#because i am going to be putting out a feast for the Mollie fans
phopollo · 9 months
Kept waiting to see the results of Roy and Friede going over budget in that one episode, but it never happened
So I've taken it upon myself to make an artistic rendition of what probably happened
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(Poorly done redraw of this;
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tornrose24 · 4 months
I’ve been rewatching The Ghost and Molly McGee and have concluded watching season 1. These are my thoughts and observations:
-I love how Scratch slowly warms up to Molly across the season and it is easier to catch when you watch the episodes in order. From going to a complete jerk, to valuing her friendship, to caring about how she views him, to not wanting to lose her.
-I also love how this show’s art style is like a storybook come to life in every shot.
-It makes even more sense as to why Scratch haunts Adia’s old home. Todd’s soul gravitated to the one place in Brighton that held happy memories for him, where life had yet to turn him into an anxious, fearful adult. It was a safe space for him, and he was mad when a family managed to move in and invade it. Especially Molly specifically moving into his personal room/the safest spot in the house for him.
-Molly and Scratch are BOTH horrible liars. It’s funny how similar they are in that detail, and it’s even funnier if they call each other out on it.
-Scratch is an absolute asshole to a lot of people and enjoys seeing them suffer during this season, but I think that partly stems from a ‘I was/am miserable so I like seeing others suffer.’
-I’d say Molly’s worst episode is the Snow Day episode (not listening to what everyone else wants to do) and Scratch’s worst episode is the Internship episode (taking advantage of an intern to do basic, unhelpful tasks and being a bigger asshole than usual).
-Molly nearly dies 4 times (the machine during ‘Friend off,’ was willing to catch hypothermia in order to have fun in the snow, was almost hit by the truck, and was nearly sliced in half by Jinx).
-Scratch, Mr. ‘So afraid of dying that I never lived a day’…. Gets trampled by animals, eats poison berries, gets hit by a tour bus, gets blended by the machine from ‘Friend off,’ and is sliced in half by Jinx among all the possible things that WOULD have killed him in this season if he hadn’t been a ghost at the time.
-In ‘Very Hungry Ghost’ Scratch doesn’t get to eat any of the food intended for the ghosts. Because he wasn’t fully a ghost, that feast was not meant to be eaten by him.
-I admit I have yet to catch Scratch’s ‘nervous habit of scratching his arm’ during these episodes.
-There’s a recurring theme of the adult characters regaining their passion for something they once loved in a few episodes.
-However I also appreciate showing very realistic struggles, like financial concerns and how you can’t magically restore your community and town to its glory days without some effort put into it.
-Libby’s mom can be seen as an early cameo during ‘The (Un)natural.’ Of course, she would be there for her daughter ^_^
-I’m not a huge fan of the Christmas episode (never rewatched it until now) but GOD do I love the pink sky they use against the Christmas decorations and snow.
-In Pete’s news article in ‘Twin Trouble’, it mentions that other city planners mysteriously disappeared. However, I don’t think the show EVER addressed that, because such a story fascinated me and made me wonder if there was more to Brighton than meets the eye.
-There was a wasted opportunity in not discussing who or WHAT The Chairman was. Was this mystery meant for season 3?
-Scratch mentioning that he is dead throughout the show hits differently now that we know its quite the opposite. So does seeing him having to do mandatory things for the ghost world that he technically shouldn’t NEED to be doing at that moment.
-So does his interactions with Geoff. Oh boy.
-Was Scratch specifically assigned to scare Brighton? What about the other ghosts from there, like the Tugbottom siblings? Howlin Harriet? Sonia? Why don’t we see them doing their job as much as Scratch has to?
-The sheer irony of Scratch believing that he didn’t have any fears in ‘Scaring is Caring’ only for fear to be the reason WHY he was a ghost to begin with. Once again, there’s a hell of a difference between ‘Scratch as a human being afraid of everything’ and ‘Scratch as a ghost being afraid of losing Molly and would do anything to save her.’
-No seriously, it gets to a point where Scratch risks his existence to save Molly in this season and in the next one-if he had been human, he would have been willing to die for her.
-‘All Night Plight’ is an episode I hadn’t rewatched until recently. And it hits a LOT differently this time around. Molly wanted to form a forever memory with Libby and Scratch by seeing that comet and she managed to win over Scratch who went above and beyond to ensure that was possible. While that memory is now somewhere hidden in Scratch’s mind as a living person, this episode likely was one of the events needed to push him into becoming someone who would take chances and embrace life upon coming back to life.
-Considering the number of times Molly almost dies, it would have been one thing if Scratch didn’t take it too well if he failed to save Molly. But if he learned that he was the one who had the chance to come back to life and not her? Yeah, that would have seriously wrecked his mental state.
-That moment when you realize that it was TWO souls hovering on the edge between life and death that changed everything in the Ghost World. Also I could be wrong, but I caught that Molly AND Scratch both have a brighter glow compared to most other ghosts in the Ghost World. Was this stealth foreshadowing, or just a coincidence?
