#been really loving me some gyeomie
blizzardfluffykpop · 3 years
Summary: Daisies mean innocence and purity, even in the most dangerous situations the two of you know that your love is pure and everlasting.
Fluff, Mafia AU
Word Count: 1,980
Yugyeom X Reader
[Mentions: Jinyoung]
Based on All Your Fault [but fluffy], references to Heart’s Magic Man.
It is all your fault that I fell for you. The way you looked at me had me falling faster than pouring rain. Maybe I should have listened to my mother, who told me that falling for a mafia man was a bad idea. “But mom, you fell for a mafia man.” She sighs, “And you see what happened?” I scoff over the phone, “But I know he’s different.” “Come on home, baby. I love you. I would never want anything bad to happen to you. Come home before you are into deep.” I roll my eyes and look at the picture frame that holds a photo of my first date with Kim Yugyeom. “I love you, Mom. I am home here. I’ll be okay.”
It’s date night, a biweekly tradition. Yugyeom comes home with a bright smile and picks me up, and spins me around. I laugh, and he sets me down, “Do you know where you wanna go?” I ask him since it’s his turn. He scrunches up his nose, “Maybe an art museum and then to a fancy restaurant?” I smile, and he goes up and changes into a brown bomber jacket with a cream tee shirt. His jeans remain the same as we pull on our shoes. My mom's voice rings in my head again. 'I would never want anything bad to happen to you.' I shake my head knowing I am most protected when I stand next to Yugyeom. We hop into his Lincoln Continental and head off to a museum.
Heart comes on over the radio that’s playing softly, “Come on home, baby. Momma cried on the phone.” Oh, come on now, isn’t this getting a little too coincidental? We hold hands, our masks concealing our identities as we walk around admiring the artwork. As we finish up the tour, I ask him where to next. He asks if going to a bar was okay, instead of the restaurant idea. I shrug, “It’s your choice tonight, after all.” He smiles, and we hop back into his car.
I should have known he had work-related business at the bar. I felt him tense up the second we walked in. I raised a brow but didn’t say a word as he led me over to the stools. Once I sat down, he suddenly spun around, catching sight of whoever he was after. He pulls out his silver gun and fires away. His glare sends shivers down my spine, and when he turns back towards me, his eyes light back up. He snaps his fingers, and his cohorts come out from the bar. Cleaning up his mess before any cops can show up. I ask him softly, “Why did you do that?” He shrugs, “I’ve been tracking him for a while. Finally caught up to him.” I nod, although it's not a reason in my head. But good enough, I guess. He orders us two monster chocolate milkshakes. “Still my Gyeomie.” He laughs, “Always for you, baby.” He kisses my forehead, and I feel my heart melt a little.
Yugyeom’s not home that’s weird he’s usually home by now. I shrug and grab my trash bags and take them towards the dumpster. Telling Dalkyum goodbye, “Don’t worry, I will be right back.” I lock the door and make the three-minute trek to the dumpster. When I see someone lying on trash bags outside of the dumpster, I hope they're not dead,... I shake off my nerves and go to throw out my trash. Then, suddenly, I recognize the person lying in the pile of trash. I gasp, dropping the trash bag, the sound ricocheting off the buildings as it hits the pavement. His eyes shoot open, and he reaches for his gun. When he recognizes it’s me, he sighs, and I see the blood covering his face. I get up closer and lay on top of the garbage. “What happened?!” He groans when I notice his stomach is blood red. What if mom was right? Without a second thought, I take off my shirt and rip off a long strip. Lifting his shirt, he hisses. “Fuck that hurts, (Y/n).” I nod, and before I can ask what made the circle-shaped wound. He answers me, “That guy's goons from the other night,... I was walking home to our place, and they broke a beer bottle on the side of the building. I got a swing in before the one stabbed me in the stomach with the bottle.” He doesn’t go into more detail as I wrap it up and put pressure on it.
For some reason, I can’t help but laugh as I realize my mom was right. I almost got to see Yugyeom stabbed to death. If he’s not bleeding out right now, that is. I explain my laughter, “You know, my dad was a King Pin.” He looks over at me with a raised brow, “Really? How did you get out of the mafia life?” I shrug, “My mom ran away as fast as she could after she saw him get stabbed to death. No one knew of my mom since they had just started dating after their one nightstand. And nine months later, my mom had me. She told me everything she knew about him. She didn’t want me to be with you because she watched her lover get stabbed to death. All because he owed some money,... She didn’t want me to lose you the same way.” He laughs as he coughs up blood. “Funny how that works, huh?” I shake my head with tears in my eyes as the reality dawns on me.
He reaches for something in the troves of the bags and hands me a bundle of daisies, “I planned on giving you these when I saw you later tonight.” I sigh heavily, “I love you so much, Gyeom. Please,... please don’t die on me.” He smirks weakly, “I wouldn’t... dr-dream of it.” I place a kiss on his lips and ask, “What do you want me to do?” He shakes his head, “A drag of a cigarette would be nice right now.” I sigh and dig through my pockets. “How did you know I hid them from you?” He makes a face at me, and I sigh, “I didn’t want you to cough up your lungs, you know?” I pull out the pack and a lighter. I take a drag from it first before passing it to Yugyeom.
He sighs deeply and lets out the smoke. “You know, I watched you take them. You’re not that sneaky,... But I promised myself I would try to quit.” I roll my eyes at him, “Yeah?” He nods, “For you, I would give up my own life.” My eyes nearly pop out of my head, “Please don’t risk something that means so much to me.” He pulls the cigarette from his lips, and I wipe the blood from underneath it off. He shakily brings his hand up to my face and pulls me in for a kiss. We pull away, and I look him in his eyes. And he tells me, “I think Jinyoung is coming,...” On cue, I hear the sound of tire screech to a halt. “Goddammit, how did you get yourself into this mess?!” Jinyoung yells sternly. I shake my head, “I honestly couldn’t tell you. I came out to dump some trash at the dumpster, and here he was laying.” Jinyoung sighs, “Help me dump him in the car?” I shrug, and we both lug up the tall man. “Thanks.” Jinyoung rolls his eyes, “Don’t mention it. No, seriously.” A smile creeping up his face, he grabs a sanitizer out of the van. He sprays it over the trash before we throw it all into the overflowing dumpster.
Instead of joining Jinyoung in the front, I go over to sit on the bench seat in the back. I pull the door shut to the side compartment of the van as Jinyoung hits the gas hard. I fly back, “Jinyoung!” I growl, and Yugyeom lets out a laugh and pulls me near him. “The seatbelts don’t work on the bench seat, by the way. The safest place is next to me.” I sigh, “You got that right.” I place the daisies that I kept safe on the bench seat.
Jinyoung patches him up once we arrive at his house, “Now, take good care of this little rascal.” Yugyeom laughs, “You love me, Jinyoung.” He gives Yugyeom a blank look, “Yeah, I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” I grin and thank him, and Jinyoung nods, “Now, go have a date night or whatever you kids do nowadays.” We walk home together. I hold the daisies close to me. He asks if I still have the pack of cigarettes as we pass the dumpster he was bleeding out in front of. I nod and hand them over to him, and he gives me a beautiful smile. He tosses them a bit in his hands before he whips them into the dumpster. “I told you, I’d give them up.” I roll my eyes, “If it relieved your anxiety, you didn’t have to give them up.” He kisses my forehead, “You relieve my anxiety, plus you’ve done more for me than that pack ever did.” I shake my head before I pull him in for a kiss. “You know, you’re the best at doing the worst.” He raises his eyebrow, “You could kill someone and still look flawless. You could get beat the fuck out of, and you still look like a million bucks.” He runs a hand through his hair, “How can you describe a criminal so beautifully?” I bring his hand up to my lips and tell him, “Because the criminal I’m in love with is so much more than his crimes.” As we reach the first step to our apartment, he turns me towards him. “I love you. You’re the light of my life. Thank you for loving and taking care of me.”
I call my mom later that night and tell her what happened, “Oh, honey, are you okay?” I tell her I am, that I’m glad she worried about Yugyeom and me. But that I know, nothing can come in between us now. I’m deeply in love with him, and I don’t think anything could ever change that. I come to sit down next to him on our shared bed. “Wanna say anything to him?”
He smiles and takes the phone from me, and I hear him laugh. He smiles over at me, “Honestly, I don’t think they could ever get me to stop loving them.” He grabs my hand, and we intertwine them together. “I promise, (M/n), nothing could stop me from protecting them. I’ll keep them safe, don’t worry, I’ll hand you back to them.” She tells me she loves me and that to take good care of the lengthy troublesome man. I promise to and tell her goodbye before hanging up and cuddling up to Yugyeom. “You know, it’s only been a year since we have been together but, I’m deeply, madly, in love with you,” I tell him while looking into his eyes. “I find myself falling more and more in love with you than I ever thought possible each day.” He tells me and pecks my cheek. We get under the covers, and he reaches over and turns off the lamp. “Good night.” We say in unison and can’t help but laugh. “Can I be the little spoon tonight?” He asks me softly, “I was hoping you would ask that.” I drape my arms over his torso and bring him into my body. Our legs tangled together comfortably, and I realize there is nowhere I’d rather be than here with him in my arms where the world looks so soft.
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tuancore · 4 years
Purple Hearts || { Part 6 } :
Starring- Jinyoung x reader.
Genre- Angst | Non-Idol AU, Disorder AU.
Summary- I'll continue to love you for as long as I'm breathing, but I won't let my love come in between your happiness.
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BamBam was not only physically exhausted but mentally as well, he had been occupied with all the club activities that he owned, then later taking care of his bestfriend had him on his knees as Yugyeom kept on playing angry young man.
"Why did you bring me here?", Yugyeom asked nonchalantly leaning back into his chair.
"To have lunch isn't that obvious.....you weren't eating anything that I cooked—", BamBam eyed Yugyeom before gazing at the restaurant's interior.
"Let's not talk about your cooking", Yugyeom sighed remembering all the times BamBam tried cooking something between fabulous and delicious. And God was it horrible.
"I cook fine Gyeomie! All of my dishes looks so exquisite!", BamBam praised himself with a cheerful smile.
"The dishes were exquisite but not edible, like aren't dishes supposed to be edible?", Yugyeom unknowingly let loose laughing at BamBam and his cooking skills, "I can never forget the day when you tried that curry but it didn't have that smooth texture—So you decided to you spray the hair spray on it!".
"Oh come on I wasn't going to let anyone eat that! It was just to prove to my mother that I cook well!", BamBam reasoned with a big pout, "But Jackson hyung was desperate to die".
Both of them started to laugh like maniacs.
"Woah woah! Right! Hyungs had to hold him down", Yugyeom continued, "I can never forget that".
"And also that one time when you made us chicken soup and.....me and Jaebeom hyung found your Airpods in it.... Thank God we didn't drink it otherwise who knows what chemical reaction was to happen in our stomachs!", Yugyeom exclaimed in pure disbelief, "That's why I love take outs whenever I'm staying over yours".
Patiently done with eating their lunch Yugyeom and BamBam went on with their little stroll. However, BamBam abruptly stopped in the middle of the road with his eyes focused on a familiar figure.
"Why did you stop BamB—", Following BamBam's gaze Yugyeom could actually feel his blood boiling in his veins. Right across the road was Jinyoung and Somi hugging but that's not what angered him but the fact that you were standing a few feets far from them watching them intently.
"Yugyeom come on...Let's leave!", BamBam reluctantly pulled him away from the scene although he didn't want to but he has promised you that he would do every possible thing to keep Jinyoung and Yugyeom away from eachother till you've taken your decision. And he can't ruin that.
Gulping a huge knot in your throat, you tried to supress the amount of tears forming in your eyes. You told yourself that you shouldn't be feeling this way for him, you can't get hurt over the fact that your bestfriend is in love with his soon-to-be wife.
But you're absolutely helpless, you have loved him all your life.
Above all one question seemed to linger in your head— Is he doing it on purpose?
Youngjae noticed the sudden depressed aura encircling your form, "Y/N...Wha—What happened to you....—Did I do anything wrong?—Did I hurt you? Please tell me...I am sorry, I'm really very sorry! If I did—".
Youngjae panicked when the very first tear rolled down your cheeks, deciding to shrug off the pain in your heart you faced Youngjae with a weak smile rubbing your eyes, "No No, you didn't do anything......the wind... something went into...my eyes...".
"Okay let's get back inside....so that you can wash your eyes else it'll hurt more", He suggested softly. Throwing one last look at Jinyoung you let Youngjae put his arms around your shoulder guiding you back inside.
Youngjae seemed to buy your lie but he wasn't a fool, although he was unaware of the reason behind your tears but he understood that you weren't ready to share it, "If you're not feeling well, you can take the rest of your day off. I'll get someone to do the work on your beha—".
"Thank you Youngjae....but I am fine", You cut him off before making your way inside the ladies washroom.
"Why are you so desperate to feel okay...when you're clearly not....?", Youngjae muttered to himself staring at the washroom's door, "What's stoping you from being yourself?".
Turning on the faucet you sprayed some water messily onto your face and eyes, repeating for what felt like hours you closed the faucet and stared at your reflection in the mirror.
You looked aweful in your own eyes.
You looked worse than a beggar.
"It's already tearing me out to let you go and now?—You came all the way here to flaunt your love life...", You asked yourself grabbing your head, "Why does it have to be me who feels this pain?".
"No, you can't be doing it on purpose right? There's no way that you have figured out that I love—....", You mumbled in disbelief, "But...then why did you come here with Somi without informing me, you never do it then why?".
Tears stained your cheeks as the scene from earlier played at the back of your mind, how Jinyoung embraced Somi without a care in this world, the way Somi looked at Jinyoung as if he was the most beautiful person in this world, which caused you a thousand deaths since it's the exact way you have always seen him.
Wiping your tears with your blouse's sleeves you finally made your mind.
Jinyoung was surprised to see Somi there. He was about to approach you and Youngjae, when he was hugged by someone from behind, at first he was about to lash out at the person for touching him but all of his anger faltered in a heartbeat as soon as he saw Somi's smiling face.
"Jinyoung baby...I missed you sooooo much!", She exclaimed hugging him firmly, his hands automatically finding their way down to her back pulling her closer if possible.
And that's exactly when you saw him.
"Somi...When did you come back?! Why didn't you tell me?! I would've come to receive you!? And how— How did you even find me!?", Jinyoung asked between his heavy breaths and widened smile.
"I didn't find you! It's just like fate brought me to you.....I was going home, when I saw your car—And without any second thoughts I came to you....", She smiled lovingly looking into his chocolate orbs.
"It's my fate to be with you....", Jinyoung said tucking few strands of hair behind her left ear, "And in my every lifetime I would want to be with you".
"I love you..", She muttered, but before Jinyoung could reply she asked again, "By the way why are you here?".
Her question caught him off guard, "I came here to—.....", It was as if he wanted to say something but words seemed to get stuck in his throat, "I don't know why I came here to be honest....".
"Actually...I don't remember.....", He admitted confusedly eyeing the streets, "I have no idea what I came here for".
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blu-archer · 3 years
Cold and Comfort
Sickie: Hybrid Jungkook
Caretaker/s: Taehyung/Hosoek
Snz and comfort based. 
Poly pairing. 
Alternate universe
Magic and hybrids are a thing, this is technically a universe that I write in often but I’ll probably categorize it differently from my previous Yoonmin based one... 
I thought I’d post this since it’s been sitting in my files for a while, it’s probably not great and feels a little unfinished but I’m going through some stuff so it’s probably not going to get better than this... so yeah.. Sorry for any grammatical errors
Word count: 4894
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Perfect. Because a storm was exactly what he needed right now.
Jungkook sniffled meekly as he burrowed his face further into his scarf, glaring tiredly at the icy rain that flooded the streets just outside the safety of the campus Fine Arts building. His studio class was technically still in session, but after trying and almost completely abolishing the wood block that he needed to carve his image into for his print media class, Jungkook was calling it quits almost two hours early.
His head and throat ached in a way that could only mean one thing, and he really didn’t appreciate the timing. 
His printing project was due in just over a week and his lecturer already had it out for him for the amount of times he’d had to skip class or post pone meetings due to clashes with his minor dancing course. He couldn’t exactly help it though. It wasn’t his fault that his schedule tended to overlap a lot.
Jungkook stepped closer to the double doors, huddling behind the one that had remained shut in order to limit the amount of cold wind that entered the building. It was pouring buckets outside. The entire sky was painted a dark charcoal grey, making everything outside seem a lot more depressing and gloomier than what it should have been. It also didn’t help that while Jungkook was quite padded for warmth, his coat and jacket were not waterproof, and he did not think to bring an umbrella.  
