#because like from 7 am until 12 pm i am thinking about bones and jim <333
katierosefun · 2 years
back at my place and i need to do my homework but mentally i am sobbing and shaking and clutching my little ships in my hand and shaking them shaking them shaking them
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trekkin-bubblegum · 7 years
A change of scenery (part one)
It took me a lot to write this so I hope you enjoy.
I dedicate this to my wonderful mum
Warnings: none I don’t think
pairing: none yet 
 “His daughter is a mermaid, but approach her with caution. Her mind swims at depths most would drown in”
“you just have to hope Scotty won’t be sitting day after day, year after year saying, ‘I love you’ before kissing her headstone”
“you read the file then”
“of course, I did, like the rest of the crew I, will be responsible for her health, also when I found out scotty had a daughter I couldn’t not read the file, I mean why wouldn’t he say something”
“he was sworn to secrecy by Starfleet, he almost got condemned for it”
“because he fell in love?”
 “he fell in love with a woman from the 20th century, doctor”
“I thought his daughter was born in the 21st”
“yes, but her mother was born in the 1960s, the girl was born in the year 2000”
“the girl has a name its (Y/N) (Y/L/N) born on the (Y/B/D) 2000”
“I know we clarified that doctor”
“when does she come aboard?”
“we pick her up from star base six in a few hours, she has been in our time for about six months”
“they deemed her immune system strong enough, but I will be giving her a fully physical just to make sure”
“bones, bones you need to give the girl a chance, she’ll be absolutely terrified, remember she did lose her mother not that long ago, her mother died in an invisible war one of the first victims of that attack”
“not before innocence”
“what do you mean by that?”
“the first victim of war is innocence, especially when it is an invisible war, how could people live like that, how could people go to work on a train and know that a terrorist could attack them it’s not even like attacks were rare they happened just about every month”
“why don’t you ask the girl”
“she’s been through enough without me pestering her”
“I thought you were going to give her a physical?”
My eyes bore into the ceiling above, a whir of a tricorder next to my head and talking from the doctor next to me, but I found myself a little too distracted my mind kept going back to the night my mother died, it was the first night I finally understood why people fear silence and at that moment when I saw the life leave her beautiful eyes it was at four years old I realised that none of us are immortal.
My mother has always told me that my father was a solider but he had to leave to go to war and only a flag came back. But when my mother died, I almost died too. The straight line is the most terrifying thing I have experienced.
Losing my mother made me think that if I take a deep breathe will I breathe clean air, or will my lungs be filled with chemical gas and children will die around me. When you lose someone like I did these questions, I don’t believe in God, used to but how can I love anyone if I am going to lose them, I will never love this man who is my dad. He left me in my time of need, didn’t even come to see me sent people in uniforms, from the federation, how can I love someone that who for all my life I had never known.
There she stood. A small girl with mousey brown hair at waist that was done in thick braids, big brown eyes peeked out from thick eyelashes, she kind of looked like scotty but it really was only the eyes.
“good afternoon, Miss Scott, unfortunately your father has been caught up in engineering so Mr Spock, Doctor McCoy and I will conduct a tour of the ship when you are ready, but first we will show you to your quarters”
“thank you, sir”
Smiling at her Scottish accent I helped her down of the transporter pad, I looked to Bones who was studying her.
“this way” she smiled faintly at me and Bones ever the southern gentleman put his arm out to her which she took, just got to hope we don’t run into Mr Scott along the corridor.
Taking in her clothing I quickly realised it was Starfleet transportation uniform with a green stripe on the sleeve, which is the standard civilian uniform colour if being transported between space stations or ships.
“These will be your quarters they connect with your fathers we do hope you will be comfortable in your draw you will find some clothes that communications officer Uhura, nurse Chapel and yeoman Rand, who you meet later, we will leave you for now to get settled, your father will be along shortly”
“thank you, Sir”
After leaving her quarters I turned to Spock and McCoy. “so, what do we reckon?”
“what do you mean, Jim” chuckling at Spock’s inability to understand a human question.