-Scratch’s declaration that knowing Molly was the highlight of his afterlife. That moment when you realize Molly brought him joy after years of being miserable as both a ghost and as a human. This girl reached out to him and was able to get him to open up when no one else did. This girl who is showing him how to truly live once more. This girl who he openly declares to be his friend no matter what others will think.
-When I see Wraith!Molly hugging Libby and Scratch, I just wonder ‘WHY DOES MOLLY HAVE 3 ARMS?!’
-As good as this show is, a lot of folks who watch these Disney Channel shows are likely used to the more story-oriented shows. While the ‘slice of life’ style for TGAMM did pay off, the slow pace and length it took for the episodes to release likely worked against it and I could see why it didn’t attract more viewers at the time.
Stuff relating to Todd:
-Scratch possesses people a lot in this show, but especially in season 1. I’m reminded of someone who talked about the wraith theory on YouTube and he had this guess that Scratch might someday possess Todd and then realize something is different this time. I think that having Scratch use the possession trick so often was building up to that one moment in the last episode because it WAS a matter of time until he possessed Todd.
-As I said in a previous post, I caught Todd in the stands during The (Un)Natural, which was his ACTUAL debut episode. It was easy to miss the first time, but its a noticeable establishing character moment since he’s the only audience member who is visibly NOT happy despite that the team is winning.
-Molly stopping at Todd’s house during the song montage in the bandshell episode hits a lot differently now after the series finale. But then I laughed when she smacked him in the face with a flyer upon stopping by the house a second time in the same episode.
-We have confirmation that Scratch (as Todd) knew the mayor when they were kids and that is a tale I’m very curious about.
-I caught Todd in the audience during ‘Citizen McGee’ when the mayor bestows the honor of being mayor for a day to Molly. I admit a cynical side of me thinks that this is how he actually remembers her name in the last episode…. But at the same time he was so on auto-pilot during that time that he likely wouldn’t pay much attention or remember those events that well. (Plus, you can’t be expected to remember someone’s name once all the time). I refuse to believe that he remembered this event and that Scratch’s memories were what actually triggered the name.
-Todd’s actual lines are very limited (I don’t think he gets many in season 2 compared to this one). While Dana Snyder was voicing him, Snyder lowered his voice so much that it’s really hard to tell that he’s the one voicing Todd. I keep putting my ear to my computer to listen, but Todd barely sounds like Dana. I think they did this on purpose to avoid making it too obvious that Todd IS Scratch. (And that’s probably why he doesn’t talk as much in season 2…. Until the last episode of course).
-The Internship seems to double as foreshadowing, and not just because Todd appears or that his ‘junk’ held some very crucial clues. Molly believes that the pawnshop is where happy memories go to die while Weird Larry assures her that it’s where memories can be reborn into something new. So… is the pawnshop a metaphor for Scratch’s own depression causing his ‘death’ and how he’ll be resurrected into a happier person?
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ask-de-writer · 5 years
BONNIE BONES' ERRAND : MLP Fan Fiction : Tales to read AFTER the Lights are OUT!
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
1396 words
© 2019 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 10/26/19
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
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The cloudy white mare with the black mane and tail trotted quietly up the street, minding her own business.  Her shopping errand, this last day before Nightmare Night was interrupted by a pair of stout ponies.
“There you is!  You is the pony what ambushed us in the cemetery, two years gone!  What did you do to Morgripe?”
Bonnie looked at him and shrugged.  “Aside from knocking him down off his hooves and gathering up the tools that you dropped, I did not do anything to him.”
“Then where is he?”
“I do not know.  He was always a piece of shit.  Likely he still is, wherever he is.”
One raised a hoof menacingly.  “Your errand just changed!  Chaz and me gonna beat the crap out of you!  You going to the Emergency Room at Ponyville General!  Right, Chaz?”
“Right, Gabe!”
Bonnie did not wait.  She unloaded a powerhouse of a double buck, blasting Chaz half way across the street!  As she dropped to her hind hooves, she continued down almost to crouching and uncoiled directly at Gabe, striking his shoulder full force with both forehooves!
Gabe found himself flat, Bonnie's right foreleg pressing down firmly on the side of his neck, near the ear!  He flopped helplessly about three times as her sleeper hold took effect.
Chaz was calling, “Gabe!  What she do to you?” and limping up to his still fallen buddy.
Constable Crager arrived at just about the same time.  “What have you done to Gabe?  Not that he didn't deserve it, mind you.  I did see this happen but was across the way and could not stop them in time.”
Bonnie looked down at Gabe with disgust.  “I put pressure on an artery going to his brain.  He passed out.  He will wake up in about ten or fifteen minutes.  These two were part of Morgripe's gang.  They tried to vandalize the cemetery four years in a row.  They failed.”
Chaz promptly snapped, “You done murdered Morgripe!  We seen it!  You dropped out'n the sky and bucked him and Gabe down!  We run to get the police for your unprovoked assault!  When we get back, Morgripe and our tools was all gone!  Just his spilled paint was all that was left!”
Bonnie rolled her eyes expressively as she nodded sarcastically.  “RIIIGHT. PAINT in the CEMETERY?  Dropped out of the sky on you?  Tell me, constable Crager, can unicorns fly?”
