#been trying to draw facial hair more cause i dont draw it super often
arinmoss · 6 months
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side profile sketch doodle of some guy
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meektheraccoon · 5 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10* of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!) :D
This is gonna be hard cause I'm NOT feeling too good about myself today, lots of unwanted dysphoria everywhere. But maybe this will challenge me a little to get some positivity going!
May be a kind of conceaded one but I like my ability to self reflect and look at things from different angles. It's something I've been training myself to do to make me more understanding and it's something I feel is very important.
I like my fashion sense. Honey I've got style and I'm not even shy about it! It's like, the one thing that's stopped me from going crazy from dysphoria.
I guess my ability to be open about emotions. It's hard to be open about things that bother you and often I feel like you can coop them up and let them get dangerous. When someone has done something that bothers me I really try to talk to them, to share how I'm feeling, but like, not if I dont really know them lmao. And when I'm sad I'll be open about it. I'm not ashamed of my depression and anxiety man. It doesn't rule me.
I'm pre T but I've got some very masc features that make me very happy. My Adams apple is fucking huge man, I got big fuckin feet and everything is hairy. I even have a slight amount of facial hair. And my jawline is square as fuck. These features bring me VAST amounts of joy. Now all I need is a different voice tone.
Aaaaand, I like my art man. I mean, I really struggle with it but I CAN draw, and i can draw quite well. I stick to what I love which is drawing cartoons and stuff, even though I can do realism, which is considered more skilled by some people? Idk man the cartoon stuff is harder imho. Also, I've been told my designs feel unique and would look good animated, which as someone who's in the profession of animation, that's REALLY GREAT TO HEAR THANK YOU! Idk, I take pride in my designs sometimes. I know for a fact I just shocked a bunch of people by up talking my art there osjdjdbdibf it was very hard to do I'm not gonna lie.
Alright this is really long and I'm super tired so I have no idea if any of it was cohesive enough. But thank you for this ask man. I've been feeling really off lately and I think it's time for some self love again. I need to be proud of what I do and the effort I put into my mental health. I'm gonna try to love myself!
Visual representation of me loving myself.
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