#because lily will send her daughter to prison for nothing but she’ll cover up actual wrongdoing
vanderwoodlings · 1 year
Honestly maybe all season finales should’ve involved the gang scheming to take down a corrupt member of their social circle with increasing Shenanigan level until we just mutated into Leverage
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ussjellyfish · 6 years
the masks of Zorro (or five times Regina was Zorro)
because she was. That’s how it went. 
Many thanks to @holdouttrout, who is the best fish with a pair of pom-poms. 
Regina loves the Zorro story and dresses as the bandit to escape her prison in Leopold's castle. In the newly united realms, she's Zorro once again but Zorro is Lily's father.
What does that mean?
(fluffy dragon queen with some friendship with Snow and some Alice/Robin, as they are adorable)
also on ao3
Coronation -
Regina pulls her into the far corner of the room, behind heavy purple tapestries. She’s always had a talent for finding these hidden niches of castles. Maleficent smiles at her for a moment, then drops into a deep curtsey.
“Your Majesty.”
“Stop that.”
“Oh no, dear, I would never want to be the object of the Good Queen’s ire.”
“Stay down there and you will be.”
Mal tilts her head up and smirks. “I thought you liked it when I worked my way up from the floor.”
Regina rolls her eyes but the hint of pink in her cheeks suggests she does remember. “Are you here to tease?”
Rising to meet Regina’s eyes, Mal strokes Regina’s cheek. “I don’t know, you brought me here.”
“Well, you told my sister Zorro was Lily’s father.” Capturing Mal’s hand, she holds it in both of her own. “Zorro? Really?”
“You were wearing a mask the last time we--”
“Yes, yes, but-” Regina’s voice deepens, “she’s going to keep looking for Zorro. She can’t leave anything alone.”
Leaning close to her so that Regina’s pinned between her and the wall, Mal takes a moment just to breath in the scent of her. Curse after curse, Regina disappears, but she returns, and she always smells so delicious.
Regina catches her waist. “Or Henry, he loves a mystery.”
Mal kisses her cheek, just forward of her ear. “Zorro has never been found, that’s part of her appeal.”
Shivering, Regina sighs. “She could find you tonight.”
“It’ll be hours before i can get away from this but if you’re patient--” Regina kisses her, pressing their lips together as she stands on her tiptoes.
She’d wait decades. Centuries. “All the castles of all the realms are here now, even mine. I believe Zorro knows exactly how to break in.”
Laughing, Regina strokes her waist, her fingers like embers through Mal’s dress.  “Will she need to climb the tower?”
“Magic would be fine.”
Regina grabs her hands, turning her so Mal’s up against the wall before she kisses her again, hot and demanding. “Good. You might be patient...Zorro is not.”
The promise of later sends heat racing beneath her skin. Regina traces the letter Z on Mal’s breast, marking her.  It leaves no visible trace, but it burns all the same.
2. Bedtime -
Daddy only sat on her bed next to her when it had been a very hard day and Mother was very cross. She wasn't sure what she'd done, just that it wasn't ladylike. (That was always the problem). Daddy would say that it wasn't her fault, that it was the kingdom or economics or other words that Regina was still struggling to put meanings too.
Mother did not want to be poor again.
Daddy didn't know what it was like to be poor. Mother constantly said he had no idea. He'd never missed a meal.
Regina lost her rights to dinner several times a month if she wasn't careful. She'd gotten to eat tonight because she hadn't been that bad, but Mother was angry. Her eyes were cold. Regina must have done something.
Daddy pulls her close to him and opens the book. "Tonight, I want to read you one of my favorite stories, from my kingdom. It's a myth, which means it might not be true, but what's important is that it's a good story. Full of heroism and hope, and a mysterious girl in a mask."
"A mask?"
"She has to hide her identity so no one knows that she is the lady of the realm."
"Why can't they know she's the lady?"
"Because she does very un-ladylike things."
"Does she get in trouble?"
"You'll have to listen to find out." He clears his throat and begins, "Once, not so very long ago, in the kingdom by the sea, there lived a wealthy nobleman, Don Diego de la Vega, and his only daughter, Elena. By day, Elena was a proper lady. She could dance and sing, write poetry and play several musical instruments, but by night she would wear a mask and sneak out of the estate, righting the many wrongs done to her people by a cruel and unjust king."