“what he means by that Mr Spock, is what we think of the girl”
“yes, Doctor I understood the context quite clearly”
“then why ask the question”
“gentlemen, gentlemen all I did was ask a question” I said getting into the lift
“she seems nice, doesn’t say much though”
“Doctor, although I am not familiar with human emotions I can understand that she will be nervous and or scared by all of this”
“Spock, look here I am a doctor I’m now her doctor, so stop trying to be her physiologist”
“doctor, I sim-“
“simply was explaining what she must be feeling, I am a Vulcan not a Betazoid I cannot possible know what she is thinking”
Spock finished the conversation and went to his station, probably realising that some mediation would be happening tonight. One-nil to Bones, he lent on the back of the chair chuckling.
“Mr Scott” I said over the communicator
“aye sir”
“your daughter is on board and in your new quarters”
“thank you, sir, if you don’t mind I was going to finish up here”
“of course, Mr Scott, you are off duty tomorrow”
Smiling to myself I cut off the communication.
I stood in the middle of my new room it was a reasonable size there was a sort of living room area which had a table and chairs then through a small door way was a bed, a wardrobe, a desk with what looked to be a computer and next to it a small book shelf already filled with classics and some textbooks. Through another door leading of my room was a small bathroom with a shower, toilet, sink and vanity table peeking in the draws I found some makeup and jewellery and in a draw below that was an arrangement of soaps, deodorants and perfumes. Walking back though to my room area I peaked in the wardrobe there were a couple of dresses and jump suits, including the green Starfleet civilian transportation uniform. Sighing I sat down on the bed, looking over to the desk I spotted a piece of paper.
“dear Miss Scott,
Welcome aboard the USS Enterprise, before you get fully settled there are some rules which you must pay attention to as this is an on-duty government vessel.
1.       There are restricted areas on the ship and we ask that you pay attention to this unless you have permission from myself, the Captain.
2.       If someone ask for you over ships communication, you must acknowledge.
3.       It will be at your father’s discretion what punishment you are given if you break any rules, unless it is severe then it will be either first officer Spock or myself.  
4.       We do not mind your choice of clothing but please make sure it is appropriate, please follow this if a planet dignitary if coming aboard the ship.
5.       Unless stated by the person you must refer to them by rank and last name for example first officer/ lieutenant commander Spock.
6.       Please respect that shift work takes place on the ship so some people may be sleeping at different times
7.       By law of the federation you must have at least four hours a day of schooling by a Starfleet tutor
8.       If an alarm sounds please contact the bridge to let us know where you are if yellow alert sounds make your way to either the bridge or your quarters, if red alert or battle stations sounds make your way to sickbay and intern Doctor McCoy’s office and wait until further instructions from a senor crew member (lieutenant-commander and above).
We hope that you have a pleasant time on the enterprise for more information on rules and regulations please see the book on your book shelf titled ‘United Federation of Planets: rules and regulations of an on-duty Star Ship’.
Yours sincerely
Captain James T. Kirk
U.S.S Enterprise
Placing down the piece of paper I looked up at the wall and saw a clock I saw the time was 12:20 pm. I walked into the bathroom I went to take a shower this was all a little too much to handle.
After stepping out I got dressed and walked into my room where I saw a hunched figure in a red shirt sitting on my bed.
“um hello?”
“oh! sorry I dinnae mean tae startle you- “
“are you Mr Scott, my dad”
“yes lass, how do you do?”
“I’m” my voice cracked and I was so overcome with emotion I could no longer speak.
“hey, come here” he said pulling me into his arms and suddenly the man who I didn’t think I could love was gone and my father was holding me, crying into his chest he just held me.
Pulling away from him I got a good look at his face. I think I saw a man who I had known my entire life, but I knew it wasn’t true studying his face through my tears I saw a man who looked surprisingly venerable, he had wrinkles mapping out his eyes and corners of his mouth. You could tell he needed a shave and a haircut and that’s when I realised it is because of me as soon as he was informed I was alive or informed he has a daughter, he was probably going mad with wanting to meet me. For months now I had been thinking about him, criticizing him, but he didn’t deserve any of my insults that I had for him because he is my father and I’m not all.
