when asked what BJS should qualify for millions of millions of fights against him.
Golovkin is equally candid at Anthony Joshua loses his world heavyweight titles to roly-poly Andy Ruiz Jnr in that earth-shattering upset in Madison Square Garden. & # 39; He is more interested in a superstar than a boxer & # 39 ;, he says.
<img id = "i-68d6d834a56a24fa" src = "https://dailym.ai/2JZCFy0 image-a-2_1559761084286.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-68d6d834a56a24fa" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /05/19/14417630-0-image-a-2_1559761084286.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-68d6d834a56a24fa" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/06/05/19/14417630-0-image-a-2_1559761084286.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Gennady Golovkin prepares for confrontation with the unknown Canadian Steve Rolls in New York Little known Canadian Steve Rolls in New York
Gennady Golovkin prepares for confrontation with the lesser known Canadian Steve Rolls in New York
Golovkin has figurative opponents decapitated since he was a schoolchild in Kazakhstan So he was mercilessly destructive he was fists in playgrounds that he was from the age of seven One was taken on the rugged streets of Karaganga to fight adult men so that his older brothers could win the bets.
Has he ever lost? & # 39; Two or three when I was seven. None after I was eight. & # 39;
With that ice-cold mentality, the ability of tungsten and the concussive punch, he just kept winning. Until he became the unified WBC, WBA, IBF and IBO world champion in middleweight.
What Golovkin never does, no matter how bad the circumstances, is a positive test for banned substances, humiliating vulnerable women or mocking rivals courageously enough to step into the crosshairs of his extinguishing firepower. Golovkin has figuratively beheaded opponents since he was a child in Kazakhstan "
<img id =" i-c845da5930c16980 "src =" https://i.dailymail.co. uk / 1s / 2019/06/05/19 / 14417632-0-image-a-1_1559761079940.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" was a child in Kazakhstan "
It seems that Saunders has figuratively beheaded opponents since he was a child in Kazakhstan
simply cannot help himself when he encounters people who are less able to defend themselves.
Golovkin says: & # 39; I look at his behavior outside the ring. I see the other stories about him, the yellow press stories. Being a champion is like a champion. Unless he matures, I am not interested in fighting him. "
How about the undefeated record of the Hatfield traveler in the ring? Triple G says: & I look at his opponents and tell him to win against better men. Until he does it, not interested. & # 39;
Golovkin gives a wry smile, spreads his hands like the referee Joshua is on the wrong end of an Almighty here is upset the other night and says: & # 39; After so many years I have my first professional fight desired in Kazakhstan. But with Saunders no date. & # 39;
Tom Loeffler, his trusted promoter, gives the detail: & # 39; A fight in the country of Gennady needed the financial support of television and sponsors. We all had that in place for the optimal date, but it turned out that it clashed with a major football game in England. For them that wasn't good for TV in the UK and we couldn't find a viable alternative. & # 39; & # 39; GGG & # 39; wants to reclaim the titles he lost from Saul & # 39; Canelo & # 39; Alvarez & # 39;
<img id = "i-710dc7878d457321" src = "https://dailym.ai/2MrNwTg /14418816-0-image-a-7_1559763252338.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt ="
& # 39; GGG & # 39; wil reclaim the titles he lost from Saul & # 39; Canelo & # 39; Alvarez & # 39; GGG & # 39; is looking to work back to reclaiming the titles he lost from Saul & # 39; Canelo & # 39; 39; Alvarez
Golovkin recalls that irrelevance
Saunders is not the only English boxer hoping for a lucrative clash with the double division world champion of Mexico, middle and super middleweight Callum Smith, WBA title holder of Liverpool on 12 stone, is half promised the possibility, perhaps in Anfield.
All other eventualities, however, depend on Alvarez's refusal to rubber match with Golovkin to solve things. ssen after the Don't hold your breath, guys.
Don't hold your breath, boys. Triple G says: & # 39; I am now 90 percent sure that I and Canelo will box on September 14. & # 39;
This is one of the most popular films in the world, and it is a great film,
This story relies on Golovkin, back in Madison Square Garden, seven nights after Joshua's fall from grace, and evades a similar shock against the little-known Canadian Steve Rolls ..
