#because it wasn't serious enough or maybe my character was *too much* of a self-insert etc.
battywitch · 10 months
I've just had the delightful realization (again) that this is my story, and I can put whatever I want into it. Including a shape changing vampire.
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spaceratprodigy · 1 year
OC Superlatives Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @the-lastcall 💖💫
The Favorite
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I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone. Faith is so very dear to me she is quite literally a part of myself. She brings me so much comfort and has been an outlet for me for the past like? 3 years?? Gosh look at how far she's come. She helps remind me that everything is going to be okay.
The Oldest
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While technically I have some ocs that are even older than her, Cookie is my first self insert lmao. Nowadays I don't think any but a couple of y'all would even know who she is and that makes me a lil sad! She's very special to me and was very beloved by people who meant a lot to me. Very few know me and her story well enough to see how on the nose it is an escape from my own life. Not shown here but she has burn scars on her right wrist/forearm. An exaggeration of my own burn scar in the same place. Cookie has always been there as a way to not feel alone, to see myself in someone who has been through similar experiences and made it out through the other side. To remember why it's so important to keep fighting.
The Newest
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Okay maybe not the newest.. but Iris is the newest oc I've actually been putting a lot of time and love and effort into! I love her a lot! I know I still don't talk abt her as in depth as I would like to but I swear she's got more going on than I share. I just can't help wanting to draw her so self-indulgently full of love all the time, it makes me happy to have silly fun! I really really have been meaning to doodle her more vulnerable and serious moments because she's got a lot of grief in her heart she isn't letting out.
The Meanest
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I suppose she was going to have to make her debut sooner or later.. okay but I genuinely don't have much to say abt Poppy. She's been a priv exclusive oc for a lil while and she's not developed.. like.. at all.. I ramble about her a LOT but I'm also literally every day scrapping everything bc my ideas are constantly changing so she's fr not ready yet lmao. Even I don't fully know what her deal is yet! But I can confirm she is the most ruthless (should I admit she's my lowkey nuka-world raider oc I made specifically to fuck Porter Gage nasty as hell likeeeee)
The Softest
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Maril is my BABY!! She does not have a mean bone in her body and the closest she'll ever get is when she's defending her friends! She's so generous, she wants to help others any chance she gets and sees the best in everyone.
The Most Standoffish/Aloof
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Faith is quite reserved, honestly. Becoming Captain wasn't exactly the life she chose for herself but it was the role she had to take on. For Phin, for her crew, for Halcyon, it was something she would grow to take seriously in time. She doesn't like to let on just how stressed and overwhelmed she is until she crashes and burns and has to be forced to rest before her stomach ulcer incapacitates her (speaking from experience, it's excruciating). When allowed to, she's pretty quiet and keeps to herself. She was never exactly the most social person and struggled to maintain any sort of relationship with anybody. She'll eventually warm up to her crew and come out of her shell. Sometimes you just need to meet the right band of misfits who get you.
The Smartest
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I swear this isn't just me tooting my own horn. I genuinely built her character favoring her intellect and charm. Her highest levels were in engineering, science, and medical. She's got a head on her shoulders, and she's often pretty lost in it. Faith loves to build and tinker with things and loves reading and learning as much as she can. One her own comforts, really. Maril and Iris aren't necessarily too far off on this one, Faith just has a little more under her belt. (Maril is also dedicated almost exclusively to being a gummi ship mechanic and Iris is best at carpentry!)
The Dumbest
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Poppy is by no means a moron and shouldn't be underestimated. But her skills and knowledge are very strong in fighting and survival. She does however qualify as my dumbest oc here because.. she was my melee heavy idiot savant build! Girl never at any point got a single level put into her INT lmao.
The One I'd be Friends With
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Hands down Maril would be the bestest friend I could ask for. She would be so sweet and considerate and let's be real.. I'd want to also work on the gummi ships with her. I love my gals but I just know Maril would be a ray of sunshine and a great friend. She'd also love to listen to me talk abt all my own projects and we could build so many cool things together..
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doubleddenden · 2 years
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So these are the Pokemon I used to beat Pokemon Opalo and a trainer sprite I made for myself, sort of combining my current hair style and outfits, the protagonist's style, and my own little additional flairs. East and West Cefira have some neat western vibes and some southern vibes too, so some of it felt pretty close to home.