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opepin · 7 years
may: week two
08: i was tired in the morning but i got up and did my hiit workout. i took my time in the morning, which resulted in me thinking that i could get on the 8:45 am train instead of the 8:36 am one...BUT the train never came at 8:45 so i got on at 8:54 and got to work at around 9:30, which upset me LOL. i did a bit of work and then shared my chinese snacks with everyone. i brought the flower pastries, coconut candies, dates, and apparently, the ginger candy and fish jerky?! LOL. the fish jerky was delicious though. haowei and kien really liked it and cole and cait enjoyed the flower cookies. i think dave thought it was alright. mathew also enjyed the fish jerky. :P anyway, i got brain-blocked in the morning, but after waiting for cole to get out of his meeting and getting gogi on the block and eating (i brought lunch from home), i was better. the guy at the food truck gave cole kimchi fried rice (kinda thanks to me but not really) for free, which was awesome of him! we ate lunch with raj and cait and then i got on standup and continued with the rest of the work day.
my allergies came full on and my eyes were itchy and my energy was drained. i did truck on though. ended the day with showing cole northside i-night stuff ahha. steve joined in a bit later and then we all left around 5 pm. cole and i nerded out about .hack while walking to south station because i mentioned how ready player one is very similar and i think i got cole really interested in reading the book haha. there were minor delays on the train but i got home at like 6 pm and then i did some exercise and showered. i wanted to stay in the shower. my allergies got real bad to the point where the roof of my mouth was slightly swollen but really itchy. i don’t know if it was because of some food i ate? or was it allergies? idk. kevin cooked thai basil beef bowls, we ate and watched gordon ramsay videos, and then i read a bit more and went to sleep at around 12 am. i was thinking that my symptoms wouldn’t go away so i was going to wfh.
09: i didn’t feel so good physically this morning and i was tired so slept in. zzz. i magically woke up just in time to get dave’s message that the project was due in an hour o__o so i got up and then talked with him a bit and we got extra time so i worked on that in the morning. it came out pretty good -- i had low expectations because of all of the blocks i had but it looks good. i noticed that i didn’t eat breakfast and none of the english muffins were defrosted so i had an early lunch at 11:30 am haha. then i hopped on the t7 all-hands. i did a bit more work and then fit in some exercise sessions to make up for the missing my morning routine. then i ate a banana with peanut scooped on because i got hungry and the english muffins still weren’t defrosted. kevin got back home and we cuddled for a bit. i showered and then he started cooking the delicious egg and tomato noodles. this meal is probably one of my favorites from the cook books we got. it’s so comforting and easy to make (although a lot of components). we watched cooking videos while eating and then i read for the rest of the night. i also watched jane the virgin and we booked another set of tickets for chicago in july! we have a lot of traveling planned in the upcoming months and i’m pretty excited tbh. i have never traveled this much! i ended up sleeping at 12 am and yeah, i fell asleep pretty quickly.
10: i ended up doing a cardio kickboxing workout, which made me really happy in the morning. then i showered and started a bit of planning for the day. i ate breakfast with kevin before he left for work. then i worked and got a slack message from one of my co-workers asking about ux360. i helped him out a bit and then got on stand up and continued my chill work day. phil was on a plane to boston and i think dave was busy (as usual). i looked up some axure tutorials and learned the basics. then i did some structuring and thinking for tomorrow’s brainstorming session. it’ll be interesting tomorrow. i also got some errands out of the way and i talked with diego on slack a bit -- he’s been real busy so he hasn’t been in the office. then i read and gamed a bit. then i did another kickboxing workout, put some chicken in the oven, put on some rice, and then showered. kevin didn’t go climbing today so then we relaxed a bit when he got back and then he made some lemon garlic butter spinach to go along with our dinner. i got really hungry so i ate half of a chicken thigh while he was distracted by hp fanfic...LOL. we ate and then kevin continued reading and then went to game. then i finished reading ready player one!!! omg it’s such a good book. the ending was kind of expected but the entire story was just great -- i was sucked into another world. i listened to ‘your shirt’ by chelsea cutler on repeat and walked around the apartment. that’s my jam right now. kevin also liked it enough to save it to his spotify :O then i played some bravely default and went to sleep. zzzz.
