#because they'll have the best equipment and the most experience getting rid of bad clogs without damaging your pipes
wrenhavenriver · 1 year
Reading about your garage reminds me of when my apt flooded; my brother went to take a shower that night and the faucet just blew off and started violently spraying water and it began to spill into the living room. Maintenance never answered the phone because they had strict rules about only answering messages and not just PICKING UP A PHONECALL. We had to call the fire department who ended up breaking into the room that controlled all the water in the building. The water dripped into our downstairs neighbour's apt through our floor too. The Maintenance never showed up until the fire department had already started mopping up. The apt comped us a cleaner but it was so early in the morning we couldn't go back to sleep or we'd miss the cleaner. Didn't end up getting any sleep until noon that following day.
godddd, that sounds horrific, plumbing disasters really are catastrophic, especially when the people who are supposed to help won't answer the phone!!!!! all things considered we were really lucky, we called three supposedly 24/hour emergency services - the first two of which went "best we can do is 8 am, boss," which kind of defeats the point of a 24 hour line - but the third sent out just the Nicest Dude Possible within like an hour and he was able to crawl around in the snow in the dark to find our sewer cleanout and snake the drain. still was like 5 am by the time it was all done, though.
luckily the only backup inside the house proper was in one shower, and we were able to sweep the worst of the water from the garage out the driveway. we've decided to call a sanitizing service for the garage after all tho because even though there wasn't any visible sewage it definitely didn't smell like potable water and we have a lot of boxes 'n stuff in there that we're like "......is this okay" about :/ which is gonna be really fucken expensive but again!! what can ya do!!
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