This is my trainer sprite and a "crew shot" of all the Pokemon/Fakemon I used during my close to 90 hour journey. Unlike standard fan games where I focus on 6, the two regions were very big and the newer forms and Pokemon were very spaced out, so I picked up quite a few friends along the way, even outside my usual "new pokemon only" rules I tend to impose on myself.
Anyway, I made my trainer sprite from my usual sources, but all pokemon and fakemon here were taken from the in game files.
A little blurb about my team members and some usual fun stuff below the cut.
So the protagonist of Opalo grew up in the region and their past plays a heavy role in the story- I kind of find it difficult to imagine I could put my self insert in. So I'm basically just gonna say that, like usual, my self insert sort of stumbles into East Cefira by complete accident and sort of fumbles around as he gets involved with the story. I feel like he'd get along with most of the people he'd see, but definitely find certain characters suspicious like I did and later on was proven right.
He definitely enjoys that western vibe, and I definitely think he enjoys his spurs a little too much. But he definitely knows when to take things seriously and probably would end up snapping or straight up punching some of the people from the story (and probably get his ass kicked by some of them).
The team, tho. Here's how I decided to do things: Pokemon with named I already knew, I gave nicknames to. New Pokemon I left the same.
Mega Gasteslita (Grass/Electric): Our starter and beefiest boy. He's been with us through some serious shit from the very beginning. Apparently he's Impish and often falls asleep. While not particularly the most heavy hitting, I can trust it to tank out hits and let it outspeed pretty tough opponents.
Kovu/Cefiran Persian (Normal/Fire): There's actually 3 different variants here, and apparently I just so happened to end up with the fire type. Never used a Persian, but this one was pretty tough. Flare Blitz, Volt Tackle, and Play Rough with Tough Claws for its ability make it a very powerful Pokemon I relied on often. I like to imagine it headbutts my character often for affection and meows a lot.
Fesh Pince/Poliwrath (Water/Fighting): One of my earliest captures and the only non regional form or evolution to come with me all the way to the Pokemon League (mainly because I couldn't find any water types that didn't have a type conflict I was okay with, and I absolutely need water types). He's named after the youtube poop of Fresh Prince that I had recently watched again. Anyway, he got his ass kicked a lot, but also saved my ass a bunch as well. When I finally boxed him, he had a major final "arc" I'd say where he had a huge role in beating all the bad guys of the area. His departure was probably the hardest to get over because he was there from the beginning.
Skrelbow/Hitmonchan (Fighting): He joined the team pretty early as a Tyrogue- I was actually somewhat dreading using one because Lee is so much better imo, but Skrelbow put in the work and came in clutch for the first few gyms. He was eventually boxed when I started getting newer Pokemon, but his role was definitely important enough to keep around.
Sayaka/Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy): I think she was the 4th Pokemon I caught, and really didn't do a lot other than gain experience. But the few times she did, she saved our team from disaster. I imagine maybe she just wasn't really much for conflict anyway, but I think she stuck around long enough that I consider her part of the crew anyway.
Cefireon (Flying): Obtained as an egg from Apolo's fiance, Vera, and hatched as an Eevee. He eventually evolved into Cefireon, the regional flying type evolution for Eevee. It was kind of hard to evolve it because it needed a very particular item, but when he did and once he got his footing, Cefireon became the strongest Pokemon on my team. Changing and ability and giving it a special item, plus overhauling his moves with TM make him a one stop fuck everything in SIGHT shop, and he was able to land continuous Hurricanes endlessly. He went from baby to the single most reliable and most important team member, being the one to beat The Great Spirit. It's gentle, so I imagine we enjoy sitting together and just napping together like I do my little dog irl.
Capt'n/ C. Sirfetch'd (Steel/Fighting): I'm not gonna lie... I'm not really fond of him that much, but by god he's a very important team member that kept me alive through most of East Cefira and a good chunk of West Cefira. It was my fairy buster for a while, and dished out a LOT of damage and withstood a bunch too. I think it was sort of silly and doofy, like Psyduck from the anime but actually strong. I caught him knowing I was going to eventually replace him, but I admit that he came in handy until it was time to go. And I'll admit, when I finally boxed him, I was missing his power.
Cursaring/ C. Ursaring (Dark): See what I did there? Lol. This Ursaring looked different enough that I felt like it could be its own species, but since it's not, I made my own pun on it. Cursaring is muscle and absolutely necessary muscle. It has a very varied move pool and punched a LOT of things, and practically slayed every ghost we encountered.
