#beetlejuice broaway
hoodoo12 · 2 years
Dec 16th show
This show was the last I'll see till closing night, which I am lucky enough to be able to go to. Is lucky the right word? Shouldn't it be heart-breaking or something? idk
It has been nice to be able to have seen the show a few times, because I pick up new things each time. I don't mean that a lot in the show has changed, but because I familiar with it I'm not hyper-focused on the "action" of the scene and can watch the secondary actors on the stage. I feel like I saw a lot more of the individual clones during TBS, and of course I watched Elliott a little more. (Okay, a lot more, lol)
Dana Steingold was Lydia. She did an excellent job of navigating all of Lydia's emotions, instead of having just one overwhelm the nuance of the character.
Notes from show:
Alex wore a plain white shirt for several of the numbers. But not all of them (TBS, for example). I don't understand why.
Alex mocked my laughter at one point (after 'gay republican'), copying it before going to the next line.
The kid he picked for sad puppet show was right behind us (over our left shoulder). We overheard the family talking before it the show and the kid had never seen it before. His mom had to answer for him because he Alex terrified him mute (the kid was 10, for christ's sake). Alex could def see how uncomfortable the kid was because he crouched down to stare him directly in the eye and shouted, "YOUR PARENTS HAVE MADE A HUGE MISTAKE BRINGING YOU HERE", which only scared the kid more.
During his Katherine Hepburn speech, he pretended to be her down on all fours like they were going to screw doggy style.
During FoTL when David suggests, "act like a baby" Alex says, "What the shit is wrong with you?" and now that's my new favorite line.
Alex fumbled for "Brigadoon". He said, "I know my name is on the marquis, but you'll have to watch a new show. The Maitlands," and then stood there for a moment too long, gestured to them again for more time/effect before finally coming up with the line. The person with me thought since he couldn't remember the word he'd just finish with, " . . . the Maitlands. I'm out of here" and then "Yeah, I'm out of here. Fuck me, I guess" instead of "fuck Brigadoon."
Alex screwed up his mic during SMN. He went a little extra (more on that later) when he pulled back his wig to showcase the maggot brain, which messed it up. He repeatedly had to tap it/adjust it during the song to get it working correctly again. This is the second time I've seen that happen to him; it was pointed out that maybe I'm the common denominator when it stops working correctly . . .
Adam Dannheisser almost lost it when Leslie said "prostitution?" responding to his, "you're my employee and my lover" line. He had to take several moments to compose himself to not laugh. He did it though! Good job!
The guy Alex picked on as "that guy" was wearing a suit. The last time he addressed him, he added, "You got all dressed up tonight and got ROASTED." Pause for laughter. "Thanks for coming."
The guy sitting by me was INTO the show. Like leaning forward to laugh and shaking enough during it he rocked the seats.
The two kids (mid-teens) next to us were NOT into it. I don't know why their mom paid for front row seats for kids who didn't give a shit and who, during "Home", pulled out their phones to check their IG or Tiktok or whatever.
Maybe this is something everyone else was aware of, but the knees on his red suit are completely patched. Like his overcoat and the striped suit, they have these big stitches which I had never seen before. That whole suit looked a little more ratty to me than I remember it.
During COG when he and David swing each other over to stage right, Alex got some serious air. He was literally parallel to the ground (my companion pointed out after the show that I gasped, lol) so David must be gdamn strong to lift Alex like that.
Alex also made not one, not two, but three attempts to kiss David at stage right + made a grab at his crotch. Two of those things David was either not expecting or he's just a really excellent actor. It could be both.
Juno's leg skittered across the floor and almost fell into the pit, which I would have paid extra money to see because what the heck would they do??
Going back to "Alex being extra" . . . during intermission the person I was with was like, "What the hell? Why is he exhausting himself? Did you see? His make up is sliding off his face he's so sweaty and I've never seen him go so ham. This is Beetlejuice, not Alex."
She was genuinely concerned for him. Honestly, me too. He exuded more of a frenetic energy which, while appropriate for the character, was so much for so long the miasma of it hung in the air. Maybe he's just giving his all because the show is closing in 3 weeks. idk But with flu, COVID, and RSV also floating around, I hope he doesn't overstress his immune system so he can close the show out.
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hoodoo12 · 2 years
New playbill!
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hoodoo12 · 2 years
Here's to the closing day of Beetlejuice the Musical the Musical the Musical.
This show has meant so much to so many people, and caused others to grind their teeth in impotent rage. Because it resonated with so many, it awoken a love of musical theater in lots of the people I talk to. This fandom has given me new best friends, a new writing technique for my writing toolbox, and so much fun.
The tour is just ramping up, so this show about death isn't dead yet!
I have been so lucky to have met and connected with some stars of the show. I cannot wait to see what they do next.