11: today i did some dancing in the morning and then went to work. i also got to meet phil for the very first time! his face doesn’t match with his voice 100% so it was an interesting experience. the product team was inside a conference room the entire day. it was pretty productive and i liked being able to just talk and go through processes with my team for the first time :) we had a late lunch (i was kind of dying but i had dates and half a banana to snack on) and then we just kept going. at around 4 pm, i checked in with everyone about rides to the go-karting place and then made sure everything was okay. i left the office at around 4:30 pm and met up with kevin at the train station. we got home and then relaxed for a bit before heading out to f1 boston. it’s actually only 5 minutes away from our apartment...LOL we met up with ben, jackie, kien and noelle! i’ve missed noelle! we filled out waivers and then raj and cait came and then everyone else got there. the food was A+. i chose great appetizers~ noelle said i should be on the catering team ;D huhuhu.
we had an orientation which consisted of a ton of flag colors and a lot of rules, but we got there. our guide made me super nervous when describing the track and i almost didn’t drive, but then i did. i had to wear a suit that didn’t fit me because they were all out of mediums but that’s coo. we got out there and drove. ofc i didn’t place the highest but in one of the races i placed in the middle of the pack! it was terrifying but fun all at the same time and i was soo tired by the 4th race. i wanted charles to replace me but i drove anyway. john won...ofc. kevin placed below middle but he got to drive in the 5th race (only top 10 raced) and i was surprised that me and cole were the ones out?! LOL. apparently cole got t-boned by charles o__o and his glasses broke and maybe he was the only person in the penalty box? LOL so gg him. i expected to be last and i was just proud that i drove in all four races. :)
we took off our gear, got our score sheets and then everyone just talked about the experience and etc. it was a fun time. kevin also had fun hehe. we drove back home and then i did some oblique exercises, made some chicken nuggets, showered, and then i think i just ko’d. oh, my back is bruised from go-karting o_o i have bruises on my shoulder blades and also lower back in the same spots. i have symmetrical bruises right now. :P i ko’d at like 11:30 or something. zzz.
12: my back bruises got worse when i woke up. they spread into medium sized circles lol. i got up at 7:30 am and then did hip hop cardio and then showered, ate breakfast, said goodbye to kevin, and then hopped on the train. boy, no one is in the office on fridays LOL. mathew, dave, phil, sultan, jim, and i were the only ones in the office today. i started my morning out with a free everything bagel and some tea. i answered some of robert’s questions and best practices for ux360 -- it went well and it was a nice chat. then the product team headed into the conference room and brainstormed some more. then we all got lunch at around 12:30 pm. i got a salad from pret because i didn’t want to stray too far from the group and come back when they started brainstorming again. we continued brainstorming until phil had to leave ;( he gave us all goodbye hugs and then dave went on a call. i talked to mathew for a bit and then dave left and then i talked with mathew and sultan about work and other things. i decided to leave early because i was beat so i took the train home at around 3 and then i caught up on some internet errands.
kevin went climbing today so i just did some oblique exercises and then showered when kevin got back. i also managed to watch a ton of youtube videos hahaha. then we decided to get take out from shaking crab because we were both super hungry. there was a 45 minute to 1 hour wait so we just ordered on the phone and kevin went to go pick it up. i noticed that the nectarines we got were all pretty grody so i started making nectarine cobbler with them. i was in the process of making it when our order was ready. me and kevin put it in the oven and then we ate our 3 lb of shrimp, mussels, and clams; one order of garlic noodles; one order of cajun fries; and one order of sweet potato fries. clearly, we bought food with our stomachs LOL. i got full really quickly because i focused on eating the fries first. the sauce doesn’t fully penetrate the meat of the shellfish so i’m not 100% into this craze but everything was still yummy. i didn’t like the gulf sauce (rich sauce) as much as i do the regular shaking (cajun sauce).