To be fair it hadn’t been raining when he’d left that morning.
He sighed heavy and rearranged his scarf so that his droopy, black ears managed to just slip under the material, making his neck marginally warmer. Ultimately he could wait for Yugyeom or Jaehyun to finish with their classes, while they didn’t have a car they did store umbrella’s in their lockers by the dance studio’s, but that would be a while still. And he couldn’t call any of his friends or boyfriends because they were all either working or out of town and he didn’t really want to make them come out of their way for a distance that would literally take him thirty minutes to walk through. It would honestly take them longer to get to him than it would for him to get home. He really just needed to stop over thinking the cold and rain and just walk now. He knew he was getting sick anyway, he could already feel the heaviness settling into his body, so a quick walk probably wouldn’t make it that much worse. Hopefully.
Before he talked himself out of it or his lecturer could possibly come and find him hovering in the hallway instead of class, Jungkook stepped out into the brisk and awful weather. He hugged his arms around himself and tried to stick close to the buildings so that he had some form of shelter, but there was nothing that could really shield him from the immediate sheet of icy water that smothered and drown him with each step he took.
So maybe walking hadn’t been the best idea.
His body trembled until it had finally reached a peak point of numbness about halfway back home. He had crossed over the bridge by the highway and was beginning to weave his way through the streets that held all of his favourite cafes and stores, but there was no stopping for anything today. It was like a spell had been cast over the town so that no one even thought to wonder outside. He had only seen a few cars as well, none of them stopping in their journeys – not even slowing down when passing by the soaked bunny hybrid. There was one car in particular that had driven so close to the sidewalk that the puddle it had gone through had shot up high enough to smack straight into his face. If the rain and wind hadn’t been so loud Jungkook was sure he would have been able to hear the water in his shoes squelching with each step.
He tucked his chin deeper into his chest, rubbing a wet hand against his nose as the cold caused a ticklish buzz in his sinuses. He could feel cold rivulets streaming down his ears, leaving him feeling uncomfortable and heavy headed.
He really hated the rain.
 Eventually he turned up at home, walking up the three flights of stairs with shaky caution after he’d slipped on the first few before sighing at the relief of being sheltered and indoors when he finally reached the corridor that held their shared apartment. He sniffled and shook as he fumbled for his keys, taking far longer than usual to find the right one for the door. His neighbour had passed him with a look of sympathy as she carried on to her apartment, seemingly coming back from fetching her small child from school. He accidentally dropped them when he tried to slip a key into the lock. He could feel his neighbours gaze one final time before she disappeared, in which he then promptly sneezed deeply when he bent to retrieve the keys from the floor. After a few more shaky attempts he managed to get the door open, taking off his soaked shoes and bulky layers as soon as the door was shut and locked behind him, almost immediately sneezing twice into his fist from the warmer change of temperature.
Jungkook let out a wet sniffle and groaned as he shook his head to try getting rid of some of the water that had soaked into his ears and hair. It was mostly unsuccessful. There was now a puddle of water in front of the door where he had been standing and he couldn’t seem to bring himself to care about the trail he was leaving as he went down the passage to steal clothes from Tae.
He took his time in the shower, just standing under the hot water while his skin turned red and he burned the chill out of his skin. It was only when he started to feel light headed from the heat that he decided to get out, drying quickly to avoid the cold before changing into the softest baggiest clothes that Tae owned – it also happened to be Jungkook’s comfort clothes and had been since he and Tae had first started dating in high school. There was something about the scent and feeling of the material that made Jungkook feel completely and entirely safe. Perhaps it was because Taehyung had had the set of clothes for so long, and Jungkook couldn’t even begin to associate the items with anything besides his childhood best friend.
He scrubbed his hair with a towel, not feeling up to the effort of blow drying it, before grabbing the fluffy green blanket from Hobi’s wardrobe to drape around his shoulders. He needed something from both of his boyfriends, needing something with their scents. Hoseok had claimed that the blanket had magical properties purely because his mother had given it to him when he had studying overseas for a year, and it had kept him from most of his homesick thoughts or general dips in his mood. And therefore, it had quickly become a shared item for whenever one of their household felt down or off, there had even been a time when Jungkook had stolen and nested with it before Hoseok had moved in with them. It had been mildly embarrassing at the time, but if anything, it had helped ease any concerns Hoseok had had when he had first decided to try a relationship with two people – no longer fearing if Jungkook had just been tolerating him for the sake of Tae.  
The bunny got to work on heating up some of the left-over pizza from the night before, grabbing a carton of banana milk from the fridge before finding his phone that had surprisingly fared well, despite how wet it had gotten from his walk.
Skipping past the group chat that he had with Tae and Hobi to avoid any unnecessary concerns, since he didn’t need Tae to know he had walked through a storm when the witch wasn’t anywhere close to check on him, he shot a brief text to Taehyung asking how the little workshop that Namjoon had taken him to for the day was going, then switched to Hoseok’s contact.
 To: ~♥Sunshine☼~
Hobi, left studio early. Wasn’t feeling the mood… When are you coming home? It’s cold.
 From: ~♥Sunshine☼~
One more class, then solo session with a senior. How’d you get home? Gyeomie ask Jackson to drop you?
 Jungkook cleared his throat gently, taking his newly heated food from the microwave so that he could sit in the lounge and sprawl out on the couch. He looked at his phone again to see that Tae had answered him as well.
  To: ~♥Sunshine☼~
Walked. Yugyeom was still in class.
 From: ~♥Tae♥~
Learning so much! I met this really cool person that owns a crystal shop, so I can restock on things while I’m here. Might be home a bit later than planned but will definitely be back tonight! Love you!! Give Hoseok kisses for me when you get home!
 From: ~♥Sunshine☼~
Jungkook quickly sent a ‘stay safe’ to Tae before he tossed his phone aside so he could focus on nibbling his food with little interest while he played some anime softly on the TV. He snuggled down in the cushions to get comfortable and emptied his mind of any stressors that had been plaguing him.
He doesn’t quite remember at what point he had fallen asleep, he hadn’t done much besides lay around or make coffee since returning from class, so he hadn’t expected to be able to slip so easily into resting, but he wasn’t complaining about it. He’d been stressing enough over his upcoming assignments that sleep was a blessing that he hadn’t been getting enough of right now.
Jungkook rolled over on the couch, pulling the blanket tighter around himself as he did, hoping that he would just go back to sleep. He rubbed his face into the blanket, scrunching up his nose as something tickled at his sinuses. He sniffed and tried to ignore it, but when he realised that it wasn’t going to subside he pushed himself up right. Squinting in confusion as he realised what he had thought was still natural light was in fact fluorescent, the TV had been turned off as well. He frowned with a sniff. He was waking up enough to realise that it had gotten dark outside and that meant that he probably wasn’t home alone anymore. Which… would make sense.
It took a few moments for him to get to his feet. His head had spun for a bit before he chanced putting any effort into being vertical, but he did manage to stand and stretch – not waiting a second longer before grabbing the blanket once more and wrapping it around his shoulders. Making his way to the kitchen to find water, his nose twinged once more and he snapped forward sharply with a throaty “Huhe’TSHhh”, merely tightening his grip on that blanket before he ducked down again.
‘Heh’ehhhshheww … Heh’eehhhTCHsheww!’
“Bless you, Kookie.”
Jungkook sniffled and blinked blurrily into the kitchen space, only noticing that Hoseok had been seated at the table going over what he could only assume had to do with the dancers students.
Hoseok’s brows were furrowed with concern as the bunny hybrid just made his way towards the cupboard to drag out a glass before taking it to the fridge to find cold water. Jungkook wanted to cringe at how wet his sniffling had now become but there wasn’t much he could do about it.
“How you feeling?” Hobi asked, concerned but toned down enough for the bunny to know that he disapproved of his actions. The elder glanced away briefly to continue checking his exam schedule, not looking at Jungkook as he said, “The walk must have really gotten to you.”
“mmm…” Jungkook gulped down his water before he discarded the glass and moved so that he was behind his boyfriend, rubbing his face gently into the crook of Hobi’s neck even if the dancers body language had first implied that he was mildly annoyed. “I’ve been feeling off all day. But it’s worse now, my head hurts.”
That caught Hobi’s attention. He twisted in his seat so that he could hold his hand to Jungkook’s face. “You’ve been sick all day? Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you even go to class?”
Jungkook shrugged. “If I said something then Tae wouldn’t have wanted to go to that workshop thing, or you would have tried to get the day off, even though you’ve been trying to work at the school as much as possible for your students right now. And anyway, I was hoping that I would be able to get some work done. I didn’t think it would rain.”
“Oh god, you walked in that while sick?” Hoseok pulled the hybrid into his arms so that his head rested on Jungkook’s shoulder. “My poor bunny, I swear you’re going to shave years off of my life with how easily you just disregard your health. Have you at least taken something?”
Jungkook grimaced. Hoseok let out a heavy sigh before getting to his feet and tugging the hybrid back to the couch that he had fallen asleep on earlier. Because of course Jungkook wouldn’t have taken something. Of course he would have waited until someone came home, and would have not bothered to mention anything about how he had felt before then – always quick to not be any form of immediate inconvenience.
“We don’t have much of anything left from last time… I’ll call Tae to pick something up, hopefully somewhere is still open.” Hoseok left Jungkook after covering him with the blanket, moving into the bathroom for a moment before returning with a box of allergy meds and a thermometer. “I know it’s not much, but if you want to take something now…”
Jungkook didn’t complain, merely dry swallowed two pills before allowing Hobi to slip the thermometer under his tongue. He pulled the blanket tighter around him  as he coughed – lips drawn tightly together to avoid spitting out the device before it was ready. Hoseok took a seat beside him, running a hand up and down the length of Jungkook’s spine. He peered at the hybrid with a heavy, concerned gaze as he waited patiently for the small alerting beep – pulling the stick from Jungkook’s mouth when he did finally hear it. His concern didn’t ebb.
“You’re a little warm… but that’s not particularly surprising.” Hobi murmuring, watching Jungkook’s lips fall into a soft pout and his ears droop further into his face. Hobi peeled some of the blanket back,  having to tug it a bit when the bunny gripped tighter, and half pulled Jungkook into his lap so that they were both covered by the fluffy green warmth.
He sent a somewhat lengthy text to Taehyung with stern instructions before he let his arms become a frame around the larger boy that had pushed himself into his chest. A wet nose pressed to his neck.
Hoseok sighed but didn’t put forth any humorous complaints like he usually would to lighten the mood, he had a feeling as much as Jungkook would probably try laugh at them, he wouldn’t necessarily appreciate them. So, he merely embraced the other, kissing at his hair line as the bunny drifted off.
Hoseok had been catching up on some series when Jungkook had woken up, wanting to shift positions so that he could lie length ways on the couch and use Hoseok as a pillow while he slept – which had maybe lasted an hour before he had begun to cough and rub at his nose insistently.
“Do you want to sneeze maybe?” Hobi asked gently as he ran a hand over Jungkook’s ears. “It might help…”
Jungkook whined and sniffled into his boyfriends lap. It had to have been over three hours now since he had taken the allergy meds and he was a mess.  The itchy feeling wasn’t leaving him and he wanted to sleep, or at the very least be able to focus on whatever series Hobi had put on. He rubbed his nose into Hobi’s stomach with very little progress. Hoseok took to slowly running his hand up and down the length of Jungkook’s left ear, hoping to send some sort of content through the hybrid.
It was mostly working, Jungkook sighed and relaxed his tense body. While he was still feeling the active buzz in his sinuses, a familiar warmth flooded his system and he was left uncurling his tightly pulled in body as the fuzzy sensations started to travel down his spine.
Hobi smiled. He easily forgot how soft and submissive Jungkook could be when he wasn’t feeling well, it wasn’t something that Hoseok particularly enjoyed to see, since the hybrid was usually sick or in pain, but it wasn’t all bad. Especially from the caring side of things. It wasn’t terrible to have Jungkook cling to him or Tae and seek general comfort and closeness more than being keen on isolating like he himself usually did. Or at least he usually tried to. Living with Taehyung and Jungkook had taught him that there was no running from cuddles.
Jungkook gave small pleased ‘hums’ as Hobi gently began to rub at the soft ears, moving in massaging circles from the bottom all the way up. When he reached the base, Jungkook subconsciously raised his head to push his ear harder into Hobi’s fingers. His body giving a light tremble as Hoseok laughed and focused his attention on where Jungkook’s ears met his hair, enjoying the soft sounds that escaped the bunny.
“Is it good?” Hobi asked teasingly when he noticed Jungkook’s foot twitching into a tapping motion on the couch. He wondered what it felt like. He had always been too shy to ask Jungkook about what he went through each time he or Tae played with his ears or tail, despite being in a relationship with the bunny for almost 2 years now and seeing that what Jungkook felt was clearly one of pleasure, he just couldn’t bring himself to ask the details. As a human he’d probably never understand it properly, and he didn’t want to seem jealous of it or something – because he wasn’t. He was just curious, and he’d much rather be able to be the giver if it meant seeing his bunny writhe and moan at his touch.
He’d have to remember to ask Jimin, maybe he could give a better explanation and pointers than what the internet did.
Jungkook moaned as Hobi found a particular spot right at the base of his ear, the bunny had been leaning into it so much that he was holding himself almost upright with his arms propped under him, hovering over Hobi’s lap now. His mouth hung open a bit with heavy breaths and glazed eyes peered through dark lashes. Hoseok rubbed harder, watching as Jungkook sniffled persistently and shivered against him.
“You okay still?”
“mmmhh, it’s good…jus-just ti-ticklish..” he sniffled wetly. “I’b gonna  sne-hih-sneeze.”
Well this was new, but not entirely unfamiliar territory. Taking pity on him, Hobi started to rub at the other ear as well. A deep bubble of heat burst through him as he watched Jungkook’s expression switch from pleased to downright euphoric. His breath stuttering and hitching as Hoseok become more determined in his activity. Jungkook was so beautiful, even when he looked like a mess. It was a hot mess, one that Hoseok had been a participant of creating. It didn’t take much longer before Jungkook was crumpling into his chest, tears brimming in his eyes.
Heh’ ehHHESHEW! ISHHHEW’uh Heh’EHHTCH’ahh… Hih..snf… Hiehh’TCHshhiew!
“Bless you.” Hoseok could feel the spray settling on the visible skin of his collar bone. “Are you done?”
Jungkook sniffled deeply, letting out a heavy sigh that forced him into a bout of soft coughs. “It still.. ugh.”
“Tickles? Should I fetch you tissues? We can coax them out if you want…”
Jungkook didn’t answer verbally, just sunk his face back into Hoseok’s neck while his hands clung to the elders shirt with an iron grip. That was as much an answer as he was going to get.
They remained in that position, both having fallen asleep at some point, until Taehyung came sneaking into the house later that night.  The witch winced as he accidentally bumped into the trellis of plants by the door that Jimin had gifted him a year ago when he was shaking water droplets from his hair. The sound resonating through the silent apartment with more volume than he would have liked. His wince returned as he realised that Hoseok was blinking wide, blurry eyes through the darkness in his direction, the only source of light being the T.V. that his boyfriends must have forgotten to turn off.
“Sorry, it’s just me.” He reassured softly before flipping on the passage light so that Hoseok could see him better without bothering Jungkook too much. Tae lifted up a large, damp paper bag that hadn’t been able to fit in his backpack with the other materials he’d bought throughout the day.  “I got some stuff. Most of the places had closed already but I found this one pharmacy that had just closed and convinced one of the workers that it was extremely vital that I got medication and stuff, so he let me inside for a bit. Praise that guy. Much thanks was given. A saint amongst people.”
Hobi let out a soft chuckle at Taehyung as shuffled closer to set a gentle kiss against his temple before leaning down and brushing the hair back from Jungkook’s face to press a kiss too his forehead as well. 
The witches brows drew together at the slight heat that radiated off of the hybrid. He ran his hand through the bunnies hair, giving a gentle scratch at his ears as he watched Jungkook cuddle closer to Hoseok in his sleep. The blanket that covered them slipped down a little and Taehyung was quick to tuck it back under Jungkook’s chin.
“Is he feverish? This came on so quickly, he seemed fine earlier.”
Hobi yawned widely, shifting in his seat but not making a move to push Jungkook off. “I thought so too, but he told me that he woke up feeling sick. He also left class early and walked through that storm to get home.” He sighed and Taehyung’s brows raised with surprise, his mouth slightly ajar as if he wanted to say something but no words came out. “I think we can be grateful he isn’t worse. I gave him some allergy med’s since its mostly his sinuses that were bothering him and that’s all we had, but they didn’t last very long. He was miserable for a while before he got to sleep. I don’t think he ate much today either…”
“…Should we give him something now?”
