#because laura and stefan were not long distance by the time that she chose steve
There was nothing special about Stefan. Yes he was cool and not clumsy but he wasn’t intelligent like Steve, he didn’t have a heart of gold like Steve. Yes he was in love with Laura but he was just there and I feel like Jaleel White needed a break from his Urkel voice. People say Laura settled for Steve because of how she got tired of long distance. However, when Laura did have a chance to be with him forever and ever she got bored. The first time she had an opportunity to be with him, they were together for a week and she looked annoyed. “131 or 132 conversation” Laura looked irritated with him a few days before that convo. Then the other time she messed with the transformation chamber she felt guilty confessed and literally ran off. With Stefan yes Laura would have “An exciting glamorous life and be with a happy man who never falls down” however she wouldn’t have deep conversations with him like she does with Steve. She wouldn’t be challenged to be better. Laura and Steve are very intelligent, hard working people. Laura and Stefan are for aesthetics. Steve and Laura are able to have hard conversations, push each other to be better. Has Laura actually sat down and named qualities about Stefan that she loves? The only things she likes about him is that he figure skate Roman Numerals on the ice, that he dressed well and that’s basically it. Things Laura loved about Steve, he had feelings he cared about people, he is intelligent, he makes her laugh, and he is sweet and gentle. When Steve was away she missed him. Every-time Steve returned she was happy even looked relieved to see him.
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Stefan and Myra were stepping stones in helping Steve and Laura mature. Stefan in some way allowed Laura to be attracted to Steve. Also if Stefan wasn’t a version of Steve would she still be attracted to him? She chose Stefan over Curtis. Laura had an array of options. Also Myra gave Steve a taste of his own medicine about being stalkerish so he learned to back off and give Laura space.
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