#let me watch my trash shows in peace
brightlotusmoon · 1 month
Browsing a Reddit thread on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and coming across this:
"I can't watch anymore, my second favorite show went woke and it's making me resent the entire show. Season 12 was incredible and now every episode takes on a current issue with an insufferable leftist angle that completely alienates half the audience. South parks most recent movies with their stance on the coronavirus and ignoring Biden and fauci makes me terrified they are doing the same. I don't know if I can handle south park going woke too. The last few years have been difficult for people with sanity who love freedom and watching my favorite shows that I always thought would be safe going woke is really messing with my mind. The world's gone crazy."
"Never forget, every single one of them is part of the cult. If they're famous it's for a reason. We can enjoy the entertainment but this is the endtimes and its time for them all to reveal what they really are. They're all in it together."
They're saying things like "woke angle" and "leftist cult" and it's kind of funny, but mainly very sad.
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eveningepiphany · 11 months
welcome to the final show | H.S oneshot
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my masterlist!
summary: you take a beautiful sign to the final show and have the sweetest interaction with harry. then somehow bump into him in italy 2 days later.
warnings: nothing but fluff, and a few little mentions of how he saved your life!
a/n: i am so fucking proud of h. i want to give him a hug more than anything. this is for all my lovelies who love hslot so fckn much it makes them ill.
also this is such an unrealistic oneshot but like that’s just the way for it ig
There’s a certain type of atmosphere that comes around once and a while. It’s rare.
It’s one that no matter how many photos or videos you take, you can’t capture it. One that no word has enough emotional range behind it to convey the feeling it opens up in you.
That is the only way to get close to even describe standing where you are.
You can’t lie, you had waited hours upon hours in the Italian sun just to feel the warm metal of the barricade underneath your palms.
You’d waited years just to get here in general.
When you turn your head to look behind you, you see tens of thousands of people there. Going from visible, overwhelmingly happy faces to a sea of tiny dots.
But you’re here. At the front.
You smile because you made it. This has, albeit dramatic, been a home to you over the past 2 years.
A creature comfort. One you followed every step of the way. And somehow you can’t believe you made it here, and neither would the girl back 18 months ago watching a pixelated Instagram livestream.
Standing in your outift, which took more rhinestones and glitter than you could ever have kept track of.
But you shined under the sun like a mirrorball, so it all felt worth it. Even though you swear there’s still glue stuck under your nails.
Your friends around you shared water, staying hydrated as the show starting neared. Wetleg had already preformed their final set. And tears had been randomly springing on you all day.
You heard the power in the crowd as they sung the prelude songs, goosebumps dotting over your body as you realise he’s probably able to hear it now.
Soon enough he’ll be looking at it. In all of its 100,000 people glory.
“You okay lovely?” Sofia, an Italian girl you’d met in the line checked in on you.
You nodded with a heartfelt smile. The whole experience was so bittersweet. Full of lasts.
“I’m okay. Just so so proud.” You nodded and she softly chuckles.
Her outfit was an electric blue that contrasted her tan skin, “I have some granola bars in my bag if you’re hungry? You should eat, we’ve been standing in the heat all day.”
Your best friend from your other side peered over, drawn back into conversation after being lost in the magic of the crowd surrounding her.
“On cry number— let me guess— 24 of the day?” She said it teasingly.
“Saying that as if you don’t already have mascara stains half down your face.” You grumble back jokingly, leaning your head back to look at the pastel blue sky.
You turned back to Sofia, “We’ll save them for after, maybe lay down on the ground and eat them or something.”
You only said no because you felt like you could probably be sick right now.
“Amore sciocco, troppo testardo il tuo bene, mio dio.” She mutters under her breath with a laugh, shaking her head at you disapprovingly.
“Trash talking her again in Spanish. God I wish I knew how to speak it.” You elbow your best friend at her quip.
You could stay in this moment forever.
As Bohemian Rhapsody begins playing you watch the sun go down, and in this very moment, It is your forever.
You live and breathe every second of it. All the way into peace piece, and as you’re gripping the girls around you for dear life as the lights start to dim along with the setting sun.
Harry coming has the arena screaming so loud it would have been heard for miles. He looks beautiful.
Like a shiny star up on stage. Blowing kisses and sending thank you’s to as many areas of the crowd be possibly could.
Mouthing words in Italian, causing Sofia to almost pass out beside you she screeched that hard the first time he did it.
And him counting in Golden with their language, speaking proudly into the mic— “Uno, due— uno, due, tres!”
“HES— WHAT THE FUCK!!” You’re laughing, holding her hand as she shouts frantically.
Songs bleed into one after another, going on your part from embarrassing screaming and dancing onto equally embarrassing crying.
The overwhelming feeling of seeing him so close— so damn close you can see each individual sequin on his silver outfit when his on the main stage at his mic stand in the centre.
You don’t even realise he’s doing a sign reading interlude until Sofia hands you yours from where it leant on the bottom of the barricade at your feet.
You were enamoured by him.
Taking the sign, your hands shook a little as he was on the main stage. Right in front of you.
His eyes are scanning the crowd, glancing over some signs and smiling.
“We have a choice tonight,” he begins, voice echoing through the speakers.
“we can either move quickly through signs, in which case, we’ll be able to give you some more songs!” An array of screams come from everyone, and you feel sick just at the prospect he was suggesting. The fact he could pull out any song.
He chuckles, walking further towards the area of the pit where you are, “Just an idea, just an idea!”
You’re pretty sure the girls are yelling something about him walking over, but you’re stunned at what’s happening overall, and you can’t even process what they’re saying.
But contradictory to what he’d just said. He stops a moment.
From his perspective, he saw a handful of very bright colours in the front of the crowd. One holding up an equally eye catching sign.
But he takes a moment to blink, focus in on the person holding it.
This girl has her eyes locked dead onto him, like as if he moves an inch— something could implode at any moment. Yet it somehow comes across in a flattering way.
And then he reads the sign.
‘you saved me. i cant thank you enough for that. BTW…’
His heart immediately pangs. Already too emotional at this whole event to be reading a sign like that.
You are in shock. Because he certainly just made eye contact with you and he’s been staring at your sign for a few good seconds.
“Can— wait can you turn that for me, love?” His voice falters a little.
As if Harry Styles just asked you to do something, you move with a haste you never had.
However you misinterpreted his question, turning the sign clockwise like as if it was upside down. Feeling a little embarrassed in yourself that it was around the wrong way.
He chuckles into the mic, causing a small uproar at the softness of it.
“Wrong way, it has B-T-W on it so I’m assuming there’s more on the back.”
“Oh, god— sorry!” You shout out to him, it sounding a little shaky, and you can’t lie that tears were threatening to spill from your eyes.
You had waited so fucking long to have a chance to tell him that he genuinely saved your life. And you’re finally doing it.
Also spinning the sign so the back of it is facing him, and his eyes flit gently over it too.
‘you have by far the prettiest smile ever.’ It reads, with a few large red hearts around it, decorated with glitter and rhinestones.
A dimple pops out on his cheek and he covers his mouth with a hand, flattered as ever.
“Why thank you.” He does a little bow as well, and you’re laughing out of shock. You’re interacting with him right now.
He straightens up, “I’m flattered as ever.” Prodding one of his dimples as he shows off just how pretty his smile is.
“And thank you for coming, it means everything to me.” He flushes a little, laughing at himself and your still starstruck reaction.
“You are stronger than you probably think. What’s your name?”
A tear breaks past your waterline, and you call out, “Y/N!”
Both girls at your side are clutching you like no tomorrow, and Harry takes his in-ear out to hear you better.
You call it out again, he makes only one off guess before he gets it. And your name rolling off his accent tongue makes your stomach flip.
“Y/N? That’s right— well that was a pretty good record for name guessing—“ he laughs, walking over as close as he can to the edge of the stage.
He holds the mic up to his mouth, “make some noise for Y/N everyone!”
You are in complete shock as you hear the whole arena cheer and holler for you, and Harry has this wholesome feeling of adoration wash over him as he sees your reaction.
The tears slipping down your pink cheeks. If he could, he honestly would go down there and wipe them off.
Not something he often find himself thinking. Yet here he is.
“Thank you for coming Y/N. What do you say we do some more songs?” He asks, smiling at the shocked raise of your brows.
“Yes, please.” You enthusiastically reply.
“Alright, you heard her. More songs it is!”
And so the show continues on. The second he breaks eye contact and moves away, a sob tears out of you.
You can’t believe that just happened. And the fact the rest of the show— unless you’re delusional, and making this up in your head— he lingers anytime he’s going past where you are. Catching your eyes, and smiling a little wider.
And you’re absolutely a wreck at the speech he makes, even though Sofia has to translate every word that leaves his mouth.
But if that nearly killed you, the piano ballad was honestly your final straw.
You cried so hard you couldn’t see the fucking stage at one point. And you wish you could say you were embarrassed for him to see you as he did one last round of goodbyes. But you couldn’t.
It was all your love and appreciation for him, poured out of you through the tears streaming down your face.
To your disbelief, he stops in front of you again, blowing a kiss to your friends and then one to you.
Bending down a little further to look at you, lips starting to move— from what your could hardly hear, and mostly got from reading his lips, he said ‘thank you, I love you.”
You blow a kiss back.
And before you know it, the show has ended. And there’s this full, yet hollow feeling inside of you.
Like you’re not sure how to feel. You miss him already, but that was by far the most amazing experience of your life.
You’re overwhelmed, with love and gratitude. And you, Sofia and your best friend end up doing what you’d proposed earlier before the show.
Eating chocolate granola bars with your back up against the barricade, tears still falling from your eyes.
Post love on tour depression is a real thing.
There is no normal explanation for having to force yourself to get up to have an amazing brunch in Italy of all places.
But 2 days after the show day, you’re doing just that. Dressing in a nice summer outfit at the very least, and taking your LOT bag with you.
The streets aren’t too busy considering it’s midday, and you make your way through them peacefully. Stoping to peak into stores, or take photos of little things you like every now and again.
And all your adventuring leads you to a beautiful little corner-cafe. One that the second you step foot into, you are comforted by its cozy feel & strong aroma of coffee.
The building itself had all its historic bones, but had been modernised. Fitted with sleek wooden floors and new furniture. Walls painted a crisp white to brighten up the already light filled room.
You find the menu hanging above where the counter is, on large pretty chalkboards.
You’re mulling over what to get when you hear a voice from beside you.
It causes you to jump a little at it’s unexpectedness, “I like your bag.”
It’s said with the tone that you can tell someone is smiling. And you turn to greet the person who had just spoken to you.
That’s when you’re met with a sight that knocks the wind from you.
Beside you— standing tall, with his tousled brown curls and rolled up linen long-sleeve is quite literally the man you saw on stage 2 nights ago.
“Oh my god—“ you jump a little at the realisation, it hitting you like a train within seconds. But you’re trying to keep you voice down, as to not cause some kind of scene.
He laughs at your stunned reaction, the way your ringed hand goes over your mouth. It’s a reaction he’s accustomed to. But the way your pretty features portray the expression has him all the more intrigued.
He does his classic introduction, “Hi, love. I’m harry.” Sticking his hand out, smiling. Like as if you didn’t know.
“I— well I did notice that.” You rush out in a nervous laugh. Glancing around looking for some kind of film camera, gauging if this is a set up and not a coincidence.
You’re left realising it’s just the two of you, and some older guy with a newspaper a few metres away at a window seat.
But no one with a camera or phone out filming this interaction.
You shake his hand after a moment of hesitation, telling yourself mentally you’re not going to cry as your relish the feeling of his calloused fingertips against the base of your wrist.
“Hi…” You flush profusely.
“What are you ordering?” He smiles at you, and your eyes are so obviously darting over his every feature.
Which you feel like you couldn’t stop from happening when he’s this close, and you’re able to fully see the plains of his beautiful face.
The structure of his jawline— that’s dotted with a light stubble—his cupids bow lips, the definition in his cheekbones. And fuck his eyes.
That are very intensely locked onto yours…
“Oh. I’m sorry. I…” you fumble for words a little, “probably like a tea. That’s usually my go to.”
He nods, “let me get it for you, please. How do you have it?”
“No, no. It���s okay, you don’t need to do that.” You insist immediately, because even though the gestures small, it feels like too much.
“Y/N.” He tuts gently.
“Weird that you remember that.” You think aloud, unable to filter the shock at the fact he just said your name. Even though the show was only 2 days ago, when he learnt it.
“Of course I do. You had quite the sign. I won’t lie, it made me tear up a bit.” He laughs, pushing a stray lock of hair out of his eyes.
“Well, It was true. Not to be cheesy or anything, but your music genuinely means everything to me.” You say carefully. Not wanting to come across as weird.
“And love on tour was one of the best experiences of my life. So… thank you for that.”
“Thank you.” He smiled at your shyness. And you recall the fact you told him he had a pretty smile.
Prettiest smile. The fact he knows you think that?
You wonder if he’s thought the same thing at all in the last 5 minutes.
“Your support means as much to me. Wouldn’t be able t’do what I do if it weren’t for people like you.”
“Now, how you have your tea?” He reiterates, asking for an answer, not for another polite declination.
“I— okay. Since it’s clear you’re not going to take no for an answer.” You sigh. Corners of your mouth upturning anyway at his stubborn ways.
You rattle off how you have it, and he nods, mentally noting it down like this is going to be a regular occurrence.
He walks over to the counter and you shuffle over to the side that you’ll pick up the order from. Watching carefully as he goes up, you take in his much more causal appearance to the usual extravagance of the outfits he adorns on stage.
Hes got a pair of denim shorts on—strong legs on display— paired with a white longsleeve that’s rolled up his fore arms.
You avert your gaze to the older Italian man at the register, clueless to who he is serving.
Until a younger girl, say 15, walks from the back room and does the biggest double take youve ever witnessed.
Harry has to be used to it, because there was no way anyone could miss that.
You’re feeling like you’re in a parallel universe. Because Harry is just casually strolling back over to you, like you’ve known each other for more than a total of two, 5 minute interactions.
You take a breath, reminding yourself simply that he is a human. Just like you are. He wakes up in the morning, has bad days and good days, has habits and routines he follows— just like anyone else.
You keep this in consideration as you open your mouth to speak, “Thank you for doing that. How have you been?”
He smiles at your shy tone, a tiny wholesome feeling bubbling up at your question.
“I’m good, honestly. It’s been a big start to the year. I’m excited to take some time off even though wrapping it up the other night was really hard.” He nods, eyes casually trailing the man who was making the drinks.
