#because they tend to be 15~ mins long and also have subtitles
yousaytomato · 4 months
Tumblr really is one of the last defenders of the: "ooopsy wooooopsy~ looks wike we had a wittle accident 👉👈🥺" style of error message
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mysideblogofsurveys · 4 years
Survey 7.
1. if you have any pets, were they adopted from the humane society? I don’t have my cat anymore (I had to give him to my parents when I moved in with my husband because he is allergic) but I had adopted him from the humane society. 2. what kind of cheese is your favorite, or no cheese at all? Honestly, all of the cheese.  I love it all haha 3. do you like home design, like picking out paint colors and furniture? Not really, I’m horrible at it. 4. have you seen any of the old james bond movies? No, just the new ones 5. do you chew gum on a regular basis? No, I actually don’t even remember the last time I had any.
6. do you think mitchell musso is hot, like all the magazines say? I didn’t know who that was so I looked it up and nope.  I don’t find him attractive at all.
7. list all of your features that you have ever got compliments on: How small I am (I’m like 5′0), I don’t look like I”m 32 so I get treated like I”m a lot younger, my eyes
8. do you play ps, ps2, or ps3? I haven’t in a while (been too busy playing my Nintendo Switch) but I have quite a few games for it.  My husband plays it more than I do. 9. have you ever been in a hot air balloon? and if not, would you ever want to go in one? I think it’d be kinda cool but getting my courage together to go on it is another thing lol 10. do your parents buy you something on a daily basis? No, I buy everything myself. 11. what type of computer do you have? Well, my laptop is from like 2015, its an HP. I bought it to help me study for my Licensing exams for my career (not college related)  My desktop is from 2012 that my Husband helped me build.  It was like $1000 but had all the best equipment at the time and still works great today. Expensive but so worth it. 12. do you like old, black and white movies? The only black and white show I’ve watched were old cartoons or 3 Stooges 13. is anyone else in the room with you right now? Not exactly?  We have an open floor plan so my husband is technically in the dining room (I’m in the living room) but I can see him if I move my head slightly, he’s just around the corner. 14. do you watch john and kate plus 8? No but I’ve seen one or two episodes. 15. do you whiten your teeth with crest white strips? No 16. do you listen to local bands? No, well we went to a Fair in January, not too far away from us that had local kids playing and they weren’t too bad (obviously haven’t heard them since then).  I hung out with a lot of guys that were in bands when I was in highschool though.
17. do you collect anything? Video games, I guess.  I prefer to buy the physical versions for several reasons 18. have you seen the movie, thirteen? I don’t think so. 19. do you watch vh1? I Haven’t in a long time but I did when I lived with my parents 20. have you ever said “fergalicious”, but changed it to your name instead of fergie’s? What?  No.  I only liked one song from her 21. do you have a pool in your back yard? No, but I did growing up (my parents asked if we wanted a trampoline or a pool and we wanted a pool) 22. do you watch youtube videos often? No, well not really. I don’t like follow any YouTubers except Tim Pool (Liberal) and Steven Crowder (Conservative).  Mostly because I believe they try to sift through the shit the news/media either doesn’t focus on or skips completely and try to get the truth.  I like listening to both Liberals and Conservatives then form my own opinion. 23. do you wear mascara? Yeah but the only make up I wear is eyeliner and mascara.
24. do your parents fight?  do they even talk at all? I’m sure they have like arguments but I’ve never seen them have huge ones.
25. have you ever watched a movie that’s in a completely different language, so you had to read sub-titles? All the time! I’m actually binge-watching “Dark” on Netflix (its a German time travel show.  Its SO GOOD but also fucked up.  It has English voice-overs but it just doesn’t feel right.  Sounds much better in the native German).  I also watch a lot of anime in Japanese (with subtitles).  I’m trying to learn both languages. 26. do people with yellow teeth disgust you? Thats kinda mean 27. do you drink alcohol on new year’s eve? Yes 28. do you wear rings? Only my engagement and wedding ring 29. are you hungry right now? Yeah, a little 30. would you like to have a universal remote, like in the movie, Click? I don’t thinks so, only because going back to fix something would change the future and as I’ve seen from “Dark” (mentioned above), time traveling is nothing I want to deal with lol
31. have you ever tried smoking a cigarette? Yeah.  I socially smoked (had one when I drank) when I was younger but haven’t had one in over 10 years. I never bought any or got addicted, just had one when everyone else went out for a smoke (if that makes sense) 32. do you get any magazines in the mail? Yeah, I get Game Informer because I’m a member of GameStop’s membership.  I get all of my video games there.
