#because some of this stuff his high key metagaming but I know most people dont realize it....just matt is ....very secret about thigns
dcvilment · 5 years
I need to make posts about these following things and also link them into my rules because I need them more explicitly available to everyone so they can ... not do the things a lot of people do unintentionally lol. Here is a briefer version in one post. 
Not so brief sorry. Threw it under a read more but please read if we write together.
1) Secret Identity being a secret. It’s already in my rules but I am getting stricter on it because ... yeah I won’t go into it but hey it’s important to Matt for a reason. Basically. Unless I personally have told you in IM or in the tags setting up a starter that your muse can know that Matt is DD --- then your muse doesn’t know! So just assume they don’t because very few people realistically should know. If you think your muse would know you can...tell me that in IM but I’m gonna promise you they probably don’t with the exception of people he’s canonically told at certain points in the comics. Current comics has his identity a secret again. If you WANT a pre established relationship ( in general im not talking like a ship) where you muse already has been told then that is fine but please don’t assume. Just talk to me. Or we can plot out HOW they find out. Maybe even write that. 
characters I don’t mind if they know without talking to me are: Foggy Nelson. MCU Frank Castle (As comics probably doesn’t know again) and Luke/Danny/Jess since Matt has told them recently in the comics (again) as well as in defenders obviously. Elektra pre-purple man making everyone forget and post that with plotting. Same goes for other heroes. It requires plotting. Even Peter P.arker doesn’t know ): Just come talk to me. 
2) Suits. I’m Comic. Comic DD wears a spandex suit. He’s very much a freaky ninja vigilante boi. I do believe it’s ridiculous to think that is the only kind of suit he has. He’s had more armored suits before in the comics but the full on armored one we see in the netflix show is NOT his usual suit. That involves needing to go someone to change and it’s just not realistic for a day to day suit. Matt in the comics wears a custom spandex (Probably a blend for some parts) suit that is stretchy and fits him perfectly. The cowl is a hood he pulls on and off and it hangs behind him if he’s not wearing it. It can detach though. The cowl also has sonic dampeners and other gadgets depending on the suit he’s wearing. I do use a lot of netflix suit icons for liveaction but don’t always assume that means he is wearing a super armored version. He DOES have that suit in my portrayal though but it’s not something he can just be in at all times. It’s more of a PLANNED suit to wear when he knows he’s getting into some heavy damage worthy trouble. But that involves him putting it on and then going out for a patrol. Not when he just finds himself needing to quickly go into action.
3) MY MCU verse. I am a comic blog but I am happy to adapt to MCU. I need to give a set out verse for it so people stop assuming things that happen in the show. Which is no one’s fault. I just -- don’t follow a lot of the show because the writing wasn’t great /:
4) People’s perception of Matt being blind when he’s DD. As in. YOUR MUSE DOES NOT KNOW DAREDEVIL IS BLIND. He is a freaking good actor when it comes to this. He can fool people for a while walking down the street that he’s sighted. You better believe it’s hard to realize DD is blind. When people learn who DD is they 9/10 figure that Matt is PRETENDING to be blind because he does not reveal his powers willy nilly. So he has to explain he IS blind and then lightly explain his powers. He does NOT fully explain his powers to ANYONE aside a very small select few becuase it has been used against him by other HEROES even. Steve Rogers used anti-radar chaff against him. There is a reason Matt doesn’t readily give out information about his powers because they lead to weaknesses. Currently in the comics his identity and thus the fact that he’s blind is erased in the memory of everyone even the hero friends. SO YOU DON’T GET TO KNOW UNLESS I SAY SO. 
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