Bogaleon (Water/Bug): Apparently this guy was one of three starters that were available from a previous project by the creator, but as soon as I saw it in the files, I needed it. It's like a fusion of Samurott and Golisopod, two of my favorite Pokemon. I raised this thing from a baby, and even though I got it pretty late in the game, it was still around long enough to do a ton of damage and caught up to the crew super quickly. It was difficult, but it eventually filled the void left behind by Fesh Pince and went a little beyond in terms of coverage. That being said, it really throws me for a loop- It looks like it should do physical damage, but its a SPECIAL attacker instead.
SupaFly/ C Flygon (Bug/Dragon): and this guy does the OPPOSITE, where it has a movepool better for special attacks but a higher special attack stat. Weird. But anyway, SupaFly is the last one to join our family, but it's the one I was looking most forward to. Look at it! It's so cool looking! Definitely my favorite design. It doesn't really boast the most power, but I definitely think it was worth it to finally have it. It's just so cool, man. I definitely think my guy flies around on it all the time.
Anyway, that's it. I think I might have enough time to play Realidea System next. Overall though, I really liked this team and it's going to be difficult to move on.
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pathetichimbos · 3 years
I have two ideas you can pick you or both or just do whatever you want with them - leave them for a different story idc it's your writing.
Option 1
This kinda involves a sort of crossover? I love the anime Attack on Titan. My favorite character is Annie Leonhart and I love her fighting style, her self defense training is amazing so I was wondering the slashers with an s/o who fought back tremendously well with her sort of hand to hand combat? Idk
Option 2
Sorta similar with option 1 but - the reader is a Titan shifter. The Jaw Titan so they aren't too op? You know?.
shinzou wo sasageyo
Fight Back
Includes: Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire
TW: Violence, Mentions of Murder, Active Physical Fighting
HI OKAY so I went with option one because like
i've only seen like two episodes of aot
SO I googled her fighting style and just,,,, went for it? It's a bit on the shorter side, but if you want it longer just lmk and I'll fix it!
I always wasn't sure if you like wanted them to survive and become friends or more or idk but I did that because, personally, i would rather die than not befriend them that's a joke pls don't arrest me
Freddy Krueger:
Freddy is confused, like actually stunned
"???? Did you just kick me in my Face?????? Instead of Dying????????"
He's never met anyone like you before, and you definitely catch his attention
Honestly, your fighting style is one of the reasons he decides to spare you
Oh yea cuz you could Totally take them, Fred
At first, he's going to fight you, and he's not going to go easy on you, he wants to push your limits and see how far you can go
But, he's also not much of a fighter, so he'll definitely get creative
I stg if you bring out Super Freddy again I'm going to Jump
After he's had his fill of getting his ass kicked
Freddy will tap out, "Alright kid, 'noughs enough, stop with that shit."
Please, give him one more kick for me
All in all, Freddy will be jealous of your skills, and want to 'fight' all the time
No, Y/N, it's not so he can practice, why would you think that!? He would never stoop so low as to ask for fighting advice, come on
*insert eye roll, and having to teach him anyways*
Michael Myers:
Michael, love him, but he's not good at hand to hand combat either
Take away his knife and he's pretty useless in a fight
Unless you count being an unfeeling human shield
Kidding! He has feelings
If he has his knife though, expect a few cuts, he's pretty skilled
He's definitely impressed with your skills, but don't push your luck
If he decides to spare you, don't take it lightly, if you try to keep fighting he won't hesitate to finish you off
If you relent as well though, he'll start showing up more, especially when you get into a fight, he loves observing your skills from a distance
Prepare to be stalked everywhere you go, eventually just having to give in and let it happen
He's not gonna stop Y/N, and you have no one to blame but yourself
Jason Voorhees:
Jason's encountered good fighters before, but he can definitely handle his own
*flashback to the manhattan movie*
He's definitely impressed though, not a lot of people can actually hold their own against him
Keep the fight up long enough and he'll give in and accept defeat
Especially if you weren't trying to do any serious damage and just protect yourself
If you visit the lake after that, he won't try to hurt you, he'll just watch from a distance
And maybe, after a Long while, he'll approach you in a kind tone
But let's be real here, you'll have to go to him
Once the two of you are on good terms, he'll be more comfortable using more of his strength, knowing how strong you are
Please offer to teach him, Y/N!!! He'd be so happy!!!!