33. don’t you just wanna stab someone with a fire poker? No, wtf! 34. do you wear baseball caps? No, I’m not a hat person except when we go to the beach.  Then I wear a floppy one to shield me from the sun
35. what was the last memory you thought about that instantly brought a smile to your face? I’m not sure 36. has anyone inflicted physical pain on you today? No but myself is beating me up from the inside (I started my period last night so I’m all cramp-y :/ ) 37. are there any restaurants in walking distance to your house? Yeah, I suppose.  Its like a 15 min walk though. 38. what was the last store that you went into when you were at the mall? I haven’t been to the mall in months but it was probably GameStop. 39. do you currently have any coupons for stores right now, which stores specifically? I don’t have coupons but I have a bunch of gift cards.  To Kohls, Panera Bread, BoneFish restaurant and some others I can’t think of right now
40. what was the last picture you uploaded to your facebook? Its been a long time, I don’t post anything to FaceBook anymore (I don’t trust it.  If it wasn’t for keeping up with family on it, I would delete it. 41. when was the last time that you were so tired that everything was funny to you? A long time, I normally fall asleep before I get to the giggly stage. 42. what’s something that you do that you know hurts people close to you? Probably not call them as much as I should.  I suck at keeping in contact with those further away. 43. what was the last board game that you played? It was probably some form of Dungeons and Dragons, we’re super nerdy lol 44. the next time you will be going on vacation, where will you be heading too? Well, we were supposed to go to Germany in September for Okoberfest but since that is cancelled, we probably won’t be going (International flights are still undecided on.  But honestly, it’ll probably all get canceled.)  Aside from that, I’m still flying to my hometown in early Sept for my cousin’s wedding (and hopefully the Renaissance Festival with my sibling-in-laws but I’m not sure if that will be canceled either.) 45. do you get bloated at all after you eat? It depends on what I eat, so sometimes. 46. have you read the book lovely bones? No, I tend to read Sci-Fi/Fantasy books.  I briefly looked up what that book is about and definitely not something I would read. 47. are you mad that this survey is over now? No, I’ll probably do another one lol
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carahealstheworld · 6 years
15 Things That Surprised Me My First 24 Hours In Uganda
I have now been in Uganda for a day and a half. In that time I have adjusted to the time here, exchanged money, gone shopping and a host of other things. I’m seriously trying to take this bit of time to vacation but I am learning a lot about myself and life in general. Here are the things that surprised me in the first 24 hours of being here:
1. How Quickly I Got Through Immigration- I am here on a tourist visa that is approved for 30 days. I thought there would be some long drawn out process like the ones you see in TV movies and here about from immigrants to the United States. I thought I would be grilled with questions about why I was here for a month on a tourist visa, who I was going to see, where I was staying, and all the medical supplies in my suitcase. The only questions I got were Passport? Visa? Yellow Card? Then they took my picture and sent me on my way. Overall, I was through immigration in 5 minutes or less. 
2. How Quickly I Forgot About Personal Space- Personal space is an American thing. If there are 2 strangers on an elevator, they stand on opposite ends. Two strangers on a bench, sit on opposite ends. Passing someone in public? Give them as much space as possible. Here in Uganda, all of that has gone out the window. It doesn’t bother me to be shoulder to shoulder with everyone else. Even when I’m on my phone. In general, everyone else you’re standing shoulder to should with here is minding their business and not worried about what you’re doing. 
3. Everyone Is A Friend When Everyone Is A Stranger- Since I was traveling alone, I made conversation with anyone who would talk to me. Some of those people were Americans going to other countries in Africa or areas of Uganda. Some of those people were Ugandans from different areas of the country. However, everyone was friendly. Everyone here is also a hugger. I’ve been hugged by many people here including merchants and hotel staff. They are all friends. 