“If it makes any difference, I was sobbing like a baby at pretty much every point of the show.” You laughed.
“I did see your very tear stained cheeks.” He shocks himself little with his continuation,
“Would’ve jumped down and given you a hug if I had the bloody time.” And he smiles with gratification as you mask your shocked reaction as much as possible. However, tiny little micro-movements in your face were still popping through. “I went a little overtime with the speech.”
Just human to human. You drew a tiny breath through your nose, “Which was great by the way. I mean my friend had to translate the whole thing, but was also another tear jerker.”
He goes to say something else, interrupted by the call of his name from the counter.
In which he collects the drinks from the lovely man, smiling at him with a warm thank you before turning to come back to you.
“Here you go, darling.” He hands over yours, and his green eyes look bright as ever.
The darling makes your stomach flip. He’s British, they use pet names like this in passing conversation often. But fuck if you didn’t know any better you’d think there was a chance he was flirting with you.
“Thank you. You really didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.” You repeat.
“You have a different accent, you’re not from Italy no?” He interjects and you’re a little confused at the sudden change of topic.
“No I’m not from here…?” you laugh.
“So you’ve travelled all this way to come see me I’m assuming, the least I can do is buy you a tea. Think of it as a thank you.”
He tests the waters a little further, “i don’t usually stay in cafes for overly long but, if you have time to sit for a bit…”
“You continue to amaze me.” You chuckle, slowly following behind him as he pulls up a chair, back to the window.
“You also made me a very flattering sign. So im just being courteous, as a way to return the favour.” He smirks almost. And you’re honestly not strong enough to endure this.
“And that little piano thing you did? Is this compensation for my mental health?” You hold the cup up and he lets out a surprised laugh at your gentle quip.
“Yes, I’ve heard word that it came across as emotional as I’d intended.”
“You could hear a pin drop in the whole arena.” You nodded, taking a sip of the tea he’d bought you.
“I was so worried I was gonna fuck it up somehow.” He shakes his head, hand running through his hair as though he was anxious just at the thought.
“It sounded amazing, Harry. Made me feel a lot how fine line did when I first listened to it.”
He looks sincere with gratitude as you talk. And it stays that way as he continues on conversation with you.
You know heaps about him— you’re a fangirl that’s practically your job— yet he doesn’t know anything about you. Leaving him curious about many aspects of your life, and also with plenty of questions. Ones he really can’t believe he is even asking given you’re a fan, and he’s never actually done this before.
Whatever this is, because it felt a lot like a first date. With the way he asked where you were from, who you came to Italy with, where you grew up.
The whole lot. Your drinks both long since finished, but the questions still flowing between you two. Like there was never enough information to be learned.
He was interrupted by a call, and it almost popped this little bubble you’d made around yourselves.
Which possibly wasn’t a bad thing for him. But it served as a reality check for you.
You’re still just a fan at the end of the day. Even though your not sure how that term stands after he knows about your favourite foods, or childhood stories from your younger years. Because you feel like now that he knows that, the dynamic feels different to you.
But most of all you dreaded the fact you had to say goodbye again. But now you have to say it knowing that he walks away from this knowing things personal to you.
You realise he’s on the phone to his mum as he talks, “Yea, tell Gem to grab them anyway… I’ll be back soonish.”
He glances up at your after a moment of brief silence, “I’m just out with a friend of mine I… bumped into. So I’ll see you soon, okay?”
A friend of his?
“Alright, bye, I love you.”
And just like that the phone hung up.
“I’m feeling very special at my label. A friend of yours.” You laugh, but not lying whatsoever.
“Was m’mum. We’re having a late lunch at her BNB.” He explained, and the fact he didn’t object his choice of wording meant even more to you than anything.
You stare at him a moment, both mutually realising that this moment was seemingly going to have to end at some point.
“I don’t often do things like this.” He shrugs, watching your eyes train on random objects around the room as you get lost in thought.
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“Never sat down with a fan and just had a drink. It was lovely, thank you for being so polite.” He smiles again at you.
It surprised him just how far he went with it. But you had this gentle aura about you. He knew of all people, you were safe to share this private slice of himself with.
“Thank you for buying my drink… to have spent this time talking, it— well it meant a lot to me.”
“I would give you my number if my manager wouldn’t kill me.”
As stated, he continues to surprise himself just how far he’s going.
Your brain stalls at his comment.
“You could just have mine? Buy a burner phone and text me off it.” You make the first suggestion that comes to mind and he barks out a laugh.
“Could just reaffirm that you weren’t going to sell my number off to fans on Twitter?”
“Ah, that could also work too.” You nod, raising your brows.
He pulls his phone from his pocket, and your heart genuinely palpitates. Because how the fuck had you managed this.
“Gimmie yours, if you’d like?” He slides it over, and you feel like you’re picking up something with more value than just a phone. I mean it’s Harry Styles’ phone of all things.
You begin to type it in, glancing up as his gaze is trained on you, “how many numbers of fans do you have banked up in here?”
He rolls his eyes at your tease, still smiling, “I’ll have you know you’ll be the first. If my mums counts though, then only two.”
“I just…” he pauses, pursing his lips as he looks for the right words, “knew I’d regret it if I didn’t have a way to get in touch with you. I’d say we’ve got a lot in common and it’s always nice to meet new people. And I don’t want to be thinking later ‘wow, she was lovely, wish I could have kept in touch’. Y’know?”
You send yourself a text, just a simple ‘:)’ so it saves in his recent messages. “Well, I suppose I’d be a little sad too. Probably start sending emails to your manager trying to find a way to get in touch again.”
He laughs at this, standing up from his chair and pocketing his phone in his shorts once you hand it back to him.
You also rise from the table, watching his movements keenly.
“Makes this part less sad.” He says, in reference to the impending goodbye, “I’m not leaving Italy for a little bit though, and if you’re sticking around as well, maybe I can buy your more cups of tea— to make you feel even more guilty about it, of course.”
You let out a soft chuckle, “Yea, I’m not leaving for a little while…”
He walks to your side of the table, not hesitating to pull you into a hug that leaves you winded.
You freeze a millisecond before jumping to embrace it. Enjoying the gentle yet strong feeling of his body holding yours. And the way his hands are ever-so-slightly caressing your lower back.
“Thanks for hanging out, alright? Don’t be shy to message me.” He murmurs into your hair.
“I— okay. I won’t. Thank you, Harry.” You smile into the crook of his neck.
He gives a final squeeze before pulling back. Fighting the internal urge to press a little kiss to your temple.
“I’ll see you around, hopefully. Bye Y/N.” He gives you a final smile before waving goodbye, and heading out the cafe.
Your head is reeling as he exits. Unsure if you just imagined that whole thing. You needed someone to pinch you, because as far as your concerned that whole interaction was something you dreamed up.
You check your phone to see the time.
1 new notification
Unknown Number | :)
So that actually did just happen.
To reaffirm that you weren’t the only person in the world to witness what happened today, you see a tweet reposted on an update account that reads,
so, i just saw harry styles in the cafe i work at, and he sat down and drank a tea with someone he talked to at a show. not naming the interaction for privacy but like… what the fuck?
And secretly you smile. Maybe this is something you’ll keep to yourself for a bit. Like he’s a new secret friend of yours.
part two!!
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"Beach days"
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Pairing: Show!Luke Castellan x fem!reader
Summary: you and luke have grown up and have moved to the sea and started a small family together. And you spend a day at the beach.
Contains: Kisses, fluff, babies, and more fluff!
Word Count: 790
A/N: um so this is my first ever (idk even know what to call this) but i hope you like it!! its like 11:30pm when im writing this - so if there are any mistakes its cause im sleep deprived. The baby is a girl and takes after luke in looks. Also i don't know too much abt the percy jackson series so this might not be really accurate :) btw the baby's name is sunny.
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You watch as Luke meanders around the kitchen, a baby sleeping soundly on his shoulder. A soft smile spreads on your face and a surge of love for the boy making pancakes across from you hits you in the chest.
"What?" he asks when he notices you staring.
"Nothing," you say, running your finger over the bench. "Just wondering what we're going to do today."
Luke smiles at you, his black curls falling lightly over his face. "i was thinking we could down to the beach and have a day with this little one," he says kissing your little girl on the head. He turns his back to you and continues to fuss over the pancakes he forgot to flip over "Ah damn."
You smile and slip off the stool you're sitting on and walk around the counter wrapping your arms around his waist and breathing in his scent. It always calms you - his scent - it brings a certain feeling of peace you've always craved.
"Mmm you're most definitely burning those pancakes," you tease, placing a small kiss on his shoulder before slipping away to get changed.
"Hey, not so fast!" Luke grins when you try to escape. "Y/N you are not leaving this kitchen without giving me a kiss." A giggle escapes your lips before you raise up onto your toes and press a light kiss onto his mouth.
"Will that satisfy your needs?" you ask. Luke's eyes burn with desire, "Definitely not, but I'll allow this to pass, just this once." You smile innocently up at him and gently take the baby from his shoulder.
"Hi my baby, hi Sunny baby," you say to the small child in your arms. "Let's get changed, hey? We're going to the beach today!" You gently press a kiss onto her forehead and sway out of the room blabbering softly to your baby.
Luke watches you leave the room with a lovesick expression on his face. He never would have thought the girl he met one day on the beach, reading a book, would be the love of his life, or that she would be holding their child, chatting to her about how much fun they're going to have at the beach today.
He turns back around to focus on the now burnt pancakes. He sighs, turning off the stove and placing the burnt pancake in the trash and moving the non-burnt ones into a container and places them in a bag to take to the beach, before slipping upstairs to change himself.
Luke walks into the room and falters slightly when he sees you. You're sitting on your bed in a blue and white swimsuit cooing over your baby girl in matching swimwear. "Aww doesn't Sunny look adorable?" you laugh when you notice Luke standing in the doorway.
"She's beautiful," Luke says, you're expecting him to be looking at the baby but instead he's looking directly at you. "So very, very beautiful." A blush creeps up onto your cheeks and you stand up putting the baby on your hip and walk over to Luke placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
"You're the best," you smile and start dancing around the room with the baby, laughing. Luke grins and changes into his swimwear before he joins you two dancing around smiling like a carefree kid. You love when he's like this just... him.
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Sunny is sleeping in her carrier and you and Luke are sitting at the water's edge. Your head is resting on his shoulder and he is running his fingers absent-mindedly over your leg leaving tingles along where he's touched.
"I love you," he says suddenly standing up and helping you up too. You look up at him and feel a surge of love and adoration for the boy standing in front of you.
"I love you too," you say and press a kiss onto his lips. Luke wraps his hands around your waist and starts to sway with you dancing slightly. You rest your head on his shirtless chest, closing your eyes and breathing in this moment.
Luke rests his chin on your head and whispers. "I love you so much Y/N. You're a star in my darkness, my true light, my love, my life, my everything."
Tears well up in your eyes. As you look up to Luke. He has tears in his own eyes and is staring at you with a look of reverence. "You are my everything," you say back to him cupping his cheek with your hand and placing a kiss to his mouth. Savouring this little moment between the two of you, Luke kisses you back, fervently, pulling back only to pull you into a tight hug.
Sunny's disgruntled cries from the carrier break your small bubble of peace, and you pull away from Luke to pick her up. The small baby sitting on your hip as you walk back over to a now grinning Luke. "Hi Sunny baby," he says, taking the baby from you and wrapping an arm around your hips.
"My girls ready for a swim?" he says, gripping your waist and pulling you flush against his side. Sunny babbles happily in his arms and Luke places the softest kiss on her cheek before he gently places her into the shallow water letting her splash.
Moments like these make you the happiest. Where you both are grinning like idiots and just being with each other. Just being Luke and Y/N.
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motherlvr · 11 months
hi:D can you do miles!42 with a reader who doesn't really like getting told "watch who ur talking to" or smth bc most fics abt miles!42 is like that and nooo i won't ever let a man say that to me😭 and they like, know how to defend themself so they're pretty independent if thats alr ofc!
ngl i loved writing this, tysm for the req!
wc: 2.1k
pairing: E-42 Miles Morales x Strong, Independent! f! reader
warnings: enemies to lovers, kind of rivalry tbh, cursing, Miles is mean in this one, but gets character development, reader knows how to fight, baddie ong, reader doesn't take miles' bs
"You gotta be shitting me." Mumbling under your breath, your eye involuntarily twitched. You glared at Miles like it was his fault for putting you in this situation.
Your glare was reciprocated as he said, "I ain't happy about it either, princesa." You hated when he called you that. It rolled off his tongue with such distaste. "Yeah? Glad we got that in common then." You snipped, irritated.
Miles Gonzalo Morales was a dick. To put it kindly.
He was a stuck-up, close-minded dick. It's like his sole purpose in life was to irk you. The two of you have never been on good terms. He tested your patience every waking moment.
But unfortunately for both of you, your Spanish teacher paired you up as partners for a major project. It would count for a good portion of your grade, so not doing it wasn't an option for you. You had less than two weeks to finish the project, and you weren't going to waste it.
You'd much prefer to do the project alone. One thing you've learned is: if you want something done correctly, do it yourself. And to never put it solely in the hands of a man. But the project was a requirement for the class, so you had no place to argue about it.
Thankfully, today was just a planning day. So it wouldn't be as painful, you hoped.
You showed him a plan you had thought about within only a few minutes and asked, "Thoughts?" He took a short glance at it and told you, "That's trash." A vein almost popped out of your head. You snapped, "You got any better ideas then?"
"Yea, anythin' other than that." He told you mindlessly. You had half a mind to make his braided head become real familiar with the cold surface of his desk. Around ten minutes later, he had finally come up with something. It wasn't that great, but at least he was semi-cooperative. You took one look at his plan and decided to turn the tables on him. You said, "You couldn't have come up with anything better? Shit's worse than my idea."
You could see him grip his pencil just a bit tighter, no doubt irritated by now. "Nah, watch your mouth." He told you, and you were unsure of how serious he was being. "Watch my mouth? You needa watch how when you turn around, one of your precious braids will be gone." You said as you made a snipping motion with your fingers. He protectively grabbed onto his braids, "Yo chill, ma."
As Spanish class progressed, everything only went downhill from there. He always seemed to hate every idea you had or had something to say. He groaned, "Woman, I swear. Your ideas are shit." Your former hopes of a peaceful partnership were long gone.
His choice of words alone irked you as you replied, "See, that's what you're not gonna call me. And if we're gonna be partners, you need to act decent for once. Get it together, Morales." You set clear boundaries as you pointed a finger at him. Surprisingly, he obliged. He looked like he made a revelation as he shook his head. "Nah, you right. That was outta line." The moment was oddly tranquil until he opened his mouth again. "I meant: I swear, your ideas are fucking terrible."
