#because im twiddling my thumbs just re-reading the same emails over and over
helianskies · 6 months
so i have work. bearing in mind i have only worked for 8 hours, with minimal training in the admin stuff and ad hoc bits i need to do. today my coordinator is working from home m, and she messaged me at 10am, when i started, to say she'd call soon to help me get on track with tasks. it's nearly 12:30 and she hasn't called, nor seen the messages i've sent her in the meantime with queries about emails i could be replying to. my supervisor is also ill today. so i am the only one from Arts in the office. so i have no one else to ask for Arts-specific queries. and students keep turning up asking things or just updating me about things and idk what they're on about and it's like gimme a BREAK or gimme HELP
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