kevin cooked fried rice for jeanne (we planned to make her hot fresh food but didn’t account for how many leftovers we would have) and then we picked her up from the train station. she changed and went straight to eating. hehe, thanks for eating the fuds for us, jeanne! jeanne said our place was v fancy too. :P we just talked and caught up. then we cleaned up the kitchen area. kevin went to game and jeanne and i kept talking. then she went to shower and later on in the night, i got a call and i stayed up until 3:30 am on the phone. jeanne was sleeping by the time i got off the phone (she just did work for the rest of the evening before she slept) and then i brushed and me and kevin went to sleep. @_@
13: i woke up at 5 am and then went back to sleep and then i woke up at 9:15 am to say goodbye to jeanne. i didn’t get to spend a lot of time with her (she was also only here for a night) so i hope she does visit again! we talked a bit and then she headed out to public transit. then i went back to sleep again and woke up at around 12 pm and stayed in bed with kevin until 1 pm because we slept so late and we were tired. we had breakfast, which was a mix of leftovers and then i gamed a bit. i also fixed the nectarine cobbler i made last night. we didn’t taste it for some reason before putting it in the oven (probs because we were so hungry) by adding nutmeg, cinnamon, and some honey. kevin kept reading and then we went to target. i wanted to get lip balm by lasting smiles in an effort to be more conscious about my product choices (supporting brands that are smaller, who donate some of their profits, etc), but i couldn’t find it there. we went to target for lip balm, cheese (because kevin never had ramen with cheese before -- blasphemy), and better quality bandages. we stopped by the home decor, fitness, and kitchen ware section first -__-” LOL and we ended up buying a chalkboard / corkboard / storage wall decor unit, a yoga mat on clearance, some candle lighters, and two glass cereal bowls... it’s the target effect. o__o
we went back home and then chilled for a bit more. kevin gamed i think while i did the dishes, ate some cobbler, lit a candle, washed our bed sheets, and did some internet errands. then i got a bit grumpy waiting on kevin to finish his chapter before we decided to plan more stuff for stockholm and copenhagen. i could have worked out before he was done but he said 15 minutes. poop. oh well. we were pretty productive; we got our passport information in, contacted an airbnb, planned out 3 days worth of stuff in copenhagen, purchased adapters, figured out currency and credit card stuff, and figured we didn’t need to buy travel sim cards for our phones. we still have to plan for stockholm and book an airbnb, but after that, we’re good! :) we got hungry while planning so i ate some leftover fried rice and shaking crab. i made kevin the ramen. tbh, i think shin ramen black isn’t the best for cheese + egg... i may buy the regular shin ramen noodle and remake it for kevin. it just didn’t taste right. we watched supernatural and then i started to workout.
it felt like a workout session where i had just eaten (which i just did). so there was a lot of stomach activity and some bloating and cramping, but i just worked through it thinking it was normal. at the 30 minute mark though, i started scratching like hell so i stopped and went to the bathroom. my face was covered in hives. when i checked my body, there were spots that were red and itchy as well. it was pretty scary. my face felt numb more that anything like a thousand bees came up and stung me at the same time. kevin freaked out too and kept looking at me so i told him to stop because i felt really self conscious. he suggested i take a shower so i did and then applied a ton of aloe-based products on my skin and avoided the products that could cause a flare-up. i asked kevin to put ice in a paper towel and then started patting my face with it. my face was on fire in terms of temperature. it didn’t feel itchy anymore. my body settled down after the shower, but my face was still red and blotchy. i took out an aloe vera face mask and put it on. i patted my masked face with the ice bag while walking around the apartment. it helped a lot. when i took off the mask, everything was better. there were some raised welts but most of it was gone. i made sure to wear light and breathable clothing and not push myself for the rest of the night.
i watched the latest episode of reign and fell asleep on the undone bed...LOL kevin woke me up and i went to the washroom to brush my teeth and apply more aloe product to my skin (thankfully, i purchased the benton aloe travel kit from memebox). then we made the bed and i ko’d at around 12 or 1 am. omg this day though... i looked up what it could be and it could be an exercise allergy induced by eating something (guessing it was the shellfish because i’ve exercised after eating before and never broke out like this. i haven’t gotten into the whole seafood craze until i moved to boston).