<img id = "i-7f3c09efdcf16b0c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /05/19/14417608-0-image-a-3_1559761092749.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-7f3c09efdcf16b0c" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/06/05/19/14417608-0-image-a-3_1559761092749.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-7f3c09efdcf16b0c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2K265eT" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "Billy Joe Saunders and Callum Smith want to meet the double division champion of Mexico, Alvarez,
Billy Joe Saunders and Callum Smith want to meet the double division champion of Mexico t Alvarez
GGG does not trade with sick omens and hobgoblins. He simply says, just as Joshua is working how it all went so embarrassingly wrong: & I never underestimate an opponent. Champion or underdog such as Andy Ruiz. I always bring my big drama series. "
Canelo and his Golden Boy promoter Oscar De La Hoya seem reluctant to go for the trilogy, but Golovkin says: & I think they know it now and they are the biggest fight in me boxing. The big money fight. The fight that the fans want to give. Of course I believe I won the first two fights. That I am still undefeated. We must both arrange this. & # 39;
So where could that happen? After two injustices in the desert, Golovkin would prefer that what happened in Las Vegas stays behind in Las Vegas, and discussions are ongoing with Cowboys Stadium in Dallas, the Alamodome in San Antonio and with Madison Square , while it has regained its Vegas status as the Mecca of boxing
New York for nearly as long as its second home as Sin City to Canelo. He says: & I am happy here. draws from the energy of the crowd in the garden. & # 39; But he adds: & # 39; Ultimately, we see what makes financial sense. Boxing is business. & # 39;
GGG will never be distracted from his nocturnal job when Joshua may have fallen into the Ruiz fall, but he has just shown his ruthless streak when it comes to getting the money he earns.
<img id = "i-47dc20f087ba23db" src = "https://dailym.ai/2MvSNco -image-a-4_1559761469085.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-47dc20f087ba23db" src = "https://dailym.ai/2G1UBof 06/05/20 / 14417844-0-image-a-4_1559761469085.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Challenger Steve Rolls will try to cause a second upset in Madison Square Garden in a week Madison Square Garden is the second largest city in the United States and the second largest city in the United States.
The DAZN contract made him hundreds millions delivered
Abel Sanchez did not leave a comment yet, will be the first to comment. to renegotiate and accuse his meal ticket of greed. Golovkin must respond, but finally says: & I don't want to say too much about Abel. We had many good years and good luck together. But I was not surprised to hear what he said, because after all this time I know who he is. & # 39;
The best pound-for-pound puncher in the world has also been let down by verbal trading setbacks.
Those titles that have lasted so long must be recovered from Alvarez. By KO if that's what it takes, especially in Vegas. To that end, he hired Jonathan Banks, who served his internship at Emanuel Steward and where that legendary trainer died, succeeded him as Wladimir Klitschko & # 39; s mentor.
Wisdom says that a 37-year-old hunter cannot change, but Golovkin says: & I do not understand that all these questions about my age are being asked. I know I defeated Canelo twice, but to be sure of the result next time I am working on making those small improvements possible in terms of my speed, my power, my patience, not always looking for the only knock -out stroke to use more combinations, to throw more punches. & # 39;
There is no appearance of retirement, not least: & # 39; I still feel like a teenager. & # 39; He still looks like that with that baby face.
He raises three fingers on one of those murderous hands. Fighting? & # 39; ask your. & # 39; Years & # 39 ;, he answers. & # 39; Six more major drama series. Then maybe I am a promoter … then I have always dreamed of personal private life with my family. & # 39;
The husband of Alina and the father of two smiles at the thought and adds: & # 39; I still feel like a teenager. & # 39; With that baby face, I still look like this. & # 39; The unknown Rolls says: & # 39; I will bring down the last curtain of his big drama series, with another big shock in the garden. & # 39;
Golovkin says: & # 39; Ruiz surprised Joshua. He didn't surprise me. I knew Andy as a good boxer. A very dangerous opponent.
& # 39; Rolls is undefeated and I expect he will do his best. He won't surprise me. & # 39; Believe him.
