#becca kurfrin
thebachelordiaries · 6 years
A Colognoisseur With A Fishy Scent: ‘The Bachelorette’ Ep. 4 Recap
This episode recap is coming at you at the absolute last minute because I have been spending all my free time today listening to Kanye West’s song “All Mine.” As the lyrics go:
Time is extremely valuable. 
And I prefer to waste it.
It truly speaks to me. Also the part about “all that ass hanging out the bottom.” I feel seen. (JK)
Anyway, we started off this episode at an unfinished rose ceremony. Here’s what happened:
David got the biggest pity rose in Bachelorette history. He looked terrible. Someone should have put a bag over his head.
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Nick, aka bae, aka the guy cosplaying Draco Malfoy, wore a tracksuit to the rose ceremony. He said this is his way of “putting it out on the line” to show Becca who he really is. If wearing a tracksuit is his way of being emotionally vulnerable, then same. It’s like that gif of spiderman unzipping his suit to only reveal another spiderman suit underneath. Is Nick a scorpio? I must know.
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Banjo guy Ryan got sent home. I’m not sure why he was so hyped up on ATFR when he got literally zero camera time. It’s like ABC catfished us. 
Man bun Mike was also sent home. It was only a matter of time, but he tweeted some exceptionally good tea after he was eliminated. It may have been the highlight of my week:
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The guys, who have been cooped up in the Bachelor Mansion for the past few weeks, learn they are going to Salt Lake City, Utah, to instead be cooped up in a hotel. Same shit, different view.
1-On-1 With Garret
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: repeating movie quotes is not a personality trait.
When you look past Garret’s Chris Farley impression, there’s not much to him. He talks like a 15-year-old and has no inflection in his voice. Where is the substance?
Garret and Becca go bobsledding with two Olympians. I tried my best to capture Garret’s reaction to learning he was going bobsledding with a lesbian couple, especially after his Instagram scandal. He had a pretty normal reaction...for a closeted homophobic person.
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We found out on this date that Garret was married for two months before he got a divorce. The way (re: lack of emotion) he described his divorce makes it hard for me to believe he was “verbally and emotionally” abused. I would love to know the other side of the story and then form my own truth.
I think once Becca gets past the fact that Garret is similar to her dad because “they both like the outdoors,” she will realize there’s not much going up there. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later.
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Becca loves sitting like this.
One time I briefly “talked to” a guy who I think liked me more than he should because qualities about me reminded him of his deceased father. It was flattering, but I knew most of his infatuation was “in his head.” Plus, he was a really nice guy and I was too busy being obsessed with an asshole who didn’t care about me. LOL. Oh, to be 22 again....
What I’m trying to say here is, Becca doesn’t like Garret. She likes the idea of him.
Lumberjack Group Date
Ah, there’s nothing I hate more than hyper-masculine activities. 
The guys threw around logs and chopped wood to prove to Becca who has the biggest package. So who won the pissing contest? Apparently John, the app developer guy. Go figure.
In other news, apparently Blake lives in the mountains and eats bugs? Is it weird that I find that hot?
This date proved that bug man Blake and Andrew Keegan impersonator Jason clearly have the strongest connections with Becca. 
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Becca said Andrew Keegan impersonator Jason is a really good kisser. 
I refuse to believe that Becca has anything in common with Colton besides the fact that she wants to make out with his face.
Can we talk about Colton real quick? The guy has no idea how to dress himself, has shady motives and said he’s “one of the good guys.” Have you ever met an actual good guy who calls himself a good guy? Me neither. Colton, to top if off, doesn’t think Jordan is here “for the right reasons,” which is hysterical because Colton thought Tia was going to be The Bachelorette and tried to get to know her beforehand, but I digress. This golden boy was bothered by the fact that Jordan was wearing golden underwear that Becca gave him. First of all, it would be rude to not wear a gift from Becca. Secondly, Colton tried to shame Jordan by telling him he’s classless and calling him a “pussy” (or maybe a fa***ot since it was bleeped out) in the same sentence. Jordan quickly picked up on this irony.
“You just called me a ***** and you’re talking about respect?” -Jordan
Ding, ding. We have a winner.
Jordan- 1
Colton- 0
We learned Jean Blanc is a shady individual. Talking as if he’s reciting a script, he gifted Becca a perfume and admitted that he’s falling in love with her. When Becca admits she isn’t feeling the same and thinks he should go home, Jean Blanc tries to take back the perfume and says he isn’t falling in love with her and just said that because he thought that’s what she wanted to hear.
