romanaofheartshaven · 4 years
"why are you smiling?" from beforewecrash!
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“--- --- I was just remembering the first time we met.  Terrible situation, of course, but I can’t believe my good fortune coming across you when I did.  I’m not one for destiny or fate or any of that being ‘in the right place at the right time’ nonsense however I do believe something... greater must have saw fit to push us together.  Whatever it was, whatever the reason, I am grateful.”
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counterror · 4 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @beforewecrash​ !!!  the editing that went into this is unreal but. this is the true canon of tlou 2 featuring price and ghost uwu.  ur legendary, forever doin ellie justice. i hope u have the best day and thank u for bein patient with me and sticking by me n helping me bring all my muses to their FULLEST potential.  
original artwork by lucas vice on twitter.
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littlemorals-a · 4 years
@beforewecrash​ liked for a plotted starter !
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                       every   damn   day   since   she   &   dina   left  ,   he’s  been   waiting  ,   hoping  ,   worrying  ,   agonizing   ---   waiting   for   ellie’s   return   or   any   news   that   she   would  ;   hoping   that   when   she   did   it   was   with   a   beating   heart   &   rosy   cheeks  ,   worrying   about   what   &   who   she’d   be   up   against   &   agonizing   about   everything   in   between  .   maria   pokes   her   head   into   his   bedroom   with   that   sly   smile   on   display  .   someone’s   here   to   see   you  .   hurt   blooms   in   his   middle  upon   sitting   up  ,   ignored  ,   &   just   like   that  ,   hope   is   alight   in   the   old   man’s   face  .   “   ellie  ?   ”
                     she   appears   in   the   doorway   &   her   name   comes   again  ,   as   a   relieved   sigh   this   time  .   always   bull - headed  ,   joel   leans   for   her   &   reaches   out   for   an   embrace  .   “   ‘s   about   time   you   came   home  ,   kiddo  .   maria   just   about   lost   her   mind   puttin’   up   with   me  .   lemme   look   at   you   ---   are   you   alright  ?   ”
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hardcorejackson · 4 years
beforewecrash replied to your post:
Ellie and Jesse’s friendship is painfully underrated ok that’s her fucking Bro keep your mouth shut abt him or she’ll find you later alone >:(
THEIR FRIENDSHIP IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF CONTENT I WANTED! Her falling for his ex, him not giving her grief about it, him not trying to get Dina to cheat with him, him respecting boundaries, him not trying to keep them apart... You could sit here and look at him versus Owen and see who was a better person about exes as a whole! Legit, he only got upset with them when they were in the weed den and not doing their jobs and not because he came in all jealous (and he was mostly upset because he was so worried about Tommy and Joel)! 
It’s so freaking underappreciated and underrated ! Let’s not even begin to get into the fact he came across the country for Ellie and Dina AND the fact that he immediately came back for Ellie once he got Tommy just to make sure she was okay.
Their friendship? GOD TIER.
If anyone says anything about Jesse or vice versa, they’d have each other’s backs, and I appreciate Ellie for what she’d do for him -- especially since he’s going to be hard enough on himself over it ; he literally doesn’t need other people’s COMMENTS!
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shieldeus · 4 years
@beforewecrash sent :    𝙸’𝚅𝙴 𝚁𝙰𝙽 𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙾𝙵 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳𝚂.
     𝙷𝙰𝙳 𝚂𝙷𝙴 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝙿𝙾𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝚃 𝙾𝚄𝚃, 𝙲𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙴𝙻 𝚆𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳𝙽’𝚃 𝙷𝙰𝚅𝙴 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙸𝙲𝙴𝙳.  silence is not unusual in the current state of the world;  no,  it was made the norm.  an earth run poor and wild and lonely is an earth that’s outgrown the need for speech.  actually,  he and ellie talk a lot,  about all sorts of things.  habit,  though,  is a sly shapeshifter that changes with each moon.  she falls silent like her steps in the snow,  and the world immediately fills the void with its own,  a different breed of silence that’s sharper and cooler and goes down to bone-rattling lenghts.  it’s not that castiel hasn’t grown accustomed to her presence,  to her voice and the gentle flare of her warm soul,  it’s just that ... he’s never been one of many words.  which one would think is strange,  if angels are messengers of god.  he’s tired of the message.  tired of not remembering it.
           ‘  i don’t mind.  ’   he counters,  crisply.   
     a stir of wind blows tiredly through the firs.  it shouldn’t.  the world is all still,  sleepy,  with the only exception being a frantic rustle of leaves and a hot breath,  about a mile ahead into the woods.  ellie probably didn’t hear that,  or she wouldn’t have talked at all.  far from the sides of the cracked road they’re treading,  ellie leading and castiel closely following,  the world yields no echoes.  it’s ran out of words,  too.    ‘  you humans talk a lot,  but convey so little.  ’  
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     he’s only being a little playful,  though from behind,  she probably can’t see it nor tell it from his grazing,  flat voice.  the angel’s hands slip into the pockets of his trousers.  it’s a relief that the world is on the brink of collapse and that no one is around to question why he’s dressed so lightly in the middle of winter,  probably;  apart from ellie,  but ellie knows.  ‘  well,  if you need to say something,  i could always read it from your mind.  ’
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centuriesuntold · 4 years
"i think i wanna be forgiven. more than anything."
      final fantasy vii: advent children sentence starters ! 
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   “I know maybe I might give the impression that I’m an expert on bein’ forgiven, since I tend t’ make a lot ‘a stupid mistakes --” The Doctor grimaces and rubs at his face, stretching the skin under his eyes taut. “-- but I tend to stay on the ‘most wanted’ lists that I manage t’ get on.”