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marilynngmesalo · 6 years
R Kelly says ex-wife destroyed his name, others stole money
R Kelly says ex-wife destroyed his name, others stole money R Kelly says ex-wife destroyed his name, others stole money https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
CHICAGO — Embattled R&B star R. Kelly angrily blamed his ex-wife for “destroying” his name and claimed other people stole from his bank accounts in an interview that aired Thursday, a day after he was sent to jail for not paying child support.
Kelly, who is also facing felony charges that allege he sexually abused three girls and a woman in Chicago, shouted and cried as he spoke with Gayle King of “CBS This Morning.” He said his ex-wife was lying when she alleged he’d abused her, and his voice broke as he asked: “How can I pay child support if my ex-wife is destroying my name and I can’t work?”
The 52-year old singer was jailed Wednesday after he said he couldn’t afford to pay $161,000 in back child support. He said he had “zero” relationship with his three children but knew they love him.
"So many people have been stealin' my money. People was connected to my account. I went into – I went by myself for the first time to a Bank of America. Didn't know what I was doing. Didn't know what the hell was going on" — @RKelly tells @GayleKing https://t.co/usUB3hr4zR pic.twitter.com/fI0Fu4sVvx
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) March 7, 2019
The interview, recorded earlier this week, marked the first time Kelly has spoken publicly since his arrest last month in the sex abuse case. In segments that aired Wednesday, Kelly whispered, cried and ranted while pleading with viewers to believe he never had sex with anyone under age 17 and never held anyone against their will — likely hoping the raw interview would help sway public opinion.
The interview also marked the first time he addressed allegations in the Lifetime series “Surviving R. Kelly,” which aired in January. The documentary alleged he held women captive and ran a “sex cult.”
Experts said his appearance was also risky and could backfire if it gives prosecutors more information to use against him at trial. That’s why most defence attorneys urge clients to keep quiet.
“In my history as a prosecutor, I loved it when a defendant would say things or make comments about his or her defence,” said Illinois Appellate Judge Joseph Birkett, who said he did not watch the Kelly interview and was speaking only as a former prosecutor. “I would document every word they said … (and) I could give you example after example where their statements backfired.”
"Somebody sent me something on my phone and it said that I hogtied her. I don't know how to hogtie people. Why would I hogtie her? My kids is listening to this, all of this nonsense and I ain't been able to spend no time with them. This is real. This is not a lie" — @RKelly pic.twitter.com/mhar8up4YJ
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) March 7, 2019
There have been cases in which people who spoke up pointed to evidence that ultimately helped win their freedom, but “historically it’s a bad idea,” Birkett said.
One recent example was “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who was charged with falsely reporting a racist, anti-gay attack in Chicago. In charging documents, prosecutors cited statements he made during an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” identifying two people in a photo of the surveillance video as his attackers. Two brothers pictured in the photo later told police that Smollett had paid them to stage the attack because he wanted a raise and to further his career.
In Kelly’s case, he and his attorney might have decided they had nothing to lose after the Lifetime series, said Fred Thiagarajah, a prominent Newport Beach, California, attorney and former prosecutor.
“A lot of the public already thinks he’s guilty, and there is a very negative image of him, so the only thing he might think he can do is try to change their minds,” Thiagarajah said. If the evidence against him is overwhelming, “this kind of interview might be kind of a Hail Mary” to influence a potential jury pool.
But the dangers of such an interview might outweigh any benefits if Kelly locked himself into a particular defence, Thiagarajah said, adding: “He may not know all the evidence against him.”
In the CBS interview, for example, he denied ever having sex with anyone under 17, even though he married the late singer Aaliyah when she was 15. A videotape given to prosecutors in his current case purports to show Kelly having sex with a girl who repeatedly says she’s 14.
Kelly’s attorney, Steve Greenberg, has said his client did not “knowingly” have sex with underage girls.
R. Kelly back in jail over unpaid child support
Parents accuse R. Kelly of holding daughter against her will
R. Kelly responds to allegations: ’Use your common sense… I didn’t do this stuff’
Thiagarajah said he might allow a client to do such an interview — but only if he were confident the client could keep his emotions in check and “stick to a script.”
“If you get someone who is ranting and raving, I would never let that kind of person ever do an interview,” he said.
On Wednesday’s broadcast, Kelly’s emotions swung wildly as he explained he was simply someone with a “big heart” who was betrayed by liars who hoped to cash in.