Jean Blanc has officially been canceled.
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Fuck that guy.
Understandably upset, Becca cancels the rest of the group date and doesn’t give out a rose.
1-on-1 With WIlls
“Hi my name is Wills and I’m the most adorable human on the planet” -a rough translation of what Wills said in this interview upon learning he has a 1-on-1 date.
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Wills is such a genuine person. You can tell he is an ACTUAL good guy and that he really cares about Becca. Plus, he does have a non-traditional style but doesn’t dress like a three-year-old dressing himself for the first time. Take notes, Colton.
While I think Becca appreciates these qualities about Wills, I don’t think he’s the one for her. I do hope, however, that he can somehow make it to the final four. (My final four predictions are: Jason, Blake, Wills and Colton)
After they go four-wheeling up a mountain, Wills has a serious talk with Becca about his last relationship. When Wills told Becca his ex asked for a “hall pass.” I audibly yelled. 
Becca’s reaction: “Why?”
Wills: Exactly
Ugh, these two are just genuine and pure souls and I love them both even though they don’t belong together. Also, I don’t like watching them kiss.
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Here’s Becca doing her leg thing again.
Rose Ceremony
I am currently mourning the fact that Nick, aka bae, aka the guy cosplaying Draco Malfoy, was sent home. His beautiful face shall be missed.
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Another beauty, Christon, was sent home. The guy literally has a twinkle in his eye at all times. It’s like he’s a Disney prince.
I’m going to end this recap with one Jordanism:
“I”m like a sponge. You can squeeze me and get everything out of me, but you’ll never know unless you try.”
Gosh, I love Jordan. He may be my favorite Bachelorette contestant of all time. I still think Chad will forever be the best villain and most complex character, but his entire presence is too negative for me to enjoy fully. Plus, Jordan responds to my Instagram DMs. He appreciates his fans, and I appreciate that.
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'Bachelor' Arie Luyendyk Jr.'s Women Have Harsh Words for Him About Upcoming Season Finale (Exclusive)
Will Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. get the happy ending he's been looking for? 
Chris Harrison has teased a "phenomenal finish" to Luyendyk's so far predictable season, but phenomenal might not actually be a good thing. ET's Lauren Zima caught up with some of this season's standouts at The Bachelor's Women Tell All taping last week, where they revealed they were "disappointed" in how things resulted in his finale. 
"I'm close to the remaining girls, and everything is going to play out. You guys will see all of it, and everything... I'm a girl's girl. These are my friends," Caroline Lunny teased. "Stay tuned, people. Stay tuned." 
"I mean, ultimately, he followed his heart. I just wish he could have been just smarter. I'm mad at the way he handled things," she continued. "[Fans could react] either way." 
While Lunny couldn't say too much about what goes down, she did promise a lot of heartbreak. "If I'm heartbroken, than I'm assuming other people are heartbroken," she expressed.
Bekah Martinez, who seemed to have a good relationship with Luyendyk on the show even after her elimination, said she's not sure how things will end. 
"I think [fans' reaction] just definitely depends on their perspective and what they think of the different women that he still has on the show right now," she shared. "I, myself, was a bit disappointed in Arie... But in the end, you know, the heart wants what it wants, and I think he's justified to make whatever decision he's going to make for himself." 
Tia Booth, meanwhile, said she's just as "interested to see the finale as everyone else is." 
"We are close with the remaining girls, and it's very difficult to see girls that you are friends with go through that," she added. "Knowing that he is only going to pick one at the end of this thing, emotions do get kind of high." 
While Tia is still in the running in Monday night's hometown date episode -- which also features Kendall Long, Lauren Burnham and Becca Kurfrin -- it's Becca who is shown in tears in promos for the season finale, while Arie pensively lounges on a gray couch. We still have three episodes to find out exactly what went down. See more on the show in the video below. 
The Bachelorairs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC, and the show's Women Tell All special airs on Sunday, Feb. 25. 
'Bachelor Winter Games': Clare's Love Triangle Explodes as a New Guy Sparks Controversy
'The Bachelor': One Woman Breaks Up With Arie Luyendyk Jr. Right Before Hometowns
‘Bachelor’ Star Bekah M. Explains the Real Reason She Was on a Missing Persons List After Elimination
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