#because. look. hang with mehere
the-pigeon · 3 years
just remembered the secret santa thing. i dont even remember what i left in my submission. help grill. that was a typo. that reminds me that were having grill food for dinner today. cool.
#pigeon talks#and now im thinking of the fact the q/ackity lore is at 5am for me -__-#do i set an alarm and be miserable at 5am.. or do i watch it at 10am and cry because im late#and all my posts will be irrelevant and i'll miss all the fun and hype and memes that are posted#hmmm.. fun times..#anyway im losing my mind#anyway x2 is my secret santa sees this.. hi bestie ^_^ legit give me anything im not picky#but if you want more specifics im pretty sure anon is on :D#i need to stop rambling in the tags#uhhhhhhhh penis penis balls and penis. yeah thats right#also if your still reading this your insane and im gonna use this as a way to talk about my life rn#im planning on going to the zoo with my friends soon !!! if they remember to invite me#sometimes. they forget. and its upsetting.#but hopefully they remember#and i hope its soon because im probably getting grounded sometime next week#to explain my bio rn#because. look. hang with mehere#im in this jewellery class#and i was forced into it by my mother#and then they didnt let me drop out#so i. uhhh. i havent done any work in that class since may.#and reports are coming out soon sooooooo my mothers gonna be mad at me ^_^#so thats why im getting grounded. lowkey deserved#the class was government provided to be clear. it was free#uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what else is happening in my life rn#oooh hanukkah is tmrw so thats cool#i just want the food ngl#my great aunt is visiting from ukraine. her borscht is shit but her latkes *chefs kiss*#i actually dont remember if shes coming from ukraine or broome. probably broome. travel ban exists#whatever she lives in ukraine and does sick ukranian cooking :prayer_hands:
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
(About: This and This ask) I know this probs doesnt need to be said but..... coming from a black (and aroace) person... PLEASE do n o t feed into these mentalities!! they are very otherizing for one and just terrible to hear about?
LOOK this might be irresponsible to say but idk if fandom racism does exist because wtf does that even mean and like ok how are you to deal with it effectively? as another anon said racism is systematic and will always pump out more? like forgive me if i cant give my full attention to the atrocities happening in fandom rn but like.. i heard another black person talk about panty and stocking and say that he liked the show just stop with the black caricatures and like that made me REALLY start to think about what fandom racism even is????
like i tried the show out because of what he said and well hes right its alright, the caricatures are uncanny but didn't really make me uncomfortable just some other things about the show made be drop it. so otherizing and centering black people as on issues on EVERYTHING even slightly involved with us is dumb because i wasn't warned of the other concepts of the show that made me drop it. putting black people in a monolithic box where they can only be portrayed in a way you want them to be is so dumb like i heard this somewhere before but the LGBT community is taking this really ugly turn where everything IS in little boxes where you cant act in certain ways but like THATS terrible people are complex and yadda yadda(you know how this goes) so if claire says theyre something or other believe them! ppls experiences are SO much greater than some arbitrary definition meant to help those UNDERSTAND not DEFINE that sexuality or gender.
so hang in with mehere when i say you absolute can not let people who say or do things like the peeps mentioned in those anons! an anon talked about them writing a character in their fic that was black and liked basketball because THEY were black and liked basketball so whether a black person is depicted right is dumb i care more on how you'd talk or treat me! if somebody said things in those anons to me id drop them, so you should too :]. i know things in this rant might have jumped around too much but one last point;
a space that i care to see isn't one where me being black is repeatedly brought up as reference in everything i do (even if its positive or what not and mainly what behavior i mean when i say othering) its one where bigotry is IMMEDIATELY called out and not tolerated and the best way i can illustrate this is my experiences in high school! recent graduate here so pretty fresh on my mind. in 10th and 11th grade i went to a school with at least half the population being minorities and anytime someone tried some nonsense or tried to get away with something they shouldn't it was instantly called out and the person would shrink back or immediately have to tuck that mentality back where it came from and it was great! you wouldn't have to worry about them coming out of the woodwork with terrible takes cuz it'd would be squashed. but during 11 and 12 grade i went to a predominately white school and that CHANGED things. like walking in the hallway hearing someone say nword hard r behind your back kinda changed and youd look behind you and they were both white and look these are kids who use tik tok that app KNOWN for radicalizing ppl towards bigotry so like please empathize with me when i say i dont want to see ppl that way. but yknowww, and this wouldnt be called out, just some lighthearted voice going 'omgggg you shouldnt XD' and dude this is the "texas" south the mfing my bus driver talked about sneaking guns into cali cuz she hated the laws against them south. the obnoxious white boy jokes about being a bass fish south and he could do it LOUDLY too. so yeah when i came home i didnt and still dont want to see or hear bigotry! all this to say;
just... just act normal! like the behavior in those anons arent NORMAL 'aroace people are uncaring and incapable of love' i know this was called out for what it really was , aro + ace phobic nonsence but what would this person think of an actually black person calling them out like wattttt anyway thanks for the soapbox i never get to rant irl like this bc few peeps have the context.