Hobi bit at his lip. He knew hybrids could tolerate certain things a bit better than  humans could, but he still didn’t like the idea of giving the bunny medication on an empty stomach. And eating at this hour… it must be at least close to eleven pm now.
“ If we feed him now he is probably just going to get nauseous. I don’t want him to feel worse..”
Tae nodded in agreement, still carding his fingers through Jungkook’s hair. “We can make a nice breakfast tomorrow and give it to him then. I got some new herbs and crystals, so I’ll make him some new charms as well. For you too.” Hoseok smiled at Taehyungs concern. “You still have classes tomorrow right? Yoongi is still out of town so I don’t really have to go into work. Namjoon is probably sick of me hovering anyway. Between him breaking jars and me doing the wrong measurements and methods, Yoongi may just bury us alive when he gets back.” He chuckled nervously, but Hobi knew that Tae had mixed feelings of disappointment and worry when it came to his work. “I just mean, I’ll be able to stay with him.”
“I know.” Hobi replied, staring at Tae’s downward gaze. “I think we’ll both appreciate the effort, Tae. I’ll try get home early, but it will probably be just the two of you in the morning. Just email his lecturers.”
 “Of course…” Tae pressed another kiss to Jungkook’s forehead, then to Hoseok’s lips before the elder broke into another yawn. “I’ll pack this stuff away quickly then we can head to bed, just give me a second.”
The witch disappeared, not trusting himself to try to levitate anything like Yoongi had taught him -he was still only getting it right a third of the time. So it took a bit longer than he planned, but he eventually packed away the food and goods that he’d gotten and left his charm materials and medication on the table to be dealt with in the morning. He re-entered the dim lounge to see Hoseok gently shaking Jungkook to a somewhat state of consciousness so that the elder could get up.
When Jungkook let out a deep whine Tae moved beside them and slipped his arms under Jungkook’s legs and back to lift him up. It was a bit of a struggle at first, since the angle was weird, but he bumped the bunny up in his arms to get a better grip and then carefully carried him to their room down the hall. Hoseok was a bit slow to follow, taking a moment to stretch and get life in his legs before he joined them. Jungkook buried his face into Tae’s shoulder as the lights in the passage forced him further into the land of the living.
“Tae…?” Jungkook sniffed, then pushed harder against Taehyungs body. “Eh’hii’ehSHHieww. Eh’iishieww!... … ‘m sorry.”
“That’s okay, Bun. Bless you.” Tae murmured. His shirt was still a little damp from the rain when he had to climb the stairs anyway. “Let’s get you to bed, Hobi is bringing your blanket so you can stay warm and comfortable.”
Jungkook nodded before sneezing again. Behind him, Tae could hear Hobi’s soft blessing and sloppy, half asleep movements as he used furniture and the wall to no doubt help him walk. Taehyung forced himself not to grimace at the delayed thought of how both of his boyfriends had kept him in the dark about things for most of the day. Hoseok had probably been exhausted from his classes and yet he had chosen not to bother Tae with any concerns until it was late, and Jungkook had acted like nothing had been wrong at all when he’d spoken to him earlier…
He kicked open the bedroom door with a shake of his head, walking into the dark room with perhaps a bit too much force. He was being dumb. This wasn’t necessarily about him, and he knew that. It’s not what he was supposed to be focusing on.
He set the hybrid down on their bed, opening up the duvet and encouraging him with little pats to roll towards the center, before he went and grabbed the ‘magical’ blanket from Hobi who was still only halfway up the passage – sparing an embarrassing chuckle as Tae picked him up as well – so that he could give it to the bunny before he started to look for it.
“You should change.” He said once he had set Hobi down and left him to handle settling Jungkook with gentle pats. He tossed some sweatpants and a T-shirt at Hoseok, before grabbing his own pajama’s to change into. “How was school?”
Tae listened to Hoseok tiredly ramble on about his students and the upcoming exam preparations while they both got dressed for the night. Overall, it sounded particularly stressful, and some of Hoseok’s kids weren’t the most hardworking – even if they had the talent to be amazing. Hobi more often than not would break down in spiralling rants about how they needed to work harder or at the very least pay attention in class. Honestly, Taehyung couldn’t fathom who wouldn’t be interested in having Hoseok teach them. The man was one of the most passionate people he had ever met, it was actually what had drawn him to the human. Of course now there many other traits that he loved, but Hoseok’s passion would always be his first.
He added a brief skim of his daily events, knowing that even if Hoseok was trying his best to pay attention, the elder needed to sleep more than he needed an immediate recap. Tae merely ended his tales by saying that it was ‘Knowledgeable and fun’ before he ruffled Hobi’s hair and jumped onto the bed, cuddling up to Jungkook’s sleeping figure. He imitated the bunnies deep snores and earned muffled laughter from the elder as he joined them on the other side of the bed.
“Good night TaeTae.”
“Sleep well, Hoseok.” Tae murmured. The lump in his chest from early slowly melting away as sleep dragged him into darkness.  
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daemour · 3 years
You’re Still My Universe pt. 1
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Title: You’re Still My Universe
Pairing: Jinyoung x ???? to be determined GOT7 Member
Genre: Fluff, hint of angst, parent au
Warnings: Sexual jokes
Word count: 1849 lol
Summary: Jinyoung's life is devoted to his son. But the first time he's been separated, so many other people barge into his life and start taking up what little free time he has left.
Honestly this is me winging it so hahahaha i suffer every day
“Yugyeom, you can’t go out like that,” Jinyoung almost hisses at the young child but manages to hold onto his last shred of patience. “We wear pants outside of the apartment. Pants, Yugyeom. Pants.” With each word, Jinyoung emphasises more and more.
The little demon that Jinyoung called his son turns around with a big grin on his tiny face. “Pants are stupid!” God, how could he look so innocent and endearing at this moment? Jinyoung could rip his own hair out but Yugyeom was smiling at him with such a sweet grin.
“They are very stupid, but we must wear them, all right, Yugyeom?” To Jinyoung’s relief, Yugyeom finally skids to a stop on the floor, slipping a little because of his, quite frankly, adorable bunny socks that he received for his birthday. “Can you go put on pants for me? Then we can go to the park as I had promised.”
Yugyeom nods, still with a smile on his face, and runs off toward his room. Jinyoung practically collapses into the bookshelf. Why Yugyeom had so much energy, even more so as a four–year–old, confuses the hell out of him. But he loves his son.
The day he had gotten custody of the one–year–old whose mother (and Jinyoung’s ex) had died in a car crash, Jinyoung had fallen in love. The tiny child had looked up at him and asked where ‘mama’ was and Jinyoung swore that he would take care of this child to the best of his ability. Yugyeom managed to surprise him every day, and Jinyoung often surprised himself with how he dealt with Yugyeom being a child.
“Daddy!” And there is his little hell child again, tearing through the halls once again. Yugyeom runs straight into the side of the couch, and Jinyoung almost laughs at the sight. “Can we go now?” Yugyeom is practically undented, getting up just as quickly as he fell over and coming over to tug at his father’s hand.
Jinyoung just sighs, letting his son drag him over to the coat rack. It was hung way too low, but Yugyeom had insisted that he be able to reach it. He’s just whipped for his son, letting Yugyeom help him put on his scarf. “Ready to go, Gyeomie-ah?” Jinyoung smiles down at his son, who nods eagerly.
“I wanna go to park!” Jinyoung laughs out loud, eyes crinkling. Yugyeom has no time for his father’s adoration though, he has an agenda, and that agenda is to go to the park. Jinyoung opens the door, letting Yugyeom pull him out.
“Wait a little, Yugyeom, I’ll need to lock the door.” Yugyem huffs a little, but ever obedient, waits, tapping his foot impatiently. Looks like Yugyeom has picked up a couple of his father’s habits. Jinyoung finally finishes up, and Yugyeom almost immediately takes off like the hellspawn he is. Thankfully, Jinyoung was now used to his son’s abundant energy and takes Yugyeom’s small hand in his.
“Baby, you can’t run off like that, all right? I don’t want to lose you,” Jinyoung reprimands gently, and Yugyeom nods, though he was more focused on sucking on his bottom lip wetly to try to make a fart noise. Jinyoung sighs. He’ll just have to keep a closer eye on the kid.
The park is almost a block away, and Jinyoung has to refrain from scooping Yugyeom up on the sidewalk. He’s always been wary about letting Yugyeom near cars after what happened to his mother. What if dying in a car crash ran in DNA? He knows he’s being too cautious, but Jinyoung didn’t want to lose Yugyeom.
“Daddy, you have a stupid grin,” Yugyeom chirps from beside Jinyoung, sweaty hand still grabbing onto his father’s palm. Jinyoung thinks maybe he could throw Yugyeom to the wolves instead.
“Don’t be mean, Yugyeomie-ah,” Jinyoung half-heartedly scolds the child. He’s too soft on him, honestly. It’s shown when Yugyeom pays no heed, instead just pressing his mouth to Jinyoung’ hand and licking it. Jinyoung can feel a little bit of his soul die.
Thankfully, they reach the park with no more licking or insults from Yugyeom, and Jinyoug lets Yugyeom’s hand go with only a little hesitation. Yugyeom, though, has no hesitation and immediately streaks toward the swing set. Jinyoung has no trouble keeping up thankfully, the swing set is straight ahead and Yugyeom isn’t doing any weaving between people.
The park is actually pretty empty, it being a weekday. Yugyeom didn’t start school for another two years, and Jinyoung was ready to monopolise his time with his son. He couldn’t even imagine a world without his son now that he took care of him. Yugyeom was all he needed.
“Daddy, come push me!” And it may be a little selfish, Jinyoung thinks as he makes his way over to his son, it may be a little selfish but he wants to be the only one Yugyeom depends on. As Yugyeom smiles up at him, head hanging back like it might drop off, Jinyoung’s heart almost melts.
He just loves his son. “Yugyeom-ah?” Yugyeom turns back, legs kicking in the swing.
“Yeah, Daddy?”
“I love you.” Yugyeom squeals and makes grabby hands at Jinyoung, and Jinyoung, always soft for his son, takes his little hands and kisses them.
“I love you too!” Yugyeom slurs out the words, leaning forward and giving Jinyoung a big, wet kiss on the hand as well. A very wet kiss. But Jinyoung loves it anyway, giggling and pressing one more kiss to the top of Yugyeom’s head. This time Yugyeom sighs with a little pout. “Daddy, I wanna be pushed.”
Jinyoung barks out a short laugh, returning to his place behind the swing. “Your wish is my command, little prince.” Yugyeom grins, toothy and wide.
“You can be my knight, daddy! Knight Daddy!” Yugyeom smiles up at Jinyoung once again and Jinyoung can’t help but press a kiss to the top of Yugyeom’s head once more. The kid giggles once more, twisting in his seat as the swing comes to a halt. “Daddy! You’re my knight! No kisses!”
Jinyoung snorts but assumes a face of stoicism. “My liege, I shall do what you request.” He bends into a kneel, and Yugyeom giggles happily.
“I wanna find a king! A prince has a king!” He pauses, and Jinyoung peeks up at his son. “Daddy? What’s a liege?” Jinyoung holds back a snort, Yugyeom would not have been amused.
“It’s what a prince is to a knight, someone who is more powerful.” Yugyeom is pleased with the explanation, hopping off the swing and toddling around. Jinyoung follows him closely behind.
Yugyeom is looking for another friend to play with him, and Jinyoung feels slightly sorry he took Yugyeom on a weekday. He had a lot of work lately, so today was the only free day. Thankfully, Yugyeom still seems to have the time of his life climbing around on the empty playground anyway.
Jinyoung lifts him up to do monkey bars and Yugyeom squeals in delight. He’s glad the kid is having fun; though he works at home he is often too busy to spend time with his son and Jinyoung always feels bad. He knows Yugyeom loves him but he worries sometimes.
“Hi!” Jinyoung snaps his head up. He had set Yugyeom down to tie his shoe and his son had run off and was talking to some stranger who was jogging on the path around the park. “Can you be king?” Oh, God. Jinyoung is mortified.
He quickly walks up to Yugyeom. “Yugyeomie, don’t bother strangers, all right?” He picks up his son, much to the child’s chagrin. “I’m really sorry,” he apologises to the man as Yugyeom squirms a little.
The stranger just laughs a loud laugh that Yugyeom immediately mirrors with a wide smile. It’s a domino effect, and Jinyoung can feel the corners of his lips pull up as well. “Are you missing a king?” Before Jinyoung can respond, Yugyeom nods empathetically.
“I’m a prince and daddy is a knight! Can you be king?” Jinyoung can feel his face heat up and the man smiles wide and pretty.
“Yeah, I can be a king. Did you know my last name means king?” Yugyeom grins at that, squirming even more. After getting a tiny hand in his mouth, Jinyoung finally sets Yugyeom down.
“King? Really?” Yugyeom is way too excited about this fact. “Are you a king?” The stranger laughs again.
“No, little buddy, it’s just my last name. I’m Jackson Wang.” Jackson squats down and offers Yugyeom a hand. Yugyeom takes it gleefully and shakes it, grinning wide at Jackson.
“I’m Yugyeom! And this is Daddy!” Jackson looks up at Jinyoung with a short breath of laughter.
“Hi, Daddy,” he says a lot more sultry than needed and Jinyoung chokes on his spit. Jackson giggles again, seemingly never running out of laughter.
“I’m Jinyoung,” he corrects—is it really correcting?—and Jackson stands up, offering a hand to Jinyoung as well. Jinyoung shakes it with a slight smile. Jackson was a very handsome man, Jinyoung wouldn’t deny. He had a good face with strong features, and Jinyoung couldn’t help but be drawn to him.
“Are you the father of this cutie?” Jackson nods toward Yugyeom, who makes grabby hands at Jinyoung. Jinyoung bends down to pick Yugyeom up with a groan. Yugyeom was getting bigger, Jinyoung would have to get more clothes for his son soon, and maybe work out a little more too. All his son wants, it seems, was up, down, up, down.
“I am,” Jinyoung answers, and with that, Yugyeom reaches out and extends his hand towards Jackson.
“High five,” he chirps and Jinyoung laughs softly. His cousin, Wonpil, had gotten Yugyeom to start asking everyone for high fives, and it was rather endearing. Jackson apparently finds it endearing as well, giving Yugyeom what he asked for with an even bigger smile.
“How old are you, Yugyeomie?” The nickname slips out of Jackson’s mouth easily and Jinyoung has to hold back a smile at how cute the interaction is. Yugyeom beams right back at Jackson, holding up one hand with all fingers spread.
“I’m four!” Jinyoung chuckles.
“Baby, that’s five fingers.” Yugyeom laughs, ignoring it, and Jackson snorts as well.
“I’m not a baby! I’m a prince!” Yugyeom pouts at his father, and Jinyoung laughs.
“Apologies, my lord.” His son is appeased, grinning up at his father and patting his cheek. If it was anyone else, Jinyoung would’ve found it condescending but Yugyeom was an exception.
“Can you play?” Yugyeom immediately turns to Jackson with a big, moon-eyed, grin right now. He has never so much seemed like a big, friendly, puppy at this moment. Jinyoung mouths a ‘sorry’ at the man, who just smiles indulgently.
“I always have time to play,” he agrees, and Yugyeom beams, wriggling out of Jinyoung’s arms and holding out a hand to Jackson. Jinyoung watches with a fond smile as Yugyeom tugs Jackson across the playground when–
“Daddy, you’re supposed to be my knight!” Jinyoung has been summoned.
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cbspams · 4 years
Gifts from Jisung
To Haneullie / @shin-haneul:
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Haneullie! Gosh I feel like it’s been literally forever since we last talked and I’m reeeeeeally sorry about that :( BUT I’m really happy that you’re doing well! I like it best when you’re smiling and giggling and you’re just a sunflower to me!! Hence the gifts. You know how sunflowers turn to face each other when there’s no sun? That’s kind of how I feel about you! When there’s no sun, you’re my sun! :D Happy holidays Neullie, I hope we get to spend more time together!