4. That I Need To Learn More World Languages- The very first time that someone spoke to me in a language I didn’t understand, happened here. It was a European gentleman so I believe he thought I was from Africa and spoke to me in French (a lot of African countries speak French or do their schooling in French). I know English. I know a lot of Spanish. I know some Afrikaans (and it is very similar to English). I know very little Arabic. I know pretty much no French but I should probably get a move on it if I want to continue world traveling. The second time someone spoke to me in a language I didn’t understand, it was a security guard. I believe the language was Lugandan but I have no idea. 
5. How Quickly I Lost My Was Of Luxury- Taking a warm shower is a luxury that we often take for granted. We are used to just turning the tap and have warm water. That’s not always the case here. Sometimes water has to be warmed so you have to turn on hot water 10-15 min before you shower. I was somewhere that didn’t have that option. I took a shower anyway. It turned out, I just needed to least the water run a little but. It did eventually get warm but I really didn’t care. 
6. Telemundo...In English-So I’m not really surprised that they have TV in Africa. Nor am I surprised that they have “Junk TV” or Telemundo. However, I was surprised that they have Telemundo in English here. The signs and things on the screen are still in Spanish though. 
7.  The People Of Flint, MI (and any other place in the US with lead infested pipes) Have It More Difficult Than Some Africans- I know this is a VERY strange thing to say but I am a graduate of THEE Social Justice HBCU, Philander Smith College, so I had to mention something about social justice (and issue you a call to action since I never stop serving others). I said this one particularly because I have to brush my teeth with bottled water while I am here. Have you ever brushed your teeth with bottled water? Do you know how difficult that is when you’re used to being able to turn on the tap? I want you to try it for one week. Seven full days. Brush your teeth with bottled water because we often don’t understand what we don’t experience (and if you’re really adventurous don’t use your tap at all for a week--use only bottled water for cooking, cleaning, bathing, brushing, washing clothes, washing hair, etc. Save the receipts and find out how expensive and unrealistic it is to do everyday). Once you have, I want you to contact your senators and representatives in Washington DC. Tell them about your experience and how no Americans should have to live that way. Push them to create legislation to rectify this issue. If you don’t think this works or will work, I encourage you to watch the movie “Toilet: Ek Prem Katha.” It’s in Hindi but there are subtitles in English. You’ll understand after you watch. 
8. There’s No Reason To Fear Foreign Food- When we travel different places or even visit someone’s house who comes from a different culture, we tend to have an inherent fear of unfamiliar food. The benefit of the world being connected (or maybe the benefit of being American) is that you will always find some type of familiar food. I happened to have had eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast and a fried fish burrito bowl (yes I had Mexican food in Africa) for dinner. Don’t fear it. 
9. Most Of The Houses I’ve Seen Here Are Bigger And Nicer Than Mine- I’m not saying that there are not poor people here. I’m not saying that everyone here is rich. I’m also not saying that my family is poor (We’re not rich either so don’t be asking us for money). I’m just saying there are really nice houses here that are bigger than my house in the US. 
10. The Beauty of Simplicity-Most things here are pretty simple. There are some elaborate things but for the most part its simple and beautiful. There’s simple locks. Simple doors. Simple gates with guards. Simply beautiful simplicity. 
11. Police Guns-It wasn’t surprising to me that the police here carry guns. After all, I am American, I haven’t been living under a rock and we have many issues with police use of force and firearms (This isn’t a political statement or my opinion. Look at the numbers compared to other countries of the same or larger size. The numbers tell all). What surprised me was the size of the guns. Police here carry riffles. They have guns the size of their leg at their waist. 
12. There’s Literally Security Everywhere- When my professor came inside the airport to meet me, she had to through a metal detector. That was just to walk inside the airport. She wasn’t coming through security to meet me at my gate or see me through immigration. She was just coming inside the door to walk me to the car to the hotel. It didn’t end there though. We went to the mall as well and also had to go through security. Although it didn’t happen in the first 24 hours, we also had to go through security at church and a fancy hotel we briefly visited. At church and the hotel they also checked the car we were in. 