Might as well go out with a bang.
(Get it?)
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hoodoo12 · 2 years
Bearded (2/2)
NSFW. Beetlejuice/f!reader
The beard. Oh my, the beard. Welcome back, Beej.
He’d thrown you onto the mattress, not too hard, not too soft, Baby Bear’s just right, and stripped you in a flurry that had to be from more than two arms and hands. Even with additional limbs it took longer than he probably expected as you sat up by grabbing large handfuls of his own clothing to keep him close, to kiss him so deeply you ran out of breath. 
Beetlejuice chuckled low in his throat and may have tried to say something, but you tongued the words out of his mouth. That made him groan and laugh more. “Can’t get enough of me, huh, baby?” he grinned as he managed to hook his thumbs under your waist band to tug at your pants. “I ruined you for anyone else, didn’t I?” His ego had grown, if that was possible. Never mind the past two years you were alone because of, you know, the whole pandemic thing. You weren’t going to tell him the truth and admit you’d bought--and put to good use!--a black and white striped dildo. Let him think you’d saved yourself for him. As a matter of fact, you were ready to rut against his still clothed thigh if he didn’t hurry up and get to business. Once you were finally naked he disengaged his mouth from his and lightly pushed you prone on the bed. Feeling bold, you cupped your tits and arched your back a bit as his eyes swept you, giving him a little treat. He bit his lower lip then his tongue, so surprisingly pink, wet the same spot his teeth had marked as he took you in. The tenting in his pants was comically apparent now. You pinched your own nipples, gave a puff of a moan, and widened your legs to tease him. You’d be perfectly fine for him to unzip his fly and just slam into you; you didn’t need any more foreplay, you just wanted him to fill you like he had years ago, you just wanted him--
Beetlejuice dropped to his knees and shoved his face in your pussy. 
Multiple sensations claimed you at once: the chill from his entire mouth, like he was trying to engulf all of your naughty bits at once, and the awakening of nerve endings as his tongue parted your slit, culminating in a spike of pleasure as it found and pressed your clit.
You cried out and automatically your knees came up, compressing his head.
From somewhere over your shoulder, his chuckle came again. “You did miss me!” The tone was egotistical and delighted, mashed together.
A moan was the only response you could make. This time his laugh tickled you, the vibration adding a dimension to the leisurely licks he gave you.
Had he learned some control while he’d been gone, wherever he’d been gone to? That tongue seemed like a conveyor belt, one lick through your folds and a flick to your clit, over and over again. It was good, you liked it--but it could be more. Since the initial blast of pleasure had gone and you had a little reprieve each time the tip of his tongue left your clit to nudge the entrance of your cunt, you relaxed your legs.
That earned you another chuckle. “Loosening up nature’s earmuffs?” Beej asked. His tongue never stopped working, but his eyes lifted to catch yours, and once again his voice came from somewhere close to your ear.. “Z’at so I can hear the beautiful sound of your moans, baby?”
“You gonna give me more?” It was scary how easy it was to slip back into not taking any shit from him. For the first time since he’d gone to his knees in front of you, Beetlejuice stopped licking. He lifted his head, just a little, just enough that you could see that his lips were shiny from the combination of his spit and your wet. A smile--more of a smirk, really--lifted the corners of his mouth and a glint that was a touch feral came to his eyes. “You ready to take more? You sure? Here I was, trying to ease you back into things, trying to be nice. It’s been a long time, baby, and I want it to be good--” “Beej!” you demanded, and that one word full of desire and desperation was enough. With another chuckle that sounded dangerously close to a growl, like a beast that had slipped its leash and was freed to do what it wanted, Beetlejuice dove back in. 
No more deliberate, rhythmic passes. Now that he’d been granted permission, Beetlejuice went at you hungrily, a man deprived of a satisfying meal for too long, determined to enjoy every last bit of flavor he could wring from the experience. 
The sheer suction at your clit made you cry out; your cries were sharp enough that they scraped your throat. Once again your legs tried to close. This time, however, Beej wrapped his arms around your thighs and held them open, giving himself full access to you. Just as other hands manifested to peel your clothing off, you felt them reappear to slip under your ass, canting your hips upward to give himself a better angle as he continued. 
He buried his tongue, as wicked as you remembered, in your cunt. That put him nose-to-clit, and it didn’t deter him, non-breathing as he was. He shook his head lightly. Fucking you with his tongue, he kept pressure on your clit, sending heavy pleasure through you. Another growl added a third layer of stimulation, and you were overcome--
Throwing your head back, you cried out to a ceiling you didn’t see through all the stars in your eyes.
Beetlejuice, demon he was, didn’t pause during your orgasm. He kept at it, nuzzling at you, keeping his tongue in you, teasing your nerve endings until they were overloaded. Till your voice gave out. Till your limbs ached with tense shaking. Till it was all too much. Till it borderlined painful.