"She snuck out of her home?" Regina asked, staring wide-eyed at the illustration of a young woman wearing a black mask over the top of her face. She looked so wild and free. Her hair was even curly and messy, the way Mother hated.
"She did, under cover of darkness."
"Why? Didn't she get in trouble?"
"Keep listening to the story, and we shall find out."
3. Midnight -
As the queen, she rarely left the castle. On some special occasions she traveled with her husband (though he preferred the company of his precious Snow White). Most weeks could pass without her outside the walls, sometimes months.
Her prison was polite. Her servants tended her perceived needs (not what she actually wanted, heaven forbid she experience that particular pleasure). Pleasure was as distant as freedom. She'd perfected the art of distance with Leopold. She could go days without the touch of anyone but her maid, weeks without a caress, even an empty one.
That night she caught herself, looking too long into the fire, imagining how it would feel on her skin.
She had to escape, just for a night, a moment.
Donning the black leather and the mask made her as invisible she kept her own loathing of this wretched castle. The guards are laughable anyway, but sneaking past them without magic makes her heart beat faster.
She needs that. The rushing in her ears reminds her she's alive. She matters. The king ignores her and Snow treats her as another trick pony, but she can scale the walls with a whip and a rope, slip into the stable and steal Rocinante right from under their noses.
Then she's free, riding through the darkness, depending on his eyes, with just the wind and the stars. Rocinante knows the way as well as she does, but he avoids the castle itself and heads for the the stable. He can smell the dragon and nothing will convince him that doesn't mean death.
Mal jokes that she hasn't eaten many horses (too stringy), but that does not convince him. She leaves him here, removing his saddle and wiping him down. He'll be well fed, upwind of the castle.
The great, heavy castle door will open for her, sense her magic and let her in because Mal likes that better than guards and butlers. The few she'll allow as visitors have magic, so that's an easy enough spell.
However, it doesn't fit with the masked bandit mystique to walk through the front door. It's foolish, unladylike, distinctly un-royal, and Regina can hear her mother's disapproval as she aims the whip upwards. Mal's castle is old, and the stones are sturdy. Regina's whip sings upwards in the darkness and she climbs, fingers finding familiar holds on the cold stone.
Maleficent has her back to the balcony. Her skin steams in the candlight of her bedroom, and the soft black around her bare shoulders is just her robe. Water traces the skin of her neck, and Regina's fingers could follow those droplets down if they weren't cold and cramped from the climb.
She blows on them, alerting Mal to her presence.
Shutting her eyes, Mal smiles. "You can just use magic, you're quite welcome."
"It's hardly what a masked bandit would do."
"I doubt a bandit would just stand there, letting me stare at myself in the mirror."
"Depends on what she's after."
Turning slowly, Mal lets her robe fall almost open, exposing her bare stomach. "My hoard's deep in the dungeon but I don't know if that's what this bandit is after."
Regina chuckles, unable to drag her eyes up from Mal's nearly naked body. "If I had your hoard, I could buy my own kingdom."
"You might need more than one horse to take it all."
"That would seem to be an oversight on my part." She draws her sword, but sets it aside. "Suppose there's no point in threatening you then."
"I have a few trinkets you could take some baubles, some gold." Mal lets her robe fall from her shoulders and stands before Regina, bare and playful. "If that'll placate you."
Toying with the whip, Regina stalks closer. Letting the leather run over her fingers, she flips it out, wrapping it around Mal's waist like a dragon's tongue. "It might take more than jewels to placate me."
Mal's fingers dig into her shoulders, warm and strong. "I was hoping you'd say that." She leans in, their mouths only a breath away from each other, but she waits, letting Regina take the kiss.
She's a thief, after all. Regina stand on her tiptoes, pulling Mal's head down, her fingers wrapped in her wet hair. She's breathless in a moment, burning. Mal kisses her back, pulling her closer, pressing her skin against Regina's leather.
They break, catching their breath. Mal traces her mask with her fingers. "Maybe you should leave this on."
"Oh yes."
4. Masquerade -
Regina had never enjoyed the balls she'd thrown as Snow's step-mother. She'd done her duty, planned and and smiled, but Snow knew now that had been farce. The misery she'd ignored as a young woman would be something she'd notice now.