To Gyeomie / @kpopshelter:
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Gyeomieeeeee!! You know the day I saw you I knew I wanted you to be part of my family? You were just so cute and I couldn’t help myself! I know I’m not doing a super great job keeping up with you and I’m really super duper sorry about that :( but I’m going to be better! I promise! Anyways for gifts, I thought these were super cute and they reminded me of you cause you’re super cute 💗 And coffee scented candle cause no coffee for you but I dunno maybe it’ll smell nice?? Happy holidays Gyeomie! I love you bunches! 💗💝💗💝💗💝💗💝
To Channie / @moonlightchn:
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Channie hyung!! Okay so like I know we haven’t talked a lot but I feel like we just vibe yknow? And we never went on that picnic but I thought this basket was really nice and I figured you could use it, maybe for a date? I support you!! And then this squishmallow wolfie! I think it’s a wolf? It’s soft and squishy and I just thought you would like it! Y’know I’m really glad you’re okay, that bit in November was stressful :( I’m sending you lots of air hugs and pats! We should hang out sometime!!
To Chan / @yandere-bc:
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I figure since Haneullie is no doubt stealing all your hoodies I’d give you these. I know I joke around a lot but I do appreciate you yknow? Making Haneullie happy is something to be proud of. Just yknow, don’t break her heart and all that blah blah I’m not her dad so you’re not getting some extensive threat from me but anyways :) Happy holidays hyung, stay toasty!
To Changbin / @four-straykids-apocalypse:
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I kept trying to think about what to get you cause you’re just so sweet and respectful and I really appreciate it? I mean I know that’s like bottom line bare bones stuff but like it’s so important. Anyways, in the end I got these string lights cause they reminded me of the whole blanket fort you made me. That was really, just, thoughtful. And maybe we can use them if we make more blanket forts? And this other one is kind of for us to make together! It’s a bullet journal! I kinda did the little doodles (with help) but anyways I just thought maybe we could write down stuff we did together? And keep memories like that? Yeah! So anyways, happy holidays Changbinnie, let’s have a good new year! 💛💛💛
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yugfics · 4 years
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Same Old Love kim yugyeom (sad)
/he no longer feels what he first felt for you/
Yugyeom strode across the half-empty school hallway and towards you as you stood at your locker. Strands of your hair fell onto your face as you arranged your books, and all he could think of was how pretty you looked.
That thought did nothing to calm his nerves, a shy smile plastered onto his face, his ears tipped red, and fidgeting with something he held not-so-discreetly behind his back.
Not to mention, it felt like his heart was in his mouth.
You noticed him before he reached you, looking up and smiling. Oh, your smile. It didn't cease to mesmerise him no matter how many times he got to see it.
He smiled back before revealing what he held behind him. Handing you the bouquet of flowers which he'd wondered whether was a bit much, he spoke.
"Will you go with me to prom?"
It'd probably been the best moment of his life when you'd said yes.
But that was a year ago.
~~~~~ He didn't know when it began to happen.
But he couldn't deny the fact that it was happening.
Yugyeom pushed open the glass door of the convenience store, the automated welcome sound seeming loud in the silence, and the lights seeming especially bright because of the darkness outside.
He walked in, having no need to search for a section he was already so acquainted with. Reaching it, he picked out the pads you wanted, then decided to get some chocolates before paying at the counter.
When he got into the car, the only sound that broke the silence was soft rustling of plastic as he set the bag on the seat next to him. This was definitely not the first time he'd done this for you, but this was the first time he actually really analysed how he felt about it.
He used to love doing things for you, surprising you... he'd probably have done anything at his own expense if it made you happy.
Now, though...
It felt like he was just doing all these things because he was your boyfriend. Because that's what he was supposed to do.
That intense fiery love was starting to feel like a dwindling flame, and he didn't know what the problem was.
Resting his head on the seat, he closed his eyes for a few moments, letting out a sigh before sitting up straight and starting the car.
y/n's waiting for me.
Yugyeom closed the door softly behind him, before walking inside your silent house. Leaving the chocolates on the table, he walked towards your room with the plastic bag containing the other items.
Pushing open the already ajar door, his eyes fell to your figure on the bed, curled up and hugging a pillow.
"Hey, baby," he set the plastic bag down before getting into the bed next to you and engulfing you in a back hug. "I got you chocolates," he told you quietly, as you wrapped your hand around his fingers.
"Thank you," you smiled. "Let's stay like this for a while,"
A while began to stretch because your eyes closed and you drifted out of consciousness. Yugyeom didn't want to wake you, though, partially because you probably felt drained, and partially because his thoughts were consuming him.
How many times had you both done this?
Countless times. Cuddling on the couch or the bed, only to wake up in each other's arms. All those innocent little kisses, sweet words, small gifts.
Yugyeom bit his lip as he wondered when it all started to lose meaning to him. When it all began to feel like an ongoing cycle, like it was all out of habit -- like your relationship was out of habit.
He wondered when he began to lose feelings for you.
Lifting his hand from yours, he brushed it against your cheek, sweeping away a few lose strands of hair.
You loved him very much, and it made him feel guilty. Guilty that you could direct your complete and unreserved love at him who wasn't able to direct the same back. Him who'd begun to stop feeling how he'd felt about you for so long.
Memories of the times you spent together flew through his mind like a movie. One it pained him to watch.
He softly trailed his fingers down your arm, careful not to wake you, as he remembered everything he felt.
Everything he used to feel.
He listened to your steady peaceful breaths, watched the slight rise and fall of your body as you took them in, and felt your heartbeat against his chest.
He began to drift. 
~~~~~ The sound of your laughter over the phone filled Yugyeom's otherwise silent room. It was the evening after he'd been at your house, and now you were on video call since he had work to do at home.
Your laugh subsided, though a smile remained on your face, and Yugyeom couldn't help but think.
Same old smile.
"Gyeomie, it's getting late, so I guess goodnight?"
"Goodnight," he replied.
He set the phone down on his table when you ended the call.
Same old y/n.
The ring on his finger glistened in the light coming from his table lamp. You'd gotten a pair, one for him and one for you, on your 100 days. Yugyeom twisted it around his finger.
Same old love.
Maybe it was that he wanted something new, or maybe it was just that he was tired of what he already had.
He was tired of something he thought he'd never get tired of.
And it hurt him.
He knew it would hurt you, too, if he didn't do anything about it. If he didn't do what he thought he'd never. ~~~~~ "You can't. Please," tears were falling from your eyes as you searched Yugyeom's for a reason. For an answer.
He shook his head and looked at you, eyes filled with emotion that showed it was hard for him as well. To leave something he'd started. Something he'd wanted for so long.
Removing the silver ring from his finger, he took your hand, palm open, and placed it there, closing your fingers over it. "I'm sorry,"
He stepped away from you and you brought your clenched fist to your chest, a pleading look in your eyes. "But I love you,"
He didn't reply.
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kimkiyum · 5 years
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Kinktober, day 3: sensory deprivation.
Yugyeom x reader.
Word count: 768.
The red blindfold that covered Yugyeom's eyes stood out beautifully against his skin. The color matching the silk ribbon that kept his hands bound above his head.
You weren't quite sure how long you had been at this. Leaving kisses and marks all over his body. Leaving him guessing where your mouth or hands would touch next. But you never touched him where he wanted it the most, and as a result his cock laid heavily against his stomach, precum leaking from the tip.
His breath was coming quicker than usual, his hips squirming when you leaned down to lick a small circle around his sensitive nipple.
"Please..." He hummed, sounding so desperate. It was like music to you.
You chuckled lightly, "What? Are you already tired of being teased?"
"Yes." He whimpered, cock twitching when your fingers rubbed over where your tongue at just been.
You let your eyes slip down his body, your mouth watering at the thought of having him in it.
"I really should tease you more. Teach you how to have better patience." You sighed, your fingers dancing down his stomach and stopping just above where his length lay.
He bit at his bottom lip, heading turning towards your voice even though he couldn't see you.
"Please..." He hummed again.
And this time you couldn't deny him. You moved down his body, settling between his open thighs. You decided to tease him for just a moment longer and licked a stripe against his hip, right next to his cock. The whimper that left his lips made your insides clench deliciously and you finally gave in completely.
You took him in your hand, rubbing your thumb over the head of his cock before you were taking him into your mouth. He groaned loudly, hips jerking up and pushing him deeper.
"Your mouth is so warm. So good." He breathed, hands clenched in fists as you started to move up and down his length.
You looked up at him even though he couldn't see you. You just loved how blissed out he looked. His mouth was open and every breath came out in a moan or small whine.
He almost jerked off the bed when you took him deeper into your throat, your nose pressing against the skin at the base of his cock.
"Holy shit, ah- fuck, fuck!" He panted, back arching.
You pulled off his cock after a moment, pumping him in your hand as you sucked in some air. You loved how he always acted like it was his first time being deep throated every time you did it.
"You have such a pretty cock, Gyeomie," you praised, rubbing your thumb into the sensitive spot between the shaft and head, "I love the way it feels in my mouth."
He cried out softly when your lips were around him once again.
You knew from the way his hips were jerking that he wasn't going to last much longer, that he was too worked up, so you moved a hand down to rub his balls, encouraging him to cum.
He panted above you, tugging at his restraints as his cock started to twitch against your tongue. His whole body went tense as he came, his mouth hung open in a silent cry as his release spilled over your tongue and down your throat.
All he could manage was a small whimper of your name as you sucked against his tip, milking his orgasm and swallowing every drop he gave you.
"Can you take this off?" He asked softly when you moved away from his length, "I wanna see you."
You moved back up his body, sitting on his hips as you reach up and pushed the blindfold up and away from his eyes.
His cheeks were pink as he looked at you, his eyes glassy as they adjusted to the light. You smiled down at your boy, your hand rubbing his cheek.
"Did you like that?" You asked, leaning down to kiss his other cheek.
"You know I did." he murmured, turning his head to capture your lips before they could meet his cheek.
You smiled into the kiss, letting him lead it and sink his tongue into your mouth.
"You what I think though?" He asked, nose nudging yours as he broke the kiss.
"What do you think?" You whispered.
He smirked, that devilish Yugyeom smirk you knew too well, "I think you should untie me and let me have a turn using them on you."
You moaned in response, reaching up to untie his hands without a second thought about it.
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thicahgase7 · 4 years
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Tagging: @agust-june @pamebear @seunieshine @atinybang @aeoygi @jamiesenshi @griff-jin-dor004
Song: Me Necesita- CNCO & PRETTYMUCH
A/N: despite the gif and getting a lil handsy, nothing else happens so don't get ur hopes up😂 but I hope u guys enjoy☺ I had fun writing this
You quickly shot his best friend a text, letting him know that: yes, you got your boyfriend’s favorite food and yes, you guys were gonna hang out with him tomorrow. He had sent you a text earlier that your dedicated boyfriend hadn’t left the studio after group practice. You both contemplated on going together to drag his ass home but decided it was best for you to do it yourself.
So it wasn’t too surprising when you looked through the glass door, finding him swaying his hips into a quick-slow grind move before stopping, pausing the music to crouch down and hold his head in his hands. Your brows furrowed as you checked the time once more, he worked way too hard and you had a feeling that he hasn’t eaten anything since he’s been here.
“Aish!” You snapped your eyes back to see him kicking the air in frustration, staring at himself in the mirror wall for a second before resuming the song again and redoing the routine. You loved how determined he was but you really just wished the idiot would take a second to actually rest. With that thought, you opened the door, causing him to spin around in shock.
“Let me guess: you’ve been here since four, haven’t you?” He goes to stop the music, picking up his phone and throwing you a nervous smile when he sees the time.
“No-no…” Shaking your head, you strut over to where he is and place everything down, ignoring how he watches you in anticipation. You toss him a pointed look as you lean on the mirror wall, crossing your arms while he takes slow steps towards you.
“And have you eaten anything since then?” Again, he smiles shyly as he looks down, your feet facing each other with just a few inches apart. When he finally looks up, he’s grinning, probably to charm you out of being annoyed with him. But, yea, that’s not gonna work.
“Does a bag of chips count?” You sigh, hanging your head because, your boyfriend is such a dummy and you sometimes wonder how he functioned before you came along.
“Haaaa...... alright well, I brought food for us and we’re gonna eat now before it gets cold.” He sticks his lip out in a pout, his hands reaching out to rest of your forearms while he slouches a bit.
“No, but babeeee,” he whines, “let me work on my dance for a bit more? I almost have it!” He pulls back and claps his hands together, shooting you the sad puppy look. He knew it was your weakness and you could feel yourself rethink your decision. You mean, it would only be a few minutes, right? Wait, no, he needs to eat! You shake your head, turning around to avoid looking at his face anymore before you could change your mind.
“No, you haven’t eaten anything since you practiced with the others. That was five hours ago!” He groans, suddenly feeling his hands on your waist as he pulls you into him. He rests his head on your shoulder while you quickly glance at the mirror, seeing him pout at you.
“Fineeee, but I still wanna practice for a bit. Please?” Leaning into his body more while thinking... oo this stupid man. Suddenly, you think of an idea and grin, turning around to face him.
“Okay, I guess you don’t mind me going ahead to eat then? Practice as much as you want.” He doesn’t even try to hide his joy, picking you up and twirling you both around, giving you a quick peck on the lips when he lets go.
“You’re the best!” Rolling your eyes, you walk over to the food so you can open the containers. You can see his mouth hang open when you lift the flap to reveal the food. “Is that bulgogi?! And HUHHHH YOU DIDN’T!” You laugh at his excitement, showing him the other container. Oh he’s gonna love you, you just know it. “KIMBAP!” You just shake your head, the smile never leaving your face while he does a lil dance for the food. Quickly getting out the chopsticks, you hit his hand when he reaches for the food. He looks at you in mild hurt and confusion as you continue to smile at him.
“Ah ah ahhh, Yugi, you wanted to practice a bit more.” Glaring at you, he puffs up his face and you try not to laugh so you shove a piece of bulgogi in your mouth, not noticing how he watches with laser- eye focus. You moan at the taste of the meat, enjoying the flavors as he begins to cross his arms. Nothing is said for a few seconds as both of you to stare at each other: you with your mouth full and him with a glare that could prove that looks could kill. But unsurprisingly, he broke first.
“Babeeee,” he drops to the floor and crawls over to you, “come onnn.” You casually look over at him, making sure not to break your poker face but with him up close, you find yourself gonna break soon.
“Are you gonna eat now?” He nods, staring at the food hopefully. “Does that mean you’re not gonna practice and we can go home after this?” He scrunches up his face before sighing, hanging his head.
“You don’t play fair.” You hum, taking a piece of kimbap and showing him your chubby cheeks. Groaning, he lays down on the floor and sulks. Swallowing your food, you chuckle.
“So? What’s it gonna be? Better hurry, this food is banging.” With a huff, he sits up and snatches the kimbap you begone to pick up, shoving it in his mouth. He’s such a child sometimes but you love him anyways.
“Let’s just eat so we can go home...” You grin, handing him some chopsticks and moving the food closer between you and him. He shakes his head, confusing you on what he was gonna say. “But after you dance with me? Please?” You eye him up and down, judging to see how serious he was. He knew you didn’t like dancing, at least, not in public. But if he would go home after this, then what’s the harm, right?
“That’s it? Just one dance and you’ll come eat and go home?” He nods, placing both of your chopsticks down before getting up and sticking his hand out for you. You hated dancing in public but Yugyeom would always tell you how good you were at it, the others agreeing at the one time they all caught you vibing with a song. No one would see, right? You toss a glance at the door to make sure no one was there. Everybody would be too focused in their own dance rooms to come in and see you both dancing. Plus, you knew he wasn’t gonna budge from this. Might as well agree to this..
“I promise we’ll leave after we eat! I’ll even- hey- I'll even do the dishes for a week.” Ooo that did sound tempting. You absolutely HATED doing the dishes. Cooking? No problem. But dishes? Blech, disgusting. Placing your hand in his, he helps you up.
“Make it a week and a half and you got a deal.” You could see the spark in his eyes when as he nodded excitedly, turning over to the speakers and scrolling through his phone. Quickly looking down at your outfit, you were glad you choose some yoga pants and a crop top hoodie with a sports bra underneath. You almost feel like you planned this outfit on purpose for this but really, you just grabbed whatever clothes was near you at the time.
“Deal. I have the prefect song! And you can’t ask what it is!” You tilt your head to the side, resting a hand on your hip as you watch him still looking for the song. You couldn’t stop the smile from your lips when you saw the goofy grin on his face through the mirror.
“Can I at least know the artist?” He sighs exaggeratedly, glancing over to you and leaning back a lil to show how bothered he was from the question.
“Fine, if you must know: its from that band CNCO and PRETTYMUCH.” You raise an eyebrow.
“I know at least one of those artists.” He shushes you with one hand, looking back at his phone before letting out a yelp.
“Awesome, hear it is.” He tsks, glancing back between the spot next to you and the phone. “Ahh, I can probably make it, right? Wait- you know what?- whatever, let’s do this.” Fiddling with the phone a bit longer, he quickly puts it down and races over to you, almost tripping in the process.