13. My Adaptability-People have always told me that I am quite adaptable. They say it in letters of recommendation and it even showed up as one of my strengths in Strengths Finder. So why did it surprise me? Because everything became so normalized to me almost immediately. Driving on the left and passing on the right? Normal. Everyone hugging me as if they haven’t seen me in years? Normal. Majority of people looking like me? Normal. I’ve just adapted super quickly and it’s surprised me.
14. The Bugs Here Clap Back- So I will tell the entire story later but for now, I will say that there was something squirming in my room in the shadows. I had no idea if it was a small snake or a bug. It turned out to be a bug and it clapped back when I tried to get it out. It turned in to a huge ordeal. Security and the hotel manager ended up coming to help. 
Number 15 is really for Millennials. I will caution you that there is some censored language in this one because it is in a common phrase. So if you want to stop reading now, I will not be offended. If you do keep reading and later find yourself offended, DO NOT attempt to contact my parents, another elder relative, my pastor or whoever else to discuss your disdain. You. Were. Warned. 
15. I Learned Where The Phrase “Black People S**t” Came From- This one adds a little more comedy to the already comical bug incident that occurred (which I promise to recap). So we’re driving around Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. I’m taking in the sites, the people and the buildings. I’m looking at traffic and people randomly gathering and everything else I was seeing. My literal though was, “This is some black people s**t.” And I mean that in the best way possible. It’s like all the stuff that we do in America that we call “n***a rigged” or “black people s**t” is written in our DNA and has been passed down to us for centuries. I’m serious. I wish you could see my face as I type this and hear me say this. I was literally watching people gather on the side of the street to eat food and party. I promise you they were having a cookout. They have what they call bodabodas (motor bike taxis) here. Y’all know most motorcycles can have 1 driver and 1 passenger. I bet you never seen a whole family ride on one though! I have and bodas are a little smaller than motorcycles. You’d be surprised at how many people can fit on one. Like how some of y’all try to squeeze your entire lineage in the back seat of a car. And the traffic. Y’all! These bodas drive wherever! Get in where you fit in at its finest. They don’t stop for traffic signals. If there’s a space between cars for the to drive in they do. If they have to drive on a side walk they will. It’s just the blackest thing you have ever seen or heard of. Why? These are OUR people. We do black people s**t and think nothing of. 
I hope you keep reading to learn more about my adventures. 
Bug story and pictures coming soon!
Be Blessed!!!!
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bienready2122 · 4 years
Enjoy Las Vegas on Next To Nothing - Where To Stay For Less - Without Sacrificing Location
Would you like to visit Las Vegas for much less than you pay to live home?  How long has it been because you've virtually had a blast?  Learn what the locals realize about having an amazing time on a budget.  Their Stay cation just can be your dream!  Las Vegas casinos are freely giving much less and charging extra with a purpose to live on the cutting-edge economic times.  Here are some methods to tip the stability for your want!  188xoso Rates generally tend to trade on a each day basis; so there's no person vicinity that is continually a better deal.  Whether visiting as a pair, or with the children, you may in all likelihood shop money with the aid of staying somewhere close to the activities you need to enjoy.  That said, the "Downtown" resorts and the "Neighborhood" casinos generally fee a whole lot much less than within the heart of "The Strip."  But most of the parking Downtown is only free with validation.
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The motels which have everything happening can without difficulty get higher room quotes.  So the trick right here is to search for a hotel this is either round the corner or throughout the road shape in which you need to hang out, and stay there for less price when viable.  Transportation additionally makes a difference in that less expensive does not work in case you end up spending the distinction simply getting around.
So, earlier than getting commenced, you will want to invite your self some questions:
Am I visiting with the family, or is that this an all grownup excursion?  If traveling with the own family, and you'd just like the youngsters to have a very good time too, the downtown accommodations are close to Neonopolis which is a large open-air leisure center with 14 film theaters, a video and game middle, a bowling alley, a food court, and eating places.  Fitzgerald's is the closest of the affordable accommodations in this article to Neonopolis.