But now Regina's smile is real as she greeted her guests, and the way she laughs has no trace of the old hollowness. This is peace. Regina is their good queen, all grace and power.
And the realms are prosperous and calm, at least, as much as they can be, considering they're sharing borders and territory in a way they never had before. There's so much magic in the enjoined realms that it thrums in the strones enough that even Snow's vaguely aware of it.
Regina's held it together, and Snow knew she would. She's who they needed, and she even seems happy.
Truly happy.
Snow straightens her own mask, white and feathered because she and David are a pair of swans. It made Emma smile, seeing her parents as her namesake, and David keeps joking about the feathers drifting over the ballroom. White is always a color she's felt at home in. Something that suited her.
Regina's in black, which Snow once feared. Black came with her false mourning and never left her, but this black comes with gentleness, with softness. Perhaps it's in her posture, how she holds herself, but this leather holds none of the malice Snow used to know. This costume isn't to intimidate the kingdom, or frighten anyone, but it is specific.
Regina chose this leather, down to the mask around her eyes. It's smooth, devoid of lace or other adornments. Snow's heard the stories that accompany this mask, Zorro is an ol folk hero of the southern regions, the lands where Regina's father was once a prince.
Maybe she misses him tonight, looking over all that they've built, or this outfit reminds her of a simpler time.
Still, something nags at her. Zorro, the sword-wielding bandit. There are more appropriate choices, brighter things that the good queen could have worn. She takes another flute of champagne and watches Regina speak to nobility while the bubbles tickle her tongue. It's not until the silver dress passes Regina, gliding by like a ghost of grey twinkling light, that Snow follows Regina's eyes with her own.
She covets, like a bandit or a thief, she wants something wrapped in grey chiffon.
Snow's distracted when Elsa speaks to her, pulled from her observations to make small talk and she never gets a glimpse of the face in the grey dress. Regina's gone as well, vanished as though swallowed by the mist.
It nags at her, like she's missing some kind of clue, forgetting something small preference, some story Regina told her years ago.
Zorro is famed for vanishing without a trace, and perhaps that's the joke tonight. As queen of all the realms, Regina is least capable of vanishing, most recognizable, most needed. Maybe she enjoys this moment of stolen anonymity. Stealing nothing of material value, but a moment to pursue the woman in grey that she might not have as the good queen.
Snow catches Regina later, standing beside the fountain, laughing while she shares a drink with the woman in grey. From this angle, Snow can see her mask, and the stranger wears the sparkling mask of some kind of fish. Perhaps an eel? Some sea creature Snow can't put her finger on. She's taller than Regina, her blond hair tucked up in an elegant knot of curls. Her bearing is familiar, and after a moment, Regina leaves with her, walking away from the rest of the party.
Something about Zorro tugs at her memories, something she's missing. David slips his hand into hers.
"Looks like Regina's found someone interesting." He kisses her cheek. "Good for her."
"Yes, she seems to be having a wonderful time."
"What?" David turns his smile on her. "What is it?"
"Have you heard Regina read Zorro to Neal?"
David blinks and takes a sip of his champagne while he thinks. "I know she enjoys the story, but I can't say I've paid that much attention."
"I haven't either, but I know she loves the story, and that's her costume."
"She likes it."
"Yes." That's not it though. There's something more to it than Regina's favorite legend. Snow can't remember what.
"She's having a good time. Being the Good Queen of all the realms hasn't worn her out completely."
"I didn't think it would."
"Uh-huh." David wraps his arms around her waist, holding her close. "She's found someone interesting, she's having a magical night. Be happy for her."  
Resting her hands on his, she nods. "You're right."
5. Unmasked -
Regina's hands run up her neck, tangle in her hair and pull her closer. There's barely a breath between them; pressed bodice to bodice so every beat of Regina's heart echoes against her chest. Her lips taste of champagne and promises Mal doesn't want to believe in, yet does.
She can't help it.
Regina possesses her, commands her heart in a way that frustrates and enthralls her. Centuries of solitude and now she can't imagine that loneliness again. She strokes Regina's leather mask, smiling as their eyes meet and they pause for air.
"I've captured a bandit."
"Maybe that's part of the game."