Bubba Sawyer:
Bubba is so confused
Nobody has ever actually kicked his (not on) chainsaw from his hands
He's actually kind of scared to fight you after that
He always uses his chainsaw!!!! What's he supposed to do now???
He'll give in rather quickly, please show mercy, he's scared of you
His brothers will think your skills are pretty cool, and the twins will definitely want you to teach them some moves
Bubba will be anxious the entire time
Don't get hurt, Y/N!!! Oh, watch out for that lamp!!!! Why can't you three practice outside TT
Drayton will respect you for being able to hold your own, but will definitely get upset with how many items you break fighting with the twins
"Goddamnit, what the hell did I tell you three about fighting in the house!?"
*que a three hour lecture that will do absolutely nothing to stop any of you*
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas, like most of these guys (not looking at you freddy), is a big guy, and he normally relies on that and his chainsaw to take care of victims
So when he comes across someone who can handle their own against him???
He's very impressed by it
Don't tell anyone I said this, but he finds it very entertaining watching you absolutely destroy Hoyt in the front yard
After he realizes how strong you are, he's not really interested in fighting anymore
Especially now that he's in a good mood (totally not because of Hoyt getting his ass kicked)
Luda Mae is more accepting of you when Thomas insists you join the family
"We can always use someone strong such as yourself to help out around here."
Hoyt is not happy with it, but hey, I don't respect his existence, so he doesn't get a say so
Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms starts crying
Like deadass, he's so upset he's not getting his way
Greta wasn't strong, he could easily overpower her into getting what he wants, but you? You could actually fight back and that makes him mad
He's not going to fight you, instead he'll pout until you apologize
When you do, he'll accept it rather quickly and get excited, begging you to teach him some moves
And please, for the love of God, if the two of you play fight, please let him win, it will make him so happy
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dreamyaqua · 4 years
Helloooo~!! I'm the same person who talked about Hyunjae and Haknyeon's rising signs! When I first wrote it, I wasn't deep into astrology yet. I've researched and tried to learn more about the Greek gods, the mythology, planets and associations to better my understanding. So, this time, I present all 23 members of NCT. To form an opinion on this, I watched their personal variety on their YT channel, took note of their physical habits and appearance, and read first impression stories. (1)
Also, don't worry about answering this right away! I just got very excited and wanted to share this :DD we currently have 5 members with confirmed risings; Johnny, Taeyong, Kun, Doyoung and Jaehyun. That's 18 members left, still! Also, I relied much more on their first impressions of each other as well as their appearance, habits and their neutral face because idols put up an act, which is enforced by their company. I'm running out of words so– (2)
(I decided to put the rest under a cut as the ask has gotten really long and I also put your asks together in regards to each member, I hope that’s okay!^^)
First up, Taeil! My first guesses for him were Scorpio (ruled out immediately lol), Capricorn and Taurus. I went with Capricorn at the end. Taeil just has a home-y, fatherly aura which Earth signs have. According to the members, he has that strong vibe that makes you want to learn from him. And we know that Capricorn is ruled by law and structure loving planet, Saturn. Saturn is associated with Cronus and Hestia. (3) Hestia is peace and home while Cronus was briefly the ruler of all. So, in short, a parent. Taeil as NCT's grandpa is accepted by many czennies. Which fits well. A typical Capricorn rising could have a petite stature as well as a wide-ish body type. Earth risings do tend to be stocky. Lips are usually either thin and wide or round but when they smile it's bright and feels familiar. It all starts from home~ Next up, Yuta! (4)
Yuta? Scorpio rising. I did try to see if he fits anywhere else but landed right back to Scorpio. One main reason, when he smiles, it's real. His healing and genuine smile is definitely a Scorpio rising trait. He's also pretty quiet in general but can get wild *insert clip of Yuta and Taeyong's chair race* and maybe even stir things up. Scorpio is associated with, Hades. Hades is generally a warm soul unlike his gruesome depictions. He's just a peaceful yet lonely guy. When he loves he LOVES (5) Traits seen in our double Scorpio royalty, Yuta. Winwin, Mark, Shotaro and Jungwoo is his Kore and Cerberus (you decide who's who). 
