#because william and kate actually used their kids just to try and make andrew look good
thetimelordbatgirl · 7 months
Honestly though, being serious with all the Kate and William theories and rumors going on, I do hope their kids are doing okay and will come out of this fine, because it cannot be easy for the kids to be stuck in the middle of all this.
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mr-mellow-dj · 6 years
I Never Kew
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Cross Posted from FF dot net
As Beckett said she “believes in the everyday magic of life in … the way that I feel when I hear Coltrane”, this is from his album “Kenny Burrell & John Coltrane”. These vignettes come to mind when I hear the songs as played by John Coltrane.
This song is “I Never Knew.” You can hear the song as played by Coltrane, Burrell, Tommy Flanagan, Paul Chambers and Jimmy Cobb on YouTube.
This song is by Ted Fio Rito and Gus Kahn. A version of it being sung by Frank Sinatra is also on YouTube.  
 Disclaimer: The characters are the property of Andrew W. Marlowe and ABC television. The lyrics are the property of their respective owners. No infringement is intended.
I never knew
That roses grew,
Or that skies were blue or grey.
I never knew,
When breezes blew,
What a Summer breeze could say.
A/N: A summer sometime in the future
Kate looked up from her book to see the younger of the twins running toward her from the beach.
“Mom!” Reese said huffing after running. “Mom, we saw some. It was so cool.”
She looked over her 7 year old son’s shoulder to see her husband of 14 years jogging up with the other twin close behind. She looked back at her red faced son smiling.
“You saw some what?” She asked her son.
He responded in earnest, “Dolphins, just beyond where we swim to. There was a whole school of them.”
“Pod.” Kate corrected her son. “And how far out do you swim?”
“What?” Reese asked.
“Pod.” Kate answered.
“Pod what?”
“A group of dolphins is called a ‘pod’.” Kate answered.
By that time Castle and Jake had made it to her lounge chair. Castle leaned down, kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear, “You’re so hot when you use correct animal groupings.”
Smiling, she gently slapped his chest and said, “Little pitchers.”
Reese, looking between his parents, said, “What are ‘little pitchers’.”
Castle mischievously smiling at his wife turned to his son and said, “I’ll explain when you’re older.”
“Aww, I’m never gonna be older,” Reese whined as he turned and stomped off toward the house.
“Reese, come back please.” Her son still stomping away. “Now!”
He stops knowing that another step will get him into very hot water.
“How far out do you swim?” Kate asks as her mother hen sense goes on high.
Her son, grumbling comes back to his mother but doesn’t answer. He stands beside her chair head down and sighs.
She puts her hand under her son’s chin to look her in the eye.
“How far?”
“Only as far as dad lets us,” Reese smiled turning to his father.
Beckett turns to her husband, “And how far is that, Castle?”
Smiling back at his wife he says, “Not so far as I can’t get to them. And not ankle deep either. I let them explore their abilities without letting them get in too deep.”
“So that’s what dads do. Let their children explore their abilities, huh? Is that another way of saying dads or maybe a specific dad doesn’t pay attention when his kids are out in the ocean? Hmm, Castle?”
“No, it’s a way of saying that mothers smother their children keeping them from discovering the world,” Castle responds ending with a sweeping arm gesture.
“Channeling Martha I see,” Beckett teases.
“What?” Castle innocently asks.
“I don’t think so, Castle,” Kate continues. “No, another way of saying it is: mothers would kill fathers if anything ever happens to a hair on the head of their cubs. Capeesh?”
“Yep,” Castle responds.
“Okay,” Kate turns to her youngest children. “Reese. Jake. Go with your father to wash up. It’s getting close to lunch time. Mama’s hungry so you know what that means.”
“Ahhgg!” Reese yells running toward the house swinging his arms like a windmill. “Feed me Seymour!”
Jake follows close behind as their parents chuckle at the twins antics.
“You’re much cuter than Twoee.” Castle says leaning down and kissing his wife’s head.
“And I figure if anyone gets eaten, it would be me,” He continues waggling his eyebrows.
“Castle,” Kate says playfully slapping his legs. “That’s awful. Good thing little pitchers weren’t here to hear that.”
“What?” Castle said trying to keep an innocent face. “Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts.”
Beckett rolled her eyes at him.
Castle continued, “I said nothing about whether I enjoyed it or not.” Whispering in her ear, “And believe me, I do.”
Standing up Castle held his hand out. “M’ lady.”
Beckett grasped his hand and pulled herself up. “Thank you, kind sir,” She said as she kissed his cheek and the pair followed their sons inside.
I never knew
That dreams came true
And took your cares away
I never knew
What love could do,
Until I met you today.
A/N: Another summer sometime further in the future
Castle sat down in the Adirondack chair on the back lawn at the Hamptons house and gazed over the ocean. The weekend had been a great success for him and his extended family.
The key members of the crew from the 12th had come by. Lanie and her husband and their 3 kids. Javi and his wife and theirs. Ryan and Jennie with Sarah Grace and her husband and Nick and his fiancée. Even retired Chief Gates and her husband had come.
Alexis had a flight to catch out of JFK back to Chicago so she left first. Lily, Reese and Jake were the last to leave. But all had left by mid-afternoon to try to beat some of the Sunday evening traffic back into the city. Beckett and Castle had ferried some of them to the nearby Long Island Railroad station. The rest were driving back.