Mal traces her fingers along Regina's wrist, then holds it to the wall. "You lull me into a false sense of security, then escape, taking all my jewels?"
Leaning in, Regina nips her neck, her mouth hot and tantalizing. "I wouldn't dare."
"So I'm safe with you, dear?" Mal suppresses a shiver, poorly, because Regina grins all the more.
"Maybe your jewels are safe." Regina insinuates her leg a little forward, forcing it between Mal's own and even against the wall, she's hardly trapped. Her skin tight leather gives her all the room to maneuver that Mal's skirts do not.
It's too public a place to ravage her here, and too early to leave the party s they fall back into kissing, deep and hungry. Regina's not riding off into the night, but they press themselves together as if it's the last time they'll be here, like this, for years.
Maybe it's because it's been years.
Centuries. Eons. Time immemorial since they kissed this way.
The throat clearing means nothing. Bells, whistles and trumpets would barely get through her concentration on Regina's tongue in her mouth.
"Auntie Regina?"
Regina continues to kiss her, as if her disguise could hide her a moment longer, the they have to break.
She hates everyone else at this party. Throwing a sleeping curse on the castle will hardly help because so many of the people here are already immune.
"Robin? Do you need something?" Regina slips from her hands, remarkably composed. She's always had that skill, even as a young queen.
Cooling her desire is more difficult, but Mal turns, reaching for her quietest thoughts and the reptilian stillness Lily gets so mad at her for. Beside Regina's niece is her lover, Alice, who will not stop smiling.
"Snow wanted to speak with you."
"But we see you're very busy with affairs of state."
"Quite," Regina straightens her mask, ignoring the jibe. "I'd like you to meet Lady Maleficent of the Northern Reach."
"The dragon," Robin whispers to Aiice, and Mal's probably not supposed to hear but humans whisper so loudly.
Alice's eyes grow wide. "I've read about you."
"All terrifying, I assume."
"The phrase 'mistress of all evil' was used a few times."
Maleficent traces her hand up Regina's neck, just out of sight of the young women. "Good."
Regina presses her lips together, but keeps her face smooth and calm. "She exaggerates, her kingdom is actually very stable."
"It's a dreadful place to live."
"Because of the weather, dear," Regina reminds her, ruining her carefully constructed facade of being a terrible ruler.
"Quite snowy up there?" Alice says, ever curious. Robin keeps staring though, as if she's realized something important.
"Nice costume, Auntie."
"Thank you. I always loved Zorro."
Robin nods. "I remember you reading the story." She grabs Alice's hand tighter, not subtly at all and something passes between them in looks and unsaid words. Something about Zorro?
Well, it wasn't that good of a secret anyway. Anyone with half a brain could figure out Zorro's not a dragon.
"Could you give us a minute?"
"Of course," Regina answers politely, ever gracious.
Maleficent would give them several minutes if it meant she and Regina could continue where they left off but they've been found now. It's only a matter of time before--
"Regina, there you are."
They're truly caught now. Snow White never lets Regina get away with anything fun.
"Did you need something?"
"I need you, naked but for the mask," Maleficent whispers into Regina's ear.
She blushes slight, as she rarely does, and her lips twist. This party will not be over soon enough.
Down the corridor, Alice and Robin's at all secret conversation involves Lily's name and Zelena and a not so secret may have revealed itself. It seems that has been guessed by the size of Alice's eyes, something Regina notices as well. Her fingers slip into Mal's, not to tease, but as a sign of unity.
Snow stares at them both, reading with her eyes. "Enjoying the party?"
"Yes, very much."
"You must have been dancing," Snow observes coyly. "You're all flushed."
"It's warm," Maleficent replies lightly.
"Especially next to a dragon."
Mal and Regina meet Snow's eyes together.
"Quite," Regina says, her fingers still wrapped in Mal's.
"You know, there's this story about Zorro that's been bothering me, because I wasn't sure if it was true, perhaps you'd know, Regina."
"I might."
Alice and Robin draw closer, wanting to listen to whatever Snow has to say.
"In this story, Zorro had a daughter, and couldn't be with her because of something terrible that happened. In fact, Zorro didn't even know about the child until she was grown."
"Sounds very tragic."
