#because people hate Seth MacFarlane but he's a sweetheart
brightlotusmoon · 1 year
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
sing 2 was... actually good?
the music sucked (except for when it played system of a down and u2), obviously, and a lot of the VAs were *tugs collar* problematic and oof, and illumination's animation is as always very corporate plastic and risk-free, and the plot was simple to the point of condescension. exactly like the first one. it's not great, it's a far cry from amazing, but... it's inoffensive. it's ok.
edit- I'm so sorry prince I didn't recognize you because that was such a shitty cover, fuck you the weekend, I'm so sorry elton john I frankly just completely forgot that you were in it, I'm so sorry the yeah yeah yeahs but I just don't like you that much (it's your production, okay?), steve winwood I don't know any of your music but I respect the shit out of you as a guitarist, fuck you coldplay, I'm sorry the struts I usually like you but I just forgot that mediocre song was by you (but at least it was a song I didn't hate), I'm so sorry dionne warwick but I just don't have a clue who you are, ariana grande and zedd you're alright BUT ON THIN ICE, I'm so sorry phil spector but you shouldn't have been a murderer, and billie eilish... I respect you but I hate bad guy because it's so overplayed.
my expectations going in were, okay so it's a mediocre cash grab sequel to an already very forgettable movie that was only really saved by seth macfarlane being an actually incredible frank sinatra impersonator. yes the family guy man sings beautifully. but fuck him. anyway it wasn't my choice to see it, it was either do that with the family or sit in a house alone waiting for everyone to come back with only white-people tacos to keep my company [they're just premade hard shells, beef with powder mix, and shredded mex blend cheese on top, and put in the oven, so they can hardly be called tacos, but they're a popular meal with my dad side of the family]. so it was like, okay fine I guess I'll watch it, I might as well. I'm glad I did.
I did not expect this but I'm glad I watched the movie. but here's the thing. I didn't like the movie because of the movie. I'm not a casual. I'm just cringe.
I liked it because I'm furry garbage.
the pig lady is a milf, the gorilla boy is a cutie, the elephant girl is adorable, the doggo lady is hot, the wolf man is hot, the wolf lady is hot, the cat lady is hot, and the u2 lion man is a dilf. punk rock porcupine is also cool and I like her.
there are other reasons of course. there were amusing moments throughout that I genuinely laughed at. there was character development carried over from the first movie. there were some fantastic scenes dealing with the anxiety of the stage and the insecurity of going pro that were subtle enough to appreciate but not so much it beats you over the head with it. the ron swanson pig husband is such a sweetheart in the second one after being such a piece of shit in the first one. the gorilla using the exact same choreography as the cat did in her intro scene was so good. the waiting for guffman references were well done. there was no stupid bullshit "twist villain", it was just greedy prideful asshole wolf is exactly the kind of asshole you expect him to be and he actually faces realistic consequence for his actions (a lesser studio like disney would have made the hamster be the bad guy- NO BILLIE EYELASH SHUT UP STOP THAT SONG SUCKS STOP USING IT, I LITERALLY HEARD IT THREE TIMES IN THE TRAILERS AND MOVIE (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ ... okay I'm calm now) which were not excused. the sequence showing the backstory of the dead wife was on the same level as fucking Up, it was genuinely a really great scene. the whole ensemble cast was pretty well balanced. there was a forced hetero romance (ew) but it was actually really cute wtf? too bad it was pharell playing a teenager hitting on a teenager who was played by someone his daughter's age but eh oh well straggots are the way that they are. the film's visual storytelling was a knockout punch, unlike certain *ahem* recent pixar films which was just a pile of visual fluff and garnish. well at least encanto had original songs and not just gussied up shitty pop music that all sounds exactly the fucking same. anyway it was fine. clearly the people making it cared about it at least somewhat. they had fun. there was heart.
edit- oh yeah eric andre was great, and I always love peter serafinowicz's deep velvet voice.
*also can I gush over this studio's love of the toxicity album by system of a down and how I hope every single song in that album ends up in one of these movies? like, thank you so much unironically for introducing metal to kids, and especially from a band that actually is good and tries to spread awareness for shit like the armenian genocide, prison industrial complex, pollution & climate change, opioid epidemics, you know, important things. I hope there's a new generation of kids loving system of a down just as much as those at my age and older do.