Castle sat in the chair with the afterglow of a fun time with all his friends and family. Friends that liked him for being himself, Rick Rodgers, not the best-selling author, Richard Castle.
His brothers-in-arms still called him ‘Castle’ but his best-selling author fame or fortune weren’t why they were his friend, unless the Ferrari was involved. With age came the realization that they weren’t kids anymore that they didn’t need access to the mid-life crisis car, and that was emphasized the last time they tried to extract themselves from the seemingly lower than they remembered driver’s seat.  
He’d kept the Ferrari for ‘old time’s sake’ but hadn’t driven it in a couple of years. Kate drove it when they were out in the Hamptons but it mostly lay dormant in the garage.
Castle rides around the island with her occasionally remembering that sinfully short and tight midnight blue dress she wore while driving it during a case. If Beckett pushed him, he would give up that that was the only reason he kept the car.
He chuckled remembering all the fun times he had at the 12th.
“What’s so funny, Castle?” Asked Beckett.
“I never thanked him, you know,” Castle said to his wife of almost 30 years.
“Thanked who?” Beckett asked as she sat down in her husband’s lap. She wrapped her arms around his head and kissed him.
Still lost in thought, Castle answered. “I never thanked him.”
Kate pushed herself away so that she could see his face. She looked at Rick dumbfounded. “What are you talking about?”
“I never thanked him for his murders.”
“You never thanked him for killing people?” Kate asked. “Have you been in the sun too long?”
“Nope, never better,” Castle responded. “I’m feeling great right now. Great for being … uh, how old am I … 74 years old.”
“Ohhh kay,” Beckett said drawing out the ‘O’ and the ‘K’. “Who did you never thank? Jerry Tyson? Surely not William Bracken.”
“No. No. No.” Castle adamantly responded. “No. And never them. They’re ones that shouldn’t have seen the light of day. No. I’m talking about Harrison Tisdale. He’s the one I should be thanking.”
“So you never thanked Harrison Tisdale for what was it? Killing his sister and two other people? Castle, that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Yes it does,” Castle says. “It makes perfect sense.”
Beckett looked at him sideways as if to say “what crazy thought is he having now.”
Castle continues, “While it wasn’t perfect for his victims, it made my life perfect.”
Still looking at her husband, “Okay, I’ll bite. Why did it make your life perfect?”
Castle lovingly looks into Beckett’s eyes and says, “It actually made my dreams come true. Because if Harrison Tisdale hadn’t murdered his sister and two other people, making murder scenes look like those from my books, you would never had recognized them and come to my ‘Derrick Storm’ book launch party and arrested me. So probably we would never had met. That’s why I should thank him.”
“What about you always talking about ‘The Universe’? Saying that we were destined to be together. That we being together brought harmony to ‘The Universe’. What about that, hmm?”
Castle pondered for a moment. “You may have a point there, Beckett.”
Castle tapped his chin, thinking about what his wife said. “You know, though, sometimes ‘The Universe’ needs a little nudge to help it along. Tisdale did that.”
“A nudge, huh?”
“Yeah. Nudge. Prod. Push. Bump. Jolt. Yeah, nudge.”
Chuckling she continues, “Well thank you, Mr. Thesaurus.”
“I am a writer.”
With false surprise Beckett says, “You’re a writer? Who knew?”
“Mock all you like, Beckett. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield.”
Castle moves his left hand up to his neck as if to adjust an invisible necktie, “I never get any respect.”
“No respect, huh? Is that what you’re going with now?”
“Yes?” Castle answers sheepishly.
Standing up, Beckett says, “Well, now that the kids and friends are gone. I can think of something or maybe someone else that needs to be nudged. Prodded. Pushed.”
Castle stands up and wraps his arms around her waist, responding, “You do? Hmm, who could that be?”
“I don’t know. Maybe we should go upstairs and see what we can discover.”
“Discovery is nice,” Castle says. “Especially when it is the two of us discovering. Maybe some uncovering is involved?”
“I think that could be arranged,” Beckett responds, kissing her husband.
“Oh, goody,” Castle says rubbing his hands together.
“But not if you say ‘Oh, goody’ again.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Holding out her hand to him she says, “Come on. Let’s go inside.”
Grasping her hand in his he responds, “Beckett, I’d follow you anywhere.”
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hexblooded · 6 years
Can you do a ultimate ship meme with Tammy and Nineball* please ? 😊🌸🌼
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - When they decide to commit is on the long run, so a pretty long time,
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It takes a while, they’re both really guarded, but they grow really close and, well, it’s been inevitable since the start and absolutely no one is surprised.
How was their first kiss? - Movie worthy. They were arguing about something and Nine Ball just kissed Tammy to shut her up. Everyone cheered on the background.
Who proposed? - Nine Ball, definitely.
Who is the best man/men? - 
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -
Who did the most planning? - Constance had to get ordained on the internet and they ordered a cake, but that’s about it. Nine Ball didn’t care as long as they got married at the end of the day and Tammy had done the whole shabangle before and wasn’t looking for a repeat.
Who stressed the most? -
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Tammy’s ex, ‘cause that would be just awkward.
Who is on top? - They switch.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Tammy most of the time. She loves walking around naked, especially if Nine Ball is looking way to focused on her computer.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Tammy always lasts longer, but then again, Nine Ball loves to take her time.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - They don’t keep exact count, but sure.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. (Tammy is suuuuper snuggly, Nine Ball doesn’t mind at all.)