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meher-sumedha · 3 years
Alright so a Gwynriel Fan Fic Cause.... I have been reading a lot of them and love them and it's time to give back to the world. @meher-sumedha.
Edited : I am so sorry for the way I have used this fic. I never meant to hurt any feelings and I didn't know. I didn't know so much and I really am sorry.
Gwynriel Headcanon : A dinner with the Inner Circle
Trigger Warning
Nesta had invited Gwyn to a dinner with the Inner Circle, something which she had started doing very often cause she saw how much Gwyn enjoyed herself. Today was supposed to be no different. But it was, because she had heard the conversation between Azriel and Elain that day.
"What's your condition? " Elain had asked him.
"You have to reject the bond with Lucien" He told her while tucking her hair behind her ear. An action which Gwyn thought was reserved only for herself. She was wrong.
"Done, but you can't talk to that Librarian-"
"Gwyn" Azriel corrected her.
"Whatever, but you can't talk to her"
"I am her trainer, I have to talk to her". He seemed uneasy with this condition.
"Fine, but no need to talk to her any more than needed" She said and grabbed his collar and kissed him. Gwyn had forced herself pulled herself away before she could see anymore.
Gwyn was in a light pink evening dress. She had stopped wearing her clothes to the townhouse now. "Gwyn we're gonna be late, and unless you wanna sneak food from the house at 2, hurry up". He said to Gwyn while standing outside her door in the House of Wind.
Nesta had given her Rhysand's room cause he barely stayed there now.
She had become pretty comfortable with the spymaster. It all started when he caught her eating a chocolate cake in the middle of the night. And since then, whenever one of them had nightmares, they would share a cake while looking at the stars.
"I'm coming, in a minute", She said and brushed her hair. She then walked out of the door.
Azriel took her in as always and one of his shadows started playing with her hair and she giggled. Azriel then extended his hand.
"We're gonna fly cause whenever I winnow with you, you get sick everytime".
She put her hand in his not flinching once when she touched his scars. "I swear if you free fall like last time and drop me, I will make your life a living hell". He just laughed at that and picked her bridal style, ready to fly. Azriel once took her flying and he free falled from the sky with shouting Gwyn. It was their happiest moment. At least for Azriel it was, Gwyn didn't talk to him for a week after that but it was worth her hanging on to him like dear life.
"I promise I won't drop you", "AND??? ", "ANDD, I won't free fall".
"Promise? ", "Promise".
She wrapped her arms around his neck and he walked to the skies and took off. "AZZ" Gwyn shouted while he took her as high as possible. "What? You said not to free fall, this is winged up" He replied while smirking. Gwyn hid her face in his neck but then finally looked up when they stopped, right above the clouds to see Azriel's laughing face.
She had never seen him laugh, not like this at least. His shadows were out of control and for a moment Gwyn just gazed at his face. All the feelings which she had stuffed down years ago started to resurface.
Azriel stopped laughing and looked at her face for a moment. He wished that moment could last forever because the way Gwyn was looking for him, was the look of desire and want, the look he had never recieved.
"We should go, we don't want to be late or Rhys will beat my ass". She smiled at that and simply nodded before hiding her face in his neck. He always wanted to protect someone, but never got the chance to. The fact that Gwyn trusted him with herself, was the greatest honor for him
He then flied down, free falling but Gwyn didn't shout. She just held on to him. She knew that he would never let her go.
They entered at the doorstep of the townhouse and knocked. There was smiling Feyre with her messed hair at the door. "Trouble with Nyx? " Gwyn asked while walking inside. "You have no idea" She said while smiling and closing the door when Azriel entered.
"Where is he? " She asked eagerly. She loved that kid. More than anything cause she had baptised him. It had formed a kind of bond between her and Nyx.
"Don't even want to meet the others? " Azriel asked cheekily and Gwyn glared at him. Amusement shown clearly in his eyes. They entered the dining room and saw Rhys trying to stop little Nyx from crying by making funny faces at him. Something that was definitely not working.