"It was." Snow's voice softens, and that's almost an apology. "I can't remember the ending, but I hope it's a happy one."
Mal squeezes Regina's fingers and shifts a little closer. "It might be."
"Everyone deserves a happy ending, right?" Alice pipes up. "We're all finding our family again."
"Maybe not finding with our mouths," Robin mutters but Mal has to smile at that.
She'll find Regina however she can.
"In the story I've heard," Regina finishes, "Zorro finds her daughter, and it's a surprise, of course, but a welcome one. Zorro's had to live a double life for so long, she can't trust that she could be happy, but, she's getting there."
"We all are." Mal kisses her forehead, right above the mask.
"Good!" Snow beams at them both, her hands wrapped together. "I'll let you get back to your dancing."
"And negotiations," Robin adds, winking. "Don't make her fight too hard."
"She enjoys it with me," Mal teases, and the sudden pink on Snow and Robin's faces is worth it.
Alice just grins. "Sounds like fun."
"It's a beginning," Regina says, her eyes liquid through the mask. "I hope it's a happy one."
"It is." They're well past a beginning to their story, but as middle's go, this is a pleasant turn of events. She has Regina again, the world is remade and full of promise and Lily has all the time she needs to get to know both of her mothers.
Mal follows Regina out onto the balcony, looking down over all the realms. "How do you think this story goes?" she asks, her hand still in Regina's.
"I don't know. So many that begin happily end in tragedy that I don't know how to trust this."
"But you'd like to?"
"I need to."
They kiss again, hungry for the promise of each other.
"Me too." Mal traces the leather mask and smirks. "I'm afraid a bandit stole my heart a very long time ago."
"She did?"
"I believe she's kept it safe."
"I didn't think bandits were sentimental."
"This one might have a soft spot for me."
Regina laughs and kisses her cheek. "Perhaps that the case. I guess you'll have to find out." She plays with the whip at her waist, just for a moment and again, the need to be alone with her, far from everyone else is nearly overwhelming. "Maybe I should just kidnap you, so no one else can interrupt."
"I think that's how the story might go."
"Well then."
A flick of Regina's wrist and they're gone, whisked away in smoke to Regina's chambers, where they can finally put that whip to good use. Mal tingles at the thought.
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augustawren · 7 years
Kindred Spirits
Characters: Nova Hollytoe and Devana Goodfellow Universe: Flutter lives AU, mixed with an alternate Devana AU
Nova had never seen so many people in her life. Dolbry had always been close by, of course, but Grandmother Hollytoe would never take her. She said the people there lived unclean lives, against the teachings of Yondalla. So naturally Nova had always been drawn to it. It’s not that she hated Yondalla, but a life beyond the strict, pious rules of her grandmother was irresistible.
Nova’s eyes were wide as she looked around, the people bustling and pushing past her. A few older people did double takes at the sight of her, but then they shook their heads and walked on. Everything was… Dirty. Filthy, even! There were beggars, and kids in gangs slipping through the street. Merchants yelled out about their wares, or yelled at customers as they haggled. Everyone seemed to be yelling. It was so loud, especially compared to Lowhill, where nothing ever happened.
Nova reluctantly pulled herself out of her daze, and forced herself to move before she was run over. Her first order of business was to find an inn. She walked down the street, hiking her pack a little higher on her back and keeping her eyes open.
Dolbry had a funny smell, but for some reason she didn’t find it all together unpleasant. Nova didn’t mind the noise much, either. She felt strangely at home here, and grinned as she walked down the street, looking every bit the part of the tourist. She pushed her wild, brown curly hair behind one ear, the white streak immediately falling back into place across her eyes. She never could seem to tame that. She sighed and tossed her hair back so at least she could see, and went back to scrutinizing the signs. She took her time, eventually adjusting to the signs and dialect of those that occasionally gave her directions, working out that things like “glug house” meant pub, and “oink gallows” meant butcher’s. She never found the directions, or signs, particularly helpful, however, so eventually she just guessed and took a chance that The Shallow Tinker was an inn. It looked to be in fairly good repair, and a glance in the small windows revealed a halfling woman at the bar, which encouraged her. Nova took a deep breath, and pushed open the door.
“So then I said he better get lighter fingers than that if he hoped to steal from a Goodfellow!” the halfling at the bar was saying. The older man behind the counter laughed and slapped his thigh.