Easy tackle, now we've got Ten! Your local cat mom. As I say that, I guess Leo. Leo risings have feline features and traits, which Ten definitely has. When you watch his relay cam, his day's pretty chill and made more fun by his cats. They're just positive morning people and Ten really has that effect. Leo is associated with Apollo and Heracles (and more). (6) Apollo's a talented man (if you read Lore Olympus, I just hope you don't associate those characters with the actual deities) and so is Heracles. What do they have in common with Ten? Well, both Apollo and Ten are artistic, gifted with languages, and talented in music. With Heracles? Well, we know he's a hero, an ace. Leo is also the sun. The core of our system. We can definitely agree on Ten being NCT's talented ace, which all supports my guess of him as a Leo rising. Next, Winwin.
My first guesses for Winwin were either an Aries or Leo rising. Though, at the end, I settled for Aries. The entirety of NCT is in love (obviously, exaggerated) with Winwin, and fire signs naturally have that magnetism. Aries rules the head area, and one frequent habit of Winwin's is scratching his head. He also tends to put his head forward (called a nerd neck, due to book reading) which is typical of an Aries rising. He also appeals with his eyes when he wants something, also very Aries. Winwin as an Aries rising just feels true and self-explanatory. 
Next on our list is Jungwoo. A total Slytherin. Be a fool and fall for them, I dare you–oh never mind, you already have. Safe to say that Jungwoo is a Libra rising. Libra is Aphrodite afterthewholebeingbornoutofcastratedtesticlesthenformedfromseafoamshenanigans. We all know that Librans are pretty people. So pretty it's sickening, I'm getting too personal now. BACK ON TOPIC. I also had the thought of him being a Leo– I mean, if you've seen NCT World, Jungwoo definitely shone. Leos and Libras are similar in my opinion so it could be why I'm so unsure about it. Not many know but Aphrodite is a war goddess. Her role is very watered down, maybe because war was just not sexy to the Ancient Greeks. Still, Aphrodite conquered hearts, and Jungwoo has that main stage. Life is like a runway, especially with the way he walks. He also loves connections and making people laugh, both an Aphrodite and Apollo trait. Reason why I settled for Libra is that the first impressions of Jungwoo is that he looks serious, radiated sophistication but also wild. Aphrodite, being a magnetic and adventurous (iykwim) mad lad, has a definite influence on Jungwoo.
The next member is Lucas (12 more to go!). Lucas tries his best to make people happy. He loves seeing people be happy. And seeing how he says sorry when things don't seem to be exciting or done his usual way, I'm convinced he's a Libra rising.
I've written notes down but I have school so I'll complete this after LMAO
Back (new classes today so I'm hnghh). Okay, Mark! I believe he's where I left off. Mark is an Aries rising opinion. Also, while trying to hunt for their birth times, I stumbled upon someone saying Mark's birth time is 10:34pm. I tried it and it was Aries rising! Some habits that Mark does that's total Aries; touchy, laughs a lot, swears more than most, loud personality. He also has the Aries t-zone. His lovely gullbrows~
Next, Xiaojun. I was honestly stuck on him until I watched a fancam of him walking to the airport. His steps seem very grounded. Possibly, Taurus. I also thought he was a Scorpio and Leo but with the way Xiaojun gets defensive doesn't feel very water or fire (Aries is an exception). Xiaojun also enjoys food and cooking. He finds comfort in work, likes the easy way better, he's also quite practical. He's also hardworking. Probably either finishes homework the day it gets handed or when he's stressed. No in between. (I erased everything, I wrote by accident...) 
Hendery has the Air sign look and also the Earth sign vibe but in the end, I settled for Sagittarius. Why? Well, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (Zeus) and we all know that Zeus can get impulsive. Hendery seems to be so. Sag is also associated Dionysus, the stereotypical wild "people love people" drunk. Which Hendery also seems to be so. That's all for him. Next up Renjun.
Renjun has a habit of scratching or just touching his ear and head, his fight instinct is on 24/7, gets frustrated when something doesn't go right, very attentive when people tell stories, uses his whole body when laughs (stomping, throwing his neck back like it don't break). I guess he's either a Gemini, Pisces or Aries. The easily bored so they make chaos but also is helpful when needed trio, Hermes, Poseidon and Ares. Renjun just has a distinct style I can't pinpoint. No solid guess.
Dream's papa, Jeno. I believe he's a Capricorn rising. He just has that long faced, big nosed and intense eyes that Capricorn risings, from what I've observed, tend to have. I've also took up Libra and Taurus as other options but I went with Cap. Even if his go-to noises is confusion. I probably don't make 100% sense but I hope it's good enough. Anyway, Jeno has a potential to become a leader and Caps are great leaders. Not perfect but great. He also has some competitiveness in him.