Feyre went straight up to him and took the baby in her arms. Rhys gave her a reassuring look before walking outside, nodding at Gwyn in his way. Feyre rocked Nyx side to side and he finally went to sleep.
Feyre looked pretty tired so Gwyn went up to her and asked. "May I? " Gesturing to Nyx. She nodded and Gwyn took the baby in her arms. So gently to make sure she didn't wake him up.
"BROTHER, I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL YOU ABOUT-" Cassian was cut off by Azriel pointing to his own throat and doing a signal and mouthing SHUT UP. SHUT UP. SHUT UP.
But the damage was already done, Nyx started rubbing his eyes and stir awake but then Gwyn started humming a tune which put him back to sleep. Nesta came up to her and slightly hugged her, slightly giving her an apologizing look before glaring at Cassian. Nesta was very protective of Nyx. Cassian just raised both of his hands in air in a surrender position.
Gwyn then took Nyx to his room to tuck him in his bed. Azriel's shadows followed close behind her. She tucked Nyx in the bed and kissed his forehead lightly.
She then went out of the room and closed his door behind her. She entered the dining room and took a seat beside Emerie, with Azriel on her right and to his right sat the high lord and high lady. In front of them were Cassian and Nesta and beside Emerie was Mor. They all were talking when someone walked in the dining room.
"Nesta", the girl said. Nesta stood up and said "Elain". Gwyn assumed it was the third Archeron sister, the one who had refused to come out of her room ever since Gwyn accidentally told the Inner Circle about Azriel and Elain's 'mishap' in the garden. She genuinely thought they knew.
Nesta had turned stone cold towards her sister, staring right back at her with her silver eyes. "Elain, we are happy that you decided to join us for dinner, would you like to take a seat? " Rhys asked her, trying to minimalize the tension in the room. Azriel was just speechless and was just staring at his lap instead.
"I see that the bird who can't fly and the bitchy librarian are still here" She said to Nesta. Everyone was surprised at her tone, no one had ever heard her talk like that, especially Azriel who finally looked at her.
"They are much better than you ever will be". Nesta replied, her gaze not faultering. Elain scoffed. "What have they done really except be a burden to all of us? They have not returned one thing we gave to them. They are never going to do so either. How can you choose them over your blood sister? " Elain replied.
"I was stuck with you, with your flowers and gardening and thinking that everything is perfect in the world. I never had a choice with you. If I did, I would never choose you. They are my sisters by choice. " Nesta replied, striking hard as ever.
"How can you call them your sisters? The crippled bird I can still understand but that pesky librarian. She gave her maidenhead to a person she never knew, she is a slut and an whore and a half breed. She isn't welcome anywhere else and she shouldn't be welcome here either. Why are we helping prostitutes now? How is she ever gonna be useful to us when she couldn't even save her own sister-", "ENOUGH". Feyre cut her off.
Gwyn's eyes were full of tears. She silently stared at Azriel for a moment before standing up and leaving.
Tears finally took the best of her when she walked out of the townhouse. She went straight to the stairs of the house of wind and cried her heart out. She finally let the darkness consume her.
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Giles and The Who
Since I've recently had the honour of (finally) seeing The Who live, it remembered me of sexy Giles singing Behind Blue Eyes (I love this song), and I rushed to my DVDs to watch him again. A British accent and a beautiful voice do things to me – and apparently to Anya, Willow and Tara. And Xander is just jealous.
Where the Wild Things Are (4x18)
(Cut to Giles in the coffee bar, playing a guitar. He's wearing casual clothes and has an earring in his left ear. Lots of people are sitting and watching/listening.) 
GILES: (sings) No one knows what it's like To be the bad man To be the sad man Behind blue eyes No one knows what it's like To be hated...
(Shot of Anya, Willow, Xander and Tara watching, amazed. Willow's and Anya's mouths hanging open.) 
ANYA: Oh. WILLOW: Wow. GILES: (sings) To be fated... XANDER: Um, could we go back to the haunted house? Cause, this is creeping me out. TARA: Does he do this a lot? XANDER: Sure. Every day the earth rotates backward and the skies turn orange. GILES: (sings) But my dreams, they are as empty, as my conscience... (Notices the kids watching, looks embarrassed but keeps singing) seems to be... (Willow smiles.) 