How many children will they have naturally? - Tammy has two (Charlie [Charlotte] and Andy [Andrew]) with her ex, and Nine Ball never really thought about having one of her own (even though she’s practically raised Veronica by herself).
How many children will they adopt? - None
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Tammy, but it’s only because her kids are already older when they get together, otherwise they’d share.
Who is the stricter parent? - Tammy on a daily basis with chores and stuff but Nine Ball when it comes to grounding them.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Both.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Nine Ball cooks the night before and Tammy packs in the morning.
Who is the more loved parent? - Charlie is Tammy’s kid through and through, Andy ended up more attached to Nine Ball.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Both. Tammy is just used to going and Nine Ball just loves the horror on the soccer mom’s faces when they meet her.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Secretly, Nine Ball.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Nine Ball hacks the police system and they don’t actually have to post bail.
Who does the most cooking? - Tammy does sometimes but Nine Ball just loves to experiment.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both, and they actually love taking the kids to the supermarket.
How often do they bake desserts? - Whenever they can, but they hide the sweets from the children because they’re only allowed on weekends.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - They’re not really picky.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Tammy.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Nine Ball, she loves seeing Tammy all dressed up. And of course she likes undressing her afterwards.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Neither, they’re very responsble.
Who cleans the room? - Tammy is just used to it, so she kinda does it on automatic.
Who is really against chores? - Nine Ball, she and Veronica never really had them and Veronica turned up just fine, so she doesn’t believe in the chore whell stuff.
Who cleans up after the pets? - They make the kids do it (their pet, their responsability)
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Neither.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Tammy used to, she was used to have to look and act like the perfect suburban white picket fence housewife, but now she’s more relaxed.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Nine Ball finds money all the time, it’s kind of a special power.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Tammy loves to soak and take her time, when she decides to take a bath she’ll only come out with wrinkled fingers and after the water’s turned cold.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Nine Ball, she loves to take walks (and photography is a hidden pleasure of hers, so she uses walking the dog as an excuse to take pictures, Tammy isn’t fooled at all.)
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Always, and is actually Nine Ball who insists on it, growing up she and Veronica would always find ways to decorate and celebrate, so she doesn’t want to lose that tradition.)
What are their goals for the relationship? - Just take stuff one day at a time.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Neither, they’re both early birds and breakfast is their favourite meal.
Who plays the most pranks? - Nine Ball is always finding ways to prank Tammy, but nothing serious, and Tammy pretends to be annoyed but she finds it super endearing.
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quotespicture · 5 years
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20 Prince William Quotes on Duty, Honor and Family
Read these Prince William quotes to see how a man’s love for his family and country can change the world.
Born on June 21, 1982, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is the second in the line of succession to the British throne. He’s the elder son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. He was 15 when his mother died in a car accident in 1997.
For college, he attended the University of St. Andrews where he initially studied art history before switching to geography in his second year. He graduated with a master of arts with upper second class honours. After college, Prince William decided to pursue a career in the military. This led him to finish 44 weeks of training as an officer cadet in 2006.
Two years later, he completed his pilot training at Royal Air Force College Cranwell. After undergoing helicopter fight training, he became a full-time pilot with the RAF Search and Rescue Force in 2009. He served with the British Armed Forces until 2013. Prince William married Kate Middleton in 2011. They have three children: Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.
Prince William may be a member of the British royal family and second in the line to succeed his grandmother Queen Elizabeth, but his priorities are quite simple — to love his family and try his best to do his duties.
Here are 20 Prince William quotes reflecting his noble heart.
As any new parent knows, you’re only too happy to show off your new child and, you know, proclaim that he is the best looking or the best everything. – Prince William
My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring. – Prince William
I’ve had lots of kids come up and ask for my autograph, I’ve had a grandmother stop me and ask me if I know a good place to buy underwear. – Prince William
I’m always open for people saying I’m wrong. – Prince William
I have to say that I thought search-and-rescue duties over Snowdonia were physically and mentally demanding, but looking after a 3-week-old baby is up there! – Prince William
As I learned from growing up, you don’t mess with your grandmother. – Prince William
I want to bring my children up as good people with the idea of service and duty to others as very important. But if I can’t give my time to my children as well, I worry about their future. – Prince William
People say it’s not ambitious, but it is actually quite ambitious wanting to help people. – Prince William
I think it’s very important that you make your own decision about what you are. Therefore you’re responsible for your actions, so you don’t blame other people. – Prince William
My grandmother certainly does not care for celebrity. – Prince William
Only the mad girls chase me, I think. – Prince William
No one is going to try to fill my mother’s shoes, what she did was fantastic. It’s about making your own future and your own destiny and Kate will do a very good job of that. – Prince William
I always remember having a healthy respect for my grandmother. – Prince William
I encourage all fathers to take a moment to ask their children how they are doing. Take the opportunity to discuss how you are coping with life and fatherhood with your wife, partner or with your friends. And know that if your son or daughter ever needs help, they need their father’s guidance and support just as much as they need their mother’s. – Prince William
I looked up to her because (of) what an achievement it was to live to 101. – Prince William
There are times where you can’t do it yourself and the system takes over, or if it’s appropriate to do things differently. But I think driving your son and your wife away from hospital was really important to me. – Prince William
The last thing I want to do is cause loads of hype or problems, I just want to go in there and get my asparagus or whatever. – Prince William
When I was younger and my parents used to always slap my hand if I was picking my nose or if I was running around screaming I was told to shut up. – Prince William
Being a small boy it’s very daunting seeing the Queen around and not really quite knowing what to talk about. – Prince William
The fish only knows that it lives in the water, after it is already on the river bank. Without our awareness of another world out there, it would never occur to us to change. – Prince William
Share these 20 Prince William quotes to friends and loved ones. His words may be the motivation someone needs to go on.
