#because when you read the flash volume one wally is a much lighter person
roobylavender · 7 months
What do you think about Mike Baron's run of Wally? /gen. I have never read it but it seemed like a total mess.
i think most people would agree with you lmaooo. i'm personally not a fan and i don't think it's particularly crucial to read. but at the same time it's what lays the groundwork for who wally is in the immediate aftermath of barry's death so having that context before you dive into the loebs run can be very useful. my main gripe is that baron continues to write wally in the same vein that wolfman did so he's a conservative and a bit of a dickhead. but the latter part is forgiving to an extent because as i already mentioned barry is dead so it's not like the dickheadedness comes out of nowhere in this particular context (as opposed to whatever it is wolfman thought he was doing in new teen titans). all in all i would say it's not hard to read. very short number of issues and aside from those writing gripes the drama is kind of insane to follow (eg wally's relationship with tina mcgee. who is married and ten years his senior. yikes! also the stuff with his mom being a horrible persongjkfjglsf) so it scratches an itch in your brain to say the least
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