From that point further, the hopes of having a normal, mature, conversation were fleeting. The majority of the class was spent bickering rather than working on the task at hand.
You were one of the very few people that tested him. You gave him a challenge, while most people wouldn't utter a single complaint.
Eventually, at the end of the class, the two of you finally landed on an idea to carry out. A true miracle.
The next week in Spanish class passed and the days were cutting it closer and closer to the deadline. But there was still much work to be done. So, begrudgingly, you both had to work on it out of school. After Spanish, you were packing up your things when you asked him, "My place or yours?" His response was immediate. "My place. I'll give you my address. Come over after school, 'ight?" He said, writing down his address and handing it to you.
You accepted it and said, "Alright. Are your parents good with me coming over?" You questioned if he even had the decency to check first. Although you couldn't stand him most of the time, you didn't want to intrude on his family. He shrugged it off, "Yeah my ma's good with it. Already told her."
He wasn't about to tell you that his mother demanded the project was done at his house so she could keep a keen eye on the both of you.
You were dreading the final bell of the day. Spending more time than legally required with Miles wasn't your ideal image of fun. As the school day ended, you walked over to Miles' house.
Knocking on the door, it was soon opened by no one other than Miles' mother. She was expecting you, as a smile adorned her face. You greeted her, "¡Hola, Señora Morales! Gracias por invitarme a tu casa." (Hi, Mrs. Morales! Thank you for inviting me to your house.)
She widened her eyes at you, "¡Claro! ¿Cómo estás?" (of course, how are you?) She asked you with a sweet smile. You replied and reciprocated a smile, "Bien, ¿usted?" (good, you?) To which she responded, "Muy bien, gracias." (very good, thank you) As you put down your things, you noticed Miles was standing only a few feet away. His mother pulled Miles to the side and whispered, "She speaks Spanish, I like her." Not wanting to give away that she was a loud whisperer, you concealed a small laugh. It's a wonder how Miles turned out like that. His mother's wonderful. You knew she raised him better.
After his mother was done speaking to him, Miles led you to his room. His mother called out, "¡Deja la puerta abierta!" (leave the door open!) "Si, mami." He said back in an unusually nice tone.
You previously believed Miles Morales was a universal dick. But you soon realized you were somewhat wrong. He was a dick. To everyone except his mother, it seemed.
As you both settled down to start working on the project, you grinned at him like you had just found out a Federal-level secret. "You're such a momma's boy." You said.
His head whipped to you like you knew something you shouldn't. "No one would believe you." He said. You teased, "Oh, everyone would. Trust."
This was the most civil conversation the both of you have ever held within your whole history of knowing Miles. The afternoon was sprinkled with light-hearted jokes here and there, and it wasn't as painful as you initially believed. Needless to say, being forcibly confined in a space with Miles went much smoother than you could've ever anticipated. The project was progressing for once. And so was your relationship with Miles.
A few days later, you were in a better mood than regular. Within the past few days, Miles has been more tolerable. Maybe even likable. Apparently, you were in too good of a mood. You must've appeared too approachable today.
As you were walking in the hallways of school to your next class, a guy you didn't recognize slung an arm around your shoulders and said, "Hey, what's good jit?" You immediately pushed his arm off. He reeked of an excessive usage of cologne. You winced at his stench. "Don't call me that." You assertively said. But he only took it as a challenge. He said with a wink, "You tryna play hard to get? Alright, I'll play along."
"I'm not 'playing hard to get'," You mocked with air quotations. Dumbing it down, you continued, "I don't want you." Could a girl make it any more obvious?
Your words went straight over his oversized head. He said with a disgusting smirk, "I can change your mind." Your face visibly grimaced at his desperate attempt, "Not even baby Jesus could change my mind."
He was starting to get agitated at this point, "Nah, why you trippin', girl?" he said. You immediately retorted, "Why can't you take a damn hint?"
"C'mon, I know you want me. Gimme a chance." He said. You were sick and tired of this interaction, so you just decided to walk away. Turning your back, you tried to escape this conversation. But he grabbed your hand to prevent you from leaving. "Aye, where you goin'?"
You tried to be patient. And where did patience get you? Nowhere. In your mind, this guy was way too testosterone-deficient to be talking tough to you. There was nothing worse than a teenage boy. More importantly, a boy that didn't know what 'no' means.
And in an instant, the sound of a slap resounded throughout the hallway.
He looked like he was about to start crying. Holding his cheek in pain, he sneered, "Fuck you, bitch. You ain't shit anyway. I ain't even want you." But as you tried to walk away once again, he placed a tight grip on your shoulder to prevent you from escaping.
Miles was skipping class and wandering in the hallways when he saw you. From your body language, he could tell you were uncomfortable. His eyes glanced toward the guy's grip on your shoulder, and Miles suddenly understood the situation. He could see where this was heading. Or at least, he believed he did. Miles was about to intervene when within the blink of an eye, you had flipped the guy on his back and onto the floor.
You told the boy on the floor, "Don't try that shit again. With me or any other woman, got it?" Groaning in agony, the guy whimpered in response, and you took it as a 'yes'.
The guy was no André the Giant, but it impressed the hell out of Miles nonetheless. Since when could you do that? He questioned himself. Miles had to prevent his jaw from dropping. He was suddenly glad he never pushed you that far. You walked away unbothered as if nothing had happened. He gained a newfound respect for you. But that would have to stay unspoken.
Once Spanish class rolled around, you realized it was the second to last day you had to finish the project, so you were working extra diligently in Spanish class. You told Miles, "Alright, I finished decorating it. What do you think?" showing him the project. Not that you cared what he thought, but it would make this whole process much easier if he wouldn't shit on your every move. You've had your daily dose of asshole for the day. Almost an overdose, really.
A few moments passed by where he stared at the project, and then back to you. Fully expecting Miles to be his usual asshole self, you said, "Spit it out. What is it?" You waved your hand in front of his face. He swatted your hand away and replied, "I ain't gonna hold you, it's a pretty solid project so far."
You raised a brow at him, and suspiciously asked, "Really?" This was the first time he didn't have any retort to say. "Yeah, I think you're great, ma." He said. You cheekily grinned at him as he tried to correct himself, "I meant, great at the project. Yeah. The project." He almost stumbled on his words. He never did that. He was always collected. What was up with him? It was definitely a sudden change, but you weren't complaining.
There was only a small portion of the project left to do by the end of the class, so Miles suggested finishing it at his house.
This time after school, the both of you walked together to his house. As you worked on the project in his room, you noticed he wasn't getting much done. It seemed like he was in his head, whatever goes on in there. As you glanced up, he locked eyes with you. You hadn't a clue what he was thinking.
You originally would've preferred to do the project yourself, but if you had to have a partner, you believed the work should be divided equally. You weren't going to carry the whole project on your back.
"Why're you slacking, Miles? Our time is limited, y'know." "Ion know. Mind's elsewhere." He shrugged. It was subtle, but you noticed his glance travel to your lips. You grinned and took the opportunity to tease, "What, you want a kiss or somethin'?" You said it mainly as a joke. Sure, maybe you liked the way he gave you a challenge everyday. You wouldn't blatantly admit it, but it was refreshing to be with someone that actually cared about their work. But much to your surprise, he ran his hand over the back of his braids and said. "Shi, maybe it would motivate me. You feel me?"
Not expecting him to agree, you said, "I mean, alright. If you get off your ass, maybe I'll give you one." You tried to say as casually as you could. But you couldn't deny the fact that you were growing fond of him. You were internally conflicted as you wanted to hate him, but couldn't. In reality, it was far from hate.
Miles couldn't exactly pinpoint the moment his detest for you faded away and was replaced with something different. An emotion he rarely felt. Seeing you singlehandedly take on a guy was only fueling it for him. He quickly started working harder on his part. You mentally praised yourself. After a few silent moments, he spoke up, "Yo, I'm basically finished."
He was bullshitting, and you knew it. As you looked at his part of the project, he still had a good chunk to finish. But you caved and moved closer to him. Holding a hand to his face, you peppered a light kiss to the corner of his mouth, just barely avoiding his mouth.
As usual, he had something to say, "Don't play, mami." He resisted the urge to press his lips to yours until they were numb. You simply smiled at him and replied, "Yeah? Keep workin' and you'll earn a real one."
Immediately, Miles got right back to working on his part of the project without another complaint. You've never seen him work so studiously.
Pleased to say, with your motivation, Miles was more productive that day than all the other days combined.
taglist! please lmk if u want to be added 🫶
@l5byrinth @iamspooderman
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l44serbeam · 1 year
hello, can i request college! ellie simping over oblivious reader 💝
eee i lov writing simp ellie shes such a munch
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— ALL FOR YOU 𖤐 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings — some good ol’ homosexual pining and loser lesbian syndrome, cursing, drinking, smoking, some fratty guy being creepy, sooome jealousy
For the past few years, Ellies followed y/n around like a lost puppy, accompanying her to all the parties, events, and get togethers. The two are attached at the hip, but lately somethings been eating away at Ellie and she just cant seem to let it go.
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“Ellie. Im not gonna fucking smell it.” Y/n laughed as she swatted away the jar Ellie aggressively shoved at her face.
“C’mon y/n. If i had to suffer so do you.” Ellie menacingly cackled, her hand following y/ns nose as she attempted to dodge the scent of the four month old jar of moldy tomato sauce Ellie had grabbed from the fridge and instinctively took a strong whiff of.
“You’re distracting me.” Y/n whined as Ellie threw the jar in the trash and plopped onto the seat next to y/ns on her 2 chair dining table.
“You’ve been doing that shit since you got here this morning. Im feeling quite neglected and unwanted in my own home.” Ellie huffed, crossing her arms.
“I have two pages left, fifteen minutes at most. Then we can do whatever, I swear.” Y/n finalized, biting her lip as she scribbled on the bright yellow paper.
Ellie watched her work, eyebrows permanently scrunched and lips a gelatinous red from her chewing. The way she shifted uncomfortably in the seat as her lower back ached and would quietly huff whenever a question got too complicated.
In the past few years of their friendship, this had become a sort of ritual. Y/n would show up at Ellies house a good 15 minutes within Ellie waking up and shed study on Ellies table and Ellie would sit with her and watch her.
Well the last part of the ritual Ellie didn’t exactly want y/n to know about, but she couldn’t help herself. How could she not stare when she looked so sanctified, in her barest form, wearing her most comfortable clothes and her hair still not tamed from slumber.
It almost felt domestic. At least thats what Ellie thought. Shed order breakfast and they’d eat together is silence as y/n played out loud lecture recordings as they ate to not fall behind and Ellie would occasionally pretend to listen, but end up distracting y/n and laughing throughout, making her have to rewind and get back into the lesson.
Pretty much everything about y/ns and Ellies relationship was domestic, the two constantly together even at the most uneventful and peaceful moments.
They’d met the summer after their senior year, both attending a party near their new campus a month before the start of their college years.
In all honesty, when Dina had first introduced y/n to Ellie and they first exchanged greetings, shed set her mind on sparking a casual hook up and then forgetting about her, but how could she do that when after an hour the two were sat on the curb outside the party, nursing a joint and laughing maniacally at each others jokes with the haze of the alcohol. How could she just fuck y/n and leave when in the two hours they were sat on that curbside, she rambled endlessly about her personal ideologies and opinions, painfully pretty, passionate and giggly
That was one of the first things Ellie picked up within their conversations. Y/n was surprisingly intelligent and beautifully put together, made up of thoughts and theories that constantly molded her mind, making her practically impossible to figure out. She was complicated and beautiful and Ellie couldn’t help but feel a sense of adoration paint her chest.
The next years to come, Ellie and y/n were attached at the hip. They went to parties together, left together, ate together, studied together. All of it. And through all of it all Ellie could feel was warmth wrapping around her and a lightheaded buzz of euphoria. But even then, Ellie was convinced all y/n experienced was oblivion.
It wasn’t like Ellie hadn’t thrown hints or made it obvious that she yearned of her, but y/n had a tendency to not realize the things that were right in front of her. So, Ellie decided it’d be for the best if she just waits for her feelings to subside and not let anything change.
Ellie felt the buzz of her phone on her lap and flipped it over to see a message from Dina.
ELLIEEEEE ik ur with y/n ask her if u two r coming to jesses tonite
first of all how do you KNOW im with y/n 🤨🤨 and second.. she said yes
you two are practically a married couple ofc ur with her
Ellie chuckled at Dinas statement, making her cheeks redden in the slightest (not that shed ever admit it).
be at jesses at 7 or you will face ur doom mwahahahhahaha
Ellie lifts up her phone and faces the screen towards y/n. “I think she lost it.” Ellie laughed.
Y/n laughed at the message and Ellies comment. “Noo, she lost it a good four years ago.”
Y/n suddenly slammed her textbook shut and threw her pencil onto the table. “Im DONE.”
“Jesus, finally.” Ellie said. “Im gonna get ready i can drive you to your place so you can get ready and we can go kill time till 7 then off to Jesses.”
“Alrighty ill pack my shit up.”
“Look its my favorites!” Dina yelled out as she practically launched from Jesses couch and ran over to the two, pulling them both into a hug. The scent of alcohol and weed radiated from her, exciting y/n for the night.
Getting drunk and high with her best friends was one of y/n’s favorite things to do, all of them losing any sense of dignity or embarrassment and just letting loose with one another.
Y/n spotted a few unfamiliar faces littering Jesses apartment, red cups at hand and smoke clouding the home.
“Lets go get you started off. Im feeling quite lonely at my level.” Dina laughed, grabbing y/ns hand. Y/n looked back at Ellie and stretched out her purse to her which she responded to with a nod, grabbing the purse and beginning to back away towards Jesse.
“Cant believe you didnt wait for me.” Y/n said in a dramatically offended manner. Dina rolled her eyes, pulling y/n forward.
“I love you y/n, but its not my fault if you took forty thousand years to get here.”
When they reached the kitchen, a counter had a display of multiple bottles and differently tinted alcohol bottles and chasers.
Dina grabbed a bottle of tequila and two cups, pouring a double shot in each and handing one to y/n.
“God this shit can kill a grown man.” Y/n groaned at the intense scent of the alcohol wafting from the cup.
“C’mon.” Dina said, tapping her cup at the table and bringing it up to her lips, y/n following suit. The two gulped down the shots, both immediately reaching for the bottle of sprite as a chaser.
“Oh jesus.” Y/n coughed, her face sourly contorted. She shook her head quickly to shake it off and recover.