In a particularly dramatic moment, he angrily stood up and started pacing, his voice breaking as he yelled, “I didn’t do this stuff! This is not me!” He cried as he hit his hands together, saying, “I’m fighting for my (expletive) life.”
He insisted people were trying to ruin his 30-year career, but then said his fight was “not about music.”
“I’m trying to have a relationship with my kids and I can’t do it” because of the sex-abuse allegations, he shouted. “You all just don’t want to believe it.”
Hours later, Kelly went to the child-support hearing “expecting to leave. He didn’t come here to go to jail,” said his publicist, Darryll Johnson. Johnson said Kelly was prepared to pay as much as $60,000. He said Kelly did not have the whole amount because he has not been able to work.
//<![CDATA[ ( function() { pnLoadVideo( "videos", "xfbDkb22DOA", "pn_video_949236", "", "", {"controls":1,"autoplay":0,"is_mobile":""} ); } )(); //]]>
A spokeswoman for the Cook County Sheriff’s Office said Kelly would not be released from jail until he pays the full child-support debt. His next hearing was scheduled for March 13.
Kelly spent a weekend in jail after his Feb. 22 arrest in Chicago before someone posted his $100,000 bail. His defence attorney said at the time that Kelly’s finances were “a mess.”
Following the Wednesday court hearing, the publicist said that the singer “feels good” about the TV interview.
Interviews with two women who live with Kelly — Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary — also are set to air. Savage’s parents insist she is being held against her will. Kelly suggested during the interview that her parents were in it for the money and blamed them for his relationship with their daughter, saying they brought her to watch him perform when she was a teenager.
"When I was 17, my parents were actually making me, trying to get me to take photos with him, take sexual videos with him, all kinds of stuff" — Clary
Wait, wait, wait. Your parents encouraged you to do sexual videos with R. Kelly? — @GayleKing
"Yes" https://t.co/tDUt6ssRu1 pic.twitter.com/841z6yRcla
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) March 7, 2019
A lawyer representing the couple bristled at the allegation, saying Timothy and Jonjelyn Savage never asked for or received money from Kelly. The couple said they have not spoken to their 23-year-old daughter for two years. They spoke later that day.
“At no point did this family sell their daughter to anyone or provide their daughter for anything for money,” attorney Gerald Griggs said Wednesday during a news conference.
Kelly acknowledged in the interview that he had done “lots of things wrong” when it comes to women, but he said he had apologized. The singer blamed social media for fueling the allegations against him. He also said that all of his accusers are lying.
//<![CDATA[ ( function() { pnLoadVideo( "videos", "zB6ZAoqNbRU", "pn_video_728130", "", "", {"controls":1,"autoplay":0,"is_mobile":""} ); } )(); //]]>
The 52-year-old recording artist has been trailed for decades by allegations that he violated underage girls and women and held some as virtual slaves. Kelly has consistently denied any sexual misconduct and was acquitted of child pornography charges in 2008. Those charges centred on a graphic video that prosecutors said showed him having sex with a girl as young as 13.
He has pleaded not guilty to 10 counts of aggravated sexual abuse.
Rising from poverty on Chicago’s South Side, Kelly broke into the R&B scene in 1993 with his first solo album, “12 Play,” which produced such popular sex-themed songs as “Your Body’s Callin”’ and “Bump N’ Grind.” He has written numerous hits for himself and other artists, including Celine Dion, Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga. One of his best-known hits is “I Believe I Can Fly.”
Click for update news Bangla news https://ift.tt/2HjkwZH world news
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chestnutpost · 6 years
R. Kelly Sent To Jail For Failing To Pay $161,000 In Child Support
This post was originally published on this site
CHICAGO (AP) — R. Kelly’s day began with a nationally televised broadcast in which he whispered, cried and ranted while pleading with viewers to believe him: He’d never had sex with anyone under 17 and never held anyone against her will.
The day ended with a trip to jail after the embattled R&B singer told a judge he could not pay $161,000 in back child support he owes his children’s mother.
Kelly no doubt hoped the raw interview aired Wednesday on “CBS This Morning” would help sway public opinion about the charges filed last month that accuse him of sexually abusing three girls and a woman. The interview was his first public defense since being charged and the first time he addressed allegations in the Lifetime series “Surviving R. Kelly,” which aired in January. The documentary alleged that he held women captive and ran a “sex cult.”
