#because me not responding is like 99% chance I legitimately just forgot
Dumb question but do you usually reblog asks game answers you send? Because I answered your ask for one of them (the book themed one) and I don’t know if you saw it or not. It’s cool if you did see and just didn’t reblog it, but I wanted to make sure? Sorry if this is presumptuous.
Not a dumb or presumptuous question at all! I tend to be very inconsistent with my responses. Sometimes I'll reblog them, but usually if they're a mutual I'm more familiar with, but even then that's only on occasion. Otherwise I will try to reply to them--but again, also inconsistent!
I'm quite forgetful when it comes to responding to things, so I truly mean nothing by it. I've been tagged in several tag game-like things over the past few weeks that I keep forgetting to go through, for example, and there are a handful of DMs I also keep forgetting to respond to.
I promise I was not trying to dismiss whatever you said. In all likelyhood, I read it when I got the notif, went "I should respond to this in a minute!" and then i got enough notes between reading it, setting my phone down, and coming back I couldn't see the notif anymore and forgot. it happens a lot.
I'm working to be better with it, but it's an ongoing process. If you'd like and are comfortable, tag me in the post! Then I can find it and reply! but I'd probably reply tomorrow, as I'm about to go to bed
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