#because literally half an hour ago Artemis didn't even appreciate everything Butler did for the Fowls
The part in the first Artemis Fowl book where Artemis & the Butlers escape the time stop is actually so funny.
In the past eight hours, Butler has dealt with a loose hostage, a dwarf intruder, a squadron of cops, and a troll, seen his sister be deeply hypnotized, and practically died, and his last thought before falling unconscious after his twelve-year-old boss essentially poisons him by mixing liquor and un-prescribed pills is (understandably) "I am so ready to kill this little shit but won't for my sister's sake."
Whereas Artemis's last thought is just "I'm a bit sad I couldn't tell my friends that I drugged their drinks :( . Oh well. Bottoms up!"
Like...c'mon, Artemis. I know you're twelve, but let's develop a bit of self and situational awareness, yeah?
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