#because people see this quote un quote feisty and perky girl and a lot of people can't see past that
The people who hate Laura tend to be older black men with colorist tendency and they happen to be the same shade or darker than Laura. I bet the reason they hate her is because they probably had a Laura of their own that they liked and she wouldn’t give the men the time of day. So instead of moving on and trying to date new people they decided their Laura was an ugly fast slut or she was prude because their Laura didn’t want to give up her virginity. Now they are probably bums who don’t pay a single bill and their women take care of all the bills. Ew and yet they call women like Laura a gold digger for wanting her bills paid. For all the reasons they hate Laura is the reasons I love her. The women who hate Laura also tend to be very light skin like Rachel, Myra and Richie.
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