#beforan gamzee kin
h0mestuck-kin · 6 years
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aesthetic for @thegamzeeamalgamation
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tO mAyBe CrEaTe ClArItY.
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kinstimandhelp · 5 years
Kins: Who I’m looking for and more
🤡Gamzee Makara🤡
I am a Gamzee who never killed anyone, went sober for a little bit and was angry, but became depressed once I found out Tavros had been killed and hid until the end of the game. Very skinny and had clothes that barely fit.
♥️: Tavros Nitram (Found)
♦️: Karkat Vantas
♠️: Dave Strider
♣️: Rose Lalonde
Okay with doubles!
Looking for anyone except Tav!
🔕Kurloz Makara🔕
I’m a Kurloz who has depression and dissociates a lot. Very skinny and wore a baggy skeleton suit and curly, curly hair.
♥️: Meulin Leijon (Found)
♦️: Mituna Captor (Found)
♠️: Cronus Ampora (Black crush)
♣️: None
Iffy on doubles.
Looking for everyone except Meu and Tuna!
♑️The Grand Highblood♑️
I was a GHB who mourned his friend Signless and had an affair with the Summoner when he worked at my palace. I had a moirailegence with )(IC when the Signless died. I was really buff and my hair was in dreads. I had forehead horns and they curled so much.
♥️: The Summoner (Found)
♦️: The Signless (Found)/ )(IC (Found)
♠️: Orphaner Dualscar
♣️: Neophyte Redglare
Looking for everyone except Summoner, Signless and )(IC.
🔮The High Priest🔮
I was a Beforan Gamzee who was the High Priest of the Church, and healed others. Very skinny, carried around a satchel with medicines and incense at all times. Wore church robes.
♥️: ??? (Tavros)
♦️: The General (Former; Karkat)
♠️: The Inquirer (Terezi)
♣️: ???
Doubles are okay!
Looking for anyone!!
👑Kurloz Peixes👑
Bloodswap!Kurloz. A young sassy prince who is a big brat and wears lots of jewellery. Had a fuchsia cape and pumps, along with a skeleton wetsuit and pink booty shorts. No gloves, but long nails.
♥️: Rufioh Makara (Found)
♦️: Mituna Pyrope
♠️: Kankri Ampora
♣️: Meenah Maryam(?)
Looking for anyone besides Rufioh!
🚬Cronus Ampora🚬
A chubby transboy who’s very self conscious about himself. Tattered fins and gills, somewhat muscular and covered in freckles. Wiggles my fins a lot. Left eye is blinded from scar. Had scarred forehead horns.
♥️: Dirk Strider
♦️: Vriska Serket (Found)
♠️: Porrim Maryam
♣️: None
Doubles okay!
Looking for anyone besides Meenah and Vriska!
🚬Cronus Ampora (Tl 2)🚬
A strong transman who has deep emotional trauma. Covered in freckles and lots of scars and piercings. Left eye is blinded from scar.
♥️: Kankri Vantas (Found)
♦️: Porrim Maryam
♠️: Kurloz Makara
♣️: None
Doubles okay!
Looking for anyone besides Kankri!
🛹Mituna Captor🛹
A version of Mituna that kept his brain mostly in tact, only sometimes reverting to a different mental state. Scars all over eyes, extremely skinny and had an upturned nose. Very tight bodysuit. I was in a polygamous relationship with Kankri and Latula.
♥️: Latula Pyrope
♦️: Kurloz Makara
♥️/♠️: Kankri Vantas
♣️: None
Doubles iffy.
Looking for literally anyone.
💢Karkat Vantas💢
All my friends had died at the hands of Vriska and Gamzee. I went god tier. Was chubby, had forehead horns, freckles and vitiligo. Once I had grown and my eyes had shown colour, I had one candy red iris and one grey one. I wore a baggy black ribbed turtleneck and grey sweatpants.
♥️: Eridan Ampora (Found)
♦️: Sollux Captor
♠️: Gamzee Makara (Found)
♣️: None
Looking for anyone besides Gamzee and Eridan!
🎤Xefros Tritoh🎤
Had monolidded eyes and ribbed horns, a mole near my mouth, dull teeth, snakebites, and eat piercings. Was somewhat normal sized for my age, and wore grey skinny jeans, rust coloured converse and a shirt with my symbol on it.
♥️: Dammek Strideer (Found)
♦️: Lanque Bombyx
♠️: ???
♣️: ???
Doubles iffy.
Looking for anyone except Dammek!
A symbiote who is bonded to Cletus Kasady and is in love with him.
Looking for anyone besides Cletus!
🕷Peter Parker🕷
Peter from the new Spider-Man game! He’s very protective of his family and can’t really get over MJ or his uncle Ben.
Doubles iffy.
Looking for everyone except Harry!
(Part 2)
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hskinhome · 7 years
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could i have a stimboard for beforus nepeta with green, white, and yellow, no blue at all please? preferably no slime or paint, but more like breaking styrofoam in half, stuff like those sequined pencil cases where if you run your hand over it the sequins flip and theres a different color on the other side, gifs of sunlight streaming down through trees? thank you !
I did my best!
-Mod Gamzee
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hey efurrybody, my name is aj but yall can call me by any of my kin names! i use they/it and some neos, and this is my kin blog where i talk about my expurriences and opinions on kinning! :> as of now, my kintype list is:
A noncanon Beforan violetblood (i talk about that on @violetbeforan)
-Aradia Pyrope (tereziways)
-Vriska Ampora (eridanways)
-Nepeta Vantas (karkatways)
-Dave Harley (jadeways)
-Dave Strider
-Gamzee Maryam (kanayaways)
-Roxy English (jakeways)
-Ranboo Belovd (troll hybrid and canon divergent)
-Pola Strider (porrim daveways)
-Daniel Amforczyk (humanstuck eridan)
-Tommy Innit (tommyinnit's clinic for supervillains version specifically)
i dont have a dni, as i don't mind doubles and i will laugh at cringe/flop blogs :P just, you know, dont be a jerkwad
if you want to talk or ask something, my asks and dms are aaaaalways open :33
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