Do I need to be near any specific Hotel/Casino for my stay?  Please observe that among the counseled resorts are next door to, across the street from, or linked through a loose tram to most of the convention/occasion motels on the town.
Am I looking for a pampered, luxurious experience?  If so, then assume to pay more, and also you possibly may not care a lot for the less pricy motels noted right here.  Online evaluations of these hotels tend to reflect a 25% to forty% sadness fee; typically with the aid of site visitors that had been searching out extra luxury.  I even have in my view stayed at all the cited lodges.  The motels in this newsletter aren't dumps; however they're no longer top of the line both.
Will I be riding or flying into Las Vegas?  If you've got chosen to fly, not to rent a automobile, and now not to pay for several expensive taxis, then you'll need to stay in a region that is transportation pleasant.  Everything downtown is within approximately five quick blocks of every other - very walkable - and The Four Queens is smack in the center of it.  Most of the loose trolleys are by way of the inns indexed on the south end of the strip.  Bill's Gamblin' Hall is near the precise middle of The Strip.  And The Deuce (bus) runs day and night time to attach you cost effectively with another a part of The Strip.
We'll be looking at four special regions in an effort to cowl most of your favored sports, but nonetheless save on the room charge.  The areas will be: The Southern End of The Strip, Northern End of The Strip, The Downtown Area, and Nearby Neighborhoods or Off Strip Locations.  Then we will address transportation and parking.
If you'd like a few assist figuring what part of metropolis you'd like to be near, and what you would like to look or do in Las Vegas aside from visit a casino, there are numerous tips listed inside the different subtitles to this "Enjoy Las Vegas on Next To Nothing" series.  For your convenience, there's a listing at the stop of this text.
The Southern End of The Strip
The Southern End of The Strip'sbest cost is usually at either the Monte Carlo, the Tropicana, or at the Excaliburif you've got kids - all placed on The Strip at Tropicana Avenue and Las Vegas Boulevard.  These 3 casino/hotels generally have costs which can be about one-1/3 the price in their acquaintances; and they sit down between the MGM Grand, Luxor, Mandalay Bay, New York New York, and City Center where room charges are typically near $a hundred and fifty and up.
The Excalibur may be very toddler friendly with many kid's points of interest.  They are bodily related to the Luxor with the aid of an enclosed walkway, they have a unfastened storage for parking, and they have a unfastened tram that runs every five mins among the Excalibur, Luxor, and Mandalay Bay.  There is likewise an over-the-street walkway to New York New York, Tropicana, and MGM Grand.  So for more or less one-third the price, you are nevertheless in a high vicinity.
The Monte Carlo sits among New York New York and City Center, with a free tram that runs every fifteen minutes thru City Center and keeps directly to the Bellagio.  With that connection and the previously cited accesses throughout from New York New York, again there may be no sacrifice in area for the decreased fee of rooms.  And like each on line casino on this area, additionally they have a free protected storage.
The Tropicana is inside the process of being converted into a main region.  It is the last of the older casinos in the location to get a facelift.  So ask for a room faraway from the development, and enjoy the top location if not anything else.
Inside Tip:  If your funds are extremely tight, you need to stay in this a part of The Strip, and comfort isn't always on your list of vital matters, you may want to keep in mind Hooters (which was once the San Remo.)  Rates can be as low as $25 a night.  They are located with the aid of the lower back door of the Tropicana, and immediately across the road from the returned entrance to the MGM Grand.
Northern End of The Strip
On the Northern End of The Strip all of the accommodations between the Stratosphere and Circus Circus have rooms available for much less than $30 a night time, but maximum traffic feel they may be too a long way from the whole thing else in town.  If that doesn't trouble you, check out The Deuce bus line.  Otherwise, the exceptional price is typically at Bill's Gamblin' Hall & Saloon, or the Imperial Palace, which often have rooms starting beneath $39.  These two are positioned just north of the middle of The Strip, by means of Bellagio, Paris, Caesar's Palace, Mirage, Venetian, Palazzo and the Wynn - all of which rate much, an awful lot greater.
