theoneforpllthings · 7 years
I have a Teen Wolf question.
For some reason I have it in my head that I first heard the song, Medicine by Daughter on Teen Wolf. But I haven’t been able to find it on any if the episode soundtracks. Guys, I need to know.
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
I honestly think I subconsciously removed PLL from my memory since the finale 😂 Like it was so tragically bad that I just don't even think about the last 7 seasons that I invested myself in. It's like it never even happened 🤣🤣
PLL? Who’s she?
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
I literally just started season 2 of Jane the Virgin. I'm like 10 episodes in right now.
Oh gosh. This show has been spoiled so much for me due to my younger sister looking up stuff about the show.
And this was just the icing on the cake.
But it's all good. I can sleep at night knowing that Jane the Virgin has a way better plot than PLL ever did.
*peace out*
Oh my god. I just realised PLL has taken a storyline from Jane The Virgin season 2 (the most satirical show I’ve ever seen) and tried making it serious. The evil twin trying to take over the others life, the realistic masks… I can’t.
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
Spencer's reaction to Alex
The only thing that confuses me about the finale is that you’re telling me that after finding out you’ve got an identical twin sister you don’t even want to properly get to know her, not even in the slightest? As soon as she’s shipped off to prison you’re off to your friends’ wedding acting completely fine with no further mention of her?? When Ali found out about CeCe she was sympathetic, she visited her and gave her the support she needed but Spencer just completely forgets about Alex?? What’s up with that? No matter how crazy she is you’d still want to get to know your family no? Makes no sense to me🤔
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
Number 12 tho. I so wished the Charlotte reveal wasn't true.
The problem with the finale
Lest anyone think I’m just bitching for fun… or because of some vanity over my theories not being correct.
1. The twin storyline is already weak and overdone. BUT it could have been ok if it was better executed.
2. Toby is a victim of rape! Again! Twice by Alex and a few times by Jenna!
3. Nothing tied back to previous seasons.
4. There are still SOOOO many unanswered questions!!! What the fuck?!!
5. They didn’t close up ANY plot holes at alllll
6. Are we to just assume that Alex kidnapped Hanna?
7. If Mona killed Charlotte why is Mona still alive???
8. Ezra Fitz is one of the worst humans on television and he got a happy ending.
9. Byron actually blessed his daughters marriage to her abuser!!! I threw up in my mouth.
10. Lol so Sara Harvey is just red coat/black veil.
11. No one died and I crave not just death but violence to soothe my years long suffering.
12. I can no longer pretend that the Charlotte reveal isn’t canon and a part of me died with that hope.
13. Motive was bullshit times a thousand. Children could write better.
14. I actually hurt from my wasted energy. I literally feel like a part of me has died, and that’s the part that will ever invest in something I can’t control again.
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
Me @ Marlene in previous interviews though…
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
I was watching a Clever News video where Troian was talking about the PLL Finale and the original ending. This is what Marlene said about the ending. 
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He could of been A.D. 
We could of had a story that covered everything from the beginning. But nope.
*deep breaths*
Guys, the FUCKING vodka soda. Wren was suppose to be A.D. (with Melissa's help) from the start. They just fucked up with scheduling so they couldn't get him and her to play their parts respectively. Wren could of been Charles. Ezra could of been Charles or at least involved. Ya know what, we still don't really know how Bethany Young ties into all of this. This is what infuriates me. The ending could have been something they planned from the start. But they fell through. Instead they gave us Wren fucking Kingston in a fucking necklace.
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
Thank you! I completely forgot this. Hehehe. 😅😅
I was looking at the wikia page for the PLL Finale and I found this.
Now, I know that these can be edited but who thought that it was Wren who visited Mona. We never got an answer as to who exactly went to see Mona. I just assumed that it was Alex Drake. 
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
I was looking at the wikia page for the PLL Finale and I found this.
Now, I know that these can be edited but who thought that it was Wren who visited Mona. We never got an answer as to who exactly went to see Mona. I just assumed that it was Alex Drake. 
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
This is what I was hoping would have happened in the finale, but sadly it didn't. It could have been an overarching storyline connecting all of the major dots. It could of been brilliant.
So, we were led to believe for *years* that the girls were being punished for something that happened that night. YEARS.
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
Ashley is just the greatest. Even last night, we were watching it together – and she was at the table read, and she filmed this episode with me – but she was always leaning over and goes, “Is that you or your twin?” And by “you,” she meant Spencer. It was so funny because she just kept saying, “Is that you or your twin?” And I was like, “That’s the twin,” and she’d go, “Oh my God! So creepy!” And then she’d be like, “Is that you or your twin?” And I’d be like, “No, that one is me – that’s Spencer,” and she’d go, “Oh God! OK!” But it was just so much fun to watch the episode with the cast and to dress up. I got to bring my mom [to the screening] and in the first moment that the twin was revealed, it was so funny. She turned around at me and she gasps and goes, “You bitch!” and Marlene basically fell off her chair laughing. It was so funny! And I was like, “But, Mom! I’m also the person being held captive!”
Troian Bellisario (via fuckyeslittleliars)
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
God I feel so bad for Troian can people stop giving her shade for the accent? I mean just because people were upset with the storyline that's no reason to take it out on Troian!! Or any of the actors. They all gave their 100%. I feel so bad for them, I can't even imagine how horrible it would be to read all those comments. I would definitely start crying if I were them. People have become so insensitive hiding behind a computer screen
Yes that’s why I don’t name the actors. I hated the reveal but that was Marlene’s call, not Troian’s! She did an amazing job by playing Alex, while watching the episode live I literally told my dad “Troian is way too good acting” and he agreed.
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
I wanted this too. 😢😢
As soon as I heard that English “boo”, I immediately thought Alex grew up in London around Wren, and they had a relationship that drove him to Rosewood to find her family for her, hence him finding Melissa and dating her to get close to the family. That would also explain his intense attraction to Spencer. I just wanted this to go back to the start.
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
Not sure if I should laugh or cry about this.
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Ok, who did this? 😂😂😂
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
Jenna recognized A.D’s perfume
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When AD took her and gave her the endgame rules, she smelled her, she smell a perfume. A perfume that saved Spencer.
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She thought she was talking to Spencer but smelled the same perfume A.D wears and that’s how Jenna figured out who A.D was and saved everyone.
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
So wait, let me get this straight:
Following the most predictable pll episode EVER, we find that a) Spencer’s twin is terrible and evil, b) Toby has been raped yet again, c) all of the spoby scene THE ENTIRE SEASON are basically irrelevant.
Was I supposed to enjoy this?
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theoneforpllthings · 7 years
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Honey, you have no idea.
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