But experts said his appearance was also risky and could backfire if it gives prosecutors more information to use against him at trial. That’s why most defense attorneys urge clients to keep quiet.
“In my history as a prosecutor, I loved it when a defendant would say things or make comments about his or her defense,” said Illinois Appellate Judge Joseph Birkett, who said he did not watch the Kelly interview and was speaking only as a former prosecutor. “I would document every word they said … (and) I could give you example after example where their statements backfired.”
There have been cases in which people who spoke up pointed to evidence that ultimately helped win their freedom, but, Birkett said, “historically it’s a bad idea.”
One recent example was “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who was charged with falsely reporting a racist, anti-gay attack in Chicago. In charging documents, prosecutors cited statements he made during an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” identifying two people in a still photo of the surveillance video as his attackers. Two brothers pictured in the photo later told police that Smollett had paid them to stage the attack because he wanted a raise and to further his career.
In Kelly’s case, he and his attorney might have decided they had nothing to lose after the Lifetime series, said Fred Thiagarajah, a prominent Newport Beach, California, attorney and former prosecutor.
“A lot of the public already thinks he’s guilty, and there is a very negative image of him, so the only thing he might think he can do is try to change their minds,” Thiagarajah said. If the evidence against him is overwhelming, “this kind of interview might be kind of a Hail Mary” to influence a potential jury pool.
But the dangers of such an interview might outweigh any benefits if Kelly locked himself into a particular defense, Thiagarajah said. “He may not know all the evidence against him.”
In the CBS interview, for example, he denied ever having sex with anyone under 17, even though he married the late singer Aaliyah when she was 15, and a videotape given to prosecutors in his current case purports to show Kelly having sex with a girl who repeatedly says she’s 14. Kelly’s attorney, Steve Greenberg, has said his client did not “knowingly” have sex with underage girls.
Associated Press
Thiagarajah said he might allow a client to do such an interview — but only if he were confident the client could keep his emotions in check and “stick to a script.”
“If you get someone who is ranting and raving, I would never let that kind of person ever do an interview,” he said.
On Wednesday’s broadcast, Kelly’s emotions swung wildly as he explained he was simply someone with a “big heart” who was betrayed by liars who hoped to cash in.
In a particularly dramatic moment, he angrily stood up and started pacing, his voice breaking as he yelled, “I didn’t do this stuff! This is not me!” He cried as he hit his hands together, saying, “I’m fighting for my (expletive) life.”
He insisted people were trying to ruin his 30-year career, but then said his fight was “not about music.”
“I’m trying to have a relationship with my kids and I can’t do it” because of the sex-abuse allegations, he shouted. “You all just don’t want to believe it.”
Hours later, Kelly went to the child-support hearing “expecting to leave. He didn’t come here to go to jail,” said his publicist, Darryll Johnson, who said Kelly was prepared to pay $50,000 to $60,000. He said Kelly did not have the whole amount because he has not been able to work.
A spokeswoman for the Cook County Sheriff’s Office said Kelly would not be released from jail until he pays the full child-support debt. His next hearing was scheduled for March 13. 
JOSHUA LOTT via Getty Images
After his Feb. 22 arrest in Chicago, Kelly spent a weekend in jail before someone posted his $100,000 bail. His defense attorney said at the time that Kelly’s finances were “a mess.”
Following the court hearing, the publicist said that the singer “feels good” about the TV interview.
CBS said it interviewed Kelly for 80 minutes. More of the interview is expected to air Thursday.
Interviews with two women who live with Kelly — Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary — will air Thursday. Savage’s parents insist she is being held against her will. Kelly suggested during the interview that her parents were in it for the money and blamed them for his relationship with their daughter, saying they brought her to watch him perform when she was a teenager.
A lawyer representing the couple bristled at the allegation, saying Timothy and Jonjelyn Savage never asked for or received money from Kelly. The couple said they have not spoken to their 23-year-old daughter for two years and asked Kelly to make her available to talk to them.
“At no point did this family sell their daughter to anyone or provide their daughter for anything for money,” attorney Gerald Griggs said Wednesday during a news conference.