14: i woke up at around 9:30 am and stayed in bed until 10:30 am. i checked my face and everything seemed to have calmed down. i still have some redness and bumps but nothing too crazy. i made breakfast and then did some online window shopping. i want to use my gift cards for ae but i don’t want to buy enough for free shipping so bleh that. i also want to buy stuff from uniqlo but i don’t really need anything ahah. i’m thinking about buying new basics like tanks and tshirts though because my old forever21 ones are kinda jank (the seam line is not totally straight...) anyway, i went back to bed after eating breakfast to wake kevin up and then i just lounged around until he got up. he made us congee and pork soup dumplings. after eating, i felt pretty nauseous. this isn’t uncommon on a rainy day btw. i always don’t feel great when it is raining outside and anything i eat makes me feel nauseous...
so after we ate, kevin gamed a bit and then i started laundry and looked up some places to go in stockholm. then we went grocery shopping and i felt pretty bad but i went anyway. i got the tom yum flavored pretz and some soft af bread from kam man. kevin got two different pork buns and they’re pretty good. kevin pointed out that the pork buns in chicago feature the actual red pork but here, it’s just flavored similarly without the redness. hmm. i do like these pork buns better than chicago’s though. we had a long grocery trip from good fortune* (i think i’ve been calling it lucky) to kam man to bj’s and then to lowe’s. we picked up canvas materials to hang up the thing we bought from target on the wall LOL. we got back, put away the food, i folded laundry (i forgot to mention i spent the morning also reorganizing my drawer and figuring out how to roll t-shirts, fold underwear, and roll up socks nicely), and then we planned for stockholm. we’re pretty much done planning! yay! kevin made food with leftover ingredients we had, i did really light exercise to test if i would break out in hives again, and then i ate some tomatoes.
omg i love tomatoes right now. did i mention that already? more specifically, i love the hothouse tomatoes from kam man. they’re so naturally salty or something. i could eat them for days... well, i went to sleep at around 12:30 am because i got super tired.
0 notes
opepin · 8 years
february: week 4
20: ho hum. i was in much dull pain in the morning. i did work from home today and i worked on looking into using camtasia and recording videos in between meetings today. kevin didn’t have work today so he spent his time making ratatouille pasta for us for lunch. thank you <3 it was delicious haha. he also gamed until he got sick of dota 2. i exercised after work. i did 45 minutes of kickboxing with weights and then i showered right after so that my hair would dry in time for sleep. everything felt good (other than my stomach) today. like it was nice to work out at like 5-6 pm again and shower at an earlier time. we spent the rest of the evening watching ‘izombie.’ it’s getting more interesting. we had pasta for dinner but also ate pizza... we were really hungry for some reason? we didn’t get full, which was weird. i looked up why i felt like i wasn’t full and it’s because it’s my time of month. apparently bodies burn more calories during this time lol. so we ate half a pizza and some pasta. kevin vacuumed and swiffered while i got ready for bed. then we played some pokemon and i ko’d before 1 am. zzzz. here’s to spending more time with kevin on a weekday <3
21: i felt energized when i woke up and ready for work. the train was a bit late though so i got to work a bit later than i expected and i also took a nap on the train...so then i felt really sleepy coming into the office. the office was pretty full today! hehe. cole, charles, and i went to kane’s donuts and started our mid-morning off right. i love my t7 team. :) john sat at my desk yesterday because the heater was on (no one was there to turn it off) and the building was like 80 degrees and being in the separate office was even hotter :O haha good thing i didn’t come in. jim was also melting... the morning was hard for me because i was sleepy but i did learn more about camtasia and made a to-do list for myself. i had 3 meetings today so i had to juggle videos and meetings like yesterday. i realized that i can’t do video work in the office because it’s an open space and that i will work from home to do video work from now on.
i was in meetings for the rest of the day. i bonded with charles and cole over pokemon LOL and john was a bit bewildered about our generation because cole and i brought in our 3ds’s to work :P i left work at 3 pm after a meeting to catch the train before my last one at 4:30 pm. i picked up my memebox package and then got comfy and got back to work. after the meeting, i looked up where to eat for boston’s restaurant week and i got super excited. hehehe. then i made shiitake rice and prepped the veggies for dinner. i started exercising after and kevin came back. i finished exercising while kevin finished cooking dinner. then we watched 2 episodes of izombie while eating dinner and kevin made me feel bad about spoiling the show but then he revealed that he also knew -__-” JERK haha. then i got ready for bed and ko’d at like 1 am.