“Jesus, Gyeomie, you’re gonna-“ He grabs your waist, standing behind you and shaking his head to silence you. You really wonder what song is gonna play at this point.
“It’s gonna start soon. Follow my lead.” Before you can question him, the music starts: a small voice saying something in the distance before the singers start:
PRETTYMUCH {4 beats}
Yugyeom starts to sway and you follow suit, his hands never leaving your waist as you both go along with the beat.
CNCO {2 beats}
You both sway for a second longer before he reaches for your hand and spins you around, making you face him and pulling you even closer to him. Your breathes mingle together while both of you look down, following the move of your legs.
Tu juego me sube y me baja como te conviene {8 beats}
You let your body slowly roll on his while letting him hold you up, his eyes never leaving your face as he stares in pure fascination. You step away from him, letting your fingers run along the skin of his arm as you clasped into his hand, posing before spinning back into him.
A mí se me nota que quiero lo mismo que quieres {7 beats}
When you spin back into him, he dips you low to the floor then snaps back up. Having your back facing him, you drag yourself down his body, your hands feeling the fabric slide while you finally reach to his stomach.
Yeah, you're looking so rude, looking at me (Yeah) {4 beats}
You continue to sway as you slowly get up, letting your ass grind up his leg and rest on his crotch. You hear him gasp as your movements and you can’t help but grin, the satisfaction of beating him at his own game. It’s short lived, however, when he suddenly puts his hands on top of your thighs, pushing you more into him and guiding your hips into his.
Baby, that rude girl thang, work, work it on me {5 beats}
His lips ghost over your neck while your hand lifts to run through his slightly sweaty hair. You could care less about the sweat at the moment. Right now, you just wanted to dance, to tease him with your moves. You kinda hated how much you were starting to get into it.
Cerquita en donde pueda oírte y hacer que te quedes (Yeah) {8 beats}
His hands swept up your torso, your skin on fire while he helped you slip out your hoodie, revealing your sports bra. Quickly facing him, you notice the passion in his eyes with the hint of something dangerous, making you to shiver in excitement. Okay, fuck wanting to mess with him, you just want him.
Oh me, oh my God {4 beats}
Placing your hand on his cheek, you hook your legs around his hips and swing your upper body around as he holds the small of your back, his fingers slightly digging into your skin.
I give my best, you deserve it {4 beats}
He shimmeys as you come back up, still holding you up and twirling you around before putting you down. He looks to you for permission, for what, you don’t know but nod anyways.
Oh me, oh my God {4 beats}
Walking away from you, he struts a few steps ahead and you watch as he goes off in his own lil world: his limbs moving to each beat with such fluidity that you stare in awe.
'Cause you got me countin' the ways {4 beats}
You’re so glad that he’s found his passion before meeting you because he really knows how to work his body and you honestly couldn’t imagine him doing anything else.
(Uno) She want that {2 beats}
He spins around to you, smirking as he takes a step towards you to the beat of the bass and reaching his hand out for you. But he suddenly drops to the ground.
(Dos) I give that {2 beats}
He pulls his iconic grind-on-me move and you laugh, him tearing it up with his hip grinding to the floor, his body moving around while continuing. God, the things he could do to you.
(Tres) She come back, me necesita {4 beats}
You were so tempted to stop and kiss him right now but you held back, not wanting to stop him as he’s really feeling the music. But as he hip thrusts up in the air, eyes beckoning to you, you quickly join him on the floor. Climbing over him, he grinds against you before you shake your head, giving him a quick peak on the lips and pulling both of you up. He laughs and yanks you into his arms.
No longer paying attention to the words of the song, you both just dance: making up moves that happen to fit the mood and beat of the bass. Your bodies intertwine and twist, hands roaming freely and hips swinging around. The thought of anyone seeing you guys wasn’t anywhere in your mind as you just focused on him: how his fingers ran across your skin, his breathe on your neck, the smile that never left his lips. He had to be thinking of the same thing as his moves would switch between gentle and rough but his eyes were the same: crinkled in mischievous joy, but joy nonetheless.
At some point though, he misjudged his step and tripped, bringing you down with him. Groaning once you landed on the floor, you tossed him a lazy glare as he grinned. You really couldn’t be too mad at him, he was just a dork so as you stared at each other, you guys couldn’t resist laughing.
“Gyeomie, you’re such a klutz.” He raises his eyebrow at you, still laughing.
“Says the one who spazzes out when they’re startled.” You roll your eyes, giggling while he rests his hand on your hip.
“Yea yea yea...” Sighing, you suddenly realize something. Lifting your head, you look at the speakers, Yugyeom following you with his eyes in confusion.
“What?” You point a finger up, tilting your head. The music playing was different, now it was some Chris Brown song.
“The song’s done.” He listens for a second and smiles.
“Yea, I guess you’re right. Wanna go for another round?” You tsk at him, getting up and picking up your hoodie he tossed aside.
“No, a deal’s a deal. Go eat now.” He sighs, pouting while rolling over to his stomach and crossing his arms.
“Hmph, fine. But can you feed me?” Dragging the food over, you laugh.
“Sure, but that just means I’m eating most of this and giving you bits.” Staring each other down, you refuse to be the one to lose the contest. Luckily for you, he breaks and sits up, sticking his hand out. Ah-ha, You: 2 Him: 0.
“Hand me the chopsticks.” Grinning, you give him the utensils and open up the food again. You sigh happily as you notice the bulgogi isn't cold.
“Yes, it’s still warm. Ugh, I'm so glad or else we would’ve had problems. I remember the last time I got this from that same restaurant, it was cold and boy, did I raise hell. Anyways, dig in Gyeomie. ” You pick up the kimpap and put it in your mouth. Looking up, you finally notice him just watching, the biggest smile on his dopey face. You smile in confusion as you try to swallow the food down. “What?” He grins, shaking his head.
“Nothing, I just love you” he says before mumbling to himself, “this would've been the best time to propose if only the jewelry shop didn’t mess up the ring size.” You choke at that last part, startling him as you start to cough. Panicking, he grabs a water bottle and hands it to you. “Here, drink!”
Grabbing the bottle, you rush to open it and down some water, hoping it would help wash down the food but your mind was somewhere else. You could feel your cheeks burning as you began to calm down, his hands rubbing your back. You give him a thumbs up to let him know you’re okay as you grab his arm.
“What did you say? Ring size?” His eyes widen before laughing nervously, looking away quickly and scratching at the back of his head.
“What? I didn’t say that!” You shake your head, squeezing his arm to make him look at you.
“Yugyeom, are you planning to propose to me?” His opens his mouth then closes it, gaping like a fish for a bit. Just as you were gonna ask again, he bolts up, grabbing his stuff and picks up the other food container. He doesn’t make eye contact the whole time.
“Ha-what?! N-no. Hey, you know what?! I think we should eat this at home. Come on!” Walking out the door, you’re stunned as you stare after him. He was gonna propose to you? He wants to marry you? You feel your heart swell at the thought of marrying him before suddenly realizing he dodged the question. Gathering the rest of the food and your belongings, you rush out the door. He’s not getting away that easy!
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mylifeinhopeworld · 5 years
Got7 Reaction- BFF to lovers
Hello again! I’m back from my unofficial hiatus! @ilikeeverythingonmypizza  I really hope you enjoy this and that it’s what you wanted ♥  I made some of them fluffier and others smuttier ;)  (sorry, I know it took me forever to get to :( )
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Mark had promised to call you whenever he could while he was away on vacation. You had hardly spent any time separated for the last few months, so you had a hard time waiting for his calls. When you opened your phone to video call him, it started ringing. 
Mork😁 is calling you - accept or deny call? 
You quickly swiped to answer and were met by your friend’s wide smile. It was still pretty early where he was and he apparently took a shower, but hadn’t dried his hair yet. 
“Hi (y/n)! How are you?”
“Great! And you? I like the hairstyle, by the way.”
You both giggled as you continued talking about the previous few days, until you mentioned a name.
“Who?” Was that annoyance you heard in his voice?
“You know, the guy who was flirting with me at Bambam’s birthday party...”
You heard him mutter under his breath. “This guy, really...”
“What, you’re jealous? Because I talk about him often?” You weren’t expecting his answer at all.
“No, I’m jealous because you talk about kissing him all the time”
“Wait, are you saying you’d like to kiss me?”
“Oh, not just kiss you, cutie, but...sorry, I have to go!”
You tried to process what had just happened and you only had the time to finish half of your sentence before he ended the call.
“Mark Tuan, you can’t just say that and go away!”
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It was late when you came into the studio. Tears ran along your cheeks as you explained your family issue to Jaebum. You were really grateful that he was always there to listen to you and help you out when your relationship with your family got worse. He hugged you close before calming you down. 
“Don’t cry, you’ll be alright. You can sleep here if you want and if it’s better for you that way.”
His hand was lightly cupping your cheek as you calmed down and closed you eyes with a deep breath. He leaned toward your lips, but shifted to kiss your forehead instead, which clearly wasn’t his first intention. As he backed away, you grabbed his arm to bring him closer. 
“Jae...I don’t know why but...”
“I know, (y/n), I know, I’ve been feeling it for quite some time now.”
And with that he kissed you, sweet and slow, making you wonder why you never realized that you loved him more than just as you best friend. But you were glad you found out.
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It was late when you came back to your apartment from your friend’s house. You were supposed to stay over but she had an emergency and you unfortunately had to get back home. When you pushed the door open, careful not to wake up you best friend, you hear some sound coming from the living room. You sighed, thinking that he had left the TV on, like he always did since you became roommates. He never turned it off before going to sleep, leaving it until it annoyed you enough for you to do it instead. Maybe he did it out of habit, you though. 
When you got near the door, you froze.That sound wasn’t the usual plain voice of the news announcer, which usually was the only thing on at midnight. They were moans. You held your breath, not knowing what to do. 
His grunt startled you, but you couldn’t deny the fact that hearing his voice this low turned you on. So much.
You chocked back a gasp. Was he really jerking off to the thought of you? You moved so you could see through the opening of the door, making the floor creak, and found out that he was sitting on the couch, his back turned to you. After a few quiet seconds, you hear his voice again.
“Since you heard me and didn’t go away, I assume you enjoyed this, didn’t you? Do you like hearing your best friend moan your name? Because I would love to.”
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You entered the hallway to Jaebum’s studio, only to hear you best friend’s voice arguing with the leader, who was getting clearly annoyed with him.
“It’s fine, Jinyoung. Just tell her! You’ll see.”
“Hyung, you don’t get it. It’s driving me crazy! I don’t even know if she likes me! I came here for advice and you’re not helping me at all!” 
You didn’t want to interrupt their argument, so you waited outside with the snacks you brought for them. It was so weird, hearing them like that. They would hardly ever have talks like this, so you wondered why Jinyoung seemed so irritated. Until you hear them say it clearly.
“It’s just... I can’t do this anymore. She’s always on my mind, but I can’t do anything about it! I even imagine her when I have to do kiss scenes for dramas...”
“She’s your best friend, I’m sure it won’t ruin your friendship if it doesn’t work out! Just tell her when she gets here okay?”
You hear a small m’kay before you decided to push the door and walk in, not really thinking about anything but the fact that he liked you back. You definitely weren’t thinking when you rushed to him to plant a small kiss to his lips.
“Listen to Jaebum for once. Of course I love you, idiot.”
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You sent the meme you had been laughing at to the group chat. As expected, Jackson and Bambam were the first ones to answer, spamming emojis and even more memes. Yugyeom even sent a video of him recreating it and you could hear Youngjae’s signature laugh in the room next to you. 
He had came back to the dorm from an appointment and he kept singing “Lullaby” without any restraints, so you figured he didn’t know you were there. You goofed around with the boys for a few minutes before settling on reading a book you started earlier that week and didn’t have time to finish. 
You loved hearing him, so you simply listened to his sweet voice while you read. Somewhere around the 150th page, he stopped and you hear him softly humming to “Confession song”. You were surprised to hear him slightly change the lyrics.
“I love you, baby I, I love you...I love you, (y/n) I, I love you”
He giggled shyly right after and you suddenly felt the urge to let him know that you were there. Upon entering his room, you smiled as he looked back to you, startled.
“Oh, uh...hello (y/n)! Did you...? Of course you heard. Well, this is a weird way to announce it to you, but I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a long time now...Now you know, I guess...”
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You knew you should have never said yes to that game as the bottle spun around. Especially after seeing how disheveled Jinyoung’s was after coming back from the closet, Jaebum following him with a smug look. You had been lucky enough not to get picked until now and you secretly hoped the game would stop before the bottle pointed at you. 
“Aaaaaaaand.......Bam! It’s your turn! I’m curious now, who’s going to be the unlucky fool that will have to go with him?” Yugyeom laughed as his friend pushed him. 
“Unlucky??? Let me remind you that I have the best lips around here!”
His false offended tone made everyone chuckle as they encouraged him to spin the bottle again. You heart stopped when it stilled, pointing directly at you. You saw a small smile forming on Bambam’s lips.
“Well? We’re not going to wait forever, get in there you two!” 
After Jackson closed the door, you stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. It was your best friend who talked first. 
“(Y/n)...since it’s kinda, you know, the whole point of the game...would you mind if I...kiss you?” He sounded abnormally shy, his cocky appearance disapearing.
 As you took his hands in yours, giving him the confidence to lean in and connect your lips, you realized how long you had been waiting for this. You wrapped you arms around is neck and he backed you up against the closet wall. As the kiss became more and more heated, you were certain that it was exactly what he was thinking too.
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Your eyes were glued on him as he danced around the studio. The way he moved with such power and precision blew you away every time you came here with him. You were hyping him up during the entire routine and clapped when he ended the dance, complimenting him on how smoother his movements had became over the past few weeks.
“I can’t believe how much you improved, Gyeomie! You’re going to have to teach me how you do it!” You spoke your last words with a pinch of humor, but he took our hand and tugged you from your chair. 
“You always say that but you never actually dance with me! Come on! Wait, let me put on some music...” He put his playlist on shuffle before getting back next to you. 
“Just one song and I’ll never bother you again! Please, (y/n).”
You faked a sigh before beginning to move to the tropical beat that played through the speakers. You enjoyed this song and let go, dancing freely to the music. It took you a while to realize that he seemed very interested by the movement of your hips. You decided to tease him a little.
“What a way to look at your friend...is there something between us that I should be aware of?” Your choked back your smile when he took a step toward you and answered with the most serious look on his face.
“You should be aware that your dancing is making it very hard for me be a good friend and not hold those hips to back you up against that mirror.”
The only response you could word out was “But what if I want you to?”
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jj-ktae · 5 years
Millennials - Part 6 -
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Title: Millennials Genre: Fluff, romance Pairing: Kim Yugyeom x You Summary: Life is made of stages and each of them is a hard push on the back, forcing you to forge ahead. You’re facing your biggest crisis, and then there’s him, who lives from day to day. Of course he does, he is just a kid. Words: 3535 Warning: Small age difference. Yugyeom x Noona Reader.
Please check my masterlist and reblog for previous chapters!
- Part 6 - 
There’s no such thing as sadness, Yugyeom thinks. Everything is good in life. The weather is perfect, everyone is beautiful, the food tastes better than usual and wow, when did his skin become so perfect?
He communicates with you via messages because you’re busy and honestly, he doesn’t mind. You never wait for too long before answering, you agree to whatever he proposes and most importantly, you’ll be seeing each other at work tonight.
Yugyeom had no idea he would ever be excited about going to work.
“Look, it’s our Don Juan.” Jackson is the first one to tease Yugyeom when he joins his friends the day after. They’re supposed to do some shopping and Bambam is currently trying to walk around, his arms full of extravagant clothing and jewellery.
“Bam! Can you hurry the fuck up! I can’t find anything interesting in that shop!” Jackson yells before turning around to find a cutely blinking Yugyeom. “Also, don’t leave me with the lovesick guy!” he finishes, his body leaning against a huge rack of belts.
“Do I look lovesick? Because I am. God, I’m so in love.” Yugyeom sighs dramatically but his face shows nothing but pure bliss.
He cannot believe what is happening in his life. Nothing seems real, it’s like a dream dangerously close to end until he pinches his hand. Yugyeom has no idea how to function anymore but does he even care? What is reality even? He doesn’t mind staring at the wall for hours if it means reminiscing the awesome kisses he gave you.
He certainly has no problem grinning to himself and feeling full just thinking about how your hands grabbed his with tenderness.
“You look stupid.” Jackson concludes with a shrug as Bambam comes back with huge shopping bags and greets a dreamy Yugyeom.