the negatives aren't really there, anything bad I can say is that it was aggressively mediocre. it accomplished what it needed to. that may not sound like much but considering V. brinquedo exists, it's honestly not even the bare minimum. being mediocre isn't an insult here, it just didn't try very hard to be distinctive. but that is just illumination's brand. it's to be expected. and the good outweighed the mediocre. slightly. because it's subjective. and I'm a furry. if this movie was just Glee, and just humans singing, I would not give a single shit about it. but being about an anthropomorphic animal society just adds enough of a hook to make it stylistic but not enough to detract from the main plot. so it was more like bojack and less like zootopia. now I like zootopia but the social commentary angle was handled about as well as david cage handled racism in detroit- difference is disney made it for kids and cage made it for easily amused idiots who don't care about good game design (and gay autistic kids who kin connor). anyway at least this movie knew it wouldn't win woke points on the internet other than having nonsexualized female characters rather than "animals with tits". beatrix potter style furries.
but fuck the minions and fuck the german pig. annoying. at least nick kroll's dumb accent was important to the plot this time.
now I'm going to talk about my furry crushes.
no I don't give a shit about or remember their names. only their species and gender. call me racist, call me lazy, call me whatever you want. I'm not going to google their fucking names.
mommy pig- hot damn she thicc. just look at those thighs in the cheshire cat costume. oh my god. she had 100+ children and still looks tight as fuck. curvalicious. and she's a good mom! her husband is so lucky to have her.
gorilla boy- he is adorable and I'm glad that he fixed his daddy issues and has a good relation with his father now. his costume was badass and his dancefight scene was paid off really well. flippy boy clearly wore the dark wood grain ring after he got poisebroke but luckily he powerleveled his endurance so could still get the fast rolls, and he decimated that dude. it's probably the best stage fight real fight I've seen in animated media since beastars. wow furry media is underrated and great holy shit.
elephant girl- she is literally a teenager so this isn't a crush. instead I am adopting her. she is babby. I will let nothing bad happen to her. if you draw lewds of her I will actually kill you. :)
doggo lady- tall girl? TALL GIRL? tall girl. and she's a saluki, which is a great dog breed for anthro designs. and she's a meganekko. and she's a bitch (affectionate) with a heart of gold. she's simple but appealing. she's a good girl.
the wolf man- the hot villain I never knew that illumination needed because there are zero hot men in any of these films. until now. and now there's two. and they're both furries. oh no. anyway he's charismatic and literally murdery, so uh. sign me the fuck up. lemme conjugally visit you in prison please daddy, awoOOOOO!
wolf lady- a rich spoiled brat with daddy issues. she's also a total dumbass. that is sexy as fuck. granted I will 100% say that about every wolf girl, especially to grey wolves. but oh my god. princess on the streets if you know what I'm saying. I also love that she has actual depth! humility is a powerful skill to have; she showed it in spades. halsey is a phenomenal vocalist and brought a lot of heart to the character. no I don't care about the discourse, shut the fuck up. I'm saying I want to fuck a cartoon wolf girl, do I look like I care about any bullshit drama?
cat lady- she didn't get much screen time hence I forgot her while writing this but yeah she's cool and I like her. too bad letitia wright voiced her because ugh.
if bono was a lion- I like u2. I think they're a good band. I like a lot of their music. they're talented. I don't care about bono but I like u2. this post is not sponsored by the apple gang because that album sucked. anyway, so uh. I saw his design and thought oh okay he's a lion. that's cool. and then I saw he was built. not just buff but he's fuckin jacked. the man is... huge. and there's nothing sexier than a man who loves his wife. (the daddy pig is handsome but unfuckable because only the mommy pig can fuck him because they're in a loving happy marriage and I ain't no fuckin jolene). and uh, wow, bono's voice can be sexy as hell. this lion man stole my heart because his subplot was honestly the best in the whole fucking movie. when the ghost of his wife walked up next to him I felt real actual emotions well up inside my heart and also my tear ducts. also he drives a fucking motorcycle... WITH FLAMES ON IT. I don't even have ovaries and they are exploding. clay motherfuckin calloway (I only know his name since they said it like 20 times but also what a sexy name holy shit) is the sexiest lion man I've ever seen and he is probably the top of my furry man list. mister peanutbutter, sly cooper, legoshi, robin hood, t0ny the t1ger, you were once my top 5. but now you're my top 6. welcome to the family bono.
honorable mention: matthew mckoalannaghey is a good boy
anyway bisexual furries watch sing and enjoy.
everyone else... eh, you can skip it.
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mistergothlord · 7 years
Ask you anything: What is your biggest regret?
Again, apologies for the lack of response. Apparantly, the Tumblr app enjoys being an impulsive rodent when it comes to inbox notifications.
As for the question, I can go on and on about my regrets, some that are far as simple and useless, and the other more reasonable and still haunt me to this day.
These three, however, remain as a stain.
