#before anyone asks i havent seen pearl so thats why its not here
effullgent · 1 year
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missjackil · 5 years
My Oblivious Boys!
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Did you ever notice just how oblivious Sam and Dean are to what’s normal sometimes? Like, right here, we have our wonderful, Sam Mr Morals Winchester thinking nothing of breaking into the post office, even though its a felony. Im not complaining, I think its really kind of adorable.  The boys live in this big, grand, beautiful, mysterous bunker, thats pretty damn close to a mansion, yet its “our house” and they dont seem to want to impress anyone when they come in. Like, “Hey come check out our gun range!” “Ever seen a real dungeon before?” “Hey, come see our classic cars and motorcycles!” But when asked “You live here?” Dean just answers “Yeah, when we’re not on the road” ya know... nbd. They could literally sell any one of those classic cars or ancient artifacts and have money for years so they dont have to run credit card scams are hustle pool. Yet, Dean acquires thrift store recliners for his and Sam’s man cave, because they just got a big TV that they could have purchased at any time before this LOL
How about not thinking its weird at all that 3 dudes adopted a kid? Sure it’s not official, like done through the courts or anything, but Sam just blurts out “He’s our kid!” to someone who doesnt know them very well, without hesitation like (ok that sounds weird that brothers share a kid). I love this stuff!
I noticed it earlier in the series, when Ash points out to them that they’re soulmates. The boys didnt flinch or even look at each other. I think anyone being told that would be at least “Really?? WOW!” and brothers, especially ones that arent getting along very well at the time would be “You’re kidding right?” but nah, you may as well just told Sam and Dean they have the same blood type “well yeah... obviously” 
They have really no idea how gorgeous they are. Sam especially. Dean plays a lot that he thinks hes good looking, and he probably really does, but he doesnt flaunt it like most guys who think theyre hot. Sam just has NO clue how gorgeous he is, though I think he’s happy in his skin, as he does use fancy shampoos, buys nice colorful flannels with mother of pearl buttons, works out and watches his diet, yet, not obsessively, as he does eat burgers and pizza too.So I think he’s comfortable, but has no idea he’s stunningly handsome.
They appear to know they’re the best hunters ever, but I dont think it really sinks in. They have a huge arsonal (tool kit) yet, they think Asa Fox is “legit” because he killed 5 Wendigo in one night and has an Angel Blade. They now admit they’ve saved the world, a lot, yet they just seem to think its just a job. They’re not at all snobby about it, nor do they have an “Im better than you” attitude towards anyone. They’ve died and come back a zillion times but when Billie said they’re important, Sam said “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” and Dean’s like “I have no clue” Id think one need only come back from the dead once and theyd think “Damn, I must be important”
The boys had God in their kitchen making them pancakes, and Sam held him up as he was dying, and Dean saved his life, yet, they were both impressed that Father Luca met The Pope! Some might say this is bad wrting, but I dont think so, it keeps them humble. It keeps them human and allows for us to believe they fear for their lives, and their brother’s life, and not just “Yeah kill me, Ill be back by breakfast” Season 12 did a very good and important thing I think. Fans were complaining about S11 and having saved God’s life, “They have nowhere to go from here! How can you make a big bad thats bigger than God?” but S12 made everyone take a million steps back. Sam is kidnapped and chained to a chair, being threatened by a woman. Sam, all cocky and defiant, says “Ive been tortured by the Devil himself, and you, youre just an accent in a pant suit. What can you do to me?”  Well we soon find out dont we? Seems like S12 tought us, as well as the brothers, that theyre not all powerful and invincible, they can get their bell rung by normal humans!
Along with that, even though theyve been brought back to life dozens of times, its still tragic for them when their brother dies. Every time its as though they have no hope of getting him back. It’s why it still breaks my heart every time one of them dies.  My friend @small-scale-majestic told me recently, “Sam and Dean are larger than life... but not” And really they are. Their lives are extraorginary, things we will never go through, but they’re so human and down to Earth, we forget, and they forget, that they’ve been written about by Prophets of God. If we met them, and went to the Bunker, Dean would want to show us his vinyl collection, and Sam would make us coffee and listen to our story. Im glad they havent become as big as they could be in their own minds.
