#because if anyone would parentify their children it would be zeus and hera :X
literallyjusttoa · 1 year
how did the other siblings of apollo react to apollo going no contact (second song au)?
Ok txny I have to thank you because this question made me go big-brained mode last night and now I got paragraphs for you. I hope you like them lol
Ok, first of all, let me actually let y’all know what the incident that made Apollo leave was. So basically, for years Apollo had been held to an unrealistic standard that he could never achieve. Any failures led to harsh punishments, which worsened Apollo’s quality of life, which worsened his performance in all of the stuff Zeus cared about, and the cycle continues. This all came to a head when it came time to apply for college. Zeus wanted Apollo to follow in his footsteps and study law at his alma mater. Apollo really wanted to make music, but he knew that would never go over well. Instead, he applied to a med school, hoping that the job would be prestigious enough that it would impress his father, even if it wasn’t law. 
Sadly Apollo was mistaken, and Zeus became furious. He began constantly berating Apollo, basically telling him that he was basically going to disown him once he turned 18. Eventually Apollo snapped, and the two of them got into a huge fight one night in front of the whole family. Keep in mind that none of the other siblings knew the true extent of how Zeus treated Apollo. Things got physical, with Zeus pushing Apollo down a flight of stairs, giving him a nasty cut, a serious concussion, and getting him hospitalized. This is the last time anyone in the family saw Apollo. Once he woke up, Apollo refused any visitors, and basically went from home straight to college, refusing to talk with any of his family again. 
As for how everyone felt about it?
Ares: 29 years old, currently an active military member stationed in Texas (for reference, the rest of the family is in California). Ares had already left the state when Apollo went no-contact, and the two of them weren’t particularly close. Ares basically didn’t really care, as he’s already pretty distant from the rest of the family as it is. He visits during holidays and makes nice with his younger siblings, but to Ares it’s all just doing what’s expected of him. If Apollo wanted to leave that behind, more power to him.
Hephaestus: 26 years old, currently works as a mechanic in northern California. Hephaestus is the only other family member that has little to no contact with the rest of the family. It’s just that unlike Apollo, there was no fanfare when Hephaestus left. Living with a physical disability in a house where your mother despises you and the man who was meant to be your father was horrifically neglectful kind of sucks, actually. Hephaestus left the family behind at 18, and has been doing pretty well for himself since. Because of this, he actually doesn’t know that Apollo followed in his footsteps two years later. Who knows, maybe the two of them will run into each other in the future. 
Athena: 30 years old, currently working as a historian in her hometown. Athena is actually older than Ares, as Zeus was with Metis before Hera, and just didn’t tell Hera about it. She lived with her mother for 4 years until her untimely death. After that, she had to move in with Zeus and Hera, which was the first time Hera ever heard of her existence. This is also when Hera was pregnant with Hephaestus. Whoops. After all this, Athena has become a bit of a father’s girl, mainly because Zeus would defend her against her stepmother’s hatred. She doesn’t know all of the details of Apollo’s relationship with Zeus, but her love of her father blinds her to any fault he may have had. The two of them don’t talk anymore for a reason. 
Hermes: 22 years old, currently going through undergrad for a degree in communications. Hermes was really hurt by Apollo’s departure, almost as much as Artemis was. He looked up to Apollo a lot, and kind of thought he was infallible. To Hermes, the whole incident came completely out of nowhere, and he still doesn’t know who to stand with. Torn between his brother and his father, he hasn’t tried to contact Apollo since it all happened. 
Dionysus: 20 years old, currently going through undergrad for a degree in theatre. Dionysus is the opposite of Hermes, and desperately wants to get back into contact with Apollo, mainly to soothe his own curiosity. Dionysus was born after the majority of the family drama, and was only 14 when Apollo left. He’s kind of dropped out of the family emotionally, but he still wants to know how everything went down. Sadly, Apollo did change all of his contact information after leaving the house, so Dionysus is left with a bit of a wild goose chase to do on top of all his college work. 
Thalia: 18 years old, currently a senior in high school, looking to pursue professional archery. Thalia and Jason didn’t move into Zeus’ home until they were pretty old, Thalia being 11 and Jason being 9. This means that Thalia only spent a year in the house with Apollo before he left, and didn’t really know him that well. She mostly just feels bad for Artemis.
Jason: 16 years old, currently a sophomore in high school. Apollo left when Jason was only 10, so he really doesn’t remember that much about him. All he remembers is that Apollo used to drive him to school when Hera was too busy (or just wouldn’t bother) and watch over him while Zeus was at work. If you were to ask Jason what he thought of Apollo before they reunited, he would have said that his brother seemed like a kind person.
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