She grabbed two cups and poured some hawaiian punch that was on the counter, pouring some of the tequila on top. She made sure to pour one of them heavy handedly with the alcohol. “Im gonna go take Ellie a drink.” She told Dina.
“Ill be waiting for you on the dance floor.” She excitedly yelled before rushing off to the area next to the kitchen where the majority of swaying bodies danced to the loud music.
“Youre actually an idiot Williams. Like not in a joking haha funny way but you are genuinely dumb.” Jesse laughed, Ellie rolling her eyes and slumping back on the couch, her legs spread widely and arms defensively folded in front of her chest.
“Shut up Jesse. The only reason you and Dina got together was cause you don’t know how to take a hint and started talking about her to me on facetime and you didn’t know she was next to me. Not because of your unwieldy intelligence.” Ellie retorted, Jesse playfully punching her shoulder.
“You’re just mad dude. I think you’d loosen up if you juts fucking told her how you felt. You’re getting quite tense.” He finalized with a whisper as they watched a cheerful y/n making her way over with two cups in hand.
“Hello there.” Y/n said, stretching out the O as she plopped down on Ellies lap, handing her the drink that had more alcohol.
“Greetings.” Ellie said slickly, grabbing the drink from y/ns hand and smirking at her pinkened cheeks and already loose demeanor. She found her hand instinctively flattening on the lower part of y/ns back and bringing the drink to her lips, eyes squinting at the burning flavor masked by the slightest bit of fruit.
Jesse eyed the two and laughed to himself, shaking his head. Ellie looked at him and gave him a indicative look that read shut the fuck up.
“Where’d Dina go?” He asked y/n, taking in Ellies look.
“She went to go dance. Im gonna join her in a sec.” She responded, taking a swing out her cup.
Ellie reached into the pocket of her loose black denim button up and pulled out a tin. Y/n immediately recognized it as the tin Ellie kept her joints in. According to her it was the perfect place to keep them cause they stayed fresh longer.
She brought the joint up and pinched it between her lips, then searching through her pockets but not seeming to find what she was looking for.
“Got a light?” She asked through lips.
Y/n nodded and reaching to her purse that was in between Ellies thigh and the corner of the couch. She pulled out the lighter and brought it to the tip of the joint at Ellies lips, Ellie silently taken aback when she expected her to have just handed it to her.
When the smoke bloomed from the lit end, Ellie took a lengthy drag that further lit the cherry.
She grabbed it from her lips and handed the joint to y/n, letting her take as much she wanted before getting up and going to Dina.
Ellie watched y/n under the dimly lit lamp next to them on the night table, being one of the few sources of light. She looked peaceful, looking ahead at the crowd of people quietly with a hidden grin and swaying to the music. Her lips delicately wrapping around the joint and the lip gloss she insisted on applying right as Ellie parked her car and making her wait glimmered against the light.
Suddenly, y/n turned her head and her eyes caught Ellies, catching her in her tracks. She separated the joint from her lips and smiled.
“What?” She laughed at Ellies stagnant gaze.
Ellie laughed lightly. “Nothing. You just look happy.” She dismissed.
“Of course i am. Fucking studying shits been kicking my ass, i was dying to get out.” She said, not reading further into the look on Ellies eye as she watched her.
“Alright, im goin’ in.” Y/n said, patting Ellies leg and handing her the joint as she stood up.
“Have fun.” Ellie said, leaning back again and fixing herself on the couch.
Jesse leaned back once again, his lousy conversation with a guy who stopped by them as Ellie and y/n spoke ending, but that didnt mean her didnt hear the entire conversation between her and y/n.
He looked at her and laughed. “Youre a fool Ellie. A fool.” He said, Ellie groaning and planting her hands on her face, trying to cover the slight laughter that escaped.
“Y/N!” Dina called, seeing y/n search for her closer to the edge of the crowd. At her name, y/n beamed and pushed towards her. “Thought you were never gonna make it!” She yelled in y/ns ear slightly louder than necessary.
“Ellie sparked up.” Y/n said back.
“So you weren’t dancing with me cause your were blue balling Ellie?” Dina laughed and said in a sarcastically offended manner.
“Shut the fuck up.” Y/n said firmly, but playfulness playing at her tone.
“Oh how you torture that poor girl.” Dina laughed.
“Stop i do not.” Y/n huffed. “We’re best friends Dina. She doesn’t see me like that.”
Dina sighed and twirled around to the music. “You’re so oblivious.”
“She would never.” Y/n stated in a stonier tone.
“But would you.” Dina asked sharply, raising her eyebrows knowingly and crossing her arms.
Y/n rolled her eyes but remained silent.
“Whatever dummy. Forget about that.” Dina said, grabbing y/ns hands and urging her to start dancing with her which she slowly caved into, losing herself in the beat of the music.
The two jumped and swayed, only stopping to gulp down a portion of the drinks in their hand and keep dancing.
Y/n felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist, the persons body pressing into her back and the scent of heavy liquor and pungent cologne invading her senses.
When Dine turned towards y/n and saw the man behind her, her face contorted as she made confused eye contact with y/n.
Y/n turned around and gently put her hands on the mans chest, softly pushing him away as she backed up.
“Sorry im not interested.” She yelled over the music.
“What were just dancing!” The man said back, still stepping towards her. “Pretty thing like you shouldn’t be dancing alone baby.”
Y/ns and Dinas faces both painted with disgust, y/ns push becoming slightly harder.
“Thank you, but no thank you.” She insisted, this time turning around the push out the crowd.
Behind her the man followed, keeping track of her through the people and still trailing behind her as she walked toward the kitchen.
“C’mon. Whats your deal.” He said as she stopped at the drink counter and started making another drink, not paying attention to the guy. “Don’t be a bitch.” He said, grabbing the back of her hips and pressing against her backside. She quickly grabbed his wrist and turned to aggressively push him off and in all probability, probably punch him square in the face, but before she could do that a hand gripped his shoulder and he was harshly pulled off of her, stumbling back.
“Shes obviously not into you dude. Fucks wrong with you.” Ellie said, getting frighteningly close to his face, chests touching. Ellie was practically the same height as him if not taller, by this time her jacket off, revealing her built arms from her black wife beater.
It seemed like a fight he did not want to pick, putting his hands up and backing away with a shit eating grin. “Alright, definitely mot worth it.” He said, walking away and out of the kitchen. The few people that lingered around there looked at y/n, one or two asking if she was ok.
When everyone cleared out and went about with their business Ellie looked at y/n, her hand brushing her forearm. “You sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah i am, just got me a little nervous.” Y/n wearily laughed as she spoke, turning back around and finishing pouring the alcohol in her drink with shaky hands.
“Careful there.” Ellie said, her hand pulling down the end of the bottle for y/n to stop pouring seeing how much she was putting in.
“Im good Ellie.” Y/n said in a firmer manner, looking back at her.
“I know.” She softly responded. “Cmon, lets go to the couch.”
“Im gonna use the bathroom really quickly then ill meet you there.”
“Need me to wait for you?”
“No its ok, go make sure no one takes your spot.”
Ellie nodded and walked back to the couch, Y/n finding the vacant bathroom and locking herself in it. She set down her cup on the counter and turned on the water, splashing some of it on her neck to combat the heat that seated to be radiating from her body. She looked in the mirror and took a breath, recomposing herself.
“Alright.” She said to herself, swinging open the door again and walking towards the sofa. When the made it into the living room, the first thing she spotted was Ellie in her spot at the couch, and next to her a pretty blonde girl with big round eyes looking up at her, a smile on her lips.
Y/n stopped in her place and watched as Ellie seemed to explain something to her, her hands moving and making signals and the girl eagerly nodding along.
Something shot up y/ns spine in that moment and she considered just walking up to them and taking a seat on her usual spot (that being Ellies lap) but her words to Dina rung.
She just sees me as a best friend. She sees her as someone to be with.
With that thought ringing through her head she turned towards the balcony door besides her, stepping out and being hit by the cool breeze.
A man ashed his cigarette and y/n asked if she could bum one off of him, to which he said yes and gave her one then exited, leaving her alone.
She lit the cigarette with a random lighter from the chair and drew from it.
Her drunkenness had taken a turn with the sighting, going from a jolly and joyful to sad and sulky. Its not like she felt like Ellie had any obligations to her or the other way around, but that didn’t stop y/n from feeling a sharp tiny stab to her gut.
There was a knock on the glass door of the balcony causing y/n to whip back around. A tall girl stood at the glass waving at y/n almost as a warning that she was coming out.
“Hey sorry to bother you. Mind if i smoke out here?” The girl asked.
“No not at all.” Y/n said turning back towards the view and taking another hit of the cigarette.
“I know you.” That girl said in a recognizing tone as she pulled out her own cigarette. “We have Microbiology iolgoy together. You sit next to, whats her name?”
Y/n laughed lightly. “Yeah, a friend of mine, Leah.”
“Yeaah.” The mystery girl responded.
“Whats your name?” Y/n asked but before the girl could answer, the glass sliding door of the balcony swung open.
“Y/n i was fucking worried about you.” Ellie said sharply, eyeing the girl that stood besides her hastily. “Sorry im gonna have to take her.” She said as she grabbed her arm and began pulling her, not a drop of genuine apology in her voice.
“Ellie what the hell. She was nice i was having a conversa-”
“You had me scared y/n. I mean what the fuck you said you would be there i a minute and almost twenty go by and no ones seen you. You don’t even know her and you were practically on her.” She said, not making eye contact. Y/n shook her arm out of Ellies grasp, making both of them stop in the empty hallway.
“And you didn’t know that girl but that didn’t stop you from go for her. You can have flirt with people and get with girls but i cant?”
“What girl y/n? What are you talking about?” Ellie questioned harshly.
“From the couch Ellie. You were going for her and i didnt want to barge in. You were obviously into her.”
Ellie scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. At the realization the tense muscles of her face softened, but were still written with gentle confusion. “The blonde on? I wasnt- why would i be into her?”
“Because shes pretty and obviously ready to suck you off right then and there so what else.” Y/n shrugged, annoyance building onto her tone.
A chill ran up her spine at the sight of how Ellies face shifted at her statement.
“You’re really are fucking obvious are you?” Ellie huffed.
“About what Ellie?” Y/n desperately asked, Ellies lips pressing together.
“Im not doing this here. Grab your shit, im dropping you off at your house.” She said demandingly, y/n cursing at herself when her legs didn’t even waiver a second before speeding towards her purse to collect her things.
The car rang with the low tones of the gentle rock music that played from Ellies playlist. Other from that and the sound of the road rolling against the tires there was no noise within the car.
Y/n sat looking out the window, occasionally looking over at Ellies tense figure besides her.
Question hung heavily in the air and unspoken words riddled y/ns tongue. In the past 10 minutes of the car ride, y/n had repeatedly gained the confidence to strike up conversation but allowing her anxiousness eat away at it and retaliate.
Ellie suddenly turned and parked in front of the entrance to the apartment building which y/n lived at. She put the car in park and turned towards y/n her hand placing itself onto the back of y/ns seat.
“You really dont see it y/n?” Ellie said, speaking her first words in the entire car ride.
“See what Ellie? You keep talking about this it like i know what thats supposed to be.”
“It is whats right in front of you y/n! Me! The way i feel about you and the way you make me feel. I’ve tried so many times y/n i mean so many times to show you or hint to you that i like you more than what we say we are to each other.”
Y/n couldnt help but let her jaw slack, her lips parting open in surprise at Ellies words. Ellie hissed and rubbed her hands against her face, groaning.
“God.” She hissed. “Look y/n. I dont want to lose you. I dont care how youre in my life but i need you in it. If you dont feel the same way we can go on and forget tonight happened.”
Ellies shoulder slumped at the sound of giggles escaping y/ns throats, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.
“I dont think laughing is what i was expecting.” Ellie said.
“No no no, im not laughing at you. Im laughing cause Dina was fucking right.”
That response didnt exactly ease Ellies nerves, almost taking offense to it. These feelings were quickly eased at the sight of y/n spring out of her seat and the feeling of her lips searing into hers.
A wave of euphoria rushed through Ellie at the feeling of y/n. On her. Her hands on Ellies neck and on her knees as she bent over the arm rest.
It was as if the kiss almost spoke hundreds of words of exchange that neither of them had said. Their lips moved against one another, clutching onto a string of reality.
The two separated to breath desperate breaths of air, their foreheads against one another and noses brushing against each other.
“I think i let how much i like you and how much i dont want to ruin us not let me see the obvious.” Y/n said barely above a whisper, Ellies lip curling into a smile.
“You’re so stubborn.” Ellie responded, leaning back and brushing her thumb across the apple of y/ns cheek. “Its almost three im the morning and you have class at nine, get yourself to bed.” She said even though those very words caused her so much dread.
Y/n groaned but couldnt contain the sheepish smile on her face. “Alright. Ill be at your place by 11. That ok?” Y/n asked almost nervously.
Ellie leaned forward and kissed y/ns lips once again. “Whats expecting anything different. Im not done with you.” She smirked, making y/n blush.
“Ill see you tomorrow.” Y/n said as she opened the car door.
“Text me when your upstairs.” Ellie said before y/n closed the door, her response being a thumbs up and happy wave before running into the lobby.
Ellie drove all the way back to her apartment with a cheesy smile on her face and her hands excitedly tapping the steering wheel to the drumming of the music she played lauder than before.
Just wait till Jesse hears this.
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a/n — heres a lil fic for you guys just to keep u fed <<3 love yall and i hope your having a wonderful pride month 😽😽
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absolutebl · 3 months
What to watch after Pit Babe? Thai BL Actor Guide
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So you loved Pit Babe and you wanna see your favorite BL boy in his old series? But should you?
Here's a guide...
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Babe AKA Pavel - 2 Moons 2
Pavel is one of my favorite actors in BL (he's this blog's icon for a reason) and actually 2 Moons 2 is pretty good, primarily because of his character, Forth. Who has an actual character evolution and growth arc... in a BL!
Don't be fooled 2 Moons 2 is a reboot and extension of 2 Moons, not a spin off. So you don't have to have watched the first iteration, in fact I recommend against it.
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Anygay, the main couple of 2M2 is naff, but Forth is great and Pavel is great as that character. He has good chemistry with his pairing, and as a BL fan it's not a bad idea to know your 2 Moon's roots. 2 Moons is one of the most popular Y-novels ever written, one of the most popular shows of it's time, and the perpetuator of many Thai BL tropes.
Pavel's second BL, Coffee Melody, is not worth watching.