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forbidden-phff · 7 years
Chapter Two
A/N: This is only chapter two, so we’re still getting into it, but I would appreciate any feedback as the story is still new and I’m still getting the feel of it.
Harry squinted out over the polo field, frowning. It was only the third match of the season, but already the grounds were packed. Polo was becoming a more and more popular sport – or maybe it was just because he and William would be playing – but the numbers of spectators each week were growing.
“You see Kate?” William asked from behind Harry. “She said she was going to find a good spot to sit with the kids, so that they could see me.”
“I can’t see her,” Harry said, dropping the tent flap and moving back into the changing rooms, pulling his t-shirt over his head. “Hey, feel free to let her get into your head, you know? Feel free to distract yourself and fall off your horse.” He was grinning.
William smirked too. “At least then you’ll be in with a chance of winning, huh?”
One of Harry’s team, a guy called Albert, barked a laugh from across the room. “You mean, at least then you’ll have an excuse for losing.”
“Other than just being shit,” Harry’s other teammate, Nathan, quipped. All the guys chuckled, changing into their polo kit. William’s last team member entered the tent just as Harry was buttoning up his white trousers.
“Sorry I’m late,” John said breathlessly, already unbuttoning his shirt. “James was being a pain, he wouldn’t get dressed.”
William laughed. “Kids, eh?”
“More like my wife not being able to control them,” John answered, laughing too. “Honestly. And then Lily didn’t want to put sun cream on even though it’s like the Mediterranean out there.”
“It really is a lovely day,” Nathan agreed, but John’s words had a different effect on Harry. John’s kids were here, at polo? Outside in the sun? With Ellie? Ellie was here?!
Half of Harry wanted to dance with joy, the other wanted to curse and leave immediately. He’d tried to avoid thinking about her for most of the four days since they’d met, and he’d just managed to start succeeding in it. And now, seeing her again, he was sure it would send him back to how he’d been on Tuesday night.
“So two of your team will be distracted by missus in the crowd,” Albert said, smirking. “Interesting, looks like this should be a walk in the park, eh, H?”
Harry looked up, realizing he had no idea what Albert had just said. He nodded. “Yeah,” he said blankly, trying to cover it up. “Yeah, definitely.”
“Alright boys,” Andrew, the polo manager, said, coming into the tent. “You all ready to saddle up? The game should be starting in five minutes.”
“Let’s go,” William said, leading the guys out the back to the stables. Harry followed, the familiar thrill of anticipation of playing polo rushing through him.
*** “You’re Ellie, right?”
Ellie looked up from where she was sat on the grass at the sound of a familiar, eloquent voice. The Duchess of Cambridge was stood there, adorable princess Charlotte sat on her hip.
“Yes,” Ellie said, jumping to her feet and holding out a hand.
“I’m Kate, William’s wife,” Kate said, smiling. “William said that you would be here today, and I hear that our husbands are pretty good friends.”
“They are indeed,’ Ellie said, laughing lightly. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too. Can I sit?”
“Of course.” Ellie returned her backside to the hard ground as the Duchess copied her, sitting Charlotte on her lap and looking out over the field. “Is your son not here?”
“Oh, he is,” Kate said. “He’s over there with William’s cousin Zara. He loves playing with their daughter Mia. William said that you and John have kids?”
‘Yes, James and Lily,” Ellie said, gesturing to the playpark on the corner of the grounds, where two little blond children could be seen running around. “They’re four.”
“Aw, they’re adorable,” Kate said. “Oh, here we go.”
Ellie looked ahead to see the eight horses trotting out onto the field, their riders looking strong and powerful atop them. Ellie spotted John – she couldn’t miss that arrogant smirk – and she saw William too. They were wearing matching shirts, and then she let her eyes wonder over to the other team, adorned with green. One of them looked particularly good on top of his horse, his strong arms clenching and unclenching as he pulled his ride into place on the pitch. Ellie found herself watching him, number 2, as the game began.
“I find polo so soothing to watch,” Kate said. “Do you ride?”
“I used to, not since I’ve had the twins,” Ellie said. “I never played polo though.”
“No, me neither,” Kate said. “Actually, I’m allergic to horses.”
“Oh my goodness, no way!” Ellie said, laughing. “You married into the wrong family.”
“Tell me about it, William and Harry have been playing polo all their lives, I swear.”
Ellie’s mind flickered back to her conversation with Harry, and her stomach clenched at the thought. She hadn’t let it on, but his charming smile and dancing blue eyes had made her insides warm. She glanced out at the pitch, wondering if he was playing today. She couldn’t remember if he had said he was. “Oh yes, I met Harry at Ascot, he was telling me that he plays polo.”
“Yeah, he’s playing today, I think,” Kate said, examining the players. “Yeah, that’s him. On the green team.”
Ellie’s breath caught, almost as if she knew what was coming. “What number?”
“Er, 2,” Kate said. “Harry’s exciting to watch, he always takes risks. I’ve seen him get thrown off his horse a few times.”
Ellie managed a laugh, her gaze still fixed on number 2, except now she had a name and face to go with that body – and it wasn’t helping.