GILES: (sings) I have hours, only lonely... WILLOW: Now I remember why I used to have such a crush on him. GILES: (sings) ...my love is vengeance... TARA: Well, he *is* pretty good. GILES: (sings) ...that's never free-ee.... ANYA: (agreeing) His voice ... is pleasant. (All three girls are riveted.) XANDER: What?! GILES: (sings) No one knows what it's like... [unintelligible] WILLOW: Oh, come on, he is kinda sexy. GILES (sings) Like I do... XANDER: I'm fighting total mental breakdown here, Will. No more fueling the fire please. GILES: (sings) And I blame you..."" is a song by the English rock band . It was released in October 1971 as the second single from their fifth album and was originally written by for his project. The song is one of The Who's best-known recordings and has been covered by many artists.
No one knows what it's like, to be the bad man To be the sad man, behind blue eyes No one knows what it's like, to be hated To be fated, to telling only lies
But my dreams they aren't as empty As my conscience seems to be I have hours, only lonely My love is vengeance, that's never free
No one knows what it's like, to feel these feelings Like I do, and I blame you No one bites back as hard, on their anger None of my pain or woe, can show through
But my dreams, they aren't as empty As my conscience seems to be I have hours, only lonely My love is vengeance, that's never free
When my fist clenches, crack it open Before I use it and lose my cool When I smile, tell me some bad news Before I laugh and act like a fool
And if I swallow anything evil Put your finger down my throat And if I shiver, please give me your blanket Keep me warm, let me wear your coat
No one knows what it's like, to be the bad man To be the sad man, behind blue eyes
“Behind Blue Eyes” is a song by the English rock band The Who. It was released in October 1971 as the second single from their fifth album Who's Next and was originally written by Pete Townshend for his Lifehouse project. “Behind Blue Eyes” originated after a Who concert in Denver on June 9th, 1970. Following the performance, Townshend became tempted by a female groupie, but he instead went back to his room alone, possibly as a result of the teachings of his spiritual leader, Meher Baba. Upon reaching his room, he began writing a prayer, the first words being "When my fist clenches, crack it open..." These words later appeared as lyrics in the "climactic rocking section" of "Behind Blue Eyes”.
When “Behind Blue Eyes” was to be released as part of the aborted Lifehouse project, the song was sung from the point of view of the main villain, Jumbo. The lyrics are a first-person lament from Jumbo, who is always angry and full of angst because of all the pressure and temptation that surrounds him, and the song was intended to be his "theme song" had the project been successful. Pete Townshend said of the song's lyrics:
"Behind Blue Eyes" really is off the wall because that was a song sung by the villain of the piece [Jumbo], the fact that he felt in the original story that he was forced into a position of being a villain whereas he felt he was a good guy.  
Source: Wikipedia
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mayacatmaster · 8 years
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It's the most natural thing in the world for you to be a full extension of Source Energy, loving life in this moment in time in the same way the Source within you is loving this life in this moment of time. If we could just convince you of this one, easy to understand thing: your emotions tell the whole story, your emotions tell the whole story. ~Abraham
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Thanks for “Loving Out Loud & Abraham” *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Everything that is Nonphysical is forward looking with all of you. This is the leading edge. But often you start with a flawed premise, with a presumption that is so inaccurate that goes something like this: "Here I am in my physical body and what is Nonphysical was already perfect and complete, and I've been sent forth in my physical body to be tried and tested in order to see if I'm worthy enough to return to this perfection." And we say that is so not like it is, and what it is is we're all moving forward, So there is this cycle of life (you might want to call it from the physical point of view), but there's also this cycling of Nonphysical consciousness, too.  So you were Source Energy before you came into the physical body, but even though you came into this physical body, this Source Energy part of you still remained. Now we know you've heard us say that endlessly - you could all repeat that over and over again - but what does it really mean? It means what it really means! It means that your Inner Being has consciousness, and that that consciousness is focused with you. Often you are so in sync with that, especially when you were first born, when you were little, before you'd been trained out of your love of self and out of your alignment - your connection to your Source Energy is so natural that it's not even something to talk about. You usually don't go to your parents and say to them "I can feel that there's a larger part of me that's pouring through me, and therefore it is my intention to listen to them, not you, because they’re louder - you can see them and hear them and smell them and taste them and touch them." And so little by little, in your integration into the physical, often - not always - in your socialization you lose your knowledge of that part of you.  