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If Babe was your favorite character, and Babe & Charlie a pairing you enjoy, I would suggest Big Dragon as your next BL. Same vibes, high heat, chaotic. Another possibility is the slightly lower heat but stil unhinged Laws of Attraction.
You also might like some stuff out of Taiwan. They tend to have the angst + high heat + sappy softness that characterized Charlie + Babe.
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Way AKA Nut - Oxygen
Nut is way different in his previous rolls, as the lead in both Oxygen, and Something in My Room. Same gorgeous voice and soulful eyes and Nut tends to play sensitive torn characters but the similarities end there.
In Oxygen, his acting is stiff. In fact, Oxygen as a whole is pretty stiff. I like it very much and it is a big comfort watch for me because of it's smooth peaceful softness, but it's flawed, slow and awkward. I did an episode by episode thing for that show (my first watch along).
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In his second BL, Something in My Room, Nut demonstrates improved acting and chemistry, but I don't recommend it. It's a touch of horror, built on the "my ghost boyfriend" trope, and it's quite sad.
So try Oxygen but if what you're after is more BL with a Way-like main character then I would recommend Moonlight Chicken or The Eclipse chewy BL with sensitive boys and some grey morality.
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Jeff AKA Pon - Starhunter Talent
Pon was with Starhunter before this and so has appearances in several of their BLs. He's demonstrated great natural acting talent, charisma, and good chemistry with all his pairs but because he often appeared in chaotic ensemble pieces has been easily forgotten (including by me). Starhunter chronically underused him but also utterly miss-applied him.
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Gen Y 2 is actually a master class in flawed casting. They put Pon into a triangle, where he plays a fated mate pining uke against a very stiff lead pair - but they expected us not to want him to be end game. Big mistake. Watch this mess if you just want to see how a good actor can eat up all the air of a bad pair, winning hearts and influencing fans.
Otherwise the Gen Y series is a bloated mess, and I can't recommend them. I trashed watched so you don't have too. While Pon demonstrates skills against a backdrop of ranging tallent, oddball story, and chaotic outcomes I wouldn't have bothered if not for the dumpster fire.
Pon's first BL is The Moment, and he's good in it, but it's a terrible show. Boring and plotless.
He's fantastic in Make A Wish but only a side part (despite what is said in MDL) and his arc is VERY sad. Still it's a GREAT under appreciated BL, I recommend it as the one to watch if you have to see Pon in something else. It's nothing like Pit Babe though.
Yeah our pathway for Pon ends here, so lets look, instead, at
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Alan & Jeff - Bed Friend
This was Sailub's first BL role, and I speak for all of us when I say... more please.
So instead of a watching a pathway for him, I'm gonna give you a few BL suggestions based on the assumption that this side couple was your favorite from this series (as it was mine).
What we had with this pairing was
older sensitive sweetheart sunshine seme + tortured dark scared tsundere uke.
FUN dynamic! Here are some options where this style took center stage:
Bed Friend
Between Us
Love By Chance (AePete only)
Tokyo in April is
I Became the Main Role of a BL
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Pete & Kenta - Word of Honor
Ah you like your boys troubled with money, questionable morals, and the slight inclination to pick at their fingernails with a knife?
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Neither Garfield nor Ping have done other BLs but here are my picks for BLs that feature this kind of character and dynamic, and we are leaving Thailand for these (since it's darker territory than Thailand usually handles... well).
HIStory 3: Trapped 
Long Time No See 
Irresistible Love
Word of Honor
Where Your Eyes Linger
Other familiar faces
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North played by Michael was our big comedy insert for this show.
But all his roles prior to this were very serious. Till the World Ends and Call It What You Want are practically depressing, even his role in Oxygen is pretty dark. He actually has been in BL a very long time, he was one of Noh's friends in Love Sick at just 18. Frankly, that'd waht you should watch if you are gonna watch any of his back catelogue, but it's NOTHING like Pit Babe or his role in it, still it's the beginning of Thai BL and Noh is a little sunshine of chaos, and it's great so...
Where was I?
If you really want a comedic himbo lead character there are are quite a few out there, and it's a crazy playing field because Japan is in it to win it.
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Leaving aside high school stuff, here are some options:
Cherry Magic (Japan)
Ossan’s Love 
Mr Unlucky Can Only Kiss
Love Tractor
Bad Buddy
Love Stage!!
My Day
History 4: Close to You
Benz who played Kim has also done BL before, En of Love: This Is Love Story, but it is not good and not worth watching.
While I want the queer Falling Into Your Smile or Love O2O or Appledog more than anything, that doesn't exist. We have yet to have a true gaymer BL. (I mean come on, nerdy queer is practically a stereotype at this point, where is it?)
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All of which is to say if Kim was your favorite... I don't know. Our Dating Sim maybe Semantic Error?
Pop has lead out a BL, it's a very slow, very queer, very unwatched piece called La Cuisine.
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@heretherebedork and I loved it, but it's hard to imagine anyone else enjoying it. You have to be a hard BL stan to tolerate the pace and pulp quality of that one. He's a completely different character but if you really like the actor try him in La Cuisine, I think he was better cast for that than Pit Babe.
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I just enjoyed the show in general, what's next?
In general, if you really enjoyed Pit Babe itself as a series (and it's multiple couples and chaotic noise and erratic concept) you're in the KinnPorsche camp of Thai BL. I actually made a "watch next" pathways and rating guide for that show, which might work for you.
Specifically I would say Manner of Death. It's a little more focused in character and plot but still a wild ride. And MaxTul are the Kings for a reason.
You might also try Not Me, Never Let Me Go, and 3 Will Be Free although all of these, coming from GMMTV, are lower heat levels than Pit Babe.
Finally, seriously, try The Sign. I know it was airing "in competition" but there is room in your heart for both shows. I promise. They have the same wild sexy energy, and are loads of fun.
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butterflywithsass · 1 month
Watched Dead Boy Detectives last night and I’m obsessed. If you like the queerness of good omens, but with more gore, and in the same universe as the Sandman (death and despair both show up) if you like dark academia gay boys, if you like ghosts, or paranormal stuff, or demons, if you like cats — lemme tell you this show is for you.
So, like, there’s these two ghost boys who are best friends but also gay for each other but also a secret third thing and their names are Edwin and Charles.
Edwin Payne was a demonic sacrifice in 1916 and as spend literal decades in hell but escaped. He’s a repressed Victorian gay who has zero charisma but every single man he meets becomes obsessed with him and wants to sleep with him except the boy he actually likes which is his best friend Charles. His entire character arc is about gay panic and getting over his internalized homophobia — he wears bow ties!!!! He doesn’t know what a hand job is. He’s literally the perfect tumblr blorbo. His superpower is getting tortured. He’s so sassy! His sexual awakening comes at the hands of a cat king and his first kiss is with a crow.
Charles died in like the 90s or something I’m not sure. He’s so optimistic and sunshine but also so full of rage. He’s the most supportive guy 100/10 would trust him with anything. He doesn’t like to talk about his issues. When confronted with the inexorable monsters of hell he solved the problem with a Molotov cocktail. I love him and his single earring he’s a golden retriever who would rather stay on earth with best friend than move on to a peaceful afterlife. His jawline is impeccable he can’t not press a big red button when he sees it.
Crystal Palace I wasn’t sold on because I thought she’d get between my boys but she actually so cool and I developed a bit of a crush let’s be honest I have a thing for curly haired witchy girls, she’s a physic with amnesia and a demon stalker ex boyfriend people stare at her when she hangs out with the boys cause it looks like she’s talking to herself. Everyone she knows thinks she’s insane. She’s a reformed mean girl.
Niko Sisaki I was a little iffy about because it felt like they were gonna go with the bimbo anime Asian girl but turns out she just had a parasite that made pink hearts float around her. She’s so weird she tries to help Edwin with his gay problem by introducing him to explicit gay fan fiction, she tries to get her landlord to date, she likes cool rocks. She has two tiny people trapped in a jar in her room. Her friendship with Edwin is everything. She’s ghosting her mom.
Jenny. I love her so much, she feels so safe which is weird because she chops meat and all her clothes are covered in blood. Everything about just screams big sister and her character arc is learning to embrace that. She goes on one date and almost gets murdered.
Monty. He’s literally a crow turned into a boy. He’s down bad for Edwin. He’s a secret honeypot agent for an evil witch. He has the most adorable smile, the whole time I was expecting him to be an agent of Morpheus. He’s obsessed with astrology.
The Night nurse originally annoyed me a bit (in a good way) I just wanted to get rid of her. When Charles punted her into a giant sea monster I clapped. Then it just got weird and I love it.
The cat king. He’s such a creep, but honestly, I love that for him. He has some of the best lines and he just exudes cat. He’s a classic fairy tale trickster, he a nuisance for the whole season, he’s central to the plot, he’s constantly hitting on Edwin.
Esther. She’s a archetypal evil witch. She gives off mystic trash vibes. She’s obsessed with beauty and revenge. She’s shamelessly horrible. She feeds kids to her giant snake. She literally can’t die.
All in all, I think I’m gonna have brain rot over this for the next year, go and watch it.
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arataka-reigen · 4 months
Winter Anime Review by Yours Truly 🍄🌻
This season I said I would not watch anything besides dunmeshi. As we can all see... that was a fucking lie.
In total I've started 10 anime (can everyone praise me and be proud of me for being a bit more tame than I was in the fall season? At least it wasn't 20 anime this time).
My reviews are something I make just for fun, and they 100% reflect my own personal tastes. I might give a highscore to shows other people would call absolute trash, and that's okay! To each their own~~ That being said, I do try to make it very informative to aid you in choosing what you might want to check out by adding a summary and a few content warnings along with the actual review.
A little preview: this season has some great romance anime with couples that actually do make progress in their relationship, which is kind of rare for anime couples, always on their "will they wont they" thing, so if anything, i would recommend picking up one of the romances this time around. (And dunmeshi. Watch dunmeshi.)
***This review will include exclusively animes that debuted this winter, so no 2nd seasons or continuing shows from the fall season.
So, without further ado, let's get into it under the read more.
Dungeon Meshi
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Summary: Seinen, Fantasy, Gourmet, Comedy
A party of adventurers gets stuck fighting a Dragon even though they are starving and in no shape to survive. In a last ditch effort to make it out alive, mage Falin sacrifices herself to save her brother Laios and their party. She sends them back to the surface but gets eaten by the Dragon. Now Laios and co are in a race against time to save Falin before she gets digested. The problem? They don't have any money for food. The solution? DUNGEON MESHI!!! AH, DUNGEON MESHI!! DUNGEON FOOD!! JUST EAT THE GODDAMN MONSTERS 😋
Rating: 10/10
Review: if you've been following me for 2 seconds or less you already know dunmeshi is one of my all time favorite mangas. And the anime absolutely delivers. The animation is great, the voice acting is great both subbed or dubbed (the english dub AND the portuguese dub are worth it). The comedic bits hit so hard, and we're just at the start but you can already see bits and pieces of a larger and more dramatic story unfolding.
World building is insane. Character design is insane (everyone say thank you Ryoko Kui our goddess).
Not only is the story incredibly well written with no plot holes, the characters are also well fleshed out and three dimensional.
I could sing praises for it for hours, but then it would leave no space for the other shows on this list so I'll stop now.
But if you only have time to watch one anime this season, this one is it.
Content Warning: blood, death, necromancy crimes 🧟‍♀️
7th Timeloop: the Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy
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Summary: Reincarnation, Fantasy, Romance
Rishe is not new to the reincarnation business. This is her 7th time around. After being accused of crimes she didn't commit and having her engagement to the crown prince broken off in her 1st life she went on to discover that life is full of possibilities and adventures. But, after 5 years, she died. Only to find herself back at the moment the crown prince broke off their engagement. With each life she explores new countries and new possibilities, but in every life, after 5 years, she is caught up in the war waged by emperor Arnold Hein, and is killed. In her 6th life she dies directly by Arnold's blade and in a turn of fate she runs into him in her 7th life, catching his attention, and maybe his heart? Can she prevent her death this time around and finally live a peaceful life?
Rating: 10/10
Review: ah, we all knew the otome reincarnation was coming. This shit is my life source. That being said, even if it wasn't, I would still probably really love 7th Time Loop. It's just that good.
Rishe is a great main character, in all her past lives she was on The Grind. From being a merchant, to a doctor, to a maid, to a royal guard. And now she tells herself she just wants to chill, but this girl simply cannot chill. She is playing mind games with Arnold, trying to figure out what he is planning and how to stop the war from breaking out.
Meanwhile, Arnold is head over heels in love and probably so so full of trauma we still don't know yet. We must protect this dude. I'm very excited to find out more and more about him and what exactly led him to start a war against the world.
The animation is gorgeous, I love the way the eyes are drawn like constellations.
The romance is great and developing at a very nice pace, Arnold is very respectful of Rishe's boundaries for their marriage and overall just a really great guy.
CW: blood, death, kidnapping.
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
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Summary: Boys Love, Adult Cast, Workplace, Supernatural, Comedy
Office worker Kiyoshi Adachi has gone 30 years of life without ever having his cherry popped. Due to this profound accomplishment, he gains the ability to read minds through physical contact. However, this new skill has only made his life harder and he now hates crowded spaces.
On the way to work, Adachi runs into his colleague Kurosawa, curious about what an outgoing guy like him thinks about, Adachi touches him and finds out that Kurosawa has a crush on someone from their office, looking further he realizes Kurosawa is actually crushing on him.
Rating: 10/10
Review: first of all, if you say "romance + adult cast" you already have my full attention. Add mind reading to the mix to make sure that the main character doesn't have miscommunication problems and i'm at the fucking table eating it up.
This show is incredibly funny, Kurosawa's thoughts about Adachi are always so sweet and/or horny and obsessed, but he is still just a super great guy with great morals and he would never do anything Adachi doesn't want (much to Adachi's surprise because he thought the dude was going to jump him anytime with how badly in love his thoughts are).
Adachi is straight until proven otherwise, and Kurosawa proves otherwise really fast. The pace of their romance is really great, we dont get ten thousand episodes of "will they wont they" and I really appreciate that.
CW: none that i can think of atm. Let me know if you have anything i could add here.
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord
Summary: Otome Isekai, Fantasy, School
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Yumiella Dolkness is a girl with dark hair and dark magic (characteristics associated with the Demon Lord) and for that she is feared.
When Yumiella was 5 years old she regained memories of her past life in modern Japan, and the game she used to play: Light Magic and the Hero. In it, Yumiella was the secret boss you had to defeat after the Demon Lord. Determined to avoid this fate she applies gamer logic to her life and begins adventuring in dungeons to max her power levels.