“Mummy!” called a high little voice, and Ellie looked round to welcome Lily into her arms. Lily clambered onto her for a cuddle, nuzzling her face into her mother’s chest. “James pushed me off the swings.”
“Did he?” Ellie asked with mock outrage, then looked round to see her son approaching too. “James, were you being mean to Lily?”
“No, her time was up!” James said.
“Wasn’t!” Lily sniffled.
“Was, I was counting!”
“You can’t count!” Lily argued.
“Okay, okay,” Ellie said tiredly. “Don’t argue. See, now that girl has finished on the other swing why don’t you both go and play on them?”
The twins ran off, all previous discontentment forgotten.
“God, I don’t know how you cope with twins,” Kate mused. “I only survived because one of them was too young to argue with the other.”
Ellie laughed lightly. “They’re okay, they’re usually very good, but it was a hot night last night and I don’t think they got much sleep.”
“It really was hot! I can’t believe this weather,” Kate said. “It’s lovely, really.”
“Hmm,” Ellie agreed, examining her bare legs to see whether she was getting any sun. They glared back at her, still very white. “You must be boiling in jeans.”
“I am, I’m really regretting not wearing a summer dress,” she answered. “I’m rather envious of yours, I must say.”
“Oh, thank you,” Ellie said. “It’s from Next.”
At that moment, there was a loud outcry from the watching crowd and both women’s heads snapped round to see what had happened – one of the green players was on the ground, and a white player still sat atop his horse was stood beside him, looking innocent. Ellie recognized John.
“Oh god, I think that’s Harry,” Kate said, for she had stood up to see. Ellie got to her feet too, worried. “He looks okay.”
Harry was not okay. Harry was fuming. He stood up from the ground, swearing under his breath, and dusted the dirt off his white trousers. He could feel his cheeks burning under the attention of all the spectators, but instead of looking at them he glared up at John.
“Sorry,” John said, smirking, evidently not sorry in the slightest.
“Fuck you, you know that’s against the rules,” Harry spat.
“Aw, baby,” John taunted, riding away. Harry glared at him, chest heaving.
“Harry, you alright?” William said, trotting over. Harry managed a nod, rubbing his arm which was bruised from the fall before pulling himself back on to his horse. “You sure?”
“Yes, William, I’m fine,” Harry said impatiently. “Can we just get on with it so I can beat you and wipe that look off that smug prick’s face?”
William raised his eyebrows in surprise, then nodded over at the referee, who signaled at the players to resume the game. Harry galloped away, to the side, taking a moment to make sure his helmet was on okay.
“Harry!” someone called from outside the field. He looked up to see Kate and sat beside her  his stomach clenched – was Ellie. “You okay?!”
“Yeah,” he said, throwing them both a cheeky smile. “Just got ahead of myself.”
Kate laughed. “What did I tell you?” she said to Ellie. “He’s fearless.”
Ellie laughed lightly, her eyes on Harry as he tightened the strap round his neck. He glanced her way once more, sending a thrill through her, before he ran back towards the game.
Harry was determined to show John, to teach him for forcing him off his horse. Part of him wondered whether John knew about the thoughts going round Harry’s head whenever Ellie was near, but he was sure it was more likely to be competitiveness. He seemed to remember William saying that John always made a game of polo more interesting. And, if that was by cheating, then Harry didn’t know if he wanted to play with him any more.
But he had to, at least for this game, so he decided to teach him a lesson by basically tailing him for the rest of the match.
“Will you piss off?!” John hissed five minutes later, after noticing that Harry never strayed far from his side, unless it was to dart across the field and score a point.
“I’m just playing the game,” Harry said innocently, smirking at him.
John scowled. “You’re not allowed to tail people.”
“Oh, is it against the rules?” Harry taunted. “Aw, baby.”
John’s face contorted furiously, and he galloped away, closely followed by Harry, who stole the small ball from him and hit it away, towards Nathan, who took it and scored another goal. Harry’s team were winning.
“You’ll fucking pay for that,” John snapped at Harry.
Harry merely laughed, enjoying this far more than he should’ve been.
Harry’s team ended up winning, with Harry cutting across John so John had to pull his horse back, nearly falling off in the process. As the whistle signaled the end of the game and the crowds applauded the winning team, Harry couldn’t help but glance over at Ellie and Kate. The two women were clapping, and he was sure that Ellie’s eyes were on him, not her husband.
No, that was probably just wishful thinking. He followed the rest of his team off the pitch.
*** Harry was drenched in sweat when he followed William out of the changing tent. John had already left in silence – sore loser – and Harry was in high spirits as he accompanied his brother over to where Kate was sat. Ellie was still sat there too.
“Aw, you played so well, darling,” Kate said, getting to her feet to pat William’s shoulder reassuringly.
“Just not well enough,” William said lightly, not too bothered. “Ah well. Where’s John?”
“He’s over there with the twins,” Ellie said, also standing up. Harry hadn’t noticed before, but she was wearing a short flowy summer dress that fluttered in the light breeze. She smiled up at him. “Congratulations.”
He couldn’t help but grin. “Thanks, it was a good game.”
“Only cause you won,” she teased lightly. “Are you okay, though? I saw you fall off.”
“Yeah, no thanks to that husband of yours,” he said playfully, although the thought of John made Harry want to punch something. “Well, guess I got him back.”
“You certainly did,” Ellie said, glancing over at where John was stood, watching his children play on the slide. She looked almost worried as she tucked her hair behind her ear.