Bill's Gamblin' Hall & Saloonused to be smoke infested, and looks as if a dive.  But they've cleaned it up now that it's far not the Barbary Coast.  Bill's is on the nook of Flamingo Road and Las Vegas Boulevard with the Flamingo next door.  Bill's sits at the very identical corner as Caesars Palace, Bellagio, and Bally's, right within the center of The Strip.  And they do have loose blanketed parking in their storage.  Furthermore, there is now an over-the-street walkway for the entire intersection, so there's no manner to beat the price for the location.
The ImperialPalace is just a few doors north of Bill's, which makes it towards the Mirage, Treasure Island, Harrah's, Venetian, Palazzo and the Wynn.  Like anybody else on The Strip, there is free covered parking.  There is likewise a unfastened trolley throughout the road on the Mirage that goes to Treasure Island each fifteen minutes (which is at the same avenue corner as the Fashion Show Mall, Wynn, and Palazzo.)
The Downtown Area
The Downtown Areagenerally has a number of the lowest priced rooms in town, and the whole lot is within a block of the Fremont Experience.  For the lowest fees the Four Queens, Fitzgerald's, and the Las Vegas Club usually have rooms starting round $29.  Downtown the resorts will validate parking in their very own garage, for their lodge and on line casino visitors.  The Las Vegas Club is one of the very few that have free parking for absolutely everyone.
Nearby Neighborhoods or Off Strip Locations
The fine price in Nearby Neighborhoods or Off Strip Locations is typically found at the Station Casinos, wherein rooms are on occasion as low as $14 a night.  The closest Station Casino to The Strip is Palace Station, less than a mile away, located on Sahara Boulevard through Highway 15, with clean throughway access.  Sahara Avenue crosses The Strip at the north give up next to the Stratosphere, Sahara, Riviera, and Circus Circus.  An important note is that Palace Station has lately raised their "resort fee" to $sixteen.Seventy nine consistent with night, efficaciously elevating the fee of the room to around $30.
Free Public Transportation & Parking
The trams on the west aspect of The Strip hook up with all however two of the main casinos.  Neither New York New York nor Caesars Palace have a tram connection; so there's a brief stroll among trams whilst going around these  casinos.  On the east aspect of The Strip there is a monorail that runs among the MGM Grand and the Sahara; unfortunately it's miles very pricy for a circle of relatives to use.
Parking is loose nearly anywhere in Las Vegas.  The primary exception is downtown, like in any important town.  Since The Strip isn't always downtown, there are pretty some loose parking garages in addition to the many loose parking lots.  Due to the extreme temperatures, I might advocate the use of a garage on every occasion possible.
There are four casinos that provide loose parking in the downtown place; El Cortez, Main Street Station, the Plaza, and the Las Vegas Club.  Everyone else calls for validation.  The only warning you may need to understand is that the garage on the Plaza has very low ceilings and tight turns, so no longer every car might be able to use their storage.
Other Transportation & Parking
If you happen to be coming to Las Vegas in an RV, or a Big Rig, you may be satisfied to listen that you may park and hookup at Circus Circus.  This is a KOA with drive-through spaces and a barely better day by day charge than most.  But with their "On The Strip" place you may get better the value in lower transportation expenses. Their RV park has 399 spaces, and each of them have full carrier application hookups. There is also a convenience shop, an arcade, laundromat, playground, pet runs, and disposal stations. This will let you live on the north give up of The Strip, then use public transportation to get around.
The least steeply-priced paid transportation in Las Vegas is the town bus line.  Las Vegas is a completely unfold out metropolis, with a completely reasonably priced bus line.  "The Deuce" goes up and down The Strip constantly, (from Mandalay Bay to the Fremont Street Experience) with double-deckers jogging about 10 mins aside in the course of the day, and 30 minutes apart in the middle of the night.  The three day rate is handiest $15 in line with character with on-and-off privileges for all of the town bus strains - you can't beat that!  (Or $7 for a 24 hour price ticket.)  If you force to Las Vegas it's miles inexpensive to park the car (out of the sun) in one of the loose covered garages at most every casino on The Strip, and use The Deuce to get around, than to pay for the gas.
