#because in terms of the actual drinks matcha is bitter and boba is sweet and so is this situation I have made???
I’m crazy but hear me out (and ignore the mid colors/shit lighting): Matcha Shadow and Boba Sonic
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And because I’m a shipper: Sonadow. See doodle below.
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And to make things even batshit crazier (because my brain got fucking IDEAS) they would be in a n alternate universe and their personalities would be altered to the drink they represent (Sonic would be extra sweet and peppy, Shadow would be very calm; No trauma because just wait, I’m getting there). And they would be weirdly connected to the sonic and shadow we know. Like Matcha Shadow would randomly get these memories/dreams of Maria (who doesn’t exist in his world) and “canon” Shadow’s trauma and then “canon” Sonic would randomly feel the love dovey feelings Boba Sonic has when he’s with Matcha Shadow. And it would be a whole thing that would make “canon” Sonic and Shadow get together and cause a hurt/comfort scenario for Matcha and Boba so that they get closer even though they’re already together. And they never know or are truly aware of each other but they’re grateful for the connection??? Idk man I might have a niche fic idea on my hands. Who knows tho college is hard and I am crazy and eepy.
TDLR: Matcha themed Shadow and Boba themed Sonic, I made up a possible alternate universe fic idea related to them that I ramble about above, I am insane and a sonadow shipper so Matcha and Boba would be together
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ellenoir · 3 years
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@doomedog and @alkalinefrog thank you both so much for asking about my baby! Of all of the Death Note characters, Near holds a very special piece of my heart. I think it's my left ventricle.
On to the soft headcanons! Requests for this are still open, so feel free to send them in!
On a side note, my Near doesn't feel much connection to gender or pronouns, they shift constantly based on immediate state of mind. Which means I will write their pronouns 'inconsistently' based on how the relevant hc makes them and me feel.
•  what they smell like 
The most prominent scent is the very specific, sensitive skin products they use. Milk and oatmeal based body wash, shampoo and conditioner. They also smell like unsweetened coffee from drinking so much, with an undertone of something sweetly musky that is very uniquely her, almost like old books and hot water with honey.
•  what their favorite smells in the world are 
They have a love/hate relationship with petrol stations, so we'll get that one out of the way first, the rest are all loved. Bedsheets on the third or fourth day on the bed, when they go from being extremely washer fresh to comfortably familiar. Raw tobacco (Watari would smoke his pipe outside the building, but Near liked the smell anyway.) Salty sea air. Peppermint or aniseed sweets. A loved ones' just removed jacket.
•  what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in 
Near actually tends to take the bottoms off to sleep. The fabric twisting up around their legs is uncomfortable, and if it happens during sleep it can affect their dreams. They sleep in an oversized pajama top and briefs/panties, whichever one they're feeling more at the time.
•  my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them 
I will ship Near with just about anyone. Mostly because I just kinda like DN turning into a big old poly puddle (thanks @resilicns for turning me onto this path lmao). Let's go SuteNia because I've been feeling their chemistry a LOT lately.
Don't get me wrong, Near likes to be held in bed as much as the next tiny. Stephen's arms help her quiet the overactive ramblings inside her skull. But I'll let you in on a little secret. They both love it best when Near is the one holding Stephen, her chin in his hair and his nose buried somewhere around his collarbone. They show each other their vulnerabilities more than anything then. Stephen shows that he's not always composed and strong, and Near shows just how much she needs him in her life. In their bed, that's their most precious moment.
•  my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them 
Okay so I love the idea of Near having quite a bit more respect for Misa than anyone else. Why? YOTSUBA👏ARC👏POWERHOUSE👏 (he also respects Matsuda even if he would advise him not to run into the building like that). Looking back on how Misa was caught, it was by sheer chance. A single strand of dyed blonde hair falling on the VHS tapes and being sealed inside the envelopes? That was an absolutely miniscule oversight that honestly impressed him greatly.
As for a cute hc? Misa and Near bond over the movie Labyrinth by Jim Henson. Near is absolutely enamored with the incredible puppets and costumes in the movie. Misa straight up loves David Bowie. Misa will sing along with Dance Magic Dance, loud and clear, and dance all around the room as it plays until Near can't help but start to sing and sway along. Misa holds out her hands, knowing not to touch without permission - and Near actually reaches out and takes them, lets her pull him up and start to dance!
•  a song that reminds me of them
Hrrmmmm... Hollow and Sorry About Your Parents by Icon for Hire, weirdly enough Sober by P!nk, and Teeth on a String by Stick and Poke. Yeah, all of these songs are sad, and TW for undertones of an abusive relationship on the last one. If I had to pick a nice song for Near... Oh, I know! The Show by Lenka!
•  what animal i think they would be if they were an animal 
Cat. Easy pick. Near likes to do things on their own terms and their own schedule and does not care much for how other people want them to behave at each moment. However, they love deeply and fiercely and will tolerate a surprising amount of annoying behaviour from someone who is in their pack (my beagle can almost jump on one of my cats and he adores her, despite him being skittish and not hesitating to swat when he's sick of paws almost squashing him). Enjoy to simply sit in the presence of a loved one and do their own thing compared to constant need for direct conversation and interaction. Will hiss, growl and swat when displeased and does not suffer fools gladly.
•  what position they sleep in
Loosely curled on her right side, grabbing the pillow and pulling it down towards her front, under a heavy weighted blanket. Near has her hands gently curled in front of her, somewhere between her breastbone and nose. Her legs fold up beneath her, her right leg a little bit tighter to keep her balance as the left leg falls on top. At one point, she looks at body pillows and finds the full wrap around designs. Its love at first sight. She gets one delivered and almost immediately drops off the first time she pairs it with her beloved heavy blanket
•  their favorite drink
They subsist on large amounts of coffee (small amounts of milk to offset the bitterness), but its not quite their favourite. Near loves boba! Honeydew, almond, matcha and the classic are her top choices.
•  a gift i would give them if i could
What do you give someone with everything...? I would like... If they accept it? Companionship. The fact that Near keeps working with Halle, Rester and Gevanni even years later makes me think they would like some sort of reliable, consistent company. They do have a sort of loneliness that they have to endure, the kind that comes from being the strange one, the out of place one, the one who has trouble connecting to people.
I'm not sure if I could think of anything else. Maybe make them a drawing, or find them some interesting or intricate toys they might like.
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