7 more left! Haechan's turn! Haechan really does twist and turn people's heads. He could be a Gemini rising, mostly because he uses his hands whenever he talks, laughs, sing. He's also a trickster. Maybe Scorpio since he has that rbf and the presence that makes you quiver when you meet him in person. Another possibility is Aries, he's wild, impatient and banter skills are top notch. His silhouette either looks Arian or Scorpian. Face, Geminian or Arian. What do you think? 
Next, Na Jaemin. Virgo rising. Jaemin knows how to smile, like he knows how to attract people with it, and we all know his smile is beautiful. He also has that motherly attitude towards his friends. A total introvert as well and is just calm (but can get naggy and fastidious). CEO at eye rolling, even if habitual and unintentional. GenZ Artemis. 
Next, Yangyang. I'm dead sure on him being a Cancer. The way he walks is so baby? and my Cancer rising friends tend to do little skips and sometimes waddle. Whenever an opportunity arises, he takes it. He also enjoys comfort. These may be Taurus rising traits as well (they're similar in many ways) but when I watched ETC, Yangyang seems to have a protective side. A clingy side. So, I went with Cancer. 
Shotaro is next! Always smiling, gentle voice, admires people and loves fun. Libra. A possibility is Aries. This is based on appearance. Arians tend to have weak chins (chins that don't stick out). He also has the "always look forward to tomorrow" vibe.
I-I don't remember who's next...
I suddenly forgot what I wrote before this. I should've planned this. SUNGCHAN. My Virgo buddy. When I first saw him his vibe screamed Virgo, he just had that short face Virgos tend to have. It's a mutable sign so it tends to get overpowered but every virgo I know has a short face despite being different ascendants. I was struggling figuring him out but I decided on Pisces. I'll be taking a stretch here. So descendant is how a person views the world. His being Virgo. Sungchan seems to look at the world as structured so he could feel the want to rebel. He seems to enjoy chaos but probably helps mediate the situation for the sake of doing so. My thoughts are slowly getting tangled.
CHENLE. Chenle's a virgo rising and mostly because his rbf is piercing. He always looks like he's observing and silently judging people. It makes more sense for him to be a Scorpio as well. Yes, he's bright and fun but Scorpios do have that side. Just more serious and a lot of roasting.
FINALLY THE MAKNAE. Jisung Park. Libra rising. He just likes peace but when he's chaotic, he'd want you to match his vibe. A balance, in a way. He also seems to get frustrated/stressed easily, gullible, awkward hands, and he's always quite pretty. Calming to look at. That's all. What do you think their signs are? I want hear your opinion :DD Also, I hope your exams went well!! You probably put in your 100% best so of course it did!!
First of all, thank you so much for your support! My exams actually went well and I’m so relieved I got it all over with for this semester.^^ And now, as you’ve already noticed in an ask I’ve answered earlier, I don’t cover NCT on this blog and therefore, I haven’t really given their rising signs much thought so far, so I’m not going to really have an opinion myself but I wanted to thank you so much for your hard work with all of this and for sharing it with us!! It was super interesting to read and I can only say that I think all of guesses make sense to me.
As a Leo rising myself, I felt super flattered while reading Ten’s paragraph - I’d feel super honoured to share my rising sign with him and I also feel like his energy is familiar to me, so I could totally believe that to be true!^^ And also, omg, I’d love for Yangyang to be a Cancer rising! I seem to attract Cancer risings left and right and he’s recently become one of my ults, so that would be great :’) (I’ll definitely start to analyze him more in the near future haha)
Oh, oh!! Btw, my close friend @jacksvnshine made a very in-depth analysis of Mark’s possible rising sign and she guessed him to be an Aries rising like you did! She’s so amazing at what she does and if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t know a thing about astrology. So I can highly recommend checking out her blog and I also really want to link her analysis for you here as you might find it interesting to read, and it’s exceptionally well made!^-^
I’m sorry that I can’t really give you my opinion on their rising signs, I haven’t studied them enough in that sense :( and I personally struggle with rising sign guesses because I always feel like I don’t know enough to make an “accurate” guess but oh well- a guess is a guess, we can never know for sure but my mind doesn’t really want to accept that. :’)
I truly enjoyed reading through your messages and guesses, thank you again for sharing this with us!! I’m sure there’ll be others who’ll find it interesting to read as well!^-^
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