22: mmm i had a late morning. kevin went to work and then i got up, ate cereal, and went straight to recording and editing these video tutorials. it’s a lot harder than i expected and i’m not enjoying it as much as making templates for clients right now, ahha. i’m not comfortable with making video tutorials yet. i took a short break for lunch and watched the latest episode of ‘jane the virgin.’ i went back to editing and messing with camtasia until around 5 pm. it was a really chill day. i played pokemon for a bit and then made dinner. kevin was really tired for some reason and asked if he could just chill on the couch for a bit. he ended up taking a nap :P i made pico de gallo (a very chunky one), shredded lettuce, washed the black beans, made rice, and baked chicken thighs. i was in love with the salad i got with cole so i wanted to make it at home. when i started eating it, i realized that i just made chipotle...LOL. i really liked the chicken but i think if the pico had smaller chunks of red onion and tomato, it would have tasted better. we watched two episodes of izombie and then kevin went to game. i played some pokemon; i’m trying to get a razor claw from jangmo-o T_T it’s so hard. i gave up and then did 20 minutes of obliques and 35 minutes of kickboxing. this video hurt more than the 45 minute one! maybe i should skip weights for now. i went to shower and then kevin and i played pokemon in bed before sleeping at like 1:30 am.
23: lol i guess i’m working from home the rest of the week? it’s been hard trying to motivate myself to make tutorials and videos. i feel like i’m bad at explaining things and i need feedback. hopefully, phil lets me know what he thinks today. i made a small to-do list for the morning and then put on some music and tried to pump myself up. oh, my facebook cleanse has been going alright. i still open up my chrome browser and pause and then close it again because that habit has been ingrained in me. x__x maybe i should go for a full facebook deactivation? that seems too intense though. i also need to stop going on snapchat so much. i’m gonna start that cleanse soon too. haha i waste too much time on these apps when i could be playing pokemon (not being on facebook opened that up) or even reading. that’s my other goal. i think if i keep with this cleanse, i will be able to fit in both. i won’t give up my youtube videos though. the downside is that i usually find weird and interesting things on facebook to read and stuff, but i can also educate myself with reading.
anyway, it was a pretty productive day. i figured out how i want to approach the tutorials and etc. i got to talk with phil and sultan as well. we had a somewhat late and long client meeting, which ended my day at about 6:45 pm... i also was frustrated with catching the ultra beasts in pokemon so my mood was kinda ruined for the rest of the day. we ate leftovers for dinner and watched ‘izombie’ after i had a tantrum x__x then kevin dropped the corner iphone on my eyebrow bone on accident and i cried again LOL. it hurt :( but i think it was also because of the shock. kevin went to game and then i pushed myself to workout even though i was super tired from my emotions. i did an intense 30 minute tabata workout and i did 15 minutes or so of hip hop cardio. i haven’t done hip hop cardio in a while. then i showered and kevin and i played pokemon before bed and then we went to sleep at around 1 or 2 am. i caught a good nihilego before sleeping toooo.
24: i got up and scheduled things for next week. it’s a bit of a weird week so i hopefully will be in the office for 2.5 days and then the rest will be wfh for videos and late-ish meetings. then i got on a two hour training session and then right after, i microwaved lunch and then went into another meeting and after that, another two hour session. i caught 4 fairly good pheromosas and took a break from pokemon after learning that xurkitree is a pain in the butt to catch and to get a good one without a synchronized abra. blech. i spent an hour planning to start a video series called, “2MINShowcase.” it will be a series of videos showcasing products, brands, and services that i love and enjoy. i’m excited to start! it’s hard organizing and curating these collections though. i think i have one to shoot tomorrow! i’m going to shoot with my iphone 7 and edit with camtasia as a nice little exercise for now.