So then you bang around and you get separated from it, and you don't feel so good, but the good news about not feeling so good is that you put into your Vortex a desire to understand, so so much of the consciousness of human experience was putting those requests into their Vortex. "I really want to understand the bigger picture, I want to know who I am, I want to know what my purpose of life is, I want to know how this all fits together, I want to know what is the Nonphysical like, I want to know did I come forth from Nonphysical, I want to know will I return to Nonphysical, I want to know what is Nonphysical's relationship with me here and now." You were millions of you - billions of you - over long periods of time putting those rockets of desires into your Vortex, and the Vortex germinating, the collective consciousness Vortex getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  And then those like Esther come into physical form, they're living happily ever after, and those like Jerry come into physical form and bang around and have a harder time and have more questions that are focused within him until he asked in such a poignant way and there was a convergence not more important and not different than the convergence that you had with Esther and her family on the elevator. In other words, the convergence of Jerry and Esther and the convergence of Jerry and Esther and Abraham provided some answers to flow through in a pure stream of consciousness undiluted by past prejudices or beliefs because Esther was just bipping along living happily ever after, and Jerry had more questions than the whole sum of you all put together, so with that came a tangible, seeable, hearable, smellable (well not so smellable - not always), tasteable, touchable so that you can hear the words, but even those words don't really help you. We write book after book after book after book after book after book after book after book after book (Esther's getting tired just listening to what's coming) and yet until you have an experience, and experience that is your own, you don't really have any way of relating that. You have had such and experience, and your explaining it to the rest of us helps them in some ways to have that experience. And some of them have had that sort of experience, and it's a very commonly stated experience.  The line between what you want to call Nonphysical and physical is becoming more and more blurred all the time as more and more of you get more often up to speed with all of that. It's the most natural thing in the world for you to be a full extension of Source Energy, loving life in this moment in time in the same way the Source within you is loving this life in this moment of time. If we could just convince you of this one, easy to understand thing: your emotions tell the whole story, your emotions tell the whole story.  So there were far more than Esther and her beloved family in that elevator with you. The elevator was full of Nonphysical Energies as the corridors of this ship are, as the halls of your buildings are, as this magnificent time and space is, so much more Nonphysical presence than you are willing to admit for the silliest of reasons - only because you can't see it, but you can know it, you can feel it. Tune yourself to it; tune yourself to your alignment and notice how much Infinite Intelligence is available to you on any subject in the world at all times. If this time-space reality has fostered within you even the slightest interest all the way to an incredible passionate desire - if this time-space reality has inspired that desire within you, it can yield to you the fullness of that desire in speedy fashion. But you have to accept that you're not here alone, that you're not hanging out to dry, that you're not here to prove worthiness. You have to start with the premise that you are beloved, and that you are an extension of Source - that you are one with Source and that you have to tune yourself to the frequency of that, and then the wellbeing that is natural to you can be your individual experience. That's the way it is supposed to be and that's the way it is.  ~Abraham
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Thanks for “ Nisargadatta Maharaj & Avatar Meher Baba & Osho & Paramahansa Yogananda” *** *** *** *** *** ***
"YOU"(Source; True Self;Wholeness) are the Universe  experience "itself"(I am this dreamer-dream or I am that dreamer-dream!). *** *** *** In the mirror of your mind all kinds of pictures appear and disappear. Knowing that they are entirely your own creations, watch them silently come and go. Be alert, but not perturbed. This attitude of silent observation is the very foundation of yoga. You see the picture, but you are not the picture. ~Nisargadatta Maharaj  *** *** *** *** *** *** ”God”(Source; Tao;True Self;Brahman;Allah) alone is Real, all else is just illusion. “上主”(大道;真正自己本來面目;梵;阿拉)祂獨自本身, 乃是唯一真實不虛生命本體, 其它諸”外法”(外象;外人;外境)皆屬「無我;無常;如幻」 能量氣運幻化之幻覺! *** Beloved” One”(Source; Tao;True Self;Brahman;Allah;God) reveal Yourself to me as my own Real Infinite Self.''.............Avatar Meher Baba. 吾心鐘愛的”太一”(大道;真正自己;梵;阿拉;上主), 請對吾輩揭露你真正自己本來面目, 且令吾心當成「真實不虛無限”真正自己本來面目”」! ............Avatar Meher Baba. *** *** *** If you can become a mirror you have become a meditatior. Meditation is nothing but skill in mirroring. And now, no word moves inside you so there is no distraction. ~Osho *** *** *** Watching & witness your own 3D-life-movie, regard it as other people's 3D-life-movie. Watching & witness your own self, regard it as other people's self. Watching & witness your own beliefs, regard it as other people's beliefs and doubt & question it. *** *** *** Just as a mirror exists everywhere. Both within and apart from its reflected images, The "Supreme"(Source; True Self ;Tao ;Brahman) Lord exists everywhere within and apart from "I am this or I am that!"