Now, 15 year old Yumiella is going to school, where she will meet the true hero of the game. She wants to avoid calling attention and just go through her school years without trouble. But when their power levels are measured in the first day of school, she is measured as a level 99 dark magic user and now even the king and queen have their eyes on her.
Rating: 10/10
Review: you gotta trust me on this one and get through the first ten minutes, I promise it gets so much better after Yumiella is really introduced. They just had to spend a few minutes doing a gag introduction, where you follow the game's hero before you find our beloved villainess. And it was very cool how the opening resemble a dating sim game opening.
Yumiella is great, one of my favorite female leads this season, and that is including frieren and maomao from the fall season animes that are still airing. She is not very aware of all the social cues and has trouble communicating and making friends, but we get to see her inner thoughts and they're always hilarious.
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My favorite gag is that dark magic can be used for healing, but the healing process looks fucking grotesque so people would rather not be healed by Yumiella. For some reason that always gets me.
I really fucking hate the 4 hero characters, they're super annoying, but in a "i love to hate them" way, and I love seeing yumiella wipe the floor with their asses without even trying because she is just that overpowered. Most of the anime is just her trying to use just a tiny bit of her power because if she uses her full power people would just straight up die with a simple punch.
CW: blood
Yubisaki to Renren
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Summary: ✨️Shoujo✨️, Adult Cast, Romance
(Summary stolen from myanimelist, sorry) Yuki Itose is a hearing-impaired university student whose world has been shrouded with silence since birth. She has lived in the same place her whole life, and rarely interacts with others save for her best friend, Rin Fujishiro. During her commute one day, she meets the silver-haired and multilingual Itsuomi Nagi, a mutual friend of Rin. Unlike most, Itsuomi is unwavering when he learns of Yuki's impairment; this, along with his experiences abroad, fascinates and touches her. After they part, her fondness of him starts to grow. A new world begins to open for both Yuki and Itsuomi as they learn about each other's different lives.
Rating: 10/10
Review: and here we have The Shoujo Of The Season. And it occupies that spot marvelously.
Yuki and Itsuomi are another one of the incredible couples of the winter season. Relationship developing at a very nice pace that isn't too fast and not too slow (like shoujo can be sometimes). Yuki is very inspired by Itsuomi, she wants to see the world and experience new things now that she got a glimpse into his life and realized how big the world is.
I specially love how cool, calm and collected Itsuomi always acts, but how his cousin, Kyouya, lets us know that Itsuomi is really interested in Yuki and just shows it in different ways, like the way his voice gets very affectionate towards her.
The animation!!!!! Wow!!!! So soft!!! So warm!!!! I love it!!!! I'm sure you'll love it too!!!
Sound design is also very good, it's specially interesting during scenes where we cant hear anything because we are on Yuki's point of view. I wish it happened even more often.
I've seen people compare this show with Koe no Katachi but they're very different shows, specially since we get to see most of this one through Yuki's point of view, while Koe no Katachi was not from the POV of the hearing-impaired character and dealt a lot more with issues like bullying and suicide. Yubisaki to Renren is a lot more light-hearted, soft, sweet and overall just a feel good anime.
I am always going to recommend shoujo. Specially when they're as good as this one is. So definitely check this one out.
CW: none that I can think of. Let me know if there is anything I should put here.
The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil
Summary: Seinen, Romance, Comedy, Supernatural
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The angels and the devils are waging a war. Things are not looking so good on the devils' side, so they send Akutsu Masatora on a journey to the human world, to find someone that can aid the demons on their fight.
Akutsu is assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, the cutest girl in class. But when he tries to recruit her to the devil's side he realizes she is not a normal human. Now he must deal with the fact that he is tied to his mortal enemy, an angel, and with the fact that he might be falling in love.
Rating: 10/10
Review: More like,, the foolish devil gets played by the angel.
Akutsu and Lily get into stupid mind games trying to make the other fall in love, all while realizing that "hey, angels/devils arent so bad after all" as they spend more and more time together.
It reminds me just a bit of Kaguya-sama how the main couple wants the other to cave first.
This show is simply hilarious, I was laughing out loud at so many stupid scenes. Some gags do get old a bit fast, but overall it's still going strong and makes up for where it falls short with how badly in love these two already are just a few episodes in.
I'm not sure we'll get a proper confession this season, but it doesnt look like these two will be stuck forever in the "will they wont they" stage like the couple from kaguya-sama.
CW: there is a scene by the end of episode one that is completely played as a joke that has one of the lead characters putting a collar on the other lead and the imagery was a bit disturbing, definitely leaning on non con bdsm themes, it isnt terrible, just felt a bit distasteful to me, but nothing big, i dont think it should deter you from watching this, but watch out for that.
Solo Leveling
Summary: Action, Fantasy
(Synopsis stolen from myanimelist again) Ten years ago, "the Gate" appeared and connected the real world with the realm of magic and monsters. To combat these vile beasts, ordinary people received superhuman powers and became known as "Hunters." Twenty-year-old Sung Jin-Woo is one such Hunter, but he is known as the "World's Weakest," owing to his pathetic power compared to even a measly E-Rank. Still, he hunts monsters tirelessly in low-rank Gates to pay for his mother's medical bills.
However, this miserable lifestyle changes when Jin-Woo—believing himself to be the only one left to die in a mission gone terribly wrong—awakens in a hospital three days later to find a mysterious screen floating in front of him. This "Quest Log" demands that Jin-Woo completes an unrealistic and intense training program, or face an appropriate penalty. Initially reluctant to comply because of the quest's rigor, Jin-Woo soon finds that it may just transform him into one of the world's most fearsome Hunters.
Rating: 8/10
Review: everyday that passes I find myself liking battle shounen less and less. This one is not bad, it is actually quite interesting, it's just not the type of stuff i'm into anymore, I guess.
That being said, if you're in the mood for it, this one if very interesting. Jin woo's life is now completely ruled by this game that allows him to level up, and he is getting a bit fucked in the head by it.
Animation is great, I love when his eyes get all shiny because you know he's gone Beast Mode.
Not a lot of characters introduced so far, but it's still cool to see Jin Woo leveling up on his own. I mean... a show named solo leveling has got to make sure that the solo aspect isnt boring lol.
For some reason tho I still gave it an 8, which is high, so... it's pretty good.
Jin woo is just a bit... generic i guess. Nothing you havent seen before from an isekai male lead.
Also... i miss his haircut from the earlier episodes, his current haircut makes him look even more generic.
CW: blood and gore, body horror, torture, death games. Big and scary god statue that smiles in a fucked up way and kills kills kills.
Drop Box
Animes I either already dropped for a specific reason or will probably drop in the future simply because I wont have time to watch everything I started this season, so among the 10 I started, these are the ones i'm least likely to finish:
Majo do Yajuu
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Summary: Seinen, Action, Fantasy
Guideau and Ashaf are an ominous pair, working for a mysterious organization that deals with magic crimes. Guideau is a feral and unhinged girl/genderless beast with a curse she wants to break and Ashaf is her soft spoken and calm companion. They go from town to town looking for witches to defeat and trying to find the witch who cursed Guideau and get their revenge.
Rating: 7/10
Review: I do like this one, I just think that if it comes to it and I dont have time, I wont miss it too much if I never finish it.
The blood and gore are heavy, and that might be the reason why i'm fine dropping it, i'm not that big of a fan of gore.
Other than that tho, I find the two main characters extremely interesting and i want to learn more about them, specially Guideau and her curse and that crazy beast mode she goes on when she manages to put a pause on her curse sometimes.
CW: blood and gore, body horror
Gekai Elise
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Summary: Reincarnation/Otome Isekai, Fantasy, Medical, Romance
(Again, stolen from myanimelist) In her first life, the renowned and genius surgeon Dr. Aoi Takamoto was Elise de Clorance, a villainess of noble descent. Elise's selfishness, insolence, and obsessive love for her fiancé—Prince Linden de Romanoff—led to the deaths of her family members and, eventually, herself. Only after being reborn did Elise realize the error of her ways and decide that, instead of ruining lives, she would devote herself to saving them. But a tragic airplane crash robs her of her dreams too soon.
By a miracle, Elise wakes up in her original body before her official engagement to Linden. Recognizing the chance to cherish her loving family and free Linden from an unwanted marriage, Elise wishes to use her advanced medical knowledge to continue down the path of saving lives. In a deal with the emperor, Elise is given only six months to prove that her true place is not on the throne, but rather with the wounded and ailing who desperately need her help.
Rating: 6/10
Review: I'd like to say I dropped this show for personal reasons, not because it is a bad show.
It is definitely not the best otome isekai of the season (7th time loop and Villainess 99 win by a mile), but it is quite good and has an interesting premise. The main couple didn't seem too promising or interesting to me tbh.
The thing that interested me the most was the fact that Elise's original life was as a noblewoman, her second life was as a doctor and then he got a chance to relive her first life and change the mistakes she made.
Unfortunately, I am a med student, and I simply can't watch medical related stuff without nitpicking it to hell and back. Mostly, I try to distance myself from medicine related shows because my life already revolves around it too much, u know. I just need a break from All That when I'm watching my silly little shows, so... i had to drop this one.
Also, the main character was kind of annoying, but that might just be me.
Anyway, check this out if you think it sounds interesting. I might not be the best judge of this one.
CW: plane crash, death, medical procedures, surgery
Gushing Over Magical Girls
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Oh boy...
I'm putting the CW before anything else because this one is problematic and I don't want anyone acting like I didn't warn them beforehand.
CW: this is straight up softcore porn and the characters are all middle/highschool aged. The anime revolves around BDSM themes (so many and increasingly worse themes, from simple bondage to pain play, to age play and other stuff), and there is nothing more than that to it, all the character growth is about the characters becoming more and more uninhibited with their sexual preferences. Also extremely dubious consent for all of it.
This is just a hentai disguising as an ecchi. It's fully yuri tho. Small blessings lol.
Summary: Mahou Shoujo, Girls Love, Ecchi, Comedy
I'm tired already so this will be short. Utena is a girl obsessed with magical girls. One day she gets the chance to become a magical girl herself, however, she is fooled and actually becomes a villain. She is made to fight Tres Magia (magical girl group) and ends up realizing she quite enjoys inflicting pain against them.
Review: the animation is good, very clean, the boob physics is not all that bad (what. this is an honest review and the anime is an ecchi. i gotta talk abt the boob physics.)
It is indeed super funny and definitely unhinged.
Plot wise, it is pretty straightforward, girl likes magical girls -> girl finds out she likes to watch magical girls suffering and in pain and moaning (well, not only watch, she does a lot of touching too)
Do I recommend it? No. Am I having fun watching it? Yes, it is pretty funny if you're the type of person who can ignore A Lot of things.
I'll probably favor the other animes tho so this one is very likely to get dropped before the season is through.
Thank you for reading (if you managed to make it this far lol, although this list is definitely smaller than my fall anime list)
If there is any other anime you think I should check out this season leave it in the replies and I might take a look at it and update this review with it!
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toxic3mmy · 3 months
hii! i hope this isn’t going against boundaries as it is a little angsty, but could you do a fic where the reader is going through a depressive episode and alex tries his best to help them? love ur writing!
of course! i struggle with mental health and love this request idea!
(also, im sorry if this feels repetitive from my other works!! please feel free to leave more requests my lovelies! <33 )
prompt: alex helps you through a depressive episode
warning: mention of depression, sh, and scars
it had been three weeks. alex had been trying to get a hold of you for the entirety of this time and had no luck except for a few texts from you. he was really beginning to worry.
was she in trouble? did something bad happen? is she in the hospital? is she just very busy with life?
alex didn’t know, but what he did know was that it had been long enough since he last saw you.
you were stuck in a terrible loop. wake up around 3pm, watch the show you were hyper fixated on, toss and turn in your bed, eat some snacks, and sleep around 5am. repeat the cycle again and again. sometimes you just laid there and thought about how much you hated life. sometimes you cried and cried for hours at a time. and sometimes, when your head was too full of resentment and hate towards yourself, you would drag your trusty blade across your scarred skin and felt the immense relief as the blood dripped from your self inflicted wounds.
you knew it was an issue. you knew you really were not okay. and most of all, you knew that you could never show this side of yourself to alex. he wouldn’t understand any of it and he most likely would abandon you like everyone else in your life had.
but a huge part of you wanted to see him. maybe seeing him would snap you out of this depressive loop. but maybe not, who knows.
alex had made his way to your house and he waited outside. he tried calling you one last time before making his move.
you watched your phone screen light up with alex’s face as you let it ring. you missed him, you really did. but you wanted to watch your show in peace. so you waited for the call to finish and continued to lay in bed, feeling sleep take over your body.
alex saw his missed call as a sign. he put his phone away and grabbed your extra key hidden inside your pink flower pot on the porch. he unlocked your door and slowly made his way inside. as he turned around from closing the door, he noticed the mess. it was an absolute mess everywhere. he knew how tidy you loved to keep your home so it was confirmed now that something was definitely wrong.
he creeped closer to your room and after opening the door, he noticed you must have drifted off to sleep while watching something on your phone. he looked around your room and saw that your room was in worse condition than the house. takeout food was lying around on the floor, dirty dishes, empty cups and dirty laundry had collected all over the room. the floor wasn’t even visible at this point.
alex knew exactly what this was. you had fallen into a depressive episode. but why didn’t you tell him about this sooner?
he brushed aside the questions and took off his jacket. he then began to pick up any trash he could find without waking you. he took all dirty dishes into the kitchen sink and washed them all. then he put all the littered clothing into your washer and began to wash them. he swept and mopped your room and was genuinely surprised that you had yet to wake up from all his movement.
he cleaned the rest of the house without hesitation. he knew this was probably the least he could do for you right now and he wanted to do anything he could for you.
it took him a few hours but he’d finally gotten everything done when he realized he forgot to clean a few things in your room. he walked in and abruptly stopped in his tracks the moment he met your wide eyes.
“alex…. what are you doing here? i can’t have you here right now i-i don’t want you here! i don’t want you to see me like this.. why are you here?! who told you that you could just break into my house and—and” you let out the most heartbreaking sobs as you broke down right then and there
alex rushed over to you and immediately enveloped you in his strong arms. you were quick to push him off of you, still crying.
“alex i haven’t showered in almost two weeks! i smell awful and look even worse! can’t you see that i don’t want you here!”
alex began to tear up as he simply held you in his arms once again.
