#because u know garak would call julian that. if only in his head.
cunning-and-cool · 7 months
i think cardassian's should have a term of endearment that translates to "secret keeper"
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qwertyfingers · 3 years
top five star trek things applied to supernatural (ie darmok or slutty outfits)
SORRY for how long it took me to get to this answer also thank u for a very good question tasha
1) obviously, darmok, my BELOVED. dean is dathon throwing his references out into the world and cas is picard desperately trying to understand him out of pure desire for connection
2) GARAK AND BASHIR’S CONVERSATION IN THE WIRE. there’s this beautiful moment in 9.18 Meta Fiction (most episode of all time truly) that parallels it wonderfully. see:
BASHIR: Never mind, don't tell me. I don't want you to spoil the ending. You know, I still have a lot of questions to ask you about your past. GARAK: I've given you all the answers I'm capable of. BASHIR: You gave me answers, all right, but they were all different. What I want to know is of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren't? GARAK: My dear Doctor, they're all true. BASHIR: Even the lies? GARAK: Especially the lies.
CASTIEL: So, none of this is real, and I'm guessing I'm no longer in the motel. GABRIEL: Here's the thing... none of it was real, but all of it was true.
which also then has a beautiful parallel to 15.02 raising hell
CASTIEL: You're angry. DEAN: Yes, I am angry. At everything. All of it. CASTIEL: All of it? DEAN: It turns out that we're just hamsters running in a wheel our whole lives. What do we have to show for it, huh? Tell me you don't feel conned. God's been lying to you, Cas, forever. You bought into the biggest scam in history. CASTIEL: You don't think I'm angry? After what Chuck did? After what he took from me? He killed Jack. But that doesn't mean it was all a lie. DEAN: Really? CASTIEL: Chuck is all-knowing. He knew the truth, he... he just kept it to himself. DEAN: Well, now that his cover's blown, everything that we've done is for what? Nothing? CASTIEL: Even if we didn't know that all of the challenges that we face were born of Chuck's machinations, how would we describe it all? We'd call it "life". Because that's precisely what life is. It's an obstacle course, and maybe Chuck designed the obstacles, but we ran our own race. We made our own moves. And mostly, we did well with that. DEAN: Did we? I'll tell you what we do know. Nothing about our lives is real. Everything that we've lost, everything that we are is because of Chuck. So maybe you can stick your head back in the sand, maybe you can pretend that we actually had a choice. I can't. CASTIEL: Dean. You asked, "What about all of this is real?" We are.
like. it’s literally about how the lies
3 is a different parallel between The Wire and Meta Fiction - this one’s all about Julian and Garak’s extended conversations about Cardassian literature and use of artistic criticism as an obscuration of discssing their own experiences and beliefs. the beauty of Julian and Garak is both are hiding behind layer after layer of stories to protect the truth of theselves from the outside world, so much that they become aware of their status as fictionalised roles within the narrative of their own lives. Metatron’s speech from the start of Meta Fiction always makes me think about them and how juicy that parallel is and how beautifully it transposes onto Cas’ role within the show, especially during season 9 and later when Chuck returns as the villain and we learn about Cas being the only character who was able to escape Chuck’s narrative and have true free will.
METATRON: What makes a story work? Is it the plot, the characters, the text? The subtext? And who gives a story meaning? Is the writer? Or you? Tonight, I thought I would tell you a little story and let you decide.
Like. Garak is Metatron but he’s also Gabriel. but he is also his own Naomi . makes me Batshit
4) the Sarek mommy blogger au applies perfectly to Cas you don’t need to change anything at all. wake up america.
5) Gadreel is literally Brunt, FCA
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