Your hand managed to unlock itself from the fist-tight grip it had in your sheets and find his hair. You gave him a tug. He didn’t stop. A combination of trying to back yourself away while pulling him in the opposite direction didn’t work; he just held your ass more tightly, clasping you in place. In a bid for a moment’s relief, you bucked your hips towards him, which made him laugh again but also loosened him just enough that you could slip your hand to his jaw. The finger scrabbling hold you took on his facial hair finally caught his attention. With a little more force than you’d intended, you took advantage of the new grip his beard had given you, and you pulled him off you just so you could catch your breath.
With a sloppy sounding ‘pop!’ Beetlejuice released you. He grinned as he took in your trembling, sweaty body. “I forgot how fragile breathers can be,” he mused, brattishly.
It was on the tip of your tongue to retort that you weren’t fragile. If only you could get enough air and if your vision would come back to normal, that is. 
The high was already starting to recede. Greedily, because you thought you deserved it for him leaving you for two.whole.years, you didn’t release the side of his face. In fact, that beard of his provided a nice little handhold, and you directed his head exactly where you wanted it. You dragged his chin right over your swollen clit, and shivered at the sensation..
Beetlejuice stilled. Managing to finally crank open your eyes once more, you looked down your torso to him. His eyes were bright but questioning. Most of his lower face, from the bridge of his nose to the hair on his chin, was decidedly wet from your pussy and the voracity he’d eaten you out with. He cocked his head slightly, but without dislodging your hand. “I like the beard,” you praised.
Another grin split his lips, and he let you keep your grip. Like a personal plaything, you used him. He relaxed and let you direct each swipe of his beard against your clit: down, up, a little less pressure, a little more--each movement sending new ripples of pleasure through you. 
Your cries were lighter, a little more jubilant now. It was new, it was fun, you couldn’t wait to kiss him after you’d come again. You missed the taste of yourself and Beetlejuice together.
Sometime, during your manual control of his face, Beej slipped two fingers into you. He still cupped your ass. You were going to have to ask him about the extra hands, but not now, not when you were inching yourself closer to another orgasm by stimulating yourself with his facial hair, not when his fingers opened you up a little-- “Three. Three, please!” you groaned. Without missing a beat, and no doubt with a lecherous smile on his face, Beetlejuice complied. A third digit entered your cunt, and while you kept a steady movement of his chin against your clit he matched it by finger fucking you. Your breath hitched again and more fine trembling took residence in your limbs. Even after years Beej knew you well enough that just as another orgasm began to sweep you under, he curled his fingers up inside you, stroking and applying pressure on the inside. You wouldn’t have believed it was possible, but your second orgasm was more powerful than the first. It didn’t last as long, thankfully. Also thankfully Beetlejuice didn’t complain that you’d practically torn a chunk of his beard right off his face during the aftermath, when you had zero control of any of your extremities. He gave you a moment, and just as you began to relax and come back to earth again, he shook his head loose, scuttled up onto the bed atop you between your legs, and--you weren’t sure when he’d gotten naked; you’d been selfishly focused only on yourself--popped his hips forward. His cock sank into your, no resistance, balls’ deep. It was glorious. 
As his hips went to work, you grabbed both sides of his jaw now. His damp beard, soft and fragrant, still gave you a grip, but you kept it lighter now. Less demanding. You simply held his face to yours, kissing him, licking into his open mouth during each of his moans. At one point to sucked in his lower lip. That made him grin again, stretching his lip so it broke your suction. That was okay; you gasped with each heavy forward thrust he gave you and groaned at each outward pull. Primed by two already, a third orgasm claimed you quickly. Beetlejuice wasn’t far behind; his stamina must have been lost in his time away. The clench and release of your taxed pussy was his undoing and he stopped moving with his pelvis tight against yours. He shuddered as he came. The accompanying splash of cool jizz deep inside you was welcome in its familiarity. Beej let his elbows fold and he rested heavily on you. You let him; the compression of his body on yours was comfortable. Long before your breath returned to a semblance of normal, he rubbed his beard against the side of your neck and shoulder, peppering your skin with light kisses.
His facial hair was drying, and now it prickled.
Scrunching your neck and laughing, you wiggled to make him stop.
You’d forgotten--had you, really?--that trying to make Beetlejuice stop anything just encouraged him more. He went to town dragging his face over all of you, just so you’d squirm and shriek more. By the time he’d tired of it, the two of you were sticky from various bodily fluids. He finally released you and settled closely into your side. The air above your bed smelled of the two of you.
It’d be nice to have a shower, but it was nicer to just lay beside someone you never thought you’d see again.
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hoodoo12 · 2 years
We know this but it's nice to read it too.
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