More bus records is to be had on their website at RTCsouthernnevada.Com.  Passes bought on line aren't downloadable or to be had to print through your pc at time of buy.  When shopping a pass on line, please allow sufficient time (five to 7 days) for transport via USPS mail.  Currently, all passes ordered on line are brought via USPS mail and sent to the cope with you offer.  Children six years of age and more youthful journey free and must be accompanied by using an grownup.
Transportation Passes may also be bought in individual at the Downtown Transportation Center, South Strip Transfer Terminal, RTC Administration Building, supplier places at some stage in metropolis, and all Las Vegas Albertsons Grocery Stores.
Using public transportation also can make journeys to the Las Vegas Premium Outlets, the Las Vegas Outlet Center, and among the different points of interest a manageable component - with out using your car or an costly taxi.
Inside Tip:  For similarly financial savings and to keep away from tipping conditions, right here are a few tips:
Don't valet your car.  Even though valet parking is unfastened at lodges, you may be predicted to tip the attendant one or  bucks.  Parking your personal vehicle in one of the free garages and riding the elevator down will save you a couple of bucks you may have a laugh with later.
Don't purchase gas on The Strip.  Gas expenses are plenty inexpensive at maximum stations that are two or more miles from The Strip.  I might pressure west from The Strip on Flamingo Road, Spring Mountain Road, or another cross street close to your resort.
If you want to find out greater approximately your quality offers, there are too many alternatives to show in this newsletter.
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incoherentham · 7 years
Strategic Review: July 2017
Every month or so I do a review of how my life is going. I’m posting these here now
Got a new whiteboard
Lovely tea kettle introduced to the kitchen, I have silicon spatulas now and misc. good food to good.
[redacted] moved out, we have a nook and more kitchen space again
Had a positive fight with partner!
Got my work travel expenses reimbursed
Been reading machine learning papers, and am starting to comprehend the code I look at.
Made adjustments to my hip bag like a pro fixer-er of stuff
Lost my gold fidget spinner
Boxes boxes everywhere
Keep dropping social engagements
Anxiety feedback loops between partner and I. We've improved, but not solved this problem.
I really really want to set up a merchant stand but don't see how to
Fucking deleted last review by accident
What’s on my Hot Loop:
No soft edges. Demand personal space first.
Track hours usage
Meditate Breakfast
Evening Tea
Stick to the basics of reasoning
Do the most important thing first
Build Feedback Loops / play in the dirt
Trust your instincts
Clothes decimation
Sample new clothes from piles every Sunday, save what I actively like. (Autosave socks and underwear, because judging those is hard.)
Detailed Inventory
earplug necklace
eye mask
toothbrush, razor
weighted scarf
phone, microusb chargers, portable charger
laptop, mac charger
makeup bag, backpack, hip bag
fidget spinners
Level Grinding
Assertiveness CoZE
Annotate code
Keep up with ML news
ML papers list
Sort probationary clothes
Send refund cash to bank
[redacted] docs
Inbox zero: feedly x3, gmail, alumni forum
Study cuda programming
Listen to Stanford human behavioral biology lecture series on youtube
Learn low-level and hardware programming
Speak out loud along with misc. tech conference talks subtitles
Cultivate loving-kindness mindset
Write a CBT chatbot
Endorsed Heuristics
The goal of a postmortem is to expose faults and apply engineering to fix these faults, rather than to avoid or minimize them
Carry a dry erase whiteboard for notes
Use wet wipes periodically
Most critical piece of meditation is rewarding yourself when you notice distraction and return
Taste the supplements you take
80% confidence intervals = 10-90% = 1:4 bet
Government should default to inaction
Use "what situations would make this go away?" to consider confusing impulses
Loving-Kindness meditation
Look out for self-aggression when working on self-improvement, it’s counter-productive.
Python naming best practices
subset of 20 rules of formulating knowledge
PCK seeking
Write down my steps as I solve important or complex but infrequent tasks
Speak simply, slowly
Self-denial is unhelpful
Personal rules for alcohol use:
no more than 3 drinks in 2 hours
have a glass of water every other drink
no drinking when I am already upset
Know the source of a trivia fact for context and a way to verify
Narrow down what type of errors a classifier makes by looking at the confusion matrix
Enforcing optimism is cruel to people in objectively bad situations.