“That he’d better!” he agreed, then looked up to see Nova. His eyebrows raised.
“Oi there!” he called to her. “You lookin’ for a drink?” He leaned in a little closer to the girl at the bar with a chuckle and muttered, “Thought that was your mother for a second!”
“Gods, I hope not!” the girl said, “She probably wouldn’t be happy with how many ciders I’ve had!” She turned around on her stool to look at Nova.
At a passing glance, the two young women looked vaguely similar. The girl had curly brown hair very similar to Nova’s own, only without the streak, and looked to be around her age. Her body was more solid and chubby than slender Nova, however, and where Nova’s freckles covered her entire body, this girl’s were only very lightly splattered across her nose. Her features were rounder as well; Nova’s were almost elfin, so much so that her grandmother had sometimes wondered aloud if she had been left by faeries.
The girl grinned when she saw Nova, and waved as if she knew her.
Nova, still standing awkwardly in the doorway, gave her a tentative wave in return.
“Come on in!” the girl cried, and patted the stool beside her. “It’s good to see some other halfling girls in here!”
“I’m…. looking for a room?” Nova said, stepping forward a little.
“Ah, rooms we be filled up on, just now,” the man said. “Sorry, lass.”
Nova’s face fell and she chewed at her lip.
“Oh. Okay, thanks anyway.”
“Aw, c’mon, Arthur!” the girl at the bar said. “Can’t you find some room? She looks nice enough!” She turned back to Nova. “What’s your name? Are you a thief?”
Nova looked affronted and frowned.
“No, I’m not a thief,” she said, her voice tight, and turned to leave.
The man named Arthur chuckled again and the girl jumped down to cross over to Nova, touching her arm to get her to turn back.
“Hey, sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. Around here, thief isn’t an insult! Both my parents are thieves, and my mom is like a hero to this city!” She grinned and extended her hand. “I’m Devana Goodfellow, it’s a pleasure to meet you…?”
Nova studied her a moment, then took her hand and shook it.
“Nova,” she supplied. “Nova Hollytoe.”
Devana shook her hand more emphatically, her grin widening.
“Well! Nova! I was asking if you were a thief, because I was going to offer to let you room with me! You look new around here, no offense, and I won’t be in town long anyway, so you can have my room when I’m gone.” She looked over her shoulder to a disapproving Arthur. “And don’t worry, she’ll still pay you half the price of a regular room. How’s that sound?”
Arthur grunted, but Nova’s eyes narrowed.
“Why?” she asked, finally managing to pull her hand from Devana’s.
“Well, you don’t know me yet, Nova, but I love meeting new people, and I love helping out folks who look like they need it! It’s just the Goodfellow way!”
Nova cocked an eyebrow.
“I thought you said your parents were thieves. And… wait, Goodfellow?” She’d been too flustered to make the connection before.
Devana laughed.
“Yep! As in the Goodfellows. Heroes of Saumermere, Prince and Princess of Taber’s Run, along with Mom being the Dark Lady of Dolbry!” She laughed again. “Anyway! What do you say?”
Nova hesitated.
“Are you… Serious?”
Devana crossed her heart.
“As serious as serious can be. They’re the ‘rents! Right, Arthur?”
The old man nodded.
“Wren and me, we go back some thirty years! She’d send folks here when I was just starting out, and I’d give her a cut. Crafty little shit, but with a good heart. Brought this little lady here when she was just a few years old.”
“And… left you?” Nova asked, her frown deepening. Maybe leaving children at inns was common practice with halfling women...
“Gods!” Devana said, bursting out laughing. “No! Brought me to visit! Mom’s from Dolbry, we were just visiting!”
Nova shifted uncomfortably. She didn’t want to keep talking about being left at inns by mothers anymore. She was new to this city, it would be easy for someone to take advantage of her… But if this strange girl were the daughter of heroes, surely she’d be safe with her? And she seemed so open and honest, it was hard not to immediately trust her. Nova smiled tentatively.
“Well… Okay. I guess. I don’t have anything worth stealing, though. Just so you know.”
Devana giggled and clapped her hand on Nova’s shoulder.
“Come one, I’ll show you the room and then we can come back and get some food in you. You look exhausted.”