1.) The first mistake I made was tampering with multiple fandoms, specifically the WC and STH fandom, when I was just a younger lad. I wanted to see how angry the people would get just by drawing the worst crack ships unimaginable, playing a personality of a thirteen-year-old freak, create satirical OCs, and the constant adult jokes equivalent to Seth MacFarlane.  It was so hostile that people went as far as posting my art onto bad art blogs, and I had to immediately stop just to tell the people who ran the blogs to take it down. I left the fanbases a year after the incident, never to speak of it again.
Whenever I think back to when I was younger, it gets all over my head like the plague to where I don’t even eat for a day. It’s just a middle school regret, yes, but it’s the worst. Fortunately though, all of this idiocy was how I met my first few online friends within a week and how I joined an animation team full of MLP fans.
And even to this day, I always set up an FAQ on my DA, telling people not to post my art on other websites without my consent.
2.) The second one was a creation of an OC I made back in 2013, who I won’t mention at all or even ever, because it’s just that grotesque.
I’ve long feared that this regret would be brought up again, and the pain is more than I can bear.
I remember when I used to run multiple ask blogs to where my sister would ask me, “How are you handling all of them at once?” The answer was that I was extremely addicted to MLP and DCMK at the time, and those two were all I could think about. Of course, I tried to get her to watch it, but she kept running away whenever I forced her on my chair, but that’s another story.
Anyway, the character I made back in 2013 was just a basic “Black and blue” kind of original character you’d find on the internet, complete with a tragic backstory, bizarre plotholes that barely connect, and Homestuck handwriting. However, people didn’t really care about the character, and I was delighted when people would come to ask my character one question after another, so much so that I would draw their character, and they would reblog it, and I’d happily watch as the notes arise above.
This is where it leads to the story of my ex-friend.
I remember when we met each other on Tumblr, with each other envious with our art styles. I would enjoy everything they drew, and would try the best I can to motivate them. I even went as far as talking to their friends, too! Ah, I would go to all the things we’ve done, but that’ll be all you’ll know.
One day, I went way too far with our characters, and they called me out for behaving immaturely. We didn’t talk for a month, and I had a plethora to think about for my actions, since all I’ve done was spamming the tags to no end and roleplaying with other RP blogs. Say it wasn’t my fault, but I was responsible for my unforgivable deeds. Of course, we started talking again, but they began to become toxic, mostly by gossiping behind my back with their other friends. I began to do all that I can to make prove that I was loyal, and that created a huge disaster on my mental health. 
The more toxic they were, the more I hated the character I created. In hopes I can start over, I decided to change my character’s design and personality, but I was still continued to be treated like a burden. Eventually, by the end of the year, I decided that they’ve pushed me past the breaking point, and immediately removed them from my life. I’ve went as far as avoiding them.
All of this was because I created a character that destroyed my health and my relationship. While I usually forget things for about an hour or even two days, this took me about two years to forget that this ever happened AND to get back up again. But the worst part was that it nearly damaged my reputation as an artist, and thank bloody god I sold them away to another artist.
And that, comrades, is how not to create a character for people to like! :D
3.) My first boyfriend. 
Oh, middle school days was always about getting yourself a nice fiance and doing the best in the bed. However, I was told by my family to never get a boyfriend, because they constantly watched Fox News everyday, and I had to sit in my desk and watch in envy as I saw one girl after another kiss their precious sweetheart in public.
One day, a friend of mine went up to me and started asking me personal questions, such as what do I like to draw, what place do I love going to, etc. This would only force me to run away as fast as I could to my P.E class. This would continue for about a month, until he finally asked me to be his girlfriend. I was as ignorant as a runt at the time, and I was already under his spell, so accepting them was all I could do.
We exchanged phone numbers, called each other silently every Saturday, and subject his little brother to torment. We were in love so much, but it didn’t last as long as it would. When my big sis found out, boy did I get a long lecture on why I shouldn’t get a boyfriend, and forced myself to break up with him.
After that, he kept crawling back to me, and I started to realize that my sister was in the right all along, for he revealed that he just wanted to get in my pants, and was found with ANOTHER girl who was two years older than him. In anger, I told my sister about this, and we were nearly close to plotting his demise, via beating him up mercilessly.
He still talked to me in high school, but he then disappeared during my final weeks as a freshman. I discovered that he literally had another girlfriend and got them pregnant, and was expelled from the school after she died. To say the least, he was one of those people who made me declare myself to never fall in love again. That went the same for another girl who attempted to ask me out on a date.
And that was also how I obtained the personality of any protagonist in any film noir you can think of.
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