#because i honestly think this is the sweetest most kindest message i've ever gotten about my writing
hanaflowersofficial · 3 years
Hi! This isn’t really an ask but more of a confession. (A long one at that) I have been reading your fanfic Unfinished Letters since I was a teen. (A practical fetus. I know XD) I recall coming home from school giddy and checking for any updates. Even if there wasn’t, I would click back from chapter 1 to read up to the latest update. As a teen, I suffered the crippling ailment of zeroing in on the romance of my favorite character. Plot be damned. I just wanted the kiss. The confession!! Now that I’m a bit older I‘m quite more appreciative of writing and all that it entails. And that’s made me love your fic even more. All the literature references? All for it. Hana? Love her and her character. I’m especially more sympathetic towards her now that I’m older. The joy of teaching a child is something I can’t replicate anywhere else. I still come back to your fic every few months especially when I have a Piccolo itch. An itch that manifested way back in grade school when I watched Dragon Ball and Dragon ball z on Tv. Piccolo is a character I always seem to come back to regardless of the years that have passed. He’s just that neat! (and hot too. Lol) The same can be said with your fic. I wanted to get this off my chest from a fan who’s been reading for awhile. I just figured out how to get back on my tumblr accountand find you. (Are there other platforms your on ?) I just hope you’ve been doing well! I just apologize for rambling on so much. I hope this gets in your inbox safely. I’m far too familiar with how asks can get lost In my inbox
oh my goodness gracious... i'm so at a loss for how to respond to this. thank you!! ;~; i'm so humbled, so appreciative that you have not only been reading my fic for so long, but that it has meant that much to you and that you reached out to let me know. i'm really choked up! this is literally every fic writer's dream. :')
i'm sorry it took so long for me to see this. u_u i unfortunately don't check this blog very often (this blog had many of its posts taken down when tumblr did their hole "nsfw ban" thing years back). and i'm also just plain ol' sorry that i haven't been updating the fic! i still think of it often, though, and i have part of the next chapter written, it's just a matter of motivation and time (those pesky things lol)
my main blog is @gatsbygal if you'd like to follow me or message me there! :D i try to pop in there every couple days to add things to my queue. if you happen to like the old adult swim cartoon show metalocalypse, i'm also @lampmeeting, which is where i've been spending a lot of my time ever since covid hit. i'm also on instagram also under the name gatsbygal if you're an instagram person haha :)
thank you again for this message, truly, from the bottom of my heart. T~T it's been so long that i've honestly figured no one was probably reading it or caring about it anymore, and reading this really filled my heart up. thank you thank you thank youuuuu!
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Courtney, hi! Question, / update! I've come to you before with romantic problems/unrequited love issues. (I keep praying for him to change his mind). and you were like, "what makes you want to hold on" ? I think God is pushing me to marry catholic. !!! idk. I get this nice sense of peace thinking about it and stuff. I half believe my soulmate is a kind, courageous, smart, and handsome catholic dude. Which the other guy isnt. How do you know you were made for Kieran. Do you know the feeling?
Hello again, friend! Welcome back!
Haha so funny story, he and I met online via Catholic Match and when I first saw his profile I was thinking of deleting my account because I was tired of the search and not really getting anywhere with men on there. I looked at his profile and was unsure so I didn’t message him. His subscription was almost up but he saw that I looked at his profile and was like, “I like this human” (or something like that) and decided to message me the next day after I looked at his profile. He sent me this beautiful long message about the things he admired about my character and the things we had in common. I sent him only 1 long message per day to try to stay emotionally chaste and he kept coming back and messaging me too (turns out after that first day he had to re-subscribe to keep talking to me lol, he says that it’s the best $30 he ever spent 😂❤️). After talking for about a month I told him he could finally have my number but that he couldn’t text me until after we video chatted. I planned to spend maybe one hour with him, two max. We talked for four hours. Then he would text me occasionally and we’d video chat once every week.
Eventually he and I made plans to see each other over a long weekend halfway between us since he lives like 7 hours away from me, and of course this was after like 2.5 hours of talking and getting to know one another and being friends. I got there earlier on that Saturday and actually thought he was going to stand me up lol, but eventually he let me know he’d gotten stuck in traffic and was finally in town. He stayed in a different hotel than I was in at my request, and so after he unpacked and got ready he came to my hotel to pick me up. I’ll admit, it was kind of awkward at first but he drove us to this bar in the town’s little downtown area and I swear when we got there the world melted away. We talked about religion, politics, family, etc. We just clicked.
The next day he picked me up again and we went to mass together. The priest picked us to carry the gifts during the offertory. It felt a bit like a sign. Then we went to the beach and ate lunch, had some ice cream, talked some more. Honestly it seemed like all the things I’d liked about my exes he had, minus the bad things. Everything about being with him felt right. After ice cream we went to my hotel’s pool and I told him that I have reproductive tract issues and may not be able to conceive, he took it super well. (I had been really nervous about telling him since he wanted a family in the future.) I told him about my desire to adopt and he said that if that’s what God willed for us then he’d be okay with that. During dinner I told him I wasn’t a virgin and about my past— he was literally the kindest, gentlest person and gave the sweetest response. It was then that I knew for sure that he was my person. Only 2.5 months of knowing him. We sat in that restaurant talking until it closed and then sat in the car while he told me about some of his past too.
The following day, I saw squirrels running around outside my hotel, and up until that point in my life God had been putting squirrels in my life in various ways to tell me I was on the right track. So I took this as confirmation of what I’d known the night prior.
Then throughout the rest of our next few months of being official he proved how much of a good man he was/is. Always kind, always loving, always there to support me when I needed it most. The second time I saw him was the following month and I told him I’d been raped by some exes of mine before and I cried and cried and he just held me and comforted me. There was another time when I asked him if he wanted to watch Netflix with me during one of our virtual date nights and he asked if we could read the Bible instead. He loved going to adoration with me. My whole family couldn’t stop talking about how well he fit in after he met everyone. All of it just continued to solidify what I’d decided on before.
Don’t get me wrong, he drives me nuts sometimes and we argue sometimes, we have our fair share of downs in the relationship and I’ve occasioanlly questioned God’s choice for me. But I love him and I’d die for him without a second’s hesitation. Love is a continual choice to will someone’s good no matter how you feel that day and even on our bad days, I continue to choose him, and I’m happy to keep doing so for the rest of our lives. I 100% believe he was made for me and me for him.
You’ll find your person, trust me. God won’t lead you away from what he’s called you to and planned for you. And God will make sure you know when you’ve made the right choice, all in His perfect timing.
Praying for you! ❤️
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