kevin stayed later than he expected and didn’t go climbing right after work. instead, he came back right when i was going to prep the pork cutlets to make tonkatsu. lol, i would have started prepping earlier if i knew. i turned off my work phone when i was done with work for the day and kevin sent messages there so i missed it by 30 minutes or so. well, we talked while we cooked together. kevin did a really dumb thing: put cold water in a pot of super hot oil. omg...it made a big oily splash when he did that and it scared the shit out of me. sometimes, he just doesn’t think in the kitchen... no one was hurt though, thankfully. we finished preparing dinner with no more kitchen incidents. we had tonkatsu spring rolls while watching the newest episode of supernatural. then kevin went to game after i felt like he insinuated that i am fat (he told me to exercise and i asked him if i should and then he continued to say that people run in the morning all the time and he compared all of the exercises i do to that. -__- then he said that he knows not to lift everyday but it doesn’t really apply to cardio. idk if you would get offended, but i did).
i think i actually ko’d for a bit and then woke up and did my damn 500 calorie burning popfitness video. then i showered and washed my hair. i don’t remember the last time i washed it LOL. it’s been a while because i worked from home basically the entire week. hmmm. anyway, i’m getting a little crazy from staying inside. i watched the free episode of the ‘try guys’ youtube red series and then went to sleep at like 2 or 3 am.
25: uhhhh my body was awake at 9:30 am but i got up at like 12:50 pm LOL. kevin made us breakfast: egg mcmuffin with leftover pico. i think the pico i made has a bit too much red onion... it’s upsetting my stomach in a way. i think i need to stop eating it lol. i watched ‘reign’ while kevin watched a dota game. then he tried getting a haircut but he had to wait after 9 other people...so he rq’d and got us bubble tea and then came back. after kevin left though, i went straight to recording my video series. the iphone 7 camera is soooo nice. i hate that my oneplus one always tries to auto-focus so it kind of zooms in and out. it’s so not cool. for some reason, it took 1-2 hours for my iphone to upload 17 1-minute or less videos to dropbox... so i sat and waited and edited as each clip came in. ugh. oh, kevin came back and then went straight to rock climbing. lol i lost track of time because of editing.
then i had to take a break and ate leftovers for dinner with kevin. we watched two episodes of izombie and then i went back to editing. i finished and tried uploading but then i was slowing down kevin’s connection so he restarted the router and i stopped (even though i was super excited about uploading it to youtube and facebook) -____-” so i just did hip hop cardio while he gamed. he finished his game like 30 minutes later and asked and i said no because it was too late for people to even see it if i posted it. ugh. i came back and uploaded it after my workout. then youtube took down my video T__T so i spent a few hours looking up youtube rules and violations and etc. then i finally went to shower and then i got in bed and played a few minutes of pokemon. it was like 4-5 am by the time we went to sleep LOL. kevin was up watching a dota tournament.
26: we got out of bed at like 2 pm or something LOL gg us. then kevin made us pico with scrambled eggs. it definitely made the red onion more tolerable. then he gamed for a bit while i finally uploaded my video to facebook, curled my hair, and then got ready for groceries. oh, we also planned food this week in bed. we didn’t need to get much because we’re going to new york on friday. so excited! we went to kam man and got some drinks to bring over to winston’s and jeanne’s along with groceries. we actually had to stock up on a few things so we did a lot of grocery shopping in general. then we went to roche bros and finally stopped at bj’s. we spent like 2 hours grocery shopping because i had coupons for bj’s and there were two coupon books so we had to check if each item we wanted was worth or not. we ended up getting more than what we needed...like chicken nuggets for example haha.
we got back, unloaded, kevin started cooking hong shao rou, i started laundry and cleaned the bathroom and then went to cutting apples for our puff pastry apple hand pies. it took me forever to find the recipe michelle gave me for the filling of an apple pie and also the other recipe i used to bake the hand pies and how to seal them as well. it was crazy. we ate dinner while standing and waiting for other things to cook. then i assembled the pies, put them in the oven and then we put up all of the artwork and posters we have gotten for the apartment so far. while kevin was putting up the final one, i took down our christmas tree. kevin finished putting it in the box while i showered at like 12:30 am or something. it was late af. i finished folding the clothes and then i stayed up a bit watching clothesencounters’ new video. i went to sleep at like 1 or 2 am but i think i actually fell asleep asleep at 3 am or whenever kevin got into bed x__X; this is what happens when you get up at 2 pm when you got shit to do LOL!
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