“Thanks,” Nova said dryly. Devana grinned.
The two went up the stairs and Devana led Nova to one of the doors lining the hallway. She opened it to a cramped room with one halfling sized double bed, a small table with chairs, and a dresser.
“Seven siblings,” Devana said, stepping in. “So I don’t mind sharing tight quarters, if you don’t!”
“Seven?” Nova repeated, her eyes wide as she followed Devana.
“Yep!” Then she shrugged a little guiltily, as if she were perhaps prone to exaggeration. “Well, five, really. One of them is older and I didn’t live with him. And another one died.”
Nova winced.
“I’m sorry,” she said out of reflex.
Devana smiled, but this one seemed forced to Nova.
“It was a long time ago. I was little. Do you have any siblings?”
“Um…” Nova shifted uncomfortably, slipping her pack off her shoulder and onto the bed. “No. I don’t think so.”
“Oooo!” Devana said, hopping onto the bed and sitting cross legged. She patted the bed beside her. “That sounds complicated! I love complicated! We’re kindred spirits, I can just tell. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours!”
Nova awkwardly sat down on the edge of the bed, picking at the side of her thumb.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t even know you. It’s kinda personal…”
Devana made a “pffftt” sound and waved her hand.
“Nothing’s personal between besties!”
“We’re…” Nova was baffled by this girl, but she chuckled in spite of herself. “We’re not besties!”
Devana grinned at Nova’s laugh and bounced a little.
“But we’re gonna be! I can just telllll!” she said in a singsong voice. “Okay, I’ll go first if you really want.”
Nova bit back a smile and shrugged. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t at least a little curious to know Devana’s story.
Devana straightened up and nodded.
“Okay, well, you obviously know of my parents, Wren and Devlin Goodfellow. Everyone knows them.”
She stretched out and flopped onto her back.
“But Wren’s not actually my mom, which a lot of people don’t know. The woman who gave birth to me was named Lily Swiftheart, which is ironic because she didn’t have any heart at all.”
Nova’s eyebrows raised and she cocked her head. Devana glanced over at her and gave her a wry smile.
“My dad got together with Lily when he and my mom were broken up. Then Lily betrayed him and almost killed him. My mom hunted her down and almost killed her, but Lily said she was pregnant, so my mom couldn’t kill her, lucky for me!”
“She was going to kill her?” Nova said, unconsciously scooting a little closer to Devana.
Devana wrinkled her nose.
“Yeah, Mom’s a little… She can be real serious when someone hurts someone she loves. You shoulda seen her with my first boyfriend broke up with me. It was all my dad could do to keep her from going after him.” She cleared her throat, like she was little embarrassed for Wren. “She’s been through a lot. Anyway! Lily went to prison, and when I was born, I went straight to live with my dad and Wren. She’s been my mom ever since!”
“Have you ever met your mom?” Nova asked, drawing one leg up to rest her chin on. She was so curious, and to learn that Devana also hadn’t been raised by her real mother made her have an instant affinity for her.
Devana gave her a wry smile.
“Of course I’ve met my mom, she raised me! But if you mean Lily?” She sighed and shrugged. “Yeah, I got curious when I was a teenager. They took me to see her, though my dad really didn’t want to. I think it was Wren who actually set it all up. She didn’t want me to have to meet Lily in a dungeon. She was trying to make it a good experience for me, and hoping the best from Lily, I think. So we met, with armed guards, at a little park. She’d made, like, a little knife thing, though?” Devana sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “She tried to use me as a hostage to secure her release. She even cut me on the neck a little.”
“By the Seven!” Nova cried, looking horrified.
Devana burst out laughing, looking over at Nova.
“My dad says that!” She shook her head. “But, yeah, it’s appropriate here. It really wasn’t what any of us were hoping for, that’s for sure. She said a lot of terrible stuff about my mom and dad, too, so I haven’t tried to see her again. She’s evil.”
“Gods, I’m so sorry,” Nova said, and found herself instinctively reaching toward Devana. “That’s awful.”
“It’s really not!” Devana chirped. “Like I said, Wren’s been the best mom. I never feel like I’m missing out.”
Nova swallowed her wince.
“You said you had an older brother? Is he Wren’s son?”
