#because of all that headcanoning that went on here sjfkjsdf
Hi! Can you pls share your favourite hcs or images of Electra and the Components?
You just opened quite a can of worms, anon AJSKDJKSAD Be warned: Here be (probably) unpopular opinions!
My so far favourite hc I have of them and that I don't think I will ever deviate from again is that they are basically a pseudo-hivemind. Are they one consciousness separated into six bodies? Are they 6 consciousnesses that are just connected in some way? Who knows! They certainly don't, and they also don't really give much of a damn.
Additionally, Electronents is OTP. Well, OT6. They're not averse to adding to their numbers, either. Polycules are my kind of shit, if you've noticed djfkgjfg
I'll have you know that I'm working on a fic rn that basically covers all of my headcanons I have about them, so I'm trying my best not to spoiler too much, but the hivemind situation brings some issues with it, at least for other people around them. Because when you're never alone in your own head, thinking your own thoughts becomes kind of redundant. If you ask one of them a question, someone else might answer in their stead, but with the answer the asked person would have answered with. Who cares if someone else speaks it out loud? Doesn't make a difference, they've all thought it, after all. (Outsiders disagree. They make an effort, after some time, just to clear up confusion, but sometimes it's just too much of a bother.)
Now I'll get into them as individuals, but only one or two hcs per person, otherwise we'll be here all day XD
Electra: Canonically bisexual and genderfluid, and he couldn't give less of a shit what pronouns you call him. He calls himself a he out of laziness most of the time, but he'll just as well call himself a girl in the next moment, which confuses outsiders who haven't been enlightened of his position on gender yet. Volta's favourite pet name for him is "girlfriend". He gives off static electricity constantly, which is why his hair sticks up like that. Throw a lightning rod at his head and his hair would simply.. fall down and start coiling (if the air's damp enough). Building up the static energy so his hair looks like always takes up to three hours, so he only uses the lightning rod method in emergencies. On wash days, for example.
Volta: Always has some body glitter with her in her cooling compartment, because what if it wipes off? Unacceptable. She also sometimes draws little lightning bolts on her cheeks because Electra likes it and yellow suits her just as much as blue. She's the most experienced at racing and often gets called a coach even though she's a truck, which doesn't bother her, but bothers the actual coaches plenty. (She doesn't really understand all the fuss about coaches vs. freight trucks, but that just might be because Electra usually always brings his racing partners to competitions instead of choosing one after his arrival.)
Wrench: Is an absolute pro at all things to do with dance. She and Electra put down a mean tango or jive or quickstep at every available opportunity. She could bench-press a Diesel locomotive if she wanted to, but she only demonstrates this if said Diesel locomotive gets on her nerves. Whenever she comes across a not-electric train who might whistle or honk, she's immediately going 👁 👁 and will probably either stare at them or follow them around out of curiosity for a few hours (or days). The fact that this isn't really polite behaviour doesn't matter to her much.
Joule: Has the pointiest elbows known to man, uh, train, and is not afraid to use them. She borrows some of Electra's static electricity for her own hair sometimes, but on other days she just combs it back or makes Volta braid it. If it comes to races, she's just as if a tiny bit less competitive as Electra. In general, it's no big deal if the left-over Components choose other locomotives for the race and do their absolute best to win, because in the end they all know that Electra will win anyway, so why not have a bit of fun in the meantime? ;)
Purse: Wears goggles as his "racing helmet", and I will hear no complaints about it (other than my own, which is just whining that the racing masks/outfits for the coaches and trucks were cut after Stex left the USA. It's a shame). He doesn't race often, because there's that underlying fear that a defeated opponent will later claim Purse tried to bribe them, but he's a cold, calculating force to be reckoned with when he does. He's the tallest and most angular of them all, basically a glorified very long rectangle on wheels. He is extremely shaped and I love him.
Krupp: The only one of them who doesn't have pitch black eyes. He acts as their alarm system at night, so if you enter the room unannounced you might get face to face with Krupp's red laser eyes staring at you while shouting something like "intruder alert". He wears the shades not because said laser eyes might unsettle other trains, but because he's firstly a little light sensitive and secondly too lazy to put eye makeup on every day. Volta argues that he doesn't need it, anyway, because for some reason the rail gods have blessed him with the most gorgeous eyes in the known universe. He's also the one who puts the most effort in separating his own thoughts from those of the others, which results in him taking up to two minutes to answer a question because he has to sort through all of the constant background chatter first.
So. This got a little long. As you can gather, I do have a lot of thoughts about these six, I just have the Katzen on the mind much more often to do much with them. The fic is coming, though. Soon-ish. I hope. XD
Have a group pic! Bc I do Not have a Stex pic folder yet. For shame.
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Thank you so much for asking and giving me a chance to ramble! <3
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hm hm hm.... i think i’ll write about misto and stayed at the junkyard!bustopher next. i have a need for honorary uncle/honorary nephew dynamics. ;_;
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Hm! Came to a compromise with my internal battle about which eyecolour to give Strap :D
If I write a fic where Munk and Tugger are related, Strap has blue eyes and Tugger has amber eyes.
If I write a fic where Munk and Tugger are NOT related, Strap has glowing yellow eyes and Tugger has gentle brown eyes.
Hah. >:)
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