#because it paints Agamemnon is a very sympathetic light
allaboutmyths · 1 month
going through Iphigenia at Aulis again for my final paper of the semester, and have an interesting passage that I came across while looking for quotes --
Achilles: When I witness the nobility of your soul I yearn all the more for your love. So listen, I long to help you. I long to win you for my home. Thetis is my witness, it will be my loss. if I do not check the Greeks and save you. Remember, death is a terrible thing. Iphigenia: Without misgiving, I must say this: Helen the Tyndarid has done enough harm by her beauty in whipping up strife and making men shed blood. Therefore, good stranger prince, do not die for me. Kill nobody. Allow me to save Greece if I can. Achilles: O illustrious one, what more can I say if that is your decision? Your whole attitude is wonderful. That is the truth. Nonetheless, should you change your mind, this I want you to know: I shall put my weapons at the ready by the altar to rescue you from dying. Perhaps you will take my offer up when you see the sword come near your throat. I shall never let you die for a ridiculous decision. I’ll take take these weapons of mine to the temple of Artemis and await you there.
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