Kelly acknowledged in the interview that he had done “lots of things wrong” when it comes to women, but he said he had apologized. The singer blamed social media for fueling the allegations against him. He also said that all of his accusers are lying.
The 52-year-old recording artist has been trailed for decades by allegations that he violated underage girls and women and held some as virtual slaves. Kelly has consistently denied any sexual misconduct and was acquitted of child pornography charges in 2008. Those charges centered on a graphic video that prosecutors said showed him having sex with a girl as young as 13.
He has pleaded not guilty to 10 counts of aggravated sexual abuse.
Rising from poverty on Chicago’s South Side, Kelly broke into the R&B scene in 1993 with his first solo album, “12 Play,” which produced such popular sex-themed songs as “Your Body’s Callin’” and “Bump N’ Grind.” He has written numerous hits for himself and other artists, including Celine Dion, Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga. One of his best-known hits is “I Believe I Can Fly.”
Associated Press Writer Kate Brumback in Atlanta contributed to this story
Check out the AP’s complete coverage of the investigations into R. Kelly.
The post R. Kelly Sent To Jail For Failing To Pay $161,000 In Child Support appeared first on The Chestnut Post.
from The Chestnut Post https://thechestnutpost.com/news/r-kelly-sent-to-jail-for-failing-to-pay-161000-in-child-support/
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Outsiders & Strange Niggers
Leo Frank and Emmett Till are two of the saddest lynching stories ever, particularly the latter due to the utter ruthlessness in which his murder was carried out. Both were innocent people who died at the hands of vengeful Whites because they were outsiders – in Till’s case, a ‘strange nigger’ from Chicago. (Frank was a Northern Jew, which means he had two strikes against him as well.)
The first time I heard of Leo Frank was via the TV mini series The Murder of Mary Phagan. Mary Phagan was a 13 year old who worked at the National Pencil Company. Frank was the director there when Mary was found strangled on 26 April 1913, and was a suspect in the child’s murder along with the night watchman, Newt Lee, and the janitor, Jim Conley. On 24 May, Frank was indicted on a murder charge and convicted largely on the testimony of Conley, who claimed to be an accomplice to the crime. On 25 August, Frank was found guilty and sentenced to death but this sentence was commuted to life in prison. Appeals to reverse the guilty verdict were unsuccessful, and on 16 August 1915, Frank was abducted from prison by an armed mob and spirited away to Marietta, Mary’s hometown.
The 175-mile (282 km) trip took about seven hours at a top speed of 18 miles per hour (29 km/h) through small towns on back roads. Lookouts in the towns telephoned ahead to the next town as soon as they saw the line of cars pass by. A site at Frey’s Gin, two miles (3 km) east of Marietta, had been prepared, complete with a rope and table supplied by former Sheriff William Frey. The New York Times reported Frank was handcuffed, his legs tied at the ankles, and that he was hanged from a branch of a tree at around 7:00 a.m., facing the direction of the house where Phagan had lived.
The Atlanta Journal wrote that a crowd of men, women, and children arrived on foot, in cars, and on horses, and that souvenir hunters cut away parts of his shirt sleeves. According to The New York Times, one of the onlookers, Robert E. Lee Howell – related to Clark Howell, editor of The Atlanta Constitution – wanted to have the body cut into pieces and burned, and began to run around, screaming, whipping up the mob. Judge Newt Morris tried to restore order, and asked for a vote on whether the body should be returned to the parents intact; only Howell disagreed. When the body was cut down, Howell started stamping on Frank’s face and chest; Morris quickly placed the body in a basket, and he and his driver John Stephens Wood drove it out of Marietta. – Wikipedia
Mary Phagan and James Conley, her actual alleged killer
The Only Good Nigger is a Dead Nigger
Black men were especially vulnerable to lynching when a White woman was involved. The very thought of a Black man having sexual relations with a White female was enough to send a White man into a boiling hot rage, even though some of them had Black females as mistresses and often had mixed race children by their brown skinned lovers. White women were the angels on a pedestal that could not be touched except by Caucasian hands, and White men were ready to defend their angels at any and all costs.