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shioune · 7 years
tagged by @nekopri, @dreamsinparadise and @suzunesays. thank you!! omg 33 questions wish me luck
pt. 1 nekopri
What’s your favourite time of day? i personally like early mornings but i usually find it easier to stay up late then wake up early lol
Milk based ice-cream or a fruit based one? MILK BASED i’m 100% milk bb
3 things you think of when you wake up? urgh here it goes again, noooo, damnit.
Latest shower thought? coding stuffs like i really wonder how they make those diagonal things y’know? i figured it out. thanks, shower-chan.
Would you rather the temperature be 40 °C  or -20 °C ? OOOO -20 but without wind, i can tolerate that eyeing you urbana wtf is up with -20 with wind and snow huh? fu rly
The weirdest thing you have ever eaten on a whim? nothing i eat is every weird really if it’s real food, though in college we there’s this one time my housemates and i tried the orange juice with rice thing? that’s fucked up.
Are you more comfortable showing affection verbally or physically? both! although when it comes to real life, i do find it hard to say words of love, i even find it hard to say “i love you” to my mom or my lover which is why i usually am more inclined to a more physical approach.
What’s your default sleeping pose? the fetus position
What’s your ideal pet? dOG??? i had a dog, i love dogs, i live for dogs. just!!! DOGS!!!!
Favourite scene from a book/movie/tv show? all time favorite is whenever yang and grey told each other that they’re their person. also love it when the chevalier told athénaïs that she reminds him of a swan, “graceful on top but underneath, two fat flippers just trashing away” BURN!!!
Prettiest cow bread? I am serious IDK WHAT COW BREAD IS LMAO so i googled it and im not angry at the result
pt. 2, dreamsinparadise
When was the last time you cried, and why? probably yesterday? i was watching was nützt die liebe in gedanken again knowing full well what it does to me.
Do you prefer staying at home or hanging out at your friends’s place? oh man, i love both. can i not choose both? that’s not called choosing i guess, but i do love both c:
If you were in a situation where your fav SLBP character and your 10 yrs old child with him are at the brink of death. You are given the chance to save only one of them. Who would you choose? WTF okay first of all this vahjayjay will not give birth to any parasites called babies in the first place, so ofc I’d save my hide. child doesn’t even exist.
Its your first night with your SLBP bae, who’s gonna be dom and who’s gonna be sub? i’m probably gon be sub first time, dom when i’m not being a lazy af piece of crap.
What would you give to your SLBP bae as a memento if they are going to war? a charm. for protection, something i’ve prayed with for weeks maybe every night in a row. may the force prayer be with you.
Your bae had struck a faustian contract with (demon!au) you for the price of his soul and you finished your services after some time. If you chose not to consume him after the contract, it would cost you your life but he would live, while if you consume him his soul would be with you forever in your body (but you can never touch him or hear him again). Which would you prefer? Why? i probably would not consume him and not for some cheesy schmessy reasons like “oh, hes the love of my life” either but really i just am not comfortable with the idea that someone will be living inside me? i don’t mind losing the bae, i can always find another bae but the thought that he’s inside me and can communicate to me and living inside me LOL no. my body and mind and soul is mine alone. i’d die, but i’d die my own person (my own demon? lmao).
What kind of wedding would you like with your bae? simple. i never like big weddings surrounded by people i don’t even know or care about. i’ve always liked the idea of an outdoors wedding as well, been to a few of those and loved it. i’d get married in amy pond’s wedding dress since it’s been my dream since forever but also not bc i cant see myself marrying anyone.
If you were to adopt one of the SLBP guys as your children, who would it be? sakon is my child. don’t even with me. he’s my precious baby boo. also yasu and mitsun.