“You okay?’ Harry asked.
“Yeah, just wondering what sort of mood he’ll be in now,” she said without thinking, then immediately wished she hadn’t. She didn’t like to talk about how horrible John could be when he was in a bad mood. She usually just kept her mouth shut and got on with life. To be honest, she had no idea why she’d said anything. Harry just seemed to do that – his eyes were too knowing. He was basically asking you to open up to him.
“Mood?” he quoted. “Shit, is he a really sore loser?”
“Yeah,” Ellie said, sticking to that explanation.
“Sorry,” Harry said, grinning. “That’ll teach him for pushing me off my horse.”
Her green eyes widened. “He pushed you?!”
“Pretty much,” he said. “But don’t worry, what happens on the field stays on the field.”
“Yeah,” she said, laughing lightly, almost nervously. She didn’t know what to say but she didn’t want the conversation to end. “You played really well.”
“Thanks,” he said, her compliment filling him up with delight. “I didn’t realise you were going to be here today.”
“Me neither, to be honest,” she said. “It was so sunny, though. We couldn’t resist the day out.”
“No, that’s true,” he said, shielding his eyes and looking over the pitch. “It really is a lovely day. Feels like summer.”
Ellie smiled at him, and he smiled back at her, both knowing their conversation was over but neither wanting to walk away. Beside them, Kate suddenly interrupted.
“Ellie, you and John are coming to the barbecue for William’s birthday, right?” Kate asked. “Next week?”
“Yeah, John said about it,” Ellie said, nodding.
“What about me?” Harry asked cheekily. “Where’s my invite?”
Kate rolled her eyes. “You’re already coming, silly.”
“You’re bringing the beer, remember?” William said, grinning. “You have one job, Harry. Don’t let me down.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there,” Harry said, throwing a crooked smile Ellie’s way, and she returned it, feeling her heart flutter in response. God, what was wrong with her?!
“Good game, Harry,” John said, joining them and snaking an arm round his wife’s waist.
“Thanks, John,” Harry said evenly. “At one point I thought you had it in the bag.”
“Hmm,” John said, his eyes hard. “So did I.”
“We’re just discussing the barbecue next week,” William said, breaking the tension. “No kids, alright?”
“Do you have something against the twins?” Ellie challenged playfully.
“Nothing at all, George and Charlotte won’t be there either,” William said. “It’ll just be nice to have everyone there, chilling, drinking, relaxing.”
“Sounds good,” John said. “We’ll bring some wine.”
Harry felt like leaving. He wasn’t really part of this conversation, and he wanted to go over and speak to his cousin Zara. Eventually, he forced himself to walk away from the group – bidding them goodbye with a last sweeping glance thrown Ellie’s way – and he joined Zara, Mike and Mia.
Ellie watched him leave, her eyes moving down his tight white jeans, those broad shoulders. Damn, he was incredibly fit, those arms were so strong. Every inch of him, from his polo boots to the ginger hairs that graced his jaw, reeked power and style. Maybe that was why she felt this way – because he had importance as well as good looks.
Over an hour later, when the spectators were starting to leave for home and Nathan had already bid Harry farewell, Harry saw Ellie strapping the twins into the car. Her words had been echoing round his head – about John’s moods – and he wanted to make sure that it wasn’t what he thought it was. He jogged up to her.
“Ellie!” he called, before she could get into the car herself. She turned, the wind ruffling her auburn hair, and she broke into a smile.
“Oh, hi,” she said. “Everything okay?”
“I just…I wanted to make sure…what you said earlier…about John being in a bad mood…” Harry struggled to find the words. “Everything’s okay, right?”
Ellie raised her eyebrows. “Okay?”
“Like, I mean, I know it’s not my place to pry but I’d never forgive myself if I knew and something happened to you-” He hesitated. ‘He doesn’t…hurt you…does he?”
“Of course not,” Ellie said, sounding angry.
“Because if he does-” Harry had been about to say that she should tell someone, him or someone else. Anyone. But Ellie interrupted.
“He doesn’t,” she snapped. “He’s my husband and we love each other very much. Sometimes we have our arguments, yes, but he has never laid a finger on me.” She looked disgusted. “Our marriage has nothing to do with you. Now goodbye, Harry.”
Harry nodded, walking away, cheeks burning, embarrassed at how that had gone. He hadn’t wanted to upset her, but he supposed he really had been a bit forward. He’d pried into their business. He just felt like something was up. It might not be domestic abuse, but there was something there. Something that wasn’t quite right.
He felt guilty for asking, but he didn’t regret it. He wanted her to know that he was there to talk to whenever she changed her mind about telling someone. Because he knew, eventually, she would want to tell someone what was up.
And he would be there, ready.
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bringmetolife-pwff · 4 years
Part One: Chapter Ten- Last minute preparations
Ever since William and Evelyn had their first argument -- they would hang out practically every day that neither of them were working.  It helped that William had a break from the military right now and was in London.  Evelyn had also spent some time alone with Chelsy whenever she wasn't busy at work.  
The two girls were different.  Chelsy was more wild whereas Evelyn was more tame.  Chelsy was trying to have fun, be a kid; and know more about herself whereas Evelyn already knew who she was.  Yet, somehow even the though the two were very different; they had much respect for the other.
Evelyn had learned that Chelsy was in university right now studying to become a lawyer.  She was three years younger than Evelyn and she was shocked to know that was what Chelsy wanted to be.  