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wavebraek · 4 years
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       is this who you are? is this the place where the trees meet the freeway? there is blood specked across her hands, her face, in her mouth where it dribbles from the spatter on her cheek and down to the corner of her mouth. abby might wipe it away but what’s the point? it feels like warpaint. a declaration: you can’t fucking kill me. lev says something but she barely hears it; her own heart pounding in her ears and throat and the smell of battered viscera fills her lungs like a cloud. 
(blood smells like rust. like rotting boats in a harbour, like a city degrading one raindrop at a time. seattle reeks of it. reeks.)
       “don’t fucking move.”
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agonybow · 4 years
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‘ ellie, wait, don’t--- ‘
@beforewecrash​ // canon dialogue starter call.
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oldtmer · 4 years
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@beforewecrash​ ;  “oh, great bed rest warden, may i be allowed freedom from my prison today?” { accepting !! }
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he’d been seated at her bedside for a day or two, almost consecutively ; even if he’d been told off a few times by the girl, and even though he’d been told multiple times by various people that she’d be just fine and just needed a little rest. perhaps he was a little more over protective lately. it’s a habit he’d have to break, but one that would be difficult to work through. he’d been plucking quietly at guitar strings, passing the time -- though at her stirs of approaching wakefulness, Joel pauses. tilts the guitar to rest in his lap more comfortably. rests his hand against his cheek to brace the weight of his head.
a chuckle escapes him when she speaks, and yeah ... she’s definitely feeling alright. but he can’t help but want to keep her locked away a while longer. shit, he’d keep her under lock and key the rest of her life if he had the choice. she’d slap the shit out of him, but he’d sure try. just to keep her safe. a tug at the corner of his mouth indicate he wants to smile, but he simply closes his eyes and heaves an exasperated sigh instead.   “ how’s the pain? you ain’t feel hot last i checked ... but y’got a headache or anything? ”   another pause ... and he finally acquiesces with a roll of his eyes.   “ fine ... but you ain’t runnin’ around out there and you ain’t gonna push yourself too hard. got it? ”
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hamsaworn · 4 years
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@beforewecrash​ said: "sorry! dibs is law." G/LOW Season Two Sentence Starters
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          her face scrunches up, hand reaching up to give ellie a playful shove.
          “ dibs is BULLSHIT, ” she decides, knowing full well that she’ll probably use it to her own advantage later-- but ellie doesn’t need to know that. dark brown eyes glance over to the array of video games ellie has stacked up as a sigh ushers past her lips. “ try not to pick something LAME, please. ”
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pnkfox · 5 years
@beforewecrash​​​ | LYRIC STARTER | ♫
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“ you only had ONE job! ”
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counterror · 4 years
dialogue starter  /  @beforewecrash​
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      “ you wanna translate that from bullshit to english ? ”
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littlemorals-a · 4 years
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AFTER THE DAMAGE. / @beforewecrash​ said : “there was no way around this.”
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                       a   heavy   sigh   fills   the   room  ,   solemn   gaze   holding   hers   .  .  .   something   different   lingers   in   ellie’s   eyes  .   maybe   he’s   looking   in   a   mirror  .   great   divide   that   had   split   the   two   had   to   be   repaired   with   understanding  ,   but   not   like   this  .   if   he’d   suspected   that   horrible   winter   years   ago   had   snuffed   the   light   from   child’s   eyes  ,   she’d   truly   reached   the   point   of   no   return  .   joel   recognizes   all   that   rage   &   tired   trauma   in   her   ---   it’s   hard   to   hold   her   gaze  .
                        “   tommy   had   no   right   to   waltz   into   that   house   --   yer’   house   --   ‘n   talk   you   into   finishin’   somethin’   that   shouldn’t   a’    been   started   at   all  .   ”    appalled  ,   joel   shakes   his   head  .   “   i   know   he   was   angry  ,   i   know   he   lost   things  .   we   all   did  .   but   to   ask   you   to   go   back   out   there   .  .  .  ?   knowin’   the  --   the   hell   you   went   through  ?   ”    joel   works   his   jaw   &   scoffs  .   “   i   nearly   socked   ‘im   in   his   other   eye  .   ”
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hardcorejackson · 4 years
beforewecrash replied to your post:
Icb ellie is going to kill seth once n for all
Ellie: ROLLING UP HER SLEEVE Ellie: Hold JJ, babe Dina: Dina: Dina: dragging Ellie’s ass away from this plot
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wthwolvesar · 4 years
"upon my death, all of my belongings will transfer to the man or animal who killed me." take notes, willow.
PARKS AND REC. accepting, ( @beforewecrash ). 
         willow stretches her legs by having her back flat against the floor,  and her legs going straight up the wall.  she’s half listening to ellie as she repeats things that sound oddly like the old movies that dad used to play for her  –  mainly scribbling on a notepad little doodles of flowers.  
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          her eyes roll at ellie’s request.  she starts to draw a new picture,  of a stick figure ellie playing on her guitar.  a little speech bubble next to her says lalalala,  and she adds herself watching for good measure.  
          “  –  i’m going to take the guitar.  “  she says,  matter-of-fact.  “  i’ll write that down.  “ 
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centuriesuntold · 5 years
    @beforewecrash​​ liked this post for a jo martin doctor starter !
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   ❛ alright, just- take a breath. ❜ the doctor keeps her hands on the controls of the TARDIS for no reason other than the fact that she fiercely believes any movement too sudden is a bad idea right now. best to stay put. ❛ let’s take this from the top: this is my ship. i’m the doctor. clearly, you have a key. i’d say you’re from my future, but- well, things’ve been happening lately and that’s not really a sure answer anymore. i didn’t mean to alarm you. definitely didn’t expect somebody with a key to just come waltzing in. i’m not sure if that’s good or bad luck. maybe a bit of both. ❜  
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