“It’s okay.” Yugyeom doesn’t mind being teased. He isn’t even sure he is aware of his surroundings anymore. His feet are floating, taking his body wherever the hell it has to go and following his friends.
It’s been one day and he is still not over the fact that he is dating his precious noona.
He will never have enough of your cute tone over the phone. He loves your shy reactions and embarrassment whenever he becomes cheesy and sweet.
Goodnight, Gyeomie.
He starts laughing whenever he thinks about the way you call him.
“Here he goes again…” Bambam sighs as he puts the heavy bags into Jackson’s car. His friend merely pats him on the back before whispering about weird kids.
Bambam observes him one last time and laughs when Yugyeom whines cutely in front of his phone.
 “She’s so cute. She’s too cute I don’t think I’ll survive. She’ll be the end of me!” Yugyeom wails again, his long body colliding with the car seat.
“STOP IT!” Both his friends warn him but he barely listens.
He is on cloud nine.
The grocery shop is empty tonight. A huge storm is threatening the whole city, worrying its people and resulting in them staying in for the whole day. You had no trouble coming to work, which is fine but as you’re staring at the wall, you’re wondering if time is going to pass as slowly as it does, now.
The door opens, turning your attention from your book and the reminder of your sentimental status enters, smiley and careful.
You don’t know how to act. Yugyeom is blooming, teeth showing because his smile is huge. He walks toward you and stops himself before he can lean for a kiss. He knows too much about you to act carelessly. Knowing you, you will probably tell him to be discreet. 
How can he? He wants to talk to everyone and tell them he is dating the perfect girl waiting behind the cash-register and who looks like she wants to murder everyone.
Yugyeom takes his jacket off and waves at you, his cheeks turning pink. “Hi, noona.”
You nod, looking around the shop to make sure that the customer who just came in behind Yugyeom won’t see it. “Hey, Yugyeom.”
Yugyeom stills, his smiles dying at the mention of his full name. You seem distant, cold even, but maybe you’re just shy? He lets it go for now, not eager to feel depressed when he should enjoy your presence.
“Excuse me?” The customer asks as he peeks from behind the aisle. You simply raise your head at Yugyeom when you don’t see him move.
Is he going to stare at you all day? Gosh, it’s so embarrassing.
“Can you please go and see what he needs?” You ask, your tone harsher than intended and if you didn’t go back to reading your book, you wouldn’t have missed the pure look of hurt painting Yugyeom’s face.
He walks away, silent.
You hear him speak but he sounds dejected. It’s not like you can do anything about it. You don’t want to be this way but it’s out of your reach. Yugyeom makes you go soft and if you don’t mind being mushy on the phone, reality is harder and turns you into that bitch Yugyeom doesn’t deserve.
When the customer arrives, Yugyeom strolls to the storage room and decides to ignore you. You don’t know what to do so you let him be. It’s a pity, you both should enjoy the feeling of being together but because of you everything is ruined.

After two hours of ignoring each other and him doing his best to hide into the storage room to apparently sort it out, you start freaking out. What if Yugyeom breaks up with you? What if he understands that you’re a bitch and will probably hurt him even more if he stays around you?
He was so sweet the day before with his flower and oh god, the way he kissed you back, how gentle he was.
You want to slap yourself so hard when you come back to your sense. You thank the last customer before she goes away and decide to go and see him.
Knowing Yugyeom, he must feel so sad about the situation.
You enter the storage you and he stops as soon as he sees you, arms full of tiny boxes. “Do you need something?” He asks, expectant and worried for what might probably come.

What if you break up with him? What if you realised he will never be good enough for you and change your mind? He should have known; it was too good to be-
“I’m sorry.” You say calmly. “I’m sorry for acting weird and being cold. I just…it’s new to me, you know? I don’t know how to act; I feel like I don’t know how to be a good girlfriend so I push you away before I can embarrass myself some more.” You rub your face tiredly, mad at yourself for being the reason behind Yugyeom’s pouty face.
The latter says nothing and simply puts the boxes down on the floor, sighing.
He gets up and stares at you, his arms crossed over his chest and you understand he is mad at you.
But he isn’t and it takes a second for him to reach for you and wrap his arms around your frustrated form.
“Don’t think about it too much, Noona. If anything bothers you, just tell me.” He leans and hides in the crook of your neck, his breath tickling the sensitive skin. “I can understand. I’m young but I’m not stupid.” He jokes because he feels relieved and doesn’t want you to feel too bad about the situation.
“I don’t think you’re stupid, Gyeomie.” You sigh, as guilty as ever. He is still beating himself when you’re the one at fault.
Yugyeom squeals and parts from you just enough to see your face. “God, it’s even better when you say it to my face.” He leans before you can even answer and kisses you.
It feels good. Yugyeom is the same gentle person, careful and caring as his long fingers cup you chin to deepen the kiss. You let him, your own hands grabbing his shirt to keep your balance as your knees go weak. He even hums into the kiss when his tongue shyly meets yours, not afraid to let you know how much he enjoys it.
His lips leave yours when he finds himself too overwhelmed and his fingers end in your hair, threading the locks in adoration. His eyes look at you with all the love they can hold and he smiles. “I have to practice later; do you want to come and watch me dance?”
You nod, eyes still closed but fluttering open when you hear him chuckle cutely.
The grocery shop’s door opens before he can kiss you again so he merely brushes his nose against yours affectionately before walking back into the shop.
You take a deep breath and try to focus on your breathing because your heart is melting.
You ignore Naya’s messages when you sit into the dance studio. She is teasing you non-stop, sending numerous times “you’re so whipped” along with a ton of emojis and you’re sure you’ll kill her next time you’ll see her annoying smiley face. Yugyeom went to change and you’re not sure you’re ready to see him dance but the place is empty and the atmosphere is so cosy. It feels like some really professional studio where talented crews come up with great choreographies.
Yugyeom arrives rapidly, his clothes drastically different and skin out in the open. He looks rather embarrassed for his face has never been so red and goes to the speaker to connect his phone, starting the upbeat music.
“Just tell me if you get bored, okay?” He says from where he stands in the middle of the room and you nod, legs crossed and eyes wide open.
What you see goes beyond your expectations. It takes a while but as soon as he starts moving, you see it, peeking from behind the floating top he is wearing.
Yugyeom has tattoos?
They seem to be everywhere, on his ribs, on his shoulders, they come and go with every move but aren’t enough to make you forget about the way Yugyeom dances. He seems to be a totally different person, from the way his jaw clenches to how passionate his eyes are. His legs look even longer with every step he takes, his pace following the beat perfectly and matching the music heavenly.

Suddenly, he looks like a man.
This duality amazes you. Earlier he looked like a lost boy in the middle of a crowd and now he seems in control of everything and uncaring of his surroundings. He doesn’t even mind thrusting his hips in the air and even looks at you from time to time, smirking and looking more sensual than cute.
When the music stops, he makes it start all over again and does a whole different choreography, as amazing as the first one yet even more perfect.
You don’t move, captivated and patient, like you’re in front of a mysterious movie. You could watch him for hours you decide, it’s so controlled and perfect.
He is breathless when he is done, but still glances at you to wait for your reaction. You can only clap, your hands now the only sound in the room and Yugyeom blushes again, his dark mode now off and baby boy side back.
“You’re a great dancer. I didn’t know you were…this good.” You muse, eyes shining and looking impressed.
Yugyeom merely shrugs. “Something’s off with that music. I’m supposed to do an improvisation but I’m struggling.” He smiles, grabbing the towel next to you and sitting.
You hum, nodding slowly. You don’t know much about dancing but it doesn’t look like he is struggling at all. “You’re doing amazing, in my opinion. I don’t know much about it but I loved it.” You lean to rest your head over his shoulder but he moves away, whining.
“I’m too sweaty, noona.”
You sigh. “It’s fine, Gyeomie.”
The later smiles sweetly at you. “You’re saying this to get more kisses, aren’t you? You’ve said it around twenty times already. I’m too weak for this, noona.” He leans and stops before his lips can touch yours.
“But you like it, right?” you mumble, looking at him. “Also, you said you wanted to keep on calling me noona.”
“I like calling you noona. You’re my noona, noona.” Yugyeom teases, biting his lip.
“It does sound like a kink.”
He hums. “For who? You or me? You look like you enjoy it, though.”
You smile, reaching up to get a kiss. “I do, I really do.”
The atmosphere is different. It went from being icy to being warm and you have to admit you prefer it that way. You don’t know what the future will be, but you do know that you want him to keep smiling for you.
You sit properly when you’re done kissing him and you finally remember something you’ve been waiting to ask. “So, you have tattoos?”
Yugyeom’s face instantly change, his features turning a soft shade of pink and his hand aiming for his cheek, grabbing the burning skin. “Yes, I-” he looks down, suddenly too self-conscious about his revealing tank top. “I always wear these when I practice, I forget I have those-” He stammers, obviously disturbed, “I hope you don’t mind…?”
You chuckle when you find his expectant gaze. He is too cute to be true. He must probably be thinking that you’re about to break up with him, again. “It’s fine, I like them. How many do you have? I can just see some parts peeking.” You look down and tilt your head, not daring enough to pull on the fabric to reveal what seems to be a flower on his ribcage.
Yugyeom gulps, not expecting to be showing his body after barely a day of relationship. “Ah, well, if you want to see…” He raises on both knees and starts showing you the said flower. “This one is a dandelion.” He pulls on the other side of his tank top to reveal a single sentence. “I also have this one.” He offers his shoulders and then stop, blinking cutely at you.
His hesitation surprises you. “What’s wrong?”
He smiles, the tip of his ears turning as red as tomatoes. “Well, the last one is on my back, I don’t think I should…remove...” his arms fly in the air, mimicking weird moves.
You understand right away and opt for a bit of teasing to relax Yugyeom. “You looked less embarrassed earlier with your hip moves.”
He laughs, head jerking back and acknowledging your remark. “Anyways! These are all I have. Do you have tattoos, noona?”
You shake your head, body now resting against the wall as Yugyeom goes back to a sitting position. He scares you when he claps his hands.
“Let’s take a selfie!” He takes his phone out of his pocket and raises an arm toward you. “I want to have a picture with you, noona.”
“I’m not photogenic.” You make a face but approach him nonetheless.
Yugyeom hushes you and proceeds to take a thousand pictures.
The rest of the night goes by as fast as it started. You grab something to eat on your way out – Yugyeom doesn’t seem to let you go back home – and walk around for a while. It’s peaceful yet stressing, because you have to get used to the overly touchy Yugyeom and his constant need to show you how close he wants to be. He always has a hand around your shoulder and oh god does he have to keep on touching your nape with his way too long fingers?
You like it, you like it to the point of hating it. Nothing about Yugyeom makes you find a reason to refuse his kindness. Not even the cute smiles he offers, not even his gentleman side. You accept everything and it makes your brain cells battle for dominance over which one is going to win the fight of resistance. 
One side is obviously drowning into his kindness while the other one freaks out, frightened by the idea of committing to such a great human being.
Naturally, it makes you act like you have two personalities, one giggling when Yugyeom steals a kiss between two trees and another one not reacting when he does cute gesture to make you laugh.
Yugyeom looks puzzled but doesn’t ask. You notice he fears your reactions every time he does something.
And it’s true. Yugyeom is freaking out.
He doesn’t know if it must do with the fact that your relationship is new, or if you’re going to go back on full cold mood any second.
He leaves it at that when he finds himself in front of your doorstep. You barely kiss him before going inside. It’s the end of a roller coaster he isn’t sure he can keep on riding and despite his incredibly great mood earlier that day, he isn’t sure he feels as delighted as he used to.
“She’s scared.”
Jinyoung doesn’t know why he has to deal with a sulky Yugyeom in the middle of his bookstore. The young boy arrived earlier than expected with a sad face and won’t stop whining right onto his face.
“I don’t think she wants to be with me. Sometimes she does look truly happy, but then something happens in her head and she turns cold.” Yugyeom’s body is limp on his friend’s counter, who is currently typing stuff on his computer, focused.
Jinyoung sighs after a while, crossing his arms over his chest. “Tell her. I don’t know what else to say and you will probably never believe anything I try to explain to you.”
Yugyeom scoffs, barely raising his head. “So what do I do? I lost ten years of my life to confess only, what more do I need to do? Can’t we just be happy and romantic and cute?”
“You’re not 10 anymore. If you want your noona you’ll have to fight for it.” Jinyoung laughs, “Kim Yugyeom is discovering life, how interesting.”
“Please, I wanted to see her tonight because it’s her day off and she told me she was busy. What kind of busy? I’m her boyfriend. Well, it doesn’t even feel like I’m her boyfriend. Every time I feel like she is back on normal mode she does that shit again and it’s only been two days.” Yugyeom is frustrated. If he had to explain the situation, he would say it’s way too complicated. He knows nothing about dealing with his own feelings, especially this strong. If on top of that he must deal with a conflicted significant other, he might as well give up.
“I’m telling you,” Jinyoung points a finger to his friend’s forehead and pushes Yugyeom’s head away from his expensive wooden counter. “Talk to her.”
The latter nods, fingers tapping the furniture one last time before getting up. “Are you done yet? I need a drink.”
Jinyoung rolls his eyes. “You’re so dramatic.”
Yugyeom feels burdened. He has no experience when it comes to complex relationships and has no clue about how to deal with such weird dynamics. He only knows about living without worrying about the future so of course he can’t deal with you.

He can’t understand what more he can do, but he also doesn’t know why you agreed on dating him.
Maybe you pitied him. Maybe you didn’t want to hurt him?
The bar is crowded but Yugyeom barely pays attention. He sits and avoids Jinyoung’s remarks like his friend isn’t even there. His mind is clouded by doubt; from the very first thing he should say to you next time he sees you to the possible outcome.
He looks around, barely thanking Jackson when he offers him a fresh beer.
“I don’t think she doesn’t want to be with you. She probably has a hard time accepting? I agree with Jinyoung, get that talk. It’s the only way to know and reassure her if needed.” Jackson announces when Yugyeom stays quiet. He looks back at his friends and agrees, grabbing his beer and drinking softly.
“It hurts to say this but,” Jinyoung leans on the table, “Jackson is right.”
Jackson rolls his eyes dramatically, puffing. “I, too, can be a smart-ass.”
Yugyeom smiles at the two, turning around when a group of people start singing way too loudly.
“Just enjoy for tonight, you’ll think about it-” Jackson pats his friend but slows his pace when he sees the way Yugyeom’s face turns shocked.
Jinyoung glances at the two, “What’s wrong?”
Yugyeom tilts his head, brows furrowed as he scoffs, bitter.
“She’s here.”
“What?” Jinyoung raises from his chair to get a better view and Jackson starts looking around the room, clapping his hands.
“Great, finish your drink and go talk to her!”
Yugyeom softly shakes his head, his eyes turning too dark to be considering any sort of normal discussion.
He doesn’t get it.
Why the hell are you sitting and laughing with another guy?
“I don’t think she wants to see me, right now.”
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sxfterhearts · 4 years
Hellou bubs! 💞 Whenever you have some time to spare, could you write something tooth achingly sweet about Gyeomie? Maybe his s/o stays the night for the very first time and they‘re super nervous about it or something? 🙈 Thank you in advance, lub ya! 🥰
here it is!! thank you for sending your request, i really hope i could do it justice! ㅠㅠ also tmi but yugyeom has been biaswrecking me so hard lately,, it doesn't help that im writing 2 yug timestamps in a row + watching his vlives + listening to his solos (used to blame and don't think omgomg) + watching cute compilations on yt :") anyways i love you 💘💖
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lovelynyeongie · 5 years
title: chest (part 2)
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author: lovelynyeongie
pairing: yugyeom + reader
genre: fluff, one shot
summary: from the time yugyeom started unbuttoning some of his buttons on his shirts, you grew to have an obsession over his chest
word count: 2555 words
a/n: I cry about yugyeom’s chest every night oh dear aLSO this story has two parts since I just knew that tumblr has a text limit when it comes to posting :)))
date: 07/26/19
【in case you haven’t read the first one, here !! -> part one <-♡】
You don’t know how many times he has worn his button up shirts with his chest revealed, but dang do you enjoy seeing it every time he wears it.
Of course, you were too flustered to tell him about it since it’s weird and he’ll get uncomfortable about the topic. You can’t even compliment him about it, you guessed that you were too conservative with your words or something.
And here you were, some of Yugyeom’s shirt all around the bed after cutting of buttons of it just for you to suffer even more.
Your phone vibrated, signaling a text message.
From: Gyeomie
“Hi baby! I’m almost home, I can spend time with you today since the guys and I didn’t have much schedule to do. See you later, I love you hehe.”