~~~ mind-body, individual personality, egos, dreamer-dream, thought, feeling. *** *** *** Where the world wave of its own nature rises or disappears. In the infinite ocean of myself, I neither gain nor lose anything by that. *** *** *** Mirror, mirror, mirror, ~~~! Mirror my mind , heart, body, individual personality, egos, out-of-this-world and into-of-this-world. Mirror and no identify with anything, Mirror, no identify with any kind of dream & dreamer. Mirror, no identify with any kind of mind , heart, body, individual personality, egos, out-of-this-world and into-of-this-world. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Man has falsely identified himself with the pseudo-soul or ego. When he transfers his sense of identify to his true being, the immortal Soul, he discovers that all pain is unreal. He no longer can even imagine the state of suffering. ~Paramahansa Yogananda *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** So, use your heart like "mirror"(witness & watching & be fully aware & inner empty sky ) no identify with any kind of object phenomenon experience. *** *** ***
LooK! You are Witness-Mirror-Consciousness, You are the “Wholeness”(True Self; Brahman)~~~ ! You are disown any kind of "I am this or I am that!". Neither this "though"(feeling, name , form, mind , body, personality, dreamer-dream) nor that~~~! *** *** *** Bondage is to mistakenly identify-with and take illusion for one's self, even though in Truth, one's Nature is Ever Free. ~Datta Vidwan... *** *** *** The only limitations one has are the ones they place on themselves  -Muhammed Ali *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Everything Created Twice! *** *** ***  Like building a house, first draw it in mind, and then draw on paper. *** *** ***  Eagle dream of flying in the sky,  While it still in the egg. Big oak tree dream of swaying in the wind,  While it still in the seed. *** *** ***  Everything is Created Twice. Once in the mind and then in reality. Pay close attention to the thoughts-feeling-emotion you choose. They have a way of becoming real. *** *** ***  If you want it, identify with it as " me; myself; I; mine" and "true".  *** *** ***  If you don't want it, use your heart like "Mirror-Witness-Consciousness",  Relax-empty your mind-body,  don't identify with it as " me; myself; I; mine" and "true". *** *** ***  99.99% of your creation is complete before you see Any physical evidence of it! ~Abraham *** *** ***  The relationship between you and "YOU"(True Self; Tao; Brahman) is not one of separateness but of alignment and resonance. ~Abraham *** *** ***  Faith is: Knowing what the "Source"(True Self; Tao; Brahman; God) within me Knows, without life having to prove it to me. ~AH *** *** *** You are the “Wholeness”(True Self; Brahman)~~~ ! *** *** ***  Neither this thought nor that thought. Neither this feeling nor that feeling . Neither this name nor that name. Neither this form nor that form. Neither this mind nor that mind. Neither this body nor that body. Neither this personality nor that personality. Neither this dreamer-dream nor that dreamer-dream. *** *** ***  If you identify with what comes and goes, you will be unhappy. If you identify with what is "Permanent"(Tao; True Self; Wholeness; Brahman) and always there, you are happiness itself. ~Papaji *** *** *** You are beyond any kind of time-space, nowhere. You are beyond any kind of dreamer-dream, nowhere. You are beyond any kind of mind-body, nowhere. You are beyond any kind of form-name, nowhere. You are beyond any kind of thought -feeling, nowhere. *** *** ***  You are infinite Life-Ocean-Sky-Heart-Wisdom-Light. *** *** ***  The one who identifies himself as a man, or a mind, or a body is not a “Wholeness”(True Self; Brahman).  *** *** ***  A “Wholeness”(True Self; Brahman) never identifies himself as a thought or a feeling, or a name, or a form, or a man, or a mind, or a body, or a dreamer-dream, or in any kind of time-space.  *** *** *** You are the Solitary Witness of All That Is, forever free! Your only Bondage is not seeing this! ~ Ashtavakra Gita~ *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Do nothing else but stay in the "I am", the primary illusion, and then it will release its stranglehold on you and vanish. ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** The primary concept " I am" is dishonest, a cheat, it has deceived you into believing what is not . Focus sharply on the "I am" and it will disappear. *** *** *** The 'I am' is the sum total of everything you perceive. It appears spontaneously and disappears, it has no dwelling place. It is like a dream world. Do not try to be something, even a spiritual person. You are the manifested. the tree is already there in the seed. Such is the 'I am'. Just see it as it is. ~Nisargadatta Maharaj *** *** *** Nowhere you through “I am~~~!” imagining yourself. But what is your “I am~~~!”nowhere? *** *** *** In this moment, maybe we can realized~~~!; In this time-space reality. in this dream and dreamer. In this dream everything come and go , keep shifting like the clouds. In this time-space reality. in this dream~~~!; Peoples are constantly changing migration. Objects are constantly changing migration. Events are constantly changing migration. The only thing you can really sure is :”I am~~~~!” *** *** *** Nowhere you through “I am~~~!” imagining yourself. But what is your “I am~~~!”nowhere? *** *** *** Who am I? Simply one more unidentified object. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Man has falsely identified himself with the pseudo-soul or ego. When he transfers his sense of identify to his true being, the immortal Soul, he discovers that all pain is unreal. He no longer can even imagine the state of suffering. ~Paramahansa Yogananda *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** The heart, such as a-still-mirror-lake-of-water,  The heart, without staining such as the infinite-sky no clouds. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Just as a mirror exists everywhere. Both within and apart from its reflected images, The "Supreme"(True Self; Tao) Lord exists everywhere within and apart from "I am this or I am that!"~~~ mind-body, individual personality, egos, dreamer-dream, thought, feeling. *** *** *** Where the world wave of its own nature rises or disappears. In the infinite ocean of myself, I neither gain nor lose anything by that. *** *** *** Mirror, mirror, mirror, ~~~! Mirror my mind , heart, body, individual personality, egos, out-of-this-world amd into-of-this-world. Mirror and no identify with anything, Mirror, no identify with any kind of dream & dreamer. Mirror, no identify with any kind of mind, heart, body, individual personality, egos, out-of-this-world and into-of-this-world. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** So, use your heart like "mirror"(witness & watching & be fully aware & inner empty sky ) no identify with any kind of object phenomenon experience. *** *** *** No identify with any kind of thought ; ideology, belief, feeling, mind, heart, I'm this or I'm that, dreamer-dream, *** Know this~~~! I am not the person I was a moment ago I am not even the person I think I am this very moment In fact I am not a person at all. I am Life Itself. I am Death Itself., *** *** *** I am the “Witness-Mirror-Consciousness” of my mind, thought, feeling, body, self-image, self-definition, self-identity and world. 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的頭腦,思想,感情,身體,自我形象,自我定義,自我認同和周遭世界的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。 Thoughts are like flock of birds flying overhead in formation.......It is enough to recognize them for what they are and not invite them to roost on our heads. 思緒是像一群鳥編隊從頭頂天空飛過.......鏡映著,承認它們是什麼,就足夠了, 而不是邀請他們棲息在我們頭上,~~~。 ~Vidwan ★★★ ☆☆☆ I am the “Witness-Mirror-Consciousness” of my thoughts, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的思想意念的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。 Thoughts are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of thought. ~~~!; 思緒就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種思想意念 ???! *** *** *** 「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”, Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。 All kind of thoughts come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有種類的思緒不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!; *** *** *** Your " True self " not equal to any kind of the thought; thinking; idea; ideology, faith; belief, ~~~! 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種想法,思想理念;觀念,意識型態,信仰,相信,相信於???! You are the witness-watching-mirror-beyond any kind of “I-am-this- thinker & think” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那思考者和思想意念”的我見常見。 *** *** *** Otherwise you want to identify with what kind of thoughts, said this is “ me;mine ; I or myself ” and "true" ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的想法說,這是“我;我的或我自己”和真實不虛的? Or otherwise you want to identify with what kind of thoughts, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的想法說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”? ★★★ ☆☆☆ I am the “Witness-Mirror-Consciousness” of my feeling. 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的情緒感受的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。 Feeling are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of feeling. ~~~!; 情緒感受就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種情緒感受 ???! *** *** *** 「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”, Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。 All kind of feeling come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有種類的情緒感受不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!; *** *** *** Your "True self" not equal to any kind of the emotions, feelings, mood, senses~~~!  你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種情緒,感情,情緒,感官覺受???! You are the witness-watching-mirror-beyond any kind of “I-am-this-feeling” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那感受情緒”的我見常見。 *** *** *** Otherwise you want to identify with what kind of feeling, said this is “me;mine ; I or myself ” and "true" ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的情緒感受說,這是“我;我的或我自己”和真實不虛的? Or otherwise you want to identify with what kind of feeling, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的情緒感受說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”? ★★★ ☆☆☆ I am the “Witness-Mirror-Consciousness” of body forms, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的”肉體能量形式狀態”的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。 All body forms are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of body forms ~~~!; 所有肉體能量形式就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種肉體能量形式覺受 ???! *** *** *** 「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”, Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。 All kind of body forms come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的肉身形相不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!; *** *** *** Your " True self " not equal to any kind of the body forms. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種的身體形式。 You are the witness-watching-mirror-beyond any kind of “I-am-this-body form” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那肉體能量型式”的我見常見。 *** *** *** Otherwise you want to identify with what kind of body forms, said this is “me;mine ; I or myself ” and "true" ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的肉體形式說,這是“我;我的或我自己”和真實不虛的? Or otherwise you want to identify with what kind of body forms, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的肉身形相說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”? ★★★ ☆☆☆ I am the “Witness-Mirror-Consciousness” of my minds, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的” 心智頭腦系統”的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。 