Devana shook her head. “Nope, Lily’s. His name’s Sam and he’s really cool, but he’s had it really rough. Lily was an awful mom to him, and hired another mercenary to basically to raise him, stepping in sometimes to, like, abuse him? I don’t really know, he doesn’t talk about it. Lily’s really terrible and messed with him a lot. But he and I keep in touch and he’s pretty shiny! That’s actually where I’m going in a few days! To meet him. In Avelry.”
“Oh, that’s nice,” Nova said, feeling weirdly disappointed that she wouldn’t have much time to get to know her.
Devana nodded and rolled onto her side to look at Nova.
“Don’t tell my dad, though. He would not be happy. I’m just supposed to be here talking trade for Taber’s Run. They’re trying to teach me the meaning of hard work, I guess. They won’t even let me use magic to get around! I have to ride everywhere!”
Nova looked at her blankly. She had to walk everywhere.
Devana nervously cleared her throat.
“So, yeah, I have a lot of siblings, like I was saying! There was Garlan, my baby brother. He came when I was four, but…” Devana winced and for the first time, Nova saw her happy-go-lucky appearance slip slightly, and even though she was obviously in pain, it comforted Nova a little to see there was more to her beneath the surface.
“He died even more he got born,” Devana said. “‘Complications’ is what the midwife said. He started coming too early.” A little harsh laugh burst from her. “I guess I don’t actually love ‘complicated’. Not in this case, anyway.”
In the next moment, she had brightened and was smiling again.
“But then came Fisher! My parents were real upset about Garlan, obviously, and I guess they had lost a baby even before I was born, which was why they had broken up? Or something.” She scrunched her nose up, cocking her head. “They don’t like to talk about it. Anyway! So, they didn’t have Fisher until I was like… Eleven, but then they just kept having babies!” Devana giggled. “I loved it actually. I always wanted to be a big sister. There’s Fisher, Elora, Gillian, Dawn, and Pippin. In that order!”
“That’s so many kids!” Nova said.
Devana laughed and nodded.
“Well, Pippin was a surprise! He was just born last year!”
Nova sat back, shaking her head.
“Wow. That’s... intense.”
Devana grinned and sat up.
“Your turn, your turn! C’mon, Nova! It’ll be bonding! Share with meeee! I shared alllll that with you and now you don’t wanna tell me anything about you?!” She stuck out her lower lip.
Nova had to look away, trying not to smile. There was definitely something about Devana that made her seem trustworthy, and she really seemed genuinely interested in Nova.
“Uh, well, I was adopted,” Nova explained. “So I don’t know my real parents.”
“Oh, no way!! We’re both adopted?! Well, I’m only half adopted, I guess. Sorry, keep going. Oh, where are you from?” Devana asked, resting her chin in her hands.
“The Rillands,” Nova said, relaxing a bit. “My mother, she gave me to an innkeeper, to find me a family. Then she disappeared. So I was handed off to a couple to raise, but well, it was right after the war, and all that was happening with the orcs. They didn’t hardly ever come down so far, but you know they were expanding before the Gor’akai battle… and we were Northern Rillands and… Well. I only lived with my adoptive parents about a year before the orcs came. Destroyed it all and killed nearly everyone. Grandmother Hollytoe, my adoptive dad’s mom, just barely managed to grab me and escape. We fled as far south in the Rillands as we could, ended up in Lowhill, and that’s where she raised me.” She cleared her throat. “So, no. No siblings.”
Devana’s eyes were wide as she stared in wonder at Nova.
“Whooooa,” Devana said. “That’s so wild! Exciting!”
“I mean, I don’t remember any of it. And… Yondalla rest her, but life with Grandma Hollytoe was kinda boring. And she didn’t let me…”
Nova quickly snapped her mouth shut, but Devana’s curiosity was already piqued.
“Wouldn’t let you…?”
“Um, do anything,” Nova said, but she was not a good liar, and Devana, though Nova didn’t know it, was very good at reading people.
“Mhmmmm,” Devana said skeptically. “Well. Thanks for sharing! See, what did I tell you?” She beamed. “Best friends already! Why don’t we go get some food, huh? I had like two ciders on an empty stomach!” She shrugged guiltily again. “Well, nearly empty, anyway.”
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