You heard a knock on the door downstairs.
Fuck, how is he fast?
Your eyes widen and you felt like time froze. Quickly, you threw the buttons that you removed in the trash can and hung the shirt inside the closet with some of the button up shirts that you cut the buttons off and ran down the stairs to open the door.
“Hi!” Yugyeom said, a large grin plastered on his face. He kissed your cheek and removed his shoes before coming inside, he plopped down the couch and patted the seat next to him, signaling for you to sit.
You obeyed and sat down with him, giving him a shy smile.
“What have you been doing today?” He asked, playing with your hair.
“Oh nothing, I cleaned the apartment and studied, nothing much happened.” You said, trying not to sound nervous about the fact that you cut off the buttons on some of his button up shirts.
“Are you okay? Your voice sounds shaky, is something wrong?” He asked, voice filled with concern.
Guess you failed at hiding it.
“Y-yes! I’m alright, I just feel cold.” You said, hugging yourself, pretending to be freezing.
“Then come closer, let me warm you up.” He smiled, opening his arms wide.
You blushed, shuffling closer to him. He closed his arms, cuddling you as you laid your head in his chest. You sighed, snuggling even more, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Yugyeom chuckled and pulled you closer.
“We haven’t spent that much time together, huh?” He asked.
“Yes, but I understand don’t worry.” You said, looking into his eyes.
He frowned, “I feel a bit guilty though, I should give you attention too, not just on my career.”
“No, it’s okay. You don’t have to always be with me, you have your own dreams too. I’ll just be here supporting you and wait for you here at home, just to see you and care for you.” You reassured him.
He smiled, “I really don’t deserve to have such a wonderful girlfriend in my life. But still, we’re going outside today. Let’s go on a date, it’s a nice afternoon outside anyways.”
“Are you sure? You might have a surprise schedule or something…” you trailed off.
“As I said before, there’s not much schedule for today and besides, we’ve already done everything in advance so we’re just chilling a bit before we are bombarded again. So come on, let’s go get dressed.” He pulled your hand, walking up to the bedroom.
You smiled to yourself, thinking of what plans he had in mind and what to dress for the day.
Oh shit.
Your eyes widen, suddenly remembering the button up shirts. You were already walking in the hallway, Yugyeom’s hand still in yours, you quickly pulled his to the point he almost stumbled onto you.
“YUGYEOM WAIT!” You shouted, halting your feet.
“WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT DID I DO? ARE YOU MAD?” Yugyeom exclaimed, panic evident in his face.
“N-no, I just remembered that I left the oven on! Let’s go down quickly!” You exclaimed, trying to pull his hand with all your might.
Unfortunately, he was stronger than you. He pulled you back into his chest and held you close.
“Chill, I’ll turn it off. Go change already.” He said, letting go of your hand and sprinted down the stairs.
You quickly ran inside the bedroom and grabbed all of his shirts from the closet and stashed it underneath the bed. You checked around the room if there are still shirts and buttons around, but everything was clean.
You sighed in relief and planned on what you want to wear.
You heard Yugyeom’s footsteps coming closer to the room. You tried to act normal as possible as he entered the room.
“Babe, are you pranking me? Because the oven was off the whole time.” He said.
“I got you hehe,” you played along to calm yourself down, “it was really off the whole time!”
He rolled his eyes, “I swear, I’m not that gullible.” He said, walking towards the closet to change his shirt.
“You are though, from past experiences.” You giggled, entering the bathroom to change your outfit.
You laughed, hearing how whiny his voice is.
You finished changing and fixing yourself up, you went back in the room and see a shirtless Yugyeom.
“Babe, have you seen my plaid button up shirt? I know it’s in here somewhere...” he trailed off, scavenging inside the closet.
You froze and tried to calm yourself down, “I-I don’t know, maybe it’s in the laundry.” You said calmly, trying to change his mind.
“I just saw it hung on the closet’s handle yesterday, maybe it fell.” He said, kneeling down to look underneath the pile of clothes inside the closet.
You were so nervous that you held your breath, watching him on the side of the bed while he was finding the shirt.
“I guess it’s not in here, even my other button up shirts are not in here.” He said, standing up.
“You can just wear another shirt, then we can find it later when we get home.” You assured him.
“Alright.” He said, grabbing one of his shirts inside the closet and wore it.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.
Yugyeom walked towards you, but he felt something soft and light material underneath his feet. He looked down and saw a long sleeve of a shirt.
You looked down and you felt panic and worry once you saw what he was stepping on.
Fuck, I’m screwed.
He reached down on what he stepped on and pulled it out coming from underneath the bed.
“It’s my shirt! And it has missing buttons.” He amused.
He bent down and looked underneath the bed and pulled out more shirts that you hid from him.
I’m so fucking screwed.
“These shirts also has missing buttons...” he frowned.
You suddenly felt guilty about what you did before, you didn’t say a word about the clothing.
“Babe, why are all my shirts underneath the bed?” He asked, grabbing all the shirts and plopping it in the bed.
“I d-don’t know...” you said in a soft voice, averting your eyes away from him.
“Baby, I’ve known you for years and I can tell that you’re lying to me. Do you know about this?” He asked gently.
“Alright, I was the one who did that to your shirts. But I do have a reason! It’s just very weird...” you couldn’t hold back the guilt anymore so you blurted everything out.
“Which is...?” He anticipated for your reasoning.
“It’s just a small thing so I hope you won’t get mad or weirded out...” you trailed off.
“No, I won’t! Why would I? It’s just a shirt. Now, tell me why.” He said, placing his hand on your shoulders and squeezing it reassuringly.
“I just...love seeing how exposed your collarbones and chest are when you wear your button up shirts with some buttons popped off so I decided to just cut off some buttons of your shirts so that I would always see it, please don’t be mad.” You said your reason as fast as you can and squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for a disappointed Yugyeom to come and decide to break up with you.
But to your surprise, you heard laughter filling the room.
You opened your eyes slowly and you can see your boyfriend laughing on the bed, about to tear up.
“It’s not that funny! And aren’t you going to be mad at me? I ruined your shirts...” you said, looking down at your feet.
He sat up, still giggling, “why would I be mad when that was the most cutest thing I’ve ever heard from you?” He smiled.
“It’s not cute! How can ruining one’s clothing be cute?” You said, sitting down beside him.
“For me, it is. Also, you could’ve just told me in the first place that you liked my body so much, I could’ve flaunted it more whenever you’re around.” He smirked.
You became flustered, not having the power to look him in the eyes or you might melt and die from embarrassment.
“Ah seriously, why are you like this?” You sighed.
“I should be the one asking you that, you naughty girl.”
He suddenly pushed you down the bed and moved on top of you. You were too shocked to function or even process what’s happening. You were surprised yet again when he removed his shirt off and threw it somewhere around the room.
Your eyes were wide and didn’t know how to breathe properly once you saw his milky skin and structured chest. You unconsciously put your hands on his warm torso and traced it until it reached his collarbones. Yugyeom sighed at the feeling of your hands all over him.
“Are you really that obsessed with my chest?” He chuckled.
“Yes...” you replied back, so engrossed into his whole being.
“Forget the date outside then. Right now, I’m all yours.” He leaned down and captured your lips to his.
At that point, you can tell how much you loved every part of him. You were so in love with his wholeness.
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thotantics · 5 years
got7 reaction to their gf wanting them to be submissive for her? 😅 thanks in advanced, if you do this! I love your reactions the most 💗
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With all his cap placements and that frustrating ass scorpio moon, I really, truly think you’d have a difficult time trying to get Jaebeom to give up control. He’s stubborn, strong willed, and determined. That’s not to say he wouldn’t try for you. I think he’s open minded enough to understand that sex isn’t always black and white. When the mood strikes, he’ll lay back and let you do what you want. Just don’t egg him on too much, because he’ll strike back powerfully. That being said, I think when he’s allowing his partner to be the more dominant one, he’s quiet, probably laughs a lot, but it’s a breathless, nervous sound that trembles out of him. I can see him loving the attention and praise that comes with being more submissive, but he’ll grow easily frustrated if you tease him for too long. His gaze is so intense, I can just picture him staring daggers at you the whole time, waiting for his moment to pounce and take control again.
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Mark couldn’t care less about power dynamics when it comes to sex. If you want to dominate, then have at it! He’ll gladly be in a submissive position, or any other position you want him in, as long as the two of you are having fun together!! He’ll beg you a lot when you’re dominating the bedroom, keeps his eyes on you and his grip tight on any part of you that you allow him to touch. Wants to keep you close, and he’ll complain loudly if you tease too much. Tries his best to behave, but he’s just very vocal. I can see him not being great at edging, he’ll probably cum too soon if you try, but he has good stamina so he’ll be ready to go again if you give him some time and the right kind of praise afterward.
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This man would give you the entire world if he could so if you think for one second that he wouldn’t be the best, sweetest, most submissive and pliant thing in the world for you, you’re fucking kidding yourself. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s a waste of a perfectly good man if u don’t believe in sub!Jackson. Just picture it with me ok; straddling his waist while he’s on his back. He’s been edged over and over again while you use him, his cock, his fingers, and finally his tongue. Jackson thrusting up wildly into nothing, cock bobbing just for you to see how desperate he is to fuck you while you grind on his face. Anything you tell him to do, he’ll reply with, “Yes, ma’am/mistress/honey/whatever” and stares up at you with the most love and adoration in his face. Lives to please you. If you want him submissive, by god, he will submit, he’ll drop to his knees and kiss your feet and worship you, whatever you want.
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“You want me to be submissive? Hm.. why? I’m sure that I do enough to satisfy you. You were happy with it last night.” He’ll definitely see this as a challenge to his performance in the bedroom, at least at first. Once you explain to him it’s more about using him to get yourself off, and the thrill of being the one in control, he’ll come around to the idea. Fond of watching you ride him and take control. Smiles and lazily lets you do your thing. If you boss him around he’ll arch a brow, but he listens to you in the end. Might tease you back, but for the most part he’s very good at being submissive, once he figures out what it is you want him to be this way for. He’s competitive and a little bit hard headed, similar to Jaebeom, so you might have to remind him that you don’t want him to be any less of himself, you just want to take control sometimes. He’ll open up to the idea a lot quicker once he understands you don’t want to change him and that you aren’t doubting his sexual prowess, because god knows he’s got plenty of that.
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God, he’s good. He’s so, so good. He’s spent time mapping out all of your most sensitive and vulnerable spots and he knows just how to use them to your liking. When Youngjae submits to you, it’s with a softness in his voice that’s different than his usual tone. Sweet puppy eyes look at you adoringly and he would do anything. Anything. As long as it made you happy. Won’t hear him complaining much, unless you tie him up. That makes him whiny and loud. Thrashes and absolutely cannot handle overstimulation. Will fucking bust so fast and he won’t even warn you that he’s close. Laughs breathlessly and fingers you while sucking on your tits to get you off afterward.
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Bratty sub. Complains and whines if you don’t take care of him. Luckily for you, he likes getting you off. Moans like he’s stimulating himself when he fingers you and licks you. If you tell him he’s not allowed to touch himself, he’ll do it anyway. Might have to tie him up to truly get him to behave. He’ll like that a lot, but he’ll complain the whole time. Definitely need to put a safe word into play, because he’ll be whining the whole way through. He loves it, though. He’ll cum so fucking hard when you dom him.
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Regardless of his position, Yugyeom is going to enjoy it. Especially if it’s something you specifically request of him. You say jump, Gyeomie says “How high?” I feel like he’s going to be the same, regardless of dominant or submissive, like he’s eager to please, got loads of patience, and he can go for hours if that’s what you need him to do. Won’t talk back. Won’t complain. Just a good fucking boy regardless of the power dynamics. Depending on what you want to do to him, he’ll get loud and beg, but he won’t disobey the rules you set in place. Actually likes being tied up and punished, to a certain extent, and faces both with a laugh and his head thrown back the moment you put your hands or mouth on him.
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[Feb. 19, 2019 9:25 am]
Yugyeom showed up at your door right on time. You could almost say he’d become part of your daily routine; your entire day just felt off if he wasn’t there. This morning however, things were a little different. Normally, your boyfriend appeared empty handed when he walked you to school, but today he was carrying two coffees and a bag you assumed contained some small breakfast treats. Something was up.
Yugyeom handed you your coffee and kissed your cheek, and you gave him an odd look. “What’s going on? Are we on camera?”
As you took a quick look around for any signs of hidden cameras, he started laughing and cupped your cheek to gather your attention again.
“There’s no camera’s. I was just a little early and thought you might appreciate the gesture.” He smiled proudly. You, of course, still didn’t fully believe him but decided let it slide for now. Things only got weirder the further you walked, though.
The entire half an hour walk to your college campus, your boyfriend was way more vocal and more clingy than normal. It started out with simple hand holding, which was actually pretty normal, but by the time you’d reached the halfway point in your journey he’d kissed you nearly 20 times and his hands were constantly on you in one way or another. All of the little red flags were shooting up in your mind, and as he leaned in to kiss you yet again you gently pulled away.
“Gyeomie, seriously, what’s going on? You’re trying to butter me up for something, now spill.”
His shoulders dropped as he realized you’d caught on to his act, “Fine. I just had this really big favor to ask you and I just wanted you to be happy when I asked you.”
Your expression softened, “Baby, I’m always happy when you’re around, and I’m always happy to help you out.” You smiled at him, “Now what did you want to ask me?”
Yugyeom bit his lip a little and nervously looked at the ground. “Well, one of my friends from high school is getting married soon, and he invited me to the wedding...” he paused to take a deep breath, “I wanted to ask you if you would be my date.”
You took him by surprise when you leaned up and kissed him on his cheek. “Why were you so scared to ask me? Did you honestly think I would say no?”
“No... but weddings are kind of a big deal aren’t they? I mean we’ve been together a while now, but we haven’t talked about stuff like that. I was just afraid it might be awkward.”
You appreciated the thought and effort he’d put into all of this, and you thought he did make some good points. The two of you had been together for nearly two years but had never really talked about anything serious. You wanted to change that. “Okay. Let’s talk about it then.”
“Right now? Well, okay. I-“
“No you goof. I meant tonight, maybe over some takeout.”
“Oh, yeah. That sounds good.” He went quiet as things returned to normal, the two of you walking down the street hand in hand once more. A few minutes later he spoke up again. “Can we talk now?”
“You really want to talk about this now?” He quickly replied with a nod. “Okay, talk.”
Yugyeom squeezed your hand, “I just wanted to say that I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I want to marry you one day.” he blurted out, quickly following it with, “When we’re both ready, of course.” He started stuttering and rambling and you noticed his hand was starting to get clammy.
“Gyeomie, calm down, babe.” You caught his attention by stopping which tugged on his arm.
“Don’t apologize... I want that too.” You admitted, wrapping your arms around him as he stepped closer to you.
He lips formed a soft smile, “Good. It would’ve been a little awkward if you didn’t.” He pecked your lips, which you happily welcomed this time. “What do you say to skipping your classes and going back to yours? We can talk more, but I just really want to kiss you and maybe do some other stuff.” He winked, making you giggle as you swatted his arm.
“I think that sounds great.”
You and Yugyeom stumbled back towards your apartment, already discussing plans for your future.
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ewankoseyo · 6 years
a chance || yugyeom imagine
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A/N: A kind anon requested this last week and I finally got the time to sit down and finish it. Please enjoy! :)
“an imagine where yugyeom and y/n are shipped together by the media and while yugyeom is super shy about it cause he likes y/n, y/n plays along with the ship like promoting yugyeom’s dances, and talking about him in variety shows. yugyeom is super confused if she’s doing this for the boost it’s giving both their careers or bc if she likes him as well”
“Close your mouth already, you’ll catch flies.”
Jinyoung smirked over at Yugyeom, who had spent the last ten minutes scrolling through his phone with his jaw practically on the floor. Yugyeom stopped scrolling to glare at the older boy.
“This is all your guys’ fault!”
“Us?” Jinyoung feigned a shocked gasp, placing a hand over his chest. “Whatever do you mean?”
Yugyeom sighed and continued scrolling, still unable to process what he was seeing. “If it weren’t for you guys going on and on about me being the ‘biggest fan’ of the ‘nation’s newest songbird’ on that show yesterday, the whole internet wouldn’t be shipping me with her!” Yugyeom shoved his phone in Jinyoung’s hands. A pormanteau of your name and Yugyeom’s was currently the most trending hashtag on the internet. Clips from yesterday’s talk show of the boys making fun of Yugyeom for being a fan of you were shared countless times.
“I know you guys must be really busy with the recent comeback but in your downtime is there anyone you like to keep up with? Any new music you’re listening to or...?” The interviewer trailed off.