14 year old Emmett Till, known as Bobo to family and friends, was in Mississippi visiting family when the unthinkable occurred. When visiting Money, where Bryant’s Grocery and Meat Market was located, young Emmett wolf whistled at owner Roy Bryant’s wife Carolyn as she headed out to her car. The other youths with Bobo that evening realized instantly that a Southern taboo had been crossed, and whisked the Northern boy away into the night, back to the Wright home where they kept mum about the incident.
A few nights later, as the family and their young visitors lay sleeping, there came loud banging upon the door. Two White men were there looking for the kid that had ‘done the smart talking at Money’. Moses Wright, Bobo’s uncle, tried to buy time yet the men saw through this immediately, one of them becoming threatening with his gun. Wright’s wife, Elizabeth, begged the men not to take Bobo and even offered money, but they were having none of that. Wright led them through the house until they found who they were seeking – Emmett, lying in bed. They forced the youth to get dressed and took him out to their vehicle, where a ‘light voice’ responded in the positive when asked if the boy was the ‘right one’.
Emmett, while not a small boy for his age (he was around 5″5 and weighed close to 160 pounds), was no match for several grown men beating and pounding and striking him as he screamed, according to witnesses Add Reed and his grandson Willie, “Mama, please save me,” and “Please God, don’t do it again.” He tried to defend himself yet these men, driven by a demonic hatred and a blood lust so primal in nature that it defies description, struck the child viciously, crushing the entire crown of his head; smashing in the rear of his skull; fracturing the strongest, biggest bone in the human body, his thigh bone; gouging out his left eye; and finally, shooting the boy which fortunately, put him out of his misery. Part of an ear was missing, there was a gash across his nose, and his remaining hazel eye dangled onto his damaged cheek. – The Blood of Emmett Till by Timothy B. Tyson
J. W. Milam and Roy Bryant, who were charged with kidnapping and murder in the lynching death of Emmett Till, were acquitted of all charges and bragged about their crime later to William Bradford Huie, a reporter for Look magazine, for which they and their lawyer J. J. Breland received $4,000. In the article, The Shocking Story of APPROVED KILLING IN MISSISSIPPI, published 24 January 1956, they claimed that Bobo wasn’t afraid of them! He was tough as they were. He didn’t think they had the guts to kill him. Milam: “We were never able to scare him. They had just filled him so full of that poison that he was hopeless.” Back of Milam’s home is a tool house, with two rooms each about 12 feet square. They took him in there and began “whipping” him, first Milam, then Bryant smashing him across the head with those .45’s. Pistol-whipping: a court-martial offense in the Army… but MP’s have been known to do it…. And Milam got information out of German prisoners this way. But under these blows Bobo never hollered — and he kept making the perfect speeches to insure martyrdom. Bobo: “You bastards, I’m not afraid of you. I’m as good as you are. I’ve ‘had’ white women. My grandmother was a white woman.” Milam: “Well, what else could we do? He was hopeless. I’m no bully; I never hurt a nigger in my life. I like niggers — in their place — I know how to work ’em. But I just decided it was time a few people got put on notice. As long as I live and can do anything about it, niggers are gonna stay in their place. Niggers ain’t gonna vote where I live. If they did, they’d control the government. They ain’t gonna go to school with my kids. And when a nigger gets close to mentioning sex with a white woman, he’s tired o’ livin’. I’m likely to kill him. Me and my folks fought for this country, and we’ve got some rights. I stood there in that shed and listened to that nigger throw that poison at me, and I just made up my mind. ‘Chicago boy,’ I said, ‘I’m tired of ’em sending your kind down here to stir up trouble. Goddam you, I’m going to make an example of you — just so everybody can know how me and my folks stand.'”
In 1985, a non-repentant Roy Bryant admitted to a friend who wore a concealed recorder: “Well, we done whopped the son of a bitch, and I had backed out on killing the motherfucker.” He then went on to say that dropping off the victim at a hospital “wouldn’t have done him no good” so they “put his ass in the Tallahatchie River.”
To this day, no one has ever been convicted of the lynchings of Leo Frank or Emmett Till.
Killing in The Name of White Supremacy, Part 3 Outsiders & Strange Niggers Leo Frank and Emmett Till are two of the saddest lynching stories ever, particularly the latter due to the utter ruthlessness in which his murder was carried out.
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