Quantify consequences: how often, how long, how intense.
Freezing or spacing out responses to stress often don't get recognized as stress at all
Buy experiences rather than objects
Scientific theories tend to be not so much wrong as incomplete
Self anti-silencing policy: Share "I disagree but don't expect to the thoughts to be welcomed, so I am not doing so."
Add "Like this comment to express skepticism or disagreement" to FB posts
Check my comments are at least two of (true, necessary, kind)
Instead of offering sympathy, offer money, effort, or time spent coordinating sympathetic people's money and effort.
Offer sympathy and support when friends are in the grip of distorted thoughts, not "reality checks"
Tips to engage cooperation from How to Listen.. parenting book
Ask for feedback with "what did you notice that might be worth looking at together" (h/t Malcolm Ocean)
Start off any rationalist meetup with a game of object-boggle
CFAR mailing list norms
Replace "Middle Class" with "Working Class" in conversation
Establish the shape of an idea to someone before teaching them
Iterated Critique
Push-Pull-Action Critique
Replace "sorry for taking time" with "thank you for giving me your time"
Replace "do not shout" with "talk in a quieter voice"
Replace "refuse" with "said would not" or "did not"
If you aren't describing events, you're probably evaluating them.
Master and Develop branches should be kept constantly shippable
Black-box monitering alerts preserve good signal-to-noise ratio
R tidbits
Seriously limit the amount of on-call and manual work time by a Site Reliability Engineering team members to ~50%.
little bit of Haskell type theory
Try turning it off and back on again
Prefer to prepend vs. append to lists
Python naming best practices
Check the base case in recursive types/functions
Check closed boundaries and midpoints in intervals
Make a function template for complex data definitions
A function returning a Boolean needs at least a true and false test case
Define your data type when directly manipulating similar values
Stub functions so you can test code with unfinished/broken dependencies
Syntax errors accumulate quickly, compile-check often
Write a failing test so you don't forget to finish a stubbed function
You need to write a docstring
Biases to notice
People want to benefit from dishonesty but also consider themselves good people (video)
Regression to the mean
Choice-supportive bias
Scope insensitivity
Gambler's fallacy
The procrastination equation
Memorize individual derivation steps to always follow the fastest path while solving a problem
Don't memorize whole books or articles unless you're about to have an important exam
I must have a specific reasong for wanting to make this anki card
Redudant information in the question of a card will slow down your learning process
When an experienced user starts forgetting cards, it's likely from similar cards with different answers.
Don't try to memorize unordered sets of more than 5 members
Flashcard questions should be short
Minutiae to absorb
1 thousand to 1 million order of magnitude difference = 15 mins vs 12 days
1 million or 1 billion order of magnitude difference = 12 days or 30 years
Cache associativity
MESI protocol
derivative rules
bash shortcuts
reader-writer locks
what is a store buffer
recognizing chump bets in the jane street protocol
Misc scraps
notes from Modern Operating Systems 4th edition
proposed rationalist life timeline
weekly timeboxing summaries
stuff Jake says
mathemetically modeling the usefulness of holding onto stuff
ml papers notes
location of Onward house
ADEPT explanations
formatted nvim text wrapping
relationship meta <3
daily timeboxes
prefix sums, reduction trees
sci-hub.cc lets you get ahold papers, apparently
notes from [redacted] docs
android app for getting around the mobile hotspot limitations
shipnames for rl couples
postmodern jukebox does modern songs in vintage style
Applied Information Economics (h/t Ian Moss)
math concept cheatsheets
how to transfer files between local computers with netcat
Activity cards I'd like to make
why is calibration so hard to practice?
some changes
add dry erase whiteboard carrying
refine going through clothes/posessions plan, changed current clothes in hotloop
chance tasc task
add ml papers
removed day plan
got more specific in my "endorsed" stuff here
add Annotate code, tenserflow learning to tasks
remove Learning C stuff
0 notes