“I think you’re setting us up perfectly, because actually...” Jackson slung an arm around Yugyeom’s shoulders. Yugyeom inwardly groaned, bracing himself for the roasts that were going to come out of this interview. “We wanna talk about how our maknae here has grown very fond of a certain someone!”
“Yeah, you know that really popular cover of ‘You Are’ that everyone keeps talking about?” Bambam piped up.
“Ah, from the nation’s newest songbird? No one can get enough of her YouTube videos. It seems as if she blew up overnight. Didn’t she just join your label?”
Jinyoung cut Yugyeom off before he could get a word in. “That’s correct. But our Gyeomie has been watching her for a while.” Yugyeom attempted to fight off Jinyoung from pinching his cheek.
“He’s one of her many subscribers and has watched all of her covers,” Youngjae joined.
“Is that true Yugyeom?” The interviewer inquired with an eyebrow raised. “What do you like about her?”
“Yes, please tell us Gyeomie,” Jaebum teased. The boys sat on the talk show couch with their heads propped up by their hands, giving Yugyeom their full attention.
“It’s no big deal, I just, uh...” Yugyeom glanced around at all the expectant faces staring back at him, searching for an answer that would prevent any sort of broadcasting incident. “I just really expect her as an artist? She has a unique and powerful voice that puts a twist on her covers. Her original songs are good too...so yeah...”
The boys broke out in laughter from his weak explanation, taking turns in between to make fun of him. 
“Aww...Yugyeom’s blushing! Wait until she watches this! We’re going to get this trending online to make sure she does!”
Jinyoung tossed Yugyeom back his phone. “You’re talking about this like it’s a bad thing. You do like her.”
“Yes, but I can’t let the whole world know that...I can’t let her know that.” Yugyeom groaned morosely. “What if she saw the interview?” 
“I’m sure she has, but she hasn’t said anything about it yet though,” Jaebum added, coming out of his room to join Yugyeom and Jinyoung in the lounge. He took a seat next to Yugyeom, looking at him expectantly as he showed the younger boy what he was watching on his phone. “I’m surprised you weren’t watching this already, I thought you would have been one of her first few viewers.”
Jaebum and Jinyoung snickered when Yugyeom’s eyes nearly popped out of the sockets, realizing what he was watching. He grabbed Jaebum’s phone out of his hands, holding it closer to his face. You were doing an Instagram live to thousands of viewers, greeting all of those who commented asking you to say hi to them. Yugyeom couldn’t help the small smile forming on his lips as he watched you giggle from reading some of the comments. It was the same laugh he had fallen in love with thousands of times before. 
“Oh, JB-sunbaenim is watching this. Hello!” You waved to the camera. “Thank you for watching this and thank you for all of the support from you and the other members. I’m so honored to be in the same company as you!”
The older members silently gave each other knowing looks and smirked as an almost-inaudible squeal unknowingly escaped the back of Yugyeom’s throat. Though your greeting was not directed necessarily to him, he found your just being entirely adorable. Just when he thought it was impossible for you to get cuter, you would manage to outdo yourself without even trying. The whole thing was killing the poor boy. 
Yugyeom’s smile was growing by the second as you explained how you were in the dressing room getting ready for a variety show you were guest starring on, until he noticed the upcoming comments.  
“JB-oppa is watching this? Maybe Yugyeom-oppa is watching this too!”
“Did you see what Yugyeom said about you yesterday?”
“Unnie, what do you think of Yugyeom?”
“I ship you with Yugyeom. Please make this happen!”
Seeing these comments, Yugyeom felt his soul leave his body. Jaebum and Jinyoung didn’t bother to hold back their laughter as Yugyeom threw Jaebum’s phone back in his lap. He buried his face in a couch pillow, muffling his distressed screams. “Why?! Just kill me already!”
Jaebum forced Yugyeom to sit back up, shoving the phone back in his face. “Wait, let’s just keep watching. It’s getting good.”
“What do I think of Yugyeom-sunbaenim?” Yugyeom’s ears perked up as you read a comment out loud. He grabbed the phone back, eagerly awaiting your answer. “He’s really nice! I’ve run into him a few times at the company and he was nothing but kind to me even if he was busy. He’s helped me to feel very welcome over there.”
“So when the time comes, you guys better have six kids and name them after all six of us,” Jinyoung joked. Yugyeom shushed Jinyoung without removing his eyes from the screen as you continued speaking. 
“Hopefully one day I could collaborate with him and the rest of the group. I’ve been following them since day one. I just love Yugyeom-sunbaenim’s dancing! My favorite is from that one show...”
Yugyeom had just about turned into the heart-eyes emoji, staring at the screen with unabashed happiness as you went on and on about his dancing. You didn’t mention anything about watching his interview from yesterday, but maybe what you were saying meant that there was hope that you could possibly like him back? Yugyeom’s heart melted at the thought. How did he manage to fall so hard for you in such a short amount of time?
Yugyeom handed Jaebum’s phone back as you ended the live feed to finish preparing for the show. He moved to grab his coat off the rack and opened the front door.
“Where are you going all of a sudden?” Jaebum asked.
“I think I’ll go practice some dance moves,” Yugyeom replied with a smitten smile before heading out the door. 
What happened the next few days should have made Yugyeom happy, but he grew suspicious instead. 
Your variety show episode aired the next day. During a game where you had to quickly decide which you liked better between two choices, an image of Yugyeom kept coming up alongside images of other handsome celebrities. Though the show did this to you as a joke in response to recent events, you happily chose Yugyeom each time. When asked about this, you simply replied that you couldn’t betray your labelmate. Despite his heart racing from watching the episode (in the privacy of his own room so the other boys couldn’t make fun of him, of course,) he tried not to think too much of this. 
But then after that, you kept talking about him on social media. You shared GOT7′s comeback videos online, but with captions only praising Yugyeom (“If I had Yugyeom-sunbaenim’s feet, I’d never stop dancing!”) You had commented on a fan’s picture of Yugyeom giving the camera a suggestive look at a recent concert with a heart-eyes emoji. When a fan tweeted you asking who you would date in GOT7 besides Yugyeom, you responded by saying you were unable to choose a member that wasn’t Yugyeom. 
All of this didn’t go unnoticed by his fans, who would tag him to these posts, asking Yugyeom what he thought. Yugyeom kept quiet, never responding to the matter since it started, because truthfully, he didn’t know what to think anymore. He was (somewhat) fine when his little crush on you was exposed. He half-expected the fans to go crazy about it for a short while, then the buzz would die down if he or the other members never brought it up publicly again. Yugyeom would just live peacefully with his semi-private feelings (and the occasional teasing from the boys.) 
But you were actively responding to the fans about the ship, though never directly addressing what Yugyeom had said on the show. You had never mentioned him publicly before, besides the times when you would talk about being a fan of his group. But you were talking about all of the members then. Now, it was almost as if you were encouraging the fans on with this ship. You never confirmed whether it was real, but you also didn’t shy away when people talked about you and Yugyeom. He should have been over the moon from the way you kept talking about him, but when he realized how many more thousands of followers and views on your videos you had gained in such a short amount of time, Yugyeom was beginning to feel, well...used. 
Did you really have a thing for him or were you just saying all of that for the publicity?
“I don’t know what she’s thinking right now, but maybe it’s time you go out and do something about it, you know?” Mark suggested casually one day when Yugyeom voiced his concern with the older members. After an honest pep talk with them (“Just grow a pair and confront her already!”) Yugyeom decided he was going to have a word with you about the situation when he had the chance. 
That chance turned out to be the following weekend where you were both attending a music awards show. When his manager told him he would be presenting an award with you, Yugyeom knew he had to act fast. As he was backstage mentally rehearsing his confrontation with you, Yugyeom felt a tap on his shoulder. When he turned around, whatever speech he had prepared for you completely left his head.
Yugyeom was at a loss for words. You stood there shyly with your hands behind your back, giving him a small smile. With the way your hair was pulled back elegantly, giving him a better view of your face, and the way your gown subtly accentuated your features to make you look like millions of dollars, Yugyeom nearly let himself fall for you all over again.
Nearly. Remembering what his older members told him and the mission at hand, Yugyeom shook those thoughts out of his head. 
“Hi,” you greeted him softly with a small wave. “It’s great seeing you again. I was really happy to hear that we were going to be presenting together.” 
Yugyeom balled his hands into fists down beside him for a final push of encouragement before donning an unamused expression. 
“Are you though?”
“Are you really happy to be presenting with me?” Yugyeom pried, a hint of bitterness laced in his tone.
“Yes...? Why wouldn’t I be?” Your mouth shifted into a frown. You didn’t expect this interaction to play out like this. Yugyeom seemed...upset with you? But why?
Noticing your growing discomfort and hesitance with him, Yugyeom dialed back. Even though he was supposed to be confronting you, he didn’t want you to shy away from him. Yugyeom sighed as his hands fumbled nervously below him. 
“Do you like me?”
Yugyeom mentally slapped himself. He didn’t mean to be so forward. 
“Of course, that’s why I’m happy to be presenting with you,” you replied innocently.
“No, I mean do you actually like me?”
Yugyeom looked at you with wide eyes, holding his breath as he anticipated your answer.
“Yes...” Your answer almost came out as a whisper. You looked down, unable to look him in the eye as you felt your face growing warmer by the second. “Yes, I do like you.”
Hearing the sincerity amid the reservation in your voice, Yugyeom let out a sigh of relief. “But why?”
“Why?” Your eyes shot back up at him. Was that even a real question? “Because I think you’re so cool and you’re such a great singer and dancer and I look up to you. You’re passionate and funny and you care about your fans so much and you’re basically the nation’s most eligible bachelor,” you rambled. With every word that seemed to flow carelessly from your mouth, you wished the ground would just swallow you up whole to save you from embarrassment. “...I thought the whole world knew I felt this way already.”
Yugyeom’s mouth opened and closed in an attempt to find the words to say next. “But I thought—I didn’t know...please don’t take this the wrong way, but I thought you were just...using me...”
“What do you mean?”
He furiously shook his head, trying to diffuse any anger and misunderstanding that would arise from you. “I mean, you just joined the same label as me and started to get even more popular than you already were after that whole thing on that show I was on and then you were responding to all the fans about it...but you never mentioned it before that...so I just thought...”
“Sunbaenim,” You sighed, looking almost hurt. Yugyeom’s heart nearly broke at your crestfallen expression. “I’ve never talked about it before because I respected you so much. Then I joined the company and there was a higher chance of me seeing you more often than just in short passing, maybe even us working directly together, and so I kept quiet so I wouldn’t embarrass myself. But then you mentioned me on that show, and the fans kept talking about us, so I thought that maybe I had—”
“A chance?”
“Yes...” You looked down again. “So I kept talking about you online...in hopes that maybe you’d notice me again...”
It was quiet for a moment. You were sure you had blown it with Yugyeom and were ready to make a run for the bathroom to cry when you felt his hands gently take hold of your bare arms. Your head shot up only to be met with his sincere gaze.
“I really like you too, if you didn’t already know it,” Yugyeom whispered. Feeling his fingertips burn from the light touch, he abruptly dropped his hands behind back. Yugyeom mimicked the shy smile inching its way on your lips and looked down at his feet bashfully. “I’m really really really sorry about this whole misunderstanding. It’s just difficult to gauge someone’s true intentions when it comes to the work we do, you know? But that doesn’t excuse how much of a dick I’ve been acting to you just now. Do you think we could just start over and try again?” Yugyeom looked back at you hopefully.
You beamed at him, sending a wave of warmth rolling through his stomach. “Of course, Sunbaenim.”
“Good,” Yugyeom smiled back at you before taking one of your arms to loop it through his. “Now let’s go. I think we’ve got an award to present?” You blushed once again as he sent a playful smirk your way. “Also, we don’t need to be so formal with each other. You’re older than me, Noona.” 
You hid your face in his arm, a soft and short bashful squeal escaping your lips as he walked you to the curtain behind the stage. “Okay Sun—I mean, Yugyeom.” 
As you called him by his name, Yugyeom was sure he had fallen for you all over again. 
And when the fans saw the way he looked at you as the two of you walked out on stage arm-in-arm, they were sure too. 
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penny-beee · 5 years
You’re my kryptonite.
Based off the song One Thing by One Direction.
Sorry I had to 😂😉
Bitch you should already know.
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I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can't ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race
The day came for (y/n) to move across the world, she had gotten all of the different sized boxes into her new home. The big furniture pieces sat where they were to be housed till she had finally unpacked everything. Not wanting to waste any day light, (y/n) ripped open boxes. Careful of the ones labeled ‘fragile’, she made sure to place the nice china in the cabinet and the glass cups next to them.
(Y/n) had moved to Seoul with the thought of finishing her degree at SNU, a few international friends she had made at a short class in New York years before, also helped persuade her to leave NYU. She packed up her small one bedroom apartment and shipped herself and her belongings to the foreign country.
A knock on her already open apartment door, didn’t seem to ring in her ears. Still stuck in the land of heavy lifting and cleaning, while dancing in her working out leggings and sports bra. Yugyeom took it upon himself to walk in, seeing as he wasn’t a stranger, actually the total opposite. He quietly paced through the front hallway and to the open space his old friend called a kitch-room (kitchen-living room). There his first love stood-well shimmied. Sweating profusely, beads of liquid trailing down and getting lost in the contraption that held her chest secure.
It was moments like these that he felt awkward, knowing she saw him as only a best friend, but her to him so much more. Clearing his throat he gave a loud shout. “Hey loser!” Was finally heard over her jam sesh of ‘Alejandro’.
“Gyeomie!” She cheered, a grin spreading from one ear to the other, her perfect whites shinning brightly.
She had become a woman since he’d last seen her. Long and unkept brunette waves were tucked behind her ears, her eyes had become brighter and slightly more mature, the perfect porportions of her body didn’t change as he assumed she kept dancing and gymnastics up. The now woman had cause his heart to race ten times faster than before.
Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe
The two sat together, stuffing their faces with rice and ramen as they sat at (y/n) bar. The tv played ‘Friends’ behind them, Yugyeoms long legs had hit the floor while her knees were in her chest. All cuddled into herself as she sat on the tall stool. She watched the show contently as she slurped on the noodles, giggling here and there.
Without realizing Yugyeoms stare had become noticeable. (Y/n) turning her tall chair slowly to eye him down. “What, is something wrong?” She questioned, noodles slowly falling from her lips.
His face snapped, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. “U-uh no. Thought I saw something.” He belted quickly and quietly.
So get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing
“Yugyeom, I love you. Okay? I have for years now, but I’ve been to afraid to tell you..” (y/n) confessed. She wrapped her arms around his waist tightly, burying her cheeks into his lower chest.
“Yugyeom?” Bambams voice rang in his ears loudly, only slightly waking the gently giant up.
“Ah, what Bam?” His palm made its way straight to his eye, rubbing profusely.
“You kept mumbling (y/n)’s name.”
‘Yeah because I thought she really loved me.’ He thought to himself.
Now I'm climbing the walls
But you don't notice at all
That I'm going out of my mind
All day and all night
“Gyeomie, doooonnn’ttt!” (Y/n) whined, he had been taking pictures all day and she had just wanted to spend some quality time with him. “Put it away and talk to me.” She pouted.
“I am talking to you, just a few more. You look beautiful today and I want you to know that.”
“Gyeom, I’m flattered but I’d rather spend time with you than your face in your phone.” She dejected, another hit at the friend zone. (Y/n) 10, yugyeom 0.
She held the book over her face, just letting her eyes peak over the paper. “Just this last one.” And before she could argue he snapped the last one for the day.
Something's gotta give now
'Cause I'm dying just to know your name
And I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing
“Yugyeom!” Pause. “Yugyeom?” Another silent pause. He was present two seconds ago, before she had left to use the restroom for two seconds. He had completely disappeared. She looked behind the kitchen island, the other side of the couch, under her dining room table. But lastly she made her way to her room, the walk in closet door was now slightly opened. Probably because he couldn’t stand the dark. Swinging the white door open, a loud “boo!” Left her tongue.
To no avail, there was no Yugyeom. Shutting the door, she turned on her heels, a tall and soft figure now standing before her. “Boo.” He whispered, Yugyeom in all his glory, his tall frame almost engulfed hers. “Hi, beautiful.” He smiled, feeling an odd amount of confidence to finally confess his feelings.
But he didn’t need to, the contrast from the yellow lightbulb and dark start sky that light up her room; gave them the perfect setting. “Hi, Yugyeom..” she trailed, her eyes scanning his plump lips as well as his now half closed eyes.
“Kiss me.”
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