Work had been busy at the office but she was still making time finish her end of the deal for the concert.
"Hi dad, how are you?" Evelyn asked on her mobile one day as she had just finished with work.
It had been semi-busy.
"I'm good, I'm going into work right now.  And you?"
"Good, good.  I was curious do you still have Kanye West's managers phone number?"
"Yes, I believe I do.  Why, d'you need it?"
"I do," she nodded her head in confirmation even though he couldn't see her.  "Is there any way I could have it?"
"Yes, let me get into the building first and then I'll ring you.  Is that okay?"
"Sounds perfect!  Thanks so much, dad."
"No, problem.  I love you."
"I love you too."
"That's so good!" Eve said to whoever she was speaking to on her mobile as she walked into William's room as Harry and Chelsy were also there.  "The concert is July first of this year.  Does that still work?"
"It does?  Oh, thank you so much, sir.  You don't know how excited they are going to be when they hear!  Talk soon."
"Who was that?" Harry asked curious as Chelsy hit him in the back of the head wincing slightly.  "Bloody hell, what was that for, Chels?"
"Stop being nosy.  Who even said that was news for us?"
"Well," Evelyn began as the trio looked up at her.  "Lucky for you, it is.  I just got off the mobile with the manager of Kanye West and they agreed for him to perform at the concert!"
"Are you serious?" William was the one freaking out now as he jumped up from his seat.
"Now why would be joking about this?"
"Oh my God, you're brilliant," he hugged her as she laughed patting his back.
"Well, I know how much you love him and thought you would like to have him at the concert for your mum."
"Thank you," he told her sincerely.
He was deeply touched by the thoughtful gesture that Evelyn did.  He knew how helpful she had been and was grateful to her.  
"So who all do you have performing?" Evelyn asked taking a seat.
"Lots of artists," William said.  "We have Elton John, whose good friends of ours and our mums, Duran Duran--who was a favourite of my mums, Natasha Bedingfield, Rod Stewart, Nelly Furtado, English National Ballet, P. Diddy, Kanye West and more."
"Wow, that's more than at an actual concert..." Eve said in wonder.
"Okay so now that we have the whole list of artists who will be performing set thanks to Evelyn--" Chelsy started but was interrupted by Evelyn.
"You lot were the ones who did all of it.  I only put Kanye West, that's all."
"Thanks to Evelyn--" Chelsy continued with a smirk similar to Harry's.  "Is there anything else we have to do?"
"Well, we'll need sound check for the singers and making sure the microphones and everything are working.  Other than that I think that's everything," William said.  "Right, Harry?"
Harry went down their long list of things they had to have completed for the concert as William was saying 'check' to each one.  
"It looks like we are all done here, everyone.  Well done you all!  Evelyn thank you for helping us, even if we were already almost done," William said in reference to what she said earlier making her laugh.
"You were!"
"You still helped and you got Kanye for us," Harry pointed out.  "How did I not think to do that?" He whispered to his girlfriend.
"Because you're an idiot," she rolled her eyes playfully.
"Well as a celebration for finishing all the preparations for the concert does anyone want to go clubbing tonight at Boujis?" Harry asked.
Everyone agreed.
"How 'bout I ring some of our friends and cousins?" William asked Harry and then turned to Evelyn.  "That way you won't have to have met everyone all at once.  It can be a lot all at once. . ."
"Yeah, fine with me," Harry shrugged his shoulders looking at Evelyn.  "You good?"
"Yeah," she smiled actually relieved that she wouldn't have to meet them all at the same time.
William nodded his head and pulled out his mobile and called some family and friends that would be at the concert.
"I need to go home and get changed.  I obviously can't wear this to the club," she pointed at her work clothes.
"I have some things if you wanted to take a look?" Chelsy offered hating to have her go home just to change.
"All right, thanks," Evelyn thanked her and the two went in Harry's bedroom as Chelsy rummaged through the closet.
Evelyn felt a bit awkward being in his room as she stood there as Chelsy seemed so casual and care free.
"Here it is," Chelsy said with excitement in her voice bringing out the outfit for Evelyn to see.  "What do you think?"
"I love it," Evelyn smiled at the young blonde whom she had quickly began to like and considered a friend.  
Evelyn took a look at the short black dress and matched it with her black cardigan she wore earlier in the day thinking it would be nice since it would be a bit chilly tonight.  
William thought it would be nice to give Evelyn the chance to meet some of his family and friends in a fun setting where she could really be herself.  The self that William had come to know and could see how she was raised from a good family.  
Luckily, for Evelyn she loved Boujis as she was often there whenever she needed to let loose.  The last time she had been there was a night when she had gone with Liam, Blair and some of Liam's friends.  Now, she hoped she could finally let go of all those memories once and for all.
As they pulled up to the club, they were happy that there didn't seem to be any paparazzi around.  They were able to be like anyone else but it most always seemed to be this way before they would come to Boujis or any other club.  Sometimes, the paparazzi just knew as these were places they visited often.
"Before we get out there I want to let you know that you don't have to address Beatrice or Eugenie as 'Princess'," William said.
"Yeah, and don't curtsy to them either," Harry said.  "It can be rather odd."
"But won't I have to at the concert?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"Yes," William nodded his head.  "But that's a family event.  When it's just us and as long as your with me, you won't have to."
"All right," she nodded her head agreeing with the two princes.