What do you think of me; @dreamsinparadise? i actually really really enjoy the times when i catch you on my dash, which is really not very often seeing the colossal amount of blogs i’m following, but i do like it and reading your things esp thoughts on slbp LOL let’s talk anime too but i’m so awkward lmao creeps back to my cave
Give 3 words to describe your 2D man teasing wicked smile *wink* this applies to most of my 2S baes LMAO
Are these questions fun, heartbreaking or humoring for you? Did you enjoy them?? i enjoy them actually! i have a lot of fun answering these! the situations and everything gives me muse to write? lmao stop me. i love them baby, thank you for tagging me!
pt. 3, suzunesays
Fuck, Marry, Kill - The Magistrate, Masamune’s Mother, Retainer #2 hmmmm marry masamune’s mother and show her that the real deal is with girls, no wonder you’re not happy, you’re surrounded by males sighs (jk but lmao), kill the magistrate, maybe fuck retainer #2. don’t really see it happening as i have rly low libido, probs close to ace rly, but hey if i have to choose.
What’s your favorite dessert?  i have too many hdu make me choose ggrrrrrr, recently i’ve been into pineapple cakes (nastar), and strawberry shortcake i also adore any red bean based desserts. my grandma makes the best.
Your favorite lord poofs into existence before you! What happens next? omg, hide????? i’d tackle him into a hug and just spend hours cuddling and sleeping tbh. i love cuddles, i live for cuddles.
Do you paint your nails? What color are they now? nah, they’re clear now but i usually paint them in warm hues. or cherry red (real cherries, the one thats dark af not )
What’s something you bought recently that you really shouldn’t have? :ccccccccccc reward points on several shades of sadism :ccccccc
Do you have any pets? i had 3 rabbits and a dog, they ded. old age and sick.
How long have you been playing SLBP? i honestly don’t remember? this is like, a question i can never answer bc i have rly whacked up sense of time LMAO
If you could go on vacation to any destination in the world, where would you go? lucca, italy. LOL. i know it’s very specific but i really love lucca. also where else can u see gemma galgani?
Would you let your favorite lord do your hair and makeup for you (you’d have to wear it out in public)?  yessss, i trust hide tbh LOL, he wouldn’t go anywhere really crazy. and he’d put us in consideration when choosing. and did you read his birthday story, he has great tastes.
Who has a better butt - you or Mitsunari? me. (im laughing at how quick i come to this answer). idk i work out daily. but probs mitsunari, he does too. idk i havent seen his butt. i need to see his butt. someone send me the butt.
If you could travel into the SLPB universe to have an amazing makeout session with one lord and one lord only, who would it be? do you really need to ask? there’s only hide for me ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊
Now, my questions.
Do you ship yourself with any of the voltage men? Or do you have any favorite, who?
Would you really date them if they exist in your life and is interested in you?
Your top three SLBP lords. Or any game from your choosing. But you can only choose three guys from one title.
Now, fuck marry kill from those choices : ) I’m satan incarnate, y’know.
What’s the last thing you daydream about?
Do you prefer hugs or kisses and are you the kind of person who would initiate them?
A song you’re really into these days and a song you associate to your fav lord/prince/character (idk, i mean what if slbp isnt ur fav game, im giving you options here bc im a sainttan)
Do you love Oyamada Nobushige?
What's your favorite food and to what length will you go to get it?
If you can time travel to any period and any country, where would you go? Why that period/country?
And lastly would you consider donating pearls to me? LOL NO IM JOKING last question is, late at night and you’ve been feeling out of it for a while and your bae (your 2D bae ofc) text messages you. Who’s your bae and what does the message say?
That’s it i guess. Yeah. imma tag some people that pops up in my pea-sized memory and you can do it or you just say “fuq u fron” and just ignore it. no worries. @shigetsugu, @yasu-masa, @amigoingbananas, @whiskasgirl, @otomesanada, @laurifakristalina, @blessthechipmonk, @cottonballwithmustache, @daeva-agas, @shedreamsfiction, @nikkihime, @rainbowatnight, @little-lady-mimi, @minminami, @wizardesslover, @mistakenmessenger, @noomsu, @thexgoddessxofxfate
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