“shh, it’s okay sweetheart. ya no llores corazón. i’m here, okay? i know you’re going through a lot right now and i’m here by your side no matter what. i missed you y/n. i’ve missed you so much. i just want you to be okay..”
you began to cry even more when he said these things to you.
“are you sure you’re okay seeing me like this? i… i’m doing really bad and this is all so embarrassing—”
alex sighed,
“princesa, you have no reason to be embarrassed with me. i’m your best friend. i love you and i always will. i want to take care of you, if that’s okay?”
you didn’t know what to say. you were so so grateful for him, for everything. all you could do was nod as tears silently fell down your face.
alex held your hand and led you into your newly cleaned bathroom. he grabbed your favorite hair brush and let your hair down from its messy bun. he softly brushed out all the knots in your long hair. he then handed you your toothbrush with toothpaste on it. although you felt a bit embarrassed still, alex had a way of being so nonchalant that it made the embarrassment lift off of your shoulders. you brushed your teeth as he finished off detangling your hair.
once you both finished, he played a soft playlist on his phone to fill the silence and began to take off his shoes and his tee shirt.
you couldn’t help but laugh with reddened cheeks as you covered your eyes with your hands.
alex playfully threw his shirt at you.
“hey! what are you doing?” you laughed, uncovering your eyes slowly
“i’m showering with you, duhh. now come on y/n, don’t let me make a fool of myself alone!” he laughed as he turned on the shower and then walked towards you.
his warm hands held you by the hips and your breath was caught in your throat as he slowly began to undress you.
“is this.. okay?” alex whispered to you as his hands stopped at the hem of your pants.
“yeah, yes it’s okay. i trust you.”
and with that alex undressed the two of you and helped you into the steamy shower. as the water ran down your body, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. while you began to soap up your body, alex approached you and once again asked if he could come in. you laughed and pulled him into the shower with you.
you spent the remainder of the shower washing one another’s hair and body in the most innocent way possible. when you both finished, alex got towels for the both of you and he rummaged through your closet to find you some comfortable clothes. he also found some clothes you’d stolen from him and extra stuff he’d left at your house from weeks ago. the two of you got dressed in silence until you spoke up.
“alex… i really want to thank you. i really do appreciate everything you’ve done for me. i haven’t really been feeling that well lately. i um, i couldn’t leave my bed for so long. i feel too tired to even take care of myself or to do anything at all. i’m really sorry you had to see me like this…”
“y/n, please don’t apologize. you have nothing to apologize for. you’re only human. and even if you’re struggling with things that i may not completely understand, i’m never going to leave your side. one thing i did want to ask about was um… the scars on your arms and your thighs. have you always struggled with self harm? i… i hate to see you hurting yourself in this way. your beautiful skin…” he said as he held your hands in his
“i… don’t know how else to cope. i know it’s not okay to do but it brings me comfort, as morbid as it may sound. i’m sorry alex… i really am. i promise you that i’ll make an appointment with my therapist. i might have um ghosted her a few weeks ago but i think it would be best to reach out to her for help. i didn’t want to at first but i know you want the best for me and id do anything for you alexis” you were crying again but alex was quick to dry your eyes with his hands
he held your arms out and kissed the ragged red lines across your arms. he kissed every last one, and you couldn’t help but smile sadly at him.
“y/n, let me take care of you okay?”
“even if i get bad like this again?”
“yes y/n, i don’t plan on leaving your side. i’m here now okay? i’m here hermosa”
you waited in your bedroom doorway as alex changed your bedding to clean sheets and a clean blanket. you were so incredibly lucky and thankful to have him here with you. when he finished, he laid you down and followed suit.
“when was the last time you ate?”
“probably yesterday.. well technically yesterday but all i had was a soda and some fruit.”
“would you like me to cook something for you? or maybe i could pick up some food?”
“you really don’t have to do that, you’ve already done so much for me i mean look at this house! it’s spotless and i don’t know how to even thank you for that..”
“don’t worry about that. are you hungry, yes or no?”
you nodded sheepishly
“okay, then give me like twenty minutes and i’ll be right back”
and with that, alex left you alone to get you some food. the moment you were by yourself, you couldn’t help but sob uncontrollably. it was all too much too soon. you weren’t ready to get better. you just wanted to be alone and you wanted to rot away in your bed with no one to bother you.
as these negative thoughts began to surface in your mind, your thoughts immediately switched to images of your shiny little friend that was hiding in your bathroom. you went to retrieve your favorite sharp blade and rolled up your sleeve. you stared at the red healing cuts on your arm and you suddenly remembered alex.
he was kissing your scars and asking if he could take care of you. you didn’t want to disappoint him. as much as you wanted to stay unwell, you didn’t want to do that to him. you stood up and flushed the blade down the toilet. you took a second to walk around your house and admire all that alex had done for you.
you sat in your living room and turned on the tv while waiting for his return.
as promised, twenty minutes had passed and alex walked into your house with some dinner for the two of you.
“honey! i’m home!” he laughed at his own joke as you playfully rolled your eyes at him
“hi… i missed you” you surprised alex with a tight hug
“woah, is everything okay y/n?”
“yeah, now that you’re here everything is perfect”
and the two of you talked over dinner. you thanked alex profusely for everything he’d done. he said it was no big deal, that he enjoyed taking care of you. and that was the end of that. the rest of the day consisted mostly of alex being very cuddly and sweet to you. but you didn’t mind it at all. the two of you simply enjoyed being together and everything felt okay in that moment.
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brightlotusmoon · 5 months
Uncle Grandpa 101 - Minisode | Uncle Grandpa | Cartoon Network
I'll be honest, this show told me more about Peter Browngardt than all our years of middle and high school together.
After graduation he worked on Futurama, and then he worked on shows like Venture Bros and Misadventures Of Flapjack and Steven Universe. For Adventure Time he wrote the episode "Wizard."
Oh wait he's the one behind Looney Tunes? Now it makes sense. The boy loved watching Seinfeld.
I'm a little surprised Pete never referenced his high school band, Toilet Licking Vipers, which sometimes covered grunge songs.
That "good morning" catchphrase was a thing Peter did in school. I love how he turned his silly voice into a character.
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wendysimp · 1 year
No More Games!
- A/N: you guys are absolutely amazing! Holy crap, so much support with the red velvet smuts. Hope you guys enjoy all the other upcoming smuts as well!
Twice Chaeyoung x Male Reader
A little quick smut⚠️ and a little fluff.
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(Chaeyoung’s POV)
“Aaargh! I keep dying! Why are my teammates so useless!” Was all I could hear from my boyfriend Y/n, as he plays his computer game while I try to watch my show.
“Help me! Ugh why are you camping?!” He yelled out loud. I love him so much, but every time when he plays his games, he can get really annoying. He’d be constantly raging all the time he’d die in a game, trash talk players, and other things that gamers do.
“Baby, can you please quiet down? I’m trying to watch my show.” Hopefully that’ll calm him down and keep quiet.
He looks back at me and nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry baby.” He goes back to his game, it was nice and quiet… at least for a few minutes. “Plant the bomb! We’re gonna lose!” Yep, again with the rage.
“Baby please! Keep it down.” I was getting more annoyed at him yelling at the game. Like I said, I love him, but he’s really becoming a pain in the ass. He turns to me, knowing I was getting annoyed at him, looks at me apologetically.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be quiet.” He gives me a soft smile, knowing how much I love it when he does that. I calm down a little and smile back.
“Thank you.” I say before he goes back to his game. Ahh, I can finally watch my show… or so I thought. Only about 15 minutes of silence, another rage from Y/n made my blood boil. I sit up and get up as I walk over to him. “Off the game, now!” I was now on my breaking point. He looks up at me and gulps.
“B-But baby I can’t leave this game-.” I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. I need to let him know I had enough with his yelling while playing games.
“Uh uh, I don’t care. I’ve told you so many times, but you don’t listen, so turn it off now!” I tell him off, loud enough for his teammates to hear.
“Ouuu someone’s in trouble.”
“Rest in peace, I’ve been there before.” I hear from his teammates. Y/n sighed before leaving the game, going back into the main menu then take off his headset.
“Why are you so hot headed when you play these games?”
“I’m sorry baby but I can’t help it. It’s just sometimes my teammates can be really annoying.” He says and looks up at me while pulling me close, placing soft kisses on my exposed stomach. I love the feeling when he does that but I was still mad at him.
“Well, I don’t care if your teammates annoy you, but I don’t wanna hear you yelling out while I’m trying to watch my show.” I tell him off and he nods as he looks at me. “You know what, I’ll just calm you down myself, shut you up for once.” I start to lift my hands up to my hair and tie it up into a messy ponytail. He watches me and swallows a huge amount of his saliva.
“B-Baby, what are you doing?” He sits back a little and grips the chair. I see him start to grow through his shorts, knowing he was already liking this.
“Just shut up and sit back.” I tell him which he shut his mouth, not saying another word. He sits back on his gaming chair and once I was done with my hair, I spread his legs and get down onto my knees, looking deep into his eyes. “Mmm what a good boy you are.” I smirked and grab onto his hard on which was covered by his shorts. I tease him a little just by rubbing and grabbing onto it. He lets out a soft moan as he tried to keep quiet like I told him to.
“Now, I don’t want to hear another word from you okay? Just let your girl do her job and calm down the beast.” I giggled, teasing him more before grabbing the waistband of his shorts and underwear, slowly pulling them down making his cock spring out. I bite me lip as I grab onto his shaft and felt him move a little and grip the chair harder.
We both give each other eye contact, I smile and whine as I stroke him, up and down slowly. His soft moans tell me he wanted more, but I won’t give it to him just yet. I give his tip a teasing lick, swirling my tongue around it while watching him squirm and try not to moan out loud. I see a little precum start to drip down his shaft grip his tip, stroking him more while placing my mouth on his tip. I suck on it a little while stroking his throbbing rod. I see his hand trying to place itself on my head but he stops himself. I smile and take his head out of my mouth.
“You like that don’t you?” He nods. “Would you like to put your hand on my head while I calm you down?” He nods again without saying a word. “Words baby.” I tell him and smirk as I stroke him more and more.
He moans a little louder and nods. “Y-yes I do. P-please.” He begged as I slap his tip onto my tongue. “F-Fuck please baby!” He begged some more.
“Since you’re being good, then I’ll allow you.” I tell him and with that, he grabs onto my ponytail, making me take his length into my mouth. I can tell how much he was loving this, how much he was in so much need for more.
“Ahh fuck, your mouth feels so good baby.” He moans out lewdly. I take him deeper into my mouth, feeling his tip hit the back of my throat. I hold my position then start to gag a little and pull away for air. I smile then go back for seconds, wetting his shaft some more with my saliva as I keep taking his cock. I pull away and spit on his cock then stroke him.
“Are you gonna keep yelling while you play your games?” I asked him and smirk as I played with his balls a little making his head lean back in pleasure, feeling the grip on my hair tighten.
“N-no, I-I promise to keep it down next time.” I can tell he was getting closer, but I don’t plan on stopping now. As I was satisfied with his answer, I thought it’ll be better to satisfy him as well.
God I love this man, I’m glad his mine and only mine. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. No one else can have him except me.
I take him deeper and deeper into my mouth, inch by inch until my nose reaches his crotch. Fuck, I’ve never done this before, but I’d happily do it again. I pull away and wink at him as he watches my every move, moaning out my name, telling me how good I am, telling me how lucky he is to be my man. Fuck he was just so sexy. I continue to deepthroat him some more making a mess on his cock as our eyes don’t break away from each other.
“You like how your baby takes your big fucking cock into my mouth and hit the back of my throat?” I asked him seductively. He was also loving my dirty talk. He nods and guided my head down his shaft.
“I-I fucking love it baby. K-keep going, I’m so c-close.” He bites his lip, loving the feeling of me taking him into my mouth.
“Mmm you like that daddy?” I teased. “Well daddy should make it up to me and give me every drop of his cum down my throat.” My dirty talk was making him go even more crazy with lust. Oh yeah, Y/n also loved the whole daddy kink, I mean I do as well because I love the look on his face and I also love to tease him whenever I get the chance.
(Third-Person POV)
Y/n was loving the sensation he was feeling from Chaeyoung’s warm mouth.
“F-Fuck Chae! Baby, y-you’re gonna make me cum!” He moans out, looking down at her as he watches his cock disappeared into her mouth.
“Then… f-fucking… c-cum.” She says as she slobbered over his cock. She starts to massage his balls as she blows him, wanting to get a taste of him. She kept up the work and felt him getting closer and closer to his climax. “G-gimme it all daddy!” She moaned with a mouthful of his cock. Those words were game over for Y/n as he lifts his hips up, sliding his cock in deeper into her throat. He then shoots his load inside.
“F-Fuck baby t-take it all… s-swallow it!” He moans as he watches her. Chaeyoung struggles to swallow his load a little but eventually got it all without leaving a drop. She gags on his rod a little then pulls away and smiles as she cleaned him up with her mouth then wipe her mouth.
She gets up and gets on his lap, kissing him deeply and passionately. “Did my baby like that?” She asked him after pulling away, giving him a big smile.
“I loved it.” He smiles back and kisses me again. “And I love you.” Those words fill her heart with joy.
“I love you too baby boy.” She smiled and wrap her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. It was a few seconds of silence until she spoke up “and baby?”
“No more games for the week.” She smirked.
“Wait what?! Why?!”
His eyes widened and the for the whole week, there were no more games except, making love and watching shows together, oh and of course the yummy food that Y/n would cook for the both of them. Chaeyoung really loved this Y/n better but let him return to play games, but she wanted to play with him which made him really happy as he always wanted to play with her, as it was one of his goals. He was more than happy to teach her how to play all the games he would play, in return to do all the things she would love to do with him.
The End!
Hope you guys enjoyed! Again, the support is crazy and I’d never thought a newbie would make it to where I am now. 😊
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lurkingshan · 5 months
Now that we are firmly in 2024 what shows are you most looking forward to this year?
Hope you're having a good day. Rose💜
Oh hi Rose! Thank you for the ask, I was actually just talking about this yesterday so I do have some fresh ones on my mind.
Wandee Goodday
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Y'all should just be prepared for me to lose all my dignity when this show airs, I refuse to be ashamed. @chicademartinica will be losing it over Great and I will be over here on the Thor beat. I cannot wait.
Spare Me Your Mercy
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@ginnymoonbeam just reminded me this is coming in 2024 and I got very excited again because I love everyone involved in this project.
The Trainee (gif by @tenprems)
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Is GMMTV really finally going to let my beloveds Off and Gun play working adults? I'm afraid it's a mirage.