The four of them got out of the black Range Rover with William's protection officer, Paul, as well as Harry's.  Harry held onto Chelsy's hand guiding her as they rushed in and William doing the same for Evelyn.
"Evelyn, this is our cousins Beatrice and Eugenie," William told her with a hand on her back.
"Hi, I'm Evelyn.  Nice to meet you both," Evelyn greeted the blonde and the brunette.
"Nice to meet you as well and put a face to the name," Eugenie quipped.  "We've heard so much about you but William seemed to keep you to himself."
"He's not a very sharing person, is he?" Eve bantered back.
"I'm afraid not, no," Eugenie laughed.
"Next is Thomas, Dave--Beatrice's boyfriend, Sebastian and his wife Elisabeth.  He was the only one out of us to get married now," William pointed out.
"Your just jealous," Sebastian jabbed jokingly making Evelyn laugh.
"Nice to meet you all," Evelyn said as they replied the same back.
"Let's get this night started," Harry commented as he called a waiter over and ordered a round of shots.
The five of them sliding into the booth that was rented out for the night for the Royal family along with their friends.
"Anyone know yet if Michael is here yet?" William asked.
Michael was William's best friend and had been since they were in university at St. Andrew's.  He had seen the up and down relationship he had with Kate and remained silent on the situation having also been good friends with her.
"Yeah, he's out on the dance floor with some red head," Thomas, another friend of Wills replied back.  
"So, you went to school in New York?" Eugenie asked the blonde who was with William.
"Yes, I went to a fashion academy there.  I attended New York School of Design."
"What did you do?" Beatrice asked joking with her sister.  "Look her up?"
"I had to!" she cried.  "Wills wouldn't tell us anything.  Weren't you curious?"
"Of course I was.  But I wouldn't look her up. . ."
"It's all right," Eve replied laughing a bit.  "Am kind of flattered that you did."
"See, Bea?  All's good.  She was fine with it."
"What was it like?" Bea asked with curiosity now.  "America. . . I mean."
"It was a culture shock for a bit but I absolutely loved the city of New York.  It was different from London but it was a good different."
"Oh, I love this song," Chelsy exclaimed.  "Let's dance," she brought Evelyn along with Eugenie and Beatrice with her.
Her hips swayed to the music as her hands were in the air dancing to the song.  She closed her eyes as she let go of everything.  Evelyn was having fun dancing with Eugenie and everyone who was in the group.
Evelyn felt, minutes later, a pair of hands on her hips as she continued to dance not really caring who it was at the moment.  Turning around so she could face him she looked up to see those familiar blue eyes that she had come to know these last few months and had come to know on a more personal level than she ever thought would happen.  She smiled, hoping it was him and thankful it was, as she wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued to dance.
The two friends could see camera flashing as they unfortunately stopped enjoying the moment.  
"Damnit," William swore frustrated.  "Come on," he grabbed her hand and led her up to their seats again.  "Those bloody paparazzi are here," he told his cousins.  "Any idea where Harry is?"
"I would say he's looking pretty cosy with his girlfriend on the dance floor," Beatrice replied with a giggle.
Evelyn was able to see Harry finally and found him dirty dancing with Chelsy.  William went and pulled Harry along with Chelsy.
"Hey," Harry whined.  "What the bloody hell was that for?"
"I think it's time to go," William told everyone.  "I don't want Evelyn to have to be with all of us at once.  Think you would be alright going with Eugenie, Beatrice and Dave?"
"Yeah," she smiled at him.  "I'll be fine," she giggled feeling slightly tipsy from the alcohol she consumed tonight.
"Right.  If it gets to be too bright with the lights cover your face to hide yourself.  It will also make it slightly impossible at first to find out who you are if you don't want to be spotted right away."
"I'm fine, Wills," she promised and very gently put her hand on his cheek, kissing his other cheek before leaving.
Beatrice and Dave were in front of the Eugenie and Evelyn as they held each others hands to keep stable and not fall over.  Evelyn wondered if Eugenie was slightly more drunk and knew she had to help keep her up right.  
The flashes were intense even before she looked up.  For a split second she wondered if she was seeing all black, blinking a bit to see straight.  
"Princess Eugenie, whose your friend?" One paparazzi shouted at the four.
"Where's Prince Harry and Prince William?"
"You look like you had fun!"
The bright lights kept on coming and were blinding.  She could hardly see right even after having put her hand up to cover her face.  Finally, they made it to the parking lot where the black Range Rovers were waiting for them.  
"Damn, that was crazy," Evelyn said giggling at the same time as they made their way to the black Range Rover.
She spotted William off to the side as she was walking with Eugenie and Beatrice.  Harry had pulled out a cigarette and lit it as his lips were pressed to the end of the cigarette, exhaling and dragging the smoke.  Coughing as his hand flicked the spent ashes onto the ground and puts it out.  Evelyn and the rest were waiting for William as he seemed to keep the press occupied long enough for them to get a few pictures of him.
"Are you okay?" William asked the blonde to which she nodded.
"Am all right.  Slightly confused by the lights but all right."
"Come here, you," he told her as he hugged her.  "Keep your eyes closed for a few moments should help with the blurry and dark spots."
She nodded her head and buried it in his chest as she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him, feeling safe, despite what had just happened.  Unbeknownst to the couple of friends, a paparazzi had taken a photo of the two that made its headline news on the papers the next day as William was whispering sweet nothings and words of encouragement to her to stop her from shaking slightly.
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