All minds are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of minds ~~~!; 所有心智意念形式就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種心智意念形式???! *** *** *** 「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”, Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。 All kind of minds come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的” 心智頭腦系統”不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!; *** *** *** Your" True self " not equal to any kind of the mind. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種心智頭腦系統。 You are the witness-watching-mirror-beyond any kind of “I-am-the- minds” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那心智頭腦系統”的我見常見。 *** *** *** Otherwise you want to identify with what kind of mind, said this is “me;mine ; I or myself ” and "true" ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”心智頭腦系統”說,這是“我;我的或我自己”和真實不虛的? Or otherwise you want to identify with what kind of mind, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”心智頭腦系統”說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”? ★★★ ☆☆☆ I am the “Witness-Mirror-Consciousness” of my self-imagines,  吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的”自我形象”的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。 All self-imagines are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of self-imagines ~~~!; 所有自我形象就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種自我形象形式???! *** *** *** 「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”, Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。 All kind of self-imagines come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的” 自我形象”不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!; *** *** *** Your " True self " not equal to any kind of the limited self-definition. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種有限的自我定義。 You are the witness-watching-mirror-beyond any kind of “I-am-this- self-definition” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那自我定義”的我見常見。 *** *** *** Your " True self " not equal to any kind of the self-identity, self-imagine. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何形式的自我認同,自我想像。 You are the witness-watching-mirror-beyond any kind of “I-am-the- self-imagine” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那自我形象”的我見常見。 *** *** *** Or you want to grasp what kind of self-imagines, said this is “me;mine ; I or myself ” and "true" ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”自我形象”說,這是“我;我的或我自己”和真實不虛的? Or you want to grasp what kind of self-imagines, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”自我形象”說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”? ★★★ ☆☆☆ I am the “Witness-Mirror-Consciousness” of dreamer & dreams, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著”夢中人與夢境”之「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。 All dreamer & dreams are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of dreamer & dreams ~~~!; 所有”夢中人與夢境”就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種”夢中人與夢境”???! *** *** *** 「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”, Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。 All kind of dreamer & dreams come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的”夢中人與夢境”不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!; *** *** *** Your " True self " not equal to any kind of the dreamer & dreams. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何形式「無我;無常;如幻」的夢中人和夢境。 You are the witness-watching-mirror-beyond any kind of “I-am-this- dreamer & dream” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那夢中人和夢境”的我見常見。 *** *** *** Otherwise you want to identify with what kind of dreamer & dreams, said this is “me;mine ; I or myself ” and "true" ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”夢中人與夢境”說,這是“我;我的或我自己”和真實不虛的? Or otherwise you want to identify with of dreamer & dreams, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的” 夢中人與夢境”說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”? ★★★ ☆☆☆ I am the “Witness-Mirror-Consciousness” of my nervous systems, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著”心智神經語言系統”之「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。 All nervous systems are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of nervous systems ~~~!; 所有” 心智神經語言系統”就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種” 心智神經語言系統”???! *** *** *** 「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”, Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。 All kind of nervous systems come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的” 心智神經語言系統”不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!; *** *** *** You" True self" not equal to any kind of the nervous system about time and space. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種「無我;無常;如幻」的關於時間和空間的神經系統。 You are the witness-watching-mirror-beyond any kind of “I-am-this- nervous system” Idea. You are the Beyond Space-Time. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那神經系統”的我見常見。 *** *** *** Otherwise you want to identify with what kind of nervous systems, said this is “me;mine ; I or myself ” and "true" ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”心智神經語言系統”說,這是“我;我的或我自己”和真實不虛的? Or otherwise you want to identify with what kind of nervous systems, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”心智神經語言系統”說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”? ★★★ ☆☆☆ *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Thanks for “Nisargadatta Maharaj & Papaji & Vidwan” *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
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