Peaceful Property
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If Tay and New are making a show, I am watching. I don't really know what this show is but it seems spooky and funny and I am excited to find out more!
Love Upon A Time
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If a historical bl is dropping, I will be seated for the duration. And Net and James got that real real chemistry.
The Next Prince
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See above. Also, I can’t lie I am kinda ZeeNunew trash in my heart.
I am also very excited for the jbls and kbls that will surely drop out of the sky like they did in 2023
I love nothing more than surprise premium content and Korea and Japan don't tend to give us early trailers and a big promo push like Thailand. One thing we know is coming is Hwang Da-Seul's next project, Break The Curse of Taekwondo, and I am very hype for that. Also Choco Milk Shake 2!! Which I am slightly worried about but I trust Strongberry a lot, so I am optimistic. No one ever knows what Japan has cooking and I like it that way--those mofos not only kept us fed with surprise titles in the Drama Shower line up, they also randomly dropped three of the best shows of the whole year right in the last quarter of 2023, and I hope they do it again next year.
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cashcart1er · 1 year
Surprise Y/N (Part I)
Gf!Riri, Bestfriend!Shuri, Blood, Gore, Drug Use, Explicit Language, Main Character Deaths, Sexual Content, Ghostface Shuriri?
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This was inspired by @killmongerskeepermain Ghostface story and Scream I. Enjoy!
'Two Apalachee High school students Jamie Lynch and Brady Harrison found dead in the Lynch household on 7th street. They were stabbed multiple times in multiple places. There is no known suspect yet, but there a Halloween mask found at the scene-
You switched the TV off sighing. They have been blowing every TV channel with this. Of course it sucked that they died, though You didn't really know them but that doesn't make it any better. "Damn, this is one crazy town I swear" Your friend Jerome spoke up while sparking up a blunt. "Hey, you okay? we haven't had a casualty like this since..."
Your girlfriend Riri was talking about your father. Your father died a year ago from being brutally murdered by a serial killer named Ray Holland. You weren't ever the same that day and it showed. Ever since that day you never let a door go unlocked or a window left open.
"I'm fine baby. Do you feel like getting me sprite?" She nodded giving you a kiss before getting up to go to the kitchen. "Nigga I know we ain't letting this sleepover go to waste over some classmates we ain't even know. Rest In Peace and shit but we gathered each other to have fun not slump in your seats" You gasped from your friend Mariah's lack of sympathy.
"Have a heart Mariah that ain't cool. She is right about us coming to have fun though. When is Kai and Shuri comi-" Jerome was cut off when the door swung in. "Your favorite people just arrived! Did y'all pick out the horror movie?" You did forget about the movie you guys were supposed to watch. Luckily Riri had one.
"What's up twin. Yeah I got a movie to watch and it's called Scream. It's basically about the same mask from the news" Jerome scoffed, "That movie was so unoriginal. The girl goes answering calls that don't need to be answered but somehow every time the killer comes she slips away while all of her other friends get slaughtered. They never follow the main rules of a horror movie. 1. Don't pick up the phone 2. Keep them doors locked and 3. Don't say you'll be right back. Because you probably won't" Everyone rolled they eyes and greeted each other happily before sitting down. "Alright lets get this shit started!" Shuri shouted causing everyone to chuckle.
"Alright I'll see you guys tomorrow at school" Everyone said their goodbyes as they left your house. "Be safe baby. I'll see you tomorrow?" You nodded giving her a deep kiss pulling away only after I lost breath but she pulled me back in kissing on my neck. "You know I can stay here with you" You felt her smirk on your neck as she pecked at it. "Mm it's okay Ri. My cousin is coming here soon to watch me until my mom gets back Sunday" You pulled away patting her on her soft cheeks. "You positive?" She pouted making You laugh as you nodded. "Alright Ma. I love you" Riri replied walking to her car. "I love you too"
You closed the front door and locked it before cleaning up the living room. A couple minutes passed and in the middle of picking up some cups, your phone rung. "It's like 9:00 at night who the hell is calling at this time?" You pick up the phone answering it. "Hello?" You start. "Hey Y/N it's Darnea I just clocked out. Coming over right now. I did get us some snacks in case you had the munchies" You smiled lightly before speaking. "Alright, I'll see you when you get here" You hung up and threw the cups in the trash.
The phone rung once again making you think she forgot to tell you something. "Darnea just get in your car-" "Hello Y/N" An unfamiliar raspy male voice spoke sending a chill over your body. "Uh Hi? May I ask who's calling?" the person only chuckled as a response. "Such a spooky night isn't it? It's almost like..it was straight out of a horror movie or something" You were sure it was Jerome just trying to mess with you after the mention of scary movies.
"Jerome if you don't get yo ass off of my phone. It is you ain't it?" You asked. "Do you like scary movies Y/N?" Who you think is Jerome spoke in a deep, sulky tone. "I like what you're doing with your voice J. It's kinda sexy. Don't tell Ri I said that before she jumps to conclusions" You snicker. "What type of scary movies do you like?" You rolled your eyes at all of his questions that he would know. "J you know I barely watch those. The one we watched today got on my nerves. Besides, they're all the same" You shrugged walking over to the couch.
"Are you alone in the house?" You sigh at the typical movie lines he's throwing at you. "J you're supposed to be an expert of movies why are you being so unoriginal?" You plop on the couch waiting for his response. "Maybe that's because I'm not Jerome" You sat back up just as fast as you sat down. "Uh well then who the hell are you?" You ask as you look throughout your windows. "The question 'Who am I' is never more important than the question 'Where am I'" A part of you still thought it was Jerome but you were still on edge. "Fine, where are you?"
"Your front porch"
This could easily be a joke but that didn't stop you from starting to get a little bit nervous. The only reason your black behind crept to the front door was because this wasn't the first time your friends pulled this bullshit. You opened the door slowly as you skimmed the front porch finding nobody. An idea popped up in your head causing you to smirk.
"Can you see me right now?"
"Uh huh" they replied.
"Yeah okay then what am I doing?" You stuck a finger up your nose waiting for a response but to no avail. "Helloo what am I doing?" You looked around giggling. "Stop playing J you ain't slick. Bye" Your finger was hovering over the end call button. "If you hang up you'll die just like your fucking father bitch!" You froze realizing this wasn't Jerome at all. It was a whole psychopath. "Fuck you nigga" You hung up anyways and scurried back inside locking the door behind yourself.
As you were taking a deep breath, you heard footsteps behind causing you to dart your head that way. To your surprise it was the killer from the news and the movie. Blood was rushing to every part of your body as the killer swung their knife. You barely dodge it but they grabbed your body slamming you onto the floor. The killer got on top of you as you both fought.
The killer locked their hands in your locs bringing your head up and back down ferociously bringing pain to your cranium also making your vision blurry. They dragged their knife across your body before getting ready to cut you open. You snapped back in time and kicked them in their stomach. You took the chance to open the front door but the lock wouldn't budge.
They got up and tried to stick the knife into you but you dodge running up the stairs but they were right behind you. You locked your bedroom behind you pulling out your phone to call 911. The unknown person banged the door slowly busting it down. "911 what's your emergency?" "Help me this guy is trying to kill me with a knife!" You yelled scared for your life. "We have a unit in your neighborhood they will be their in a couple seconds"
When you looked at the door, the person in the mask was gone. There was a thud at your window making you yelp. It was Riri and she looked confused as she climbed in. "What the hell is going on? I was coming back to return those notes I borrowed but I heard screaming" You hugged her tightly letting tears run down your cheeks to her shirt. Her phone dropped making you look at it. You were in shock when you saw that her phone said call ended the same time you ended the call with the dude in the mask.
It couldn't be...Could it?
You slowly removed yourself from her grip making her brows furrow. "What?" she ask but you were in too much fear to speak. "Wait don't go Y/N stop!" You ran out the room to the front door yelping because a police officer surprised you. "Rico help me!" You knew the officer because he was your cousins' brother. "It's okay we got this. Lets go!"
"Ow fuck!" They arrested Riri as she winced from the force. "Do you wish to give up the right to remain silent?" Rico asked before leading her to the sheriff. "I didn't do anything. tell them Y/N! Sheriff call these guys off" The sheriff shook his head no signaling the other officers to put her in the car. "Wait! At least call my mom for me" They put her in the car as you just sat and watched. "Y/N please! Y/N" The officer drove off with her still calling your name.
Rico approached You after sending Riri to the station. "Hey, you alright? You might have to come to the station to answer some questions" You nodded as a response. Your cousin approached the house in her car. You chuckled a bit when she went under the tape with no hesitation. "Oh my gosh Y/N are you okay?" She asked. "Other than almost getting stabbed to death, I'm good" You joke trying to calm your nerves but that only did so much.
"D you can't be here. This is officially a crime scene" She scoffs at her brother. "Nigga please. She's staying with us for the night" Her brother rolls his eyes at her antics. "C'mon let's get you to the station"
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luxxtuxx · 11 months
When They are sick
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This Is a Stupid one-off drabble to feed yall because pt 1 for the next multi-part hobie story is killing me
CW: Talk about throwing up, Some characters might be a little ooc
(please send requests of more people! I LOVE HOBIE JUST LIKE YALL BUT LIKE CHANGE IT UP FOR ME)
When He Is Sick:
He refuses and refuses until he ends up passing. You happily sit beside him, washing off his forehead with a cloth as he rests. At first, he thought he had died because the lights above him were all the way up and someone was aiding him. It took him a while but he finally groaned out "Lyla dim the lights, they are killing my eyes" She was quick to dim the lights. It took a week to heal him from his stubbornness. He had refused to take medication until day 5 of being sick
When You Are Sick:
Like him, you were stubborn and pushed through, every day you felt worse and wanted to stay home, but the missions were nonstop. You walked to Miguel's office-like space to ask for a break... You got 2 steps into his office before your body nearly hit the floor, he used his webs to catch you. once he had you in his arms, he whispered to you "Mi querida, What happened?" he felt your face and burning-up forehead. Under Miguel's care, you got better in about two days
When He is Sick:
He becomes a baby, whining and begging for help. He doesn't handle being sick very well. He tries to thank you for taking care of him but ends up throwing up in the trash. He laid in bed, with his top off and in pj shorts, whining about how hot the bed is. You try your best to keep him comfortable. But in his whines, he begs for cuddles and kisses. You obey and don't think much of it as you nurse him back to health
When You Are Sick:
Well, Shit, That little kiss knocked you out the next week. (UNLIKE YOUR PUNK BOYFRIEND YOU WEREN'T A LITTLE BIT-) You pushed and went on mission after mission. By the time you made it home, you had a pounding on your head unable to think in peace. You get your suit off and rush to the bathroom, heaving and puking into the toilet. Hobie heard a noise and came rushing to you, quickly pulling back your hair so you didn't puke on it. He took care of you, he helped you clean up, he feed you soup and put you in your pjs.
When He is Sick:
He tried to push through it but he struggled, He made it to hq before puking, Everyone was worried and tried to help him out. He said he was fine and tried to go on a mission. He managed about one mission before the sick makes him find you and asks him if you have any sickness medication, you quickly make him some tea, then give him medication. He pretty much was fine, he just needed help getting access to such materials to help him get better
When You Are Sick:
This man does not panic when he sees you sick, He lays you down with ice packs and makes you some tea. He does anything and everything to make you better
When She is Sick:
She cant lie for shit, she knows it. she came to you clutching her stomach whining about being nauseous. You do your best, but keeping her sitting longer than two minutes was so hard. You ended up telling her that is she didn't sit still, you would take her watch and hide it away from her
When You Are Sick:
She does everything to make you comfortable, she lets you wear any of her clothes. she was making sure you were staying in bed. She was so stressed something would go wrong. You went to get up and get a drink, she said no and pushed you on to the bed then go the drink for you. She was trying her best to keep you resting
When He is Sick:
This man stayed in his dorm and drew you in his sketchbook over and over again. He took decent care of himself, but when his mom called he became a little mama's boy just for some pasta fazool. He called you afterward and let you know he wasn't feeling well and that he was in his dorm relaxing. You showed up and cuddled up to him because you claim that cuddles make people feel better
When You Are Sick:
He brings you over and he takes care of it for you. He plays music to help you rest, he will tell you spider man stories till you fall asleep, and he will just let you lay in his bed and sleep. He is so gentle and sweet.
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iheartchv · 9 months
May I please request headcanons for the turtles and Usagi reacting to their female S/O telling them about 9/11 and the loved ones she lost?
Sure ^^ (canonically, I think the turtles would've been probably 13 during that time)
He and his brothers were watching it happen on TV
He remembers everything...
The sadness, the pain, the devastating grief...
And it hurt him that that affected you so deeply
He tried his very best to give you comfort
"I know that was probably hard to talk about... but I'm proud of you"
"My brave warrior, my brave girl..."
If you had any tears, he'd wipe/kiss them away, followed by hugs and small comforting kisses at your temple and in your hair
He remembers seeing it on TV when he was watching something with Splinter
As everything on the screen passed by he just questioned and wondered... WHY?
And hearing you say this made his heart and chest hurt
He wasn't that good at showing much emotion
But he hoped that feeling his strong arms and soft kisses bought you some peace of mind, and in your heart
And that you felt safe with him
"It'll be alright now, doll. I'm not going to let anything hurt you again..."
"Oh, dove. I know that must've been horrible..."
He remembers that day, rushing into the living room at Master Splinter's urgency
It saddened him deeply
And to think that you were one of unlucky ones that it impacted
"I'm so sorry for your loss..."
He gives you whatever you need or want
Anything he planned, it was put on hold
He was going to spend this time with you
He will be so sweet, so giving, because he wants to be sure that you are alright
You were, after meeting him that is...
"Aw, baby... I'm sorry..."
"...That's okay, Mikey..."
"No, it's not okay. You shouldn't have to bear that on your shoulders"
He gave a pause before pulling you into his arms
"...I wish I could take it all for you"
He will give you all the hugs and kisses in the world
He will do whatever to make you happy
You were his sunshine as well as he was yours
His heart ached for you
He felt your pain
"I am deeply sorry that you lost those close to you"
His face, his eyes, held a warmth and love that melted your heart
He held you to him
He held you in his arms, doing anything to see your smiling face
"As long as they live on in your heart, they are never truly gone, or forgotten"
Tag list:
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl-deactivated20230 @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream-15 @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33 @tkappi @happymoonangel @allybutton @android-cap-007 @androidships007 @turtallyawesome @doctorelleth @crazysarah-98 @phd-in-fuckery @angelicdavinci
Let me know if you want/don't want to be tagged💖
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