He looked about alertly before replying, “Not unless the rules of magic have taken a sudden change!  Four pegassi with a net can carry one unicorn or other pony up.  Two or three unicorns can lift one up for a little, but they will get tired pretty fast.”
Bonnie pointed at her tiny, stunted bit of horn and pointed out, “I have trouble just picking up simple tools and the like.  So, I think that you can dismiss that part of what he just told you, right?”
He nodded reasonably, while putting manacles on the fallen Gabe.  “So, you didn't fall from the sky.  Did you beat them up?”
Sighing, she sat and replied, “Yes.  I was cleaning tombs.  They walked right past me, bragging about how clever they were.  Going to bust things up and splash paint on sandstone monuments, where it would be super hard to clean up.”
She shook her head, clearly disgusted.  “I landed in their midst so that I could do a buck and strike like you just saw me do.  I flattened Morgripe and knocked down Gabe.  Chaz, there, like the hero that he is, ran off, abandoning his buddies.  Gabe got up and ran off too.  Morgripe was just lying there, blubbering.  I picked up all three of their hammers and the prybars that they dropped.
“Morgripe's paint was all spilled, but I took his brush anyway.  Went to a party and later gave the tools to Roe's wife, Molly to use in their wood lot business.  When I came back from the party, I looked.  Morgripe was gone.
“He has stayed gone and good riddance.”
Constable Crager nodded and turned to Chaz.  He touched his truncheon suggestively and asked, “May I manacle you, or must I use force?”
Chaz rubbed the back of his head at an old memory and replied, “No, sir. I won't resist.  Once was enough.”
While Chaz was submitting to being shackled, Gabe began to stir.
Constable Crager returned his attention to Bonnie.  “So, Miss Bones, if I draw up your statement to add to the Morgripe case file, will you sign it?”
Bonnie nodded calmly.  “Sure, Constable Crager.  Just put it in the cemetery mail box and give me a return envelope.  Duchess Red Hoof lets me use it for an address because where I actually stay doesn't have mail service.  I am there most nights anyway, so it works real well for when you need to contact me.”
He nodded, “I will do that,” and escorted the two miscreants away.
Bonnie returned to her shopping expedition.  It took her several stores to get all that she wanted.
Returning to the cemetery, she waited patiently by the solid stone back wall as the sun set.  It was not long before the Nightmare rose.  By Her moonlight the wall became a moss grown tumble down.  
Easily crossing into the Borderland of Nightmare, Bonnie happily called ahead, “Guys!  Flowering Ash!  Canbe!  Look what I got for our Nightmare Night party!”
The mortal Canbe looked up from where he was helping his wife, the lamia Flowering Ash, to set up some tables and ducking tubs.  “Bonnie! We told you, we have arraigned for refreshments this Nightmare Night! What did you get?”
Laughing, Bonnie began to unpack her bulging saddlebags.  “No refreshments! I got us the tackiest Nightmare Night decorations that I could find!”
Zombies and liches, giggling as well as they could at the joke of it, helped to string black and orange streamers, hang fake spiderwebs and put up cheap cardboard skeletons!  Real bats were flying about, having a great time making the phony rubber ones bounce on their elastic strings!  Cheap plaster skulls and phony bones sat about the party glade, on the tombstones between the mausoleums of the Ancient Ones and fake rubber spiders decorated the simple grave markers of the Forgotten Foals.  Perfectly real ghosts were busy making cheap paper ones flutter in a non existent breeze!
Roe, a light tan wish granting deer, and Molly, his wife, with their matching wedding bands around their left forelegs, trotted out of the basement of his candy shop in Ponyville.  Her two foals, Mort and Sis, nearly grown now, trotted confidently along behind them.  Seeing the many silly decorations, they couldn’t help but giggle! 
The foals made a beeline for a table made from a flat topped coffin of polished black wood held up by supports.
The youngsters happily laid out cakes, fried twists, fruit chunks and piles of candies.  They filled a big punch bowl and set out cups. They dumped a big bag of apples into the ducking tub.
Roe, his horns sparkling with magic, brought a securely chained, but struggling pony through the passage to the Borderland of Nightmare that was his shop's basement.
Flowering Ash, the powerful lamia, snake bodied from her middle down, took him and secured him to the larger feasting table.  
She looked up at Roe, smiling around her fangs, “I remain amazed at how many foolish ponies think that it's a good idea to rob a candy store on Nightmare Night!  At least, it give us a steady supply of party refreshment!”
Roe smiled back.  “I give them every chance to back out of trying to rob that innocent little tan unicorn that I look to be.  It is not my fault that they never figure out that it is better to be good ponies.”
As the assorted Beings of Nightmare began to gather about their big table, Bonnie, Canbe, Molly, Sis and Mort gathered about their snack coffin for mortals.
Sis and Mort leaned calmly against Bonnie and said, “Thanks for helping us through those first few Nightmare Night parties up at Roe's place. You were a big help in getting us to accept our friends for who and what they are.”
Bonnie, helping herself to a plate of fruit skewers, frosted cake and some candies, replied, “Thanks.  I am glad that you like my family, too.”
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